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Date :20.11.2020 SCIENCE Time : 2hours 15minutes
Total no.of qns:11 Total Marks : 80
SEC:____ Roll No: _______ Signature of Invigilator:_________
I. 1) Name the following. [1]
a) An instrument used to measure pressure in liquids.
b)The type of force used in hammering a pointed nail into a wall.
2 State whether the given statements are true or false. [1]
a) Weight becomes zero in outer space.
b) A fully loaded truck has more mass than an empty one.
3 What happens to your eraser on repeated use? [1]
4 Complete the following: a) 1ml = ______cm 3 . [1]
b) 2000cm = ______ litre.
5 Explain how air pressure help us to breathe. [1]

II.1) Distinguish between contact and non contact forces. Give two examples each. [2]
2 What is the weight in newton of a 54kg object on the Moon and on the Earth. [2]
3 Mention any two ways of minimising friction between two surfaces . [2]
4 A piece of wooden block of mass 45kg is dropped into water.
Find : a) The weight of water displaced. [1]
b) The weight of the wooden block in water. [1]

III.1) a) Define density . Give its SI unit. [1]

b) The volume of 500g of a sealed packet is 250 cm3. Will the packet float or sink in water if the
density of water is 1g/cm3. What will be the mass of the water displaced by the packet? [2]
2 a) State Archimedes principle. [1]
b) It is easier to swim in sea water than in fresh water. Give reason. [1]
c) Find the least count of the measuring cylinder used and the volume of the stone in the set up
shown below. [1]

3 a)How much force should be applied on an area of 1 cm2 to get a pressure of 15 N/m 2 ? [1]
b) Dams storing water are thicker at the bottom than at the top . Give reason. [1]
c) Write two effects of force on a moving body. [1]

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IV.1) Complete the analogy [1]
a) Brown glass : iron compounds :: green glass : __________
b) Brass : alloy of copper and zinc :: Bronze : _________________
2 State true or false. [1]
a) Copper displaces zinc from zinc sulphate solution.
b) Metals react with acids to produce hydrogen gas.
3 List any 2 properties of plastics. [1]
4 Name the following processes: [1]
a) Glass is cooled and made tougher.
b) Rubber treated with sulphur at high temperature.
5 What is a polymer? Give an example. [1]

V. 1 What is rusting? Mention any 2 methods to prevent rusting. [2]

2 What are optical fibres? State any 2 uses. [2]
3 Write one observation when : [2]
a)Zinc is added to HCl.
b)Sulphur is added to HCl.
4 An element X combines with oxygen to form an oxide X2O. When X2O is added to water it [2]
turns red litmus blue. Is X a metal or non-metal? Give reason to support your answer.

VI .1 Complete the table given below [3]

Name of
Properties Uses

Lightweight, strong
(a) and resistant to To make aircraft bodies

Titanium (b) To make bodies of space shuttles

To make crucibles to melt metals in

Graphite (c)

2 a)Give any 2 differences between thermoplastics and thermosetting plastics. [1]

b)What are laminated plastics? [1]
c) State any one problem caused by the overuse of plastics. [1]
3 What happens when
a) Dilute sulphuric acid is added to calcium. [1]
b) Iron nails are placed in copper sulphate solution. [1]
c)Write a balanced chemical equation for both the above reactions. [1]


VII.1 Complete the analogy [1]

a) Mitochondria : Powerhouse :: ____________ : Protein factory.
b) Ringworm : ___________ :: Typhoid : Bacteria.

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2 State whether the given statements are true or false. [1]
a) The antibiotic pencillin is made from a virus.
b) Bacillus type bacterium is rod shaped.
3 Fill in the blanks. [1]
a) Disease causing microorganism is also called a _______.
b) Organism on the borderline of living and non living is _______.
4 What are organelles? [1]
5 What is a selectively permeable membrane? [1]

VIII.1 Distinguish between plant cell and animal cell.(2 points) [2]
2 Microbes will never grow on food kept inside a refrigerator . Do you agree? Why? [2]
3 Draw a neat diagram of a plant cell and label the following parts:
nucleus , cell wall , cell membrane , cytoplasm. [2]
4 Write the functions of a) Lysosomes b) Endoplasmic reticulum. [2]

IX.1 a)State one difference between Euglena and Paramecium. [1]

b)Draw a neat labelled diagram of Paramecium. [2]
2 Why are cells of different shapes and sizes? Give two examples to support your answer. [3]
3 a) What are communicable diseases? Name two vector borne diseases. [2]
b) When you sneeze or cough you should cover your nose and mouth with a
handkerchief. Why? [1]


X Choose the correct option and write in your answer sheet. 1 X 10 = 10

1 Which of the following statements are true .

(i) The greater the area of the surface a force acts on, the greater will be the pressure exerted.
(ii) Liquids exert pressure in all directions.
(iii) A boy holding a bag in his hand is exerting no force.
(iv) Standard unit of force is newton.
a) (i), (iii)
b) (ii), (iii)
c) (ii), (iv)
d) (iii), (iv)

2 Which is the correct way of reading the liquid level in a measuring cylinder shown in the figure

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3 Forces F1 to F3 were exerted on two identical blocks A and B at the same time , as shown in the
diagrams below. Which of the following combinations of forces F1,F2,F3(expressed in newtons)
will be correct to ensure the block A moves towards point X while block B remains stationary?

a) F1 = 10 , F2 = 30 , F3 = 20
b) F1 = 20 , F2 = 10 , F3 = 20
c) F1 = 20 , F2 = 20 , F3 = 10
d) F1 = 30 , F2 = 10 , F3 = 20

4 The following substance that can be flattened by a hammer

a) Crystal of iodine
b) Lump of sulphur
c) Piece of coal
d) Zinc granules
5 The material similar to silk in appearance is
a) Nylon
b) Rayon
c) Polyester
d) Terelyne

6 The raw materials needed for making glass are

a) Sand, sodium carbonate and limestone
b) Silicon, sodium bicarbonate and limestone
c) Sand, sodium bicarbonate and limestone
d) Silicon, sodium carbonate, calcium carbonate
7 The thread like structure present in the nucleus are
a) nucleolus
b) chromosomes
c) genes
d) nuceoplasm

8 The person who first observed cork cell is

a) Robert brown
b) Robert Hook
c) Anton van Leeuwenhoek
d) Alexander Fleming

9 The process of conversion of sugar into alcohol is called

a) Nitrogen fixation
b) Fermentation
c) Moulding
d) Canning
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10 Which of the following microbes is present in our intestine as a friendly microbe?
a) Streptococcus
b) Yeast
c) E.coli
d) Lactobacillus


Fleather - floral waste to vegan leather

Floral waste has found new purpose, courtesy, an Indian Institute of Technology
(IIT) Kanpur-backed biomaterial start-up which has developed ‘fleather’—bio-degradable vegan
leather made from discarded temple flowers.

Leather contains collagen which provides it strength and durability, whereas the dense thick fibrous
mat that grows on the flower fibres has chitin, a kind of protein that gives it the same properties.
Collagen and chitin are natural analogues, making fleather a perfect substitute for leather.

Researchers developed a technique to extract the maximum nutritional content from the flowers
and introduced certain additives to make a final medium that would trigger the growth of the
micro-organism as well as enhance the properties such as tensile strength, elasticity and sheer
resistance of the fleather sheet.

1 What is fleather?
2 What is the role of chitin in fleathers?
3 Mention the properties of fleather sheet that have been enhanced by the researchers.
4 Do you think this innovative product reduces environment pollution? Give reason in support of
your answer.

**** ALL THE BEST****

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