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Morphological Studies on the Mechanisms of

Pigmentary Organelle Transport in Fish Xanthophores
and Melanophores
Department of Basic Clinical Sciences, University of Detroit Mercy; Detroit, Michigan 48219
Departments of Biological Sciences and Radiation Oncology, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan 48202
Gershenson Radiation Oncology Center, Harper Hospital, Detroit, Michigan 48201

KEY WORDS chromatophore; cytoskeleton; organelle transport; carotenoid droplets; melano-

ABSTRACT Pigmentary organelle translocations within fish chromatophores undergo physio-
logical color changes when exposed to external signals. Chromatophores can be isolated in high
yields, and their pigmentary organelles can be tracked readily by microscopy. The combined efforts
of morphology and biomolecular chemistry have led to the identification of and determination of the
interrelationships between cytoskeletal elements and accessory proteins, motor molecules, cytoma-
trix, and pigmentary organelles of various sizes. Fish chromatophores have been classified as fast,
intermediate, and slow translocators, based on the relative numbers of microtubules. Studies on
cultured goldfish (Carassius auratus L.) xanthophores for over 20 years have demonstrated that in
this slow translocator, tubulovesicular structures of the smooth endoplasmic reticular (SER)
cisternae are involved in the disperson and aggregation of associated carotenoid droplets (CD) with
some involvement of cytoskeletal elements. Killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus L.) melanophore, a fast
translocator, was also examined. Recent work demonstrates a bright fluorescent “starburst”-like
spot that we call an actin filament-organizing center (AFOC) with radiating microfilaments, akin to
the microtubule-organizing center (MTOC) with radiating microtubules. Melanosomes translocate
single-file on microtubules and are not associated with SER cisternae. Slower CD dispersion or
aggregation in goldfish xanthophores seems to be predominantly microfilament-based transport, or
microfilament- and microtubule-based transport, respectively. Faster melanosome translocations
in killifish melanophores are based on microtubules, with our evidence indicating microfilament
involvement. Neural crest-derived chromatophores are models for vesicular transport in axons, and
immunocytochemical and imaging technologies may help to elucidate the cellular transport mech-
anisms. Microsc. Res. Tech. 58:470 – 480, 2002. © 2002 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

OVERVIEW stages of secretion (Lo et al., 1980). The stages of dis-

Neural crest-derived fish chromatophores, situated persion or aggregation of CD involve rearrangements
within the dermis, may be convenient models for cy- and interrelationships of specific cytoskeletal elements
toskeleton-dependent anterograde and retrograde (Palazzo et al., 1989a; Walker et al., 1984). Later work
transport in neurons, as well as for early stages of by WCTEM revealed that CD are attached to or are
secretion in irritable cells. The mechanisms of pigmen- part of elongating and retracting tubulovesicular struc-
tary organelle dispersion and aggregation in the gold- tures of SER cisternae by WCTEM (Kimler et al.,
fish xanthophore have been studied in relation to cy- 1993), supported by work with cytoskeletal inhibitors
toskeletal structure in the killifish melanophore. Early and immunocytochemical identification (Kimler and
work on the goldfish xanthophore, what was then Taylor, 1995).
called the erythrophore, began with the characteriza- Four physiological states for pigmentary organelle
tion of the pigmentary organelles (Matsumoto, 1965; distribution can be generalized to all chromatophores:
Matsumoto and Obika, 1968), before xanthophore stud- dispersing, dispersed, aggregating, and aggregated
ies were extended from Japan to Detroit, Michigan. states, which are induced by hormones, such as ACTH,
Whole fish scale tissues and cultured individual chro- for dispersion and epinephrine, for aggregation and
matophores have been examined by thin-section and other agonists, such as caffeine or camp, for dispersion.
whole-cell (WC)TEM, immuno/fluorescence, and confo-
cal microscopy in the Taylor and Tchen laboratory. The
dispersion of CD in the xanthophore was found to be *Correspondence to: Dr. Victoria A. Kimler, Department of Basic Clinical
Sciences, College of Health Professions, University of Detroit Mercy; Detroit, MI
concomitant with the dispersion of smooth endoplasmic 48219. E-mail:
reticulum (Winchester et al., 1976), and actin filaments Received 11 December 2001; accepted in revised form 15 January 2002
in cultured xanthophores were involved in filopodial DOI 10.1002/jemt.10165
formation and in CD associations, implicating early Published online in Wiley InterScience (


