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Stocks & Commodities V.

30:3 (36-42, 71): Interview: System Trading Made Easy With John Bollinger by Gopalakrishnan & Faber


The Alternation Of Fear And Elation

System Trading Made

Easy With John Bollinger
John Bollinger is an analyst, author, and president and founder of Bollinger Capi-
tal Management, an investment management company that provides technically
driven money management services. Bollinger Capital Management also develops
and provides proprietary research for institutions and individuals. He may be best
known as the creator of Bollinger Bands, which he developed in the mid-1980s.
Since then, investors and traders have come to view Bollinger Bands as a reli-
able tool for assessing expected price action, and the bands are featured on most
financial charting software and websites.
Bollinger’s Capital Growth Letter, which has been published since 1987, provides
market commentary, charts, and investment advice for the average investor employ-
ing a technically driven asset allocation approach. He has also developed several
investor websites, among which are,, Bol-,, and a forex website,
John Bollinger, a longtime proponent of rational analysis, the combination of
technical and fundamental analysis, was the first analyst to earn both Chartered
Financial Analyst (CFA) and Chartered Market Technician (CMT) designations.
S&C Editor Jayanthi Gopalakrishan and Staff Writer Bruce R. Faber interviewed The alternation of fear
John Bollinger via telephone on January 4, 2012. and elation dissuades
people from investing. It
pushes them away from
ohn, as you and your work are technical information. I’ve ended up the markets.
well known in our industry, with an array of new tools. I have been

J can you begin by telling us the

most recent things you’ve been
working on?
able to leave behind some older tools
and replace them with better ones. It has
been a great two years.
approaches to the market. Using as a basis
a logic we employed, I created a simple
A little more than two years ago, I The two projects I worked on went computer language and called it “Trade.”
had the pleasure of spending time with way back for me. When I created Bol- To get there we tried to overcome the
Ian Woodward, who has been doing linger Bands, I created two indicators to disadvantages of traditional logic for
some interesting things with Bollinger go with them, %b and BandWidth. %b traders. In traditional logic, everything
Bands. It was an inspiring time for me. tells us where we are in relation to the is black or white, one or zero, yes or no,
Over the next few weeks, I realized that bands. If prices are at the upper band, long or short.
I could develop an entire framework of %b is 1 and if prices are at the lower But that does not really model how
indicators around Bollinger Bands that band, %b is zero. If prices are at the traders think about the markets. So I
covered virtually all of the traditional middle band, %b is 0.5. BandWidth tells worked with an engineer friend and
technical analysis tasks. you how wide the bands are. In order to developed a tristate logic, which was
measure that, we use the middle band, or 1, 0, and ‑1. We could map that better
Where did you start? the moving average, as a reference point. onto the trading process — that is, long,
The first result was an indicator called Those were the two building blocks we flat, or short. With that, we had a logic
BB Impulse, which quantifies price ac- had to start with. that modeled what traders did better. I
tion in relation to the bands, and from wrote Trade to be able to communicate
there I went on to develop a trend in- And what was the second project? those ideas. All of these parts and pieces
dicator. I next developed a momentum About that time I started thinking about started to come together in the past
indicator, and kept expanding the horizon a language in which we could express couple of years.
until I had a complete suite of indica- these ideas and exchange these ideas At some point I abandoned the tristate
tors that were all logically consistent with other technicians and others who logic model because I realized that even
and drawn from the same basic pool of are interested in developing systems and that was not sufficient to describe what

Copyright © Technical Analysis Inc.

Stocks & Commodities V. 30:3 (36-42, 71): Interview: System Trading Made Easy With John Bollinger by Gopalakrishnan & Faber


