Evolving Therapies For Myocardial Ischemia-Reperfusion Injury

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14, 2015


PUBLISHED BY ELSEVIER INC. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jacc.2015.02.032



Evolving Therapies for

Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury
Borja Ibáñez, MD, PHD,*y Gerd Heusch, MD, PHD,z Michel Ovize, MD, PHD,x Frans Van de Werf, MD, PHDk


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Manuscript received February 19, 2015; accepted February 22, 2015.

JACC VOL. 65, NO. 14, 2015 Ibáñez et al. 1455
APRIL 14, 2015:1454–71 Evolving Therapies for Myocardial I/R Injury

Evolving Therapies for

Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury


The damage inflicted on the myocardium during acute myocardial infarction is the result of 2 processes: ischemia and
subsequent reperfusion (ischemia/reperfusion injury). During the last 3 decades, therapies to reduce ischemic injury
(mainly reperfusion strategies) have been widely incorporated into clinical practice. The remarkable reduction in death
rates achieved with these therapies has resulted in a shift in emphasis from efforts to reduce mortality to a focus on
tackling the downstream consequence of survival: post-infarction heart failure. Infarct size is the main determinant of
long-term mortality and chronic heart failure, and thus, the possibility of limiting the extent of necrosis during an
ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction is of great individual and socioeconomic value. After the great success of
therapies to reduce ischemic injury, the time has come to focus efforts on therapies to reduce reperfusion injury, but
in the recent few years, few interventions have successfully passed the proof-of-concept stage. In this review, we
examine the past, present, and future therapies to reduce ischemia/reperfusion injury. (J Am Coll Cardiol 2015;65:1454–71)
© 2015 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.

A cute myocardial infarction presenting as ST-

segment elevation (STEMI) is the result of
abrupt occlusion of an epicardial coronary ar-
tery. As a result, the myocardium distal to the occlu-
reperfusion damage. To explain the rationale for the
quest for new and better therapies, we describe
the pathophysiology of myocardial I/R injury and the
translational path of research, from the pre-clinical
sion site becomes ischemic. Unrelieved ischemia discovery phase, through proof-of-concept clinical
causes permanent damage to the myocardium previ- trials, to large trials aimed at changing clinical prac-
ously supplied by the occluded artery. Myocardium tice. In the context of this paper, the term myocardial
is destroyed and replaced by fibrous scar tissue. infarction always refers to STEMI.
Because scar tissue does not contribute to myocardial
contractile function, if the scar is large, global left IMPACT OF STEMI IN 2015:
ventricular (LV) contractile function is impaired, A PARADIGM SHIFT
resulting in progressive chronic heart failure. After
the demonstration that coronary thrombosis was the The incidence of STEMI in Western countries has
cause (not the result) of STEMI in the vast majority declined during the last decades due to the progres-
of cases, timely restoration of blood flow to the sive implementation of preventive therapies and
ischemic myocardium (reperfusion) became the stan- better control of risk factors (1). Despite the progres-
dard treatment for these patients. Reperfusion was sive and gradual decrease in its incidence, STEMI re-
rapidly demonstrated to limit infarct size, improve mains a significant health problem, representing a
long-term myocardial function, change the healing major contributor to mortality/morbidity worldwide
pattern of the infarcted zone, and more importantly, (1). As detailed later in this review, the implementa-
reduce mortality. A large body of experimental and tion of timely reperfusion has resulted in a very sig-
clinical evidence supports the notion that reperfusion nificant reduction in the acute mortality associated
induces additional damage to the myocardium, with STEMI. Risk-adjusted in-hospital mortality has
known as reperfusion injury. As a result, the damage decreased from z20% in the late 1980s to z5% among
inflicted on the myocardium during an STEMI is STEMI patients treated in routine practice in 2008
better defined as ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury, (2), reaching a plateau thereafter (3). However, these
the result of ischemic and reperfusion processes. impressive reductions in mortality rates, resulting
Myocardial I/R injury is a complex phenomenon from the widespread use of reperfusion strategies and
involving many players, all contributing to the final adjuvant pharmacological therapies, have resulted in
damage inflicted on the heart (Central Illustration). an increase in the incidence of chronic heart failure.
In the present review, we describe the evolving Although this outcome might at first seem paradoxi-
therapies for the treatment of myocardial I/R injury. cal, the explanation is simple: patients with a severely
These include therapies targeting both ischemic and depressed cardiac function would not have survived
1456 Ibáñez et al. JACC VOL. 65, NO. 14, 2015

