Midterm Test - NN4 - 2021 - Updated - 2

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Môn thi: Ngoại ngữ 4
Mã môn học: TAN202
Mã lớp: ………………………
Khóa: ……………
Thời gian: 40 phút
Ngày thi: ………………….

Ghi chú: - Không sử dụng tài liệu  - Được sử dụng tài liệu 
- Nộp lại đề thi  - Không nộp lại đề thi 
- Cán bộ coi thi không giải thích gì thêm
- Đề thi gồm 04 (bốn) trang. Sau khi bài nghe trên máy kết thúc, sinh viên có 05 (năm)
phút để kiểm tra lại bài làm trên phiếu trả lời (Answer sheet).
Câu trả lời được tính điểm là câu ghi trên phiếu trả lời.


Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will be spoken
only one time and will not be printed in your test book. Select the best response to the question or statement
and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet.
1. (Question 11) Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
2. (Question 12) Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
3. (Question 13) Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
4. (Question 14) Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
5. (Question 15) Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
6. (Question 16) Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
7. (Question 17) Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
8. (Question 18) Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
9. (Question 19) Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
10. (Question 20) Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

Directions: You will hear some conversations between two people. You will be asked to answer three
questions about what the speakers say in each conversation. Select the best response to each question and
mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The conversations will be spoken only one time and
will not be printed in your test book.

11. (Question 41) What department is sending out 12. (Question 42) When will John send out the
the annual report? annual report?
A. Production. A. When he gets all the sales reports for this
B. Design. quarter.
C. Sales. B. When the sales rate is good enough.
D. Advertising. C. When he approves of the annual report.
D. When he finishes writing the annual report.

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13. (Question 43) Why do speakers want the report 19. (Question 49) Why is the banquet important?
to reflect their financial gain?
A. All the employees are coming.
A. They will be promoted. B. The president and his family are coming.
B. They can earn bonuses for this quarter. C. Their clients are coming.
C. John will be promoted and give them a D. It is a good chance for the speakers to be
bonus. promoted.
D. Their department will be well known for a 20. (Question 50) Who most likely are the speakers?
good sales report. A. Clothing designers.
B. Clothing salespeople.
14. (Question 44) How did the woman learn about
C. Dry cleaning workers.
the property?
D. Clothing supplies workers.
A. From a co-worker.
21. (Question 51) How did they do in their sales
B. From a family member.
C. From a friend of hers,
A. They sold lots of clothes.
D. From her ex-boss. B. There were hardly any customers.
15. (Question 45) What will be installed in that C. They closed the store for an inventory.
property they found? D. They couldn’t sell a lot because they were
A. Newspaper printing factory. out of stock.
22. (Question 52) Why did the speakers get clothes
B. Newspaper sales store.
for themselves?
C. Newspaper photographers’ office.
A. They wanted to buy it for their family.
D. Newspaper general office building.
B. The clothes were being given for free.
16. (Question 46) What do you know about the C. They get the employee discounts.
woman’s husband? D. They haven’t bought clothes for a while.
A. He works for a real estate. 23. (Question 53) When did the block lose the
B. He used to work in the newspaper office electricity?
building. A. Yesterday.
C. He knows the area around the property well. B. Last night.
D. He has a good sense of humor. C. This morning.
D. This afternoon.
17. (Question 47) What is the woman disappointed
24. (Question 54) What do you know from the
A. Her new co-workers.
A. The electricity is caused by an accident from
B. She visited a catering company. the powerhouse.
C. The banquet manager. B. The people on the block should be mad and
D. The service that the catering company is calling the powerhouse.
providing. C. The power will not return until tomorrow.
D. The man’s house did not lose electricity.
18. (Question 48) Who will the man probably talk
to? 25. (Question 55) Why does the man need the
electricity right now?
A. The president.
A. His date wanted to chat with him online.
B. The receptionist.
B. He has his date coming to his house.
C. The company manager. C. He wants to find out what he should wear
D. The co-workers. from the internet.
D. He has to do his homework by this

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PART 1. Questions 1-5 refer to the following advertisement and e-mail.

Hong Kong Tour Package

Hanshin World Tour is featuring an exclusive travel package in the heart of Hong Kong, the most energetic
and vital city in Asia, where East and West merge to create cosmopolitan cultural variety. Stroll around
luxurious shopping malls in IFC or plunge yourself in the streets of Mong Kok full of excited crowds. Not to
mention the culinary elegance that will satisfy every bit of your hunger. Plan your visit with us for the most
amazing tour of your lifetime.
- You will be staying at Grand Majestic Hotel. It’s a five star rated hotel situated at the shore of Victoria
Harbor. The MRT subway station is within 5 minutes’ walking distance and Hong Kong’s famous Star Ferry is
located right in front of the hotel. Tsim Sha Tsui shopping areas are also nearby.
- Each Deluxe-sized room faces the harbor and the view from the window is spectacular enough to make you
immediately fall in love with Hong Kong. Major features and amenities include 24- hour CNN satellite
television, air conditioning with temperature control, in-room broadband Internet access, etc.
7/1 Leave Incheon Int’l Airport [9:30]
Arrive at Hong Kong lnt’1 Airport [12:10]
Ocean Park, Sampan Tour, Repulse Bay Area, Victoria Peak
Arrive Grand Majestic Hotel
7/2 Wong Tai Sin Temple in the morning
Free time after lunch at Jumbo Restaurant
7/3 Walk around Avenue of Stars
Get together at Hong Kong Int’l Airport [1:30]
Arrive Incheon Int’l Airport [4:00]
US $670 for three-day package, which includes air tickets and all entrance fees.
For more information on this travel package, please call Florence Kim at (82) 011-933-0254 or email at

