2007 Diederichs

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The 2003 Canadian Geotechnical Colloquium:

Mechanistic interpretation and practical
application of damage and spalling prediction
criteria for deep tunnelling
Mark S. Diederichs

Abstract: Spalling and strain bursting has long been recognized as a mechanism of failure in deep underground mines in
hard rock and in deep infrastructure tunnels. The latter is a significant growth industry, particularly in Europe where subal-
pine base tunnels in excess of 10 m wide and dozens of kilometres long are being driven by tunnel boring machine (TBM)
through alpine terrain at depths greater than 2 km. In more massive granitoid or gneissic ground, these tunnels have experi-
enced significant spalling damage. En route to a practical predictive technique for this condition, the author utilizes a num-
ber of analytical and micromechanical tools to validate a simple empirical predictive model for tunnel spall initiation. The
true nature of damage and of yield, as the result of extensile damage accumulation, in hard rocks is examined using these
tools. Based on the resultant conceptual model, the author expands on the empirical damage threshold, using a spalling limit
to differentiate stress paths that lead to crack propagation and spalling from those that incur stable microdamage prior to
conventional shear failure at higher relative confinements. Finally, the composite and robust in situ yield model is applied to
nonlinear modelling for support design.
Key words: tunnelling, spalling, rock fracture, crack initiation, yield, modelling.
Résumé : L’effritement et l’éclatement par déformation ont longtemps été reconnus comme mécanismes de rupture dans les
mines souterraines profondes dans le roche dure et dans les tunnels profonds d’infrastructure. Ces derniers représentent une
industrie en croissance significative, particulièrement en Europe où des tunnels subalpins avec des bases excédant 10 m de
largeur et des longueurs de plusieurs kilomètres sont creusés par des appareils de forage de tunnels, ou tunneliers (TBM), à
travers les terrains alpins à des profondeurs supérieures à 2 km. Dans les terrains plus massifs granitiques et gneissiques, ces
tunnels ont subi des dommages appréciables d’effritement. Dans la recherche d’une technique pratique de prédiction de cette
condition, l’auteur utilise un certain nombre d’outils analytiques et micromécaniques pour valider un modèle empirique sim-
ple de prédiction pour le déclenchement de l’effritement. Au moyen de ces outils, on examine dans les roches dures la vraie
nature du dommage et de la déformation résultant de l’accumulation de dommages étendus. Sur la base du modèle concep-
tuel résultant, l’auteur développe un seuil empirique de dommage en utilisant une limite d’effritement pour différencier les
cheminements de contraintes qui mènent à la propagation de fissures et à l’effritement, de ceux qui subissent un micro-
dommage avant la rupture conventionnelle en cisaillement à des confinements relativement plus élevés. Finalement, le mo-
dèle de limite élastique composite et robuste in situ est appliqué à la modélisation non linéaire pour appuyer la conception.
Mots-clés : creusage de tunnels, effritement, fracture de roche, initiation de fissure, limite élastique, modélisation.
[Traduit par la Rédaction]

Introduction 2004; Kaiser and McCreath 1993) and shaft boring. The lat-
ter has largely replaced other methods for the creation of ore
The problem of spalling damage and associated strain passes and secondary shafts in hard rock mines. While struc-
bursting in deep mining excavations has been well docu- tural integrity is improved by such methods, the potential for
mented around the world (e.g., Read 2004; Martin 1997; spalling and strain bursting is often enhanced. Spalling can
Martin et al. 1997; Ortlepp 1997; Kaiser et al. 1995; Wagner occur in drill and blast excavations when blast damage is
1987; Hoek and Brown 1980; Hoek 1968; and Fairhurst and minimized, but is particularly problematic in bored tunnels
Cook 1966). Spalling and strain bursting are also significant and shafts. Large (8–12 m) tunnel boring machine (TBM)
issues in deep tunneling (Lee et al. 2004; Diederichs et al. driven tunnels in hard rock at depths exceeding 1500 m are
becoming commonplace in Europe and elsewhere. Mecha-
Received 6 October 2005. Accepted 31 January 2007. Published nized excavation techniques, such as those utilizing TBMs
on the NRC Research Press Web site at cgj.nrc.ca on or raise-bore equipment, often result in openings where the
8 November 2007. creation of surface spall damage and breakouts is a signifi-
M.S. Diederichs.1 GeoEngineering Centre at Queen’s University cant problem (Stacey and De Jongh 1977). Spalling damage
and RMC, Department of Geological Sciences and Geological in shafts and orepasses can propagate in an uncontrolled
Engineering, Miller Hall, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON fashion during operation, drastically shortening the service
K7L 3N6, Canada (e-mail: mdiederi@geol.queensu.ca). life of the structure. This damage and failure mode is the
Can. Geotech. J. 44: 1082–1116 (2007) doi:10.1139/T07-033 # 2007 NRC Canada
Diederichs 1083

same as that which is prevalent in the larger scale mining tion is typically self-stable after the failure occurs, pro-
environments previously discussed. vided the local stress state remains unchanged.
Deep base tunnels through major mountain ranges require In general, for in situ stress ratios less than or greater than
large machine driven sections through hard polycrystalline unity (ko ⬆ 1), the failure geometry is often notch shaped
rocks including granite, gneiss, and more foliated metamor- and the surrounding ground is self-stable after failure as in
phic rocks. A number of these tunnels, including the Got- the case of Figs. 1e and 1f. Normally spalling is a process
thard and Loetchberg base tunnels in Switzerland and the involving the creation of fractures parallel to the maximum
proposed Torino-Lyon base tunnel, have lengthy sections compressive stress and to the excavation boundary. Unstable
(up to 10 km) with greater than 1500 m of overburden and propagation of these fractures beyond the grain scale of the
in the latter case up to 2500 m of cover. Support require- rock, as observed by Martin (1994), Fonseka et al. (1985),
ments to maintain the wall stability required for efficient Tapponier and Brace (1976), and Brace et al. (1966), results
TBM operation and advancement rates are controlled by the in the typical spalling process observed in mining excava-
degree of spalling damage induced by the excavation proc- tions, rock pillars, and deep tunnels. For strain bursting to
ess. Figures 1a–1d illustrate varying degrees of spalling dam- develop, the failure process must be brittle and dilational,
age in a 10 m TBM tunnel at 1500 m depth in hard rock. and the rock system surrounding the failing rock must be
While none of the illustrated conditions is severe by mining comparatively soft (i.e., subject to large instantaneous con-
standards, the damage in the bottom figures does mandate vergence into the zone occupied by the failing rock). The
more cautious safety protocols during construction, increased mechanics of spalling are inherently brittle (strength loss
support costs, and is likely to slow the overall advance of the across the fracture) but the macroprocess of failure may not
machine. Hard rock TBMs advance through the use of hy- be. Parallel slabs can develop to significant depth while re-
draulic side grippers. Significant gripper problems and ma- taining load capacity parallel to the slabs. Likewise the proc-
chine operation delays can result when vertically dominant ess of spall development need not incur large dilation until a
stress leads to substantial wall spalling in front of the grip- secondary yield process begins. Kinematic instability (buck-
pers (Fig. 1e) as occurred in the Loetchberg tunnel (Vuil- ling), shear-through slab failure, bulging due to dilatant
leumier and Aeschbach 2004). Figure 1f shows an example shear behind the spall zone, or release along intersecting
of more severe conditions resulting in a phenomenon known structure can subsequently and instantaneously release the
as strain bursting, as defined by Kaiser et al. (1995). energy stored in the slabs and the surrounding system (strain
The challenge here is to develop a suite of predictive tools, burst) and create significant apparent bulking. Finally signif-
based partly on empiricism but backed by mechanistic ration- icant reduction in tangential stress (common around drifts or
ale, to analyze spalling damage and failure for engineering tunnels near actively changing mine geometries or during in-
design in these two very different environments. This paper tersection development) can release large volumes of pre-
presents a summary of a number of such tools and describes spalled rock in an aseismic groundfall.
the process of validation through theoretical fracture and mi- It has long been recognized that extensile crack initiation
cromechanical studies, as well as by case analysis. as the result of various internal heterogeneities and strain
discontinuities within polycrystalline or clastic material is
Background the primary form of damage, even under compression, (e.g.,
Lee and Haimson 1993; Myer et al. 1992; Stacey 1981;
Spalling and strain bursting Tapponier and Brace 1976; and Griffith 1921) for hard rock
For the purposes of this paper the following definitions materials. This process is controlled by the internal tensile
are observed: strength of the material. Under low confinement, this exten-
(1) Spalling is the development of visible extension fractures sion (Mode I) of cracks leads to the familiar spalling proc-
under compressive loading. It is important to know that esses observed in low confinement compressive samples
spalling associated with hard rock excavations, while and around hard rock openings at depth.
brittle in nature, need not be violent. This process domi- Following on from this, it is possible to develop a criterion
nates rock damage and failure processes in crystalline for susceptibility to brittle spalling (as opposed to plastic
rocks near excavation boundaries under high stress. Spal- shear) based on the ratio between compressive and tensile
ling can be violent or nonviolent and in some cases can strength as used by Lee et al. (2004). A lower ratio indicates
be time dependent. In unsupported conditions and under the potential dominance of extension cracking in the damage
an anisotropic in situ stress field, the process of spalling process (spall potential). In addition, generally stronger rocks
can form notch geometries often confused with wedge result from a resistance to shear failure reflected in the un-
fallout. confined compressive test. Stronger rocks also allow for a
(2) Strain bursting is the violent rupture of a volume of wall larger buildup of strain energy in the wall rock and in the
rock under high stress. It is important to note that in surrounding rock system (strain burst potential). These two
spalling rocks, the spalling damage (extension fractures) criteria together can be expressed as in Fig. 2.
can happen before the actual rockburst or strain burst. It Violent or nonviolent spalling can occur at any stage of a
is the instability created (e.g., buckling) by the formation tunnel life-cycle when geometry or stress changes occur
of parallel and thin spall slabs that provides for the sud- (i.e., due to adjacent mining or excavation). In environments
den energy release, with possible results as shown in with static strain boundary conditions, the process of spal-
Fig. 1f. In this example and in most cases of moderately ling, while essentially brittle in nature, can be markedly
extensive brittle spalling failure, the ground beyond the time dependant. This is the result of subcritical crack growth
spalling zone is reasonably competent and the excava- driven by the effects of humidity changes and fatigue
# 2007 NRC Canada
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Fig. 1. (a–d) Increasing levels of spall damage to a 10 m diameter tunnel in gneiss and granite. Tunnel excavated by hard rock gripper TBM.
(e) Release of approximately 50 cm of spalled ground in a TBM tunnel. Support installed after spalling (in this case, significant damage zone
extends up to one additional half metre beyond failed zone). (f) A strain-burst of a notch shaped spalling zone in a deep mine drift.

