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Balfamys Garage fSho~hamJ lfmlted

1201121 High Street
Sh oreham by Sea
Susse.x BN4 SOB
TeJephone ShoreJ' by Sea
Innovation is our

T he first Saab cars were designed by

Swedish aircraft engineers with little
regard for conventional car design. They
created overall designs ba~ed on func tional
aspects rathe r than fashion trends. These
men started a tradition of independent
thin ki ng at Saab. T his unusual way of ap-
proaching ca1· design has resulted in Saab's
technological edge and innovative taadition .

Soab900 ................ .J
Ta:lmo/"8)' .......•.... .• 1-1
Model ranuc ............ 20
Oprioru .................. 28
Fa<r$ .................... .32
Colours ..................35

Wkl'o cvt.ry enduvour t' made to ensure th~ .:ontent of thb brochu,.. relue1 dlreedy
to tho relevtnt UK pi'Oduct nn.:e. ccru in manufatturln& chlnltJ m~y occur, whick
cOOJid cffc-tt t.he lln111specification of cemdn modell. FuU dtuill should be connrmed
with your loclll Sub duler prior to pilr<hasq, Plc:ture.s fe:.turod whhln thiJ bi'OChure
m2)' ltlow un frued with optional e:quipmenl.

I SAAB 900

Form and function

The curved w;nd.s.cre-en is an eX3mple of futlcdONJ design.
L.oc.ued wdlln front of the front ~ut it
reduces the risk o f he;ad injuries In a collision.

The 900 driver·s seat Is oltcn mentioned .as one of the best in
the ~utomotive world. It lS ~usubae for both hef!h.t .1nd ~.. for added c.omfort both front stau heated.

n ~ world where all cat'> look th<' same,

I the Saab900 is a major cxccption. As
the joumal Au tocar & Motcw points out:
"In a market dominated by the cll'ickn t and
lacd<'ss, the charactl•rl'ul 900 st.1nds out."
The Saab900 is designed for people who
appreciate the drh·ing <'Xpcri1•ncc. But who
says that means you ha\'e to compromise on
. or safct1·?
\'('r,;;niHt\· .
Instead of •tarting with an ordinary
shape, building a car 10 >atisfy the broadest
tastes, Saab's engineer> do tlw o pposit e:
l'o nn is governed by fu nction. T hi s basic
design philosophy can lw tr·accd in details
such as the low , reccs'<:d oills that an · pro-
tected fi·om mad din and make ,1cccss to
the c.u- eas ier. AnoLiwr cxampk· is Llw pre-
se t , l'aCuum-controll<·d wnti lation system.
O r the large luggagl' compartnwnt lid,
opening from bump<·r-lc'd to roo!'. But
the reason for our functional d<·>ign phii-
O>oph~· is not to sho" up odd dNails. It's
there to make a car that will "ork bcuer in
an~· possible situation.

I SAAB 900

The ultimate driving experience

O ur goal has always been to produce a

car that feels like a natural extension
of the human body. A car that's as much
lun lO drh·e either on the open highway, io
cities or on winding rural roads.
Tbis is not just a maucr of high-speed
thrills ; it's that li:ding of pleasure and sense
of security in always having rull control
over a car. No malll'r whal the road condi-
tions or the passenger load.

Sub's use of wrbo technofoC)' provides
extre:me pulling power at low revs..

1od~y all Saab 900 models hal'e 16-va lvc rpm. And that is where w<• wanllO excel
2-lio·c engines. Many arc turboclm·gcd. - not for o·<::•sons of status but because it
But not t·vcn the turbo 1·ersion is designed allows for sal<· overtaking at all times, in all
for extreme high SJl<-'C<Is. Instead, we em - conditions.
phasize good acceleration over a wide range
of engine speeds.
In fact , from 40 to 70 mph in fo•trlh or
fifth gear there is probably no faster 2- liu·c
engine· :wailable, because o r the high too·q uc
al low revs- 277 Nm is delivered at 2900

SAAB 900

Saab confidence

H and ling slippery conditions are second

nature to a Saab. Could it be other-
wise for a car made in Sweden? The notori-
Every SUb 01 ct.vel- ous Scantlina,·ian weather pro,·ides Saab
oped and built to engineers with a natural test track; their
deal with the
Scandlnnvbn d1· solutions arc evide nt from the minute you
m:t.te: thi'lt mtctns take the wheel.
dn•·kness, snow and
Icy I'01ds for the
best pan of the

The Instrument unit is dear 1nd e;uy to read. Wamlng lights
an: dtarty visible when Ktfv.ned. The facta is e'lonomlcJity
sh.lped .and the controls logi<•lly grouped tos<thcr.

The Saab 900, with its fmnt wheel driw

and the ABS anti-lock braking system is
surdooted and consistent, r<'gardless of
passenger load. You can be conlldcnt that
should the une.xpcctcd occur, handling is

Saab- designed for
long journeys

Every det1llln the Sub900 is designed to enhance comfort on ton& journeys.

A car needs more than good seats to give

/"'\. you long-distance driving com for t.
Above all, it must hav<.: tl1c correct chassis
design- which is tar more diflkult ro
achieve. T he chassis musl communicate in-
fonnation about the road. It must also
camou llagc a rough road surfac<·, and clam-
pen noise and ,·ibrations which can lead ro
irritation for both driver and passengers.
Clean air and a pleasant controlled in-
door climate also contribute to long-
distance dri,·ing comfort. Wilh the fan at
nonnal speed tl1c air in tl11• Saab900 is
changed once every minute. Saab's uni(luc
interior air filter also helps to prevent dust
and pollen from cnt~ri ng I he car.
O nly a driver who has n111 a Saab 900 for
an enti re day, under a variety of u·amc
conditions, will discover wh.1l we mean by
long-distance dri,·ing comfort.

