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G1 NTI ITC2 Package

IT Package ID / Scenario ID : BS06

IT Package : SI POC Project

IT Scenario : SI POC Project: SBO

Reviewer Name :
IT Package ID BS06
IT Scenario SI POC Project: SBO
IT Package Overview / Objective

Pre-Sales cycle will be done via the Costing Sheet Program.
PM will start the Pre-Sales Cycle. When pre-sales cycle is near completion, BU head will approve the costing sheet by setting the FInal By Head status to F1.
Customer is a division in NEC APAC (Singapore).
There will be Two(2) invoices.
There will be Two(2) Sales Order.
Two(2) costing sheets will be created. One for personnel stationed in NEC APAC and the other for personnel in NOIDA.
Two(2) L2 WBS will be created. One for personnel stationed in NEC APAC and the other for personnel station in NOIDA.

Finance user will now review the Costing sheet and set the status Final/Active by FInance to F2.
The Networks and Activities below the L2 WBS represents the costs that will be captured against the project. Internal Labour cost will be via the JIRA timesheet interface
If other cost is needed like S/W Tools (through purchase order).
Actual billing is by phase and based on the billing plan per the costing sheet. Costs and Revenue recognition is separate from actual billing as is based on the Results Analysis (RA) Key.
Project Start Date 01.12.2017
Project End Date 28.02.2018
There will be 2 month end posting.
1st Month End posting will be in Dec 2017.
2nd Month End posting will be in Jan 2018.

Test Case Sequence

System SAP Tcode Process Step
1 Create Costing sheet and Project
1.01 SAP ZZK1LPS1962D0001A Create Costing Sheet

1.02 SAP ZZK1LPS1962D0001A Print Costing Sheet

1.03 SAP CJ20N Create Project

1.04 SAP CJ20N Add Person Responsible to Project

1.05 SAP CJ20N Add Profit Center

1.06 SAP CJ20N Add MRP controller

1.07 SAP CJ20N Verify dates in WBS is correct

1.08 SAP CJ20N Verify RA Key

1.09 SAP CJ20N Save Project

1.10 SAP ZZK1LPS1962D0001A Create new version of Costing Sheet

1.11 SAP ZZK1LPS1962D0001A Print Costing Sheet

1.12 SAP ZZK1LPS1962D0001A Change Costing Sheet
1.13 SAP ZZK1LPS1962D0001A Change Costing Sheet

1.14 SAP ZZK1LPS1962D0001A Display costing sheet

1.15 SAP CJ20N Release Project
Plan Revenue, Plan Cost & Budget
1.16 SAP CJ40 Cost Assignment (Cost Plan) for Project

1.17 SAP CJ42 Cost Assignment (Plan Revenue) for Project

1.18 SAP CJE0 --> Z10KEF1A Review Planned cost and planned revenue in
Object currency for execution project.

1.19 SAP CJ30 Budget assignment for execution project

1.20 SAP ZZK1LFI1568P0010A Display budget/commitment report

Generate Settlement Rule

1.21 SAP CJB2 Project/WBS Element: Generate settlement

Create Sales Order

1.22 SAP VA01 Create SO for SI POC Project

1.23 SAP VA02 Check the Incompletion Log

1.24 SAP VKM3 Release credit block

1.26 SAP VA02 Check the Incompletion Log

1.27 SAP VKM3 Release credit block
Procurement for Software Licence
Requirement to Procure Non Stock Item - Software License
1.28 SAP ME51N Raise PR to procurement team for software

1.29 SAP ME53N Display PR

1.30 SAP ME54N Approve PR

1.31 Salesforce (WF) NA Authorize/Approve purchase request

Purchase Order Processing
1.32 SAP ME21N Create Purchase Order

1.33 SAP ME23N Display PO

1.34 SAP CJI5 (Commitments) Display Project Commitment Line Items

1.35 SAP ME29N Release PO for approval

1.36 Salesforce (WF) ME29N Authorize/Approve purchase order documents

1.37 SAP ME9F Print or sent the PO to vendor

Receive Non-Stock items
1.38 SAP MIGO Goods Receipt refer to PO for non-stock items