(Parker 1970; Wiid 1970). The photo array in Fig. 3 shows (15.5 km long). As the train passes in the main tunnel, the
various examples of spalling from the Bedretto adit off the pressure wave creates an instantaneous fog (100% humid-
Furka train tunnel in Switzerland. This adit is an abandoned ity), which then subsides. This continuous pressure and hu-
5.5 km access way at right angles to the main tunnel midity cycling leads to fatigue and hydrolitic weakening of
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Fig. 2. Potential for spalling failure processes in intact rock based on compressive strength and tensile strength. Where spalling failure po-
tential is low, it is likely that shear processes will dominate, resulting in squeezing behaviour rather than bursting at depth. Spalling can
occur in lower strength rocks without strain bursting (low potential energy).

the crack tips contributing to so-called ‘‘stress corrosion’’ (as system after the slabs have formed is a complex discontinuum
defined by Wiederhorn and Bolz 1982 and Lajtai et al. process that includes buckling, as analyzed by Aglawe
1987) and causing the ongoing propagation of fractures and (1999), and interactions with other structures.
spalling. In this case the spalling is progressive and nonvio- Of most importance here is the lack of a role for friction
lent, developing to this extent over several decades. While in its mechanical sense. Indeed, friction cannot play a role in
the depth of spalling is extensive, the dilation or volume the failure of slabs that are the result of extension cracking
change after the development of spall fractures is limited, and that remain parted after formation. The lower bound for
and the surrounding system (rockmass and geometry) is rel- damage initiation is related to the internal mechanics of the
atively stiff. Additional closure (due to stress changes, for constituent crystals. The role of friction in crack initiation is
example) could lead to significant bulking in this case. The limited to the relatively low coefficients related to internal
transition to bulking behaviour is evident in Fig. 3a. cleavage planes and grain boundary structures (McClintock
Volume change associated with bulking or strain bursting and Walsh 1963). Friction plays very little role in subse-
occurs through buckling and discontinuous interleaving of quent crack propagation. Confinement dependency, how-
fracture slabs (similar to a professional poker card shuffle). ever, in the form of an extension strain relationship (Stacey
This is not the mechanism assumed in conventional plasticity 1981), does play a role in the interaction of accumulating
when dilation (angle) is considered. This phenomenon and propagating cracks to form failure surfaces (Diederichs
presents a problem when applying conventional concepts of 2003). The phenomenological result with respect to the
dilation, as implemented in numerical plasticity codes to post upper bound strength of rock is similar to the conventional
peak behaviour of spalled ground. In fact, the process of spall frictional relationship, allowing the use of conventional
damage itself is incompatible with the mechanics underpin- models and constitutive relationships for spalling applica-
ning most commonly used constitutive models for continuum tions, even though the physical processes represented by the
geomaterials. While conventional models for rock mechanics, familiar input parameters differ in this case. For example, in
such as the Mohr–Coulomb criteria (as summarized in Civi- the Mohr–Coulomb criterion, cohesion is a function of inter-
dini 1993) and the Hoek–Brown criteria (Hoek et al. 2002; nal tensile strength and friction angle is used to represent
Hoek and Brown 1988), are based on yield via ubiquitous critical accumulation and interaction of extension cracks
continuum shearing, spalling failure is the result of parallel and the associated critical extension strain as demonstrated
slab formation driven by extension cracking. Failure of this in Diederichs (2000) and summarized later in this paper.
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Fig. 3. Examples of nonviolent spalling resulting from subcritical crack growth and hydrolitic weakening and fatigue due to humidity cy-
cling in the Bedretto adit, Furka tunnel, Switzerland. Scale bar in each figure is 20 cm.

Lower bound strength: damage initiation rock excavations, does in fact begin when the tangential stress
In situ strength corresponds to an extension crack damage at the excavation boundary exceeds 33%–50% of the rock’s
initiation threshold that is a function of the nature and den- uniaxial compressive strength (UCS as obtained from labora-
sity of internal flaws and heterogeneity (as a mechanism of tory samples). This threshold for rock damage initiation also
crack initiation under compression). This threshold, ex- has a minor sensitivity to increasing confining stress as first
pressed relative to laboratory unconfined compressive empirically described by Pelli et al. (1991), Martin (1994),
strength (UCS) values, can be as low as one third for igne- and many others, who relate damage initiation to a constant
ous rocks (Lajtai and Dzik 1996) and as high as one half for deviatoric stress limit (equivalent to a zero friction envelope):
dense clastics (Pestman and Van Munster 1996).
½1 1crit ¼ AðUCSÞ þ B3
The author will build on a recognized empirical observa-
tion (Pelli et al. 1991; Martin et al. 1999; Brace et al. 1966; where A is equal to 0.3–0.5 for most nonporous and nonfo-
Stacey and Page 1986; Wagner 1987; Castro et al. 1995; liated rocks. Many researchers have proposed a constant de-
Grimstad and Bhasin 1997; Diederichs 2002; Diederichs et viatoric stress criterion (B = 1) for this limit, based on
al. 2002) that failure, in massive to moderately jointed hard evidence from in situ acoustic emission monitoring of a test
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Fig. 4. Test data obtained by Brace et al. (1966) showing the range of damage initiation thresholds and peak strength in short and long-term
loading for Westerly Granite. The slopes and intercepts of the damage initiation thresholds are shown. The slope of the long-term (slow
loading) yield threshold is approximately 3.5–4.

tunnel in granite (Martin 1997). However, examination of by Stacey (1981) in which the linear yield envelope (constant
work by Pestman and Van Munster (1996) and Hobbs et al. maximum strain limit) is defined as only a function of elastic
(1977), and examination of possible fracture initiation me- modulus and Poisson’s ratio
chanisms (inter- or intra-grain slip driving extension crack
formation) within typical minerals (Diederichs 2000), sug- 1
½2 "crit ¼ ½3  vð1 þ 2 Þ
gests a higher but still modest confinement dependency for E
damage initiation in rock and concrete in which B is equal which for axisymmetric confinement converts to
to 1.5–2.5. Brace et al. (1966), in fact, show that a range of  
crack initiation thresholds exists, depending on the loading E"crit 1v
½3 1crit ¼  þ 3
rate (Fig. 4). The range of crack initiation stress levels un- v v
der uniaxial conditions for Westerly granite (Brace et al.
1966) was found to be 0.3–0.5 of the UCS over a wide This linear relationship can be directly related to the Mohr–
range of loading rates. The range of slope, B equal to 1.4– Coulomb yield function
2.6, for the damage initiation threshold can be explained  
2ccos 1 þ sin
using the frictional sliding crack model for tension crack in- ½4 1crit ¼ þ 3
itiation proposed by McClintock and Walsh (1963) if the 1  sin 1  sin
base friction angles (Horn and Deere 1962) of smooth frac- where for a phenomenological linear envelope of the form
ture or cleavage surfaces in quartz or feldspar ( = 88) and of eq. [1],
clean biotite mica ( = 148) are used to calculate B.
2ccos E"crit 1 þ sin 1  v
Upper bound strength: crack interaction ½5 A¼ ¼ ¼ UCS; B¼ ¼
1  sin v 1  sin v
The upper bound in situ strength is defined by the thresh-
old of the onset of nonlinearity in axial stress–strain measure- For a Poisson’s ratio of 0.2, typical of many hard rocks,
ments in the laboratory, which corresponds to the long-term this criterion produces a linear envelope with a slope B = 4,
yield strength. It will be demonstrated using micromechani- equivalent to a Mohr–Coulomb limit with a friction angle of
cal and statistical methods that this threshold marks the onset 378, which is a reasonable value for bulk geomaterials. Long-
of interaction of previously independent cracks accumulating term deviatoric strength of granite is defined by a slope
in the sample. This threshold of interaction is, in turn, re- (against confinement) in this range as shown by Diederichs
flected in a level of average extension strain in the sample (2003) and by Brace et al. (1966) in Fig. 4. This is an inter-
and has a slope (in principal stress space) corresponding to esting coincidence as the slope of the strength–confinement
typical minimum values of friction angle as often applied to relationship for typical rocks can be phenomenologically ex-
rock. This is a coincidental relationship only and matches the plained by critical extension strain related to the formation of
well recognized critical extension strain criterion proposed compression-parallel, open, and nonsliding microcracks or by
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Fig. 5. The composite strength envelope illustrated in principal stress space (2D) to highlight the zones of behaviour as bounded by the
damage initiation threshold, the upper bound shear threshold (damage interaction), and the transitional spalling limit (after Diederichs 2003).

