Profile: Description On The Official Website

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The secretary to the Liyue Qixing. The blood of both human and illuminated
beast flows within her veins.

Graceful and quiet by nature, yet the gentle disposition of qilin sees not even
the slightest conflict with even the most arduous of workloads.

After all, Ganyu firmly believes that all the work she does is in honor of her
contract with Rex Lapis, seeking the well-being of all living things within Liyue.
Description on the Official Website[5]

The secretary at Yuehai Pavilion. The blood of the qilin, an illuminated beast,
flows within her veins.
In-game character attributes and profile page text.
Ganyu is usually very quiet and reserved due to her half-qilin heritage. Qilin are
also vegetarians; as such, she will not eat any meat dishes, including
vegetarian ones that have been fried in animal fat. Both Xiangling and
her father note that whenever she visits Wanmin Restaurant, she always eats in
small quantities.[6] She also completes whatever is given to her, whether it be
tasks or food, even if she is reluctant to do so.[7]
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Unlike most of the other adepti who isolated themselves, Ganyu, like Madame
Ping, chose to actively guide humanity and has served as the non-stopping
general secretary of the Liyue Qixing for thousands of years. The more
important the task is, the more effort she puts into it, but she also becomes
increasingly nervous and is more prone to making mistakes. [8]

She also has an unusually impressive work schedule that she always follows to
the dot. Despite having a massive workload and frequent overtime, Ganyu is
never fazed by the work. She has a good working relationship with her juniors,
as she is willing to share her knowledge and ideas to help them with whatever
problems they have, and they in turn respect her greatly. Due to her consistent
overtime, Ganyu has very few friends outside of work.

Surprisingly, Ganyu gets along well with Beidou, but the captain's poor standing
with the Qixing means that she usually keeps it a secret, lest she put her in a
negative light.[9] Ganyu is one of the few who see Beidou positively, even
breaking character when hearing bad rumors about Beidou, knowing that she is
not who they perceive her as.[10]
She is a devout follower of Morax and hopes to follow in his footsteps in
protecting Liyue. She initially had trouble working with Keqing due to her
controversial comments about him, but is slowly understanding her. Due to her
age, she is very forgetful, and she often forgets important details which causes
her much embarrassment. She is relatively sleepy and is very sensitive about
both her horns and weight.
As a half-human, half-adeptus (to be precise, half-Qilin) hybrid, Ganyu has
characteristics of both regular people and features found only in the gods.

Ganyu takes the appearance of a young woman with purple eyes and long blue
hair, which fades into a darker shade at the end. The styling of her hair is,
similar to Kaeya, easy to mistake for a ponytail, but it is not actually tied back by
anything. Though she mostly resembles a human, she has dark red horns that
bend back along her hair, similar to how a goat's horns look, with brighter red
markings on them. Many people confuse it as a headdress.

Around her neck, there is a golden bell. She wears a black body-suit with gold
accents underneath a purple and white bodice with long ends similar to a
tailcoat, with a separated pair of sleeves to match. The bodysuit meets at the
back of her neck to make a bow. She has white heels with gold accents and
gray bottoms, with red knots around her ankles. Her Cryo Vision rests on her
left hip with a red cloverleaf knot. Her outfit, Frostdew Trail, is described to be
as elegant clothing blessed by the mighty and illuminated adepti.

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