1.39 SAP MIGO Display Material Document

1.40 SAP CJI5 (Commitments) Display Project Commitment Line Items

1.41 SAP MIRO Logistic Invoice Verification refer to Purchase

1.42 SAP MIR4 Display Vendor Invoice Verification Document

Enter Internal Labor (Timesheet via JIRA Interface)

1.43 SAP ZZK1LPS1962P0002A Time sheet posting to project

1.44 SAP CATS_DA Verify time sheet upload results

1.45 SAP CATA Transfer to project

1.46 CJI3 (Actuals) / 5 Review actuals including time

Travel Expenses
1.47 SAP FBV1 Park Travel Journal Entry

1.48 SAP FBV0 Post the Parked Document

1.49 SAP FB03 Display the accounting documents

1st. Billing
1.50 SAP VA02 Remove the Billing Block for the Billing Plan
date when it is ready to be billed.

1.51 SAP VKM3 Release credit block

1.52 SAP VF01 Create billing document

1.53 SAP VF03 Display billing document

1.54 SAP ZZK1GSD0000P0101B Sales To Invoice Report. JBO CT & WT
1.55 SAP VA02 Remove the Billing Block for the Billing Plan
date when it is ready to be billed.

1.56 SAP VKM3 Release credit block

1.57 SAP VF01 Create billing document

1.58 SAP VF03 Display billing document

1.59 SAP ZZK1GSD0000P0101B Sales To Invoice Report. JBO CT & WT
1.60 SAP F-28 Incoming Payment
Month End Closing - 1st Period
First Month End Settlement
1.61 SAP CJ20N Display Project settings:

1.62 SAP ZZK1LFI1568P0006A Generate report to review the project costs

or CJI3 incurred.

1.63 SAP CJB1 - Collective Project/WBS element: Generate settlement

CJB2 - Individual

1.64 SAP KOSRLIST_PR Review Settlement Rules for Projects

1.65 SAP CJA1 - Collective Execute Project-related Incoming Orders
CJA2 - Individual

1.66 SAP KKAJ - Collective Project/WBS element:

Run Results Analysis 2
KKA2 - Individual

1.67 SAP CJ8G - Collective Projects/Networks: Settlement to COPA

CJ88 - Individual

1.68 SAP FB03 Display the accounting documents

1.69 SAP ZZK1LFI1568P0006A Generate report to review the project costs
or CJI3 and the offsetting entries from settlements.

1.70 SAP KE24 Display actual line items in COPA

1.71 S_ALR_87013611 Display cost center Generate report to display the cost posted to
(actual/plan/variance) cost center from admin project after
report settlement

1.72 BI Run Project Dashboard and Run Project Dashboard by project and Detailed
Detailed P&L by BU P&L by profit center

1.73 SAP S_E38_98000088 SBO Trial balance in SGD

1.74 SAP FAGLL03 SBO line items in SGD

Second Period Activities
Enter Internal labour for second period (Timesheet via JIRA Interface)
1.75 SAP ZZK1LPS1962P0002A Time sheet posting to project

1.76 SAP CATS_DA Verify time sheet upload results

1.77 SAP CATA Transfer to project

1.78 CJI3 (Actuals) / 5 Review actuals including time

Create Billing document for second period
1.79 SAP VA02 Change Sales Order
1.80 SAP VF01 Create billing document

1.81 SAP VF02 Release document to accounting

1.82 SAP VF02 Print billing document

1.83 SAP VF03 Display accounting document

1.84 SAP ZZK1GSD0000P0101B Sales To Invoice Report. JBO CT & WT

1.84 SAP VA02 Change Sales Order

1.85 SAP VF01 Create billing document

1.86 SAP VF02 Release document to accounting

1.87 SAP VF02 Print billing document

1.88 SAP VF03 Display accounting document

1.89 SAP ZZK1GSD0000P0101B Sales To Invoice Report. JBO CT & WT

1.90 SAP F-28 Incoming Payment
TECO the project (Preliminary close)
1.92 SAP CN27 Confirm the Network and activities
Month End Closing - 2nd Period
Second Month End Settlement
1.93 SAP ZZK1LFI1568P0006A Generate report to review the project costs
or CJI3 incurred.