citing conventionally accepted frictional processes. The dis- sis tools and conventional constitutive models for nonelastic
cussion that follows demonstrates the validity of the former modelling of damage and spalling failure for support design.
theory for controlled and confined loading of ideal lab sam- Components of this composite curve can be expressed using
ples. In essence, friction at the mineral grain scale plays a conventional formulae such as the Hoek–Brown criterion. In
minor role in determining the crack initiation threshold but this schematic model any stress path that remains below the
has a very limited role in determining the stress threshold for initiation threshold will be elastic and incur no damage his-
yield, a process that will be shown to be the result of critical tory. A stress path that moves above the initiation threshold
crack accumulation and associated crack interaction. Friction at high confinements (to the right of the solid curve) will in-
only becomes active well into the yield and failure process, cur grain scale damage and microseismicity. This zone may
as macroscopic failure surfaces are formed. even include more significant seismicity as grain scale inter-
After testing his theoretical criterion in the lab, Stacey locking asperities on potential discontinuities are damaged
(1981) put forward the extension strain criterion as an in situ and give way. At high confinements, the shear strength re-
yield limit. While laboratory yield and long-term strengths flects the values obtained through laboratory testing. At low
correlate reasonably well, in situ observations did not match confinement and in situ, however, cracks that initiate can
this prediction. Instead, in situ strength in the near field easily propagate beyond grain boundaries and for macrofrac-
around excavations is defined by damage initiation. As one tures. This behaviour results in the familiar spall damage ad-
moves from the very specific loading and geometrical condi- jacent to excavation boundaries developing at boundary
tions of a typical laboratory test to a comparable sized sam- stresses significantly less than the uniaxial yield strength for
ple adjacent to an excavation, a number of factors compound standard cylindrical lab samples.
to reduce the in situ upper bound strength from the laboratory
yield envelope to the lower bound defined by crack initiation Rockmass strength and limitations of Hoek–
(Diederichs 2003). These factors include pre-existing dam-
age, as well as the result of enhanced crack propagation in- Brown empirical criteria
fluenced by low confinement and surface interaction effects, One of the most widely used empirical criteria for scaling
stress rotations, and loss of effective confinement into the the unconfined strength of a rockmass and estimating the
tunnel wall due to progressive slabbing. confinement–strength relationship is the Hoek–Brown crite-
A transitional curve for in situ rock strength extends be- rion (Hoek and Brown 1980). Since its first introduction,
tween the lower and upper bound strength limits and is re- the criterion has been modified several times, most recently
ferred to as the spalling limit. The complete envelope, by Hoek and Brown (1988, 1998) and by Hoek et al. (2002).
schematically illustrated in two-dimensional (2D) stress The generalized nonlinear form of the limiting stress crite-
space in Fig. 5 can be incorporated into conventional analy- rion for jointed rock masses is defined by
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0 detail in Hoek and Diederichs (2006). The GSI can also be
½6 10 ¼ 30 þ c mb 3 þ s related to commonly used rock mass classification systems,
for example, the rockmass quality index Q (Barton et al.
where mb is the value of the Hoek–Brown ‘‘slope’’ constant 1974) or the rockmass rating RMR (Bieniawski 1989,
for the rock mass, s and a are constants that depend upon the 1993). This yield criterion, along with its plastic flow coun-
characteristics of the rock mass, and c is the standard uniax- terpart (Carranza-Torres and Fairhurst 1999), can be used to
ial compressive strength of the intact rock pieces. For intact estimate the yield potential and the depth of disturbance
rock testing, mi is used instead of mb, and s = 1 and a = 0.5. around a tunnel. The flow rule for Hoek–Brown is obtained
In three dimensions and in stress invariant space the criterion by substituting mdil for mb in eq. [7]. For most rock applica-
becomes (Shah 1992) tions, a nonassociated flow rule is appropriate (Ryder and
pffiffiffiffiffi Jager 2002) and mdil < 0.25mb(residual). Elastic modulus for
½7 f ¼ mb c½ð1=aÞ1 þ sc  ð2 J2 cosÞ1=a the rockmass can be determined from GSI as per Hoek and
3   Diederichs (2006).
pffiffiffiffiffi sin  It has already been suggested here, however, that this ap-
 mb J2 c½ð1=aÞ1 cos  pffiffiffi ¼ 0
3 proach is of limited reliability when used for rockmasses
pffiffiffi with GSI > 75 and may be of mixed success when GSI is
where I1 = skk; J2 = 0.5sijsji;  ¼ 3 cos ½ð 3sij sjk ski Þ=ð2J23=2 Þ

where 0 £ y £ p/3; and sij = sij – 13I1dij. equal to 65–75. At higher values of GSI in hard brittle
rock, the Hoek–Brown criterion, which is formulated with
The constants mb, s, and a are determined for the rock-
an emphasis on the confinement-dependant strength compo-
mass using the geological strength index (GSI) for the rock-
nent of rockmasses, does not adequately account for brittle
mass (Hoek and Brown 1998; Marinos et al. 2005) as
summarized in Fig. 6. This figure also illustrates the limits damage, crack propagation, and the inhibition of frictional
of spall-prone rockmasses, including massive and moderately strength development in near-excavation environments. The
jointed rockmasses. The applicability of the work described origin of the Hoek–Brown criterion is based on the failure
in this paper to moderately jointed rockmasses (GSI >> 65) of intact laboratory samples, and the reduction of the labora-
is clearly demonstrated in Diederichs (2002, 2003) and tory strength is based on the notion that a jointed rock mass
Diederichs et al. (2002) with supporting case evidence from is fundamentally weaker in shear than intact rock. While the
Castro (1996), Castro et al. (1995), Kaiser et al. (1995, concept is sound, the application of this criterion to brittle
2000), and Martin et al. (1999). Figure 6 combined with failure has met with limited success (Nickson et al. 1997;
Fig. 2 constrain the applicability of the discussions and rec- Martin et al. 1999). Pelli et al. (1991) showed that to fit
ommendations in this paper. analyses using the Hoek–Brown criterion to observed depths
In the original formulation and for representation of intact of failure, the value of mb had to be reduced to unconven-
peak strength data, a is set at 0.5. In the generalized formu- tionally low values reflective of the damage initiation enve-
lation (Hoek et al. 2002), a = 0.5 for good quality rock- lopes for hard rock.
masses and it approaches 0.6 for disturbed rockmasses. For
tests on intact lab samples, the parameter s is equal to unity Theoretical study: damage accumulation and
for intact rock and mi is specified (rather than mb). These pa- crack interaction
rameters are all functions of GSI for the rockmass
  Empirical observations have been used to predict damage
GSI  100 and depth of failure in deep openings (e.g., Kaiser et al.
½8 mb ¼ mi exp
28  14D 1995; Hoek and Brown 1980). To make these predictors
more robust, a theoretical (mechanistic) framework is neces-
  sary to justify the empirical conclusions. This section summa-
GSI  100 rizes research aimed at justifying the empirical observations,
½9 s ¼ exp
9  3D leading to validation of an approach for simulation of brittle
spalling failure using conventional continuum codes. A num-
ber of engineering applications that build on this theoretical
1 1
½10 a ¼ þ ðeGSI=15  e20=3 Þ work are discussed.
2 6

The uniaxial compressive strength of the rockmass is then Micromechanical model

estimated as To further investigate the relationship between extensile
damage and macroscopic spalling and shear failure, the na-
   1 1  GSI=15  e20=3 Þ
GSI  100 ½2 þ 6 ðe ture of damage initiation, accumulation, and interaction us-
½11 crm ¼ exp ing a lattice or bonded disc analogue will be explored in
9  3D
  this section. In this work, the model is not used as a tool
GSI  100 for large-scale excavation modelling, although excavation
 exp scale simulations have been performed by others (Potyondi
and Cundall 1998; Potyondi and Cundall 2004) using the
where the rightmost simplification is for undamaged, mas- particle flow code (PFC) (Itasca 1995) utilized here. While
sive to moderately jointed hard rockmasses. The damage this model does not represent a constitutive analogue for
factor, D, (0 to 1) for excavation disturbance is described in post yield behaviour of rock, it does, however, represent an
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Fig. 6. A simplified schematic of the empirical GSI system based on rockmass structural character and the condition of discontinuity sur-
faces, developed and described in detail by Hoek et al. (1995). GSI is used to factor the parameters in the Hoek–Brown strength criterion as
per eqs. [8]–[11]. The shaded zone represents the applicability range for the spall prediction approach outlined in this paper.

intriguing analogue for exploration of damage accumulation perpendicular to the broken contact with a length equal to
prior to peak strength, and key related issues. the average diameter of the associated discs (Fig. 7).
In this model, the extension forces resulting in ‘‘crack initia- The PFC code used in this work is essentially a computa-
tion’’ are the result of compressive stress–force flow tortuou- tional engine that maintains a linked network between par-
sity, resulting in effective local tension within a trellis-like ticles and contacts and applies Newtonian physics of
internal geometry (Fig. 7). Interparticle slip can only occur motion. The code also incorporates a scripting and linked
via normal particle separation (bond extension and tensile list management language giving the user the ability to de-
rupture) and by cohesional bond rupture (and subsequent velop sophisticated assembly, control, data tracking, and
frictional slip). The relative dominance of tensile and shear output routines for specific research simulations, as was the
bond rupture can be controlled by the specification of bond
case for this work.
tensile and cohesive strength. Contact friction is active only
after bond rupture. The individual bond or contact normal The basic computational structure of PFC is the same as
and shear stiffnesses and the respective tensile strength and for any distinct element method (Cundall 1971; Cundall and
cohesion are the only pre-yield constitutive parameters of Strack 1979). The PFC code is a subclass of the distinct
importance in this model and are the only user-defined con- element method, known as a discrete element code since it
tact properties (specified as means and standard deviations allows finite displacements and rotations of discrete bodies,
for the whole assembly). Large-scale sample behaviour is a including complete detachment. It also recognizes new con-
stochastic result of heterogeneity within the assembly. For tacts automatically as the calculation progresses (Cundall
visualization, a broken contact is represented as a ‘‘crack’’ and Hart 1992). A simplification of the general method is
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Fig. 7. Bonded particle model, based on PFC. (Left) Bonded discs under vertical loading showing compressive force pathways (solid lines)
and tensile bond forces (dashed). (Right) Failed bonds represented as normal cracks.

