Combivis 6 COMBIVIS Studio 6: Release Information

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COMBIVIS studio 6 V6.6.0_3.5.15.20


Release status:
2 © 2020 KEB Automation KG
Signal words and symbols

1 Preface
The described hardware and software are developments of the KEB Automation KG. The
enclosed documents correspond to conditions valid at printing. Misprint, mistakes and
technical changes reserved.

1.1 Signal words and symbols

Certain operations can cause hazards during the installation, operation or thereafter. Re-
fer to the safety information in the documentation about these operations. Security signs
are located on the device or on the machine. A warning contains signal words which are
explained in the following table:

 Dangerous situation, which will cause death or serious injury in case

DANGER of non-observance of this safety instruction.

 Dangerous situation, which may cause death or serious injury in case

WARNING of non-observance of this safety instruction.

 Dangerous situation, which may cause minor injury in case of non-

CAUTION observance of this safety instruction.

 Situation, which can cause damage to property in case of non-ob-

ATTENTION servance.

Is used when the validity of statements is subject to certain conditions or a result is lim-
ited to a certain validity range.

 Is used when the result will be better, more economic or trouble-free

i by following these procedures.

1.2 More symbols

► This arrow starts an action step.
• / - Enumerations are marked with dots or indents.
=> Cross reference to another chapter or another page.

Note to further documentation.

Document search on

© 2020 KEB Automation KG 3

1.3 Laws and guidelines
KEB Automation KG confirms with the CE mark and the EC declaration of conformity, that
our device complies with the essential safety requirements.
The CE mark is located on the name plate. The EC declaration of conformity can be
downloaded on demand via our website. Further information is provided in chapter "Certi-

1.4 Warranty
The warranty on design, material or workmanship for the acquired device is given in the
current terms and conditions.

Here you will find our current terms and conditions.

Terms and Conditions

Further agreements or specifications require a written confirmation.

1.5 Support
Through multiple applications not every imaginable case has been taken into account. If
you require further information or if problems occur which are not treated detailed in the
documentation, you can request the necessary information via the local KEB Automation
KG agency.
The use of our units in the target products is beyond of our control and therefore
exclusively the responsibility of the machine manufacturer, system integrator or
The information contained in the technical documentation, as well as any user-specific
advice in spoken and written and through tests, are made to best of our knowledge and
information about the application. However, they are considered for information only with-
out responsibility. This also applies to any violation of industrial property rights of a third-
Selection of our units in view of their suitability for the intended use must be done gener-
ally by the user.
Tests can only be done by the machine manufacturer in combination with the appli-
cation. They must be repeated, even if only parts of hardware, software or the unit
adjustment are modified.

1.6 Copyright
The customer may use the instructions for use as well as further documents or parts from
it for internal purposes. Copyrights are with KEB Automation KG and remain valid in its
Other wordmarks or/and logos are trademarks (™) or registered trademarks (®) of their
respective owners and are listed in the footnote on the first occurrence.

4 © 2020 KEB Automation KG

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 Preface .................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Signal words and symbols .......................................................................................................... 3
1.2 More symbols ............................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Laws and guidelines .................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Warranty........................................................................................................................................ 4
1.5 Support ......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.6 Copyright ...................................................................................................................................... 4

2 Introduction............................................................................................. 6
3 Components ............................................................................................ 7
3.1 Packages....................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Programming components ......................................................................................................... 7
3.3 KEB Device parameterization and configuration components ............................................... 7

4 System requirements ............................................................................. 9

4.1 Minimum equipment for smaller projects ................................................................................. 9
4.2 COMBIVIS 6 Safety Module Editor ............................................................................................. 9
4.3 COMBIVIS studio 6 Safety Editor ............................................................................................... 9
4.4 Note on Windows operating system versions .......................................................................... 9
4.5 Note on Microsoft .NET Framework ........................................................................................... 9

5 Change Notes ....................................................................................... 10

5.1 IEC 61131-3 Libraries .................................................................................................................10
5.1.1 List of shipped libraries ................................................................................................................10
5.1.2 Library bugfixes / new features ....................................................................................................10
5.2 Bug fixes and new features ......................................................................................................11
5.3 Installation of clean device / library repository ......................................................................14

6 Known restrictions ............................................................................... 16

6.1 HSP5 ............................................................................................................................................16

7 Registration / Feature activation ......................................................... 17

7.1 COMBIVIS 6 customer registration ..........................................................................................17
7.2 COMBIVIS studio 6 feature activation .....................................................................................17

8 Legal terms ........................................................................................... 22

9 History of changes ............................................................................... 23

© 2020 KEB Automation KG 5


2 Introduction
This document gives information about the released software versions mentioned above. There are two dif-
ferent so-called “profiles” available.