Evolving Therapies for Myocardial I/R Injury APRIL 14, 2015:1454–71

ABBREVIATIONS the acute STEMI phase in the past, but with studies identified the determinants of myocardial
AND ACRONYMS the advent of reperfusion, they now survive infarct size as: 1) the size of the AAR (12); 2) the
the index episode and live with a significantly duration of myocardial ischemia (13,14); 3) the amount
AAR = area at risk
damaged heart (2). In fact, STEMI is 1 of the of residual blood flow through collaterals (12,13);
CMR = cardiac magnetic
major contributors to chronic heart failure. 4) the temperature of the tissue during ischemia; and
Post-infarction reduced left ventricular ejec- 5) the hemodynamic situation during ischemia (15).
I/R = ischemia/reperfusion
tion fraction (LVEF) is 1 of the principal cau- The most notable hemodynamic parameter is heart
LVEF = left ventricular
ejection fraction
ses of chronic heart failure worldwide (4). rate, which determines not only myocardial demand,
The great success of reperfusion therapies but also coronary blood flow (16); however, hemody-
MPTP = mitochondrial
permeability transition pore has resulted in a paradigm shift in clinical namics influence infarct size only to a limited degree,
MVO = microvascular research in the field of STEMI: attention is and infarct size is, thus, largely determined by lack of
obstruction no longer solely aimed toward reducing blood/energy supply and less by myocardial demand,
PCI = percutaneous coronary mortality (already very low), but increas- which is significantly reduced by the regional lack of
intervention ingly, is to tackle the downstream conse- contraction (17).
STEMI = ST-segment elevation quence of improved survival: post-infarction The seminal studies by Maroko et al. (18) and Ginks
myocardial infarction
heart failure. et al. (19) 40 years ago first demonstrated that
Successful clinical research has led to inter- reperfusion salvages myocardium from infarction,
ventions for chronic heart failure (drugs and devices) and these studies initiated the ongoing success story
that reduce long-term mortality in STEMI survivors of reperfusion therapy (20). The potential of reper-
with low LVEF (5). However, these strategies are fusion to induce additional injury secondary to the
economically costly, precluding their universal im- ischemic damage emerged soon afterward with the
plementation (6). Chronic treatment of heart failure identification of stunning as a reversible form of
represents a huge socioeconomic burden on in- myocardial reperfusion injury (21). Although the
dividuals and health care systems. As explained contribution of reperfusion injury to final infarct size
later in this paper, infarct size is the main deter- has been disputed in the past, today it is accepted
minant of adverse post-infarction outcomes, in- that reperfusion can induce additional damage to the
cluding heart failure (7). Therapies able to reduce myocardium. This view is supported by strong evi-
infarct size are, therefore, urgently sought under the dence that interventions applied at the end of the
hypothesis that smaller infarctions will result in ischemic period (i.e., coinciding with reperfusion) can
better long-term heart performance and that this reduce infarct size. It was already recognized in the
will translate into fewer adverse clinical events mid-1980s that gentle reperfusion at low pressure
(8,9). As we detail throughout this paper, the iden- resulted in significantly less edema and a smaller
tification of refined or new therapies better able to infarct size than standard abrupt reperfusion at
reduce infarct size is a major challenge to 21st normal pressure (22). This idea was later developed
century society. by Zhao et al. (23), who demonstrated reduction of
infarct size by brief episodes of coronary reocclusion/
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF I/R INJURY reflow at the time of reperfusion, a strategy called
ischemic post-conditioning (24). Because these in-
GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. After the occlusion of terventions are applied at the end of the ischemic
an epicardial coronary artery, the myocardium previ- period, they cannot reduce infarct size by reducing
ously perfused by the occluded artery is in jeopardy. ischemic damage and, thus, must reduce reperfusion-
The hypoperfused myocardial zone during myocardial related damage. From these observations it is clear
infarction is known as the area at risk (AAR). If the not only that reperfusion injury contributes to infarct
coronary artery is not rapidly reperfused and no size, but also that all conditioning strategies that
collateral circulation is present, most of the AAR protect the myocardium and reduce infarct size
becomes necrotic. Given that many patients receive act only in conjunction with eventual reperfusion
timely reperfusion therapy, part of the AAR remains (8,25,26).
free of necrosis: the so-called salvaged myocardium.
The typical morphological features of reperfused ROLE OF MICROCIRCULATION IN INFARCT SIZE
myocardial infarction are contraction bands, kar- AFTER STEMI. The coronary microcirculation is a
yolysis, mitochondrial swelling and disruption, and critical player in the complex phenomenon of
membrane disruption in cardiomyocytes, accompa- myocardial I/R (Central Illustration). The microcircu-
nied by microvascular destruction, interstitial hem- latory network is the interface between the epicardial
orrhage, and inflammation (10,11). Experimental vessel and the cardiomyocytes. Thus, no matter how
JACC VOL. 65, NO. 14, 2015 Ibáñez et al. 1457
APRIL 14, 2015:1454–71 Evolving Therapies for Myocardial I/R Injury

efficiently and rapidly the blood flow is restored to cardiomyocytes and the coronary microcirculation
the epicardial artery, if there is a microvascular are intimately related (44). High intramyocardial
obstruction (MVO) the myocardial tissue will remain pressure, with a predominant contribution from
without efficient perfusion. MVO (also termed the no- edema, might be the principal cause of MVO in the
reflow phenomenon) during I/R is a major contributor endocardial layer, whereas microembolization might
to final infarct size and is an independent predictor of underlie infarct expansion in the border zone (45).
morbidity/mortality (27). The no-reflow phenomenon However, there is currently no evidence to support a
was first characterized by Kloner et al. (11,28) in dogs causal role for microvascular coronary obstruction in
subjected to 90 min of coronary occlusion and sub- myocardial infarction, although it is intuitive to argue
sequent reperfusion; the coronary microcirculation that the absence of efficient tissue perfusion in areas
of these animals showed severe capillary damage, of MVO will maintain the muscle ischemia and thus
notably swollen and ruptured endothelial cells, and contribute to infarct expansion.
intraluminal thrombosis, and was surrounded by The role of leukocytes in myocardial infarct devel-
swollen and irreversibly injured cardiomyocytes. In opment is contentious, and leukocyte infiltration may
the clinic, the no-reflow phenomenon is seen in 10% be more important for infarct healing and remodeling
to 30% of patients with reperfused STEMI (29,30) rather than the determination of infarct size (46).
despite successful recanalization of the epicardial However, the potential contribution of intravascular
coronary arteries; MVO in these patients is detected leukocytes to MVO and infarct size deserves more
angiographically from slow or no reflow of contrast attention. Myocardial infarction and MVO currently
medium or by cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). appear to be parallel phenomena that result from
MVO develops within minutes of established reper- similar pathomechanisms: a primary energetic deficit
fusion (31,32) and persists for at least 1 week (33,34). and subsequent excessive formation of reactive oxy-
MVO is usually confined to the infarcted myocardium gen species upon reperfusion. It is, therefore, not
(14,28); however, the existence of no-reflow pheno- surprising that post-conditioning reduces not only
mena within the AAR but outside the infarcted area myocardial infarct size, but also MVO (23,34).
has not been systematically excluded. Notably, MVO
can impair the washout of reduction equivalents and CARDIOMYOCYTE NECROSIS, APOPTOSIS, AUTOPHAGY,
dehydrogenases that is mandatory for valid delinea- AND NECROPTOSIS: DOES MODE OF DEATH MATTER?
tion of infarcted tissue by TTC staining, thus con- Myocardial infarction has traditionally been viewed
tributing to underestimation of infarct size (35). as a manifestation of necrotic cell death, but recently,
Reduced coronary blood flow is also observed outside different forms of cardiomyocyte death have been
of the AAR, but this does not reflect a no-reflow identified during I/R and are proposed to contribute
phenomenon, and is instead the result of reflex- to final infarct size.
mediated alpha-adrenergic coronary vasoconstric- Necrosis is morphologically characterized by myo-
tion (36–38). fibrillar contraction bands, swollen and ruptured
A number of mechanisms have been proposed as mitochondria, destruction of cardiomyocyte mem-
contributors to MVO: 1) embolization of particulate branes, microvascular destruction, hemorrhage, and
debris from the ruptured culprit atherosclerotic inflammation. Most of these morphological features
lesion, with physical obstruction of the coronary are aggravated and are made more manifest by reper-
microcirculation (39); 2) platelet and platelet/leuko- fusion (11,13,14,47,48). Necrosis is thought to result
cyte aggregates that are released from the site of the from unregulated and uncoordinated pathophysio-
culprit lesion, form in the coronary microcirculation, logical mechanisms. During ischemia, the developing
or arrive with the blood flow, where they form as part acidosis from anaerobic glycolysis increases the influx
of the general inflammatory status associated with of Naþ through the Naþ/H þ-exchanger, and intracel-
STEMI (40); 3) intense vasoconstriction induced lular Na þ accumulation is increased by the inhibition
by soluble vasoconstrictor substances released from of Na þ/Kþ-ATPase due to the lack of available ATP
the culprit lesion (41,42); 4) extravascular coronary (49,50). The subsequent exchange of Na þ for Ca þþ by
microvascular compression due to edema in the sur- reverse mode operation of the sarcolemmal Naþ/Caþþ-
rounding myocardium (43); and 5) primary physical exchanger induces intracellular Caþþ overload. Upon
destruction of the capillary endothelium (28). These reperfusion, the rapid normalization of pH and re-
different mechanisms are not mutually exclusive and energization in the context of elevated cytosolic Caþþ
can act in concert, and their individual contribution induces oscillatory release and reuptake of Caþþ into
to impaired myocardial reperfusion may vary the sarcoplasmic reticulum, causing uncontrolled
temporally and spatially. Irreversible injury to excess myofibrillar hypercontraction (50–52). The
1458 Ibáñez et al. JACC VOL. 65, NO. 14, 2015