To: Florence Kim From: Yuna Choi

Subject: Inquiry & Request for Reservation
Hello. This is Yuna Choi.
I was wondering which airline travelers will fly with from Incheon. It seems like a lot of crucial information is
missing from your brochure and it would have been really nice if you listed the flight numbers on your
brochure. However, the places you’ve scheduled for customers to visit are simply wonderful. Not to mention
the hotel accommodation at Grand Majestic! I’d like to make a reservation for two people for this package.
My husband and I would love to celebrate our 10th anniversary in Hong Kong.
Thank you.
Yuna Choi

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1. Which of the following is NOT located near the hotel?
A. Victoria Harbor.
B. Mong Kok.
C. Star Ferry.
D. MRT Station.
2. What doesn’t fit the description of the room?
A. Harbor-side View.
B. AC.
C. Deluxe Size.
D. Cable TV.
3. Which place is NOT scheduled for the first day?
A. Avenue of Stars.
B. Victoria Peak.
C. Ocean Park.
D. Repulse Bay Area.
4. In the email, on which aspect is Yuna most satisfied?
A. She likes the airline company.
B. The food at Jumbo Restaurant is exquisite.
C. Scheduled locations suite her taste.
D. Shopping malls have a great variety,
5. What is the purpose of Yuna’s email?
A. Ask Florence for the price of tour package.
B. Make a reservation for her and her husband.
C. Suggest which shopping malls to visit.
D. Complain about the poor accommodation.

PART 2. Questions 6-10 refer to the following notice and memo.

To: All Employees
From: Newton Enterprise Department of Information Security (DIS)
Date: August 20
Subject: Regarding the use of P2P softwares in the company
As all of you already know, there have been several spiteful attempts to export Newton’s intellectual
properties (IP), through the e-mails and Person-to-Person (P2P)programs, such as FileShare and MSN
Messenger. To stay on top of the industry, the misuses of the broadband network have to be faced and fought
over. Newton’s prolonged survival in the hard economic environment of today relies on the State of the Art
Technology, achieved through the efforts of employees and amounts of R&D costs. Therefore, the DIS
committee decided to ban the use of P2P programs of any kinds. Also, we expect our employees to delete
such programs immediately. The e-mails will still be allowed, with a minimum amount of inspection. Please
understand that the committee’s decision was crucial for Newton’s, as well as your survival. If you happen to
have any concerns on this matter, please contact a DIS manager Kenneth Nakamura at EXT. 7201 or send an
email to NKenneth@newton.com.

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TO: Kenneth Nakamura
FROM: Harriet Tang
DATE: August 21
SUBJECT: [re] Regarding the use of P2P softwares in the company
Hi. This is Harriet Tang in the Logistics Department. I do understand that a lot of significant information
related to Newton’s intellectual properties finds its way out to unknown users, possibly our competitors.
However, the banning of all P2Ps will only solve the problem superficially. Moreover, the Logistics
Department is in need of such P2P programs as Alive, which assists us on tracking and locating remote items.
Hence, I hereby object to the DIS committee’s decision on banning all P2Ps, and a more sophisticated scheme
for the protection of intellectual properties should be planned with care.
Truly Yours,
Harriet Tang

6. What is the main purpose of the Notice?

A. Alert the users of P2P programs before the license expires.
B. Mildly warn MSN Messenger users of the program’s harmfulness.
C. Prevent any use of P2P programs in the company.
D. Encourage employees to communicate more using online messengers.
7. Which method for blocking the export of IPs is mentioned in the Notice?
A. Delete programs like FileShare and Alive.
B. Acknowledge Kenneth if there is any suspicious activity.
C. Cut research and development costs in order to minimize expenditure.
D. Fire some of the employees to protect confidential information.
8. What is DIS’s decision on e-mails?
A. Go through every single e-mail to search for clues of IP exports.
B. Prevent anyone from sending e-mails.
C. Only allow employees above managerial position to use e-mails.
D. Exercise only moderate amount of inspection on e-mails.
9. Which of the following does Ms. Tang suggest DIS to do?
A. Renew licenses for Alive.
B. Separate the Logistics Department from Newton.
C. Look for better methods of protection than just banning all P2Ps.
D. Block any outgoing e-mails from the company.
10. Why Harriet opposes the ban of P2P programs?
A. Logistics Department have to make use of some P2P programs.
B. Ms. Tang wants to chat with friends using online messenger programs.
C. Logistics Department cannot afford any more computer software.
D. DIS is too authoritative on company policies.
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