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Name: Razel A.

Sebog Year & Section: BEED 3B Date:


CHAPTER I: Understanding Technology in Education


1. What does history tell us? When is a technology educational and not just a technology?
The history tell us how important is the technology in terms of educational learning. Also
how human invention upgraded these technologies. Educational technology are used to support
learning and teaching. Whereas a mere technology refers to computers and software that are
used as transmission or communication network.

2. An early version of the Internet (Arpanet) existed long before 1990, but the combination
of Internet protocols and the development of html and the World Wide Web were clearly a
turning point in both telecommunications and education. What then makes the Internet/the
Web a paradigm shift? Or are they just an evolution, an orderly next step in the
development of technology?
For me, I think the internet (Arpanet) is an evolution it has an orderly step in the development of
3. Do you find the distinction between media and technology helpful? If so, how would you
classify the following (medium or technology):
• Newspapers • Television program • Netflix • classroom • MOOC

Medium Television program, Netflix, newspaper,

Technology Classroom, MOOC
Activity 2: Make a photo collage on the history of educational technology. For those who
opt to pass online, upload your collage in the comment section of the instructors‟ post
namely “Chapter 1, Activity 2, Collage” in the private group
CHAPTER 2: Integration of Technology in Instruction
Activity 1: Teaching and Learning: Then and Now
This activity will allow the students to differentiate teaching and learning in the early
generations and learning in the 21st century.
This activity will be done by group. There will be two sets of interview to be done- 1.) Interview
your teacher/parent/relative who experienced learning in the early generations; and 2.) Interview
your classmate/friend/relative who belong to a younger generation. Ask how was teaching and
learning like during their time in terms of teaching method, materials, technologies, assessments,
and activities done in class. Share them by writing the details below.
Note: As much as possible, interview only members of the family to avoid going out from
respective houses. Observe proper health protocol.

Name: Regine Pahid Name: Joanna Kim Deocampo

Relationship: Sister Relationship: Neighbor
Item Early Generation Younger Generation
Teaching and Learning Isolated, artificial context Authentic, real-world context
Teaching Method Lecture Method Variety of teaching methods
appropriate in the student’s
Instructional Materials and Dominant used of Power point presentation
Technology Used Blackboards and chalks:
books if present
How was Learning Achieved Used of textbooks and Use of manipulative materials,
workbooks makes use of multitude of
prints and electronic devices
Assessments Memorize contents from Students construct their own
textbooks understanding of the subject
Class Activities Passive recipients of Actively engaged in class
information. activities.
Competitive learners Collaborative learners
Others None None

Activity 2: Making my Learning Global

What What 21st century How will I What I wish to contribute in making
characteristics skills I need to acquire the 21st my community and the world
do I possess in develop? century skills I productive, stronger and better in
achieving the need to develop? terms of economy and education?
21st century
Multi-taskers As a future teacher Every set of skills I wish as a future educator is I could
and effective the skills I need to are acquired give influence and inspiration and
internet user to develop and become through constant impart knowledge that technologies
access much more effective practice with are power tools that they could build a
information and efficient passion and successful businesses or become
communicator. determination. creator and critics and not just a mere
consumers. Thus, nowadays using of
technology is massive when incomes
of businesses particularly during these
pandemic as well as education wherein
education were continued through
distance learning. Generally, despite
of any crisis the whole world are
facing in, people could still see great
opportunities and ways for a living.
Tools for Learning; Technology and Teaching Strategies
Activity 1: How are teachers already using technology in the classrooms today? Describe
the uses of technology in the classroom today, represented thru acrostic. Then explain the
word each letter represents.
A stands for teaching strAtegy because 21st century teachers make use all of forms of media - from
pictures to films in order to arouse the interest of the pupils and to generate concrete learning.
D is for Computer aiDed because teachers could also create a computer aided instructional materials
V stands for actiVe learners because learners becomes motivated and interested if technologies is
A stand for entertAinment because teacher used technology to hold the attention of each students in a
certain subject matter.
N stands for commuNication because technology is the most efficient tool during these pandemic wherein
distance learning and online learning occurs.
C stands for Collaborative because 21st century learners should develop these skills which is relevant in
entering the real world.
E stands for Enhances learners have their own pace of learning. Whereas some students needs more time
until they could understand while students who need less support can continue ahead.

Activity 2: Represent thru a Venn diagram the technological application and resources use
in collaborative learning with technology.

Resources Application

• Quest Atlantis
• Educational “quest” in online
• Asynchronous learning world
• Discussion boards
• Synchronous learning • Discussion and debates
• Wikis, blogs, classroom
• Students form ideas, share
webpages • Engage in conversation and write thoughts together
• Websites (folder share,
• Collaboration technology in
Stickam, Talk and Write, • Collaborative learning
any form of learning
TikiWiki, Google docs,
CHAPTER 4: Digital and Non-Digital Learning Resources
Reflect on the importance of Learning Materials in Teaching.
Learning Materials are relevant in teaching wherein students achieve meaningful transfer of
learning. Thus, these process aid student’s incapacity of learning independently. However, to
make sure that there is a significant increase of student’s achievement each one of them should
be guided and supported althroughout the learning process. Furthermore, the teachers impart
some things that their learners wanted to know, aside from knowledge there is also lessons
relevance of each student’s lives. Generally, learning materials are proven to be the best method
use provide long-term understanding, particularly through global learning.
As a 21st century educator, how can we apply and at the same time integrate the use of
Non-Digital and Digital Skills and Tools in Delivering Technology-Enhanced Lessons? How
can we enhance learning using these digital and non-digital tools? Cite specific examples.
Explore and do not be afraid to take all possibilities in teaching using these tools (digital and
non-digital) and come up with a more effective ways on how to integrate them into your
instruction. Since one of the qualities of being a 21 st century teacher and learners is being
creative and critical thinkers.
Digital tools are combined of multimedia elements such as text, images, videos and audios to
present information however research found out that it’ll be effective to combine words and
pictures (such as story books) than words alone (such as worksheets, operation sheets and
assignment sheets). On the contrary, non-digital tools enhance student’s learning by using an
old yet most useful and popular technology which is the whiteboard and blackboard because
these two could be an alternative if you have encountered troubles in preparing your power
point presentation and when blackout happens. Thus, using black/whiteboards are even
advantageous for teachers to get more work done as points and build diagrams which lead to a
more engaging activity/discussion.

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