The rates of these pigmentary organelle translocations of F-actin within filopodia. WCTEM showed inhibition
will vary among chromatophores: the goldfish xan- of filopodial formation by cytochalasin B destabiliza-
thophore is one of the slowest translocators, while the tion, suggesting that CD are associated with microfila-
killifish melanophore is one of the most rapid, and the ments during pigment dispersion (Lo et al., 1980).
increased density of microtubules seems to relate to the Thin-section TEM experiments on the goldfish xan-
increased rates of pigmentary organelle translocations thophore indicated that there is melanocyte-stimulat-
(Junqueira et al., 1974; Schliwa, 1982). Slower trans- ing hormone (MSH)- or cAMP-induced dispersion of
locators, such as the goldfish xanthophore (Palazzo, carotenoid-containing SER, which is inhibited by cy-
1984; Palazzo et al., 1989a; Winchester et al., 1976) tochalasin B, an actin destabilizer; and epinephrine-
appear to rely on the elongation and retraction of tu- induced aggregation of this SER by colchicine, a micro-
bulovesicular SER, which carry the pigmentary or- tubule destabilizer. It was also suggested that the dis-
ganelles. The cisternal elongation and retraction re- persion of carotenoids does not involve the release of
quires microfilaments, microtubules, and intermediate pigment from, but rather the movement of, the SER
filaments in different phases of CD translocations (Winchester et al., 1976), yet lipid monolayers sur-
(Kimler et al., 1993). The faster translocators, such as rounding carotenoid droplets were found within such
the killifish melanophore (Bickle et al., 1966; Jun- SER cisternae (Lo et al., 1979). Thin-section TEM re-
quieira and Porter, 1971) use radial microtubules as a sults also suggested that carotenoids might be trans-
means for pigmentary organelle transport. Recently, ported within the agranular reticulum in goldfish
microfilaments were found to emanate from the cyto- erythrophores (Matsumoto and Obika, 1968). Hor-
center, which followed the radial pattern of the micro- mone-induced dispersion of CD and SER was inhibited
tubules in the killifish melanophore. We are calling by cytochalasin B in primary cultures of xanthophores,
this central region of actin labeling the AFOC (Haddad as well (Obika et al., 1978b).
et al., 1995; Kimler and Vallarapu, 1997; Kimler et al.,
2002), and melanosomes may also translocate upon its SUBSEQUENT STUDIES: PERMEABILIZED
radial microfilament tracks. Fluorescence and confocal AND CELL-FREE SYSTEMS
microscopy indicated that the AFOC is close to the Xanthophores were now recoverable in high yields
MTOC, and that the radial distribution of microfila- with purity for cell culture (Lo et al., 1982), and exper-
ments remains similar in three of the four states of iments on the signaling mechanisms for CD transport
pigmentary distribution. The fully pigment-aggregated began. Molecular players in dispersion and aggrega-
state blocks AFOC viewing. The structural continuum tion were eludicated in permeabilized cell and cell-free
of aligned melanosomes within the killifish melano- systems (Lynch et al., 1981, 1986a, b; Palazzo et al.,
phore (Green, 1968) supports this observation of both 1989b; Tchen et al., 1988; Wu et al., 1990; Yu et al.,
radial and parallel microtubules and microfilaments. It 1989, 1990; Zeng et al., 1989) along with the immuno-
would be interesting to determine if the AFOC is logic characterization of intermediate filaments
involved in organizing and trafficking pigmentary (Walker et al., 1989) and the CD phosphoprotein, p57
organelles from this central “hub” in the fast translo- (Gu, 1991). In order to carefully study the cytoskeleton,
cators, and, also if the AFOC exists in the slow trans- xanthophores were extracted and fixed after inducing
locators, where the SER may need to be compartmen- different states of pigment distribution. Early to mid-
talized because of its size. The ultrastructural observa- dispersion of CD in xanthophores demonstrated micro-
tions of chromatophores may provide insights into the filament involvement, while final dispersion repre-
stages of a vesicle’s path of transport in several excit- sented a steady state between microfilament and inter-
able cells, through a physiological as well as a devel- mediate filament involvement. Early aggregation was
opmental time-course. It is interesting to note that the shown to involve intermediate filaments, while micro-
slow migration of pigmentary organelles in the goldfish tubules were suggested to help form and hold together
xanthophore is still faster than what is considered to be the final state of pigment aggregation (Palazzo et al.,
fast vesicle transport of both the anterograde and the 1989a; Tchen et al., 1986). Intermediate filaments were
retrograde directions in the neuron’s axon (Baitinger et immunolabeled with monoclonal antibodies generated
al., 1982; Hammerschlag and Brady, 1989; Lasek and against goldfish erythrophoroma cell intermediate fil-
Brady, 1982; Ochs, 1981b; Tytell et al., 1981). Micros- ament proteins. The filaments were seen as a perinu-
copy in the twenty-first century is a powerful tool that clear band around aggregated CD and as loosely ar-
can aid molecular biology to answer how structure and ranged when the pigment was dispersed (Walker et al.,
function can complement each other in these compar- 1989). Furthermore, the destabilization of intermedi-
ative organelle transport systems. ate filaments by acrylamide treatment inhibited the
aggregation of CD (Tchen et al., 1988). High-resolution
GOLDFISH XANTHOPHORES scanning electron microscopy, however, demonstrated
Early Studies: Thin-Section TEM Work that CD are attached to intermediate filaments in frac-
The goldfish xanthophore was first investigated us- tured xanthophores (Lim et al., 1987). This intermedi-
ing tissue sections of the scale (Lo, 1979; Winchester et ate filament system showed unique reorganizing char-
al., 1976) or cell suspensions for thin-section TEM. In acteristics in response to pigment aggregation (Wang
consequence of the development of culturing tech- et al., 1997), with microtubule involvement in CD
niques, the cells could be viewed by WCTEM (Lo et al., translocations (Chen and Wang, 1993). In the squir-
1979, 1980). Initial WCTEM work of air-dried xan- relfish erythrophore, a fast translocator with numerous
thophores demonstrated the formation of pigmented microtubules and large CD, intermediate filaments
filopodia when cells were stimulated with ACTH, while were implicated to hold CD in position and coordinate
thin-section TEM showed heavy meromyosin labeling their movements during transport (Murphy and

