(FREE Ebook) How To Lose Weight Faster The Right Way

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Discover the Power Within and Live the Life of Your Dreams
Dear Woman,

Congratulations for picking this book.

You are about to ​discover why most women take on a weight loss journey, cut down calories,
apply for a gym membership or they start jogging, go on a weight loss diet, but eventually
gain back their weight after they have finished dieting.

You will finally understand ​Why dieting to lose weight doesn’t really work and give
convincing results as most people say it should.

The moment you finish this book, you will be empowered and equipped to begin losing
weight fast, ​the right way​...

1. You’ll discover ​your biggest enemies when it comes to losing weight and ​what
you need to do​ to get rid of them so that you can begin losing weight fast.

2. You will know why ​dieting for weight loss keeps you fat​. ​And ​what you need to
do to lose weigh​t faster ​the right way.​ And keep the weight lost.

3. You’ll get a ​free list of proven recipes (Juices, smoothies) that you can prepare
at home ​and begin your journey towards losing weight and getting the body and the
life that you want.
4. You’ll also get access to our exclusive workout tutorials, with easy physical
exercises that you can do at home, and begin building the body of your dreams and
acquire new healthy habits.

This we want you to know right here right now… This book is straight up truth on weight
loss​. Nothing more. Nothing less.

So, ​If you are serious about cutting down your weight, and living a life full of confidence and
happiness, then this is the book for you. ​If you are not serious about losing weight, we would
like to thank you for taking the time to read this far… we suggest that you stop reading right
here because this book is not for you and we don’t want to waste your time.
Now, since you are still here, it definitely means that you are interested in improving your
health, losing weight, and attaining the body and a life of power and confidence.

To begin with, we want you to know a bit about us, and why you should take the time to read
this book.

Our name tells the story ​‘POWER LIFE DAILY” we are about helping people discover that
they have the power within themselves to change their lives, especially their health life…

We are about helping YOU discover that you can be fit, having the body and the life that you
have always dreamed of.

It all starts in how you think, what you know, and what you do with what you know.
We want to hold your hand to show you WHY and HOW you can have a powerful and
healthy body.

We are no gurus, neither are we health doctors… we don’t recommend drugs or medicine.
What we do is point you to results… most of which have been achieved by people we know.
We will be pointing you in that direction. The direction of results. The results that you want.

But first… you need to understand what’s been holding you from losing weight and having
your dream body.

Now, Let’s get started.

Chapter 1
You are not the only one

Before we get to the meat of this book, we want you to know that-- ​you are not the only
woman with a weight loss problem.

Whether you are fighting to lose 5kg, 10kg, 30kg or more, The truth of the matter is that
there’s someone out there just like you​, who wants to cut down weight at exactly the same
place for the exact same reasons.

Let’s take a quick look at the numbers.

According to the United Nations (2016 Report)

● “More than​ 1.9 billion​ adults, 18 years and older, were overweight in 2016. 39% of
the overweight adults were men and ​40% were women​.

● Overall, about 13% of the world’s adult populations (11% of men and ​15% of
women​) were obese in 2016.

If you do your math right, 40% of 1.9billion is equivalent to 760 million women. In other
words, in 2016 alone,​ 760 million​ women aged 18 years and above were overweight.
That’s a big number!

And because of such a big problem, guess what… The​ global weight management market
was worth US$ 189.8 Billion in 2018. Looking forward, the market is projected to reach a
value of ​US$ 269.2 Billion ​by 2024​ (​ResearchAndMarkets.com)

Now, I showed you those numbers for only one reason... ​To prove to you that​ “You are not
the only one”... at least 760million women right now are fighting an overweight problem.

Millions of people (especially women) are desperately looking for ways to cut down their
weight in order to live a better and happier life.

Many women are dissatisfied with how they look. And every day they see someone they are
not very confident in as they stand in front of the mirror.
Perhaps it could be you… and you have a good portion of ​dresses and shoes that can’t seem
to fit​ - if only you could lose a few KGS.

Or you are married and your ​marriage isn’t doing so well,​ and your husband's affection
towards you seems to have taken a turn, and you suspect it's because of how you look.

It might be your health. You know beyond a shadow of a doubt that ​millions of people go to
the grave​ because of an excess weight. And so you are doing whatever it takes to run away
from lifestyle diseases… high blood pressure, diabetes, heart diseases… to name just a few.

Maybe you just ​want to be more productive​. You hate it when everything around you feels
like it’s in slow motion, and a walk up the stairs feels like you are climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro...
sweat, panting, back pains… just miserable!

