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MAY 2019


I hereby certify that the work which is being presented by SHEENA GAE BEJASA,




LYKA PATULOT in partial fulfilment of the requirements in the requirements in the

subject Machine Design II, Combustion Engineering, Vibration Engineering, Machine

Elements II, Mechanical Engineering Laboratory I submitted at University of Batangas

under Mechanical Engineering Department, is authentic record of our own work

carried out under the supervision of Engr. Ma. Elena Carag, , Engr. Joseph Kimuel

Caguete, Engr.Kelvin Maranan, Engr. Gilbert Mendoza, Engr. Amiel Pillazar.













This research project will not be possible with the help of our professors Engr.

Joseph Kimuel D. Caguete, Engr. Amiel Pillazar, and Engr. Ma. Elena Carag, Engr.

Kelvin Maranan and specially to the Head of Mechanical Engineering Department Engr.

Gilbert Mendoza by giving us the chance to learn new knowledge through teaching

Fundamentals of Engineering that gave us the opportunity to design and modify a

standard engine mechanism.

And lastly, we would like to thank God for giving us the knowledge, wisdom, and

strength to finish this research project and by providing us all the needs to accomplish

this research project.


As Mechanical Engineering students, before undertaking any task we checked

the feasibility of the project. In this project, our role as team members is to provide an

overview of the design and functionality of the Liquified Petroleum Gas Engine. We

wanted to know more details of the project before presenting; hence, we researched the

topic thoroughly by referring to articles in the internet and videos. Additionally, we

obtained more information by taking references and asking opinions of professionals

about the topic.


This research project entitled “LIQUIFIED PETROLEUM GAS ENGINE” is made

to show how efficient Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) as an alternative fuel source for a

standard engine. This research project involves what Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) is,

how it works, and how it differs to Diesel in terms of its characteristics and function. The

goal of this research project is to disseminate the idea of using Liquified Petroleum Gas

(LPG) more convenient and eco-friendlier. Through showing the different parts and

function of the engine, students will be able to gather knowledge on how a standard

engine function and works.


Engine is a mechanical system designed to convert power into motion. In today’s

world, Diesel engine is one of the common types of engine being used. The Diesel

engine is known to have the highest thermal efficiency of any practical internal or

external combustion engine.

In today’s world, the biggest problem we encounter in terms of environment

problem is air pollution. Majority that cause air pollution are came the vehicle that has a

diesel and petroleum engine. These are either deadly or have severe health risks even

in small amounts.

Introducing the other type fuel consumption that can perform like diesel engine is

LPG or Liquified Petroleum Gas. LPG is a mixture of two hydrocarbons such as

propane (C3) and Propane (C4) in different ratio, depends on the requirement of the


In this modern world, the people prefer to use the LPG than other Fuel Products

due to ecological and economical aspect. the LPG gas have a lessen emission output

than the other fuel product. LPG product is less expensive than other fuel product.

Using the LPG consumption on a regular engine, this design aims:

1. To demonstrate how LPG engine perform efficiently as same as the performance

of a Diesel Engine.

2. To prove that the ideal LPG Gas is preferable fuel, by means of changing of

specification of a standard engine and applying an engineering concept.


LPG works in an engine is fundamentally the same as petrol powered internal

combustion engine. The engine block, pistons, spark plugs, ignition system, lubrication

system and electricals on LPG work the same. The two main differences in how LPG

works are the fuel itself and the fuel storage and intake systems. With an octane rating

of over 100, LPG works with virtually any petrol engine.

LPG works with a 4-stroke engine cycle on Autogas or petrol. The first stroke is

called the intake stroke, which the air is sucked into the cylinder and mixed with the

LPG gas as the piston moves downward in the cylinder. The second stroke, called the

compression stroke, happens when the piston moves back up in the cylinder,

compressing the mixture of air and LPG gas. The third stroke, called the power stroke,

starts when the spark plug ignites the compressed air and the fuel mixture, causing a

combustion reaction in the cylinder and forcing the piston down. Lastly, the exhaust

stroke, happens when the exhaust valves open and the piston forces the exhaust gases

out of the cylinder.


