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For such the objective of the event will be elaborate more on in convincing and awaking the

excitement before.

 Attracting sponsorship from various business communities can be address by targeting

the keen interest of companies that are ready to boost up their profit margins and also
ready to sell out their product for the world and other people to get to know of it. By this,
my organization can therefore use a form of internet mail as a form of approaching the
companies that are will to sponsor the Kwahu Paragliding to be success and making sure
they adhere to the covid protocols.
 By attracting domestic and international tourist, and increase attendance of the annual
tourism even can also get a raise in marketing and advertising of event massively on
radio, television, using fliers, announcing it in community centers with the goal of
reaching out to the numbers of international and also via the internet in a form of pop ups
on all the various sites that mostly visited.
 Also to generate interest and excitement can also therefore be add on games and other
affairs that can generate the interest and excitement .i.e. working in coloration with
Ghana Art Center to bring down activities such as the food, culture and etc. to create
excitement for the foreigners and also the international act.

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the tourism industry due to the resulting travel

restrictions as well as slump in demand among travelers. The tourism industry has been
massively affected by the spread of coronavirus, as many countries and event have introduced
travel restrictions in an attempt to contain its spread. Therefore finding a way that deemed to fit
the plan will helps develop a basis of understanding of the environment in which a plan is
delivered. It will therefore provide a common reference point for the planning process and
priorities actions. Therefore using of situational analysis to strategize the event can also use the
SWOT analysis to monitor the whole event with the previous past session and find a work of
making the year 2022 more of master piece. That is knowing the A SWOT Analysis is another
method under the situation analysis that examines the Strengths and Weaknesses of a company
(internal environment) as well as the Opportunities and Threats within the market (external
environment). A SWOT analysis looks at both current and future situations, where they analyze
their current strengths and weaknesses while looking for future opportunities and threats. The
goal is to build on strengths as much as possible while reducing weaknesses. A future threat can
be a potential weakness while a future opportunity can be a potential strength. A  SWOT analysis
is a simple and effective framework for identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats that a company faces. It is important to leverage on strengths, minimize threats, and to
take advantage of available opportunities. Conducting a SWOT analysis is useful for strategic
planning and for determining the objectives of a company and with this we can therefore
conclude that all the aspect of the plans has been implemented with it aim be of success.

Knowing the strength of the event will create what an organization excels at and what separates
it from the competition: a strong brand, loyal customer base, a strong balance sheet, unique
technology, and so on. For example, a hedge fund may have developed a proprietary trading
strategy that returns market-beating results. It must then decide how to use those results to attract
new investors.

Also, weaknesses stop an organization from performing at its optimum level. They are areas
where the business needs to improve to remain competitive: a weak brand, higher-than-average
turnover, high levels of debt, an inadequate supply chain, or lack of capital. For such, this will
encourage the event organizers, to plan very well and put things in place to make the program

In addition, opportunities refer to favorable external factors that could give an organization a
competitive advantage. For example, that is analyzing the factors that will bring in more
adventurous ways to bring on board other things.

Furthermore, threats to factors that have the potential to harm an organization. For example,
because of covid being a threat, organizers need to create awareness of how safety the program
or event can be in terms of putting measures how things can be operate without causing any


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