Grasser, 1984). These bands were confirmed by fluo- leaflet of the lipid bi-layer of the electron-lucent cister-
rescence studies to be vimentin, circumscribing the CD num was shown to be continuous with the single mem-
aggregate (Wang and Stearns, 1986), but not associ- brane of the more electron-dense CD, the inner mem-
ated with CD (Stearns and Wang, 1987). brane is absent. The electron-lucent short stem that
attaches CD to the cisternum has a lipid bilayer. This
LATEST STUDIES: DEVELOPMENT OF THE supports earlier observations of lipid monolayers
WCTEM TECHNIQUE FOR HIGHLY around CD in xanthophores by thin-section TEM (Lo et
FLATTENED XANTHOPHORES al., 1979), and in squirrelfish erythrophores where CD
The ability to view ultrastructural features of the lack a limiting membrane by WCTEM (Porter et al.,
different stages of pigmentary organelle dispersion or 1983). There may be hydrophobic interactions between
aggregation in cultured xanthophores was now en- the diglycerides and the carotenoids, causing the col-
hanced with the use of cytoskeletal stabilizing agents, lapse of the inner membrane into the pigment (Kimler
phalloidin and taxol, tannic acid with the second glu- et al., 1993). Thin-section TEM of shrimp chromato-
taraldehyde fixation, staining with uranyl acetate, de- phores demonstrates that monolayer membrane lipo-
hydration and critical-point drying with freon, as the carotenoid granules are attached to lipid bilayers of the
WCTEM technique development evolved into its recent SER, suggesting that these lipocarotenoids are derived
stage. Sharper resolution without the requirement to from the external surfaces of the SER cisternae and not
extract or permeabilize cells was noted (Kimler et al., from the Golgi apparatus (McNamara and Sesso,
1993). One of the other utilities developed for optimum 1982). Microlipid droplets appear to originate from ER
viewing of a xanthophore in culture was to permit cell membranes of milk-secreting mammary gland epithe-
process spreading as a function of time in culture. lial cells, as well (Deeney et al., 1985; Zaczek and
Individual xanthophores became maximally flattened Keenan, 1990). Even the melanosomes of the xanthic
until they could not become any thinner and broader sailfin molly (Poecilia latipinna Lesueur) develop in
(Flattening Index; F.I. ⫽ 5). The various degrees of part from an ER-derived vesicle that develops an in-
dispersion or aggregation of CD were scored by light ternal lamellar framework (Blanchard et al., 1991).
microscopy (Taylor et al., 1991). Cells could be cultured Radioactive tracer and cytochemical studies for TEM
at flattening indices from 1 to 5, with correlative pig- demonstrated SER movements within neuronal axo-
mentary organelle indices (P.O.I.) from 1 (fully aggre- plasm without evidence of cytoskeletal dependency
gated) to 5 (fully dispersed). This light microscopic (Tsukita and Ishikawa, 1979). However, the entire con-
index could be partially applied to WCTEM, because tinuous network of SER probably does not move but
the viewing area of a F.I. ⫽ 5 xanthophore was approx- rather small vesicles pinch off and refuse at another
imately 40% of the entire cell, with the exception of the aspect of the cisternum. This may be paralleled with
cytocenter and the nucleus, where the region was too the elongation and retraction of cisternae from station-
thick to accommodate penetrating electrons (Kimler et ary SER. Dense-cored vesicles are shown to be attached
al., 1993). The older 5-stage index of pigmentary or- to tubulovesicular cisternae in neurons (Droz et al.,
ganelle dispersion based on in situ melanophores of 1975); in PC-12 cells by thin-section TEM (Luckenbill-
amphibian skin (Hogben and Slome, 1931), demon- Edds et al., 1979), and also by WCTEM (Kimler et al.,
strated the positive interdependency of enhanced cel- 1991b). Vesicles were also seen as attached to a retic-
lular flattening and also of pigmentary organelle dis- ulum in central nervous system growth cones by
persion, without demonstrating evidence of highly flat- WCTEM (Tsui et al., 1983).
tened cells possessing fully aggregated pigment and
highly rounded cells having fully dispersed pigment. COMPOSITION OF THE TUBULOVESICULAR
NATURE OF THE CAROTENOID DROPLET The next attempt was to determine if the tubulove-
ASSOCIATIONS TO THE TUBULOVESICULAR sicular structures were actually SER-derived cisternae
STRUCTURES BY WCTEM within the xanthophore. Cultured xanthophores were
By WCTEM, CD were seen in association with the stained for fluorescence microscopy with a vital dye,
SER, except in rare cases at the periphery of the cell DiOC6(3), originally used to identify SER in CV-1 ep-
where they seemed to be clustered on cortical micro- ithelial cells (Terasaki, 1990). This staining was found
filaments. These dynamic cisternae elongated with to be positive for xanthophore SER cisternae, and
ACTH stimulation and dispersed the CD, while they ACTH dependent elongation of the cisternae from ca-
retracted upon removal of ACTH and consequently ag- rotenoid vesicles (Figs. 2a– c) was demonstrated with
gregated the CD (Kimler et al., 1993; Taylor, 1992). time course fluorescence images of xanthophores (ini-
Tubulovesicular cisternae emerged from and retracted tial F.I. ⫽ 5; P.O.I. ⫽ 4) treated with ACTH for disper-
into carotenoid vesicles, which are smooth surfaced, sion of CD (for review see Kimler et al., 1993). SER
electron dense and presumably filled with carotenoid tubular membranes can be found parallel along the
pigments. Tubulovesicular SER with associated CD length of and in association with microtubules. These
(Fig. 1) is seen in a cultured xanthophore (F.I. ⫽ 5; membranes change their course of translocation, alter
P.O.I. ⫽ 5) treated with ACTH for CD dispersion by their shapes from slender to bulbous, and sprout new
WCTEM (for review see Kimler et al., 1993). The termini in time-course studies within several cell types
greater electron density of the carotenoid vesicle sug- and in cell-free systems (Dabora and Sheetz, 1988b;
gested that this was the origin of the CD aneurysms Lee et al., 1989; Terasaki, 1990; Terasaki et al., 1990).
found on electron-lucent membranous protrusions. The Individual SER cisternal termini have also been
cisternae appeared to serve as a ferry to transport CD tracked by fast axonal anterograde and retrograde
(Kimler et al., 1993; Taylor, 1992). Although the outer transport in neurons (Gallant et al., 1992). In the xan-