1.94 SAP CJA1 (using CJA2 for Execute Project-related Incoming Orders
individual projects)

1.95 SAP CJB1 (using CJB2 for Project/WBS Element: Generate settlement
individual project) rules

1.96 SAP KKAJ Project/WBS Element:

Run Results Analysis
KKA2 - Individual

1.97 SAP CJ8G - Collective Projects/Networks: Settlement

CJ88 - Individual

1.98 SAP ZZK1LFI1568P0006A Generate report to review the project costs

or CJI3 incurred.

1.99 SAP FB03 Display FI document

2.00 SAP KE24 Display actual line items
by setting the FInal By Head status to F1.


nal Labour cost will be via the JIRA timesheet interface

rate from actual billing as is based on the Results Analysis (RA) Key.

Process Step Description Performing Party

7VAISD10 Projects_PM

BU Head prints V00001 version of costing sheet Projects_BU

Create Project using the following first 5 character coding - 0VAIS, using the appropriate standard Projects_PM
template. Project is 3 months long. 2 L2 WBS - staff based in NEC APAC and staff based in Noida

Add Person Responsible xxxxxxxxxxxx (please refer to worksheet Data to see the choices available Projects_PM
for NTI)
Add Profit Center xxxxxxxx (please refer to worksheet Data to see the choices available for NTI) Projects_PM
Add MRP Controller = 999 Projects_PM

Check that the dates in the L2 WBS element is correct Projects_PM

Verify RA Keys at the L2 WBS element Projects_PM

Save Project Projects_PM

PM creates new version of costing sheet V00002 and adds 1 billable resource and 1 shadow Project_PM
resources. PM assigns Project Def (0VAPF-nnnnnn) and WBS element (0VAPF-nnnnnn.nnn) to
costing sheet
BU Head prints V00002 version of costing sheet Project_BU
BU Head changes costing sheet V00002 by setting Final By BU Head to F1 Project_BU
Finance user reviews costing sheet and sets stauts Final/Active By Finance to F2 Project_FI

Display A00001 verion of costing sheet Project_BU

Finance user release L2 WBS in project Finance

Enter the plan cost for the two (2) L2 WBS element. Projects
Version Q.
The cost elements are:-
4210107215 - Project Cost Labor Adjustment
4210107255 - Vendor Installation
4210107085 - Materials Consumed
4210107275 - Other Project Cost

Enter the plan revenue for the two (2) L2 WBS element Projects
Version is Q.

Use report Z10KEF1A Costs/Rev/Expenditures/Receipts(Obj) to review Project planning in Object Projects


Key in the budget for the L2 WBS element. Projects

Budget = Plan cost.
Display budget/commitment report Projects

To reduce maintenance work on setting the settlement rules and to reduce the likelihood of errors Periodic
in the characteristic derivation for settlement, generate settlement rules automatically Batch Job

Sales from India: Sales

Create SO (SO type ZAP2) with one line item with item category ZAP2.
-Link the SO line item to WBS

Note 1: Create Milestone Billing plan as per the milstones in the costing sheet.
30.12.2017 20,000 (USD)
30.01.2018 25,000 (USD)
28.02.2018 10,000 (USD)

Change status from 'CREA' to CHCK'

NOTE:- 2 Sales order will be created for Singapore and India seperately

Fix any errors in the log Finance

Release credit block by sales order if customer has insufficient credit limit Finance
Sales from Singapore
Create SO (SO type ZAP2) with one line item with item category ZAP2.
-Link the SO line item to WBS Level 2. 0VAIS-nnnnnn.100

