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INFINIDAT Host PowerTools

for VMware
User Manual

About this manual

This publication introduces the INFINIDAT Host PowerTools for VMware. The publication
describes how to install and operate the INFINIDAT Host PowerTools on a vCenter Server and
access it from a vCenter client.
Date Product version Content
Nov-19-2015 2.1 Added:
• Reclaiming freed space
Oct-20-2015 Adding instructions for:
• Upgrade using a CDROM
Jul-12-2015 2.0.2 • Exposing the backed-up VM
May-11-2015 1.7.5 Updated Upgrading Host PowerTools version section,
including instructions for:
• Upgrading Host PowerTools via the internet
• Manually providing the upgrade file
• Using a specified repository for upgrade files
• Using the VM Upgrade Manager
Feb-15-2015 1.7.1 Added support for vSphere 5.5 update 1 and up.
Jun-30-2014 1.6.3 Initial release.

Page i

Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1
What is INFINIDAT Host PowerTools™ for VMware ............................................................................................... 1
Terminology ......................................................................................................................................................... 1
Installation prerequisites ...................................................................................................................................... 2
VASA Provider ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
Download site for the installation file ................................................................................................................... 3
Related documentation ........................................................................................................................................ 3

Installing Host PowerTools for VMmare .................................................................. 4

Installation of Host PowerTools ............................................................................................................................ 4
Upgrading Host PowerTools version ..................................................................................................................... 6
Uninstallation ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Changing the Host PowerTools IP settings .......................................................................................................... 10

Preparing the host.................................................................................................. 12

Registering the ESXi hosts ...................................................................................... 13

Provisioning ............................................................................................................ 15
Creating a new volume ....................................................................................................................................... 15
Viewing the volume properties ........................................................................................................................... 17
Mapping an existing volume to a vSphere cluster ............................................................................................... 18
Creating a datastore for an existing volume ....................................................................................................... 19
Renaming the device name to the volume name................................................................................................. 19
Resizing a volume ............................................................................................................................................... 20
Deleting the volume mapping ............................................................................................................................. 20
Reclaiming freed space ....................................................................................................................................... 21

Backup and restore ................................................................................................ 22

Backing up a virtual machine .............................................................................................................................. 22
Modifying the snapshot name and description ................................................................................................... 24
Deleting a snapshot ............................................................................................................................................ 25
Restoring from backup........................................................................................................................................ 25
Exposing the backed-up VM ................................................................................................................................ 26

Troubleshooting ..................................................................................................... 29
Troubleshoot the issue by yourself ...................................................................................................................... 29
Fetch a log .......................................................................................................................................................... 29

Appendix: Viewing the volume and host on the GUI ............................................ 30

Viewing a volume on the GUI.............................................................................................................................. 30

Index ....................................................................................................................... 31

Page ii

What is INFINIDAT Host PowerTools™ for VMware
INFINIDAT Host PowerToolsTM for VMware is an application that provides the VMware
administrator with provisioning capabilities and with an easing of the process of volumes backup
and recovery.
INFINIDAT encourages a close cooperation between the storage administrator and the VMware
administrator, as well as other applications administrators. According to this vision, the storage
administrator maintains an overall control over the storage environment, and sets policies to be
followed by all of the applications. Application administrators are granted with an autonomy to
provision storage and to operate within the policies set by the storage administrator. This
approach enables InfiniBox to intelligently automate most of the processes, and to monitor the
administrator actions so as to prevent mistakes that can lead to downtime.
Combining these advanced management capabilities provided by InfiniBox in tight integration
with VMware's newest and most advanced tools enables the storage and VMware
administrators to provide a faster, better and more agile service to the business.
INFINIDAT strongly encourages organizations to adopt this policy-driven approach which
accelerates business processes, but of course customers may also opt out of it. Working in this
approach, Host PowerTools for VMware offers a read-only mode for the VMware administrator,
where all changes are carried out by the storage team only.
Host PowerToolsTM is a trademark of INFINIDAT.

InfiniBox The INFINIDAT storage system that Host PowerTools connects to.