Evolving Therapies for Myocardial I/R Injury APRIL 14, 2015:1454–71

CENT RAL I LLU ST RATI ON Players Involved in Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury

Continued on the next page

JACC VOL. 65, NO. 14, 2015 Ibáñez et al. 1459
APRIL 14, 2015:1454–71 Evolving Therapies for Myocardial I/R Injury

normalization of the acidic pH also activates calpain, cascade. Proapoptotic and antiapoptotic proteins of
which digests the cytoskeleton and the sarcolemma the Bcl-family interact with the MPTP (62). Recently,
(53). The high cytosolic concentrations of Na þ and Ca þþ the traditional view of the MPTP has been questioned,
result in intracellular edema when extracellular because all of its purported constituents are dispens-
osmolarity is rapidly normalized by reperfusion. able under some conditions, and it is possible that the
Finally, excess formation of reactive oxygen species MPTP originates from F-ATP synthase (63).
contributes to sarcolemmal disruption (54). Necrosis is Autophagy is a regulated process of lysosomal
typically followed by an inflammatory response. degradation and recycling of proteins, including
Unlike necrosis, apoptosis, autophagy, and nec- mitochondrial proteins (mitophagy) (64). Autophagy
roptosis are regulated processes with specific un- is characterized by the presence of double-membrane
derlying signal transduction mechanisms (55,56). vesicles (autophagosomes) and increased expression
Apoptosis is an energy-consuming form of cell death of beclin-1, light chain 3, the autophagy-related gene
characterized by characteristic deoxyribonucleic acid 5-12 complex, p62, and parkin, the last 2 of which are
strand breaks that are identified by deoxyribonucleic essential for mitophagy (65). Somewhat paradoxi-
acid laddering and/or terminal deoxynucleotidyl cally, cell death by autophagy is considered protec-
transferase dUTP nick-end labeling staining (57). tive rather than detrimental (66). For example, in pigs
Apoptosis can be initiated extrinsically by activation subjected to 45 min of coronary occlusion and
of sarcolemmal receptors, notably FAS and tumor ne- reperfusion, the purported autophagy inducer chlor-
crosis factor a receptors (58), or intrinsically amphenicol reduced infarct size (67). However, the
by mitochondrial release of cytochrome c, which role of autophagy in myocardial I/R injury in humans
initiates a cascade of caspase activation leading to remains contentious (68,69).
intracellular proteolysis, typically without an inflam- Necroptosis shares features with necrosis and
matory response (56). A pivotal event in the initiation apoptosis, but is distinctly regulated by activation of
of apoptotic cell death is the opening of the mito- receptor-interacting protein kinases 1 and 3 (70) and
chondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP) (59). can be inhibited by substances such as necrostatin (71).
The MPTP is a large-conductance megachannel, which It is currently unclear to what extent necrosis,
is closed under physiological conditions but opens in apoptosis, autophagy, and necroptosis are mutually
response to increased concentrations of calcium, exclusive processes and to what extent each con-
inorganic phosphate, or reactive oxygen species and tributes to infarct size. Typical features of apoptosis
to a decreased inner mitochondrial membrane poten- (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick-
tial, all of which are present in myocardial I/R end labeling staining) and autophagy (characteristic
(60,61). Formation and opening of the MPTP results in protein expression) are both found in the TTC
mitochondrial matrix swelling, ultimately leading to staining-defined infarct zone, which has traditionally
rupture of the outer membrane and release of cyto- been considered necrotic. The opening of the MPTP
chrome c to the cytosol, where it activates the caspase appears to be decisive for necrosis, apoptosis, and


Myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury is a complex phenomenon in which many players contribute to the final damage inflicted to the
myocardium. 1. The first critical player is the epicardial artery. Atherosclerotic plaque rupture with superimposed thrombus results in an abrupt
stop of oxygen and nutrient supply distal to the occlusion site. The opening of the epicardial vessel by mechanical or pharmacological means,
as well as the thrombus burden reduction by adjuvant antiplatelet/anticoagulant therapies is only the first step toward the salvage of
myocardium. During the reperfusion process (either if it is mechanical by primary angioplasty or pharmacological by thrombolytics), thrombus
material and other plaque debris can be distally embolized contributing to microvascular obstruction. 2. Circulating cells contribute to the
damage inflicted to the myocardium: activated platelet and leukocytes in the bloodstream not only contribute to the thrombus generation, but
also can form plugins that can embolize distally into the microcirculation upon resting blood flow across the culprit lesion (a process inde-
pendent from plaque debris microembolization). 3. The microcirculation (net of capillaries) is a critical player in the fate of the myocardium
during ischemia/reperfusion. Once the epicardial vessel flow is restored, efficient tissue perfusion is dictated mainly by the microcirculation.
Plaque debris and platelet/neutrophil aggregates can induce a mechanical obstruction of the microcirculation precluding efficient tissue
perfusion. The generation of tissue edema following reperfusion can result in external compression of the microcirculation, reducing the
perfusion capacity of the capillary network (double arrows). Finally, the microcirculation can disintegrate due to the previous damage and
allow the leakiness of circulating cells into the interstitial space. 4. Red blood cell deposits (hemorrhage) are especially harmful due to the
release of iron, contributing to the subsequent inflammatory reaction. 5. Cardiomyocytes that have survived the ischemic phase suffer during
the reperfusion period due to several intracellular pathways triggered at reperfusion (see text for detailed information about these processes).
6. After the entire ischemia/reperfusion insult has passed, the significant infiltration of myocardial tissue by inflammatory cells can induce an
additional damage to the myocardium.
1460 Ibáñez et al. JACC VOL. 65, NO. 14, 2015