made in PFC through the use of fixed geometry (disc) and domly generating a distribution of discs with variable radii
rigid (nondeformable) particles. As mentioned, all stress– and expanding the (frictionless) discs into a confined space
strain behaviour is the result of linear contact stiffnesses (until a specified isostatic ‘‘lithification’’ pressure results
(force versus overlap distance) and contact bond rupture throughout the sample, confined by straight but movable
(crack generation). walls). Once this process is complete, the bonding conditions
A simple contact bond model was used: tensile bonds in- are applied (stiffness and strength variations). The sample
tegrated with shear bonds, and cohesion only, with residual confining pressure is then released and the sample is allowed
contact friction only after rupture. This model creates a het- to relax. The variable stiffness of the bonds within the sam-
erogeneous medium in which cracks can easily form at the ple leads to differential relaxation and moderate sample
dimension of the constituent grains but cannot easily propa- damage – similar to actual core recovery. Lateral confine-
gate from grain to grain (contact to contact) due to the lack ment is subsequently applied through a flexible membrane
of a near-singular stress concentration present in real Mode I wall while the upper and lower loading platens are straight
cracks. Other contact models, such as those described by Po- and nonrotating.
tyondi and Cundall (2004), can induce more unstable propa-
gation of cracks through a composite medium. It was Damage initiation and yield
decided here, however, to take advantage of the lack of One of the main objectives of this modelling was to con-
spontaneous propagation to investigate, by its absence, the firm the empirical relationship between damage initiation
importance of this secondary, post-initiation process. and sample yield strength for a heterogeneous crystalline
This model was calibrated to give reasonably acceptable rock. Figure 9 illustrates the ‘‘monitoring’’ of crack accumu-
correspondence to the behaviour of Lac du Bonnet granite. lation and the associated lateral strain response. Tangent
The elastic bond parameters were calibrated following the Poisson’s ratio is the instantaneous ratio between incremen-
methodology of Bathurst and Rothenburg (1988). The mod- tal lateral strain and incremental vertical strain. This is a pa-
els in Fig. 8 and those used for the simulations discussed rameter that can be measured easily in standard laboratory
subsequently were created with a finite contact shear testing. Alternatively, the crack accumulation curve can be
strength equal to four times the tensile strength (as per find- reproduced from cumulative acoustic emission readings
ings of Laqueche et al. 1986 and Okubo and Fukui 1996). such as those described and utilized, for damage initiation
The model results in Fig. 8 demonstrate the importance of detection in real samples of Lac du Bonnet granite, by
tensile damage in brittle rocks. The tensile cracks outnumber Diederichs et al. (2004), Eberhardt (1998), and Eberhardt et
the shear cracks by as much as 50 to 1 even when the ultimate al. (1998). Of particular interest here is that both indicators
failure mode is a shear band. In fact, a close examination of provide a good indication of the onset of systematic damage
the lower inset images (incremental crack accumulation) initiation, a threshold taken to be the onset of significant
shows that the position of the shear cracks in the sample do damage. The ‘‘acoustically’’ identified ‘‘first crack’’ thresh-
not correlate with the final shear band location, and that the old indicates the onset of more random and less coherent
latter must be composed of a series of interacting tensile damage accumulation. This early damage is not reflected in
cracks and rotating intercrack ‘‘pillars’’. strain measurements. As demonstrated by Eberhardt (1998),
The sample test begins with a number of tensile cracks al- a considerable amount of variation in both thresholds should
ready distributed throughout the sample as a result of the be expected when testing different core samples from the
sample formation process. The samples are prepared by ran- same rock mass, particularly for larger grained rocks. In ad-
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Fig. 8. Simulated compression test with 7200 discs at 20 MPa confining stress. Nominal bond shear strength is four times the bond tensile
strength. Bulk parameters calibrated to Lac du Bonnet granite. Note that ultimate failure is through shear band formation, although the
primary damage mechanism is tensile, with 50 times as many tensile cracks as shear cracks at failure (after Diederichs 2003).

dition, the so-called Kaiser Effect (Villaescusa et al. 2002; stress threshold at which the first significant nonlinearity ap-
Holcomb 1993) may obscure the ‘‘first crack’’ threshold. pears in the axial stress – axial strain plot. This is the defini-
The systematic damage threshold is the most robust indica- tion of ‘‘yield’’ used in Steel’s testing (Illston et al. 1979) and
tor and, as this paper will demonstrate, is the more reason- is in fact coincident with volumetric strain reversal for uniax-
able indicator of in situ spall strength. ial samples. As shown by Diederichs et al. (2004), the two
Another primary objective of this modelling is to identify thresholds diverge for higher confining stresses and the volu-
and mechanistically justify a robust indicator of true sample metric strain reversal limit overpredicts the yield strength.
yield. Many researchers have identified ‘‘volumetric strain re- Lateral strain begins to accelerate at about the same time as
versal’’ (as defined by Martin 1994), or the stress at which the the vertical strain rate (opposite sign) increases. As volumet-
incremental volumetric strain rate changes sign as an indica- ric strain is the sum of these components, the apparent rever-
tor of yield in rocks. It is felt by this author that this indicator sal is delayed until the rate of lateral strain increases
is highly dependant on nonmaterial factors involved in the substantially. The axial stress–strain nonlinearity is able to
test. It is therefore hypothesized that a better indicator is the capture the onset of yield with more accuracy. This conclu-
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Fig. 9. Relationship between tangential strain ratio (instantaneous Poisson’s ratio) and crack initiation and accumulation in numerical simu-
lations. Plotting log (stress) against log (crack total) allows the systematic crack initiation threshold to be distinguished from first (and ran-
dom) crack initiation.

sion, drawn from examination of laboratory testing results able slope change, as shown in Fig. 12. Alternatively, the
based on data from Martin (1994) and Eberhardt (1998), is damage initiation and damage interaction (yield) thresholds
validated by numerical experimentation as shown in Fig. 10. can be detected from acoustic emission monitoring as de-
The onset of axial stress–strain nonlinearity (as also reflected scribed by Eberhardt et al. (1998) and summarized in Die-
in the recorded ‘‘instantaneous tangent modulus’’) is directly derichs et al. (2004).
related in the model to the first occurrence of interacting A secondary goal of the simulation program involving
cracks. As the extension cracks (average orientation parallel PFC was to provide a mechanistic justification for Stacey’s
to maximum compression) accumulate through the sample, (Stacey 1981) extension strain criteria (eqs. [2] and [3]). Us-
they do not impact the axial behaviour until two cracks ini- ing the target Poisson’s ratio of 0.25, this criterion corre-
tiate in close mutual proximity, and begin to interact (two sponds phenomenologically to the observed onset of axial
neighbouring cracks have increased kinematic freedom as stress–strain nonlinearity in the simulations. The slope of the
compared to isolated cracks). All stress thresholds from the yield or interaction threshold in Fig. 11 corresponds to the
PFC modelling are shown in Fig. 11. predicted slope range of 3–4 using 2D and 3D conditions, re-
While the initiation and yield thresholds are compatible spectively. While Stacey’s criterion was unsuccessful as an
with actual test results (Diederichs et al. 2004), the peak indicator of in situ strength, it is a reliable indicator of yield
strength in the PFC models is not representative of actual strength in laboratory tests (Stacey and Page 1986).
granite behaviour. The 2D PFC models provide a valid ana-
logue up to the point of yield. Likewise, a cylindrical labora- Figure 13 compares the crack interaction (yield) threshold
tory test is only representative of general material behaviour defined by first crack interaction to measured lateral strain
up to the point of yield. Beyond this point, behaviour in the in 50 stochastic simulations (each sample shares target pa-
lab sample and in the 2D analogue is dominated by testing rameters from Table 1 but differs in specific internal struc-
system properties and constraints imposed by the testing con- ture). For confining stresses below 50 MPa, the yield
figuration. In fact, long-term and scale-independent strength threshold (dashed line labeled ‘‘interaction’’ in Fig. 13) cor-
of lab samples converge on an asymptotic limit approxi- responds to the lateral strain isocontours (solid lines) of
mately coincident with the yield strength in short term testing 0.70–0.75 microstrain, a range that compares directly to an
(Hoek and Brown 1980; Schmidtke and Lajtai 1985; Martin average measured lateral strain of 0.00071 for unconfined
1994). It is therefore concluded that the yield strength, as de- and undamaged samples of Lac du Bonnet granite. As dis-
fined here, is the upper bound for in situ strength. The lower cussed in Diederichs et al. (2004), this threshold also corre-
bound is defined by the crack initiation strength threshold (in sponds to a critical crack density ((1/A)d2 equal to 0.027 to
the limit by the ‘‘first crack’’ stress, but more realistically by 0.33, where A is the simulation sample area and d is the
the ‘‘systematic damage’’ threshold). crack length). This is significant because it follows that the
The systematic damage initiation threshold, as an indica- probability of crack interaction is a function of the crack
tor of lower bound in situ strength, can be detected by close density within a sample. At a critical crack density, interac-
examination of lateral (radial) strain measurements and axial tion becomes statistically guaranteed with any additional
stress. Log–log plotting is most appropriate here as the ac- damage. This concept is utilized later in this section to ex-
celeration (rate increase) in strain is reflected as an identifi- plain strength reduction due to increased crack length.
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Fig. 10. Simulated axial compression test (lateral confining stress equal to 20 MPa), illustrating the relationship between instantaneous tan-
gent modulus (deviation from axial stress–strain linearity) and the number of interacting crack pairs in the sample (cracks within one mean
particle diameter of each other).