traders really did. Traders often scale or an outright short strategy, to neutral regions of momentum to have an impact
in or out of positions, or are 20% long, and then eventually to positive. on this indicator. All of these indicators
or 20% short, or some variation. So we Because these signals are derived are scaling market activity via the lens
combined the ideas of fuzzy logic from from Bollinger Bands (BB), they adapt of Bollinger Bands.
the original tristate model and produced to market conditions. In a consolidation A really interesting indicator is BB
a smooth-valued logic that describes how range, the strength or weakness necessary Trend. This is perhaps the most interest-
traders function in real life. to create a big reading in BB Impulse ing for me because it helps determine
Then the final piece was to write the is much smaller than it is in a trending what strategies we should be employing.
language as a computer interface to market where the bands are spread apart. BB Trend is a classic trend indicator
express our ideas in a straightforward We have had basic momentum indicators much like average directional index
way. We wrote a compiler that would for a long time, but by framing them (ADX), or other attempts that people
interpret those ideas and put them on with Bollinger Bands, they become have made to distinguish between trend-
the screen. adaptive to the type of environment. ing and nontrending markets. Bollinger
It’s been a very, very active two years, So in a consolidation range, prior to the Bands of different periods align differ-
during which I pulled together a large movement, you can see the shift from a ently, depending on whether the market
number of threads from past years and negative environment to a positive one. is trending. For example, if you take
combined them into a powerful frame- You would not be able to pick that up with Bollinger Bands of 20 periods and 50
work for traders. a traditional momentum indicator. periods in an intermediate uptrend, you
will see that the upper bands run almost
Sounds like a lot of work. So how would These have probably been active in the together, aligning almost perfectly. You
a trader use something like that? markets that we have seen lately. will see similar behavior in a strong
It was an awful lot of ideas in a very Correct, and in this prolonged trading downtrend with the lower bands.
short time, so it might be better to focus range market that we have seen recently, So I developed a formula that takes
on a few of the indicators and how they these tools really shine. advantage of those relationships to tell
might be used. us whether the market was trending.
So the BB Impulse measures price Again, it is an adaptive formula that is
Sure. Let’s start with BB Impulse. changes. Have you measured anything based on volatility and what is happen-
BB Impulse was the first of the new else with some of the other indicators? ing in the markets. It is very good at
indicators, and it measures price changes What BB Impulse does is measure the detecting trends early, just as they are
in relation to the bands. We find, for daily change of %b. The formula for BB forming. It has proved to be very useful
example, that in strong markets we tend Impulse is: because it tells us when to switch from
to get a series of positive impulses. In trend-following strategies to congestion,
weak markets you tend to get a series %b this period – %b last period or trading range strategies.
of negative ones. So by taking a look
at the raw values of BB Impulse on the It incorporates the changing width of Does the “three pushes to a high”
screen, your gaze is drawn to the essence the bands and at the same time it captures — a term that George Lane used fre-
of what is happening in the marketplace. price change. Price change is driving the quently — apply to BB Impulse and
If, on balance, the positive impulses are changes in %b, so it is a fully adaptive BB Trend?
larger than the negative ones, you are in framework to work with. Oh, yes. Three pushes to a high is a
a rising market. If the negative impulses The sister indicator to BB Impulse is great example, because you will see all
are larger than the positive ones, you are BB Momentum. BB Momentum looks of these indicators do different things.
in a falling market. at the momentum of price in relation to In three pushes to a high, BB Impulse
This is interesting because the shift the bands. It is the price change over a will produce steadily lower groupings
from positive to negative can occur even period, say of 10 periods, as a function of positive readings as the three pushes
while prices go sideways. It is like an of the bands. This is a momentum mea- occur. BB Trend will start to fade and
X-ray at the interior of the momentum sure instead of being an instantaneous turn down shortly after or coincident with
of the market. So we can extend those momentum measure like BB Impulse. the second push to the high, because the
ideas with some decision rules. You Now it is kind of a classic momentum trend is starting to fail. The second push
could say, “If in a rising environment, I measure, like the 10-day rate of change to the high is usually the last piece of the
get several strong negative impulses. I that technicians might use, but it is actual trend. It is the moment of trend
want to tighten my stops in this situation adapted to the market. In a constricted failure. The third push to the high is kind
and play a more defensive strategy.” range where the bands are tight, relatively of a retest. [See sidebar at end.—Ed.]
Likewise, if we are in a falling market small amounts of momentum will show What you will find is that BB Trend will
and we start to see a series of positive up dramatically. When you get into a very keep rising or stay at a high level during
impulses coming into the market, then volatile market, such as a very strong the first two phases of three pushes to a
we can shift from a defensive strategy, down period, it would take much greater high, and as you get to the third phase,

Copyright © Technical Analysis Inc.

