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4/4/2021 ‫اﻣﺗﺣﺎن اﻟﺗﺷرﯾﺢ اﻟﺷﺎﻣل‬

‫اﻣﺗﺣﺎن اﻟﺗﺷرﯾﺢ اﻟﺷﺎﻣل‬

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Stabilizing factors of the shoulder joint include all but: * 1 point

tendons that fuse with the capsule

a tight capsule

glenohumeral and coracohumeral ligaments

splinting of the humeral head between the tendons of biceps and triceps


According to breast cancer , which quadrant has highest risk of breast 1 point
cancer incidence : *

areola of the breast

upper medial quadrant

upper lateral quadrant

lower lateral quadrant

lower medial quadrant 1/24
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The nerve supply to teres minor is from the: * 1 point

lower subscapular nerve

axillary nerve

suprascapular nerve

upper subscapular nerve

An example of a fibrous joint include: * 1 point

sternoclavicular joint

carpometacarpal joint

proximal radio-ulnar joint

structures of the vault of the skull

The cephalic vein: * 1 point

terminates by joining the brachial vein

is medial to biceps in the arm

has no valves

arises in the region of the anatomical snuffbox

at the elbow, is deep to the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm 2/24
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Blood supply to the upper limb, which is FALSE? * 1 point

the acromial branch of the thoracoacromial trunk accompanies the cephalic vein in
the deltopectoral triangle

the dorsal scapular branch may arise from the third segment

the subclavian artery is divided schematically by scalenus anterior

pectoralis major schematically divides the axillary artery into three parts

" Tennis elbow" is inflammation of : * 1 point

Head of humerus

Medial condyle of humerus

Lateral condyle of humerus

Wrist joint

Non of the above

22-year-old woman is admitted to the emergency department in an 1 point

unconscious state. The nurse takes a radial pulse to determine the heart
rate of the patient. This pulse is felt Lateral to which tendon? *

Flexor carpi radialis

Flexor digitorum profundus

Palmaris longus

Flexor pollicis longus

Fl di it fi i li 3/24
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Flexor digitorum superficialis

The following are true about flexor carpi radialis EXCEPT: * 1 point

the radial artery lies laterally to it at the wrist

it has its own compartment in the flexor retinaculum

flexor pollicis longus lies medially

it arises from the common flexor origin at the humerus

it is supplied by the median nerve

it inserts into the base of the 2 nd and 3 rd metacarpals

Regarding types of joints, which pairing is CORRECT? * 1 point

synarthrosis – symphysis pubis

cromphosis – intervertebral joints

diarthrosis – cranial suture

syndesmoses – tibiofibular joint

amphiarthrosis – sternoclavicular joint

The nerve supply of rhomboid major and rhomboid minor is from the: * 1 point

axillary nerve

thoracodorsal nerve

pectoral nerves

long thoracic nerve 4/24
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dorsal scapular nerve

lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm is a terminal branch of * 1 point

Musculocutanous nerve

Radial nerve

Ulnar nerve

Median nerve

Axillary nerve

The roots of brachial plexus are : * 1 point

anterior rami of T1-T6

anterior rami of C5-T1

anterior rami of C5-T2

posterior rami of C5-T1

anterior rami of C4-C7

Which muscle does not arise from the common extensor origin? * 1 point

extensor carpi radialis brevis

extensor carpi ulnaris

extensor digitorum

extensor carpi radialis longus

extensor digiti minimi 5/24
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The nerve supply of serratus anterior is from the: * 1 point

pectoral nerves

axillary nerve

thoracodorsal nerve

long thoracic nerve

dorsal scapular nerve

A 23-year-old medical student complains of loss of sensation in the skin on 1 point

the medial edge of her left hand, including the entire fifth digit. The
associated motor deficit probably involves weakness in which of the
following? *

