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1. The purpose of the NBC is to provide for all buildings and structures, a framework of
standards and requirements which is the
a. maximum b. minimum
c. regular d. definite
2. Under the NBC abutment on lot lines are allowed only in
a. R-1 zones b. R-2 & R-3 zones
c. Fire zones d. prohibited zones
3. Under the NBC, every corridor and exterior exit balcony servings as a required exit for
an occupant load of more than ten width shall not be less than
a. 1.10 mts b. 1.20 mts
c. 1.40 mts d. 1.50 mts
4. Under the NBC, the vertical distance between landings shall not be more than
a. 2.5 mts b. 3.00 mts
c. 3.30 mts d. 3.60 mts
5. Under the NBC, open spaces for corners and through lots is
a. 10% b. 20%
c. 40% d. 50%
6. Under the NBC, open spaces inside lots is
a. 20% b. 30%
c. 40% d. 50%
7. Under the NBC, space required for interior lots is
a. 20% b. 30%
c. 40% d. 50%
8. Under the NBC, the minimum dimension for court or near yard from the property line
to the face of the building is
a. 1.50 mts b. 2.00 mts
c. 2.50 mts d. 3.00 mts
9. Under the NBC, a building in R-1 zone shall comply with the open space requirement
in the form of
a. 3.00 mts b. 4.00 mts
c. 5.00 mts d. 6.00 mts
10. Under the NBC, clearance between established grade of the street and/ or sidewalk
and the lowest under surface of any part of the balcony shall not less than
a. 2.10 mts b. 2.40 mts
c. 3.00 mts d. 3.60 mts
11. Under the NBC, the interior lots shall have an access road with a minimum width of
a. 1.50mts b. 2.40 mts
c. 3.00 mts d. 3.60 mts
12. Under the NBC, gasoline filling and service stations shall classified under what
occupancy classification?
a. accessory b. assembly
c. industrial d. business & mercantile
13. Under the NBC, display windows or wall signs within how many meters above the
a. 2.40 mts b. 2.70 mts
c. 3.00 mts d. 3.30 mts
14. Under the NBC, areas where adequate parking lots/ multi-floor parking garages are
available within 200 mts. of the proposed building / structures only what percent of
the parking requirements maybe provided within the premises?
a. 10 % b. 15%
c. 20% d. 25%
15. Under the NBC, general units of measurement on consonance with the current
worldwide practice follow the
a. Uniform Construction Index b. International Standard
c. System International d. English System
16. Under the NBC, the minimum requirements for a parking space is
a. 600 mm b. 750 mm
c. 900 mm d. 1000 mm
17. Under the NBC, for Group A Dwellings, stairs shall have a clear width of at least
a. 2.30x4.70 b. 2.50x5.00
c. 2.80x5.50 d. 3.00x6.00
18. Under the NBC, mezzanine floors shall have a clear ceiling height not less than how
a. 1.80 mts b. 2.00 mts
c. 2.10 mts d. 2.40 mts
19. Under the NBC, hospitals shall have one parking slot for every how many beds?
a. 15 b. 20
c. 25 d. 30
20. Under the NBC, all inner courts shall be connected to a street or yard either by a pass
with a minimum width of
a. 1.20 mts b. 1.50 mts
c. 1.80 mts d. 2.00 mts
21. Under the NBC, a dwelling shall occupy not more than how many percent of an
inside non-corner single frontage lot?
a. 60% b. 70%
c. 80% d. 90%
22. Under the NBC, prisons shall be classified under what occupancy classification a. institutional
b. residential
c. education and recreation d. business and mercantile
23. Under the NBC, cold storage shall be classified under what occupancy classification?
a. business & mercantile b.industrial c. accessory mercantile
24 Under the NBC, factories using not highly combustible materials shall be classified
under occupancy classification?
a. business & mercantile b. industrial c. accessory & hazardous
25. Under the NBC, window openings shall equal to at least of what percent of the floor
area of room?
a. 10% b. 12% c. 15% d. 20%
26. Under the NBC, parking areas for the physically handicapped shall be within how
many meters in length?
a. 4.00 mts. b. 6.00 mts. c. 8.00 mts. d. 10 mts.
27. Under the NBC, of only two exits are required, they shall be placed a distance apart
of not less than what fraction of?
a. ½ b. 1/3 c. ¼ d. 1/5
28. Under the NBC, habitable rooms with natural ventilation shall have a minimum air
space per person of
a. 10 cu. mts. b. 12 cu. mts. c. 14 cu. mts. d. 16 cu. mts.
29. Under the NBC, the unit area per occupant of offices is
a. 9.3 sm. b. 11.5 sm. c. 13.8 sm. d. 15.2 sm.
30. Under the NBC, a mezzanine floor use other than for storage purposes shall have at
least two stairways to an adjacent floor is the area greater than?
a. 120 sm. b. 150 sm. c. 185 sm. d. 200 sm.