SAAB 900

Power when you

really need it

W hen developing Saab engines, we
give priority to high torque at low
revs, rather than a mass ive atl10 UJlt o f horse·
power. The reason for this is quite obvious.
In everyday trafl"ic you rarely use the maxi-
mum output of the engine, i.e. run the
engine on max revs. But you need power
in the low and medium range not only to
drive around town without constant gear
changing, but also to overtake rapidly on a
country lane.
The Ecopower engine, featured in the
Saab900S, represents an entirely new way
of utilising the turbo principle. Torque has
been impmved by modifying the turbo
pressure down to a moderate output. The
overall result is a smoother engine, with
lower noise levels. In addition, Saab's new
Ecopowcr engine allows a Further reduc-
tion in exhaust emissions.

Tht light-pressure turbo {Ecopower) engine in the SMb900S

provides high torque :.t low rev$: 160 Nm is available at
1SOO rpm. The result is excellent overt:;'! king c:aplbllltles. and
more r elaxed city driving, since gear changing is minimized.

Saab- at the forefront of
Olio Granlund, Execu-
tive P•·ofcct Man:tger
New C3r Projects.

"Most people tend to look tO

the 0- 60 mph l'igun.-s to
measure: engine performanct.'. Rut,
wlwn you think about it, the 0 60
prd'onnancc is of Hulc interc>t
wlu-n you arc stuck in slow nlo,•ing
t raflk. To co•cr long di,;tanc:rs in
tlw shot·tcst possible timt, high
torque and midr;mgc acceleration
Jrc 13r more relc,·cu\t."
i\t $.tab we have a fondnc"'< for
high tL-dmology. But not at tlw CO>t
of rommon sense. lbis mt·oms ''e
giv<' priority to mid-range acccl<·r-
ation r<lthcr than maximum tnp
That's why Saab was among the
f'it·st to apply the turbo concept for
ordinary production cars, ju>t a.< we 16 vaJvcs
Four valves per cylioder ITWc~
'"'~''' llrst to combine a turbochar- It pos.sablc! to produ(o tho com·
g<·r with the 16-,'il.h-c ~nginc. TI~e bustion ~mbtn In an klcal
turbocharger ghcs t.hc +-cylinder dome-sh;~pe. which aUoW$ the
engine to produce more power
Saab engine top accckration wlwn from Jess fuel.
m·c·rtaking. This is especially noti<'C-
ahl<· if you're dri,•ing fully loadc·d in
liml'lh o1· fifth gear up a lung. sh•<•p
hi ll .

Supplies the engine with compraucd ~k

whl(h Increases pulling power.

In fourth gear. the Sub900Turbo16SAM>acceaetates from 37 to 62 mph

(60 <o 100 kmlh) In 7.5 soc•.

Hydraulic valve depressors

Self.adjuning. Provide s1lcnt running and Air meter
need for m;tintcmnce. Measures the air int.ake and enwre! the
fuellalr mlxt'UTC! is exactly ritf\t. thus

Cools the Inlet alr and lessens
its volume. to :.llow mo~ o r the
fuel/air mhuure to be fed into
the engine. thus Increasing the

Thl vtf'y shore time necenary for over·
takln.c Is due to the engine's high torque
fa ctor produced(see the red curve in the
dl:t.gram) at critical speeds. The engine of
tht S3i'1b900Tul'bo1 6SAero delivers
217 Nm at 2900 rpm.

Common and practical sense,
Per Glllbrand. Maru&er
before prestige
Drive: L.nt Conct-pU
~nd Automotl'te E~cU'O·

" The .1<1 1.1mag•' oi' a •mall and

lightwt•igln power pl.1nl is >

t.' \'idt·cH: u nlik~· lw.1\'ic1· ('ngincs, il

(Im·~ n •1 \\ tl'ih.' L'lh'rgy u·.-msportmg
iu,t.•lf ,trourul."
l~o•· S;uh, inno \'.uion is a ke~· to
:-.unh.1l. ~onH•tinw"~' it's a quc~Lion
of hl'inQ f'in,t with an ('1lti~h new
dcsign.~Tiw 16· \alw con<"Cpt is one
•·x.1mpk·. Turhocharging another.
l1w MIS .mli· loc·k braking S\'SlCm
ha' ht'l'l\ '-p<Xi;·dl~· clc~igncd for cars
"ith ft'OI11 wlw~l dl'iw. Since th~
>ystem p•·•·•·•·nl< wheel lock, th<'
drin·•· t'an hrakt• a.< hard as the •itu·
ati<m nll<.•wN, .11ul cnn SWt'rn· :at Hot exhaust g;ucs
thl· sarlw linw tu ;l\•oid ;m obst.1clc.
The ABS s\'sl\'111 ha< 1hrc'C hr.1ke
circuit~ ~Ill.' for t"':tch of the front
l nterc~e,.

wht•t•l> au<.l ouc li>r tlw r~ar "heels. TurOo and Intercooler
Tht• t•k..: troni<, •~ duplicated. Two The turbine wheel :and compre.ssor impeUer ol the Sub curboc.h~'ltr
a~ snWI1nd M&tnwt'i&hL As a re~ult the turbochux:er be&lns to boon
p.uall...·l ,~·,tcnh cominuall~· monito r
the: air int~ke pt"eJ.Sure 1t very low engine speeds.. After the hn bun
and t•omp.lrc one another's .signals. comprused in tiM turbodu.tter. it is cooled by ~bout WC in the Inter·
Sine.- 14 lear' ~,.b has had a n :n· cooter.
til.ttion air fil h•r which pre,cnL< pol-
lt.. n, du, t Jnd 'ool frorn e ntering the
pas\(~ng('l' comp.1nnwm. 11lis is ~till
Ul'm .. ual iu Olhcr c.:ar_..,