Fig. 1. The elongated electron-lucent lumen of the tubulovesicular carotenoid vesicles (v). Trilaminar membranes (arrowheads) are
SER (er) and the electron dense CD (cd), which are associated with the found on the cisternae. The CD are part of the cisternae where the
cisternae in a xanthophore (F.I. ⫽ 5: P.O.I. ⫽ 5) treated with ACTH outer layer of the trilaminar membrane is continuous with the CD
for dispersion. The cisternae appear to emerge from electron-dense monolayer membrane (m) by WCTEM. 69,505⫻.

Fig. 2. Fluorescence micrographs showing that a xanthophore, maintained in CD-aggregation me-

dium, and then stimulated with ACTH– containing dispersion medium for 40 minutes, followed by
staining with DiOC6(3) in the dispersion medium, while alive, and photographed at 2-minute intervals,
exhibits the emergence of protrusions (arrowheads) from carotenoid vesicles (v). 1,508⫻. Modified from
Kimler et al., 1993.

thophore, carotenoid vesicles with protrusions could CYTOSKELETAL ELEMENTS-SER CISTERNAL

only be found between the cell center and the periph- INTERACTIONS BY WCTEM
ery, because of the central thickness by WCTEM. At
this level of resolution, protrusions had associated CD. The next stage of experiments was carried out by
Carotenoid vesicles with protrusions of different WCTEM to determine what cytoskeletal elements are
lengths were seen throughout the cell by DiOC6(3) in proximity to, and which cytoskeletal elements asso-
staining for fluorescence microscopy, a level of micro- ciate with CD and/or the tubulovesicular cisternae in
scopic resolution not able to detect individual CD (Kim- the different phases of dispersion and aggregation. In
ler, 1993; Kimler et al., 1993). the xanthophore, microfilaments and intermediate fil-