31. Under the NBC, residential hotels and apartels shall be provided with one parking slot
for every how many units?
a. 3 units b. 4 units c. 5 units d. 6 units
32. Under the NBC, for Group A Dwellings, stairs shall have
a. 600 mm b. 750 mm c. 900 mm d. 120 mm
33. Under the NBC, rooms for human habitation shall have a minimum size of
a.4 sm. b. 6 sm. c. 8 sm. d. 10 sm.
34. Under the NBC, reformatories shall be classified under what occupancy classification
a. business & mercantile b. industrial c. institutional
d. educational & recreation
35. Under the NBC, repair garages shall be classified under what occupancy
a. business & mercantile b. storage & hazardous
c. industrial d. accessory
36. Under the NBC, convents shall be classified under what occupancy classification?
a. institutional b. education & recreation
c. residential, hotels and apartments d. business & mercantile
37. Under the NBC, power plants shall be classified under what occupancy classification?
a. business & mercantile b. industrial
c. accessory d. storage & hazardous
38. Under the NBC, printing plants shall be classified under what occupancy
a. business & mercantile b. industrial
c. accessory d. storage & hazardous
39. Under the NBC, multiple living units of up to six units built on the same lot shall
have an access road directly connecting said building to a public street a width of
a. 3.00 mts. b. 4.00 mts c. 4.5 mts d. 5.00 mts
40. Under the NBC, offices shall provide how many cubic meters of air space per person?
a. 10 cu. mts. b. 12 cu. mts. c. 15 cu. mts. d. 18 cu. mts
41. Under the NBC, front yards for commercial buildings abutting a road right-of-width
of 25-29 m shall be
a. 4 mts. b. 5 mts. c. 6 mts. d. 8 mts.
42. Under the NBC, a building permit shall expire if work authorized is abandoned or
suspended at any time after commencement or a period of
a. 90 days b. 120 days c. 150 days d. 180 days
43. Under the NBC exemption from payments of buildings permit fees shall be granted to
a. Monuments b. Mausoleums c. Churches d.Public bldgs.
44. Under the NBC, the unit area per occupants of theaters is
a. 60 sm. b. 65 sm. c. 70 sm. d. 75 sm.
45. Under the NBC, the unit area per occupant of dining establishments is
a. 1 sm. b. 1.20 sm. c. 1.40 sm. d. 1.50 sm.
46. Under the NBC, the unit area per occupant of hotels is
a. 15.5 sm. b. 16.8 sm. c. 18.6 sm. d. 20 sm.
47. Under the NBC, the fire station shall be classified under what occupancy
a. Institutional b. business & mercantile
c. industrial d. storage & hazardous
48. Under the NBC, monasteries shall be classified under what occupancy classification?
a. residential, hotels & apartments b. education & recreation
c. institutional d. business & mercantile
49. Under the NBC, air craft repair hangers shall be classified under what occupancy
a. accessory b. business & mercantile
c. industrial d. storage & hazardous
50. Under the NBC, in mixed occupancies the parking requirements shall be the sum of
100% of the dominant use and what percent of the dominant uses?
a.50% b. 60% c. 70% d. 80%
51. Under the NBC, habitable rooms provided with artificial ventilation for buildings of
more than one-storey shall have a minimum ceiling height of the first storey at
a. 2.10 mts. b. 2.40 mts. c. 2.55 mts. d. 2.70 mts.
52. Under the NBC, multiple living units of 16 to 25 units built on the same lot shall have
an access road directly connecting said buildings to a public street a width of
a. 3.00 mts. b. 4.00 mts. c. 4.50 mts. d. 5.00 mts.
53. Under the NBC, the entry ramp of the driveway connecting the roadway surface to
the sidewalk shall have a slope ranging from
a. ½ to 1/3 b. 1/3 to ¼ c. ¼ to 1/5 d. 3/8 to ½
54. Under the NBC, every room intended for any use and not provided with artificial
ventilation system shall be provided with a window with a total free area of opening
equal to at least how many percent of the floor area of the room?
a. 10% b. 12% c. 15% d.20%
55. Under the NBC, for Group A Dwellings, stairs shall have a minimum run of
a. 150 mm. b. 180 mm. c. 200 mm. d. 240 mm.
56. Under the NBC, the unit area per occupant of laboratories is
a. 1.8 sm. b. 3.6 sm. c. 4.6 sm. d.7.4 sm.
57. Under the NBC, the unit area per occupant of apartment is
a. 5.8 sm. b. 28 sm. c. 36 sm. d. 46.5 sm.
58. Under the NBC, the Unit area per occupant of apartment is
a. 5.8 sm. b. 7.4 sm. c. 8.4 sm. d. 9.3 sm.
59. Under the NBC, the term that shall mean the total number of persons that may occupy
a building or a portion thereof at any one time is
a. usage b. capacity c. occupant load d. occupancy