Or it’s the environment. You are not so confident around crowds. And you ​want to lose some
weight so that you can fit in​.

Or perhaps you just want to ​keep them curves good,​ cut some weight in a few places, keep
your butt intact and set yourself cutting edge.

And because of all that, ​and maybe a few other reasons I have missed​… Like most women,
you decided to go on a weight loss journey to lose a few kilograms and take a shot at
bettering your life.

So you signed up for gym membership or began jogging around the neighborhood, and you
promised yourself you’d do that every evening. In the first few days-- you were on fire,
surely it looked like you had a solution.

You started counting calories, picking healthy foods and observing that you adhere to a strict
diet program. Regardless.

A couple of days into the diet and exercise program, you started to see some results. But the
results came in as tiny droplets from a dripping tap. A little here and a little there.

With some work ethic, you lost a few KGS. But deep within, you knew this thing was hard.
Keeping up with a diet, working out, and eliminating some foods was no joke. Plus the
results were not as convincing.

And then it began, you started to miss some few exercising days, old eating habits started to
creep in. Kids, husband, work, friends, or maybe school crowded your weight loss goals.
Your weight loss adventure was history, only to ​set yourself up for another weight loss
adventure which too ended up even worse​.

You are probably stuck in a cycle right now. You lose weight. You gain back. You lose
weight. You gain back some ​more.​ ​You are frustrated​ because you can’t seem to find a
permanent solution for your weight problem.

Maybe you are yet to try anything.​ After seeing a few women out there hit failure after a
couple weight loss attempts, ​you doubt if you’ll ever find a method or a diet that works.​ You
have seen enough weight loss drama on the internet. So you are looking for a method or a
diet or anything​ ​that works.

Here’s the big problem that sets up most women for failure. ​They take advice from
friends, they read some blog posts, and try something without taking the time to understand
it: its effects, side effects, and benefits… and if at all it has worked before. That we believe is
the way of many women who are eager to lose weight. ​But as for you, we hope you will take
a different path. A path that works​-- after you have carefully read the next chapters in this

Let’s now take you through the path that works.

Chapter 2
Your Biggest Enemies to Losing Weight
There’s one important thing that women forget when it comes to losing weight. And because
of that, they​ automatically set themselves up for failure​.

​ our
Before we take you through that one thing, let’s begin by first showing you who Y
biggest enemies to losing weight ​are, and why you need to get rid of them and begin
building a healthy and confident lifestyle.

Meet your enemies…

“Glyphosate, Bisphenol-A, Teflon, Phthalate, VOCs, Fluoride, Parabens, Pesticides,

Blue-2, Sulphites, PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), Heavy Metals (lead mercury, arsenic,
lead, cadmium, etc), Dioxins, Asbestos, Chlorine” … And these are just some. There are

In one word, scientists call them: ​TOXINS.

I bet you have nearly all of these enemies in your house right now and... you have been
feeding on them; both you and your family.

You don’t believe it? Well, the next time you go to the kitchen, get a hold of any one of the
packaged foods and ingredients… be it cooking oil, toothpaste, hair oil or bottled water. And
then read closely in the ingredients section, you'll be sure to find a few of these enemies.

They are everywhere… Car smoke, fast foods, make up, hair products, snacks, groceries,
sodas …you name it! you inhale them, you eat them, you touch them, and they eventually
find their way into your body. Well, you can’t really run away from these poisons.

But lucky enough, thanks to the Creator of humans... our bodies have a natural way of getting
rid of these poisons.

When these toxins enter your body, they are picked out, transported through something called
the lymph, processed by the liver and then thrown away either through the breath, urine, skin
(sweat), or poop.
Here is where the problem pops up… ​Even though your body can flush out these toxins
and protect you from harm, your body has a limited capacity to doing that.

When the liver is overloaded with too many of these toxins, it reaches a point where it can’t
handle anymore toxins, so your body naturally looks for a different way to protect itself from
these harmful poisons… so what does your body do in this situation?

The best way for your body to defend itself is by​ storing the toxins in fat.

The body says, “hey liver! this is too much toxins, we don’t think you can handle any more,
let’s cover them up with fat to protect everything else from a toxic attack, and we’ll deal with
it some time later in the future” and the liver responds, “That’s great, I will really appreciate
that because I am super occupied right now, uuuhm well... I always have! our friend here
always seem to feed us with a lot of junk food and fizzy drinks.”