Note 1: Create Milestone Billing plan as per the milstones in the costing sheet.
30.12.2017 5,000 (USD)
30.01.2018 6,000 (USD)
28.02.2018 6,000 (USD)

Change status from 'CREA' to CHCK'

NOTE:- 2 Sales order will be created for Singapore and India seperately

Fix any errors in the log Finance

Release credit block by sales order if customer has insufficient credit limit Finance

Raise PR for software license and charge to project Projects

PR Doc Type : NB - Purchase Requisition

Plant :

Display and review created PR before approval process Projects

Approve PR manually in SAP if salesforce is not available. Approving party

An email is sent to the approver. The approver can approve the purchase request via email, via Approving party
internet or via smart phone.

Convert approved PR's in to Purchase orders Purchasing

Display and review created PO before approval process Purchasing

Display Committed Line Items Projects

Release PO for approval PO Approving party

An email is sent to the approver. The approver will approve this purchase order through via email, Approving party
via internet or via smart phone.
Print or sent the PO to vendor Purchasing
Choose Transaction Type : A01 (Goods Receipt) Finance
Reference Document Type : R01 (Purchase Order)
Reference Documeny No : <PO No>
Press Enter
Enter Delivery Note :

In Quantity tab, Review and Update if Necessary for following :

Qty in Unit of Entry :
Tick Item Ok in Item Details
Click Check to verify if any errors
If no error then Click Post/Save

Display posted GR document Finance

Display Committed Line Items Projects

Logistics Invoice Processing for all the PO which has been goods receipted. Finance

Display posted Vendor Invoice Document Finance

Select button Upload from Server and execute the job without test mode in front end or Projects
Report will show the details of posted time sheet Projects
Transfer Labor cost to project Projects
Periodic batch job
Park the travelling expenses journal entry Finance
Posting Date : Doctype : Co.Code: Ref:
Posting Key : 40 GL Account :
Press Enter
Amount : Tax Code: Business Place :
WBS Element: 0VAIS-000033.100 Text:
Posting Key : 50 GL Account :
Press Enter
Amount : Business Place :
Profit Center: 7VAITP10
Click on overview and Park

Posting the parkted document. Finance

Input the Document :
Press Enter:
Select the document and Save

Financial Accounting Finance

Display the accounting document generated during Results Analysis and Settlements
1. Press "Document List"
2. Input selection criteria and execute
3. Double click on one of the list drill down to the accounting document detail

Sales from India Sales

Release credit block by sales order if customer has insufficient credit limit Finance
Create billing document with reference to sales order, for the 1st milestone Sales
1. Enter sales document number created in Step 10.
2. Data will be coppied from sales order to billing document.

Print/Email invoices to customer Sales

Sales To Invoice Report. Sales
Sales from Singapore Sales

Release credit block by sales order if customer has insufficient credit limit Finance
Create billing document with reference to sales order, for the 1st milestone Sales
1. Enter sales document number created in Step 10.
2. Data will be coppied from sales order to billing document.

Print/Email invoices to customer Sales

Sales To Invoice Report. Sales


Review Project settings relevant to Project accounting: CO

1. Basic Tab: System status & Operative indicators
2. Control Tab: RA key

1. Generate report to review the project costs and revenue incurred. CO

2. From the project report (ZZK1LFI1568P0006A), double click on one of the expense account to
drill down to the actual line items (CJI3).

To reduce maintenance work on setting the settlement rules and to reduce the likelihood of errors CO
in the characteristic derivation for settlement to COPA, generate settlement rules automatically.
1. Run with Test Run flag
2. Run without Test Run flag
3. Review the processing log to check the results.