1. Under the FCP, classified as places of assembly, travel distance to exits for spaces not protected by automatic fire
suppression system shall not be more than:
a) 35 m. c) 71 m.
b) 46 m. d) 81 m.

2. Under the FCP, classified as places of assembly, travel distance to exits for spaces protected by automatic fire
suppression system shall not be more than:
a) 51 m c) 71 m.
b) 61 m. d) 45 m.

3. Under the FCP, court houses are under what occupancy

a) education c) business
b) institutional d) industrial

4. Under the FCP, classified as places of assembly rows of seats opening on to an aisle at one side only shall have not
more than:
a) 5 seats c) 7 seats
b) 6 seats d) 8 seats

5. Under the FCP, classified as places of assembly rows of seats between aisles shall have not more than:
a) 12 seats c) 16 seats
b) 14 seats d) 18 seats

6. Under the FCP, classified as places of assembly, seats without dividing arms shall have the capacity determined by
allowing how many centimeters per person:
a) 60 c) 80
b) 70 d) 90

7. Under the FCP, no single door in a doorway shall be less than:

a) 50 cm c) 70 cm
b) 65 cm d) 71 cm

8. Under the FCP, when an exit is required to be protected by separation from other parts of the building, the separation
shall be at least two hour resistance when the exit connects
a) one storey c) 3 storey or more
b) 2 storey or less d) 4 storey or more

9. Under the FCP, means of egress shall be measured in units of exit widths of:
a) 40 cm c) 55 cm
b) 45 cm d) 60 cm

10. Under the FCP, the clearance between handrails and walls to which it is attached shall be at least:
a) 20 mm c) 30 mm
b) 25 mm d) 38 mm

1. Under the Fire Code of the Philippines, classification of occupancy, parking garages shall be classified as:
a) storage c) mercantile
b) business

2. Under the FCP, classification of occupancy, libraries shall be classified as:

a) educational c) institutional
b) business

3. Under the FCP, classification of occupancy, laboratories shall be classified as:

a) institutional c) business
b) industrial

4. Under the FCP, classification of occupancy, department stores shall be classified as:
a) mercantile c) assembly
b) business

5. Under the FCP, classification of occupancy, pumping stations shall be classified as:
a) storage c) business
b) industrial
6. Under the FCP, classified as places of assembly, travel distance to exits for spaces not protected by automatic fire
suppression system shall not be more than:
a) 35 mts c) 71 mts
b) 46 mts d) 81 mts

7. Under the FCP, classified as places of assembly, travel distance to exits for spaces protected by automatic fire
suppression system shall not be more than:
a) 51 mts c) 71 mts
b) 61 mts d) 81 mts

8. Under the FCP, classified as hotels, travel distance to exits from the door of any room to the nearest exit shall not be
more than:
a) 30 mts c) 40 mts
b) 35 mts d) 45 mts

9. Under the FCP, classified as mercantile occupancies, travel distance to exits shall be more than:
a) 20.5 mts c) 40.5 mts
b) 30.5 mts d) 50.5 mts

10. Under the FCP, when an exit is required to be protected by separations from other parts of the building, the
separation shall be at least two-hour resistance when the exit connects
a) one storey c) 3 storeys or more
b) 2 storeys or less d) 4 storeys or more

11. Under the FCP, every class A place of assembly, with a capacity of more than one thousand persons, how many
minimum number of separate exits as remote from each other as practicable shall be provided?
a) 3 exits c) 4 exits
b) 3 exits d) 5 exits

12. Under the FCP, dwelling units in row apartments shall be separated from each other by partition walls having a fire
resistance rating of:
a) 1 hour c) 4 exits
b) 2 hours d) 5 exits

13. Under the FCP, in apartment buildings, the entrance door to any apartment shall be located within how many meters
from an exit in a building protected by automatic fire suppression system?
a) 46.5 mts c) 50.5 mts
b) 48.5 mts d) 52.5 mts

14. Under the FCP the occupant load of industrial occupancies for which exits are to be provided shall be one person per
how many square meters gross floor area.
a) 5.6 sq. mts c) 8.6 sq. mts.
b) 9.7 sq. mts. d) 9.3 sq. mts.