As a way to protect itself, your body takes these toxins and surrounds them with fats to
protect your organs from being damaged by these dangerous poisons… think of it like
protecting a child from a tooth problem by placing all the candy and biscuits in a jar,
tightening it, and putting it very far from them.

Exactly!... The jar is the fats, “you” are the body, and the child is your organs. Your body
puts the toxins (candy) in a jar (fats), and places it very far from the child (your organs) so
that it cannot damage him.

The only difference is that, in your case the storage is not the shelf… but different parts of
your body which later on appear all chubby and puffed up.

The greater the toxic build up, the more fat is required to protect your body. The more fats
required, the more fat you become.

Before we show you how to remove these toxins, here’s another reason why toxins
contribute to making you fat…

Heard of metabolism before? It’s simply a chemical process taking place in your body,
especially the kind that causes food to be used for energy and growth.

Now, There’s a particular gland in your body that regulates how fast this metabolism process
is taking place in your body.

You may be asking what a gland is… ​It’s a part of your body which produces specific
chemical substances to be used in your body to perform a certain function.
The gland we are talking about here is the Thyroid gland. It is a butterfly-shaped gland that
sits low on the front of the neck. ... it produces several hormones, collectively called ​thyroid
hormones. The main hormone is thyroxine, also called T4. And the ​Thyroid hormones act
throughout the body, influencing your metabolism, growth and development, and your body

When toxins from fast foods, sodas, alcohol, processed foods, the air you breathe, the
products you apply and the manufactured foods you eat enter your body, they are attracted to
this ​butterfly shaped gland​ called thyroid.

These toxins disrupt your thyroid and slows down the rate at which the food you eat is burnt
to produce energy (metabolism)

Once your metabolism slows down, ​your body’s ability to burn fat reduces, and as a
result, your body will opt to store that fat. Where? The obvious of course! Thighs,
buttocks, belly, under the arms, cheeks... With time, you’ll gain enough weight to make
you fat.

By now, you are probably asking… “How do I get rid of these toxins that have been keeping
me from losing weight and having the body that I want?”

Let’s get to that.

Chapter 3
How To Get Rid of Toxins 

Think of two women. Jane and Martha

Jane is 30, she is married, and has two children. She works full time as a banker, and rarely
has time. She has recently had her second child, so she has put on some weight. Jane doesn't
like how she looks because she fears it is affecting her marriage and her confidence.

Jane recently heard about a weight loss diet plan from a friend, she gets excited, and decides
to try it out. She cuts down her calories, begins exercising every evening for 30 minutes, and
keeps eating the same way.

Jane eventually loses a few KGS at the end of the hard diet program. After completing her
dieting program, because she didn’t take time to flush the toxins out of her body,​ Jane’s body
begins to crave for fats… that means more eating.

As a way for her body to protect itself from the high level of concentration, she gains back
weight (fats), and in the end, ​Jane is disappointed to have gained back more weight than even
before her friend introduced her to the diet program​.

Fig 1.3 Jane.

Now, let’s take a look at Martha.

Martha is 25 and she doesn’t like the fact that she’s puffed up and chubby. She’s single and
desires to one day get married to a handsome young man.

After getting a hold of a book on weight loss, she reads it and discovers the right way to lose
weight. ​She eventually understands why toxins are a roadblock when it comes to losing
weight and why one requires to go on a body cleanse program to begin her journey to losing
excess weight.

Martha is excited. She begins on the natural body cleanse program to flush out all the toxins
in her body. This system uses what is referred to as antioxidants that are found in healthy
foods such as fruits and vegetables. These antioxidants begin to fight the toxins and
eventually flush them out of her body.

Martha begins to lose weight, not really because she was on a weight loss diet but on a
natural body cleanse.

Fig 1.4. Martha.

As Martha’s body is cleansed, her body doesn’t need as much fat to protect itself from the
toxins. ​So her body loses the weight (the fats) as a side effect, not as the main thing​.
If you really want to lose weight faster the right way, ​you must begin by cleansing your
body and eliminating the harmful toxins that have accumulated in your body.

If you do that, you will lose weight as a “by the way” or as a “result” of flushing out the
toxins from your body… which in turn will leave the fats around your body free to be burnt
as you take on simple physical exercises and good nutrition.

And there you have it. We have just revealed your biggest roadblock to losing weight faster
the right way.