aments were in found in bundles and as individual intermediate filaments changed their spatial relation-
filaments in proximity to the CD-studded tubulovesicu- ships. Because CD failed to aggregate and sometimes
lar structures. Microfilaments were seen in bundles in accumulated within the distal lamellae with this treat-
the cortical regions and as stress fibers, in proximity to ment, it is likely that microfilaments may be required
the tubulovesicular structures in the cell peripheries. for aggregation of CD. Nocodazole treatment demon-
It appeared that elongated cisternae were actually be- strated that some, but not all, cisternae became vesic-
ing pulled into filopodia during lamellar formation ulated and then collapsed, suggesting that microtu-
(Kimler, 1993; Taylor, 1992). This supported earlier bules are required for the integrity and for the retrac-
observations of dynamic process formation (Lo et al., tion of those adjacent tubulovesicular structures. As a
1980; Obika et al., 1978b) as dependent upon a pro- result of this treatment, microfilaments and interme-
posed microfilament nucleation center on the plasma diate filaments did not appear to change their spatial
membrane (Lo et al., 1979). Bundles of intermediate relationships, possibly due to the lower numbers of
filaments in proximity to cisternae were seen during microtubules in the xanthophore. Destabilization of
pigment aggregation (Kimler et al., 1993), supporting intermediate filaments with cyclohexamide resulted in
the fluorescence data of perinuclear band formation by extensive alteration of the appearance of cells. The
intermediate filament immunolabeling during aggre- cells appeared to be perturbed morphologically as if
gation (Walker et al., 1989). Microtubules were seen they were in the process of dying. Cycloheximide de-
parallel or perpendicular to cisternae. Not all of the stabilizes intermediate filaments (Sharpe et al., 1980)
tubulovesicular cisternae had microtubules adjacent to along with the cisternae in xanthophores (Kimler et al.,
them; however, some cisternae could be found without 1993), which is likely secondary to cycloheximide’s ef-
adjacent microtubules. Very few of the microtubules fect on inhibiting protein synthesis having other cell
were found without proximal cisternae; most had a biological effects (Lee et al., 1989). Fluorescence mi-
parallel cisternum. Since xanthophore microtubules croscopy revealed diffuse staining of cisternae with
emanate from within the cytocenter (Palazzo et al., DiOC6(3) when xanthophores were treated with cy-
1989a), they may be involved in the retraction of cis- tochalasin B and D, and collapsed cisternae when the
ternae with consequent aggregation of CD. Meshwork- cells were treated with nocodazole. These studies were
like arrangements of microfilaments and intermediate performed during the course of pigment aggregation by
filaments appeared to make direct contact with CD- cisternal retraction, in that WCTEM viewing was pos-
studded cisternae, sometimes appearing as cross sible in such flatter peripheral processes (Kimler et al.,
bridges (Kimler, 1993). Recent various microscopic 1993).
techniques demonstrated that individual microfila-
ments support vesicular and entire ER translocations IMMUNOGOLD LABELING
in several plant and animal cells (reviewed in DePina Immunogold labeling of cytoskeletal elements in the
and Langford, 1999). xanthophore was studied by WCTEM. One cytoskeletal
element, the microtubules, labeled by polyclonal com-
CYTOSKELETAL INHIBITOR STUDIES mercial anti-␤ tubulin; actin microfilaments, labeled by
In organelle transport studies, cytoskeletal inhibi- different monoclonal (generated in our laboratory,
tors are used to determine: (1) the presence of a cy- Walker, 1984) and commercial polyclonal anti-actin;
toskeletal element; (2) how that element interrelates and intermediate filaments, labeled by monoclonal
with other elements; (3) whether cisternae were seen anti-intermediate filament domain proteins p45a and
adjacent to cytoskeletal elements; (4) how cytoskeletal p60, also generated in our laboratory, were observed
destabilization may affect the integrity and movement (Walker et al., 1989). Actin labeling was seen on indi-
of organelles; and finally, (5) which cytoskeletal ele- vidual and in bundles of microfilaments, and associ-
ments are not involved in maintaining organelle integ- ated with CD-studded tubulovesicular cisternae, indi-
rity or translocations. Diameter measurements are not cating the linkage between microfilaments and these
adequate to ensure the identity of cytoskeletal ele- organelles. In this immunocytochemical technique,
ments, and cytoskeletal destabilization and immunola- monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against various
beling studies are required. The effect of microtubule phosphoproteins, intracellular receptors, and motor
stabilization by taxol, or destabilization by nocodazole, molecules were also used (Kimler and Taylor, 1995).
on tubulovesicular cisternae by DiOC(6)3 fluorescence CD phosphoprotein (Lynch et al., 1986a), labeled by
staining, has been investigated (Lee et al., 1989; Te- monoclonal anti-p57 generated in our laboratory (Gu,
rasaki et al., 1990). In studies by WCTEM, the depoly- 1991; Wu, 1987) was situated upon the CD surface.
merization of microfilaments or microtubules by re- Cytoplasmic dynein, labeled by polyclonal anti-
spective cytoskeletal destabilizers cytochalasin B and MAP1C, was found within the cytomatrix and on CD.
D or nocodazole revealed different patterns of pertur- The protein may be a motor molecule within the xan-
bance of the CD-studded tubulovesicular structures, thophore. Furthermore, xanthophore CD appear to
indicating that these cytoskeletal elements are proba- have immunoreactivity to polyclonal anti-PCD6 for a
bly necessary to maintain the integrity and the elon- subunit of the ryanodine receptor (Takei et al., 1990).
gation/retraction of the cisternae. By treatment with Changes in the calcium concentration during pigmen-
the cytochalasin B and D congeners, tubulovesicular tary organelle dispersion and aggregation have been
structures became constricted along their length; CD measured in squirrelfish erythrophores (Kotz and Mc-
appeared as if they were being pulled from these SER Niven, 1992), but the question of whether the CD/
cisternae. Furthermore, some CD were also seen as tubulovesicular structures have calcium channels
dissociated from the cisternae in the peripheries of the would need to be determined. The 6 –10-nm filaments,