Abduction of the wrist

Flexion of the interphalangeal joints of the index finger

Extension of the wrist


Abduction of the index finger

Which is the smallest branch of the medial cord of the brachial plexus? * 1 point

medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm

medial pectoral nerve

medial cutaneous nerve of the arm 6/24
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medial root of the median nerve

ulnar nerve

At the wrist / carpal tunnel: * 1 point

tendons of flexor digitorum remain attached until they reach the palm

all superficial and deep flexors of forearm , except flexor pollicis longus, share a
common flexor sheath

flexor retinaculum attaches to scaphoid and trapezoid laterally

the ulnar nerve lies medial to pisiform

median nerve lies beneath flexor retinaculum between the tendons of flexor muscles

Blood supply of posterior compartment of arm is mainly by : * 1 point

A-radial artery

B-ulnar artery

C-axillary artery

D-profunda brachii artery

A 10-year-old boy was running across a parking lot when he tripped and 1 point

received lacerations on the base of his thumb from a broken glass bottle.
On examination, his thumb was unable to oppose to his fingers, and the
thumb also showed weakness when abducting and flexing. No sensory
deficits were reported. What nerve was most likely severed? *

Deep branch of radial nerve

Superficial branch of radial nerve

Deep branch of ulnar nerve 7/24
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Recurrent branch of median nerve

Which of the following is INCORRECT? The biceps: * 1 point

is a weak flexor of the shoulder

supinates the forearm

is paralysed by an injury to the posterior cord of the brachial plexus

is a powerful flexor of the elbow

inserts into the bicipital aponeurosis

Physical examination of a 45-year-old man who had been stabbed in the 1 point

back of the shoulder shows a deep wound penetrating into the

quadrangular space of the shoulder, causing bleeding from the severed
blood vessels there. Which of the following neural structures is most likely
damaged as well? *

Lateral cord of the brachial plexus

Radial nerve

Medial cutaneous nerve of the arm

Musculocutaneous nerve

Axillary nerve

which joint has articular disc: * 1 point

elbow joint

shoulder joint

sternoclavicular joint 8/24
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sternoclavicular joint

metacarpophalangeal joint

Interphalangeal joints

The lateral cord of the brachial plexus is named because it lies immediately 1 point

lateral to which of the following structures? *

Pectoralis minor muscle

Subclavian vein

Axillary artery

Surgical neck of the humerus

Long head of the biceps brachii muscle

Which carpal bone is most commonly dislocated? * 1 point






What structure does NOT pierce the clavipectoral fascia? * 1 point

lateral thoracic artery

thoracoacromial artery

lateral pectoral nerve

lymphatics 9/24
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cephalic vein

Identify the incorrect innervation: * 1 point

serratus anterior – long thoracic nerve

trapezius – accessory nerve

clavicular head of pectoralis major – medial pectoral nerve

subclavius – own nerve from the brachial plexus

latissimus dorsi – dorsal scapular nerve

One of the following is not attached to the medial border (vertebral 1 point

border) of the scapula: *

teres minor

levator scapulae muscle

rhomboids major

serratus anterior

rhomboids minor

Which of the following has some nerve supply from the radial nerve? * 1 point

Short head of biceps

Long head of biceps


Coracobrachialis 10/24
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A physician tests the biceps reflex . A normal response of involuntary 1 point

contraction of the biceps brachii muscle is noted. This reflex confirms the
integrity of what nerve? *

Radial nerve

Musculocutaneous nerve

Ulnar nerve

Median nerve

Axillary nerve

In the cubital fossa: * 1 point

the floor is formed mainly by the supinator

the medial wall is formed by pronator teres

the ulnar nerve lies medially

the radial nerve lies medial to the biceps tendon

none of the above

"Golfer elbow" is inflammation of : * 1 point

Head of humerus

Medial condyle of humerus

Lateral condyle of humerus

Wrist joint 11/24
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Non of the above