Efficient com bunion

Four va!v~s pc:r cylinder.
centnlly mounted sp:ark
plugs. domesh:aped com-
bustion ch3mbers nnd fl :~t
pisto n crowns. Cli\Sure hlgh
compression :and eHiclent

V:t.lvc unit

Anti· lock brakes

And-lock bnkln& system ASS l.s wholly lntc&rau!d with the ordlnMy
brakin& syncm a.nd has two elt<tronlc systems continuously
<heck and compue nc.h other's c:bu.. The ABS system has thtee brake:
(.ltC'U.IU. one for each front wheel and one fOA' the rear ~ls. A buitt·in,
moisture-proof sensor at each wheel records ,._. roudng spe:ed of the

VC!ntU:aclon air filter

Models without air conditioning h.ave :tn ~lcctrosutk ventilation air filter whkh effecllvely removes dun.
$00t and potlen. Particles down to a site of O.OG4 mm :~ re filtered out. The picture shows :t new ntter and one
thu hu been used for 19,000 miles driving.

Built-in safety features
M~""' R.,.and. b :ecu·
tlve Proiect M~n~e~
NC!w Car Proje-cu,

" Snab's fir" pl'iol'ity is to help

the cll'ivt·l· stay one step ahead
of Cl'cll l..~. Tho entire c.w is built
with th<• clr-ivl.·r as its JOc.:tl point.
The chn~si-. r,•lays: accurate informa-
tion. And th~n I"C>ponds instantly to
the: drhcr's ilhtincti\'C commands.n
In 1lw airuaft industry there are
morr ,kill, <'rnplo)c-d than in any
oth('r ~("Ctor in de:tigning structures
which arc rigid and light. We usc
Ihi. knowlcclg<' when we make our
rar•. A , trong body pro1•icles passh·e
safety. Low l>O<.Iyweight means less
fuel consumplion.
The SMh900 has both front and
t'l',w e1·umpl{~ Z01
1rs. ·rhc passenger
COill)Mrtm'-•nt is rcinJOrcccl by Fuel t:~n k In :a nfc loc-nclon.
strong CI'O'tS members. And in the between the re:u· wheels.
c•·cm of a collision the engine is
dc•igm·<lto n101c backwards and
dowrmard,, whcre the sturdy bulk-
hca<l MOfl> i1 from entering the pas-
>cng•·r rompartmcrll. n.c
ihl<· '''"'ring rolumn is di,·idecl into
tlu"\"t-' :o.('('t ion~, the top part is tele-
scopic..~, and nts an energy·
al>sor·hing st<'<'l ('~ge.
Yc1 >Oicty is uhimatcly dcpcnd"m
on the htnn;m fac tor. The dl"i vcr 1

who realizes I his, is consl':lntly

nwnn~ orbeing ;m activf• driver. 11'le
most t•il(·ctil'c safety argument for
the 900 is acti1·e safety.


Cras h membe rs
Members which transmit
(oi'CCI fl'om a frontal colli·
slon to the wheeJhousings
:arrest I'C~ rwal'd move·
ment o( the engine.

• •

The windscreen pitb.n C()(1s.iJl or l.S rnm

thick sheet steel sections th~t un effec·
tlvcly :tbsorb stresses applied to the front.
sides or roof.

Extn huvy-duty plating •n the en&~ne



Salety body
The unitary body is light but extremely strong. The interior Is su-rround-
ed by i\ sturdy cJge of steel sections and rclnforcemcnu. Tho energy-
absorbing tones or the Saa.b body consist of sections of vn.rylng rigidity.
so th:at they will act as bellows :~nd nbsorb collfsfon CMt'&Y In the bost
possible way.

Door m embers
In the doors thc•·c :~rc sturdy
reinfol'ced cross members
to protect tho occupants in
3 side-on coiiiJ~


Convertible range
A nyone who has drin·n a convertible on a
/"'\ hot summers day wants to do it again.
For many people it'• th,• only way to drh·c.
The Saab 900 Com·ertiblc is the classic
"open top" car, for four p<'oplc. The top is
fully electrically operated, a feature found
on few European comcrtihlc~. At the press
of a button the top folds into il~ O\\ot stor-
age space. When the top is up, the multi-
layer t:,bric and the heated rear window
provide excellent insu lation.
With 175 bhp ami maximum torque of
277 Nm at 2900 rpm , the tu rbo model
produces breathtaking perfonnancc. T he
engine range also includrs Saab's 2.0 -litrc
Ecopowcr and inj ection models.
ComFort features incl ude d cctrical ly
heatec.l seats, catalytic convcl't('l'1 the ABS
anti-lock braking sy~tr·m, (•lcctrica lly ope-
rated windows and rear -\•iew mirrors, and
head restraints in both I'Car and frolll S<'ats .
All these are, of course, st;~ndard.

The Sub900ConverdbJa 1s :an open ur in the daulc Tho 10ft top is clcccric:ally oper·
sense- with ample-spa:ce fOf" four adults. The Turbo 16$ ;~ted by mun.s ol1 sw•tch on the
""'dtb have lea~r raced upholstery as-sundvd centre contele.

