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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

Learning Delivery Modalities Course for Teachers



ACTIVITY 1. Answer the following reflective questions

1. The closure of schools around the world due to the global pandemic posed serious challenges on
the delivery of quality basic education. As a teacher, what do you think are the fundamental
concerns in terms of curriculum standards that need to be addressed in order to ensure learning
continuity? Cite a specific example. Do you think these concerns could be solved by teachers
alone? Why or why not?

The primary concern in terms of curriculum and in terms of curriculum standards could be the ability of
teachers to know and understand learning competencies to be taugh. It t must be specific enough and
integration of other topics and learnings are in need to lessen to avoid confusion to learners. For
learners work independently and learn in sel-faced with parent’s guidance.
So as the teacher we need to budget the work well and so that students can achieve the targeted
objectives we want to teach among learners.

For instance, if teacher before targeting the Cognitive, affective and Psychomotor in a lesson, wherein
others lesson in other disciplines might be integrated, in this new learning set up, we need to target the
objective that is in the competencies alone.

Working with the concern disciplines to solve the problem is effective. Problems , solutions and
interventions will be raise if working with others.

2. Even prior to the spread of COVID-19 that eventually led to the closure of schools nationwide,
the congested curriculum has been a perennial problem of teachers (Andaya, 2018). This is
perceived to be one of the hindering factors on the poor performance of Filipino learners. Do
you agree with this observation? Why or why not?

As a teacher, I agreed to this statement that congested curriculum has been an enduring
problem of teachers in planning to teach i. A congested curriculum happens when too many
topics are compressed into a short period of time so as a result little learning can be gained
because of limited time allotted for that particular subject.
In order for us to address this problem as teacher we need to analyze the needs of learners to
contextualize the teaching in his new normal set up. Knowing their access, resources, capability
so that aside from the material, a supplemental material will be given base on their contexts.


Familiarize yourself with the course reading on the Development and Design of the MELCs.

After going through the document, provide a brief and concise response to the following
guide questions.

1. What are the general and specific purposes of the development of MELCs?

According to its guidelines, The MELCs is part of the department’s response to develop resilient
education systems , especially this kind of situation and will enable the Deped to focus instruction on
the most essential competencies.
Its specific purpose is to provide the most essential and simple learning competencies to learners.

2. How does curriculum review aid in the identification of essential learning


By reviewing the curriculum we can sort the most essential learning competencies , and teach the
lessons applicable in the competencies.

3. What is the difference between essential learning competencies and desirable

learning competencies?

It simply means as what the students need, considering the contexts and ability of learners. Considered
indispensable in the teaching learning process while desirable learning competencies will be focus on the
desired and prescribed development of the knowledge and skill after going through the application of

4. How were the most essential learning competencies identified? What were
the decisions made in order to trim down the number of the essential learning
competencies further?

1. They are too specific and articulation is similar to that of learning objectives
2. They are deemed appropriate to be introduced in an earlier quarter or grade level or moved to
the later quarter or grade level
3. They are recurring
4. They are subsumed in another learning competencies.

5. What is the importance of the MELCs in ensuring the delivery of quality instruction?

According to it’s guidelines the MELCs is a part of the department’s response to develop resilient
education system, specially during emergencies and will enable DepEd to focus instruction on the most
indispensable competencies that is too say those that are not redundant and precise base on the need of
the learners


Prepare a copy of your learning area’s original K-12 Curriculum Guide and corresponding list of MELCs.

Go to the sections of the curriculum guide and MELCs that are relevant to your instructional needs. Copy
and accomplish the following table and compare the two documents to determine which learning
competencies were retained, dropped, or merged.

K to 12 Learning Competencies MELCs

Differentiate or compare and Compare and contrast the various

contrast the 21st century literary 21st century literary genres and
genres and the ones from the the ones from the earlier
earlier genres/periods citing their genres/periods citing their
elements, structures and elements, structures and
traditions traditions
Produce a creative representation Apply ICT skills in crafting and
of a literary text by applying adaptation of a literary texts.
multimedia and ICT skills

Identify the geographic,

linguistic, and ethnic dimensions Identify the geographic, linguistic,
of Philippine literary history from and ethnic dimensions of
pre-colonial to the contemporary Philippine literary history from
pre-colonial to the contemporary.