Our engine is based on the standard Liquified Petroleum Gas engines. The LPG

engine is an alternative use for Diesel Engine and Gasoline Engine. Liquefied petroleum

gas, or LP gas, is one of the most common alternative fuels used in the world today. In

fact, in many places, it isn't an alternative fuel at all: LP gas is a mainstay for heating

and cooking in certain areas of India and some rural areas of the United States. When

you cook out at a campground or in your backyard using a gas grill or camping stove,

you're using some form of LP gas. Known for its versatility and efficiency, these days LP

gas is looking like an attractive source of energy for people fed up with high heating bills

and skyrocketing prices at the gas pump. There are two LP gases that can be stored in

liquid form with only moderate pressurization -- propane and butane. Isobutane, which

has the same simple chemical formula as butane but has a different chemical structure,

is also used. Usually, butane and isobutane are mixed with propane in various

proportions, depending on the intended use of the fuel.

Propane is particularly useful as a portable fuel because its boiling point is -44 F

(-42 C). That means that even at very low temperatures, it will vaporize as soon as it is

released from its pressurized container. This results in a clean-burning fuel that doesn't

require a lot of equipment to vaporize it and mix it with air. A simple nozzle will suffice.

Butane's boiling point is approximately 31 F (-0.6 C), which means it will not vaporize in

very cold temperatures. This is why butane has more limited uses and is mixed with

propane instead of being used by itself.

A single pound of propane can generate 21,548 BTU (British Thermal Units) of

energy, while butane can produce 21,221 BTU per pound . For comparison, here is how

LP Gases stack up to other fuels in terms of energy:

 Propane: 21,500 BTU per pound

 Butane: 21,200 BTU per pound

 Gasoline: 17,500 BTU per pound

 Coal: 10,000 BTU per pound

 Wood: 7,000 BTU per pound

For the researchers to obtain lpg fuel we have two methods and those are through

refining and degasolining. Natural gas contains mainly methane, but also other

substances, among them heavier hydrocarbons, including C 3 and C4. Such gas is called

“wet” and its preparation for transport requires the removal of LPG fraction –

degasolining. Additional amounts of LPG are obtained during stabilization of crude oil at

a mining site, being a part of petroleum preparation for the transport. It is estimated that

globally about 60% of LPG is obtained that way. Purified “liquid gas” contains mainly

propane, butane, and isobutane in different proportions, but it does not contain

unsaturated hydrocarbons. This makes it a fuel of highest quality and best chemical

stability. The other 40% of LPG is obtained during petroleum refining in a refinery.

Depending on the kind of crude oil, it contains 1–4% of LPG fraction. 

LP gas is a fossil fuel, like oil and natural gas. It can be refined from oil and natural

gas the same way gasoline is refined from crude oil. While most energy companies

are not focused on LP gases, they produce them nonetheless because they are a by-

product of the refining process for other fuels.

When an energy company draws natural gas from the ground, about 90 percent of

it is methane. The rest is in the form of various LP gases, which the company separates

from the methane before the methane is fed into pipelines for use in our homes. The

amount of LP gas that comes from natural gas varies, but it is usually from 1 to 3

percent. LP gases are separated from crude oil, as well. The refining process produces

about a 3 percent yield of LP gases, although if refineries were retooled to focus on LP-

gas extraction, that number could be as high as 40 percent.

The use of LPG as an alternative motor fuel needs relatively small and not

expensive adaptations in spark-ignited engines. Automobile producers play a bigger

and bigger role in the popularization of Autogas. They noticed the economic and

ecological profits from the use of such engines and more often offer automobiles with

factory installed Autogas systems. It creates a positive image of Autogas as a fuel

environmentally friendly, economical, and fully safe.

How it is economical the LPG is that LPG is obtained as a byproduct from petroleum

and natural gas refining, which causes that it must be a cheap product. Its improvement

for the use as a motor fuel requires most often the reduction of sulfur content to the

level required by environmental regulations. LPG costs a little more than half the price

of petrol or diesel, but the fuel economy is about 20-25% lower.

Therefore, you can get much more bang for your buck or in-vehicle parlance, more

miles per gallon. According to the AA, overall running costs of an LPG car is approx. a

third less than a petrol-only car and how it is ecological is that LPG burns cleaner than

petrol and therefore the emission of particulates is very low. Moreover, LPG is non-

toxic, non-corrosive and free of tetra-ethyl lead and additives. It also has a high-octane

rating (The octane rating is a measure of how likely a gasoline or liquid petroleum fuel

is to self-ignite. The higher the number, the less likely an engine is to pre-ignite and

suffer damage).