Host A computer system to which the InfiniBox is attached and accessible for
data storage and I/O.

Volume A set of disk blocks presented to an operating environment as a range of

consecutively numbered logical blocks with disk-like storage and I/O

OVF / OVA OVF (Open Virtualization Format) is an industry standard developed by

VMware for distribution purposes. It describes, in XML format, metadata
related to virtual machine image.

This format is supported, among other platforms, by VMware vCenter

4.0 and above.

The OVA contains an OVF file along with other files needed for the
deployment of the virtual machine.

Page 1

VASA Provider VASA (VMware vSphere® API for Storage Awareness) is a set of APIs that
allows storage vendors to provide vSphere with information about
specific disk arrays for a tighter integration between storage and the
virtual infrastructure.

The shared information includes details on storage virtualization,

including health status, configuration, capacity and thin provisioning.

LUN Logical Unit Number. An identifier of the volume.

Pool The pool is a logical space that contains volume, snapshot and clones.
The pool allocates physical and virtual storage space for these entities.
The pool also determines a policy for automatic extension in case of
space depletion.
Role-based access INFINIDAT restricts system access to users according to roles and
control operations.
The available roles are system administrator, a read-only user, pool
administrator (that is restricted to a given set of pools) and the
host_tools (see below).
host_tools This user accesses the InfiniBox using the Host PowerTools.
This user has access to all of the InfiniBox pools.

Installation prerequisites
Installation requirements
vSphere Version 5.x and up

Available RAM 4GB

Disk space 4GB

Browser When using VMware vSphere Client software, Internet

Explorer 10 or newer version must be installed on vSphere
client station.

No limitations apply to version of Internet Explorer installed

on vCenter server itself (unless it serves as a client station as

IP address for the appliance DHCP and manual configuration are supported

Page 2

List of required ports

Source Target Purpose Port (TCP
Host PowerTools for InfiniBox HTTP Restful API 443
Client (browser) Host PowerTools for Network and update 5480
Vmware management
vSphere client Host PowerTools for Webapp-content 443
vSphere client Host PowerTools for Plugin information 80
Host PowerTools for vCenter server SOAP API 80,443
Host PowerTools for Downloading software 21
Vmware updates

VASA Provider
The installation of Host PowerTools for VMware also includes a VASA Provider. VASA (vStorage
APIs for Storage Awareness) is a set of APIs that improve the way the vSphere vCenter operates
on storage arrays. Storage awareness capabilities include RAID and native thin provisioning, all
visible to the customer from within the vCenter.
The VASA Provider also provides information about the InfiniBox topology, capabilities and
state, including events and alerts.
Once the VASA Provider is installed, you can see it registered in vCenter (under Home > Storage

Download site for the installation file

Host PowerTools for VMware installation file is provided in an OVA format. The OVA file is
available from:

Related documentation
• Application Repository documentation on the Support site.

Page 3

Installing Host PowerTools for VMmare

This chapter covers the following tasks:
• Installation
• Registering the ESXi hosts in InfiniBox
• Upgrade
• Uninstallation

Installation of Host PowerTools

The installation of Host PowerTools for VMware allows you to access the InfiniBox from within
the vCenter client. The installation comprises two main steps:
1. Configuring the vCenter runtime settings
2. Deploying the OVA template

Configuring the vCenter runtime settings

Step 1 Open Administration > vCenter Server Settings from the menu. Click the
Runtime Settings tab. The runtime settings allow running multiple vCenter
Servers in the same environment.

Step 2 Provide the following runtime settings:

Managed IP address The vCenter Server system IP address.
Name The name of the cVenter Server system.

Note: Inserting an invalid vCenter Server system IP address results in an incomplete installation.

Deploying the OVA template

Step 1 Download the installation file as explained in Download site for the installation
Step 2 Open the vCenter client and select File > Deploy OVF Template from the menu.
Step 3 On the Source pane, browse to the installation file that you downloaded on Step
1 above.
Click Next.
Step 4 Review the details on the OVF Template Details pane and click Next.
Step 5 Review the Name and Location of Host PowerTools for VMware. Click Next.
Step 6 Select a host, or cluster on which the template will be deployed.

