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Directions: Write T if the statement is true. Write F if the statement is False and
change the underline words to make it right.
_____, ________________1. The Office Management is responsible in monitoring
the firm’s activities and assign task of the employees to meet company’objectives.
_______,_______________2. The managers are usually focus on the business
location of the firm, so it means promotion is highly recommended for feasibility
studies relating to marketing mix.
________,______________3.The process of recruiting and selection is under the
human resource management that is link to leading on the major functions of
_______,_______________4. This ICT Management of the firm is being tied up
with different online shopping as a strategy for productivity.
_______,_______________5. It is the Financial Management area that purchases
raw materials and supplies for the firm and also responsible for shipment and
_______,_______________6. The 4P’s namely product, price, promotion and
place are the main focus of marketing mix in Marketing Management.
_______,_______________7. The Financial Management is the process of
monitoring the financial position in the business firm in terms of gains and losses.
_______,_______________8. Checking the quality of the products produces in
the manufacturing plant involves Material Management.
_______,_______________9. The Human Resource Management is also in charge
on evaluating the job performance of each employee in the company for them to
identify those employees who are qualified to receive an increase in salary,
rewards, incentives and benefits.
______,________________10. Innovations of product are being process on the
manufacturing plant of the firm that usually describes the area of Material and
Procurement Management.
ACTIVTY 2: Matching type
Directions: Match column A to column B. Write the letter on the space provided
before the number.

Column A Column B
______1. Expenses A. Human Resource
______2. Innovation of products B. Financial
______3. Promotion C. Marketing
______4. Purchasing D. Operations
______5. Selection E. Procurement
F. Technology
Remember the areas of management that you have studied, if you are going to
become a manager after 10 years from now which functional areas of
management you want to be assigned. Try to visualize this scenario, then after
your visualization on that scene you write a short description of your role as
manager on your chosen area of management.
Me, as a manager ten years from now ………………………………….
_______________________________________________________________ _____




ABM Teacher

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