Evolving Therapies for Myocardial I/R Injury APRIL 14, 2015:1454–71

necroptosis, and mitochondria are also decisive in But, translation of results is highly limited because of
mitophagy/autophagy. The importance of regulated their high heart rate (an order of magnitude higher
forms of cardiomyocyte cell death in I/R injury is than that of humans) and the small size of their
probably related more to their specific signal trans- hearts, which ensures that, during permanent coro-
duction mechanisms. Recognition of the different nary occlusion, the inner myocardial layers continue
modes of cardiomyocyte death during infarction to be served with oxygen and nutrients by diffusion.
suggests the possibility of identifying therapeutic Thus, infarction in mice develops within 45 to 90 min
targets that can modulate these processes. From the (77,78), but no more than 70% of the AAR is infarc-
clinical perspective, cardiomyocyte death is equally ted even with permanent coronary occlusion (79).
relevant whatever the mechanism. Rodents generally have a higher heart rate than larger
mammals, but whereas rats and rabbits have little
collateral blood flow and fast infarct progression (80),
guinea pigs have substantial collateral blood flow and
very little infarct progression (81). Significant differ-
In a typical clinical scenario, a patient of middle-
ences in the response to myocardial infarction are
advanced age has various risk factors, comorbidities,
also found across different mice strains. Depending
and comedications (72) and has a coronary circulation
on the genetic background, infarct size after the same
that has already undergone functional and structural
procedure can vary by 30% (82).
remodeling before STEMI (73). The affected individ-
ual may or may not have a developed collateral cir-
culation (74), a history of episodes of prodromal
Large animals are the obligatory step before initi-
angina that may induce protection by ischemic pre-
ating human trials. Among the larger mammals, pigs
conditioning (75,76), or prior coronary micro-
and primates have little collateral blood flow,
embolization that has induced patchy microinfarcts
whereas cats and especially dogs have a sizeable
(39). STEMI is usually initiated by the sudden rupture
innate collateral circulation (81). In pigs, infarction
of an atherosclerotic plaque and more-or-less com-
starts after 15 to 35 min of coronary occlusion and
plete occlusion of an epicardial coronary artery, most
spreads such that, after 60 to 180 min, infarction is
often followed by spontaneous or interventional
complete and affects more than 80% of the AAR
reperfusion, but sometimes occurring without reper-
(83,84). Tolerance to I/R varies notably across
fusion (17). Because all of these factors contribute to
different pig strains. Primates show a surprising
the final infarct size, it is clear that no animal model
resistance to infarction, with little or no infarction
can recapitulate a clinical scenario exactly. However,
evident after 40 to 60 min of coronary occlusion, and
most of our knowledge about myocardial infarction is
even after 90 min of occlusion, the infarct size is
derived from studies in anesthetized, young, healthy
smaller than that in pigs (85). In dogs, infarction is
animals subjected to sudden coronary occlusion and
largely subendocardial after 40 min of coronary oc-
reperfusion. Animal models are critical to our un-
clusion and progresses to affect about 70% of the AAR
derstanding of the pathophysiology of human con-
after 6 h, but even permanent occlusion leaves a small
ditions, but the information obtained with any
zone of viable myocardium in the subepicardium
particular model can only solve a part of the puzzle.
(13,14). Given the variable but significant collateral
There is thus no superior animal model, and each has
blood flow in dogs, infarct size is best quantified as a
its uses. Rodent models help to identify potential
fraction of the AAR and by its inverse relation to the
mechanisms, but their huge anatomic/physiological
residual blood flow (17). Notwithstanding the con-
differences from humans make it imprudent to
founders detailed previously (age, comorbidities,
extrapolate results to the clinical setting. Pilot clinical
comedication), infarct development in humans ap-
trials are justified only when solid and incontestable
pears to be slower than in these large mammals. From
benefits are found in large-animal models with a
contrast-enhanced CMR analysis (86–88) and the
much closer match to human anatomy and physi-
amount of salvageable ischemic myocardium at the
ology. The history of cardiovascular medicine is lit-
time of reperfusion (89,90), one can grossly estimate
tered with failed clinical experiences caused by
that about 30% to 50% of the AAR remains viable
taking shortcuts from this translational path.
after 4 to 6 h from the onset of anginal symptoms.
VALUE OF SMALL ANIMAL MODELS OF MYOCARDIAL Even after 12 h of coronary occlusion, interventional
INFARCTION. Mice are increasingly used in experi- reperfusion can significantly limit infarct size (91). It
mental infarct studies for their ease of breeding, their is currently unclear whether the slower infarct
low cost, and the availability of transgenic models. progression in humans than in larger mammals is
JACC VOL. 65, NO. 14, 2015 Ibáñez et al. 1461
APRIL 14, 2015:1454–71 Evolving Therapies for Myocardial I/R Injury