Page 4

Step 7 Select between thick and thin provisioning formats, all supported by INFINIDAT.
Step 8 Set the networking properties:
Default gateway. Leave blank if DHCP is used.
This is the IP address for the Host
PowerTools for VMWare appliance.
DNS. Leave blank if DHCP is used.
The IP address of the DNS server.
Network1 IP Address. Leave blank if DHCP is used.
The appliance IP address.
Network1 Mask. Leave blank if DHCP is used.
Network subnet mask.
Step 9 Click Next on the Service Binding screen.
Step 10 Review a summary of the deployment settings and click Finish.
The template is deployed.
Note that there is a script that runs after the deployment. You can verify that the
script has finished by clicking Launch Virtual Machine Console. The screen
should look like this:

Page 5

Step 11 Close the vCenter client and open it again to allow the INFINIDAT plug-in to be
Step 12 On the either of the following levels: VC, Cluster, ESX, Folder, vm, Datastore:
Click the INFINIDAT tab.
Initially, the message on screen is: “Cluster / datacenter not ready to work with
Run the Prepare command.

Upgrading Host PowerTools version

INFINIDAT leverages VMware's native Update Manager by providing a tool that checks for
upgrades. This tool is accessible via the internet.
If your vCenter Server does not have an internet connection, you can use other upgrade method
as described further down this section.

Upgrading via the internet

Note: Before the upgrade, it is advised to take a snapshot of the VM.
Step 1 To determine Host PowerTools IP address, open the HPT Summary tab.

Page 6

Step 2 On a browser, access the following URL:

https://<HPT IP>:5480
In our example:
Use the following credentials:
• User: root
• Password: nfinidat1
The INFINIDAT Upgrade Tool opens on screen.
Step 3 Click the Update tab.
Your current Host PowerTools version is displayed on screen.
Step 4 Click Check Updates.
Details of the available update are displayed on screen.
Step 5 Click Install Updates.
The available update is installed.
Step 6 Close the vCenter client and open it.
The appliance is installed.
It is visible and can be powered-down and up again from the Plug-in
Management menu item of the vCenter client.

Providing the upgrade file

Step 1 Go to the repository site (the link is available here: Download site for the
installation file).
1. Select Host PowerTools for VMware on the navigation tree.
2. Click on Other versions and platforms.

3. Select the file that ends with ISO and download it.

Page 7

4. Mount the ISO file to the VM as a CD ROM device.

Step 2 1. Go to the INFINIDAT Upgrade Tool as explained above.
2. Click on Updates, then on Settings and select the CD ROM Updates
3. Upload the file and click Save.

Using a specified repository for the upgrade files

Step 1 Install the INFINIDAT Application Repository.
See: Related documentation for a link to the relevant Application Repository
Populate the Application Repository with the HPT-VM upgrade package.
Step 2 Point the Host PowerTools for VMware appliance to fetch the package from the
Application Repository.
Copy the Repository URL and replace with the new repo

Page 8

Upgrading via the VM Upgrade Manager

Step 1 Repeat Step 1 on: Manually providing the upgrade file.
Step 2 Go to the Upgrade Manager.
For instructions on upgrading Host PowerTools via the native VMware Update
Manager, see VMware Studio 2.6 User Guide page 21.

Upgrade using a CDROM

This upgrade option requires an ISO file that is provided by INFINIDAT via a CDROM.
Step 1 Repeat Step 1 on: Providing the upgrade file.
Step 2 Go to the VM and select Edit Settings.
Virtual Machine Properties screen opens.
Step 3 On the Hardware tab, select CD/DVD and click Browse Datastores.
Browse Datastores screen opens.
1. Write down the version number and the location of the current file.
You will need this version number on a later step of this task.
2. Select the ISO file and click OK.
3. Check the Connected checkbox.
4. Click OK.
Step 4 Open the INFINIDAT Upgrade Tool console.
1. Click the Update tab.