Engines fuelled with Autogas emit incomparably lower amounts of these

components; PM2,5, SO2, NO2, VOC, CO, which causes that total social costs of using

different motor fuels are lowest for LPG. Higher calorific value of Autogas, compared to

gasoline and diesel fuel, along with higher hydrogen to carbon ratio, leads to emission

of lower amounts of carbon dioxide (73.6 g CO 2/MJ while for gasoline it is 85.8 CO 2/MJ,

and for diesel fuel - 87.4 g CO2/MJ.

And this engine works when the system comprises a storage tank with tank and

level gauge indicators, usually located in the rear of the vehicle. The bonnet houses an

electro-mechanical shut-off valve, an evaporator, and an LPG vapour/air mixing unit, in

line with the standard carb urettor. An electro-mechanical solenoid is also present in the

petrol line, which shuts during LPG operations and opens while running on petrol.

Liquid LPG is pushed through a pipe from the tank into the evaporator, by tank pressure

where the liquid turns to vapour.

The pressure regulator is heated by the engine coolant. This is done to prevent

the regulator from freezing due to the large drop in temperature caused by the

expansion of the LPG, when it is converted from liquid to vapour state. The LPG vapour

then moves to the mixing unit where it is aspirated into the engine as a dry fuel/air

mixture. The amount of LPG being consumed is controlled by a combination of

converter and mixer adjustments.

A Ford Ikon that runs on LPG was used as an example and the conversion was

done along with Tickford of Australia. This is a dual fuel car, meaning it can run either

on petrol or LPG. The vehicle is programmed to start on petrol and immediately switch

to LPG. This is to assist in a quick and clean start. There is also an overlap period

where both the LPG lock off solenoid is open and the fuel injectors continue to run for

about 300 milliseconds to ensure a smooth transition.

Once the engine is running, the stepper motor in the vaporiser holds an open

loop position until the first switch of the exhaust gas oxygen sensor. Then the system

enters into a closed loop operation. Closed loop operation is continued until the throttle

position sensor reaches a pre-programmed switch-voltage. Open loop is also

maintained for deceleration. This happens when the deceleration switch is on.

The cylindrical fuel tank manufactured by APA Industries of Australia meets the

Australian LPG standard. It has a working pressure of 2.55 mega Pascal and is

designed to withstand a burst pressure of not less than 10.2 mega Pascal applied for

not less th an one minute.

The tank will be able to withstand a cyclic pressure of five mega Pascal for

10,000 applications without suffering any leakage. The tank has a capacity of 35 litres,

with a fill capacity of 28 litre, as only 80 per cent of the tank can be filled. The dry

cylinder weight is 23 kg and the loaded weight is 51 kg. Mild steel is used to

manufacture the cylinder.

Safety features available in the tank include an automatic fill limiter, which only

allows filling to 80 per cent of tank capacity. The limiter also incorporates a non-return

check valve. The service and automatic lock off valve assembly comprises a manu al

shut-off which can be used if the LPG is not used for extended periods. The automatic

shut-off valve comprises a solenoid, which is electrically operated. In case the tank is

overfilled with the fill-limiter failing, and the pressure rising above the working pressure,

the safety relief valve would release the excess pressure into the atmosphere.


Our design mainly focuses on a standard LPG engine design and the

determinations that make an engine efficient. This engine operates with a 4-Stroke

Cycle which is the most and common use for today’s car engine. In a 4-Stroke Cycle the

first stroke is called the intake stroke, in which air is sucked into the cylinder and mixed

with the fuel as the piston moves downwards in the cylinder. The second stroke is called

the compression stroke. This happens when the piston moves back up in the cylinder,

compressing the air and fuel mixture. The third stroke is called the power stroke. This

starts when the spark plug ignites the compressed air and fuel mixture, causing a

combustion reaction in the cylinder forcing the piston down. The last stroke is called the

exhaust stroke; this happens when the exhaust valves open and the piston forces the

exhaust gases out of the cylinder.



Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is mixture of two hydrocarbons, propane and

butane, in different ratios depending on season. Because it has the capacity to be

burned and used a fuel for a diesel engine and less price, it could be an alternative

source of fuel.