 Support for COMBIVERT
 Free of charge
 Registration recommended

COMBIVIS studio 6
 IEC61131 Development Environment
 Full version and additional features available via ticket activation

6 © 2020 KEB Automation KG


3 Components
3.1 Packages
Packages contain plugins, libraries, devices and documentation for a certain set of features.
The following default packages are installed automatically together with COMBIVIS studio 6:

Component Functionality Version

CODESYS Safety Extension Safety editors for the handling of 0.16.0
[only for testing purposes] KEB SAFETY components
CONTROL PRO / ADVANCED Motion control libraries and devices for usage with

3.2 Programming components

COMBIVIS studio 6 uses parts of the CODESYS Development System V3 by the CODESYS Group to offer
programming functionality for KEB PLCs. The underlying CODESYS Version is V3.5 SP15 Patch 2

3.3 KEB Device parameterization and configuration components

The following main components are included:

Component Functionality Version

KEB Base Plugin Basic functionality for the parameterization of KEB
devices (Device-Editor, ParameterLists etc.)
KEB COMBIVIS studio HMI Inte- Integration of the COMBIVIS studio HMI-Functionality
KEB Configurator The KEB Configurator
KEB Customizer KEB Framework Customization
KEB Document Database Adds the functionality to install, open and search
KEB documents with COMBIVIS.
KEB Drive file system Access to the file system on KEB drives
KEB Energy Efficiency Declaration Energy efficiency report generator for KEB drive con-
KEB F5 Motor Configurator PlugIn for configuration of F5-Inverters for certain
KEB Online Update Online Update funtionality
KEB Operation Mode wizard Wizard for configuration of the operation mode of x6
KEB Parameter Cockpit Parameter Cockpit
KEB Parameter list editor Editor for user defined lists of parameters
KEB Parameter Model Basic functionality to access the KEB parameter-de-
scriptions ("Paras.xml")
KEB Parameter Search Fulltext search for parameter lists and device param-

© 2020 KEB Automation KG 7

KEB Device parameterization and configuration components

Component Functionality Version

KEB Property Editor The Property-Editor that is used to edit parameter-
values and to display parameter properties
KEB Protection wizard Wizards for configuration of x6 protection/warning
KEB Safety integration Plugin that manages the KEB-safety parameters (in-
tegration of SAFEGRID)
KEB Scope Scope functionality
KEB Sequence Control wizards Basic functionality that is used by wizards to realize a
sequence-based operations
KEB Startup wizards (legacy) Common frame for offline configuration wizards (pre-
x6 generation)
KEB Startup wizards (x6 devices) Common frame for configuration wizards for devices
of the x6 generation
KEB Toolbox plugin Collection of tools for other KEB plugins
KEB Utilities Common utilities with basic functionality for
COMBIVIS [studio] 6 PlugIns + Implementation of the
COMBIVIS communication layer
KEB Velocity Mode wizard Wizard for configuration of the velocity-mode for x6
KEB x6 Motor Configurator Wizards for configuration of motor-settings in x6 de-
KEB x6 Online wizards Collection of online operation wizards for x6 devices
KEB x6 PD-Mapping wizard Wizard for configuration of x6 devices ProcessData-

8 © 2020 KEB Automation KG

Minimum equipment for smaller projects

4 System requirements
4.1 Minimum equipment for smaller projects
 Microsoft-Windows 7, Windows 10, each in 32-bit or 64-bit version
 2 GHz Processor
 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended)
 2.5 GB hard disk storage free
 Screen resolution min. 1024 x 768
 Display size 100% or 125% (150% with limitations)
 Microsoft .NET framework version 4.7.2

4.2 COMBIVIS 6 Safety Module Editor

For the Safety Module Editor in COMBIVIS 6 (Configuration / parameterization of safety modules in
COMBIVERT F6, S6, and H6) some other requirements are valid:
 The safety module editor requires a Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows 10 operating system.
 The current service pack should be installed.
 The language must be English or German.

