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Nigerian Journal of Technology, Vol. 1, No.

1, June 1975 Anazodo 7



Uche Anazodo
Agricultural Engineering Department
University of Nigeria Nsukka

Summary conservation works, water conservation

The concept, objectives and factors that enhance farming, or land drainage schemes.
agricultural mechanization are reviewed from k) An appropriate level of mechanization.
relevant literature. Various impediments that usually
frustrate mechanization schemes in traditional Although the order of priorities in the above list will
tropical agriculture are briefly discussed. Some vary from place to place, yet mechanization is
fundamental questions are then raised which the deliberately mentioned last in order to emphasize
author argues can best be studied by a that mechanization is impracticable unless the other
multidisciplinary team using the systems approach inputs are not limiting factors.
in evaluating the appropriate levels of
mechanization suitable for Nigerian agricultural Mechanization Objectives
systems Attention is focused on the nature of data The word mechanization in many minds connotes
needed for the development of acceptable tractors and similar power machinery. A broader
mathematical models of the real systems. Solution definition of the term is, however, that which
by linear programming aided by a computer is encompasses the use of hand and animal operated
advocated. tools and implements, as well as motorized
equipments to reduce human effort, improve the
Introduction timeliness and quality of various farm operations,
Despite the great achievements of the Green thereby increasing yields, quality of product, and
Revolution and other world, regional or national overall efficiency (2) The objectives of
strategic plans for the attainment of a reasonable mechanization may then include the following:
degree of self -sufficiency in agricultural production
in developing countries, our food supplies are still a) To reduce drudgery from farm work.
pathetically inadequate in terms of both quantity and b) To increase the agricultural output per man-
quality. In Nigeria, for instance, the government hour.
experts predict that at the present rate of growth in c) To improve timeliness of operations.
agricultural produce, the country will not be able to d) To reduce spoilage, waste and other losses of
feed her population in the next decade (1). This sad products.
picture in a paradox which typifies hunger and e) To preserve and properly process farm
miseries In the midst of an apparently untapped products and food supplies
bountiful natural and human resources. f) To maximize yields by improved agricultural
Factors For Accelerated Food Production g) To enable the production of more or additional
For an effective increase in agricultural output, the food products.
important input factors are: h) To improve water supplies and water control
a) According to the agricultural sector of the systems.
economy its right priority in the broad i) To reclaim land abandoned because of
development plans of the nation's economy. primitive operations or inadequate power
b) A sound agricultural education policy including j) To develop new land for agriculture by clearing
an effective extension service of obstructions or by draining, levelling or other
c) A cautious transformation of the present reclamation operations.
conservatism of farmers to responsive attitudes k) To create a greater measure of well-being for
towards modernisation in agriculture farm families.
d) Development and distribution of high yielding
varieties of food crops Aids to Progress in Mechanization
e) Efficient agricultural processing facilities. There are certain pre-requisites for an effective
f) Adequate storage and marketing facilities. farm power and machinery in traditional farm
g) Liberal but well operated agricultural credit systems. Some of these factors that aid agricultural
institutions. mechanization may include:
h) Availability of accurate agro-meteorological (a) A growing desire by farmers for better
data for better weather forecasts machinery and tools
i) A more pragmatic approach to land settlement (b) A government sympathetic to mechanization
and land development developments.
j) Better control of the nation's water resources, (c) Education, Research, and extension programs.
either in the form of irrigation schemes, soil (d) Establishment of agricultural mechanization
Nigerian Journal of Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1, June 1975 Anazodo 8