related to a developed collateral circulation close to published. We now take for granted that STEMI is
that in dogs (74), a species-specific greater resistance generally caused by an acute thrombotic occlusion of
to infarction as in primates (85), pre-infarction anginal an epicardial coronary artery and that timely recan-
episodes that protect by ischemic pre-conditioning alization of the occluded artery salvages jeopardized
(76), some degree of short-term hibernation with ischemic but still viable myocardium. Thirty years
contractile and metabolic adaptation to the reduced ago, such notions were thought by many to be he-
blood flow (92,93), or background medication, notably retical. Figure 1 summarizes the most relevant land-
with platelet inhibitors (94). marks in the history of STEMI therapy (20).
Aside from the differences between animal models, The development of reperfusion as a therapy for
there are other important factors that must be limiting ischemic damage during STEMI is 1 of the
considered when performing pre-clinical studies and, greatest success stories in the treatment of human
more importantly, when comparing results from disease. Before this paradigm was established, early
different models or even different laboratories. For mortality was z20%; for example, the mortality rate
example, the time of the day at which I/R occurs has a in the control group of the GISSI-1 (Gruppo Italiano
significant influence in the tolerance of the heart to per lo Studio della Streptochinasi nell’Infarto Mio-
I/R. After the initial demonstration in mice, this cardio) trial was 18% (99). This figure has since
phenomenon has also been observed in patients (95). declined to reach z5% in recent randomized clinical
Similarly, the season and even the day of the week trials focusing on either pharmacological revascular-
might have an effect on the results observed in ani- ization, mechanical revascularization, or both. Aside
mal models and, eventually, in the response to pro- from reperfusion itself, the progressive reduction in
tective therapies. the time between STEMI diagnosis and reperfusion
has made an important contribution to this reduced
THERAPIES TO REDUCE ISCHEMIC INJURY mortality. Following the “time is muscle” principle,
huge efforts have been made to ensure early reper-
Four landmark studies published more than 30 years fusion. It is now widely accepted that the shortening
ago, 2 experimental and 2 clinical, changed the course of door-to-balloon time (the time between first med-
of STEMI treatment in less than a decade, leading ical contact and mechanical reperfusion) results in
to the huge development of strategies to reduce greater myocardial salvage and better outcomes. A
ischemic injury. major multidisciplinary effort has resulted in a sig-
nificant decline in door-to-balloon times over the last
1. The demonstration of a spatial progression of ne-
10 years in all registries. However, despite these im-
crosis during an infarction. Reimer et al. (13,14)
provements, a large U.S. study of almost 100,000
subjected anesthetized dogs to coronary occlu-
STEMI patients found that in-hospital mortality has
sion of various duration and reported the pro-
remained unchanged, indicating the need to target
gression of a wave front of myocardial necrosis
other components of the total ischemic time (3) and
from the central subendocardial layers, where
other factors that contribute to infarct size.
ischemia is most severe, to the less ischemic lateral
boundaries of the AAR and the subepicardium.
2. The demonstration of the reduced infarct size with
reperfusion. Maroko et al. (18) and Ginks et al. (19)
sion is the most effective therapy ever developed
first demonstrated the existence of myocardial
against ischemic damage during STEMI. Pharma-
salvage by reperfusion at 3 h after coronary oc-
cological, mechanical, and combined reperfusion
clusion (“time is muscle”).
techniques have been refined over the years, and their
3. The unequivocal demonstration that coronary
efficacy has been greatly advanced by the develop-
thrombosis is present in most cases of ongoing
ment of adjunctive therapies. The use of lytic agents
STEMI. DeWood et al. (96) reported detailed
in placebo-controlled trials was pivotal in the eluci-
angiographic findings in patients studied shortly
dation of the benefits of sustained reperfusion. The
after the onset of STEMI.
first large-scale trial to definitively show a significant
4. The first experience with the administration of
reduction in mortality by reperfusion with intrave-
intracoronary thrombolytics (streptokinase), as
nous administration of thrombolytic agents was the
reported by Chazov et al. (97) and later, in a larger
landmark GISSI-1 trial (99). This study was followed
group of patients, by Rentrop et al. (98).
by other landmark trials in the field (100,101).
The conclusions reached, although obvious today, Another revolution in the search for improved
were revolutionary when these studies were therapies to reduce the ischemic damage associated
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F I G U R E 1 Landmarks in STEMI Therapy

1972: First evidence 1977: Wavefront 1986: GISSI trial: 1993: GUSTO-Ι trial:
that reperfusion (endo to epi) thrombolysis tPA reduces mortality
Landmarks in
limits extent progression of reduces mortality compared with SK in
therapies to reduce
of necrosis.18,19 necrosis.14 in STEMI.99 STEMI.100
ischemic injury
1976: First-in-man 1983: First-in-man 2003: Meta-analysis show
intracoronary primary angioplasty mortality benefits of
thrombolysis in in STEMI.102 primary angioplasty over
STEMI.97 thrombolysis in STEMI.103

1980: Unequivocal 1988: ISIS-2 trial:

demonstration: aspirin improves
coronary thrombosis outcomes in
cause STEMI.96 STEMI.109

1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s 2010s

1986: First evidence 1993: First 2003: First evidence 2010 Proof-of-
that ischemic pre- evidence that that post-conditioning concept:
conditioning reduces RIC reduces reduces infarct size.23 RIC increases
infarct size.116 infarct size.119 myocardial
2005: First-in-man salvage in
post-conditioning STEMI.121
reduces infarct
Landmarks in size in STEMI.89
therapies to reduce 2013 Proof-of-
reperfusion injury 2008 Proof-of- concept: metoprolol
concept: CsA reduces infarct size
reduces infarct & increases LVEF
size in STEMI.90 in STEMI.86,128

Some of the most relevant landmarks in the quest for therapies to reduce ischemic- (top, blue) and reperfusion-related (bottom, green) injuries
are represented. Landmarks chosen represent those with a greater effect on clinical practice (there are many other mechanistic landmarks not
represented in the figure because they have not yet reached the clinical arena). As suggested by the gray arrow, during the early years of this
quest against ischemia/reperfusion injury, most of the efforts and discoveries were in the ischemic-injury side. In the last decades, and after the
ischemic damage was very well approached by clinically available therapies, reperfusion injury therapies have started to arise. The proof-of-
concept era for therapies targeting ischemic injury was in the 1970s, and the large trials arose in the 1980s. For reperfusion injury-targeting
therapies, the proof-of-concept era was in the late 1990s and 2000s, and it is expected that large trials testing the effect of therapies to
reduce reperfusion injury will be undertaken in the 2010s. CsA ¼ Cyclosporin-A; endo ¼ endocardial; epi ¼ epicardial; LVEF ¼ left ventricular
ejection fraction; RIC ¼ remote ischemic conditioning; SK ¼ streptokinase (thrombolytic); STEMI ¼ ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction;
tPA ¼ recombinant tissue-type plasminogen activator (thrombolytic).