Table 1. Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) properties, compared with Diesel fuel


Properties Diesel fuel Propane Butane

Density (kg/m3) 800-840 503 500

Self-ignition (oC) 355 481 544

Stoichiometric A/F 15 15.71 15.49

ration (kg/kg)

Lower heating 42.5 46.34 45.55

value (MJ/kg)

Cetane number 40-55 -2 -2

Flame Temperature 2054 1900 -

LPG needs a lower quantity of heat to vaporize 420 kJ/kg to 465 kJ/kg for diesel

fuel, allowing to consume less local heat. The self-ignition temperature is higher than

the diesel fuel self-ignition temperature, and this combined with a very low cetane

number gives LPG very poor self-ignition properties. Therefore, fueling a diesel engine

with LPG requires the use of specific method. The higher LPG lower heating value

leads to an increase in the amount of heat released during combustion for the same fuel


A car fueled with LPG leads to reduction of the vehicle operating price, as the

price of the LPG in the market is almost 20%-40% less expensive than the Diesel and

Gasoline Product. Whereas, LPG is ranging to 25-31 pesos per liter in the market while

the Diesel is ranging from 41-48 pesos per liter and 47-87 pesos per liter for the

gasoline. Pricing was based on the data from the Department of Energy.

An example of Roman D2156 MTN 8 deisel engine was used to perform the

experiment with the use of LPG as a fuel injector. Homogeneous mixture of air-LPG is

ignited by the flame which appears in the diesel fuel jet.

Table 2. Specifications and performances of the engine D 2156 MTN 8

Number of cylinders 6

Bore (mm) 121

Stroke (mm) 150

Displacement (L) 10.34

Compression ratio 17

Rated power (kW) 188

Maximum torque (Nm) 900

Admission type Turbocharged




θ Bore = 86.00 mm T1 = 30°c = 303K T3 = 1884°c = 2157K

h Stroke = 86.00 mm P1 = 101.325 kPa

rk = 114

VD = π/4 x Bore2 x h

VD =159014 π mm3

Clearance = h / (rk – 1)

Clearance = 8.6 mm

VClearance = π/4 x Bore2 x Clearance

VClearance = 49955.7214 mm3

C = 1/ (rk – 1)

C = 1/10

VD C = Vclear

159014 π mm3 (1/10) = 49955.7214 mm3 = Vclear

Combustion Process

By using : Otto Cycle (SVSV)

@1 T2/T1 = rk k – 1 P2 / P1 =rkk

T2 = 790.6780865 K = 517.6780865°c P2 = 2908.481941

@2 P2 / P3 = T2 / T3

P3 = 7934.449751 kPa

@3 T3 / T4 = (V4 / V3)k – 1 = rkk – 1 P3 / P4 = rkk

T4 = 826.5955655 K = 553.5955655°c P4 = 276.4184675 kPa

QA = mCv(T3-T2) = 981.838927 kJ/kg

QR = mCv(T4-T1) = 376.2557734 kJ/kg

Wnet = QA - QR

= 605.5831536 kJ/kg

MEP = Wnet / VD e = [(QA – QR)/ QA] x 100 or (1 – 1/rkk-1) x 100

MEP= 1.212239832 x 10-3kJ/kg- mm3 e = 61.67846243%

P = (n * ( π / 4 ) * D2 * L) * p * N

P = (4* (π / 4) * 0.862 * 0.86 * 1.212239832 x 10-3 )* 5000/(60 x 2)

P = 135,350Hp



F = 588.5777 N Di = 2.3 mm G = 83 GPa

Do = 2.5 mm FL = 37.6 mm Nc = 8

Do – Dw = Di + Dw Lw =πDmNc Kb = (4c +2)/(4c – 3)

Dw = 0.2 mm Lw = 69.2721 mm Kb =1.1282

Dm = Do - Dw Lc = √ ¿ ¿ ¿ Ks = 1 – 1/2c

Dm = 2.1 mm Lc = 8.0570 mm Ks = 0.9524

4 c−1 0.615
c = Dm / Dw γ = (8Fc3Nc)/(GDw) K= +
4 c−4 c

c = 10.5 γ = 2626.8978 K = 1.1375

NT = Nc + 2 SS1 = (4F)/( πDw2)

NT = 10 SS1 = 18734.9910

SH = Dw (NT +1) SS2 = (8FDm)/( πDw3)