4.3 COMBIVIS studio 6 Safety Editor

The system requirements for the COMBIVIS studio 6 Safety Editor (Programming of KEB Safety PLC und
Safety I/O modules) can be found in the current manual. It is accessible via menu bar: “Help”  “Show safe-

4.4 Note on Windows operating system versions

 Microsoft Windows 8.0 or 8.1 are no longer supported in COMBIVIS
ATTENTION 6 / COMBIVIS studio 6 version 6.6.0 and later!
 Microsoft Windows XP is no longer supported in COMBIVIS 6 /
COMBIVIS studio 6 version 6.4.0 and later!

4.5 Note on Microsoft .NET Framework

Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.7.2 or higher is required. If this software is not yet available on your
system, the COMBIVIS studio 6 setup will install it automatically (internet access required).
You may also download the .NET Framework installation files directly from Microsoft:

© 2020 KEB Automation KG 9

IEC 61131-3 Libraries

5 Change Notes
5.1 IEC 61131-3 Libraries

5.1.1 List of shipped libraries

The following libraries are shipped with this release:

Library name Version Remarks

KEB_Base Update
KEB_CanSlave Update
KEB_ChannelHandler Update
KEB_Din66019II Update
KEB_Drive_Utility Update
KEB_ErrorHistory New
KEB_Ecat_Master_Itf Update
KEB_Email Update
KEB_Fieldbus slaves
KEB_File_Handling Update
KEB_Gateway_Utility Update
KEB_License_Check Update
KEB_ParameterList_Handling Update
KEB_RealtimeEthernet Update
KEB_SMC_Utility Update

5.1.2 Library bugfixes / new features

Detailed information about changes in a library can be found in the “VersionHistory” text document inside
each library:

10 © 2020 KEB Automation KG

Bug fixes and new features

5.2 Bug fixes and new features

The following bugs have been fixed, and new features have been implemented since the last release (ver-
sion 6.5.0):

# Tracker Remarks
5422 Bug Update embedded external file: Updating of existing file with same name
only possible if done from POU view
19735 Bug PropertyEditor: ComboBoxes must be clicked twice to open
25969 Bug Package Manager plugin causes application crash
28710 Bug Scope export doesn't check for special characters like * and doesn't show
a message for that
30396 Bug EthercatMaster: Writing of station alias may fail [SP13]
34870 Bug COMBIVIS Scope: Cursor is not being updated after it has been centered
35299 Bug Energy Efficiency Plugin: Content overlaps footer in generated declara-
tion sheet if font "Arial Narrow" is not available
35349 Bug EED plugin: some minor functional bugs and visual misalignments
35363 Bug Safety Module Object: Error message when editor should be opened but
device is not supported
35392 Bug Automatic package installation at application startup fails if "Description"
is not set
35403 Bug Parameter communication is active even though all wizards / editors are
in background or closed
35581 Bug PDFViewer doesn't start up
35636 Bug Energy Efficiency Plugin: Content overlaps footer in generated declara-
tion sheet if language is German

© 2020 KEB Automation KG 11

Bug fixes and new features

# Tracker Remarks
35725 Bug CODESYS Gateway SysTray don't work after installing CvStudio 6 5.0
35734 Bug Parameter backup: If backup is created for multiple drives into separate
lists, the "Destination ConfigIDs" contains all selected ConfigIDs in each
list, instead of only the ConfigID of the respective drive
35746 Bug Fieldbus Wizard: Logos are not displayed for "Powerlink" and "Ether-
35749 Bug Parameterization options: If the "Additional Directory" is filled with an in-
valid path, it is not possible to save the parameterization options - mes-
sage "Wrong Input!" appears every time
35750 Bug Complete parameter list algorithm does not evaluate "exclude from com-
plete list" flag for sub parameters of STRUCTs
35900 Bug Start page: Names of recent project not displayed on Windows 10 with
125% Zoom
35961 Bug Unknown parameters are displayed incorrect
36314 Bug In certain case, CV6 registration dialog signals success but application is
still unregistered
36470 Bug C6 / P6: Overflow if IP address with a value > 255 for any segment is en-
36497 Bug EtherCAT ESI Export: Wrong <PdoMapping> Flags at ARRAY DataType
36626 Bug "Add Object" -> "Parameter list": Suggested object name is empty when
the command is executed a second time
36643 Bug DW5 Export: Text in field "Description" gets lost
36648 Bug DW5 Export: It is not possible to export an empty parameter list
36788 Bug COMBIVIS Studio HMI path will not be detected automatically
36993 Bug Parameterlist file import: File Open Dialog should have a filter
37162 Bug Importing cvxpl files with device references greater than 0 cause excep-
37369 Bug Display of some Controlword Bits in some modes of operation are wrong
37511 Bug COMBIVIS Connect control center will not be detected by COMBIVIS (Stu-
dio) 6
37812 Bug "Find in documentation": Misleading error message if no document is de-
fined in ParaDocuments.xml
37816 Bug Missing translations for error messages in the identification wizard
37966 Bug DW5 Im-/Export: NullReferenceException when DW5 file is double-
clicked and then exported again (out of the temporary project)
38177 Bug Parameter list: Long device names are cut off in device reference list
38200 Bug Setup: A required restart of external tools (redistributables etc.) is not
38675 Bug C6C2 - CAN cannot be added to PLC
9872 Request Project files should be opened with the profile (CV base/ CV studio)
22816 Request Parameter list up/download: Display index of entry in progress dialog
25005 Request Allow user to hide the DocumentDatabase Package Manager Window
while installing