We hope you have understood why toxins are your roadblocks and the reason why you need
to always flush your body of these poisons before you embark on a weight loss journey…

Yes, as you flush your body, you will lose weight (though not as a primary thing) but as a “by
the way” or as a “result” of these toxins leaving your body, and the fats around them being
Chapter 4
Your Real Enemy Is Way Bigger
Now, before we give you a list of body cleansing juices and smoothies that you can try at
home, We are going to break it to you that… There’s actually a much realer and bigger
enemy than these toxins.

It's true that toxins are your enemy. It’s also true that they are a roadblock to losing weight
and having the body of your dreams, BUT… there’s a bigger problem, way bigger than


Yes, you might take a natural body cleanse program, of which we have seen many who have,
and watch them lose as much as 5kg in just 9 days. But most of the time, these people would
gain back weight even though they began their weight loss journey with a natural body
cleansing program…

Definitely! toxins are not to blame for their weight regain!

They cleansed their body and watched their weight drop drastically. But after dieting the right
way… they went back to their old eating habits, and expected to keep the new body with their
old habits.

Albert Einstein once said, “Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different

If you go on a body cleansing program, you should be able to lose some weight as a side
effect-- that is if you pick the right program and if you are faithful to it. BUT… if you step
out of the program and continue to eat the same, drink the same, and live the same, I
guarantee you that you will put back weight.

A weight loss journey is the one that will force you to have a lifestyle change. There is no
magic pill! You are not going to go on a program and expect to just lose weight and stay the
same without putting in the work and acquiring the disciplines of a healthy lifestyle.

But as for you, we know that you are serious. If you wouldn’t have been serious, you
wouldn’t have read this far. We are sure that, if you choose a proven weight loss program,
and follow it faithfully, you will definitely acquire new healthy habits. And eventually you
will have the body you’ve always wanted. And when that happens, Imagine how that will
affect your social life, your confidence, your productivity, your work ethic, your self esteem,
your marriage. Just Imagine.

By now you might be asking ..”Okay, I heard you! I have understood! So now ​how do I start
cleansing my body the right way​ and begin cutting down my weight as a “by the way”?

in the following chapters you will get access to…

1. A recipe list of smoothies, juices and tea that you can prepare at home and begin on
your cleansing process.

2. Easy workout guide ​that requires just a skipping rope, that you can do at home
without going to the gym and begin building a habit to exercise.

3. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) on weight loss and dieting, from a variety of
Chapter 5
Natural Body Cleanse Recipes 
In this chapter we are going to give you a list of body cleansing juices and smoothies that
you can try at home.

This list we have collected from a variety of books, compiled them and presented them in this

Most of the ingredients included should be found in your local store or grocery and especially
if you are in Tanzania, natural foods are everywhere. You just need to stop and observe.

Notice: I would like to mention that None of us are Doctors. We cannot prescribe anything to
you. If you are having any sort of health concerns please refer to your doctor. This is just to
make sure that you are in the safe zone. We care.

1.) Ginger, Honey, Lime & Mint.


● 2 lime or you can use lemons.

● Ginger 1 piece
● mint leaves
● 2 tablespoons of honey
● Two 1 litre bottles.


● Squeeze the limes in a cup

● grind out/cut the ginger in pieces to create two full table spoons and add
● Add 20 mint leaves
● Add 2 tablespoons of honey
● Blend the mixture then add evenly in the litre bottles and add water.

Drink one throughout the day then the other is for the next day.

You only have to do this twice. For 4 days.


Here is how you can kick start your cleansing 7 day cleanse with these awesome cleansing
juices: A glassful on an empty stomach and a glassful before you sleep. Like Clockwork

A. Carrot Cleansing Juice

Ginger increases circulation to the muscles in the body, allowing the extra blood and
oxygen to fight toxins. It also helps alleviate pain and inflammation. Carrots are an
excellent source of beta carotene, which is needed for many detoxification processes.


● 6 large carrots (remove tops)

● 1 apple
● 1 1-inch piece of ginger

Pass all ingredients through a juicer. Drink immediately.

B. Citrus Cleansing Juice


● 1 orange
● 1 grapefruit
● ½ lemon
● 1 cup water

Juice all citrus ingredients in a citrus juicer. Alternatively, peel and

juice in a standard juicer. Add water and drink immediately

C. Alkalizing Juice


● 3 carrots
● ½ cucumber
● ½ beet with greens

Juice all ingredients in a juicer. Drink immediately.