15. Under the FCP classified as storage occupancies every area used for the storage of high hazard commodities shall
have an exit within how many meters of any point in the area where persons may be present
a) 30 mts c) 25 mts
b) 23 mts d) 30.5 mts

16. Under the FCP Classified as storage occupancies every area provided with automatic fire suppression system
distances may be increased to how many meters?
a) 23 mts c) 30 mts
b) 25 mts d) 30.5 mts

17. Under the FCP Classified as Industrial Occupancies, exits shall be remote from one another as practicable so
arranged that it will not be necessary to travel more than how many meters from any point to reach the nearest exit for
buildings not protected by automatic fire suppression system?
a) 30 mts c) 31 mts
b) 31.5 mts d) 34 mts

18. Under the FCP for Class A and Class B stairs the minimum dimension of landings direction of travel shall be
a) 112 mm c) 120 mm
b) 113 mm d) 130 mm

19. Under the FCP for Class A stairs the maximum height between landings shall be:
a) 3.20 m c) 3.60 m
b) 2.75 m d) 3.70 m
20. Under the FCP for Class B stairs, the maximum height between landings shall be:
a) 3.20 m c) 3.60 m
b) 2.75 m d) 3.70 m
Architects' Licensure Examination
Reviewer on The National Building Code
1. Which does the building code regulate and control?
a) illumination b) construction c) air-conditioning d) cost

2. Which is not part of the general powers and functions of the secretary of the Public Works, Transportation and
Communication pertinent to the National Building Code?
a) prescribe the fix amount of fees b) formulate policies, plans, standards and guidelines
c) evaluate, review approve and/or take final action on changes and/or amendments to existing referral codes
d) formulate guidelines on land-use planning and zoning

3. Who is responsible in carrying out the provisions of the National Building Code?
a) city planning and development officer b) city assessor c) building official d) city engineer

4. What are the two cases which invalidates the building permit.
I - when construction does not commence with in one year from the date of its issue;
II - when construction is suspended for more than one year;
III - when construction is suspended for six months;
IV - when construction is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days :
a) II and III b) I and III c) I and II d) I and IV

5. Which is a reason or ground for non-issuance, suspension or revocation of a building permit?

a) failure to commence construction within six months b) non-payment of fees
c) incorrect assessments d) errors found in plans and specifications

6. What document is necessary in order to legally occupy a building?

a) certificate of occupancy b) certificate of completion c) building permit d) zoning compliance

7. Group J is _____.
a) business and mercantile b) residential dwellings c) ancillary d) institutional

8. Where is the measurement of site occupancy taken?

a) gross floor area b) ground level c) upper floors d) net usable areas

9. Which is not a determinant in the limitation of maximum site occupancy?

a) use b) type of construction c) location of site d) cost of building

10. What is the minimum height of ceilings for spaces that are naturally ventilated.
a) 2700mm b) 3000mm c) 2400mm d) 1800mm

11. What is the minimum head room clearance for the third floor that is artificially ventilated?
a) 2400mm b) 1800mm c) 2100mm d) 2700mm

12. The minimum window area for a 12 square meter naturally ventilated room.
a) 1 square meter b) 1.4 square meters c) 1.5 square meters d) 1.20 square meters

13. An off premise sign.

a) bill board b) business sign c) display stand d) advertising sign

14. In order to positively drain a sidewalk, its slope shall be about ___.
a) 1:4 b) 1:20 c) 1:50 d) 1:10

15. When means of exit is insufficient.

a) electrical hazard b) structural c) fire hazard d) architectural eyesore

16. Any new construction which increases the height or area of an existing building or structure.
a) erection b) renovation c) addition d) conversion

17. Change from residential to commercial use of a building.

a) alteration b) repair c) conversion d) moving

18. Construction of partitions and roofing on the roof deck in order to make it habitable.
a) conversion b) renovation c) demolition d) addition