training centers. work, increased output per man-hour etc. our

(e) Adequate transportation facilities from farm to farmers should be made more familiar with the
market. potential benefits of improved crop varieties,
(f) Development of food storages, processing increased use of fertilizers, increased water
facilities, and distribution organizations availability and proper rotation of crops.
(g) Advancement of industrial production.
(h) Development of suitable machines for small (d) Adjustment problems exist as farm
farms. implements usually have to be adjusted to
It is not suggested here that all these favourable local conditions of soil. Climate, crop varieties,
conditions must exist in Nigeria before topography, dimensions of farm units, forms of
mechanization, can take off. Instead the purpose packing, and systems of marketing. .
for enumerating them is to assist one in evaluating (e) Equipment management which demands
how feasible any particular mechanization project is adequate after-sale service, repair and
in any particular environment. Indeed some of maintenance facilities.
these aids already exist in Nigeria. For instance, the
growing desire of farmers in Nigeria (as well as The other more general problems facing the
those in some other African countries) to exchange furtherance of agricultural mechanization in
their primitive tools for modified versions of them developing countries are discussed in greater detail
and some entirely modern new ones has been elsewhere (2 - 8).
reported in a documentary field study undertaken
by Michigan State University. (2) Also the concern Fundamental Questions
of the Federal and State governments about The foregoing review of the objectives of
increased agricultural production has been agricultural mechanization and those factors
demonstrated by the establishments of the favouring or hindering it raises some fundamental
Agricultural Credit Bank, the several food questions such as: What appropriate levels of
production companies, and the different agricultural mechanization are needed in Nigeria? Are we
development authorities and agencies. Nor are the planning for a selective, Gradual, and progressive
generality of the Nigerian public ignorant of the mechanization, or do we aim at a complete
need for mechanization judging from the several mechanization at a stroke? Do we go out for a
agro-business enterprises mushrooming in quite a complete substitution of our more familiar but
good number of places in the country. It appears probably inefficient hand tools with the latest
that all that is needed in Nigeria for mechanization designs in imported tillage, Seeding, weeding,
to succeed is a well co-ordinated and systematic harvesting and processing equipments? What are
action programme capable of exploiting the current the scopes for improving our traditional hand tools?
disposition of Nigerians towards scientific and What are the comparative effectiveness of large,
cultural advancement. medium, and small powered tractors; the
conventional horticultural tractors, and the
Impediments Japanese-type walking tractors in the particular
Notwithstanding the above narrated recent realities in which our farmers live and operate?
progress towards accelerated food production in Have we sufficiently identified the social, technical,
Nigeria, certain bottlenecks still exist in the economic and resources problems that may impede
mechanization of Nigerian agriculture. The more a successful introduction of farm power and
important impediments may be listed as follows: machinery in Nigeria? Are these impediments
quantifiable? How limiting are they as input factors
(a) Unemployment problem: Since most machines in a mechanization program?
developed in the technologically advanced
countries are labour saving, indiscriminate For reasonable answers to questions similar to
introduction of them will lead to a good number those posed above, the logical approach is that
of our farm workers being made more fashionably described as the systems approach.
redundant than they already are with grave
social, political and economic consequences. The Systems Concept
Essentially the systems concept is that of expressing
(b) Fragmented holdings which may be un- the overall interactions of a group of items rather
economic for machinery application. The than focusing attention on the operation of each
operating cost per hour of a machine is higher component elements in turn. A system itself may be
in small farm units than in larger ones since the defined as either a regularly interacting or
machine can only be used for only few hours independent group of items forming a unified whole
each year in the smaller farms. or an organised set of doctrines, ideas, or principles
usually intended to explain the arrangement or
(c) Cultural practices of a great majority of our working of a systematic whole. The explicit
farmers are not very conducive for motivation of any system study is to generate
mechanization. To derive the advantages of information so that a decision can be made. The
mechanization-timeliness of operation, ease of systems approach has successfully been applied to
Nigerian Journal of Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1, June 1975 Anazodo 9