SH = 2.2 SS2 = 187349.9097

P = [37 – 3(2)]/8 SS = (8KFc)/ πDw2)

P = 4.625 SS = 42622.1045








As an engineering student, we aim to perform our best based on the knowledge that

has been learned from the class and our professors. Knowing the fundamentals of

Engineering, we are able to design and modify the existing Liquified Petroleum Gas

(LPG) Engine to be alternative fuel used on a standard Engine. In this project

knowledge and skill govern in subjects such as; Combustion Engineering, Machine

Design 2, Mechanical Laboratory 1, Vibration, and Machine Elements are used and

applied. Each has its own aspect and areas to be applied on.

The following are the knowledge applied of this project:

1. Through Machine Elements 1 & 2, we were able to understand the basic

structure of an engine and how each component work. Here we were taught from

basic motion of linkage to the actual motion of machine parts such as gears, belt,

cam and followers. As we go further of this subject, we came to understand the

reason and purpose of each type of machine component. And we became

familiar with each structure and proper use of its dimension. They mainly

transport power from one to another.

2. For Machine Design 1 & 2 and Vibration Engineering, we were also taught about

the machine component but mainly focus on the load, stress, strain, etc. that are

present when the system moved. These factors determine the wear, fatigue, and

fragileness which are important in quality control.

3. Together with Machine Elements 1 & 2, one with both knowledge can easily form

and design a mechanism that can transport power, motion, and transmit force

with maximum efficiency. And since all machine elements are subjected to

stresses, we have to

consider the material used and other factor that affect the strength of the

machine and the allowable stress for the machine elements.

4. For Combustion Engineering, we learn different cycle that are involve in internal

combustion. Internal Combustion is the process of burning fuel to produce

energy and this energy will flow to the system that will produce power for the

engine. And the process occurs inside the engine for less loss of energy. There

is also external combustion process where the burning of fuel occurs outside the


And in this project, we were able to apply them all, each component plays a big and

minor role for the system. Every process the occur in the flow of engine is based on our

knowledge applied from these subjects.


LP gas-based engine is like diesel engine with four-stroke engine. This type is an

internal combustion engine, this is simply the burning of fuel inside the main parts of an

engine. Internal combustion engine is more efficient compare to external combustion

engine, because by using the same amount of volume internally used fuel produced

more energy. The energy produced inside the engine can’t flow outside the cylinder that

causes less waste of energy.

Based on the result of our research, LP gas is environmentally friendly,

economical, and fully safe. It is environmentally friendly because it emits less

particulate. This helps reduce pollutant in our environment. One of the key

environmental advantages of LP gas over diesel, as well as petrol, is the near-absence

of particulate matter emissions. In the long run, the cost of LP gas is less compared to

diesel, but the fuel economy is about 20 – 25% lower that could increase the cost of LP

gas. How its work is like using a diesel engine. There are four-stroke engine, the intake

stroke, compression stroke, power stroke, and exhaust stroke. First stroke filled the

cylinder with air and fuel. Second stroke compresses the air and fuel. Third stroke starts

when the spark plug ignites causing combustion reaction in the cylinder. Fourth stroke is

when exhaust valve open and the piston pushes gases and particulates out of the


When compared to other engine, LP gas-based engine has advantages, it

produces less CO2, it mixes with air at all temperatures, high compression ratio, high

antiknock characteristics, less cost, and longer life span. With all these advantages,

there are also disadvantage when using LP gas. One of the disadvantages is it cannot

be used in heavy vehicle. The weight of the engine will be increased considerably

because of the tanks that will need to store LP gas.


Based on the research and computations performed the following conclusions were


1. LPG engine is environmentally friendly to use as fuel. LPG emits less CO2

compared to diesel engine. Carbon dioxide emissions are the largest

contributor to human-induced warming, and, therefore, are one of the most

critical signposts to watch.

2. LPG engine is economical because the cost of LPG is less expensive than

diesel engine. In the long run, LPG cannot last longer than diesel engine

because the market supply is of LPG is less compared to diesel.

3. Based on the researchers computations and research. The researchers

proved that the ideal LPG is preferable fuel compare to other engine.

4. Based on our computations, we proved that LPG engine perform efficiently as

same as the performance of a Diesel Engine. The efficiency of the Diesel

Engine and the LPG is almost the same.


