Module Written Assignment. Part - 2. Code: V1i Student Name: Stefany Pineda Group: BM-73i Year:2021

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Module written assignment. Part – 2.

Code: V1i

Student Name: Stefany Pineda

Group: BM-73i

1. Explain the radioactive decay law. Define the activity of a radionuclide and its units.
The radioactive decay law states that “The probability per unit time that a nucleus
will decay is a constant, independent of time”. This is exponential in nature, expressed
mathematically as:

Where N 0 is the number of nuclei present initially, N t is the number of nuclei present
at time t and λ is the radioactive decay constant.
As I can define de activity of a radionuclide is determinate by measuring the number
of disintegrations per unit of time. A disintegration occurs each time a nucleus ejects
particles or energy.
This activity is measured in a unit called the Becquerel (Bq)
1 Bq is equivalent to 1 disintegration per second

2. What are the main sources of natural background ionizing radiation?

The two main sources are the cosmic radiation and radiation from terrestrial (related
to the earth) sources.
80% of the annual effect dose received is due to internal radiation (natural
radionuclides food, water and air).
20% due to external cosmic radiation
3. What is the mass of 32S with the activity of 1 Bq. The half-life is 87 days, the atomic mass
is 32 a.m.u.

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