with STEMI was the use of mechanical reperfusion by superior to in-hospital thrombolytic therapy (103).
percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). PCI for Furthermore, progress in stent therapy has markedly
STEMI (primary angioplasty) was first described as a reduced the incidence of acute and late stent throm-
rescue intervention in cases in which thrombolysis bosis (104) and refined the primary PCI strategy.
was unsuccessful. It was also implemented widely as Despite the clear advantages of PCI over thrombolysis
adjunctive therapy to thrombolysis, and it was per- in head-to-head comparisons, the clinical scenario
formed systematically to evaluate the coronary is sometimes more complicated. Although no pro-
anatomy and residual stenosis or electively in cases of spective studies have been performed to prove it,
spontaneous or inducible angina days after successful primary PCI may not exhibit a mortality advantage
thrombolysis. The use of primary angioplasty as an over immediate thrombolysis when performed after a
alternative to thrombolysis was first described in delay of 120 min. In some patients (those who present
1983 (102). early with a large AAR and a low bleeding risk), this
The many studies comparing these strategies leave maximum acceptable delay may be significantly
no doubt that timely PCI by an experienced team is shorter (105).
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A slightly different approach that was recently Hypothermia has been unequivocally shown to
developed for patients who cannot get timely PCI is to reduce the rate of progression of ischemic damage in
follow the classical thrombolytic therapy and delay animal models of STEMI (111), but clinical application
the planned PCI until 3 to 24 h after lytic adminis- of hypothermia has been extremely challenging due
tration (this differs from the facilitated approach, in to the lack of a safe cooling procedure able to reduce
which PCI is performed as soon as the patient arrives temperature fast enough to affect ischemic damage
at the PCI center). In the STREAM (Strategic Re- (well before reperfusion). After several small studies,
perfusion Early After Myocardial Infarction) trial, the CHILL-MI (Rapid Endovascular Catheter Core
pre-hospital administration of the thrombolytic ten- Cooling combined with cold saline as an Adjunct to
ecteplase (half-dose in the elderly) to z2,000 STEMI Percutaneous Coronary Intervention For the Treat-
patients who could not get PCI within 1 h resulted in ment of Acute Myocardial Infarction) trial recruited
rates similar to standard primary PCI for the com- 120 STEMI patients scheduled for PCI and randomized
posite of death, shock, congestive heart failure, or them to standard care or a rapid cooling protocol
reinfarction at 30 days (106). One-year mortality rates (infusion of cold saline plus endovascular cooling
in the 2 groups were almost identical (107). This device). Hypothermia did not reduce infarct size
approach needs to be further explored in patients (normalized to AAR) as measured by CMR (112), de-
with long transport times to the PCI hospital. spite achievement of the target temperature (<35  C)
The use of adjunctive antithrombotic agents with in >75% of patients at the time of reperfusion.
thrombolytics is predicated on the fact that the in- Attaining significant reductions of ischemic damage
tensity and net extent of thrombolysis reflects a (and infarct size) with hypothermia would require
competition between lysis and ongoing thrombosis the target temperature to be reached long before re-
(108). Convincing evidence of the effectiveness of perfusion. With the significant reductions seen in
aspirin as an adjunctive agent was first acquired in door-to-balloon times, this seems very unlikely to be
the ISIS-2 (Second International Study of Infarct achieved with the available techniques.
Survival) trial (109), in which the benefits of aspirin
and streptokinase were additive. Aspirin has also THERAPIES TO REDUCE
been used as an adjunctive therapy in STEMI in REPERFUSION INJURY
patients undergoing reperfusion by primary PCI.
Further clinical benefits are obtained by supple- Although the history of therapies to reduce ischemic
menting aspirin with new antiplatelet agents such as damage, mostly involving reperfusion therapy, is full
clopidogrel, ticagrelor, or prasugrel. Given the clear of rapid successes, the development of therapies to
beneficial effect of optimal antiplatelet therapy in reduce reperfusion injury has been disappointing. This
STEMI, it should be implemented in the testing of disparity reflects the contrast between the straight-
any cardioprotective strategy. Further information forward problem presented by reducing ischemic
on reperfusion strategies and adjunctive pharmaco- injury (restoration of blood flow) and the more com-
logical therapy can be found in dedicated review plex processes associated with reperfusion injury.
OTHER THERAPIES TO REDUCE ISCHEMIC INJURY. “reperfusion injury” has been used for many decades
The possibility of slowing the progression of ischemic to describe several events associated with reperfu-
damage during ongoing ischemia has been investi- sion, some transitory (e.g., ventricular arrhythmias,
gated for several decades. Drugs able to reduce oxy- myocardial stunning, and so on) and others perma-
gen consumption have been tested in randomized nent (e.g., death induced by reperfusion, known as
clinical trials. Among them, b -blockers were widely lethal reperfusion injury). The existence of lethal
evaluated in many STEMI trials, but no clear reduc- reperfusion injury in STEMI has long been a matter of
tion in infarct size was detected, bringing the car- debate (24,113). Despite the convincing experimental
dioprotective potential of b-blockers in STEMI into evidence already outlined in this review, definitive
question. However, all of these trials addressing the clinical demonstration has been lacking. This is partly
effect of b-blockers on infarct size, with the exception due to the gap between well-defined and controlled
of 1 (110), were performed in patients not under- experimental models on the one hand and unclear
going reperfusion. More recently, interest in the human proofs-of-concept (i.e., “clinical models”) and
b1-selective blocker metoprolol has been revitalized trial designs on the other (114). Negative findings in
due to its demonstrated ability to minimize reperfu- infarct size reduction trials accumulated, giving cur-
sion injury (discussed in the following text). rency to the idea, common among cardiologists and in
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the pharmaceutical industry, that reperfusion injury surprising than pre-conditioning, because the inter-
was either a fantasy or at best a laboratory artifact. vention was applied after reflow; thus, it has no
Studies in the early 1990s showed that reperfusion connection to the duration of ischemia or any asso-
did not increase the transmural extent of infarction in ciated event and must be related to the prevention of
canine hearts, suggesting an absence of reperfusion events occurring after reperfusion. With this simple
injury (115). The dog is a particular case, however, in experiment, this group demonstrated that lethal
which injury progresses slowly, and 90 to 180 min of reperfusion injury is a reality (24), is quite significant
coronary occlusion might not provoke significant in an experimental setting (30% to 40% of final infarct
reperfusion injury; it is known that ischemic and size), and that it is amenable to timely intervention.
reperfusion injuries are linked, the degree of the With these breakthroughs, the time had come to
former determining the extent of the latter. The idea test whether lethal reperfusion injury could be
of lethal reperfusion injury has since won progressive attenuated in STEMI patients. The first to do so were
acceptance on the basis of evidence coming from Staat et al. (89), who demonstrated in 2005 that
clinical and basic science studies. Lethal reperfusion ischemic post-conditioning can reduce infarct size in
injury can be defined as a potentially preventable STEMI. In this proof-of-concept trial, ischemic post-
death of myocardium that was viable at the time of conditioning was applied within 1 min after reflow
reperfusion and that is the consequence of events by inflating/deflating the angioplasty balloon (low-
triggered or magnified by reperfusion. The fact that pressure, upstream of the stent) in 4 1-min cycles.
preventive maneuvers like post-conditioning limit This resulted in a 36% reduction of the area under the
infarct size without affecting ischemic injury is the curve for creatine kinase release, a surrogate marker
best demonstration of the reality of lethal reperfusion of infarct size. Most, not all, of the small trials