Identify representative texts and Identify representative texts and

authors from each region (e.g. authors from each region (e.g.
Retained engage in oral history research engage in oral history research
with focus on key personalities with focus on key personalities
from the students’ from the students’
region/province/town) Week 1-10 region/province/town) Week 1-10
Compare and contrast the various Compare and contrast the various
21st century literary 21st century literary
Infer literary meaning from literal Discuss how different contexts
language based on usage enhance the text’s meaning and
Merged enrich the reader’s understanding

Writing a close analysis and Writing a close analysis and

critical interpretation of literary critical interpretation of literary
Retained texts, applying a reading texts, applying a reading
approach, and doing an approach, and doing an
adaptation of these, require from adaptation of these, require from
the learner the ability to identify: the learner the ability to identify:
representative texts and authors representative texts and authors
from Asia, North America, from Asia, North America, Europe,
Europe, Latin America, and Africa Latin America, and Africa
Do self- and/or peer-assessment Do self- and/or peer-assessment
of the creative adaptation of a of the creative adaptation of a
Retained literary text, based on rationalized literary text, based on rationalized
criteria, prior to presentation criteria, prior to presentation


In your LAC Session, discuss and share your answers to Activities 1-3 in this lesson. Discuss any questions
about the MELCs that need clarification as well. Share your thoughts and let your co-teachers articulate
their insights regarding your questions. Jot down all the insights shared in the discussion, including your

Based from our observations as we analyzed the competencies on K to 12 Curriculum Guide and Most
Essential Learning Competencies. Most of the competencies were retained meaning same content and
found in K to 12 Curriculum Guide. Most of the competencies retained, and if the successive
competencies are attainable, then merged of competencies will be adapted.



Familiarize yourself with the course reading on Unpacking and Combining the MELCs. After reading the
document, provide a brief and concise response to the following guide questions.

1. What is the importance of unpacking and combining the MELCs?

Unpacking and combining the MELCs will help teachers derive more learning competencies or
objectives that will enable the department to focus on the instruction to the most essential and
indispensable competencies that our learners need to learn.
2. What considerations must be taken in unpacking and combining the MELCs? Explain each.

Unpacking the MELCs means unlocking difficulties by identifying the specific target for a specific skills
that you wanted to develop
1. Alignment on the content and performance standard- by aligning the content to its particular
target in a more precise manner but that does not mean putting away the standard norms of the
k-to-12 programs.

2. Prerequisite knowledge and skills- it leads toward the realization of what is really essential and
what is really important now a days it focuses on a more simplified yet understandable target or

3. Logical sequence of learning objectives- the primary objective of unpacking the MELCs is for the
educational system to be more systematic in such a way that it follows sequences or orders that
is very important for the betterment of the curricular implementation.

3. Do all the MELCs need to be unpacked or combined? Why or why not?

Yes, we have to consider and remember remember that every learning areas are
somewhat related to one another, it is a succession of the next lesson, so we might as well use
that to our advantage in designing our own specific instructional program and supplemental
material aligned to the k-to-12 curriculum.


1. Form a group of four members within your LAC, preferably with fellow teachers in your respective
learning area.
2. Using the curriculum guide and a list of the MELCs, choose MELCs in the first quarter and unpack
these into learning objectives.
3. Each team will present their unpacked learning objectives. Discussion and processing will follow each
presentation. Suggestions and insights from each group will be considered in enhancing the learning

Repeat the above process but instead of unpacking, each team will now combine at least two MELCs of
their choice. Group deliberation will be observed in order to arrive at a consensus. Discuss and jot down
the synthesis of the presentations.


Compare and contrast the various 21st century 1.Identify the features of the 21st century genre
literary genres and the ones from the earlier and the earlier genres.
genres/periods citing their elements, structures
and traditions
2. Appreciate 21st literary genres by citing their
importance and contributions in the earlier
3.Compare and contrast the 21st century literary
genres from the earlier genres.


Submit your Activity 2 Outputs to your LAC Leader. Make sure to keep a copy of your

Submitted: Noted:


Member Lac-Leader

Principal III

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