Stocks & Commodities V. 30:3 (36-42, 71): Interview: System Trading Made Easy With John Bollinger by Gopalakrishnan & Faber


BB Trend will have turned down. I should So you can just slip out of your chart I am more passionate about my work
say that BB Trend also recognizes the by clicking a tab, look at your script, now than I have been in a long time.
direction of the trend, unlike the other make a small change in it to fine-tune These two years have been inspiring,
tools that have been developed. It runs your system, then click right back in. because they have opened up new doors.
from +1 to ‑1. That change is immediately reflected If anything, I am more interested in this
Strong readings above zero are indi- in the chart. work than I was five years ago.
cations of a positive trend, and strong That sort of power has been available
readings below zero are indications of for a long time in PC-based software, but There are a lot of people out there who
a negative trend. In addition, BB Mo- you had to know programming. So we don’t want to learn a computer language
mentum will be producing a series of did two things: we made it simple and or write code.
lower highs as the three pushes occur. we took it away from the programming Yes, and that is why BB Script is so
The highest reading will occur either world. It is a very English-like language. nice. You don’t have to be a program-
on the first or second push. Usually, the It is very easy to write, very straightfor- mer. You can sketch these ideas out in
rule is that the reading on the third push ward, and we made it web-based so you an English language–like interface, and
will be clearly lower than the readings don’t have to have software running on then see them as an indicator right there
on either the first or second. your PC. It is a cloud-based technical lan- on the chart.
What George Lane did, which I think guage that is also completely secure.
is pretty fantastic, is that he viewed Did George Lane have any input into
everything through the lens of stochas- What kind of challenges did you con- your new Bollinger Band indicators?
tics. He recognized this very typical, front developing these indicators? In the CompuTrac days, Tim Slater
psychological progression as a strong As I’ve mentioned, it has been an would get together a panel of three to five
burst of momentum followed by another incredible couple of years. I’ve learned technical experts and we would travel to
strong burst, followed by a weaker burst. as much in these last two as I learned various countries. I went on a trip with
There was a psychological pattern related in the previous 10. It just took a little George Lane and Manning Stoller, and
to those pieces and he interpreted that push for me to realize that there was this others. We made presentations in Singa-
pattern using stochastics. analytical framework that I could create. pore, and Hong Kong, and Tokyo.
I went back and studied stochastics Once I started working on it, the pieces Watching George Lane teach was in-
carefully. I was fortunate to have met just fell into place. spirational. He was a fantastic teacher. He
George Lane and I actually traveled with One of the first ideas I had was what I had real passion for his work. His father
him, and I learned from him. called BB Delta, which I abandoned and was a Bible Belt revival-tent preacher
I took the modern version of stochas- replaced with BB Momentum. BB Delta and George had that in him. When he got
tics, starting with %K and did a three- was the one-day rate of change of price excited he would turn up the volume and
period smoothing to arrive at %D, and divided by Bollinger Bands. I looked you could see his passion for the subject.
then did another smoothing to arrive at at it and decided it was an interesting I loved listening to him. I named %b for
slow stochastics. Since I used the formula tool, but it duplicated the information the same naming procedure used for
for stochastics to calculate %b, I also in BB Impulse. stochastics, %K, and %D, as a homage
took those two smoothings and added About three months later I realized to George. I wanted to make sure these
them to %b and came up with %b in the the thing to do, instead of looking at people who had been pioneers in this
classic stochastic manner. I found that to the one-day rate of change, was to let field got full credit for their work as I
be a great help. It’s really made it easier the user pick the rate of change. It could used it for my own purposes.
to clarify the patterns on the chart. It is be a five-day rate of change, or 10 days,
hard to deny what’s happening when or 20. That way, we were looking at Did Ian Woodward have any input into
all three lines have either turned down the classic measure of momentum in the development of your new Bollinger
or turned up. relation to Bollinger Bands in the same Band indicators?
way we were looking at price changes Ian Woodward is an amazing guy. Like
Does the interface you created combine in relation to BB. Arthur Merrill, he had a long career in
all these indicators? Making that simple little change cre- industry — Ian as an engineer at Xerox,
It does. What I wanted Trade — which ated what turned out to be a new and Arthur as a statistician at GE. They both
we now call BB Script — to be is a powerful tool. But I didn’t see that at first. took up technical analysis upon retirement
simple language that traders could use I was just going to discard the concept. and made second careers in it. A couple
to realize their ideas without having to Yet lying right there was a great tool. I of years back, a mutual friend arranged
learn a programming language. So we just had to visualize what the change was for Ian to drop by and show me the work
took Trade and converted it into a full- that would make it that tool. he was doing, and I was very impressed.
on trader’s language called BB Script, Here was a man nearly 80 years old
and built an interpreter for it right into Sounds like you are also very passionate with more ideas and energy than most
our charting package. about your work. people half his age. He has taken input