cell. As a result of this treatment, microtubules and cytomatrix elements, and cisternae/vesicles (and occa-
sionally CD) were suggested to have a microtubule- have been suggested to translocate within “fixed chan-
associated protein (MAP) 2a ⫹ 2b by polyclonal anti- nels,” where the granules returned to the same area
MAP 2a ⫹ 2b labeling. This MAP was also bound to from where they came. Microtubules, which did not
intermediate filaments as well as to microtubules terminate directly on the surface of the granules, re-
(Bloom and Vallee, 1983) and found to induce actin tained their constant length even when pigment gran-
gelation (Caceres et al., 1984) in neurons, and was ules were aggregated (Bickle et al., 1966). The pro-
associated with vesicles in chromaffin cells (Severin et cesses of the melanophore would, therefore, not follow
al., 1991). Immunogold-antibody conjugate labeling the distribution of the moving pigment front. Early
techniques demonstrate the molecular localization of citations have described melanosome movements in
cytoskeletal actors involved in the different stages of the killifish melanophores, in situ on the scale, as pul-
CD translocations, and the identity of the accessory satile (Bickle, 1966; Green, 1968; Marsland, 1944; Mat-
proteins that propel the CD-studded cisternal machin- thews, 1931; Smith, 1930; Spaeth, 1916). The driving
ery. WCTEM of non-permeabilized cells with measure- forces behind the pulsatile mechanisms has been based
ments of the cytoskeletal elements, cytoskeletal inhib- on cytoplasmic changes in that the melanophore be-
itor studies, and immunogold labeling of the cytoskel- haves like a smooth muscle cell so that its arms would
eton, all reveal which element is prevalent in different contract and relax, carrying the pigmentary granules
stages of pigmentary organelle translocations. Micro- (Spaeth, 1916). Later, the term “contraction” became
filaments play a major role and microtubules a minor
known as an aggregation of pigment. The process is not
role in the elongation and the integrity of the CD-
entirely comparable to that of isotonic muscle contrac-
studded tubulovesicular structure. Microfilaments, in-
termediate filaments, and microtubules all play a role tion, because in pigment aggregation, the whole cell
in retraction and the integrity of this organelle com- does not contract. Early workers who studied the cyto-
plex. Microfilaments and intermediate filaments ap- plasm of melanophores believed that pigment concen-
pear to work together in early aggregation of CD. These tration involved the contraction of the plasmagel sys-
data infer that cytoskeletal elements interact with tem where the pigment granules were affixed in the
each other in the course of pigment dispersion and gel-like framework. The hyaline protoplasm of the mel-
aggregation. anophore soma was considered to be the plasmasol,
while the protoplasm as peripheral to the pigmentary
SOME RECENT STUDIES ON organelles was the plasmagel. Contraction of the pig-
XANTHOPHORES OF OTHER FISH SPECIES mentary organelles was thought to be caused by pro-
The recent work on the histology of xanthophores of toplasm gelation, while expansion by solation (Mars-
the gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata L.) demon- land, 1944). Later, workers began to call this motile
strated that the cells are the only chromatophore spe- cytoplasm the microtrabecular lattice, which might be
cies in the epidermis, although they were also present the driving force behind organelle translocations, be-
within the dermis (Ferrer et al., 1999). Epidermal xan- cause its conformation changed during intracellular
thophores, as well as dermal ones, with CD of larger motility (Porter, 1984). The external factors such as pH
size, which are more tightly packed in the cytoplasm and electrolyte concentration changes, in addition to
than in goldfish xanthophores, were also found in the the aforementioned internal factors, might stimulate
Antarctic notothenoid teleost (Trematomous bernacchi pulsations (Bickle, 1966; Marsland, 1944; Smith, 1930;
Boulenger). CD are the only pigmentary organelles in Spaeth, 1916), which could be creating voltage-gated
both dermal and epidermal xanthophores. These CD responses to depolarize or repolarize chromatophores
were found to have no limiting membrane (Obika and for pigment dispersion or aggregation, respectively.
Meyer-Rochow, 1990). Additionally, studies on the ty-
rosine kinase-mediated pathway through the mamma- Subsequent Studies: The Cytoskeleton, the
lian lactation hormone, prolactin, for dispersion of pig- Structural Continuum, and
ment in teleost erythrophores and xanthophores Other Driving Forces
(Oshima and Goto, 2000) may be linked to carotenoid
droplet dispersion being analogous to the first stages of This structural continuum where individual melano-
secretion in the goldfish xanthophore (Tchen et al., somes translocate in single file along microtubules
1986), if one considers the mechanism of milk droplet (Green, 1968; Murphy and Tilney, 1974) was shown by
release from ER of mammary epithelial cells (Deeney thin-section TEM to be bounded by ER cisternae in
et al., 1985; Zaczek and Keenan, 1990). Finally, on a that membranes surrounded the granules and perme-
molecular level, an orthologue of the kit-related gene ated the granule mass (Green, 1968). These melano-
fms was shown to be necessary for the differentiation of somes appear to be connected to microtubules by tiny
neural crest-derived xanthophores in the zebrafish cross bridges by thin-section TEM (Murphy and Tilney,
(Danio rerio, Hamilton; Parichy et al., 2000). 1974), and by WCTEM (Haddad et al., 1995; Kimler
and Vallarapu, 1997; Kimler et al., 2002), supporting
KILLIFISH MELANOPHORES the argument of the structural continuum. The identity
Early Studies: Pulsatile Translocations of the cross bridges is yet to be determined, however,
of Melanosomes the suggestion of motor molecules is plausible. Addi-
Killifish melanophores have been a popular TEM tionally, the energy cycling in oxidative phosphoryla-
experimental model to exemplify physiological color tion (Junqueira et al., 1974) along with a force-trans-
change by microtubule-dependent melanosome trans- ducing ATPase (Clark and Rosenbaum, 1984) to drive
locations within melanophores (Bickle et al., 1966; the rapid melanosome translocations, have also been
Green, 1968; Murphy and Tilney, 1974). Melanosomes investigated within the killifish melanophores.