For the simple contact bond model used here, the samples tinue in a linear fashion, corresponding in the former case
must accumulate sufficient crack density to ensure crack in- to a critical crack density and a critical extension strain. In
teraction, yield, and subsequent failure. In other words, fail- reality, however, any random crack initiation in a tensile
ure can only result from crack accumulation and not from field will result in nearly instantaneous failure of the sample
crack propagation. This provides for realistic behaviour in due to the instability of a sharp crack tip with crack-normal
compression but, as Fig. 14 illustrates, less realistic behav- tension (Kemeny and Cook 1986). As a result, the complete
iour in direct, indirect Brazilian, or confined tension testing strength envelope for real rocks such as granite is transi-
conditions. In this figure, PFC simulations are performed tional from a compressive strength envelope controlled by
(symbols represent thresholds in individual tests) using damage accumulation, crack interaction, and critical exten-
stress paths ranging from uniaxial compression, to confined sion strain, to a uniaxial tensile strength controlled by crack
tension (including the specific stress path corresponding to a initiation, as illustrated in Fig. 15. In other words, crack
Brazilian test) and uniaxial tension. Lateral tension is ap- damage causing failure is a group effort in compression,
plied to samples with increasing vertical compression corre- while in tension, the first crack ‘‘wins’’. The next section
sponding to the uniaxial stress history in the upper left inset. will demonstrate mechanisms that extend this transition into
While the crack initiation threshold bends down to a real- the compression regime and reduce in situ compressive
istic tensile strength for the target granite, the interaction strength to the damage initiation threshold near rock excava-
and localization (volumetric strain reversal) envelopes con- tions in massive to moderately jointed rock.
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Fig. 11. Results of numerical simulations of confined axial loading. The thresholds of first crack, systematic damage (cracking), first inter-
action, and peak strength are defined in Figs. 9 and 10. Slopes of key relationships are shown.

Fig. 12. Compression test (load cycle – not taken to failure) on a sample of Lac du Bonnet granite. Lateral strain (on axially loaded cylind-
rical sample) gives an indicator of first damage initiation at approximately 80 MPa of axial stress and systematic damage (dilation) at just
over 100 MPa.

Mechanisms of in situ strength reduction that operate together to create this reduction in low confine-
ment conditions adjacent to an excavation.
The empirical damage thresholds discussed in the intro-
duction reflect a reduction in in situ strength from an upper Pre-existing crack damage
bound defined, according to this author, by the damage in- The effect of pre-existing crack damage was demonstrated
teraction and yield strength threshold for laboratory test by Martin (1997) and Martin and Stimpson (1994). The ef-
samples, to a lower bound defined by damage initiation. fect of pre-existing crack damage is simulated in Fig. 16 us-
This section presents and explains a number of mechanisms ing PFC. While the yield strength drops in a fashion
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Fig. 13. Composite plot of axial (vertical) stress, confining (lateral) stress, and ‘‘measured’’ lateral extension strain from 50 stochastic si-
mulations at various fixed confining stress levels. Initiation and peak strength thresholds are shown to be independent of lateral extension
strain while the threshold for crack interaction is shown to be associated with a consistent extension strain value (equal to –0.00070
to –0.00075 in this case). Model calibrated to Lac du Bonnet granite.

Table 1. Selection of constitutive model based on rock strength ratio (compressive–

tensile strength) and rockmass quality.

Strength ratio GSI < 55 GSI = 55–65 GSI = 65–80 GSI > 80
Note: DISL, damage initiation – spalling limit (approach for brittle rock); GSI, rock strength
calculation based on GSI and Hoek–Brown strength reduction.
*Ordering of methods indicates most appropriate.

consistent with Martin (1997), the stress threshold for new tunnel face before the tunnel passes the point in question.
systematic damage initiation is essentially unaffected by More of these oriented cracks are then available for exploi-
moderate amounts of damage. tation by the slabbing process, resulting in an effective
strength decrease (Diederichs et al. 2004).
Stress rotation and damage
Damage associated with the pre-face and immediately post- Crack propagation and crack interaction
face stress field can also be exacerbated by significant stress In addition to an increase in crack accumulation as a re-
rotations as the tunnel face passes the section of interest. In sult of progressive tunnel excavation and the effects of crack
Fig. 17, the rotation of the principal stresses is shown in a 3D alignment due to elevated 2 (in near tunnel conditions as
elastic simulation. This rotation occurs within the zone of ele- compared to lab test conditions), crack length is important
vated deviatoric stress as damage is being created. The left to yield strength degradation. By combining the findings of
side of Fig. 17 shows crack extension during stress rotation Dyskin and Germanovich (1993) with the formal derivations
modeled by Diederichs et al. (2004). Additional crack length of Ashby and Hallam (1986), it is possible to determine the
and additional numbers of cracks have a profound impact on effect of confinement on crack tip extension
ultimate yield strength as will be demonstrated presently. pffiffiffiffiffi
Figure 17 also reveals a significant, although short-lived, 1 c
½12 KIconf ¼ ½1    ð1 þ Þ  4:3L
increase in the intermediate principal stress near the tunnel ð1 þ LÞ3=2
face. Crack damage that occurs while 2 approaches 1 will 1
become more consistently aligned (as compared to the case  0:23L þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
3ð1 þ LÞ
of 2 = 3 in laboratory testing). The result is a greater den-
sity of cracks aligned subparallel to the orientation of the
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Fig. 14. PFC simulations of confined tensile tests and mean results of numerous stochastic simulations of Brazilian indirect tensile tests. In
all cases first crack and systematic crack envelopes are realistic, while interaction and peak thresholds do not reflect reality due to the effect
of restricted crack propagation in contact bond models.

Further, the effect of free surface interactions can be de- free surface. The orientation, y (angle of crack normal with
scribed as respect to horizontal), of the critical flaw  is incorporated
2  2 3 into this derivation and is equal to 12 tan1 1 , and E is the
1  p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
4 ffic
ffiffi L þ p1ffiffi
 Young’s modulus of the solid. Setting KIC ¼ KIconf þ KIsurf it
1 c1=2 pffiffiffiffiffi6 p
ð3 2Þ t 2 7 is possible to solve for L with respect to variables 1 and
½13 KIsurf ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 c4  2 5
2 2 t 12 c2
1 þ 2 t2 L þ pffiffi E1
1  3 as determined around a circular excavation
p a2 a4
where  ¼ 3 =1 , L is the crack propagation length, defined ½14 yy ¼ ð1 þ kÞ 1 þ 2 þ ð1  kÞ 1 þ 3 4 cos2
as L ¼ a=c, where the length of the extending wing crack is 2 r r
a and the initial flaw length is c, and t is the distance to the
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Fig. 15. Comparison between PFC simulations (simple contact bond model) and actual laboratory testing. Interaction and peak under com-
pressive confining stress in both cases is the result of crack accumulation and interaction at a critical crack density and critical extension
strain (crack interaction = yield). In the simulations, the same mechanisms are involved in failure, while in actual rock, however, individual
crack initiation in tension can result in sample failure (crack initiation = yield and failure).

Fig. 16. PFC simulations of damage initiation (new damage) and crack interaction thresholds for samples with pre-existing isotropic da-
mage. Crack intensity is given as (1/A)d2 where A is the sample area and d is the crack length.

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Fig. 17. Simulated fracture extension (left) as a result of stress rotation (major compression direction shown by arrowheads). Calculated
stress magnitudes and stress rotation (3D elastic model) in the vicinity of the underground research laboratory (URL) test tunnel operated by
Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd. (AECL) during advancement of the tunnel (after Diederichs et al. 2004).

Fig. 18. Fracture mechanics calculation of spontaneous (normalized) crack propagation length, L, (after initiation) in the stress field adjacent
to a circular excavation. a, crack propagation length; c, initial flaw length.

p a2 Figure 18 clearly illustrates the high sensitivity of crack
½15 rr ¼ ð1 þ kÞ 1  2
2 r propagation to the near-boundary confinement reduction
   and surface effects. Longer cracks lead to premature interac-
a2 a4
 ð1  kÞ 1  4 2 þ 3 4 cos2 tion and yield as demonstrated in Fig. 19. This figure is the
r r result of a statistical simulation building on basic concepts
of system reliability described by Jardine (1973). The statis-
The result of this calculation, with and without inclusion of tical probability of system failure by crack interaction (as a
the free surface effects (eq. [13]), is summarized in Fig. 18. function of crack density,  and the relative crack propaga-
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Fig. 19. Reduction in yield strength due to increased propagation length of new and pre-existing cracks. Based on results of statistical in-
teraction model (see text).

tion length L* = L/c) within a 2D network of uniformly dis- length equal to the elemental dimension, such that
tributed cracks (Diederichs 2000) is f ðL Þ ¼ ½ð1 þ L Þ=22 . The result for the first condition is
 m1 shown in Fig. 19. The parameters for the interaction model
fV0 =½2VðL Þ2 g 2 are based on a P = 50% calibration for an associated ini-
½16  ¼ 0 lnð1  f1  ½1  PV ðÞ gÞ þ I tiation model (systematic damage).

where 0, I, and m are Weibull strength parameters (Weibull Internal stress heterogeneity and crack propagation
1939, 1951); V and Vo are the sample and grain volume, re- The effects of pre-existing damage, stress rotation, and
spectively; and PV is the interaction probability (50%). crack extension have been demonstrated using theoretical,
Rearranging eq. [16] to solve for PV and incorporate the micromechanical, and statistical models. Finally, the influ-
effect of pre-existing damage gives the probability that the ence of material heterogeneity on internal stress distribution
next crack will interact with a newly induced crack or a (and crack propagation) can be demonstrated with PFC. The
pre-existing crack (derivation detailed in Diederichs 2000) simulation in Fig. 20 confirms the proposals by Trollope
     (1968), Gramberg (1989), and Cook (1995) that internal
  I m 4f ðL Þ0 V stress heterogeneity plays a large part in fracture initiation
½17 PV ðÞ ¼ 1  exp 
0 Vo and propagation in polycrystalline rock. As demonstrated by
   m  k !VVo ½2ðL Þ2 4f ðL Þo  Hoek (1968) extending cracks are hypersensitive to very low
  I confinement and to even small tensile stresses normal to the
 1  1  exp 
0 extending tip. The tensile domains in Fig. 20 are assumed to
be where significant crack propagation occurs, contributing
In this model it is assumed that cracks grow to relative to the weakening of the sample.
length L* immediately upon initiation (stable crack propaga-
tion length is a function of increasing stress after initiation). Summary of in situ strength conclusions
The potential for expansion of pre-existing damage upon The composite result of this theoretical study is summar-
loading must also be considered. In one extreme, the pre- ized in Fig. 21. In situ strength can be predicted by assum-
existing damage spontaneously extends to length L* upon ing a damage initiation threshold at low confinements.
loading, such that f ðL Þ ¼ ðL Þ2 in eq. [17]. In the second Strength drops to the initiation limit from an upper bound at
extreme, pre-existing cracks do not extend (but can still in- higher confinements, defined by critical crack accumulation
teract with extending new cracks) and have a constant and interaction (yield). This drop in strength follows the
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Fig. 20. PFC simulation of spatial distribution of mean local tensile stress regions (calculated statistically from contact forces within a sam-
ple area of 1% of total) within a heterogeneous sample under all-round applied compression.