Page 9

2. Click Settings.
3. Select Use CDROM Updates
4. Click Save Settings
5. Click the Status tab.
6. Click Check Updates.
The update version that was uploaded via the CDROM is listed under
Available Updates.
7. Click Install Updates.
Step 5 Read Carefully before rebooting the VM.
Return the original (the version prior to the upgrade) ISO file to the CD
drive prior to rebooting the VM.
Reboot the VM only if required.

You may uninstall Host PowerTools by selecting either Remove from inventory or Delete.
Step 1 Power off the appliance.
Step 2 On the Inventory panel, right-click a host and select either Remove from
inventory or Delete from disk from the Host pop-up menu.
Remove from inventory This option does not delete the virtual appliance
from the disk.
Delete from disk This option deletes the virtual appliance from the
Step 3 Manually clean the VASA Provider's IP from the Storage Providers screen.
Step 4 Unregister the Host PowerTools extension from the vCenter.
Step 5 Restart the vSphere web client.

Changing the Host PowerTools IP settings

You can change the IP settings that were determined during Host PowerTools installation.
Step 1 Access the INFINIDAT Upgrade Tool as explained here: Upgrading Host
PowerTools version.
Step 2 Click the Network tab and then the Address tab.
Step 3 Change the value of the IPv4 Address Type field from DCHP to Static.

Page 10

Network Address Settings screen opens.

Step 4 Change the IP Address and netmask.

Click Save Settings.
The new IP settings are saved.

Page 11

Preparing the host

Following the indtallation of Host PowerTools for Vmware, there is a need to prepare the host.
Step 1 From the vSphere Web Client, go to the ESX and click the INFINIDAT tab.
From the actions menu select Check Host Readiness.
Host readiness screen opens, indicating whether the host is ready.

Step 2 If the host is not ready, click Prepare Host.

The host is prepared and the message on the screen prompts for registering the
host (see the next chapter on this guide).

Page 12

Registering the ESXi hosts

The registration of INFINIDAT volumes to the host binds the InfiniBox to the vCenter Server (via
Host PowerTools), allowing for the provisioning of storage capacity to the datastores.
Following the installation, the appliance scans storage adapters and associates all ports
connected to the InfiniBox with cluster definition on the storage side, installs VASA and
performs additional optimizations (for example, changing the multipathing policy,configuring
the Queue depth, etc.).
Then, Host PowerTools application scans the environment for InfiniBox systems. The discovered
systems are displayed on screen.

For each storage system Host PowerTools displays its name, serial number, version, available
operations and a list of mapped volumes. In the screenshot above, the only available operation
is Register Host.
The message on screen explains that no volumes can be created on the InfiniBox from within
the vCenter Server, as long as it is not registered to InfiniBox.
Register the host using your InfiniBox credentials. The credentials are store on the appliance and
are unique per vCenter user.
The registration grants the user with provisioning privileges (see the next chapter).
Step 1 Click Register Host.
Authentication Required screen opens.

Page 13

Enter the following information:

User name Enter the user name of InfiniBox.
Password Enter the password of InfiniBox.
Remember these Check in order to allow Host PowerTools to
credentials remember your access information.
Use these credentials Check in order to allow Host PowerTools to use the
for all systems same credentials on all InfiniBox.
Click OK.
The InfiniBox is available for use.

Page 14

Allocating storage resources to the vSphere cluster is done by mapping a volume to the entire
cluster, allowing all of the servers to access it. You can either map an existing volume, or create
a new volume. The provisioning of storage on a cluster level avoids sub-optimal configurations
where a LUN is not accessible by all hosts.

Creating a new volume

This operation creates a volume and maps it to the host.
Step 1 Click the cluster and then click the INFINIDAT tab.
The available InfiniBox are displayed.

On the image above we can see that the name of the storage system that is
displayed on screen is box-cl005.
The available operations are Map and New, as you can either map to an existing
volume, or create a new one.
Step 2 Click New.
The Create Volume screen opens.