Batch Job

Review Settlement Rules for Projects. Re-execute CJB1/CJB2 for specific WBS elements with CO
missing settlement rules.
To roll up costs, revenues, and quantities from incoming orders, open order values (costs, CO
revenues & quantities) from sales orders assigned to project including sales orders closed or
changed in the current period.
1. Run with Test Run flag
2. Run without Test Run flag
3. Review the processing log to check the results.
Batch Job

1. Execute result analysis run for the above project for the specified accounting period. CO
2. Review the processing log to check the results.
Batch Job

Settle actual revenues and costs collected at the execution project to COPA. During the process, CO
posting entries are created automatically to transfer the revenue and costs collected at the WBS
elements to COPA.
1. Run with Test Run flag
2. Run without Test Run flag
3. Review the processing log to check the results.
4. Press "Accounting Documents" and review FI/CO documents.
Batch Job

Financial Accounting Finance

Display the accounting document generated during Results Analysis and Settlements
1. Press "Document List"
2. Input selection criteria and execute
3. Double click on one of the list drill down to the accounting document detail
Project/Controlling CO
1. Generate report to review the project costs incurred.
2. From the project report (ZZK1LFI1568P0006A), double click on one of the expense account to
drill down to the actual line items (CJI3).

Controlling CO
Generate report to display the revenues and costs transferred to COPA.

Controlling Controlling Area:

Plan Version: 0
Cost Center: Cost
center in Admin


Financial Accounting Finance

Financial Accounting Finance

Select button Upload from Server and execute the job without test mode in front end or Projects
Report will show the details of posted time sheet Projects

Transfer Labor cost to project Projects

Periodic batch job

Sales from India:

Remove the Billing Block for the Billing Plan date when it is ready to be billed.
Create billing document with reference to sales order, for the 2nd Milestone Biling.

Release billing document to accounting posting (only if the Billing Type is ZAFC).
1. Enter billing document number.
2. Click on Flag icon.

Print/Email invoices to customer.
1. Preview Output from path main screen of VF03 > Billing Document > Issue Output To > Select
Output > Preview button.
2. Make sure email addresses are maintained in Customer Master if select Output ZARQ.

Sales / Finance

Display billing and accounting document.

Sales To Invoice Report. JBO CT & WT scenarios. Sales

Sales from Singapore

Remove the Billing Block for the Billing Plan date when it is ready to be billed.

Create billing document with reference to sales order, for the 2nd Milestone Biling.

Release billing document to accounting posting (only if the Billing Type is ZAFC).
1. Enter billing document number.
2. Click on Flag icon.
Print/Email invoices to customer.
1. Preview Output from path main screen of VF03 > Billing Document > Issue Output To > Select
Output > Preview button.
2. Make sure email addresses are maintained in Customer Master if select Output ZARQ.

Sales / Finance

Display billing and accounting document.

Sales To Invoice Report. JBO CT & WT scenarios. Sales


Set the L2 WBS and the elements below it to TECO Projects

Confirm the Network and activities Projects

1. Generate report to review the project costs incurred. Projects

2. From the project report, double click on one of the expense account to drill down to the actual
line items.
To roll up costs, revenues, and quantities from incoming orders, open order values (costs, Projects
revenues & quantities) from sales orders assigned to project including sales orders closed or
changed in the current period.

To reduce maintenance work on setting the settlement rules and to reduce the likelihood of errors Projects
in the characteristic derivation for settlement, generate settlement rules automatically

1. Execute result analysis run for the above project for the specified accounting period. Projects
2. Review the processing log to check the results.

During the process, posting entries are created automatically to transfer the revenue and costs Projects
collected at the WBS Elements to COPA.

1. Generate report to review the project costs incurred. Projects

2. From the project report, double click on one of the expense account to drill down to the actual
line items.
Display journal entries generated after the Settlement run Finance
Generate report to display the revenue and costs transferred to COPA. CO
Seq Tester can paste key screen* or key form result in this worksheet
Use Seq ID as indicator / link to test steps. *Not all steps screen capture is required
e is required

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