various aspects of agricultural production and increase production of various food products by
mechanization in North America and Europe (9. introducing farm machinery, each crop and each
10,11,) and most probably in other developed farming operation is allowed to constitute an.
countries like Japan and the Soviet Union. In individual activity in the model. Some of the common
Nigeria, the first attempt in undertaking studies crop combinations could each be considered as a
involving systems approach to farm mechanization separate activity. The objective function and the
were initiated at the International Institute of Tropical group of activity-variables form the first and second
Agriculture (IITA) Ibadan (12). There were two major components of a mathematical model of a real
aspects of this work: the formulation of mathematical system. The third component is the system of
models of existing systems and examination of their inequality-equations which generally describe the
behaviour with varying mechanization inputs; and restrictions that are to be imposed on all the activity
the establishment of model farms where the variables in the model. Usually the number of real
behaviour of selected systems can be studied. activities can never be greater than the number of
restrictions. Thus more than one constraining
Goals inequality- equation may be applied to any single
The purpose of the present study is to evaluate activity variable.
the optimal levels of mechanization suitable for In formulating these three main components of
small farms in Nigeria. For this the previously posed the model, certain preliminary investigations must
fundamental questions may be introduced in our be successfully conducted. The following should
system of goals as follows: serve as guidelines in collecting information for
(a) What is the desired (or optimal) level of building an acceptable model:
production consistent with maximal avail-
ability of productive land, capital, and market (a) Identify and analyze farming methods now
resources? followed and the types of tools and equipments
(b) Does the farmer achieve the optimal level of now used.
production under his existing level of (b) Identify the factors or conditions favouring and
mechanization? hindering various forms of mechanization
(c) Can he do so by more intensive land utilization proposals.
(double, triple cropping if realistic) ? (c) Make an economic appraisal of the problems
(d) Can he reach the optima level of production by inherent in selective mechanization in the areas
cultivating more land? to be studied.
(e) If it is possible to amalgamate individual farms, (d) Identify specific agricultural engineering
is the production increased to the optimal problems requiring immediate attention and
level? suggest related research.
(f) Does an improved management skill (that is (e) Develop a set of generalizations as the basis for
to say, scientific allocation of his land and planning selective mechanization.
crops, better use of his. existing labour force
and tools, better system of operation) enable Data Collection
the farmer to achieve the estimated desirable It is necessary to collect data on the environments
level of production? in which the analysis will be undertaken. These data
(g) Is the farmer able to perform at optimal level of are of two types, namely, quantitative data based on
production by any combinations of the above observations and measurements which describe
improvement schemes? organizational, financial, procedural, physical, and
(h) Determine what level of machinery introduction operational relationships and flows in the system;
that will enable him achieve the desired level of and qualitative data based on questionnaire,
production. authoritative publications and expert opinions which
(i) What powered system (that is hand-. animal-, describe these relationships and flows. A survey of
and engine- power) is most effective in all the tractors, implements, and hand methods
achieving the optimal levels of production? currently in use will generate such quantitative
(j) Evaluate the effectiveness and level of information as their drawbar performance, tractive
irrigation technology which will raise crop efficiency, field capacity, field efficiency, actual life,
production to the desired amount. operating costs and labour performance. All these,
including other relevant performance parameters
The Model and crop yields, will help to determine the input-
The model is to be formulated with respect to a output coefficients in the mathematical model. It is
point in time, that is to say, the period over which important to give a systematic description of all
the data is collected. The model is thus a static one implements and powered systems, possibly with
which is however suitable for 'other periods of time diagrams and photographs. All non-quantifiable
once the relevant data are used. impediments in their use (for instance lack of repair
Its objective function is a combination of the ten and maintenance facilities) must clearly be pointed
main goals outlined previously, and it is constructed out.
in such a way that alternative functions may be Adequate knowledge of all other relevant
tested. Since the major objective of the project is to restraining conditions for improving existing farming
Nigerian Journal of Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1, June 1975 Anazodo 10

methods or for introducing new powered system and facilities in each area to be studied. Other important
associated equipments will be obtained from a well facts to be assembled from authoritative
organised questionnaire. Recorded answers to such publications include: impact of agronomy
questions as listed below may be collected: innovations; potential of extending fertilizer use;
(a) Why plant at the time you do? cost and benefits of irrigation and conservation
(b) Why not earlier? schemes; capacity of the Nigerian economy to
(c) Why not later? absorb any displaced labour from mechanized
(d) Can you expand your cultivated land? farms; general and specific agro- climatological
(e) Reasons for (d) advantages and limitations; topological situations;
(f) Are you willing to change your system of soil management and local diseases and pests. Yet
cropping if you are advised that it is in your best another group of important data for the
interest? Give reasons. development of an effective model of a farm system
(g) Have you any objections to someone else re- are those derived from research experiments.
organizing your labour inputs. if you are advised Useful criteria on soil-machine interaction for areas
that it is in your best interest  under study should be established. These may
(h) Are you ready to work more hours? include: the comparative assessment of various
(i) Can you allow any member of your family to tillage machines on types of soil of relevant interest;
engage in other employments or training influence of soil moisture, Suction, physical
program? strength on growth and yield of tropical crops; the
(j) Will you agree to hire paid labour if you are compacting and structural effects of motorized-
advised that it will increase your production  power systems on agricultural soils. However,
(k) Are you willing to combine your farm business valuable engineering research data as those just
with your neighbours ? mentioned may take a long period of time to gather.
(I) Reasons tor (k). Thus initially our model may be based on classified
(m) Will you change your answer to (k) if you engineering data alone, while it is hoped that the
happen to lose your leadership in a combined result of this preliminary model analysis will help to
or amalgamated farm? emphasize areas where urgent engineering
(n) Will you agree to sell a piece of land to some- research is needed. Information from well
one else if you are advised that you are better conducted engineering research may then help to
without it  establish new optimal levels for agricultural
(p) Have you 'any objections to allowing your land production.
to be cultivated on loan by someone else?
(q) Will you change your answers to (n) and/or (p) if Methods of Solution
that someone is: The next logical step after collecting these vital
(i) The Federal Government data is their analysis, from which certain
(ii) the State Government, guidelines, principles, critical factors, input and
(iii) the local government. output coefficients may be established in the
(iv) Co-operative farmers society, or model. At this stage certain modifications may be
(v) somebody not from your Immediate made on the model to reflect all the relevant
neighborhood information gathered from the real system.
(r) Will you be willing to try new varieties of crops. There are several mathematical techniques for
(s) will you be Willing to apply new fertilizers  solving a model such as the one just described.
(t) Are you ready to buy/hire alone or jointly any These include: the simple gross margin analysis
machines If you are assured that the extra cost and complete budgeting technique, linear
of doing so will be completely balanced by programming, and the rather more complex
Increased production  dynamic programming method. It may also be
(u) If credits are available for buying or hiring new possible to Incorporate some of the critical path
machines can you accept such If you are method (CPW) and the Problem evaluation and
(i) Requested to sell your 'surplus' produce to a review technique (PERT). Mention has also been
government agency at her own fixed price? made by some knowledgeable individuals of the
(ii) Pay higher taxes? possible suitability of the method of dimensional
(iii) Open a savings account in your nearest analysis in solving real systems as complex as
bank 'or increase your present savings? the one we are attempting to simulate. Each
(iv) Supply some of your 'surplus' family labour for method has his advantages and disadvantages.
unpaid/underpaid government or However the linear programming technique
community projects? appears to be more suitable here. Its computation
(v) Enter into an agreement to repay the credits in a may be aided by computer, using the Fortran
government stipulated time or face certain language. The deductions from the model(s) must
penalties including auctioneering of some of aim at answering all the ten goals previously
your personal or landed property. listed, in addition to making other remarks and
suggestions necessary for formulating and
Furthermore it is essential to collect classified data implementing an effective policy on agricultural
on storage, processing, distribution and marketing mechanization in Nigeria and similar tropical
Nigerian Journal of Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1, June 1975 Anazodo 11