D. Skin Cleansing Juice


● 1 cucumber
● 4 stalks celery(figili)
● 1 to 2 apples (depending on preferred sweetness)
● Pass all ingredients through a juicer. Drink immediately.

Enzyme Power Healing Smoothie

Not only is this smoothie delicious and satisfying, it is an amazing healer. Papaya,
pineapple, and ripe bananas are loaded with enzymes that help digestion and break down
toxins, fat, and inflammation in the body. Bromelain, an enzyme in pineapple, breaks down
cholesterol in the blood and reduces inflammation in the blood and tissues. Studies show
that it helps to eliminate muscle,joint, and headache pain.

1 Bromelain also helps break down fat. Papain, an enzyme that is plentiful in papaya,
breaks down protein molecules in the blood, reducing inflammation that is linked to
allergies or pain. Even cancer cells have a protein coating that papain attacks, thereby
helping the body deal with these ominous cells. Drink up!

● 1 cup chopped papaya

● 1 cup chopped fresh pineapple (not canned)
● 1 frozen banana
Combine with desired amount of water in a blender and blend to desired smoothie

Smoothie #1 Tropical Green Energy

This smoothie recipe is loaded with tropical fruits and rich in antioxidants and Vitamin C.
The Matcha Green Tea powder adds a subtle taste and is one of the richest sources of the
antioxidant EGCG, which helps metabolism and speed up weight loss. If you are looking
for a tropical treat high in vitamin C and powerful antioxidants – blend up a tropical green

● ½ Cup Orange Juice (Not From Concentrate)

● ½ Cup Coconut Milk (No Sugar Added)
● 2 tbsp Matcha Green Tea Powder
● ½ Frozen Banana
● ½ Cup Frozen Mango


1. Add all ingredients into a blender and whiz

2. Enjoy!

​Smoothie #2: Antioxidant Powerhouse

This smoothie is absolutely loaded with antioxidants and cancer fighting polyphenols!
Pomegranate, Blueberry, and red grapes are absolutely loaded with antioxidant and disease
fighting properties. If you are looking for a big health boost while you enter flu season or
before you go on vacation, make sure to blend up an antioxidant powerhouse.

● 1 Cup Pomegranate Juice (Not From Concentrate)

● ¼ Cup Blueberry
● ¼ Cup Red Grapes
● ¼ Cup Strawberry
● 2 tbsp Chia Seeds


1. Add all ingredients into a blender and whiz

2. Enjoy!

Smoothie #3: Morning Smoothie Tart

This tart and delicious smoothie will pep you right up in no time! The delicious tastes of
orange juice, strawberry, banana and lime makes this a healthy start to any day. Limes are
actually very healthy and help to “alkalize” the body, which is key for optimal health. Chia
seeds give you some dietary fiber to keep you full until lunch time. This smoothie is
delicious and less than 300 calories. A perfect start to anyday.

● 1 Cup Orange Juice (Never from Concentrate)

● ½ Cup Frozen Strawberry/grapes/plums
● ½ Frozen Banana
● Juice from ½ a lime
● 2 Tbsp. Chia Seeds

Smoothie #4: Tropical Nutrition Phenomenon

This is one of my favorite smoothie recipes because it packs in a ton of Vitamin A and K
along with tropical and delicious fruits. Kale and spinach are two of the most nutrient
dense foods in the world, and the somewhat bitter taste of this is covered up perfectly by
the pineapple and mango. This is one delicious and nutrient dense tropical treat.

● 1 Cup Coconut Milk

● ¼ Cup Spinach
● ¼ Cup Kale
● ¼ Cup Frozen Pineapple
● ¼ Cup Frozen Mango


1. Add all ingredients into a blender and whiz

2. Enjoy!
Smoothie #5: Apples and Antioxidants

An apple a day keeps the weight gain away! Apples are high in all of the essential vitamins
and nutrients and will keep you full because they are high in fiber. Coconut milk is a great
liquid base, and the orange juice will give you a big burst of Vitamin C. Matcha green tea
is known to be one of the top antioxidant

and metabolism boosters due to its high EGCG profile.

● ½ Cup Orange Juice

● ½ Cup Coconut Milk
● ½ Apple
● ¼ Cup Frozen Pineapple
● 1 Tbsp. Matcha Green Tea Powder


1. Add all ingredients into a blender and whiz

2. Enjoy

Smoothie #6: Bananas Gone Wild

This is a rich and delicious smoothie that will keep you full and provide tons of vitamins
and minerals. Bananas gone wild have a rich and tropical taste and have an almost ice
cream-like consistency with its frozen banana, almond milk, and frozen mango. An
incredibly healthy smoothie recipe that also packs in fiber and omegas with chia seeds as
well as healthy fats with coconut oil.