Tha Saab900CortY«tiblo c:1n be enJoyed ye.a.r !1round due to tho multl·laye/'1 f.,brlc
lOp:and th-e electrically h~tod sc.ats (lnd re;~r window. With cen.a.!n body ccloun
:here It dloC! optronal choice of bel&e or blue top


T he Saab900Turbo 16SAcro is the son of
car lhat is appreciated by rally drivers
and others who enjoy high-p<·rformancc•
drh•ing. Naturally it is here lhat you will
find the most powcrlul engine in ou r entire
900 programme. The turbo engine has been
tuned to produce 175 bhp.
It is equally natural that the Saab900
Turbo 16SAero has a lowered chassis, stilfcr
suspension and anti-1'011 bars. A rear spoiler
and low-proll lc ~po•·ts tyrcs on IS" alu-
minium wheels also say a lot to those who
arc in the know.
Thc 900S A"ro ha~ a lot in c·onHnon with
the 900Turbo 16SAcro model outwardly,
bu t it represents a dill'crcnt approach to
engine output, wh ich peaks at 145 bhp.
Stil l it has a high anclun il()l'ln to•·quc curve
which means that very few automobi les can
match the acceleration of the 900S Aero
when overtaking in i'ounh or fifth gear.
TI1c sporty personality of both these mo·
dels is also rcflcctt•d in the inwrior. Both
the steering whec:l and gear lc,·cr gaiter arc
of leather. E.xterior mirrors, windows and
sunroof arc ck-ctrically operated.

S.ob900Turbo 165Aero

The wrbod\arpd ena•ne In the

S..b900Turt.o 16SAA!ro delivers 17S
bhp Jnd a;enontes maximum tOrque
at 2900 rpm. Ttus Is why you often Lowered cl\usls. auffor sporu suspenslon,
lind tho 900Turbo 16SAoro and-roll bars and antl·totk brakes Jive
extn artp and precise handlln•.

The leather sports steerlna wheel,

.e:athcr- geJrlovcr g~lter, and l.euher
door armrests makalt lmmcdfately
~pparent that dtc Sallb900Turbo
16SActo Is tathor specbl.


3 door models
aab's l'orm follows function. An example
S of this is ou•· unique combi-coupe con·
cept, combining ~he comfort of a sedan
with the loading capacity of an est-ate car.
The 3-door model is available with Saab's
2.0- litrc 16-valvc injection engine. T here is
also the alternative of the 145 bhp Ecopowcr
engine, in the Saab900S, which represcnL~
an entirely new way of utilizing the turbo
principle. Nm for maximum speed, but for
more e,·en torque to pro,•ide a good power
resource in all gears. Added benefits are
less noise and lower exhaust emissions.
As in all other 900-models, equipment
~uch as ant i-lock brake system, electrically
heated front scats, head restraints in the
rear S(•aL, ventilation ail· filter and power
steering make even long journeys feel shor·
tcr. In addition, electrically operated front
scats, cruise control and air conditioning
arc among the optional extras. Please, con·
suit your dealer regarding the availability of
The loading c•pacity can be increased
from 21.3 to 57.6 cu f1: by folding the rear
seat. There is no rear door sill in the lug·
gage compartment, so it is easy to push in
heavy and bulky loads. We don't build es·
tate cars bccau.<C we simply don't need to.

The hefJht of the drlvtr'a seat can be
When the rear seat is folded down. tho 1ut- adjusted wkh ct.. colescoplc lover
p ge compartment will take no le$1 thin 57.6 co the rich< hood of the seaL
eviL Tt.. 11oM il fbL c1>e loodooa hol&f'< low
Jnd there •s no sill so rou can aslly ~ bach
">UY)' •od bulky ........



5 door models
he 5-door models oFthe 900 series offer
T both high performance and common
sense, technology and economy. It is the
perfect company car, and yet also a typical
i:Jmily car with nexible luggage space, well -
developed safety featw·es and a high degree
of comfort for both driver and passcngc•·s.
Of the 5-door models, the Saab900S is
equipped with an Ecopower cngine- Saab's
new way of applying \1.trbo technology.
Perfecting the everyday motoring charac-
teristics of the car has been given first
priority. It is also quieter and has cleaner
exhaust emissions.
Another engine alternative is Saab's 16-
valve 2.0 l;tre inj ection engine. It has self-
adjusting valve depressors which meaos
si lent running and low maintenance costs.
According t.o motor journalist-' through-
out the wor ld, the Saab900 has one of the
most comfortable front scats in the auto-
mobile market. But rear seat comfort is
also high. The rear seat cushioning consists
of more than 400 fine-gauge springs covered
w.ith severa l layers of padding. The back
seat can be folded down to make the al-
n:ady spacious luggage compartment even
TOonUer. When the rear seat is folded- down the luggaa:e com-
to S7.6 cuft.


m Is
The headl1mp wipe r ai'M:J washer syste
ol•h o many mnd ont ,..... ,... on all
mak er
Saab mod els. Sub Wll the flnt CJr
to use tNs impo runc safety featu
re ICftl lst
iu endr e prod U« line,

Sa.ab900• 16. Alloy wh~ls are a dealer-lit




First class

E lcry Saab boa>t> an imprc'>il'(' range

of standard cc1uipment and the basic
qualities that make> it an ~minently practi-
cal car in a 1·ariel\' of >ituations. ABS anti-
lock braking sy't~m. ck'Ctrically heat~><l
front S<' ats, ventilation air llhcr, heacllamp
wash/ wipe sysl!·m, catalytic corwcrtcr and
a large practical luggage compartment arc a
l'ew of the features that arc s tandard on a
You can add your own persona l touches
by choosing l'r orn the list or 13cwry-fittcd
options. In addition th~r'<' is a wide range
of Saab Accessories, SOI11l' or
which arc
l'eaturccl hen·. You r local Saah-dca l.·r has a
fu ll list of acccssol'ics designed to e nhance
your Saab to pi'OI'itk: you wi th l'i rst class
com fort.