The greater tuberosity of humerus gives attachment to all muscles listed 1 point
below except: *

teres major

teres minor



Regarding the clavicle, which is false? * 1 point

fractures of the clavicle tend to occur between the costoclavicular and the
coracoclavicular ligaments

the articulating sternal end is covered by fibrocartilage

it has four named ligaments attached to it

the clavicle is longer and its curvatures more pronounced in the male

it is the first bone to ossify in the foetus

Sensory nerve supply of skin of little finger (palmar aspect ) is by : * 1 point

median nerve

ulnar nerve

radial nerve

medial cutaneous nerve of forearm

non of the above 12/24
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What structure does NOT lie in the anatomical snuff box? * 1 point

first metacarpal bone

radial artery

extensor pollicis longus

radial styloid

cephalic vein

The scapula lies on the back of thoracic wall opposite to vertebrae: * 1 point






The female breast * 1 point

Has about 5 lactiferous lobes

Has a nipple that is usually located opposite the 6 th intercostal space

Has a bed formed mainly by the serratus anterior muscle

Has Cooper ligament that suspends the breast

Its lymphatics drain mainly in the parasternal LN 13/24
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While crossing the elbow ,the following structures have the following 1 point

relation to the joint except : *

brachial artery anterior

median nerve anterior

radial nerve posterior

brachioradialis muscle anterior

ulnar nerve posterior

Regarding the interosseous muscle: * 1 point

they insert into the extensor expansion

there are four palmar interossei

the palmar interossei have two heads

the tendons pass on the posterior side of the deep transverse ligament

they are supplied by the superficial branch of the ulnar nerve (C8, T1)

Which lymph nodes drain the ulnar side of the forearm? * 1 point


anterior axillary

ulnar trochlear


i f t hl 14/24
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The largest branch of the axillary artery is: * 1 point

posterior circumflex humeral artery

subscapular artery

lateral thoracic artery

thoracoacromial artery

superior thoracic artery

The inferior aspect of clavicle gives attachment to all the following except : 1 point

trapezoid ligament

subscapularis muscle

conoid ligament

costoclavicular ligament

subclavius muscle

The superficial branch of the ulnar nerve supplies: * 1 point

palmaris brevis

thenar eminence

palmar aspect index finger

flexor digitorum ulnaris

lli i 15/24
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opponens pollicis

Regarding lymph nodes, the lateral side of the arm and forearm is drained 1 point
initially to the: *

supratrochlear nodes

central axillary nodes

infraclavicular nodes

posterior axillary nodes

A 37-year-old factory worker fractures multiple bones distal to the elbow 1 point

when his hand and forearm are crushed by equipment dropped by a faulty
hydraulic lift. Which of the following bones, if fractured, would most likely
develop avascular necrosis? *

Distal radius


Midshaft ulna

Fifth metacarpal


Pronator teres syndrome” is a condition in which one of the following 1 point

nerves is excessively compressed where it passes between the two heads

of the pronator teres muscle. Which of the following nerves is entrapped? *

Superficial branch of ulnar nerve

Musculocutaneous nerve

Median Nerve 16/24
4/4/2021 ‫اﻣﺗﺣﺎن اﻟﺗﺷرﯾﺢ اﻟﺷﺎﻣل‬
Median Nerve

Deep branch of radial nerve

Deep branch of ulnar nerve

Compression of the median nerve in the carpal tunnel produces: * 1 point

wasting of the hypothenar eminence

loss of power of flexion of the thumb

loss of power of opposition of the thumb

anaesthesia over the thenar eminence

anaesthesia of the little finger

The nerve supply to deltoid is from the: * 1 point

axillary nerve

long thoracic nerve

dorsal scapular nerve

thoracodorsal nerve

pectoral nerves

the prime move of pronation of forearm is : * 1 point

Pronator quadratus

Pronator teres

Flexor digitorim profundus

Flexor digitorum superficialis 17/24
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Main lymphatic drainage of breast (85%) is to: * 1 point

para-aortic LN

parasternal LN

axillary LN

subclavian LN

inguinal LN

Movement of gleno-humeral joint is * 1 point


Its synovial joint so it has no movement



74 year-old man complains of pain in his right hand and fingers when he 1 point

works with his hands for a while. Thorough testing reveals insufficient
blood flow into the deep palmar arch. Occlusion of which of the following
arteries is the most likely cause of this condition? *

Inferior ulnar collateral artery

Ulnar artery

Posterior interosseous artery

Radial artery 18/24
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Anterior interosseous artery