● 1 Cup Almond Milk

● 1 Frozen Banana
● 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
● ¼ Cup Frozen Mango
● 2 Tbsp Chia Seeds


1. Add all ingredients into a blender and whiz

2. Enjoy!
Smoothie #7: Staying Lean with Greens

This smoothie recipe is rich in vitamins and antioxidants and will help to alkalize your
body with the addition of kale, spinach and avocado. Apples are high in fiber and vitamins
and make this a delicious and nutritious add in to this powerhouse health recipe. This is one
of the healthiest and most “healing” recipes on the list, and is a great choice for weight
loss, overall health, and energy.

● 1 Cup Almond Milk

● ¼ Cup Kale
● ¼ Cup Spinach
● ½ Avocado
● 1 Apple
● 2 Tbsp. Truvia Sweetener


1. Add all ingredients into a blender and whiz

2. Enjoy!

Smoothie #8: Tropical Carrot Antioxidant

Carrot Juice is extremely rich in vitamin A and is a perfect choice for many smoothie
bases. This smoothie is extremely rich in vitamins A and C making it a perfect health
boosting snack at any time of the day. Blend smooth and enjoy the wonderful health boost.

● 1 Cup Carrot Juice (Never From Concentrate)

● ¼ Cup Frozen Mango
● ½ Frozen Banana
● ¼ Cup Frozen Pineapple
● ¼ cup Strawberries/grapes


1. Add all ingredients into a blender and whiz

2. Enjoy!
Smoothie #9: Cucumber Lime Refresher

An extremely easy and delicious drink to enjoy on a hot day. This drink will stimulate
weight loss through its green tea base, and optimal health with alkalizing cucumber and
lime. One of my favorite smoothies to enjoy on a hot summer day.

● 1 Cup Green Tea

● ½ Cucumber
● 1 Squeezed Lime
● 4-5 Ice Cubes


1. Add all ingredients into a blender and whiz

2. Enjoy!

Smoothie #10: Health Freak

The health freak is a delicious blend of nutrition. Blending deliciously with coconut milk is
creamy avocado, apples, and baby carrots. This smoothie recipe will help you alkalize and
detox your body while providing optimal energy levels. Loaded with vitamin K from the
carrots and Vitamin C from the apple -the Health Freak is the perfect blend of vitamins and
minerals to help your body run like a machine.

● 1 Cup Almond Milk

● ½ Avocado
● 1 Apple
● 5 Baby Carrots
● Ice Cubes


1. Core the apple and prepare ½ an avocado

2. Add all ingredients into a blender and whiz
3. Enjoy!

Blood Purifier Tea

This warming tea not only purifies the blood, it lowers cholesterol, urea, and nitrogenous
waste products that damage cells. It even cleanses the liver and skin, and soothes the
gastrointestinal tract.

Mix the following dried herbs (found in most health food stores) in a jar:

● ¼ cup peppermint
● ¼ cup ginger


It is very important for you to know that No matter the program you are going to pick to
cleanse your body, whether prescribed by a doctor, recommended by a friend, it is very
important that you stay away from the following foods.


Avoid all sugars, including syrup, molasses, honey, fructose, lactose, maltose, and dextrose.
Sugar is ageing as it attaches to collagen, the connective tissue that keeps the skin elastic,
causing inflammation and breaking it down. Sugar also exacerbates acne, creates insulin
surges that disrupt hormone levels, and can imbalance bacteria in our guts.

Yeast products

Foods containing yeast, such as bread, pizza, buns, breadcrumbs, spreads, and gravy should
be avoided during detox. These products are often high in additives and in salt, which causes
the body to hold on to fluids to balance sodium and fluid levels, leading to puffiness and
Meat and dairy

Dairy can be slow to pass through the gut, hampering digestion. Also, hormones given to
cows to increase milk production end up in our milk and studies suggest these can aggravate
acne. Eliminating dairy over these two weeks allows you to monitor skin improvements. The
exception, in week 1, is natural live yogurt and kefir, which support gut bacteria. Avoid all
dairy in week 2

Refined grains

Refined grains and white flour products, such as cakes, biscuits, pasta, and cereals should be
cut out during your detox. Gluten from wheat and other grains contains sticky proteins, which
are difficult to digest and which can lead to skin inflammation and skin breakouts. Cereals
made from amaranth grain cereal or purpose-made cereals without sugar and salt can still be

Red meat

Red meats, in particular beef and pork, should be avoided now. Red meat can be
inflammatory and also has a slow transit time through the bowels. While lamb is more easily
broken down by the body, this can also be removed. Cut out processed meats and cured and
smoked products, such as bacon and kippers, which contain toxins.