countries. mechanization in Equatorial Africa Michigan

State University, 1969 (Documentation).
Staff Structure 3. McColly H. F. A proposal for agricultural
It is clear that the procedure described in this mechanization in the developing countries of
paper can best be carried out successfully by a Southeast Asia. Journal. Agricultural
multi-disciplinary team. Government officials, Mechanization in Southeast Asia. Spring 1971.
agricultural extension workers, agriculturists, (Article).
agricultural engineers, economists and farmers all 4. Farm Machinery Industrial Research Corp. The
have some contributions to make in the suggested Status quo and problems of farm
model study. The project can be launched at a mechanization in the developing countries.
local or national level. (Article) in the same journal as reference. 3
At the local level, a university lecturer in
agricultural engineering assisted by one junior 5. FAO, Rome. Agricultural Research in West
research fellow in agricultural engineering and Africa. (Country Report) 1973.
three field assistants can undertake a study of any
selected area. Consultations with university 6. Kolawole M. I. Economic aspects of tractor
lecturers in farm management, economics, contracting operations in Western Nigeria. J.
vocational agricultural education and rural Agric. Engng. Res. (1972) 17. 289-294
education; and also with nearby government farm (Article).
mechanization officers will be made. Enough fund
for paying the salaries of the research and field 7. Chancellor W. J Social and Institutional factors
assistants, for travels and other minor expenses is in mechanization of Agriculture in Thailand and
all that is financially required. Additionally, the Malaysia by Tractor Hire Services.
encouragement of government and local International conference on Tropical and
authorities in supplying up-to-date information as Subtropical Agriculture, Michigan. U.S.A. 1972
may become necessary will enhance the study. (Article).
At the national level, the project outlined in this
paper may best be undertaken by the proposed 8. Tsuchiya Keizo. Economics of Farm
National Institute of Agricultural Mechanization Mechanization in Japan. (Article) in same
(NIAM) (5) with two possible branches-one in the Journal as reference 7
North and the other in the South.
9. Dent and Anderson. Systems analysis in
Conclusion Agricultural Management. (Book).
In conclusion, the author strongly believes that
successful mechanization of agriculture in Nigeria 10. Link D. A. Activity Network Techniques as
will continue to be a day-dream unless thoughts applied to a farm machinery selection problem.
and 'blue-prints' similar to those expressed in this TASAE Vol. 110. No.3, pp. 310-317 (Article
paper form the basis of any mechanization scheme
in Nigeria. 11. Liang Tung, Bio-production equipment
systems selection: A separable Programming
approach. J. Agric. Engng. Res. (1971) 16 (3)
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1. Essien Effiong, guidelines on “Third
Development Plan: Part 1” Dailly Times, August 12. Lalor W. F. and Anazodo Uche. Systems,
27, 1973. Research in Mechanization. Farm Systems
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2. Kline C. K. and others. Agricultural

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