injury. performed have shown infarct size reduction in pa-
NONPHARMACOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS TO REDUCE tients undergoing post-conditioning (8). However,
REPERFUSION INJURY. The first major breakthrough the largest randomized clinical trial of post-
in nonpharmacological interventions was the defini- conditioning in STEMI was neutral (118). The proto-
tion of “ischemic pre-conditioning” by Murry et al. col for the POST (Effects of Postconditioning on
(116), who, in 1986, reported that brief cycles of Myocardial Reperfusion in Patients With ST-Segment
ischemia and reperfusion performed before a pro- Elevation Myocardial Infarction) trial allowed the
longed coronary artery occlusion with reperfusion discretional use of thrombectomy, pre-dilation, and
could dramatically reduce final infarct size in dogs. other maneuvers. The repeated balloon inflation-
Given that total ischemic time was unaltered (even deflation at the site of the culprit lesion might have
increased) by this intervention, this study suggested been responsible for excessive inadvertent thrombus
that there was more to limiting infarct size than a microembolization, as suggested by the low rate of
shorter duration of ischemia. This finding ushered in ST-segment resolution. And, although the protocol
a paradigm shift, which stimulated a wave of research stipulated post-conditioning within 1 min of STEMI,
that has increased our understanding of the patho- the high frequency of thrombectomy (50%) likely
physiology of I/R injury at the molecular level, delayed post-conditioning beyond the protective
thereby preparing for the identification of new targets 1-min time-frame, and this might have diluted the
for future innovative therapies. Many years later, the benefits of this protective strategy. The fact that
infarct-limiting effects of ischemic pre-conditioning the largest trial was neutral calls for caution in the
were shown to be due to a large extent to a reduc- interpretation of the infarct-limiting effects of post-
tion in reperfusion injury (117), although it is also conditioning until new trials are completed. In addi-
plausible that pre-conditioning can reduce ischemic tion, the details of the POST trial highlight that
damage. The unpredictability of coronary artery oc- application of this strategy in a real-life scenario is
clusion in STEMI patients means that ischemic pre- more challenging than in the proof-of-concept trials,
conditioning cannot be applied in this clinical in which patient selection and protocol application is
setting, but it could have an important role in plan- more controlled. In the DANAMI-3 (Danish Study
ned procedures like cardiac surgery (8,75). The sec- of Optimal Acute Treatment of Patients With
ond breakthrough was the description of “ischemic ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction-3) (NCT01435408),
post-conditioning” by Zhao et al. (23) in 2003. They 2,000 STEMI patients will be allocated to 1 of 3
showed that brief episodes of ischemia and reperfu- study interventions: conventional PCI (immediate
sion performed immediately after reflow following stent implantation), post-conditioning (with stent
prolonged ischemia could reduce final infarct size in implantation after the end of 4 30-s post-conditioning
dogs by 30% to 40% (23). This effect was even more cycles), or deferred stenting (opening the culprit
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artery with the wire only, followed by thrombectomy failure; and LV remodeling [increase of LV end-
and/or low pressure balloon inflation and stenting diastolic volume >15%]) will be assessed at 1-year
after 48 h). The combined endpoint will be all-cause follow-up.
mortality or heart failure at 2 years. METOPROLOL. The effect of b-blockers on infarct
Another form of myocardial conditioning well size in STEMI patients has been intensely debated.
described in animal models is remote ischemic con- Different b-blocker agents were tested in many STEMI
ditioning: conditioning performed in a distant organ trials in the 1970s to 1980s with no definite conclusion
(119). Remote ischemic conditioning is reviewed in on their cardioprotective effect. However, these trials
detail elsewhere (120). For the purpose of this review, were performed before reperfusion became estab-
it is important to mention that remote ischemic pre- lished practice, and it is not surprising that b-blockers
conditioning (4 5-min brachial cuff inflations showed no consistent infarct limiting effect because,
applied during ongoing STEMI: i.e., during ambu- with no reperfusion, the chances of myocardium
lance transfer to the PCI center and before PCI salvage are negligible. In the era of thrombolysis as
reperfusion) resulted in increased myocardial salvage the standard treatment for STEMI, the 1 randomized
compared with regular PCI (121), and this might clinical trial performed showed neutral effects of
translate into fewer long-term clinical events (122). intravenous (IV) atenolol on infarct size (110). Pre-
The possibility should be confirmed in the ongoing clinical data from the pig model of infarction de-
CONDI-2 (Effect of RIC on Clinical Outcomes in STEMI monstrated that IV metoprolol very significantly
Patients Undergoing pPCI) trial (NCT01857414). reduces infarct size when administered before
PHARMACOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS TO REDUCE reperfusion (124,125). Contrary to the classical theory
REPERFUSION INJURY. During the past 10 years, of reduced myocardial oxygen consumption, the
many phase II clinical trials have been performed to mechanism responsible for this infarct-limiting effect
find coadjuvant pharmacological interventions to is proposed to be related to a reduction in reperfusion
ameliorate the myocardial damage associated with injury due to the effect of metoprolol on circulating
STEMI. We will describe here the most promising cells (neutrophils/platelets) rather than cardio-
pharmacological strategies as well as examples from myocytes (126). This pre-clinical evidence led to the
the long list of failures. METOCARD-CNIC (Effect of Metoprolol in Cardio-
protection During an Acute Myocardial Infarction)
DRUGS WITH PROMISING RESULTS IN trial, in which 270 anterior STEMI patients undergo-
PILOT/PHASE II TRIALS ing PCI were randomized to early IV metoprolol or
control before reperfusion. Infarcts, measured by
CYCLOSPORINE-A. Because local conditions (coro- CMR, were significantly smaller in the IV metoprolol
nary anatomy, thrombus burden) can make it difficult group (86), and the effect was more pronounced in
to apply ischemic post-conditioning during PCI, patients recruited during ambulance transfer to
pharmacological agents that trigger similar pathways the PCI center (127). Six-month CMR follow-up of
to ischemic conditioning have been extensively more than 200 patients showed that the IV meto-
investigated at the pre-clinical level and then trans- prolol group had a significantly higher mean LVEF
lated into pilot clinical trials (123). Cyclosporine-A and had significantly less cases of severe LVEF
is the paradigm pharmacological post-conditioning depression (128).
agent. Cyclosporine-A acts by inhibiting the ope- The encouraging results from the METOCARD-
ning of the MPTP, an event also seen with post- CNIC trial appear to contradict findings from the
conditioning. Piot et al. (90) randomized 58 patients much larger COMMIT (ClOpidogrel and Metoprolol in
to receive a single bolus of cyclosporine A or placebo Myocardial Infarction Trial). In this mega trial, STEMI
immediately before PCI. Infarct size, measured by the patients undergoing thrombolysis were randomized
area under the curve of creatine kinase, was signifi- to early IV metoprolol followed by oral metoprolol or
cantly smaller in the cyclosporine-A group. The matching placebo. The COMMIT trial did not report
ongoing multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled data on infarct size; yet, it showed significantly
CIRCUS (Cyclosporine and Prognosis in Acute Myo- reduced rates of reinfarction and ventricular fibrilla-
cardial Infarction [MI] Patients) trial (NCT01502774) tion in response to early IV metoprolol, but this was
recruited 975 anterior STEMI patients (Thrombolysis counterbalanced by an excess cardiogenic shock,
In Myocardial Infarction flow grade 0 to 1 left anterior resulting in a net neutral effect on mortality (129).
descending occlusion) and randomized them to cy- However, treatment of patients in the COMMIT trial
closporine A or placebo. The combined primary was not optimal according to current guidelines.
endpoint (total mortality; hospitalization for heart First, STEMI patients received thrombolytic therapy
1466 Ibáñez et al. JACC VOL. 65, NO. 14, 2015