Page 15

Enter the following information:

Volume name A default volume name is displayed on screen. You
may provide another name.
Size Set a size for the volume. Select the unit between
GB and TB.
Thin Select whether to create a thin-provisioned
volume. If this checkbox is left unchecked, the
volume will be thick-provisioned.
Pool Select a pool to associate the volume with. Only
pools that are available to the user are displayed.
Note that the available space on the storage
system is indicated.
Volume count Set the number of volumes that wil lbe created. If
more that a sible volume is created, the volume
name that was ented above will serve as a prefix to
the name of the volume series.
Create datastore Check in order to create a datastore for the
If you prefer to create the datastore later on, or if
the provisioned space will be used for another
Page 16

purpose, such as Raw Device Mapping (RDM),

disks, or existing datastore extent.
Set device name to Set the volume name to have the name of the
volume name VMware container of virtual machines.
Click Continue.
The Create Volume screen displays the operations that are about to take place.

Step 3 Click Start.

The progress of the volume creation process is indicated on screen.
Step 4 Click Done.
The volume is created and is available on the screen.
From now on the new datastore is available for usage by new or existing virtual machines.

Viewing the volume properties

The INFINIDAT tab of the vSphere cluster displays the volumes that are mapped to the vCenter
The volumes are displayed along with the following information:
Datastore Name The name of the datastore that uses the LUN.
Volume Name The name of the volume on the InfiniBox.
Size The storage space that was allocated to the volume when it was created.
# Paths The number of paths that are available from the datastore to the volume.
LUN Logical Unit Number. A unique identifier of the volume that is mapped to
the cluster.
Device Name The VMware container of virtual machines. If the volume was not created
by Host PowerToolsTM, the device name and the volume name are not

Page 17

Actions The actions available on the volume.

These actions are described in the following sections of this chapter.

Mapping an existing volume to a vSphere cluster

This operation maps a preconfigured volume that was created outside of Host PowerTools to
the vSphere cluster. Typically, the volume was created from the InfiniBox GUI, or CLI.

Step 1 On the INFINIDAT tab, click Map.

Map Volume screen opens.
Search for the volume.
Check Show clones to include clones of volumes in the search results.
Select a volume and click Done.

Page 18

Step 2 The volume is mapped and added to the volumes table.

Creating a datastore for an existing volume

This operation maps a volume that was created outside Host PowerTools to a specific datastore
on the vCenter Server. Typically, the volume was created from the InfiniBox GUI, or CLI.

In case the volume is not mapped

Follow the instructions here.

For a mapped volume

Step 1 Select Create datastore from the Actions menu.

A datastore is created for the volume.

Renaming the device name to the volume name

Mapping a volume that was creating externally to the vCenter assigns it with a device name that
is not identical to the volume name.
To rename the device name to the volume name:
Step 1 Select a volume that was mapped to the host.
Step 2 Select Rename device to volume name from the Actions list.

The device name changes.

Page 19

Resizing a volume
This task resizes a volume, initiates a storage HBA rescan and extends the datastore.
Note that VMWare has certain limitations to datastore size, according to the VMFS type and
product version. Refer to VMWare documentation for obtaining the maximum datastore size
that is applicable for your environment.
Step 1 Select a volume from the table on the vCenter Client.
Select Resize from the Actions list.
Resize Volume screen opens.
Step 2 Set the new size.

Click OK and then Done.

The volume is resized.

Deleting the volume mapping

This operation deletes the mapping between a volume and a vSphere cluster.
Prior to the deletion, you have to migrate all running virtual machines to another
datastore, or to remove the Raw Device Mapping.
Otherwise, a loss of data may occur.
Step 1 Select a volume from the table.
Select Unmap from the Actions list.
The volume is removed from the table and vCenter is updated that the device is
permanently disconnected.
When viewed from the InfiniBox GUI, the value of the Has Mapping field of the
volume is changed to NO.

