CA 15 Explanation - of - Criteria - 2020

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TUM Graduate Council

Technical University of Munich

Explanation of the Criteria for the Supervisory Award

Grade 1 2 3 4 5 6
Development of re- All 4 points of 1)* are discussed 3/4 points of 1)* are dis- 1/4 points of 1)* are dis- No proper support is given at
in detail. cussed. cussed. the start.
search question
The PhD is regularly advised The PhD is properly advised The PhD is poorly ad- Only one form of dissertation
for the publication strategy. The for the publication strategy. vised for the publication is accepted.
PhD can freely choose be- There exists a weak prefer- strategy. There exists a
Publication strategy tween monographie or publica- ence regarding form of disser- strong preference regard-
tion-based dissertation and is tation. ing form of dissertation.
supported with the expose.
Every publication is reviewed in Most publications are re- Most publications are re- There hardly exists feedback
detail within 12 working days. viewed within 24 working viewed without proper on publications
Feedback concern- Rehearsal for external presenta- days. Rehearsal for external care within 24 working
ing publications tion are always made. presentation are usually days.
At least once every 4 weeks At least once every At least once every 8 weeks There are no regular There are no regular meet-
the PhD’s research is discussed 6 weeks the PhD’s the PhD’s research is dis- meetings to discuss the re- ings to discuss the research
Availability of su- intensively for at least 30 research …see cussed intensively for at least search progress. Meetings progress. Meetings on de-
pervisors minutes. In addition the supervi- Grade 1 30 minutes. on demand are possible mand are difficult to sched-
sor is available weekly for “quick and simple to schedule. ule.
Every PhD receives highly val- Most PhDs receive valuable Single PhDs received It is unclear when the last
uable feedback in an annual feedback in an annual struc- feedback at some point. feedback in an annual review
Feedback during structured review, which is pro- tured review. was given.
an annual review actively initiated by the supervi-
The supervisor has great con- The supervisor has The supervisor has connec- The supervisor has The supervisor has only PhDs are not allowed to
nections to international institu- great connections tions to international institu- connections to inter- little connections to inter- spend time abroad for re-
tions. PhDs are encouraged to to international insti- tions. PhDs are allowed to national institutions. national institutions. PhDs search
International orien- use this for research abroad. tutions. … see use this for research abroad. PhDs are allowed to are discouraged for re-
tation Conference visits are financially Grade 1 Conference visits are finan- use this for research search abroad.
supported if promising. cially supported for first au- abroad.
thors of accepted publications.
Every PhDs gets at least a 3 Every PhDs gets at Most PhDs get a 2 year con- Most PhDs get a 1 Most PhDs get a 1 year If one of these applies
year contract or longer for at least a 3 year con- tract or longer for at least year contract or contract or longer for at Contract duration is below 1
Fair policy for em- least 75% E-13. tract or longer for 65% E-13. Extensions are longer for at least least 50% E-13. Exten- year, Below 50% E-13 pay-
ployment agree- Extensions are always given un- at least 65% E-13. usually given until the disser- 65% E-13. Exten- sions are usually given ment, PhDs often finish dis-
ments til the dissertation is finished. … see Grade 1 tation is finished. sions are usually until the dissertation is fin- sertation without contract
Workload for the chair corre- given until the disser- ished.
sponds to paid hours. tation is finished.
Volunteering of PhDs is actively Volunteering of PhDs is ac- Volunteering of PhDs is Volunteering of PhDs is for-
supported and appreciated, cepted. discouraged. bidden.
Encourages volun- but balance with core work is en-
teering at TUM sured. Supervisor himself/her-
self is active in the TUM com-
TUM Graduate Council
Technical University of Munich

The supervisor actively encour- The supervisor generally al- The supervisor discour- The supervisor generally
Supports off-the-job ages the PhDs to participate in lows the PhDs to participate in ages PhDs to participate in forbids the PhDs to partici-
training off-the-job trainings and sup- off-the-job trainings. off-the-job trainings and pate in off-the-job trainings.
(TUM horizons, ports financially if needed. only allows occasionally.
ProLehre, GS, LRZ, He/She keeps an eye on the
Summer Schools, …) employability of PhDs.
Overall working atmosphere is Overall working atmosphere is Overall working atmos- Overall working atmosphere
great. Supportive cooperation good. Respectful cooperation phere is missing a corpo- is rather egoistic than sup-
Social cohesion at across all levels. Minorities are across all levels. Minorities rate feeling. portive.
the chair (levels = integrated actively by the super- are integrated. Social events
HiWi, PhD, non-scien- visor. Social events (sum- (summer/Christmas party)
tific, post-doc,professor) mer/Christmas party, retreats) take place.
take place.
The supervisor is responsive to The supervisor perceives the The supervisor is ignorant There is hardly no leader-
the group’s needs, sets inspir- group’s needs, has a vision for the group’s needs and ship, vision or communica-
Leadership skills ing visions and goals and has and solid communication has no clear vision. Com- tion.
great communication skills. skills. munication is poor.
The supervisor regularly points The supervisor sometimes Authors on publications Publications regularly have
out guidelines of good scientific points out guidelines of good usually contribute signifi- authors who did not contrib-
Promotes good sci- practice and leads by example. scientific practice and leads cantly (as defined by ute significantly (as defined
entific practice Authors on publications always by example. Authors on publi- DFG). by DFG).
contribute significantly (as de- cations usually contribute sig-
fined by DFG). nificantly (as defined by DFG).
Working hours can be shifted Working hours can be shifted Working hours cannot be Needs for PhDs with family
freely, part-time is fully sup- within limits, part-time is sup- shifted, part-time is not are not considered
Family-friendly poli- ported, mobile working is possi- ported, mobile working is possible, mobile working
cies ble possible only in exceptions is not possible

IT infrastructure is great, PhD IT infrastructure is ok, PhD oc- IT infrastructure is insuffi- IT infrastructure not provided
can hire HiWis for personal sup- casionally can hire HiWis for cient, Lab equipment is in- by the chair
Availability of re- port, Lab equipment is adequate personal support, Lab equip- adequate
sources ment is adequate

* of the position on good supervision (

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