The following are the applications of this project:

 Can be used as an alternative engine for light weight vehicle.

 Can be used as an alternative bunker fuel in powerplants.

 Basis for future research.


 For Machine Elements 1 & 2, we were able to know the basic motion of

linkage to the actual motion of machine parts.

 For Machine Design 1 & 2 and Vibration Engineering, we were able to

know about the machine components.

 For Combustion Engineering, we were able to know the different cycle that

are involve in internal combustion.


 It is environmental friendly because it emits less particulate. It helps

reduce pollutant in our environment

 It works like using a diesel engine, there are four stroke engine, the intake

stroke, compression stroke, power stroke, and exhaust stroke.


Engine block is an The purpose of the
Engine Block important parts of an engine block is to support
engine. It is made by the components of the
pouring the molten iron or engine. Additionally, the
aluminum alloy into a engine block transfers
mold. The mold is made heat from friction to the
such that we should have atmosphere and engine
required number of holes coolant.
in the casted block, which
are said to be the number
of cylinders of an engine
or engine cylinders. The

diameter of these holes is
called the bore of an

A sliding cylinder with a A piston is a component

closed head (the piston) of reciprocating engines,
Piston that is moved reciprocally reciprocating pumps, gas
in a slightly larger compressors and
cylindrical chamber (the pneumatic cylinders,
cylinder) by or among other similar
against pressure of a mechanisms. It is the
fluid, as in an engine moving component that
or pump. The cylinder of is contained by a cylinder
a steam engine is closed .Its purpose is to transfer
by plates at both ends, force from expanding gas
with provision for the in the cylinder to the
piston rod, which is rigidly crankshaft via a piston
attached to the piston, to rod and/or connecting
pass through one of the rod. In pump, the
end cover plates by function is reversed and
means of a gland and force is transferred from
stuffing box (steam-tight the crankshaft to the
joint). piston for the purpose of
compressing or ejecting
the fluid in the cylinder.

It is an ‘I’ shape A Connecting rod is used

Connecting Rod structure whose one to transfer reciprocating
end is connected to motion of piston into rotary
piston and other one to motion of crankshaft. This
crankshaft. The piston whole process is done by
side end of connecting cylinder, piston, crankshaft
rod has hole in it. And and connecting rod. It has
we have also got a hole two ends - Small End and
in piston’s cylindrical Big End. The small end is
structure just beneath connected to piston with
the piston rings. So we piston pin and the big end
align this hole with is hold by crankshaft
connecting rods hole through crankpin. The
and put a wrist pin small end may have a

through it. Wrist pin act solid or split eye but the
as a bearing and big end is always split.
connecting rod can The split shoulder end is
move like pendulum assembled with a cap by
beneath piston, though clamping bolt.
piston’s cylindrical
structure is going to limit
its motion. To make
sure that wrist pin
should not move from its
position it is restricted
by snap ring at both

Crankshaft As name suggests it is Crankshaft is a part of the

designed in such a way engine that helps you
to convert linear (up and convert the linear motion
down) motion of piston of the Piston into rotary
into rotational motion. It motion that can be
works same as slider- delivered to the
crank mechanism. gearbox/wheels.Without
Material used for the crankshaft you can't
making crankshaft is transfer the reciprocating
cast iron. motion of pistons to the
drive shaft.

Crankshaft Casing or Oil It is also called as oil It carries camshaft and

Sump sump. It is a casing which valve mechanism. It has
is bolted to engine block, bores which are for inlet
which covers engine from and exhaust manifold
bottom thus called where valves and valve
crankshaft casing. It sheets are placed. The
retains lubricating oil in it cam shaft is connected to
which is pumped to crankshaft via belt drive or
different engine parts. chain drive of the
Crankshaft has got small engine. Crankcase also
holes which spills oil has a valve at the bottom
towards piston, to remove part which is used to
piston heat and lubricate change oil. When you open