12 © 2020 KEB Automation KG

Bug fixes and new features

# Tracker Remarks
30299 Request Integration of wibu licencing mechanism
31766 Request Update c6 embedded devdesc: MotorolaBitfields
33040 Request Fieldbus wizard: Powerlink XDD file export
34486 Request DevDesc for C6 Compact contains old version for KEB_PLC_Hardware
34790 Request PackageCustomizer: Implement logic to automatically apply bugfix
35704 Request Open the SaveFileDialog for exporting parameterlists in the directory of
the imported file if available
35731 Request Parameter backup dialog: Add "select all", "unselect all" and "select
online only" options
35740 Request Package Installation at application startup: Limit the maximum height of
the "Extraordinary events" window
35743 Request Fieldbus wizard: Use colored fieldbus logos
36063 Request Reflect changes to the OH and OHI related parameter in the protec-
tion/warning wizard
36117 Request Scope import: Imported object should get the name stored in the sc6 file
instead of the file name
36589 Request devdesc c6c2 update file syslibs
36631 Request Add Logging to setup
36634 Request ParameterCockpit
37262 Request Setup: Add an option to disable the linking of ".project" file type with the
37293 Request Setup: Integrate files for Safety module type 5, v5.5.0.8
37427 Request Document support on node page.
37499 Request "Add device": Improve message displayed if user enters an invalid device
37539 Request Desktop shortcut for COMBIVIS studio 6 should be deselectable
37540 Request Package installation at application startup: The decision about whether
there are packages suitable for the current profile should be made earlier
37578 Request Unify COMBIVIS 6 and COMBIVIS studio 6 setups
37713 Request Add Generic ESI for F6-P
37714 Request Add EoE support to generic ESIs for S6/F6-A/K
37815 Request Add KEB specific transitions 17 and 21 to the state machine in the testrun
37922 Request Setup: External tools should be installed without showing an extra dialog
37943 Request Online Update: MinVersion / MaxVersion should check against version
number in Windows Registry instead of version number of COMBIVIS
37962 Request Package installation during setup
38719 Request Change the installed version of the Codemeter Runtime to 7.10a to miti-
gate several vulnerabilities
36034 Main Job Integrate CODESYS Safety package V0.16.0
36058 Main Job Integrate Softmotion package

© 2020 KEB Automation KG 13

Installation of clean device / library repository

# Tracker Remarks
36097 Main Job Integrate CODESYS Automation Platform V3.5 SP15 Patch 2

5.3 Installation of clean device / library repository

With version 6.4.0 the device and library repositories shipped with COMBIVIS studio 6 have been reworked
and cleaned. Several obsolete or unsupported components have been removed from the installation to in-
crease clarity and usability. If a previous installation of COMBIVIS studio 6 has been present on the com-
puter, the old repository contents will remain in the repository directory anyway, to ensure backwards com-
patibility. To take advantage of the reduced and simplified repositories, even if a previous installation has
been installed before, the user can advise the COMBIVIS studio 6 installer to automatically clean up the ex-
isting repositories:

