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Orc) For each itern below, rate how well you display the behavior described. Before responding, try to think of actual situations in which you have had the opportunity to use the behavior. Indicate whether each item below is Mostly False or Mostly True for you Mostly Mostly False True 1, Associate different internal physiological cues with dif- ferent emotions. 2. Relax when under pressure in situations. 3. Know the impact that your behavior has on others. 4, Initiate successful resolution of conflict with others, 66. Know when you are becomn- ing angry, 6. Recognize when others are distressed, 7. Build consensus with others. 8, Produce motivation when doing uninteresting work. 9. Help others manage their emotions. 10, Make others feel good. 11, Identify when you experi- ‘ence mood shifts 12, Stay calm when you are the target of anger from others. 18. Know when you become defensive. 14. Follow your words with actions, 15, Engage in intimate conversa- tions with others, 16. Accurately reflect people's feelings back to them. Scoring and Interpretation ‘Sum your Mostly True responses to the 16 questions, +o obtain your overall emotional intelligence score. Your score for self-awareness is the total of questions 1.5, 11, and 13. Your score for self-management is the total of questions 2, 8 12, and 14. Your score for social awareness is the sum of questions 3, 6, 9, and 15. Your score far relationship management is the sum of ‘questions 4, 7, 10, and 16, This questionnaire provides some indication of your emotional intelligence. If you received a total score of 14 or more, you are certainly considered a person with high emotional intelligence. A score from 10 to 13 means you have a good platform Cf emotional intelligence from which to develop your leadership capability. A score of 7 to 9 would be moder- ‘ate emotional intelligence. A score below 7 indicates ‘that you realize that you are probably below average in ‘emotional inteligence. For each of the four components of emotional inteligence—self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management—e score of 4 is considered high, whereas a score of two or less would be considered low. Review the discussion in this chapter about the four components of emotional intelligence and, think about what you might do to develop those areas where you scored low. Compare your scores to those of other students. What can you do to improve your scores? Source: Adapted from Hendrie Weisinger, Emotions Intligence at Work (San Francisco: Jossay-Bass, 1998), pp. 214-216.

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