the piston rings, so it also it, the oil will flow
prevents oil from downwards due to the
splashing. We have got a gravity.
bolt at the bottom of this
casing from where we
remove used lubricating oil
during maintenance.
Engine Head Engine head is casted in the The cylinder head helps to
same way as engine block. keep the engine cool. The
Its mold is made such that passageways enable coolant
the casted piece must have to circulate through the
an opening for air to flow into cylinder head and flow
engine cylinder and an through the head gasket. This
exhaust opening from where circulation of coolant through
the burnt gases will go out. these and subsequent other
This passage of air flowing in parts of the coolant system
and going out of engine keep the engine from
cylinder is controlled by inlet overheating.
and outlet valves. So engine
head also has cylindrical
holes to insert valve stem.
Valves Material used to make It lets air in and out of the
valves is nickel-chromium cylinders. That air is used
iron alloy. Valve could be to help ignite the fuel which
described in two parts- will drive the pistons up
valve stem and valve head and down. The intake
Valve is mounted upside valves of course let air in,
down means valve head is and the exhaust valves let
facing engine cylinder. It is exhaust air out. The more
so because when there air you can move air in and
would be high pressure in out of the engine the more
engine cylinder it would efficient, and therefor
press the valve head power the engine will have.
against its seat in engine This is why the engine
head and thus pressure valve plays a pretty critical
will be maintained at best. role in an engine’s

The key parts of any It is a shaft with a number

Camshaft camshaft are the lobes. As of cam profiles along its
the camshaft spins, the length. So it regulates the
lobes open and close the valves opening and closing
intake and exhaust valves time. It does so by pressing
in time with the motion of the end of valve stem by its
the piston. It turns out that cam profile. But we still

there is a direct need a mechanism which
relationship between the would return the valve back
shape of the cam lobes to its position once pressed
and the way the engine by the cam profile of
performs in different speed camshaft. We have valve
ranges. spring and bucket head
tappet assembly for solving
this problem..

Valve Spring and Tappet The arrangement is like The purpose of tappet is
we have valve spring to provide smooth surface
around valve stem and for cam to press the valve
tappet mounted over spring or inlet and outlet
that spring for smooth valve. Valve springs play
surface and camshaft an important role in
mounted just over it controlling the breathing in
making the valve move internal combustion
up and down using its engines. Lifting the weight
cam-profile. of the valve
Overcoming friction on the
valve shaft when the valve
closes Creating enough
friction, or drag, to keep
the valve train and valve
following the camshaft
profile accurately, by
always providing (slightly)
greater force than the
inertial force of the
accelerated mass of the

Timing Belt The belt is a synthetic Timing belt is responsible
rubber strap that for maintaining the
contains fiber strands precision that's crucial to
for strength. It has teeth your engine's functions.
to prevent slipping, Essentially, it coordinates
which fit into the the rotations of the
grooves on the end of camshaft and crankshaft
the camshaft and so the engine's valves and
crankshaft. pistons move in sync.

Spark Plug It is made up of titanium It is the parts of an engine

so that it can withstand that ignites the air-fuel
a real high temperature mixture in the engine
generated by high cylinder. It produces the
electric potential spark at right time by
difference while using electrical energy of
producing spark. battery. The basic working
principle is that when we
have high electrical
potential at one end and
zero or negative potential
at other end. And two
ends being real very close
to each other, it produces
an electric field so strong
between them that it
ionizes the air molecules
thus producing spark.
A wide variety of As we have already
Gasket materials are used in discussed that we have
making gaskets like both water and oil vents in
Teflon, glass-fiber, engine block, so gasket

silicon etc. It is gives insulation from water
generally a paper like or oil leaking into engine
sheet which is placed cylinder or air-fuel mixture
between engine block from engine cylinder
and engine head.. leaking out from joint of
engine block and engine
head. A gasket is a
mechanical seal which fills
the space between two or
more mating surfaces,
generally to prevent
leakage from or into the
joined objects while under
compression. Gaskets
allow for "less-than-
perfect" mating surfaces
on machine parts where
they can fill irregularities.
Gaskets are commonly
produced by cutting from
sheet materials.