If this option is selected, the old contents are not deleted form the disk, but only moved to a backup directory.
If required (e.g. because a certain 3rd party component or a special, user-defined EtherCAT process data
mapping was included in the old repository), it is possible to recover the old contents by adding this backup
directory as an additional repository location.
(Menu: “Tools”  “Device repository…”  “Edit Locations”  “Add”,
or: “Tools”  “Library repository…”  “Edit Locations”  “Add”):

14 © 2020 KEB Automation KG

Installation of clean device / library repository

Default repository backup locations:

 Device repository: C:\ProgramData\COMBIVIS studio 6\Devices_Backup
 Library repository: C:\ProgramData\COMBIVIS studio 6\Managed Libraries_Backup

Note: The recommended procedure to ensure compatibility of projects also for newer IDE versions is always
to generate a project archive. This archive file automatically contains all components (especially devices and
libraries) used in the project and is therefore the best way to migrate a project to a new version of COMBIVIS

© 2020 KEB Automation KG 15


6 Known restrictions
6.1 HSP5
KEB High speed serial protocol for F5 (HSP5) is not supported by COMBIVIS 6! Users who need to connect
to a device via HSP5 are recommended to use the KEB USB Serial Converter (part no. 0058060-0040),
which converts HSP5 to the protocol DIN66019II (serial) which is supported by COMBIVIS 6.

16 © 2020 KEB Automation KG

COMBIVIS 6 customer registration

7 Registration / Feature activation

7.1 COMBIVIS 6 customer registration
This chapter explains the non-mandatory registration procedure for the base-version COMBIVIS 6. Feature
activation of COMBIVIS studio 6 is described in the next chapter.

The registration of COMBIVIS 6 is optional and free of charge. However, we recommend to register your
COMBIVIS 6 version in order to get access to the KEB document database.

To register your COMBIVIS 6 version, please use the menu command “Help”  “Free customer registration”,
click “Free customer registration” on the COMBIVIS 6 start page, or go directly to
dex.php?id=636. Then, follow the instructions on the website.

7.2 COMBIVIS studio 6 feature activation

COMBIVIS studio 6 version 6.6.0 uses a new licensing mechanism. To
ATTENTION use the actual range of features after the update, the system has to be
activated using the forwarded ticket. If no ticket is available, the applica-
tion can only run in DEMO mode with a limited feature set and the follow-
ing dialog will be displayed on every start-up:

Please contact a KEB contact person in this case!

Please note that for online activation, you need access to the Internet
ATTENTION and the latest version of a common web browser. Older versions incl.
ESR/LTS versions might not work.
However, if online activation does not work for you, you can activate your
features anyway. Please use “File-based license transfer” in this case.

In order to activate your COMBIVIS studio 6 installation, please open the “Manage features” dialog (Menu
“Help”  “Manage features”, or click “Manage features” on the start page).

© 2020 KEB Automation KG 17

COMBIVIS studio 6 feature activation

Inside the dialog, please click on “Webdepot”:

18 © 2020 KEB Automation KG

COMBIVIS studio 6 feature activation

The KEB WebDepot opens up in a new web browser window. The KEB WebDepot is your feature manage-
ment dashboard, where you can review, activate or deactivate all your COMBIVIS studio 6 feature. You can
also get to the KEB WebDepot directly via this link:

In the KEB WebDepot, enter your ticket number, and press “Next”:

On the next page, you see all features available for you. Press “Activate Licenses” to proceed:

© 2020 KEB Automation KG 19

COMBIVIS studio 6 feature activation

Now, press “Activate Selected Licenses Now” to start the activation process:

20 © 2020 KEB Automation KG

COMBIVIS studio 6 feature activation

After the feature activation is completed, the WebDepot confirms the successful feature activation:

If you now go back to COMBIVIS studio 6, you will see the activated features in the “Manage features” dia-

© 2020 KEB Automation KG 21

COMBIVIS studio 6 feature activation

8 Legal terms

By using COMBIVIS 6 and/or COMBIVIS studio 6 you agree to KEB’s GENERAL TERMS OF CONTRACT
FOR THE CESSION OF SOFTWARE LICENSE PRODUCTS, which can be found on the KEB website
( and in your local COMBIVIS 6 installation directory.

COMBIVIS 6 / COMBIVIS studio 6 incorporates 3rd party software components, which bring their own license
terms. Information about these components and the corresponding license terms can be found in the file
ThirdPartyLicenses\EndUserInformation_OpenSource_CVs6.pdf located in your COMBIVIS 6 installa-
tion directory.