Page 20

Reclaiming freed space

This operation reclaims space that was freed (upon VM deletion, or VM migration), making it
available for reuse.
• The operation is available for volumes that:
o Are thin
o Have a datastore
• The operation is accessible on ESX and Cluster levels
Step 1 Access the VM from an ESX or Cluster and click the volume’s actions menu.

Step 2 Select Reclaim Space.

The space is reclaimed.

Page 21

Backup and restore

Host PowerTools backups and restores a virtual machine from the vCenter Server.
This chapter describes how to:
• Back up a virtual machine
• Modify the snapshot name and description
• Delete a snapshot
• Restore
o Restore a virtual machine from a backup
o Exposing the backed-up VM

Backing up a virtual machine

INFINIDAT uses the storage terminology for a backup: the snapshot. The snapshot reflects the
content of the volume – and the datastore – at a certain point-in-time.
INFINIDAT utilizes an advanced snapshot mechanism that allows for creating an extremely
scalable number of snapshots for a virtual machine with no performance penalty.

Virtual disk consolidation

The INFINIDAT Host PowerTools for VMware snapshot consistency process includes the
following steps:
1. Creation of VMware level snapshot
2. Creation a storage level snapshot
3. Deleting the VMware level snapshot
When creating a VM level snapshot, the original VMDK file gets into R/O mode, and, at the ame
time, a new delta file is created for all the new writes.
Whenever the VM level snapshot is deleted the delta file needs to be consolidated into the
VMDK file (and set the VMDK back to R/W).
As this consolidation takes time and might affect performance, HPT-VM allows the user to skip
this consolidation by only deleting the VMWare snapshot without consolidating the VMDK delta
However, the user still has to consolidate the delta file, but the consolidation can be scheduled
to be run later, when the system is less busy.

How to back up the virtual machine

Step 1 Select a datastore or a virtual machine and open its INFINIDAT tab.
Click Snapshot.

Page 22

Create Snapshot screen opens.

Step 2 Fill in the following information:
Snapshot name The name of the snapshot.
Description Add optional text here.
Perform VMware Check this box in order to create a consistent
consistency snapshot snapshot by performing Quiesce.
Consolidate virtual disk Check this box in order to consolidate the virtual
disk now.
If left unchecked, the disk consolidation will take
place later, when the system is less busy.
For more details, see above.

Click Done.
The snapshot is created.
The snapshot is visible on screen along with its properties.

Page 23

The snapshot is visible from the InfiniBox GUI, as well.

Modifying the snapshot name and description

You can modify the name and description of the snapshot to allow for better searching of a
specific snapshot.
Step 1 Click on a snapshot and select Edit from the Actions menu.
Edit Snapshot screen opens.

Page 24

Step 2 Modify the snapshot name and description.

Click Done.

Deleting a snapshot
Step 1 Click on a snapshot and select Delete from the Actions list.
Step 2 Approve the message on screen.
The snapshot is deleted.

Restoring from backup

The INFINIDAT volume may be used as a datastore, meaning that more than one VM will be
stored in it. When performing a snapshot of a volume, all changes to the volume are reflected in
the snapshot (regardless of the VM that contributed the changes).
In case of datastore, the situation indeed is very simple, since all data residing on datastore is
However, in restoring of single / set of VMs, the restore from backup performs the following
1. Create a clone of the selected snapshot and map it to the cluster
2. Initiate storage HBA rescan for the cluster to discover the new mapping
3. Mount a clone as separate datastore in read-only mode
4. Recover only the selected VM(s) from the clone datastore
5. Unmount the read-only DS, unmap the clone and remove it
6. Perform rescan again to make sure the mapping is updated

Page 25

Step 1 Click on a snapshot and select Restore from the Actions list.
Restore Snapshot screen opens.
Step 2 Select either of the following:
• Leave the Restored VM Name field empty – The restored volume is
created with the following name:

• Name the virtual machine that will be restored

Click Done.
The volume is restored.

Exposing the backed-up VM

Exposing the backed-up VM is a faster way to make the snapshot available to the datacenter.
The Expose operation separates the mapping of the snapshot to the ESX server from starting the
VM whose data needs to be recovered.