spalling limit based on the experimental findings of Hoek the fundamental concepts to more complex investigation of
(1968) and the numerical findings summarized in Fig. 20. damage and spalling failure and apply these concepts to
Figure 21 also answers one additional question. Why do nonlinear modelling.
these strength reduction mechanisms not act within a lab
test sample? The answer is in the geometry. In addition to Damage initiation strength and depth of failure
induced internal confinement generated by the test platens, prediction
the cylindrical geometry of the sample gives rise to hoop The damage initiation envelope in the compressive do-
tension (circumferential) that, in turn, induces radial con- main is similar in concept to the m = 0 or  = 0 approaches
straint on dilating extension cracks, suppressing unstable to elastic analysis described and applied by Kaiser et al.
propagation. The lab test, therefore, must fail by an accumu- (1995) and Martin et al. (1999). While there are conceptual
lation and ultimate interaction of nonextending microcracks. difficulties with these approaches, either empirical envelope
In situ, and in particular near an excavation wall, cracks are can be used for scoping estimation of the maximum extent
free to propagate. Longer cracks lead to premature interac- of damage and possible failure around excavations using
tion (fewer total cracks are required for yield, if initiating elastic 2D or 3D analysis. Alternatively, a number of empir-
cracks extend in length). ical observations for failure radius (circumscribed radius
plus additional damage depth) are summarized in Fig. 22.
Damage limit specification Martin et al. (1999) compared the best fit trend of this data-
The foregoing discussions provide a theoretical basis for a base to elastic modelling predictions and found a reasonable
now widely utilized empirical observation that damage in correlation, although the elastic predictions showed a shal-
hard rocks such as granite (Martin 1994), quartzite (Ortlepp lower slope, indicating less damage at high stress than the
and Gay 1984), andesite (Kaiser et al. 1995), and dense database correlation. In Fig. 22, the original linear fit (as a
sandstone (Pestman and Van Munster 1996) initiates at a function of max/UCS) has been re-expressed as a function
uniaxial stress level (UCS*) of between one third and one of max/UCS* where max is the maximum tangential boun-
half of the strength (UCS) obtained from standard laboratory dary stress and UCS* is the damage initiation stress or rock-
testing (ISRM 1979). This observation has worked its way mass lower bound strength.
into a number of related empirical guidelines using this The value of UCS* is obtained from acoustic emission
range of ratios for in situ strength UCS*/UCS to predict the measurements, radial strain data, or alternatively from the
onset of failure around deep circular or square openings, in- application of empirical tools, such as that developed and
cluding Ortlepp et al. (1972), Wiseman (1978, 1979), Hoek calibrated by Diederichs et al. (2004), considering the im-
and Brown (1980), and more recently to an empirical thresh- pact of mineralogical (as in Suorineni and Kaiser 2002) and
old for elastic modelling incrementally refined by Pelli et al. microfabric components and based on theoretical considera-
(1991), Martin (1994, 1997), Kaiser et al. (1995), Vasak and tions arising from the numerical experimentation detailed in
Diederichs (1995), Castro (1996), Diederichs et al. (2002), the sections entitled ‘‘Theoretical study: damage accumula-
and Diederichs (2003). The primary thrust of this current re- tion and crack interaction’’ and ‘‘Mechanisms of in situ
search was to validate these empirical findings and to extend strength reduction.’’
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Fig. 21. Synthesis of theoretical and experimental investigations. Composite in situ yield envelope (in 2D stress space) represented by solid
line. Transition from yield threshold (onset of shear failure due to interaction of accumulating extension cracks) at high confinement to
crack initiation threshold (spalling failure due to propagation of individual cracks) is defined as a critical confinement ratio or spalling limit.
Graphics illustrate the difference between laboratory testing (cylindrical sample and platen effects inhibit crack propagation) and in situ wall
conditions (initiating cracks propagate more freely).

Specification of Hoek–Brown parameters for damage of elastic modelling (which permits subjective interpreta-
initiation tion) it renders the criterion unusable for nonlinear model-
Previous authors (Pelli et al. 1991; Kaiser et al. 1995; ling of progressive damage and failure. This oversight was
Martin et al. 1999) have proposed the use of a Hoek– due in large part to the original specification (Hoek and
Brown envelope with m = 0 and an unconfined intercept Brown 1980) of the fixed exponent a = 0.5 in eq. [6]. The
corresponding to one third of the UCS such that s0.5 = 0.33 new generalized form (Hoek et al. 2002) is only now mak-
or s = 0.11 and ing its way into commercial modelling software such as
pffiffi Phase2 (RocScience 2005). In this latest formulation, the ex-
½18 1damage ¼ 3 þ sUCS
ponent, a, is allowed to vary. According to the updated GSI
This criterion is useful as a phenomenological threshold system (Hoek and Brown 1998; Hoek et al. 2002; Marinos
for evaluation of the effect of compressive stresses, but is et al. 2005) this exponent is still specified as 0.5 for most
fundamentally invalid, as it significantly overpredicts the re- good and fair rockmasses, with an increase to 0.6 for poor
sistance to tensile stresses and underpredicts the slope of the rockmasses.
envelope with respect to confining stress, 3. While this The parameter, a, controls the curvature of the envelope.
simplification is not a serious restriction for interpretation The square root specification (a = 0.5) was defined origi-
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Fig. 22. Empirical observations (collected and summarized by Kaiser et al. 1995; Martin et al. 1999) for normalized radius of failure. Stan-
dard excavation radius, R, is calculated from a circle circumscribing square or horseshoe shaped excavations. The best fit equation is mod-
ified here to reflect normalized stress state with respect to damage initiation strength UCS*.

nally by Hoek and Brown (1980). It is proposed by this au- The complete envelope: damage initiation and spalling
thor that this exponent be reduced to 0.2 to define the limit limit (DISL)
for lower bound crack initiation and 0.25 for systematic As discussed in the previous section, the damage initiation
crack accumulation. This modification permits a relatively or systematic damage thresholds will, on their own, overpre-
flat slope for the compression portion of the envelope and dict the depth of damage in elastic models (although the re-
allows a tight curvature in tension to capture the correct ten- sult is usually acceptable as a design limit). It is desirable to
sile strength (recall from the last section that the compres- consider the spalling limit in elastic modelling and essential
sive strength is reduced in situ but the tensile strength from in inelastic simulations to achieve acceptable results. A
lab samples can be counted on in situ for sparsely jointed composite envelope can be applied directly to the analysis
rock). The modification produces an envelope compatible of elastic stress data (Diederichs et al. 2002), while it is pos-
with the fracture based criterion of Griffith (1924) and the sible in strain softening – hardening models to specify the
associated work on fracture described by Hoek (1968). The damage threshold as the ‘‘peak’’ envelope, while specifying
following general methodology is suggested: the spalling limit as the ‘‘residual’’ envelope as shown in
(1) For the lower bound threshold for ‘‘damage initiation’’, Fig. 23. While the procedure is applicable to most rocks
determine UCSdi from acoustic emission data and set within the range of mi >> 15, the specific parameters in this
ainit to 0.2. This is recommended to determine the maxi- figure are based on Lac du Bonnet granite and the damage
mum depth of damage (worst possible case). initiation and systematic damage thresholds from Fig. 14.
(2) For ‘‘systematic damage’’, determine UCSsd from acous-
tic emission or radial strain data, and set asyst to 0.25. The recommended range of spalling limits is based on
This value will result in a more realistic prediction of ac- 1/3 ratios of 7–10 at the point of intersection with the ini-
tual visible spalling (worst probable case). tiation threshold (in accordance with Hoek (1968). The cur-
(3) Obtain a reliable estimate or measurement of tensile vature (a = 0.75) is selected to ensure reasonable
strength, T. intersection with the long-term lab-tested yield surface
(4) For both ‘‘damage initiation’’ and ‘‘systematic damage’’, (upper bound strength) at higher confinements. This upper
calculate the appropriate s and m from bound is not discretely included in the composite envelope
although it is implied as in Fig. 21 and in Fig. 24. The
½19 s ¼ ðUCS =UCSÞ1=a range of damage initiation threshold thus derived corre-
sponds to the range of behaviour predicted by the Griffith
½20 m ¼ sðUCS=jTjÞ model in 2D (Griffith 1924; Hoek 1968) and 3D (Murrell
1963). The spalling (confinement) limit follows the logic of
The choices of the a parameter in each case ensure that Hoek (1968) and the findings of Diederichs (2000, 2003).
the damage threshold will have a slope of 0–1.5 for lower Figure 24 also includes a number of conventional Hoek–
bound initiation and 1–2.5 for systematic damage consistent Brown envelopes from GSI = 50, 60, and 70. In Figs. 2 and
with the evidence presented in the ‘‘Introduction.’’ 6 the practical limits of applicability of spalling failure me-
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Fig. 23. Generalized Hoek–Brown composite strength envelopes for Lac du Bonnet granite. Range of thresholds derived from damage in-
itiation (first crack threshold in Fig. 17) and systematic damage (onset of systematic cracking and radial dilation). Envelope parameters are
determined by assuming a = 0.2 and 0.25, respectively, and by assuming that the laboratory-measured tensile strength anchors the damage
initiation envelope as in Fig. 21. Comparison to Griffth 2D (Griffith 1924; Hoek 1968) and 3D (Murrell 1963) fracture criterion.