22 © 2020 KEB Automation KG

COMBIVIS studio 6 feature activation

9 History of changes

Date Version Change Author

2013-05-21 Updated to new version Dominik Follmann
2013-09-26 Updated to new version Dominik Follmann
2014-02-24 Updated to new version Dominik Follmann
2014-10-15 Updated to new version Dominik Follmann
2015-07-13 Updated to new version Dominik Follmann
2016-06-28 Updated to new version Dominik Follmann
2017-07-13 6.4.0 Updated to new version Dominik Follmann
2018-03-22 6.4.1 Updated to new version Michael Heinze
2019-08-16 6.5.0 Updated to new version Michael Heinze
2020-09-23 6.6.0 Updated to new version + Michael Heinze

© 2020 KEB Automation KG 23

P.R. China | KEB Power Transmission Technology (Shanghai) Co.
Austria | KEB Automation GmbH
Ltd. No. 435 QianPu Road Chedun Town Songjiang District
Ritzstraße 8 4614 Marchtrenk Austria
201611 Shanghai P.R. China
Tel: +43 7243 53586-0 Fax: +43 7243 53586-21
Tel: +86 21 37746688 Fax: +86 21 37746600
E-Mail: Internet:
E-Mail: Internet:

Benelux | KEB Automation KG

Dreef 4 – box 4 1703 Dilbeek Belgium Poland | KEB Automation KG
Tel: +32 2 447 8580 Tel: +48 60407727
E-Mail: Internet: E-Mail: Internet:

Brazil | KEB SOUTH AMERICA - Regional Manager Republic of Korea | KEB Automation KG
Rua Dr. Omar Pacheco Souza Riberio, 70 Room 1709, 415 Missy 2000 725 Su Seo Dong
CEP 13569-430 Portal do Sol, São Carlos Brazil Gangnam Gu 135- 757 Seoul Republic Korea
Tel: +55 16 31161294 E-Mail: Tel: +82 2 6253 6771 Fax: +82 2 6253 6770

Czech Republic | KEB Automation GmbH

Russian Federation | KEB RUS Ltd.
Videnska 188/119d 61900 Brno Czech Republic
Tel: +420 544 212 008 Lesnaya str, house 30 Dzerzhinsky MO
E-Mail: Internet: 140091 Moscow region Russian Federation
Tel: +7 495 6320217 Fax: +7 495 6320217
E-Mail: Internet:
France | Société Française KEB SASU
Z.I. de la Croix St. Nicolas 14, rue Gustave Eiffel Spain | KEB Automation KG
94510 La Queue en Brie France c / Mitjer, Nave 8 - Pol. Ind. LA MASIA
Tel: +33 149620101 Fax: +33 145767495 08798 Sant Cugat Sesgarrigues (Barcelona) Spain
E-Mail: Internet: Tel: +34 93 8970268 Fax: +34 93 8992035
Germany | Geared Motors
KEB Antriebstechnik GmbH Switzerland | KEB Automation AG
Wildbacher Straße 5 08289 Schneeberg Germany Witzbergstrasse 24 8330 Paeffikon/ZH Switzerland
Telefon +49 3772 67-0 Telefax +49 3772 67-281 Tel: +41 43 2886060 Fax: +41 43 2886088
Internet: E-Mail: E-Mail: Internet:

Italy | KEB Italia S.r.l. Unipersonale United Kingdom | KEB (UK) Ltd.
Via Newton, 2 20019 Settimo Milanese (Milano) Italia 5 Morris Close Park Farm Indusrial Estate
Tel: +39 02 3353531 Fax: +39 02 33500790 Wellingborough, Northants, NN8 6 XF United Kingdom
E-Mail: Internet: Tel: +44 1933 402220 Fax: +44 1933 400724
E-Mail: Internet:
Japan | KEB Japan Ltd.
15 - 16, 2 - Chome, Takanawa Minato-ku United States | KEB America, Inc
Tokyo 108 - 0074 Japan 5100 Valley Industrial Blvd. South
Tel: +81 33 445-8515 Fax: +81 33 445-8215 Shakopee, MN 55379 United States
E-Mail: Internet: Tel: +1 952 2241400 Fax: +1 952 2241499
E-Mail: Internet:

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