The main picture shows a Siub900

llu~d with the foUowlnJitems: w;tlnut
v•n«tr r:.cb,,lc;uhtr-bced upholstery.
le.1thtr sporu su:crlnz wheel. ~lr
cond•doninc. te~thcr ae~r knob. and
&Jittr. Your dtJ~Icr un oller ~wide
nn&c o( audio system~o

1. You can use convtnltntly looted

sw•lChcs on the c~tre console to
open and shut the windows, Switches
are abo provldtd on the rear skk!
d-.,... op<ntl"' tho "''"''pondlng
l. EJectttnlty open ted sunroof.
), Carpet mau avail:able 1n seven.l ln~
t~rlor c~ouri.
4. Ch1ld s::~fcty seu with :tU.:lthments.
Head phone soc.ket en:t.b11n& the pu·
sa:ng~rs to linen to t.he c1uette re·
corder/CO while you ~ue liuenin& to
the rad1o (not avail:~blc on cenaln
5. The hl&h C<'paclty S:ub .,lr condl·
clonln.g syncm will qukkly cool the in·
tC!rtor to a comforublo tcmpor.uure
on a hot summer's d11y (dealer-fit
6. Electrically :tdjusti\blc fro1\l sents
mnko It c:uy to find a comforuble
driving posldon.


Your unique
W e have designed a •po.>cial range of
equipment in order to adapt each
Saab to the owner's indhidualtasw. The
higb performance options make your Saab a
unique car from •tart to finish.
The turbocharged cngirw can be made to
give c,·cn bcucr performance by adding a
Saab special engine tuning kit. The body
can be eq uipped with more rigid and lower
suspension to impro"e O\"<'r·all handling and
Most of the equ ipment featured hcrl' is
selec ted fro m a wide range of Saah Acces-
sories. A separate Saab Accessories cata-
logue is ava ilable from your local Saah
dealer who wi ll be pl.:asl'd lo discuss your
requjrcmcnts in mort· detail.

The m~ln picture 'hows ~ Sub900

optionally equipped with ~lver Spoke
'"~' •lloy 6" x IS" wheels'"' lOS/SS
tyros. Tho s.. b Airflow nyii"l kit
lncludts front and rur spoUers. sidt
mouldifiC" and wider wheel arche:s.
colour-coded to match )'OW c.v. It
~so •nctude..s a Wl\ spoi!N,
sporu cxluun JyStem and e:n,tne
tunin& kit.

1. Tho cruise control sulk b at your

hn&ertlps. to the left of the steerin&
2. Thrc•·spoed :u.nomatk transmls·
l . Three·spoke. m:~.h oa:nny rimmed
stoerfn&wheel and cencre p)d mndc
of IC!atkor•
... Front spoiler with Inset lone·
distn.nce hc:.dl:.mps.
S- 6. Saab oHo.- n number of different
designs or 15" nlloy sports wheels,
Those :.rc designed :.nd :.ppi·oved by
S..ab co provido l"i)pld cooling of the
bratcos. and lncrcnod duriiblllty.


Technical specification s
Saab900, 1993

Saab 9005 Convertible

5aab900 Turbo 165 Aero Convertible 5aab9005Aer o
5aab900 Turbo165 Aero 5aab9005
ENGINE Tumlng circle llh lOon (11l3 m~ EN GINE BRAKES
Four cyf.nder, 1r..linc eneme. ionelto• """ to kerb. Four cyl•nder:. ln·li'lt' ~e. lon&ttu· ASS integrated Mt.Hock bralang
d•nally mounted and •nclined a1 l!in d,na\ly mounted and .rl(llned at ILn system. Power-ass:•ucd dtsc brakes
angle of 45"'. cast iron c:yt:.ndcr block. BRAKES tlnJlf O( 115°, ClSt lf'On tylincl~ blOCk. il!l round. venblll.lod •n fronL Selt:
UghL illloy. aossllow qlond.,. head. Loghtalloy. crossllow ~derh<•d. adjustang. single P"StOn sy11em with
Oome·shaped combu1tJon ch.1mbei'S ASS ~~ntegrated anll.Jod<. b.-ak1ng
system.. f\:I'M:I"•.lSSISted d11e: bf'akes Dome-shaped cornbu"""' clwnbe<s lloamg b<ako cal.!>e<: Asbestos-lroe
wolh c.,!ral!y placed sp.1ri<. pluz<. "''lh centnllypla<ed >pari< IJOJiS. pods. MecNn«.II.ICt.on o£h.lnd
>III'OUnd. vent.l.ltt<l on("""'- Self.
Cloub'e "'""""ad ch.Jon.dri>'On (>m- ~..,.,.poston <ystem h lh Oo.JI>eoo.e thead- ...... bra\:.e on rur Yd'!H ekes.
- Hydrauloc. ,....,..,.,..,~ """' Hydm6c. """".,.,.•. ~
"'*" ~ fou,.,.,.... porqt-
tloa"'S lnk.t ..,.,._ AsbestoS-Ire!!
pods. 1" OCbCn olhond
v.W. ~ foor .-.~,.., per c:yi·
ndef'. Brealceriess dect.rcnaC ~~tJOn onde< BreW!rl= elo<tronc ·gn.~on
brakt' on ~r wheel diSCS,
synem. Tvrbod'\argerWII.hwater· lyltem. L1ght pressl.ll"f! turbocharger Front: D~ w~U'!bones. w1t.h ptvOt
cooled be~ hoUSing and •n~.e-> w11h water-cooled beanng houJ•!"'£ mounted, progrcu•ve .Rtlon co•l
gratt..od waste gate (boost prenu~ SUSPENSIO N and mu~gc<~ted waste gate (boos.t springs and g..u £hocX·absorbef'S.
control vai·Je). Sa.Jb APC SYJLem lor preiwre control valve). Enre oil Rear: Straght. r.g1d ~ar .bdc With
fmnl ()rouble w.shbones. 'Mth pivot
conttnuous boost pressure control COQf<er E~cttoniC fUel l,...ecl!Ot'l Cool· cod spr>ngs. g,as sl>od<·.I!Hotber>.
mounted. proart1-il~ action cod
~-oolet: Eng>ne o•l cooler. Eloc- lrlg ~yttem v.oth eiectnc.alty 01vcn.. two le"""'o one! two nl-ng .,.,.
-one!"" shod<-~
""""' fuel""""""'
Cook'C <ystem
utty COO"~ ~t()( bn. 'f'hre.e·
Re.r sv.;r."""-
cool~ &>S shod<·.-._
iiXle w>th
thfnN>sutJCally comtol t<ll'llli.ltor
!on- ~ycalilytK c~