Fig. 3. Serial reconstruction of all sections, by laser scanning confocal microscopy, to create a
three-dimensional image of a melanophore (F.I. ⫽ 4; P.O.I. ⫽ 4), maintained in control culture medium,
and for fluorescent identification, subsequently labeled with rhodamine-phalloidin. Note the AFOC
(arrowhead) and radiating microfilaments (mf) and cortical microfilaments (c). 1,541⫻.

Latest Studies: phore, by labeling cells with rhodamine-phalloidin for

The Actin-Filament Organizing Center fluorescence microscopy. We proposed the existence of
In challenging the assumption that microtubules an actin filament-organizing center (AFOC) by
serve solely as tracks for the structural continuum as WCTEM, fluorescence (Haddad et al., 1995; Kimler
described by Green (1968), we proposed that actin po- and Vallarapu, 1997), and laser scanning confocal mi-
lymerization may represent the motile force for mela- croscopic examination (Kimler et al., 2002). Confocal
nosome aggregation, while depolymerization repre- imaging of melanophores with dispersed pigment ap-
sents the relaxation leading to melanosome dispersion pears to have solved the limitation of two-dimensional
(Obika et al., 1978a). Furthermore, the microtubules of viewing of the AFOC by serial optical sectioning of the
a cultured killifish melanophore were shown to emerge melanophores. By rhodamine-phalloidin staining, radi-
from the cell center in dense and periodic radial arrays ating microfilaments were observed on most sectional
from the microtubule-organizing center (MTOC) by flu- planes with the brightest fluorescence toward the cen-
orescence microscopy. The interaction of the MTOC ter of the cell, indicating that the AFOC may distribute
with melanosomes in translocations has been eluci- microfilaments in three dimensions. When a serial re-
dated in killifish melanophores (Rodionov et al., 1991). construction of all sections is performed to create a
Based on the evidence of the actin polymerization/de- three-dimensional image, a dense radial arrangement
polymerization and the existence of the MTOC, we of microfilaments from the cell center out to the cortex,
sought to determine the nature of that central “star- as well as cortical microfilaments parallel to the perim-
burst-like” region in the center of a cultured melano- eter of the cell’s leading edges (Fig. 3), can be noted in

Fig. 4. a– d: Two melanophores were either treated with caffeine (584⫻). c: The epinephrine-treated cell demonstrates microtubules
for dispersion (P.O.I. ⫽ 5) or epinephrine for aggregation (P.O.I. ⫽ 1), (mt), with a slight appearance of the MTOC (arrowhead) with anti-␤
and double-labeled with rhodamine-phalloidin and anti-␤ tubulin. a: tubulin labeling (496⫻). d: Minimal “starburst-like” center of micro-
The caffeine-treated melanophore demonstrated a radial pattern of filaments (mf) from the AOC (arrowhead) with punctate labeling
microtubules (mt) at the MTOC (arrowhead) by anti-␤ tubulin label- (arrowhead) on top of the aggregate by rhodamine-phalloidin fluores-
ing (550⫻). b: Similar “starburst-like” center of microfilaments (mf) cence (530⫻).
from the AOC (arrowhead) with rhodamine-phalloidin labeling

