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Teaching Media

(Expressing Warning)

Supporting Lecturer
By: Hajriana Arfah ,M.Pd

Arranged by:

Alfi Zamraini


English Education Department

Faculty of Language, Art and Humanities

Hamzanwadi University


Praise the presence of Allah SWT who has given health to all of us so that we can
complete the task of this paper, where this paper discusses “Teaching Media of Expressing
Warning”.Shalawat and salam we pour out to the Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has
brought mankind from the dark world pitch into the brightly lit nature.
Therefore, we expect criticism and suggestions from many parties to improve this
paper. Finally, we would like to thank all those who have helped in the preparation of this
paper. We hope this paper can be useful and able to add insight for everyone.

Pancor, June 30, 2021


Table of Contents



Chapter I Public Introduction

A. Background 1
B. Problem Formulation 1
C. Goals 1
D. Benefit 1

Chapter II Discussion

A. Introduction 2
B. Time 3
C. Method 3
D. Media 3
E. How to teach by media 3

Chapter I
Public Introduction

A. Background
Media is an inseparable part of the teaching and learning process in order to achieve
educational goals in general and learning objectives in schools in particular. Learning media is a tool
as an intermediary for understanding the meaning of the material delivered by educators or
teachers in the form of print or electronic media and this learning media is also a tool to facilitate
the application of the components of the learning system, so that the learning process can last a
long time, and effective, the learning atmosphere becomes fun

B. Problem Formulations
1. Introduction about the Expressing Warning
2. Time in learning process
3. Method in learning process
4. The media used
5. How to teach by using media
C. Goals
1. To know the understanding of the Expressing of the Warning
2. To know the time it takes to do learning
3. Knowing what methods are used in learning
4. Knowing the media suitable for learning materials
5. Knowing how to teach to use media suitable in learning
D. Benefits
To facilitate learning in class by using media this is appropriate to the material taught by

Chapter II

A. Understanding of expressing warning

What is an Expression of Warning?
Giving warning is the expression which is spoken when we want to warn about
something to another person.
Giving warning or giving a warning is an expression in English that is used when we want
to warn someone against something. To express a warning, there are two ways to say it,
namely the first is a prohibition warning and a suggestion warning.
- Prohibition Warning (Warning not to do something)
A prohibition warning is a warning intended to prohibit someone from doing something.

Example of sentences:

No smoking (jangan merokok)

No littering (jangan buang sampah sembarangan)
No swimming (jangan berenang)
Don't step in the grass! (jangan menginjak rumput)
Don't read books loudly in the library! (jangan membaca keras di perpustakaan)
- Suggestion Warning (Warning to do something)
This recommendation warning is an expression of warning which means to tell someone
to do something carefully or it can also be in the form of advice. Warning this
recommendation does not use the word don’t?
Example of sentences:

Be careful of…. (hati-hati dengan...)

Be careful! (hati-hati)
Take care, please (jaga diri)

Teaching and learning objectives



a. Students are able to make a dialogue of expressing warning in pair

b. Students are able to practice the dialogue of expressing warning in front of class


a. Students are able to identify the material of expressing warning

b. Students are able to work in pair to make dialogue about expressing warning

c. Students are able to practice the dialogue about expressing warning in front of class

d. Students are able to to discuss the dialogue about expressing warning


a. Students are actively involved in teaching and learning activities showing the particular characters
(honest, creative, critical, logical and responsible)

b.Student can work cooperatively in teaching and learning actuates by asking question, giving idea
and opinion and communicates in a good manner


a. Students are able to make and to practice dialogue about expressing warning

B. Time in learning process

The time used in doing this learning is 2x45 minutes or 1 hour 30 minutes

C. Method in learning process

Method in Learning Process

Method: Communicative language learning

Technique: Dialogue

D. The media used

The media used is to use a warning image that matches the material delivered in
the class. Using a clear image makes students better understand how the warning
signs are around it.

E. How to teach by using media

- pre activity (10 minutes)
a. Greeting and checking student attendance
b. Students identify the material of expressing warning
- post activity (70 minutes)
a. Students work in pair to make dialogue about expressing warning
b. Students practice the dialogue about expressing warning in front of class
c. tudents discuss the dialogue about expressing warning
- evaluate based on the learning objective (10 minutes)
a.summaring the lesson

3 chance for student to ask question dealing with the material
c. giving homework
d.closing the lesson

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