two ind two tra1llng arms ~na Yml:>da·sensor.

way cata!)'t.JC cClf"M:!rter and lambda- WHEELS AND TYRES
and a Panlwd IOd. Displacement 1985 c<:.
Olsplacement 198S cc. G Sa.ab900Turbo16
Bora/stroke 90178 mtl'\.
DIN roting 145 bhp (107 kW)
lJght alloy v.ileels. Cornpoct typo
sp11re tyre.
Bore/stroke 90f78 nvn. lowered,cs. St.ffer spnngs aocf 1lt 5600 rpm.. Whee l sl>c 5.51 x 15'.
DIN rating 175 bhp ( 129kW) at Sliffer sl>ock·•bso"""'- DIN peak torque 151 lb(t or Tyre sllc 185/65 R15H.
5700 tpm: ""'· 160 bhp (118 ~W)., 209 .gm (205 Nm) at JBOO rpm. 195160 RISV (Ae<o)
5500""" WHEELS A ND TYRES Max . boost pressure Oo4S b."
DIN peak torque 204 tbt\or Compression ratio 9.0 1.
28.2 ~ (2n Nm) ., 2900 rpm; J.toht alloy- Compact ty!>e PERFORMANCE •
Recommended raring
aut 188 lbf: or 26.0 kpn (255 Nm) <pare'>"" Any unle3ded fuel bew.-een 91 And Top spocd 111 mph: aut. 118 mph
Ill BOO f'P'l' Wheel size ~.SJ )( 1S". 98 oetan< RON Acceleration to 60 mph
Max. boos-t prenurc 0.7S bar; Tyre sl1c 195160 R 15V. Fuel tank capacity 15 Imp gal 10.0 sec.; aut. 125 '\ec.
Compression r-:ulo 90:1 (681 ves) Overtaking A(ccleratlon
Recommended ocunc rating PERFORMANCE• 37-62 mph (60-100 krnlh) '" lourth
Arl'l unleaded fud between 91 and gear9.5 sec.: SO 75 mph (80-120
Fuel tank capacity 15 Imp pi
Top speed 13~ mph. iiUl. 127 mph.
Acceleration to 60 mph 85
Alternator 930W 70A(l070W
kmlh)., ffth "'•r
(68 ,... ""'~ 100 I« 80 A on ca-s \·.-Tth ~-r.tttd ,..
"I n.. po<bm. • r,....-""""'
Overukingaccet eratlon N--,ebe_.enobu, """'~
cond•toOI"'Y· :soecd and ~d\0'\01'1 l\o-at'1l"tyof
37-62mph(60 1001cm'll)"'l""rth Battery 12V 60Ah
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM d~.tnn1 ro.d tJPn "I'QU &,ope
gear 7.5 oec.; SO 75 mph (80-120 Starter motor 1."1 kW
A lternator 930W 70A (1070 W kmlh) '" lof\h so•··
9.5 sec

80 A on CArS With facto!'y·f•ned atr •) The Pefl'o1'1'Nnc., llgui'"C$ f'!'lentJOned
condJtlonang) TRANSMISSION
na..~ ~ cbt.111'1ed from IN!il!l.n'l£:
Battery 12V 60Ah SPI!'!!d ltl"d .J-:tr'tr.tton on • ..Jne.~of Fronl wheel drNe '"''th r...e ~peed
Starter motor 1.4 'rt.W tNI'IUii ge.Jfbox Ot' oM.ItO"'\\;IIC tr;ans..
"""""'~ r.wtt<l. ""«'e
TRANSMISSION d<)<-pti:e dutch.~~
cO!"''Y't'f'ter A"'stead or the c.lutc.h on
rrent wheel """" w.lh ,,., opee<l care wtlh automc.bC tramm•ssion
ft\.mual gearbox cw- autom.tuc tl"illls-
mtS~. 1-tydrauhcally ttctuMed,!c:
dry·pl.1te dutch_ Hydt'Jul•c torque STEERING
convenerll'litead of the: clutch on PO'we-r·.lSSISted rack and p•n.on
Gll"5 \ automatiC trartsn'\IS$1(1n Sleemg gear )ointed one! ~I<K­
stt~~ cobnl wrth ~