As part of a physical examination to evaluate muscle function in the hand, a 1 point

physician holds the proximal interphalangeal joint of his patient’s index
finger in the extended position and instructs him to try to flex the distal
interphalangeal joint, as shown below. Which of the following muscles is
the doctor testing? *

Flexor digitorum profundus (FDP)

Extensor indicis

First lumbrical

Flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS)

First dorsal interosseous

Which structures pass In the triangular interval * 1 point

posterior circumflex humeral artery and axillary nerve

anterior circumflex humeral artery and radial nerve

profanda brachii artery and radial nerve

circumflex scapular artery only

posterior circumflex humeral artery and musculocutaneous nerve

Which nerve does NOT make contact with periosteum? * 1 point

anterior interosseous nerve

radial nerve

di 19/24
4/4/2021 ‫اﻣﺗﺣﺎن اﻟﺗﺷرﯾﺢ اﻟﺷﺎﻣل‬
median nerve

axillary nerve

ulnar nerve

The skin of the top of the index finger is supplied by: * 1 point

radial and ulnar nerve

median nerve only

radial nerve only

ulnar nerve only

radial and median nerve

Identify the incorrect pairing for testing muscles: * 1 point

latissimus dorsi – abduct to 60° and adduct against resistance

rhomboids – place hands on hips and draw elbows back and scapulae together

trapezius – shrug shoulders against resistance

serratus anterior – push with arms outstretched against a wall

Anastomosis around the scapula connect the the subclavian artery with : * 1 point

1st segment of axillary artery

2nd segment of axillary artery

3rd segment of axillary artery

brachial artery

Non of the above 20/24
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In "blood pressure measurement" in the arm , we auscultate the * 1 point

Brachial artery

Ulnar artery

Radial artery


Axillary artery

Subclavian artery

The lumbrical muscles: * 1 point

attach directly to the first phalanx

are all bicipital muscles

flex the metacarpophalangeal joint

arise from the four superficial tendons

pass along the ulnar side of the metacarpophalangeal joint

The extensor retinaculum attaches between: * 1 point

radius and triquetral and pisiform

scaphoid and ulna

trapezium and ulnar

radius and lunate 21/24
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radius and ulna

Interossei muscles in the hand: * 1 point

cannot laterally deviate the middle finger

assist in extension of metacarpophalangeal joints

flex the interphalangeal joints

the palmar interossei have two heads of origin

are usually supplied by the ulnar nerve

Which lymphatics do not drain the breast? * 1 point

subscapular nodes

lateral axillary nodes

parasternal nodes

pectoral nodes

infraclavicular nodes

Regarding the nerves and vessels of the arm: * 1 point

supratrochlear lymph nodes lie in the subcutaneous fat just above the medial

the basilic vein is lateral to the cephalic vein

the median nerve crosses obliquely in front of the radial artery in the arm

the ulnar nerve pierces the lateral intermuscular septum in the lower third of the arm

the circumflex vessels and the axillary nerve enter the extensor compartment in the 22/24
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the circumflex vessels and the axillary nerve enter the extensor compartment in the
axilla through the triangular space

The nerve supply of pectoralis minor is from the: * 1 point

lower subscapular nerve

axillary nerve

pectoral nerves

dorsal scapular nerve

long thoracic nerve

The posterior interosseous nerve DOES NOT supply: * 1 point

the skin over the dorsal aspect of the thumb

extensor pollicis brevis

extensor carpi ulnaris

the interosseous membrane

the periosteum of the radius and ulna

1st carpometacarpal joint of the thumb is * 1 point

hingi joint

condyloid joint

saddle joint

plane joint

gliding joint 23/24
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The brachial artery: * 1 point

is in direct contact with the humerus

is readily compressible

has biceps tendon lying medial to it

is accompanied throughout its course by the basilic vein

commences at the upper border of teres major

Which muscle arises from both ulnar and radius? * 1 point

flexor carpi radialis

flexor digitorum profundus

pronator teres

flexor digitorum superficialis

flexor pollicis longus

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