Page 26

Step 1 Click on a snapshot and select Expose from the Actions list.

Expose Snapshot screen opens.

Step 2 Fill the VM name, select the target host and the target folder. Click Done.

The snapshot is exposed. The virtual machine, volume and datastore names are
displayed on screen.

Page 27

The exposed snapshot is also available from the navigation tree.

Page 28

Whenever an error message is displayed on screen, and the way to workaround it can't be found
on this publication, please send the log to INFINIDAT Customer Support.

Troubleshoot the issue by yourself

Start with the following steps:
Step 1 Verify that the vCenter runtime settings are correct.
Step 2 Verify that all firewall ports are configured correctly.

Fetch a log
If the above steps do not solve that problem, proceed to:
Step 1 Click the hyperlink on See the log for further information.
Click Download to download and save the log file.
Step 2 Send it to INFINIDAT Customer Support:
For other means of communications, see:

Page 29

Appendix: Viewing the volume and host on the GUI

INFINIDAT provides several management tools that provide access and visibility into the storage
system. Once you have created a volume, you can view it on the GUI.

Viewing a volume on the GUI

Step 1 Open the GUI from a browser.
The typical URL is http://<system name>.<your domain>.
For example:
Step 2 Click on the Volumes icon
The volumes view opens on screen.

Step 3 Click a volume.

The volume view opens on screen.

Among other volume's properties, we see the name of the host on the Current
Mapping field.

Page 30

Installation requirements, 2 Restored VM Name, 21
A internet connection, 7 Role-based access control, 2
Inventory panel, 8
Actions list, 16, 20
IPv4 Address Type, 9
administrator, 1 S
applications administrator, 1
L snapshot, 18
snapshot mechanism, 18
B Launch Virtual Machine Snapshot name, 19
Console, 7 Source pane, 5
Back up a virtual machine, 4, 18
LUN, 2 specific point-in-time, 18
storage administrator, 1
C M Storage awareness, 3
storage environment, 1
Check Updates, 8 Summary tab, 7
Managed IP address, 5
consistency snapshot, 19
Map, 12
Create datastore, 12
mapping a volume to a T
Create Snapshot, 18
datastore, 12
Create Volume screen, 12
terminology, 18
thin provisioning, 3
Name, 5 U
datastore, 18
Network1 IP Address, 6
Default gateway, 6
Network1 Mask, 6 Unique ID, 5
Delete from disk, 8
New, 12 Use these credentials for all
Deploy OVF Template, 5
no performance penalty, 18 systems, 10
disk blocks, 1
user, 2
DNS, 6
OVA, 2
Deploying the OVA VASA Provider, 2, 3
Edit Snapshot screen, 19
template, 5 vCenter runtime settings, 5
OVF, 2 VMware administrator, 1
H VMware Update Manager, 8
Volume, 1
Has Mapping field, 17 P volume that was created
Host, 1 outside the Host Power
point-in-time, 18
host administrator, 1 Tools, 15
Pool, 2
host_tools, 2 volumes backup and recovery, 1
provisioning capabilities, 1

InfiniBox, 1 XML format, 2
Register Host, 10
InfiniBox GUI, 15
Remember these credentials, 10
InfiniBox topology, 3
Remove from inventory, 8
Infinidat Upgrade Tool, 8
Resize Volume screen, 16

Page 31
© Copyright INFINIDAT LTD 2014.

This document is current as of the date of and may be changed by INFINIDAT at any time. Not all
offerings are available in every country in which INFINIDAT operates.

The data discussed herein is presented as derived under specific operating conditions. Actual
OF NON-INFRINGEMENT. INFINIDAT products are warranted according to the terms and
conditions of the agreements under which they are provided.

INFINIDAT, The INFINIDAT logo, InfiniBox, InfiniRAID, InfiniSnap, Host PowerTools, and any other
applicable product trademarks are registered trademarks or trademarks of INFINIDAT LTD in the
United States and other countries. Other product and service names might be trademarks of
INFINIDAT or other companies. A current list of INFINIDAT trademarks is available online at

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