Located between the Piston rings prevent the

cylinder and the piston, pressure created by
Piston Rings piston rings are burning of air-fuel mixture
necessary components from leaking into
that allow the engine to crankcase. Not only that
operate efficiently. piston rings scrap down
Piston rings have four the oil from cylinder walls
major functions. which is spilled by
crankshaft to remove heat
from piston. They also
transfer heat of the piston
to the cylinder walls which
are being cooled by water
circulation through water


Electronic Parts Meaning Function

Computer box was first Computer boxes have gone
Computer Box introduced it monitored only a long way from when they
a few engine parameters first started out. Today they
and mainly controlled fuel can control almost all the
injection and in turn the air- important functions within
fuel mixture; the crucial an engine, and beyond. The
ratio of air and gasoline or once simple computer box
diesel that the engine which controlled ignition
needed to get going. and fuel now also controls a
plethora of systems and
reads many kinds of
sensors as well. In fact
some systems have their
own separate computers
and control units, all of
which work together to
make a modern car run
properly. The downside is
that the ECU and the
presence of more
electronics have potentially

made cars more sensitive
due to the complexity and a
lot more difficult and even
more expensive to repair.

They are generally rated for Automotive fuses are a

Fuse circuits no higher than 32 class of fuses used to
volts direct current, but protect the wiring and
some types are rated for electrical equipment for
42-volt electrical systems. vehicles. The main job of
the fuse is to protect the
wiring. Fuses should be
sized and located to protect
the wire they are connected
to. If a device like your car
radio suddenly draws
enough current to blow the
fuse, the radio is probably
already toast. The fuse is
there to protect the wire,
which would be much
harder to replace than the
Relay Switch Automotive relays of all Relays in general are used
shapes and sizes can be to enable a low amperage
found in just about every circuit to switch on or off a
car, truck, and even boats. higher amperage circuit, like
They have either normally turning on your headlights.
closed or normally open If you were to try and
contacts that will handle up directly hook up your
to 30 or 40 amps and headlights to the headlight
operate using a control switch you would exceed
circuit that has the coil and the amperage rating of the
a load circuit which has the switch, melt wires, and risk
switch. When power is an electrical fire. Relays are
applied to the coil, a also used to switch multiple
magnetic field is created things at the same time
which either opens or using one output. A single
closes the switch. output connected to multiple
relays will allow you to open
continuity and/or close
continuity simultaneously,
for example turning on your
radio while the antenna



MAJOR PARTS Meaning Function

VAPORISER It must undergo a The function of two
phase change factors: 1) ambient
(vaporization) from temperature; 2) tank
liquid to vapor within the size and fill level
cylinder, before being (“wetted” tank surface
combusted by your area).
consuming equipment

installed on the fuel line this valve cuts the flow

Solenoid valve in between the tank and of LP gas when the car
the engine.  is running on gasoline
and when the engine is
shut off. It also has a
filter built in that
removes any dirt that

may be in the fuel.

Dual-fuel conversions Installed in the automobile Storage of LPG
serves as storage of LPG Consumption in the
consumption . automobile


Mishra Pankaj (2014, February 11). What are the Main Parts of an Automobile Engine?

(2003, May 10). What's in an Engine & Why?

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Piston and cylinder

Piyush Batra (2017, October 07) What is the main purpose of a connecting rod?

Karthik M.N (2017, August11) What is a crankshaft?

Akshay Vaishnav (2015, August 19) What is a crankcase?

Stein Andrea. What Is the Function of a Cylinder Head?

D. Lindsey. Engine Intake and Exhaust Valve Basics

Nice, Karim. How Camshafts Work

© 2019 Eibach Springs. Valve Springs

Threewitt, Cherise.How long do timing belts last?

What is a piston ring?

Jose Altoveros . (2017, October 04) Automotive 101: What exactly does the computer
box in your car compute?

Nice, Karim. How Wires, Fuses, and Connectors Work

Automotive Relays and How They Work

(2012, July 22). Benefits Of LPG vs Petrol Vehicles

By Maciej Paczuski, Marcin Marchwiany, Ryszard Puławski, Andrzej Pankowski, Kamil

Kurpiel and Marcin Przedlacki. (2016, March 24). Liquefied Petroleusssm Gas (LPG) as
a Fuel for Internal Combustion Engines


Financial Daily
THE HINDU group of publications (2000, May 22)

Eric Hahn. (2019, April 24). LPG Engines - How Does an LPG Engine Work?

Ed Grabianowski. How Liquefied Petroleum Gas Works

(2013, April). Modification Design of Petrol Engine for Alternative Fueling using
Compressed Natural Gas

ClubTechnical. (2019, March 24), Liquefied Petroleum Gas | Advantages,

Disadvantages [Comparison with Patrol]

Woodford, Chris. (2019, May 12). Diesel Engines.


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