Alcohol and caffeine

Food and drinks containing caffeine can increase the levels of the stress hormone cortisol,
which increases inflammation in the body, exacerbating skin conditions such as acne and
increasing signs of premature ageing. During detox, cut out caffeine-containing foods and
drinks such as coffee, tea, fizzy drinks, and chocolate. Cut out or reduce alcohol, too. This
can impair the absorption of nutrients, and is high in ageing sugars
Fresh vegetables and fruit Eat raw veg and juices in week two.

Include onions; garlic; chlorophyll- containing cruciferous veg such as cabbage and kale;
fennel; leafy greens; asparagus; bright veg such as tomatoes, sweet potatoes, beetroot, and
carrots; seaweeds; and avocado. Include limited fruits to keep sugar intake low, but in the
second week, include citrus fruits as these are powerful cleansers.

Beans and pulses

Beans and pulses, such as lentils and dried beans, provide complex carbohydrates, healthy
proteins, folate, and a range of essential vitamins and minerals to support digestion during
detox and promote collagen production for healthy skin, hair, and nails.


Make easily digested wholegrains part of your detox diet to provide complex carbohydrates
that will supply energy during your detox. Include naturally leavened wholegrain sourdough
and rye breads, brown rice, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, rye, barley, and amaranth.

Fermented foods

To promote and support healthy gut microflora, include natural live yogurt, kefir, kombucha,
sauerkraut, miso, and tempeh. These fermented foods contain probiotics, which help to
repopulate gut bacteria.

Nuts and seeds

These provide healthy proteins and fats as well as vitamins and minerals. Include chia seeds,
flaxseeds, walnuts, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, and almonds.

Healthy oils and fats

Using coconut oil for cooking releases fewer toxins at high heats as well as providing
skin-nourishing properties. Use extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil, and sesame oil in salads
and to drizzle over foods to provide healthy omega fats.

Oily fish and lean meats

Fresh, oily fish provides protein and healthy fats to help the absorption of nutrients during
your detox and to promote collagen production. In week one of your detox, you can include
fresh, oily fish two to three times, and some lean chicken. Avoid fish and meat in your second
week of detox.
Herbs and spices

These are a good source of antioxidant nutrients. Flavour foods with spices such as turmeric
and ginger, which have cleansing properties, and use aromatic herbs, such as sage, basil, and

We compiled the recipes from the following books:

● Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss - 30 Delicious Detox, Cleanse and Green
Smoothie Diet Book by Troy Adashun

● Eat Beautiful Cleansing Detox Programme, Beauty Superfoods, 100

Beauty-Enhancing Recipes, Tips for Every Age by DK
Now if you are excited about all of this and you really want to take hold of your health and
get fit and you really want to give jumping rope a chance.. This guide to jumping rope should
be useful.

Right next to every exercise there’s a link to a short video that will demonstrate that exercise
so you can know how to do it.

Click ​here​ to access these videos

These are basic jump rope routines that will kickstart your energy levels.

Day 1 Jumping Jacks - 30 reps

Regular Bounce 60 reps
rest Click ​here​ to see how its
Back and forth - 60 reps *3 done
Side to side - 60 reps

Day2 Jumping Jacks - 30 reps

Back and Forth 60reps
rest Click ​here​ to see how its
Side to side - 60 reps *3 done
Run in place - 60 reps

Day3 Jumping Jacks - 30 reps

Regular Bounce 60 reps
rest Click ​here​ to know how its
Back and forth - 60 reps *3 done
Side to side - 60 reps
Day4 Jumping Jacks - 30 reps
Regular Bounce 60 reps
rest Click ​here​ to know how its
Back and forth - 60 reps *3 done
Side to side - 60 reps

Day5 Jumping Jacks - 30 reps

Back and Forth 60reps
rest Click ​here​ to know how its
Side to side - 60 reps *3 done
Run in place - 60 reps

Day6 Jumping Jacks - 30 reps

Regular Bounce 60 reps
rest Click ​here​ to know how its
Back and forth - 60 reps *3 done
Side to side - 60 reps