.,_,..,..below< ~ obsc<t>-

"'lo perlcntcd sheet sled Co~~;c

f\).ver·i.S$.'Sted rac.k ind poruon btlow the neenng v.flcel.
Ueeo!'lg gear: Jo•ntOO and n•le1COP•C Turning circle 33 f\ 10 •n (103
r.teenng column \Vlth cyhndncat m),..,roto~~-
5hect mcUil beliowt. tmp.\Ct .1bso!'b·
lnz. perforated sheet steel <:.lge
bclo-.v the steenng wheel

Saab 900i 16 Convertible
four C)ilndc:r. •n-llnc 01\glne. longHu· ABS integrated antJ.-Iodc; braJun&
d1nl1lty rnotJnU!d lind lndar!c:d at t1n ~em. dttsc brakes
•ngte or·15'. Cast IrOn <)fonder block. J!l round. ventilated '" from. Sctr
ltgh' altoy, crossnow cyl•nder head. adjust1ng. single piston system Wtth
Dome-!ihaped combus-tJOn chambers floating brake caliper Asbes~os.-rree
with tenirally piiiC«< sport< plugs. pam. Mechanical !tction of l'land
Double overh~d. d'\a~~-dnvcn c:am- bra_\e on rear wheel dtsc.s
slufts.. H(drk.ll•c. ~·ntCflo)nce·frt"f!
""""depressor> Four_......, per C}l-
.ndec M~<ootrolled
e:.earon.c wwt.on I)'W!m wrth """"Dc.ble ~ w :h """'
-....,-Eloc1ronoc..., .,..,. mcuned. progc-es9.~ .cbOn col
""" Coolni- ,.;;n elt<1,..ny ~and gas-~
- u..nno.ut<Oiy <or.II'O'Ied 1\e.u: S.-..gto. "C'd re>r .,_~ ""'"'
r»..uor htn. llw'tc-w•t c.u.dybC CoJ5p'VIg!.gasW>ck-.lbwbo"-
(Ot\\'Cf'tet' ilnd ~ tvvo lead1ng and tv.-o tr;lll•n& iVMS
Displacement 1985 cc and a PiU1hatd tod
Bore/stroke 9ona I'I'Yn.
DIN rating 1l8b1'1' ('1'1 kW)
at 6000 rpm
DIN poilk rorquc 1/'i' lbh or Steel Y1heels (theSE model tw llgtn
17.6 kgm ( 1/l Nm) ,\13000 rpn' a'oywl'lee!s). Compact type $p.1rc
Compression r"tlo lyre.
Recommended octane rating Wheel size 55Jx 15·.
Aft( unle01ded fuel bet¥~«-n 91 o1nd Tyre size 185/65 R1ST.
98 oc1.,c RON,
Fuel u.nk upa.clty 15 Imp. PERFORMANCE•
Top speed 112mpll; aut 109mpll.
Ac.celer-ation to '0 mph
ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ll.O<ee.; .... 140""'
Alternator 930W 70A ( 1070W Ovenakjng ;acceleration
80 A 01 an ....,th lsaotr· "tttd., 37-62 rrQh (60-100 """"')"' f<lur1l,
<orO""""~) gt¥ 115-- 50 -75 mph (80- 120
Battery 12V 60Ah. krrv'h) " (ofl!, gt.lf 17.5 5<(.
Starter motor 14 kW •, TheperlOf"!'""JJ'(cf~l'l'leflbatlod
~ bctn obwr~d from me.ul.ll'1ng
TRANSMISSION ~ ~ a«clera.:JOI'I 01\ a '41"1ety of
ddrtl'et'!t tOoad 1ype:s «ron Eutol)t
Front wheel drive Wllh ftvc 5pced
mnnuJI geart>ox (X IUJtatnatiC lrnns·
ll'l~n. H)'draul<i111y netuated. Single
dry·plilte clutch Hyd,...ullc to(qoo
con~ncr •nl1e:Jd of tl'\8 clvtth on
cars .•;;th avtorNt< lrouwn!lslon

Pov.«-.tssint<l rae.~.: lnd pon.on
.,..,.... CO¥ jc-.od ond lele>c:opoc
>trmngc.,._,. :h~
V~eel I'W'IItW ~1 lmp,act lb$orb-
~ pfflor.n<d- ..... <.11"
me stterW'IC .....hHL
Turning circle J) h 10 on ( IOJ m).
•em to ~erb

• every ende.wour Is mo)de to ensure tt.e content of th1! broch..Jrc

relate' dircctty to the ~levant UK productlilnge. certa1n mn.nuf.lCtuMa
t;hilnge-s m.11 occur, wh•ch could effect the final -spec•flctttlon of !et'lil1"1
rnod~k. full ck:ti•ls r.l'lould be confirmed With your"loc.ll Saab DeVer pnor


Dimensions, weights and fuel cons umpt ion

Saab900, 1993

Saab900Conve .-tibte
0 Convertible models
Le ngth 3 f\ (930 nvn).
Volume l6J <lift (461 em').
0 landS door models
Completely toll•poble bi!<k seal
Removable partel shelf.
Length W•th back scat •n posrtlon
1 ft (1210 mm) Wo!l1 back seat
Klided dov.n 6 II ( 1835 rrvn).
Volume WM b.xlo: seat tn posrban
21J curt (602 em?.Wnh porce1
>helf~ 27.2 (\1ft (770ctn?.
W1!11 back se•t folded down 58.2
cuft(1630 dm')