Copyright © Technical Analysis Inc.

Stocks & Commodities V. 30:3 (36-42, 71): Interview: System Trading Made Easy With John Bollinger by Gopalakrishnan & Faber


from William O’Neil, Richard Arms, and came right back down and retested the that the market is capable of producing
me and crafted an approach to investing lows, then turned on a dime and went as I have ever seen.
that seeks to identify and participate in north. But even that, which we felt was
high-growth stocks. He gives three-day a very volatile period, was nothing like It was one of those times when one day
seminars twice a year that are jam-packed what we experienced last year. you’d think you could retire now and the
with interesting ideas. I even had one of In terms of what it does to our new next day you think you’d have to keep
the guys who works for me attend. I think Bollinger Band indicators, they reflect working for many more years.
that in the fullness of time he’ll be known that action fully. BB Momentum or BB That’s pretty typical of how people re-
as one of the great analysts. Impulse reflect the big price moves that acted. The alternation of fear and elation,
you get, but nothing breaks because I think, dissuades people from investing.
There was about a week back in early things are scaled by volatility. When It pushes them away from the markets,
August 2011 when the market was up volatility is very high, then the scaling not because they made money or lost
300, down 300, up 500, and down 400. is wide. It tends to put that activity into money, but simply because the environ-
It was basically a sideways market, but it perspective rather than magnify it. ment itself was so hostile that they have
was so volatile that I have to wonder how trouble trying to figure out why in the
that affected your new indicators. Did the indicators give you any indica- world they should be involved at all.
It was the most volatile period in terms tion while it was happening as to which
of short-term volatility that I can recall. way it was going to go? It was a pleasure talking to you, John.
I actually went back over past years’ If there were a system or an approach
charts trying to see if I could spot a pe- that would have done so, I have no idea Suggested reading
riod where the short-term volatility had what it would be. My tools worked pretty Bollinger, John [2001]. Bollinger On
been that high. There were a few days well through the period and they allowed Bollinger Bands, McGraw-Hill.
in the 2007–08 debacle where we got us to recognize the bottom when it ar- Gopalakrishnan, Jayanthi [2002]. “John
some very big one-day reversals, went rived. But during that period where we Bollinger Of Bollinger Bands Fame,”
down huge then reversed and ended up were getting whipped back and forth, I Technical Analysis of Stocks &
on the day. But I could not find another don’t think anything worked, whether Commodities, Volume 20: May.
example of this sort of alternating of big it was fundamental, technical, or quan- Hartle, Thom [1997]. “John Bollinger
up days and big down days. titative. Even pair traders were blown And Group Analysis,” Technical
I thought maybe the bottom in 1998 up in that period because the normal Analysis of Stocks & Commodities,
would be characterized by similar action. relationships between the pairs they Volume 15: April.
If you remember, we came down sharply, traded were destroyed in that volatility.
then bounced for a very short time, then That was about as hostile a circumstance

Copyright © Technical Analysis Inc.