chanics were identified to be in the vicinity of GSI = 65 onstrates such a simulation process and confirms the transi-
(moderately jointed to massive as per evidentiary case stud- tion (in applicability) between the DISL approach and the
ies presented in Diederichs 2003 and Kaiser et al. 1995) for conventional GSI rockmass approach summarized in Table 1.
appropriate lithologies (UCS/T > 15 from Fig. 2 and Lee et
al. 2004). The comparison between the envelopes in Fig. 24
suggests an appropriate transition between the conventional Inelastic simulation of AECL-URL test tunnel
GSI approach (shearing and squeezing) and the DISL ap- A standard finite element analysis code is tested here to
proach for spalling. A practical transition between the two demonstrate the practical simplicity of this approach. Phase2
methods and the two physical behaviours is summarized in (RocScience 2005) is based on the finite element formula-
the usage guidelines presented in Table 1. tion and the strain softening – hardening formulations de-
scribed in Owen and Hinton (1980) and Chen (1982),
respectively. The load stepping and iterative plastic solution
Nonlinear analysis of progressive spalling
described by these authors is used here. The specific Hoek–
Although spall damage can occur as soon as a face is ex- Brown yield function is based on Shah (1992) and Hoek et
posed (Vuilleumier and Aeschbach 2004), spalling is nor- al. (2002). The yield function was presented in eq. [7].
mally a progressive process, particularly where the depth of The flow rule is formulated identically to eq. [7] substitut-
damage is significant. Previous techniques (Kaiser et al. ing mdil for mb. This dilation parameter (corresponding to a
1995; Vasak and Diederichs 1995; Castro et al. 1995) as- constant dilation angle in the conventional Mohr–Coulomb
sume a direct correlation between elastic stress distribution plasticity formulation described by Vermeer and de Borst
and ultimate failure extent, and the results are often conser- 1984) is constant with respect to strain, although the effec-
vative. While this may be an adequate assumption for many tive dilation varies with confining stress according the nor-
engineering problems, a full staged inelastic simulation of mal to the Hoek–Brown surface. According to Ryder and
the process is desirable whenever possible. This section dem- Jager (2002) and Vermeer and de Borst (1984), the recom-
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Fig. 24. Composite envelope (systematic damage initiation + spalling limit) for Lac du Bonnet granite used in subsequent analysis in this
paper. Rockmass strength envelopes derived from conventional Hoek–Brown approach (Hoek et al. 2002), and GSI = 50, 60, and 70, are
shown for comparison indicating overlap of applicability ranges for the GSI approach and the damage initiation – spalling limit (DISL)
approach for rock strength.

mended dilation for rock is = /2 or approximately m/8. place at higher confinements as damage is accumulated but
The maximum dilation in the Hoek–Brown formulation is not exploited by the spalling process. This is consistent with
mdil = mres/4 where mres is the value specified in the yield the conceptual model shown in Fig. 4.
function for residual strength. While the spalling limit and the damage initiation thresh-
Cundall et al. (2003) propose a flow rule with a dilation old have little to do with the conventional interpretation of
parameter dependant on plastic strain and more directly de- friction (or even cohesional shear resistance), the damage
pendant on confinement. This is an encouraging step for- and spalling response can be phenomenologically modeled
ward. The constant flow rule presents some difficulties with using cohesion reduction and friction mobilization as sug-
convergence in brittle modelling as the material continues to gested by Fig. 25. This approach has a history of precedence
experience volume change with additional yielding. In real- including work in rock mechanics by Vermeer and de Borst
ity, the bulking of a spalling rockmass is a finite process, (1984), Cundall and Board (1988), Vasak and Kaiser (1995),
typically resulting in 5%–15% expansion of contained but Hajiabdolmajid et al. (2002, 2003), and others. Perhaps the
unrestrained spalling zones (Kaiser et al. 1995). Displace- most elegant justification for this approach was detailed by
ments will not be considered as wholly reliable in this anal- Schmertman and Osterberg (1968) in experiments on two
ysis, but the depth and extent of yield will be shown to be types of unsaturated clay, clearly demonstrating the validity
accurate. In addition, the dilation parameter can be used to of frictional mobilization and cohesion weakening with in-
model the influence of moderate support (material remains creasing plastic strain.
in place after yield) versus no support or loose retention. In the brittle model of Phase2, the respective increase in
The selected input parameters for Phase2 are summarized friction and decrease in cohesion is instantaneous. As with
in Fig. 25. ‘‘Peak’’ and ‘‘residual’’ yield functions are de- all brittle problems, unrealistic localization becomes a nu-
fined by the systematic damage parameters and the spalling merical issue for fine grids. A fine grid is desirable to capture
limit, respectively. Strain softening (or strain weakening) the high stress gradients involved in high stress excavations,
takes place at low confinements where the spalling limit but a compromise must be made. Higher order elements (e.g.,
falls below the damage threshold. Strain hardening takes linear strain) can be used and do improve results while sup-
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Fig. 25. ‘‘Peak’’ and ‘‘residual’’ parameters used in finite element (Phase2) analysis of a tunnel in Lac du Bonnet granite. Arrows show the
confinement ‘‘strain-softening’’ and ‘‘strain-hardening’’ that occurs after the nominal peak envelope (damage initiation threshold) is reached.
The generalized Hoek–Brown and equivalent Mohr–Coulomb parameters are shown. The Hoek–Brown criterion is used in subsequent ana-
lyses of the test tunnel. The yield function was summarized in eq. [6].

pressing localization somewhat. A nonzero residual cohesion in Fig. 17) by using a core replacement technique. In Phase2,
and a nonzero residual dilation (very small but finite and pos- the tunnel core (shown in Fig. 27) is incrementally replaced
itive) are also effective. All localization need not be dis- with a new material (with identical or reduced stiffness)
missed as numerical artifacts, however. Brittle failure of without any initial internal element loading. The model anal-
rock is by its nature a localization phenomenon, particularly ysis is continued after the replacement and run until equili-
in tension. Engineering judgement must be exercised and as a brium is reached. The replacement cycle is repeated. In the
rule of thumb, any localization that follows the grid geome- final stage the core material is removed altogether to com-
tries should be discounted or treated with suspicion. plete the excavation. This procedure simulates a typical
The Hoek–Brown parameters, summarized in Fig. 25, are ground reaction response as shown in Fig. 27 (inset). This
used to simulate the breakout in the URL test tunnel (tunnel incremental procedure is particularly important for brittle
case history described by Martin 1997, Martin et al. 1997, simulations to control the ‘‘shock’’ loading and overbreak
and others). The tunnel, the breakout, and the surveyed pro- that would occur with simultaneous excavation.
file of one typical round is shown in Fig. 26. The tunnel has The results of the analysis for the roof breakout are shown
been exhaustively studied by the aforementioned authors in Fig. 28. The progressive development of the breakout can
and many others. It is reprised here as a validation study for be visualized in Fig. 29. The acceptability of the model in
the application of this technique in massive ground. Dieder- reproducing the observed breakout is obvious. In addition
ichs (2002, 2003) describe a number of case studies demon- the constrained tensile zones in the walls (detected with
strating that spalling behaviour is observed and can be acoustic emissions) are also reproduced. No dilation is used
predicted in a similar fashion for other hard rocks (high mi in this simulation to avoid confinement feedback as the fail-
values) with GSI values as low as 65 although 75–100 is a ing rock expands in a constrained space. In axisymmetric
more suitable range for general application. problems the dilation parameter affects only the calculated
The progressive simulation of the tunnel excavation is (radial) strains and displacements. In a complex geometry
achieved in 2D (albeit without the stress rotations described such as the notch breakout, dilation creates back pressures
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Fig. 26. Photograph of AECL-URL test tunnel (modified from Martin 1997). As-built damage profile from Martin (1997) is superimposed.
Tunnel radius, R, is 1.75 m.

in the notch and increased tangential pressures at the periph- One of the questions arising from the breakout experiment
ery within a well developed notch geometry (as major com- concerns the observed difference between the geometry of
pression is no longer perfectly circumferential). While it the breakout in the roof and in the floor of the test tunnel.
may seem counterintuitive, simulations of a freely dilating According to Martin et al. (1997), the failure depth in the
rockmass (unsupported or only loosely retained) should in- floor (detectable only after the gravel surcharge was re-
clude a near zero dilation (mdil = mres/100). While the failure moved) was about 60% of the depth in the roof. Simulations
geometry will be accurately reproduced for the unsupported with gravity effects, 3D stresses, and support pressure appli-
rockmass, the displacements in this simulation will not be cation (Hajiabdolmajid and Kaiser 2003) have not been able
reliable. It is the feeling of this author that attempts to accu- to reproduce this difference in behaviour. This author pro-
rately reproduce bulking displacements in spalling rock with poses the use of a positive and near maximum dilation to
continuum models are fraught with uncertainty at best, as simulate the restraining effect of even modest support pres-
this is a discontinuum process after yield. A better approxi- sure. If the spalling rock is subject to a small but consistent
mation of displacements is obtained from the depth of fail- support pressure or physical restraint, significant normal re-
ure and the empirical relationship for support-dependent sistance will be generated at the periphery of the noncircular
bulking factor, BF, or relative volume increase during spal- notch as the inward buckling of the slabs is prevented. This
ling, simplified from Kaiser et al. (1995) is demonstrated in simulations by Aglawe (1999). The effect
is increased confinement and reduced propagation of failure
½21 BF ¼ 0:3eðP=70Þ in the direction of the notch and increased damage around
the periphery of the failure zone expanding the angular ex-
½22 Inelastic radical displacement ¼ DOF  BF tent of damage. The validity of this approach is demon-
strated in Fig. 28b. Here the only difference compared to
where P is the support pressure in kPa, and DOF is the the simulation in Figs. 28a and 29 is the inclusion of dila-
depth of failure. It is important to look at plastic shear strain tion. This result matches observations by the author in min-
gradients within the ‘‘yielded’’ rockmass to determine if the ing stopes that have been heavily supported. In these cases,
rock is failing or merely damaged. The region enclosed by if failure does occur due to support corrosion or dynamic
significantly elevated plastic strain contours should be con- shaking, the failure profile is laterally more extensive and
sidered as spalling while apparently yielded regions with flatter in profile than the familiar notch geometry generated
very low relative strain values would correspond to stress in unsupported stope backs. Again, it is doubtful that the
paths above the damage threshold but below the spalling displacement values obtained in this way are reasonable,
limit. Only the rock volume with significantly elevated although they can be calibrated using simple geometries
shear strain should be considered in eq. [22]. and eqs. [21] and [22] or site specific field observations.
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Fig. 27. Finite element mesh before and after excavation (first stage and last stage). Eight intervening stages are modeled between these two
end members. At the beginning of each stage, the tunnel core material is replaced with a softer material, and the stress state is reset to zero
in the centre of the tunnel. The composite result is a simulation of progressive excavation and staged convergence (inset).