Weight di.strlbudon 60% i1Jnt.
Max. trailer load 1300 lb Saab900, 3 and 5 door models
(1500 kg).
Ma x . roof lo>d 210 lb (100 kg)
Not the 900 Converti:lte:
0 Convertible modeiJ
Kerb wei&ht Aboul2820- 3160 b
Max. total we:1g·ht 3920 fb
( 1780kg).
0 l and 5 door models
Kerb weight A.boul2620 -3020 lb
( ll'l0-1370 kal
Max. total welaht 1030b
•) The~ v¥fYwM the type ofbodr
a."'d the equ9""'"1 n::luded tn the car

Passenaer Car Fueol Cansumpcton Energy A~et 1976
<Y.I'icial kl cot\'$~ ~t:s ¥1: ~to~ ~..t.r.: ~!,ons W'ld to~ •cud! w the
m:xtd!i f"'U ""flfy to SN:1N &ood rud et:/CI'tOI'I"f The: te:m driii"'IO .,.nt"!l!e !he 6Jd (~tOri cl at'! pa:t'liCUI.w
Grand 1hlrt 'Mt.-f!vtUl*t~ ~ ~e!n an.d- wn'le' mocki l.Oidnc. ~ nf'c: cctd::cJM.
tnent tA brt1~ fud «:anomy.~ fuel cons~ f.-g.JtM ~re bbtd on ptrlormanc..e rel.rt~ lem ~ o.J.t

• All p.v~ ~ ii.JstmiOtiS tn tM



l:lrodu'e~ b.ncd on the speoli<~ \kban
~R'<odd T,__, (90imlh) (1l.O l<m/h)
ollb: un Vilid • ft dJu tJiW rnM
~olli.:-(J.I>e 1992)
model nnge. t~15pt!Ofot.OM ~
.... 1.......
........ ......... """' .....
""' ,.,.,""'
equ::pment v.,y (!'Om OM~ to 11\e
next and rn,ry be 111\erod Wllhout pnor
notiee. for fvrthcr •1\fom~;mon, pleA\-:
ccwul~ )'OJ"" Swb de.tltr Note th.u ~
Saab900, turbo enr.•n~
s...b900, EcopOwel' engll'l~


~ 12.1
of trae pc-n.ns ., ~ br'octlt.ft may shoYrt ......... '" 2l9

arsf~ ....·lh~~~
Salb900, - -
.......... m
111 "'
n• "

Interior trim and colours

Leather Ve lour

T he 900 models are supplied

with velour uphols tery.
Leather inte rior is available at
ext-ra cost. The Turbo 16SAcro
Convertible amlthc Turbo 16S
Aero models are sup1>lied with
leather intel'ior as srandord equip·
ment. According to cal' upholstery
tradition, leather rcfc•·s to the P>mk ()33) Alp>Cka ()43.]74)
seating surface on both front and
back seats.
The Convertible models have a
black hood a.~ standard. In certain
intcd o-r/ exterior colour comhin3 ..
tions d1ey are also available with a
beige or blue hood as an option.
Colours shown arc tl10sc wltich
arc available at time or printing.
Please consul t your Saab dealer for Dover (H33, HS3) Angora (H43, H74)
the latest information.

Suff>lo (E33. ES3) Lobrodor (E43. E74)

M3rlno (F7•1)

Arl•ona (G33)


Solid colours

ClrM White (153) Cmrrara White (233) Black (170)

Monte Carlo Yellow (231)

Metallic colours

Odo•r<lo Grey (223)

Nocturne Blue (134) L~ Mans Blue (229)

•) Ma me1a'lic.

• For ~~'"& rt:".son,. the «JIOI.Irl 1n thiS bnxhuc-e

may differ ~!ly from the ww1 colour.:.
Ruby fWd • (2-12)

Symbol of excellence

_... .

S aab Automobile i\ B has its •·oots

in Saab-Se<min AB, a world
leader in specialised transport tech-
Today tl1c Saab-Scania srmbol,
with t.hc Griffin in its, can be
lound on a variety of product.s in-
nology. With origins <bling back to cluding Saab passenger cars, Scania
the 1890s, the Saab-Scania Group trucks and buses, Saab regional air-
has, 0\'Cr the yean;, built up a ,·ast liners and military aircraft, as well a.~
fund or engin<:cring know-how in a wide range or high-tech products
road and air transportation, as well made by the Saab-Scania Combitcch
as in aerospace and electronics. Group, such as space satellites, train-
The. llrst ractory-madc vehicle ing systems and military roboL~.
I>I'Oduccd under th~ Vabis name ap- In every orca the Saab-Scania
peared in 1897, ami in 1901 Sca~tia symbol stands lo r excellence in en-
made its first l>asscngcr car, bearing gineering, long tradition and broacl -
the Griffin symbol o n the radiator. bascd c-<pcriencc.
The llrst truck was produttd in
1902 and in 191 1 the lim bus. In
the late 1930s the production or
Saab aircrart was started. The
production of Saab passenger cars
commenced in 194·9.



Saab900 ,;


Saab900Convcrtlble ~

S•ab'$ model range offers a wide

choice ordJrfcrcnt engines, equip- i'1
ment ancl body type>. u
Saab Automobile AB if
Trollhattan, Sweden It)

Saab Great Britain Ltd. "'0

Saab House
Globe Park, Marlow
Bucks, SL7 1LY, England ~

For further Information

or a test drive contact the
Saab Information Centre
on 0800 626556

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