Day7 Jumping Jacks - 30 reps

Back and Forth 60reps
rest Click ​here​ to know how its
Side to side - 60 reps *3 done
Run in place - 60 reps
FAQs about dieting and Weight Loss

1. If i start dieting does it mean i wont get to eat normal foods ever again?

The word “Dieting” sounds like a prison sentence. The question would be, what are you
dieting for? If you are dieting for weight loss, you need understand why body cleanse is
important in your weight loss journey (read Chapter 2)

Secondly, If by normal foods you mean fast foods and all the artificial junk out there… or
you mean eating anything anyhow... then you’ve got it all wrong. When you want to lose
weight, you are making a lifestyle choice because you might lose it and default back to your
old eating habits and lifestyle. And as a result you will put back all the weight.

2. Why is it so hard to lose weight and easy to gain weight?

I believe we’ve answered this already (read chapter 2). Your biggest enemy is TOXINS. You
need to detoxify first, and then choose a healthy lifestyle of good nutrition and good exercises
so that you can maintain the weight.

3. Why do I need to count calories?

Calories are the units we use to measure the energy we get from foods and drinks.
When there are too many calories in your body, your body tends to store that energy in the
form of fat.

Before you begin on counting calories, I would like to ask you… Do you know what you
have been eating and how many calories are in it? How much calories do you need to lose or
gain? doing what exercises? All this is math. You count to know what to take in and why and
what to take out. You count to know what kind of foods you need to consume or stop to
obtain or eliminate a certain number of calories as you are on your weight management

4. Does a protein diet really work?

It does. It Works! But it has its bad side. Why would you resist yourself from eating
carbohydrates in the name of losing weight, while you can lose it the right way? But if you
insist… you can go ahead and learn about KETOSIS. You can ​start here
5. What should I stop eating to lose weight?

Dear friend, it doesn’t work that way. You will starve yourself to death if you think that way.
Losing weight is not “a stop eating” thing, although you’ll need to gradually reduce eating
certain foods. Losing weight is a choice-- a lifestyle one. After you decide to cut down
weight, you need to adjust a few things in your life.

You will begin by cleansing your body and then plan on a healthy life that will incorporate
sensible foods, and some exercises on a day to day basis. There are a number of weight loss
programs that can correctly guide you to losing weight the right way-- they usually begin
with a proven body cleanse program.

7. Why is dieting so hard?

Well, there are 2 things here. It could be you are on the wrong diet. Or, perhaps you are on
the right one. If you are, and if you are doing everything right, and you still feel it's hard.
Then great! It should be that way. Breaking a habit is not an easy process. Your body has
been conditioned to live that way since like forever. Coming to change such a lifestyle, takes
time, energy and a little pain.

Though some diets are just wrong. Thus make the process even harder (read chapter 2 and 3
to know why dieting for weight loss keeps you fat)

8. Can i eat without exercising and still lose weight?

No! Exercise helps you burn fat and in general, exercise is good for your health.

If you eat without exercising, your body will convert the food you are eating into fat, and
even though you are eating the right food, but if it’s not broken down, it will be stored, and
you will get puffy. And that’s something you don’t want. Good physical health is a
combination of the right food and the right exercises.

9. How do I lose belly fats without exercising or going hungry?

Belly fat can’t just disappear out of the blue. It came through eating and inactivity, how do
you expect it to leave by the same inactivity? In other words, Poverty is by laziness, if one
wants to be rich, laziness has to go. Something has to change. Exercises help you burn the fat,
and food gives you the right nutrition. There has to be a balance.

Congratulations for taking your time to read all this valuable and eye opening information.
We believe that you learnt a lot of things that if well used- i repeat- if well used, the
information shared here can cause the weighing scale to drop down fast and stay there.

To really show how serious you are with this journey of drastically losing weight, measure
your weight tomorrow (or As soon as possible), take a before picture and every week take
one other picture. After every two weeks clearly look at the difference between your first
picture and your current one.

We will appreciate it so much if you take the time to share this book with a friend, family
member or coworker who wants to not only lose weight but also get in shape, stay fit and

For more of these kind of ​exclusive information and a highly motivated community ​that
enhances your health, fitness, your happiness, success and confidence - Follow us on our
social sites by clicking the links:

● Instagram - ​https://bit.ly/3icpibA
● Facebook - ​https://bit.ly/2VtscyG

Thanks for reading...

See you soon,



Since you have made it this far, we have a one in a lifetime offer for you - ​LOSE 5 KG IN
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