19. Comfortable cool temperature is _____ centigrade.

a) 20 – 23 b) 12 - 16 c) 23 - 25 d) 30 – 33

20. What is the minimum access road that is provided by the National building code?
a) 3m b) 4m c) 5m d) 2.5m

21. Which office issue certificate of height clearance for buildings located within approach and departure zones of
a) Civil Aeronautics Board b) Philippine Ports Authority c) Air transportation Office
d) Building Official's Office

22. Which is not required in applying for a building permit?

a) business permit b) transfer certificate of title c) lot plan d) application form

23. Which is not a required community service and utility for subdivision project under PD 957.
a) telecommunications b) roads c) power supply d) parks

24. Which is the most important basic need of human settlement?

a) water b) circulation c) drainage d) power
25. What is the minimum slope for accessible ramps for disabled?
a) 1:12 b) 1:6 c) 1:10 d) 1:8


1. According to P.D. 1096, the minimum headroom clearance for a mezzanine is ______?
a. 1.80 mts b. 2.10 mts c. 2.00 mts d. 1.90 mts e. 2.20 mts

2. A term which may be synonymously with a partition.

a. Party wall b. Dry wall c. Firewall d. Cross wall e. Property wall

3. Preferred height of the switches from the floor.

a. 0.90 mts b. 1.10 mts c. 1.20 mts d. 1.00 mts e. 1.30 mts

4. A building permit shall expire if work work authorized is abandoned or suspended at any time after
commencement for a period of.
a. 90 days b. 30 days c. 45 days d. 100 days e. 120 days

5. Percentage required for number of parking if parking garages are available within 200 meters of structure.
a. 10 % b. 20 % c. 30 % d. 15 % e. 60 %

6. Parking requirement for motels.

a. 1 slot / unit b. 1 slot / 3 units c. 1 slot / 100 sqm of gross flr. Area

d. 1 slot / 8 units e. 1 slot / 50 sqm of gross flr. Area

7. A room or suite of two or more rooms, designed & intended for, or occupied by one family for living, sleeping,
eating, and cooking purposes.
a. Condominium b. Dormitory c. Motel d. Apartment e. Townhouse

8. Under what classification of occupancy do Mental Hospitals fall?

a. Institutional b. Residential c. Educational d. Business & Mercantile e. Industrial

9. Under what classification of occupancy do private garage fall?

a. Residential b. Accessory c. Industrial d. Institutional e. Business &

10. A long interior passageway providing access to several rooms.

a. Hallway b. Passage Hall c. Balcony d. Corridor e. Lanai

11. Maximum height of Siamese Connection above the ground.

a. 1.00 mts b. 1.20 mts c. 0.90 mts d. 1.10 mts e. 1.30 mts

12. A gas, fume or vapor used for the destruction or control of insects, fungi, vermin, germs, rodents and other pests.
a. Fulminate b. Pesticide c. Cryogen d. Fumigant e. Nitrogen vapor

13. According to the Fire Code of the Philippines, the maximum height of handrail is ____?
a. 86.5 cms b. 90 cms c. 70 cms d. 83.5 cms e. 75.5 cms

14. The time duration that a material or construction can withstand the effect of standard fire test is known as
a. Fire Rating b. Material Fire Duration Rating c. Fire Resistance Rating
d. Fire Duration Rating e. Fire Opposition Rating

15. Any material which by its nature or as a result of its reaction with other elements produces a rapid drop in
temperature of the immediate surroundings.
a. Cryogenic b. Plenum c. Phyrophoric d. Fulminate e. Dust

16. According to the Fire Code of the Philippines, what classification of occupancy does the home for the aged fall.
a. Assembly b. Institutional c. Industrial d. Residential
e. Business

17. According to the Fire Code of the Philippines, a firewall should have a fire resistance rating of _____?
a. 4 hours b. 3 hours c. 2 hours d. 1 hour e. 5 hours

18. Minimum width of an aisle in a store for mercantile occupancies is ________?

a. 71 cms b. 80 cms c. 90 cms d. 85 cms e. 100 cms

19. A tank, vat or container of flammable or combustible liquid in which articles or materials are immersed for the
purpose of coating, finishing, treating or similar processes.
a. Cistern tank b. Immersion Tank c. Dip Tank d. Deep Tank e. Submersion Tank

20. The minimum temperature at which any material gives off vapor in sufficient concentration to form an ignitable
mixture with air.
a. Distillation Point b. Melting Point c. Vaporation Point d. Flash Point
e. Burning Point

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