Stocks & Commodities V. 30:3 (36-42, 71): Interview: System Trading Made Easy With John Bollinger by Gopalakrishnan & Faber


These three charts illustrate a classic technical pattern
called “three pushes to a high” delineated by Bollinger
Bands and the BB indicators %b, BandWidth, and
This is a term that was popularized by the late
George Lane, generally referred to as the father of
stochastics. The “three pushes to a high” often signi-
fies the end of a long top formation. Each push has a
specific reference:

First Push
• You will see the market make a new high (its first SIDEBAR FIGURE 1: The SPDR Gold Trust ETF, GLD with Bollinger Bands
and %b. Here is an example of the three pushes to a high pattern with three lower
push), with prices often pushing themselves outside peaks in %b.
of the upper Bollinger Band.
• This is followed by a retracement that could take
prices to the middle Bollinger Band.

Second Push
• Prices make a new high at about the upper Bollinger
• This is followed by a retracement, not necessarily to
the middle Bollinger Band.

Third Push
• The final push is when price makes that last attempt
to hit a high but starts to lose momentum.

In three pushes to a high, BB Impulse will produce

steadily lower groupings of positive readings as the
three pushes occur. BB Trend will start to fade and turn
down shortly after or coincident with the second push
to the high. The second push to the high is usually the SIDEBAR FIGURE 2: The SPDR Gold Trust ETF, GLD with Bollinger Bands
last piece of the actual trend. It is the moment of trend and BandWidth. Here is an example of the three pushes to a high pattern with
failure. The third push to the high is a retest. BandWidth turning down on the second push.

What you will find is that BB Trend will keep ris-

ing or stay at a high level during the first two phases
of three pushes to a high, and as you get to the third
phase, BB Trend will have turned down. BB Trend
also recognizes the direction of the trend.
Strong readings above zero are indications of a
positive trend, and strong readings below zero are
indications of a negative trend. BB Momentum will be
producing a series of lower highs as the three pushes
occur. The highest reading will occur either on the first
or second push. Usually, the rule is that the reading on
the third push will be clearly lower than the readings
on either the first or second.
Lane viewed everything through the lens of stochas-
tics. He recognized this psychological progression
as a strong burst of momentum followed by another
strong burst, followed by a weaker one. There was a
psychological pattern related to those pieces and he SIDEBAR FIGURE 3: The SPDR Gold Trust ETF, GLD with Bollinger
interpreted that pattern using stochastics. Bands and BBTrend. Here is an example of the three pushes to a high pattern
with BBTrend turning down on the third push.

Copyright © Technical Analysis Inc.

Stocks & Commodities V. 30:3 (36-42, 71): Interview: System Trading Made Easy With John Bollinger by Gopalakrishnan & Faber



The following tools make up the Bollinger Band suite of → Where is BandWidth in relation to history?
technical analysis tools.
This BB indicator focuses on trend:
Bands and envelopes:
n BBTrend
n Bollinger Bands (for markets where the trading session → Are prices trending and, if so, in what direction?
is well defined)
—John Bollinger
n Bollinger Envelopes (for markets where the session
definition is poor)
→ Are prices high or low? BBScript
This BBScript plots the BBmomentum indicator.
This group of BB indicators focus on price action:
// Copyright John Bollinger, CFA, CMT 2012
n %b (This was the first BB indicator.) //
// use the data from the chart
→ Where are we in relation to the Bollinger Bands? data("x")
n BBImpluse // use the close
myClose = close(x)
Instantaneous price action in relation to the Bollinger // middle BB
Bands. middleBB = sma(myClose, 20)
// volatility
n BBMomentum (A single-period version of this called vol = stdev(myClose, 20)
“BBDelta” was the first of the new indicators.) // upperBB
→ What is momentum in relation to the Bollinger Bands? upperBB = middleBB + 2 * vol
// lower BB
lowerBB = middleBB - 2 * vol
This group of BB indicators focus on volatility: // momentum
mtm = myClose - myClose[-10]
n BandWidth (This was the second BB indicator.) // BB momentum
BBmtm = mtm / (upperBB - lowerBB)
→ How wide are the Bollinger Bands? // create the plot objects
myPlot = plot(BBmtm, "BBmtm", "histogram","CC0000")
n BandWidth Delta
// draw the charts using the plot objects
→ Are the Bollinger Bands expanding or contracting? chart(myPlot)

—John Bollinger

Copyright © Technical Analysis Inc.

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