this melanophore (F.I. ⫽ 4; P.O.I. ⫽ 4) by confocal most cells appeared to have looser aggregates, with
microscopy (for review see Kimler and Vallarapu, 1997; some pigment spilling out of the chromatophore in
Kimler et al., 2002). When melanophores were double- several cases. Cytochalasin B inhibited the stages of
labeled with rhodamine-phalloidin and FITC-conju- early aggregation, suggesting that microfilaments may
gated anti ␤-tubulin, both radial microfilaments, as be required to secure the melanosomes within the ag-
well as radial microtubules were seen, following the gregate. Based upon this observation of a radial label-
same pattern in three out of the four physiologic states ing at the site of the centrioles with rhodamine-phal-
of pigment distribution. This is demonstrated in two loidin, it is likely that the AFOC exists. Microtubule
double-labeled melanophores that were either treated and microfilament interaction, as well as motor mole-
with caffeine for dispersion (F.I. ⫽ 5; P.O.I. ⫽ 5), and cules involvement in pigmentary organelle transloca-
labeled with anti ␤-tubulin (Fig. 4a) or rhodamine- tions, has been well established in fish chromatophores
phalloidin (Fig. 4b); or epinephrine for aggregation (Akiyama et al., 1990; Kimler et al., 1993; Kimler and
(F.I. ⫽ 5; P.O.I. ⫽ 1) and labeled with anti ␤-tubulin Taylor, 1995; Palazzo et al., 1989a; Rodionov et al.,
(Fig. 4c) or rhodamine-phalloidin (Fig. 4d) for fluores- 1998; Schliwa, 1982). It is possible that the MTOC has
cence microscopy (for review see Kimler and Vallarapu, a partner structure, the AFOC, which is mutually in-
1997; Kimler et al., 2002). The AFOC was obscured by volved in melanosome translocations. In general, the
the aggregated pigment mass in most cases, and punc- AFOC may be able to: (1) help maintain cell shape; (2)
tate labelling of actin was found upon the aggregate in serve as a model organizing center for the spindle fi-
several small bright regions. Finally, to elucidate the bers in mitotic cells; (3) change its conformation during
role of the microfilaments within the aggregate, we mitosis and differentiation; (4) support bi-directional
first treated cells with cytochalasin B to destabilize vesicular transport in chromatophores as well as in
actin filaments, and then, epinephrine, to induce ag- neurons, with its scaffolding formed by microtubules
gregation, in this order, and as reversed. In both cases, and microfilaments bounded by cross bridges; (5) serve

to secure pigment during pigment aggregate formation; PERSPECTIVE

and (6) play a role in exocytosis and in endocytosis. The pigment cell may serve as an excellent model for
understanding the mechanisms of axonal transport
and the mechanisms of endocytosis and exocytosis
within neuronal termini. The melanophore may serve
MELANOPHORE: A FAST TRANSLOCATOR as a model for understanding the roles of the centrioles
Since there are multiple mechanisms involved in in the formation of spindle fibers in mitosis. Actively
dispersion and aggregation of pigmentary organelles, it dividing cells may use microfilaments in the different
is likely that microfilaments as well as microtubules, phases of mitosis. The fact that the melanophore has
may serve as organelle translocation tracks, contribut- radiating microfilaments from the cytocenter and in
ing to the total times measured for relative transloca- the same parallel conformation as microtubules indi-
tion rates. Within a slow fish chromatophore, the gold- cates that microfilaments may work with microtubules
fish xanthophore, pigment dispersion requires approx- for securing and releasing pigmentary organelles in
imately 50 – 60 minutes (Palazzo et al., 1989a; different states of melanosome distribution. Morpho-
Winchester et al., 1976) and aggregation takes approx- logical studies such as the investigations described
imately 60 minutes (Palazzo et al., 1989a) or from above on pigmentary organelle transport and cytoskel-
3 hours to overnight (Kimler, 1993). Fast chromato- etal conformation in chromatophores, permits one to
phores generally involve seconds to accomplish aggre- visualize the phenotypes that genes code for. Research
gation, while slow chromatophores, which include some in molecular biology is re-emphasized when we can
species of fishes, but mostly crustacean and amphibian study the dynamics of cell structure and function with
chromatophores, require at least several minutes for current microscopic techniques. Eventually, the regu-
pigmentary organelle aggregation (Schliwa, 1982). In lation of many of the chromatophores’ genes will per-
the killifish melanophore, translocations have been re- mit us to present morphological, developmental, and
ported to take 1–2 ␮m per second (Junquieira and pathologic scenarios as models for mammalian systems
Porter, 1971), or dispersion and aggregation to take a on a cellular level.
few minutes (Bickle et al., 1966). We have classified ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
these killifish melanophores as fast translocators com-
pared to intermediate or slow translocators. Our clas- The authors thank Dr. Bryan Miller for critical re-
sification is also based upon the amount of “membra- view of the manuscript, and Mr. Eric Jacobs for assis-
nous baggage” in the form of cisternae, which the cy- tance in the electronic imaging for the figures pre-
toskeleton must translocate (Kimler, 1993). sented in this review.
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