The equivalent Mohr–Coulomb parameters in Fig. 25 can nificant challenges for dimensioning of temporary support
also be used. Figure 30 shows the results of a FLAC 3D for load and displacement (from eqs. [21] and [22]: 75 cm
(Itasca 2003) analysis using a strain-softening model with co- for an unsupported rock as might occur for a long shield
hesion, friction, and tensile strength dependent on plastic hard rock TBM, 30 cm for a reasonably dense pattern of
strain. The decay functions are deliberately defined as simply yielding Swellex1 bolts providing 75 kPa of constant sup-
as possible to demonstrate the robustness of the approach. port pressure or 10 cm for a tight 1 m  1 m pattern of
The minimum strain at full cohesion loss is specified to avoid yielding Super Swellex1 bolts at 150 kPa).
backward falloff of strength with respect to strain (Ryder and In all cases these predicted displacements exceed the speci-
Jager 2002). This is the ‘‘unsupported’’ analysis as described fied limits for the support systems. In addition, bolts longer
for Phase2 and Hoek–Brown. For ‘‘supported’’ analysis a var- than 3 m become a logistical challenge for automated bolters
iable dilation angle can also be specified as a function of on TBM gantries. Given the critical nature of such predictions
plastic strain. In this case the dilation should increase with in terms of operational logistics, it is prudent then, to utilize
frictional strength and then decay rapidly after total cohesion the nonlinear approach, applied in the previous analysis to
loss (Ryder and Jager 2002). This will achieve reliable and the URL tunnel, for depth of failure calculations in general
stable numerical results that can be calibrated with measured applications. As demonstrated in the previous example, the
displacements and used for support design. depth of failure is sensitive to the confinement feedback gen-
erated by dilational yielding. This feedback is only active if
Comparison with empirical results the yielding rockmass is held in place by an effective support
For many applications, such as circular TBM-driven tun- system. The actual influence of the support pressure itself on
nels, the depth of failure predictions from Fig. 22 present progression of the failure zone needs to be examined.
real design difficulties, particularly if bulking considerations Figure 31a presents the results of a series of analyses
are critical. It should be noted that the two data points in the starting with a number of runs (10 m tunnel with ko = 0.5)
upper right corner of Fig. 22 are for noncircular tunnels. A at increasing in situ stresses. These analyses provide a con-
10 m tunnel at 2500 m with a k0 of 0.5 will yield calculated ceptual illustration of the effect of support in spalling rock.
maximum elastic wall stresses – nearly twice the UCS*, or In the first set of analyses, the worst case damage initiation
0.75UCS for typical strong granites. The predicted depth threshold (‘‘first crack’’) is used as the ‘‘peak’’ strength in
of failure will be as high as 3 m. This begins to present sig- Phase2. In the second analyses, the systematic damage
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Fig. 28. Finite element method simulation using Hoek–Brown parameters from Fig. 25. The in situ principal stress state is described by:
1 = 60 MPa and 3 = 11 MPa in-plane, with 1 inclined at 118 up from right horizontal. The out-of-plane stress, 2, is 43 MPa. (a) Dilation
parameter set to zero to simulate free fallout (see text). The ultimate observed failure profile in the roof is shown for comparison. (b) Dila-
tion parameter set to mres/6, producing radial confinement at the notch apex and additional tangent driving stress at the periphery of the
failure zone, widening the affected profile. Observed breakout after the removal of floor gravel is shown.

threshold is used, as was done in the case of the URL test It can be seen from this figure that even the worst case
tunnel simulations in the previous section. Thirdly, a reason- inelastic predictions for damage initiation, while comparable
able dilation rate was applied to yielding ground (mres/6). Fi- at lower stress levels, deviate away from the empirical linear
nally, a constant support pressure (applied through discretely prediction line at higher stresses. This finding is specific to
modeled yielding bolts) was included. Type II yield profiles defined by Detournay and St. John
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Fig. 29. Progressive breakout profile for simulation in Fig. 28a and normalized deformation history with respect to average core pressure
after each stage.

Fig. 30. Application of equivalent Mohr–Coulomb parameters (in Fig. 25) in FLAC 3D analysis of URL test tunnel. Relationships between
key parameters and plastic strain are shown at left, for use in the strain-softening model.

(1988). Using the more reasonable (and recommended) sys- reduce the actual displacement significantly, however). The
tematic damage threshold as input, the predicted damage important function of the support is merely to keep the fail-
zone is even less severe. If dilation is included in the simu- ing rock in place and allow the progressive damage to choke
lation, the depth of failure is further reduced. Interestingly, itself off. With support pressure as simulated, the analyses in
the magnitude of the support pressure, in the range of prac- Fig. 31a predict up to a 60% reduction in the depth of fail-
tical bolting systems (0–250 kPa), has only limited impact ure, a significant finding for rational tunnel support design.
on further reductions in DOF (higher support pressures do Of equal interest is the angular expansion of the yield zone
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Fig. 31. Composite plot of Phase2 simulations using the DISL approach. Note that here stresses are normalized with respect to intact UCS.
(a) Results are superimposed on empirical best fit mean and limits from Fig. 22. Depth of failure calculations using the conventional GSI
rockmass approach for GSI = 50, 60, and 70 confirm the recommendations of Table 1. ‘‘Lightly supported’’ simulations include a nonzero
dilation (mres/6) and yielding support simulations include a discretely simulated bolt pattern providing constant support pressure (150 kPa)
after yield. (b) Influence of retention (dilational feedback) and support pressure on angular failure extent.

resulting from the application of support or active support series of analyses were performed on square openings (mine
pressure as shown in Fig. 31b. Again this is consistent with openings) with a ko of 2 (maximum horizontal stress). The
observed spalling behaviour. Mohr–Coulomb approach is used here. The empirical chart
The overprediction of depth of failure by the empirical (set as background to the model data in Fig. 32) does not
chart in Fig. 22 is, in part, due to the inclusion of square include the formation of a ‘‘baggage zone’’ arc (as rational-
and horseshoe shaped tunnels in the database and also to a ized by Kaiser et al. 1995, 2000). For the square opening the
variety of in situ stress ratios. To demonstrate the difference excavation radius is taken as the diagonal distance from the
in behaviour and in the potential depth of failure, another centre to a corner. Nevertheless, the baggage formation is
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Fig. 32. Summary of results of simulations of square openings (ko = 2). Mohr–Coulomb parameters from Fig. 25 are used here. This figure
shows rapid creation of nondilational ‘‘baggage’’ zone and some additional damage (‘‘baggage +’’) after initial yield. Subsequent failure is
consistent with circular tunnel of larger radius. The dashed line is the mean empirical fit from Fig. 22. General support recommendations as
functions of normalized stresses are shown.

not cleanly circumscribed from corner to corner and a sig- empirical methods for more complex tunnel geometries and
nificant ‘‘overshoot’’ is evident as soon as the equivalent stress paths.
stress for a circular tunnel approaches or exceeds UCS*. Finally, Fig. 31 includes depth of failure predictions for
This is termed ‘‘baggage +’’ in Fig. 32. As stresses are in- the conventional GSI rockmass approach. It can be seen
creased, the depth of failure eventually begins to increase that for GSI values less than 70, the onset of yield occurs at
again, although for the range of stresses considered, the significantly lower stresses than predicted by the DISL ap-
depth of failure remains slightly above the empirical fit proach. The depth of failure at higher stresses in supported
line. Simplified support recommendations are included in rock will be underpredicted for GSI < 65. This further sup-
Fig. 32, based on the predicted depth of failure and the ex- ports the limits of applicability summarized in Table 1 for
pected displacement behaviour for the failing rock (no dila- the two methods of analysis.
tion for baggage, more bulking for additional yielding).
Figures 31 and 32 suggest that the empirical range of Conclusions
depth of failure prediction range first presented in Fig. 22 An empirical threshold for damage initiation in hard rock
is acceptable and likely conservative for very preliminary excavations has been further tested here through a number
estimates, especially with regard to circular tunnels. The of case studies. The association of a laboratory damage ini-
elastic analysis proposed by Kaiser et al. (1995) can be ex- tiation stress to actual in situ field strength has been vali-
pected to yield only slightly more reliable results than dated through micromechanical investigations, fracture
Fig. 22. While elastic analysis is still more practical for 3D mechanics, and statistical theory, thereby increasing the con-
analyses of complex geometries (as in mining), the nonlin- fidence with which the approach can be applied to a variety
ear analysis presented here is likely to be a more robust pre- of situations. The threshold has been adapted here for use
dictive tool for tunnels. It is certainly preferable to the with the Hoek–Brown constitutive model.
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strain strength and yield behaviour of the rockmass. The A huge thanks to Dr. Jean Hutchinson for her support and
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