Evolving Therapies for Myocardial I/R Injury APRIL 14, 2015:1454–71

at a mean of >10 h after symptom onset (129). The Metabolic Enhancement During Initial Assessment
amount of myocardial salvage that can be achieved and Treatment in Emergency Care) trial recruited
after 10 h of coronary occlusion is residual at patients with suspected acute coronary syndrome
best, especially when thrombolysis is used as the and randomized them to GIK or placebo during
reperfusion strategy (130). Second, the COMMIT trial transfer to the hospital. In the subgroup of patients
included STEMI patients in Killip class III, who presenting with STEMI, GIK significantly reduced
received the full regime of metoprolol administra- CMR-evaluated infarct size (134). However, these
tion; metoprolol resulted in relative mortality re- promising results need to be confirmed in a pro-
ductions of 5% and 2.5% in Killip class I and II spective trial powered to detect differences in infarct
patients, respectively, but increased mortality by 19% size. Another approach has been the use of glucagon-
in Killip class III patients. Finally, metoprolol also like peptide-1 (GLP1) analogs. After promising pre-
increased mortality in patients with systolic blood clinical results, Lonborg et al. (135) randomized 172
pressure <120 mm Hg. These results reinforce the STEMI patients to receive IV injection of the GLP1
contraindications for IV b -blocker therapy in patients analog exenatide or placebo. Myocardial salvage on
with overt heart failure or who are hemodynamically CMR was significantly higher in the exenatide group
compromised, who have been systematically ex- (135).
cluded from other b-blocker studies. In contrast ABCIXIMAB. Glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors were
with COMMIT, the METOCARD-CNIC trial recruited developed for the reduction of thrombotic events due
early presenters (<6 h from STEMI onset), and to their potent effect on platelets and platelet-
patients with Killip class $III were excluded. leukocyte aggregates implicated in I/R injury. The
The patient population in the METOCARD-CNIC trial INFUSE-AMI trial recruited 452 anterior STEMI pa-
is thus more representative of the current standard of tients undergoing PCI and performed an open-label,
care for STEMI patients. The ongoing EARLY BAMI 22 factorial randomization to test the effect of
(Beta-blocker Administration before primary PCI in abciximab and/or thrombectomy on infarct size, as
patients with ST-elevation Myocardial Infarction) evaluated by CMR. Thrombus aspiration had no effect
trial (131) is testing the infarct-limiting effects of IV on infarct size, but intracoronary administration of
metoprolol in STEMI patients recruited during abciximab significantly reduced infarct size (136).
ambulance transfer to the PCI center, with a similar Given that the current standard of care for STEMI
design to METOCARD-CNIC, except that it includes patients includes the use of potent oral antiplatelet
patients with infarcts in any location (METOCARD- agents, glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitors are left for a
CNIC recruited only patients with anterior STEMI) selected STEMI population.
and extends the time window for recruitment to 12 h
(compared with 6 h in METOCARD-CNIC). Finally, EXAMPLES FROM THE LONG LIST OF
the hard endpoint-powered MOVE ON! (Impact of FAILED CLINICAL TRIALS FOR REDUCING
pre-reperfusion Metoprolol On clinical eVEnts after REPERFUSION INJURY
myocardial infarctiON) trial will definitively answer
whether the amelioration of I/R injury exerted by Many clinical trials have attempted and yet failed to
early IV metoprolol (132) translates into a real clin- demonstrate the ability of a given therapy to limit
ical benefit. Given that not all b-blockers have the infarct size by reducing reperfusion injury. A common
same intracellular effects (due to their disparate denominator in many of these failures is the weak or
lipophilicity among other differences) and do not unclear benefit in the pre-clinical phase (137,138). A
even share the same mechanistic effect (despite be- description of all of the negative trials in the field is
ing considered b1 selective), it should not be beyond the scope of this review; here, we provide an
assumed that all will have similar infarct-limiting update on the more recent negative trials.
effects. Adenosine has been evaluated in several trials and
did not show a clear infarct-limiting effect. In the most
GLUCOSE MODULATORS. The possible therapeutic recent trials, adenosine was administered by intra-
use of glucose to protect cardiomyocytes from energy coronary injection at high doses, and myocardial
depletion during myocardial infarction was proposed salvage was evaluated by CMR. Adenosine had no ef-
several decades ago by Sodi Pallares et al. (133). fect on myocardial salvage or MVO (87,139). The effect
Combined administration of glucose/insulin/potas- of inhaled nitric oxide on infarct size in 250 STEMI
sium (GIK) during ongoing myocardial infarction has patients undergoing PCI was very recently tested in
been tested in several trials with some encouraging the NOMI (Nitric Oxide for inhalation to reduce
results. The IMMEDIATE (Immediate Myocardial reperfusion injury in acute STEMI) trial (140). Nitric
JACC VOL. 65, NO. 14, 2015 Ibáñez et al. 1467
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oxide inhalation did not reduce infarct size as evalu- outcomes when evaluated by various techniques,
ated by CMR. The effect of IV sodium nitrite on infarct mainly CMR (27,144). AAR has been used in recent
size was evaluated in 229 STEMI patients undergoing trials to normalize infarct size or to depict myocardial
PCI in the NIAMI (Intravenous sodium nitrite in acute salvage (% of AAR with no infarction). AAR can be
ST-elevation myocardial infarction: a randomized estimated by angiographic means (BARI [Bypass An-
controlled trial) trial (141). The authors did not find gioplasty Revascularization Investigation Myocardial
any difference in infarct size as evaluated by CMR, the Jeopardy Index]/APPROACH [Alberta Provincial
primary endpoint of the study. The effect of intrave- Project for Outcome Assessment in Coronary Heart
nous TRO40303, a drug binding to an unclear molec- Disease] coronary angiographic scores or LV angio-
ular target in the outer mitochondrial membrane, graphic scores) or by T2-CMR. Although T2-CMR is
was tested in the MITOCARE (Effect of intravenous increasingly used, its capacity to depict true AAR is
TRO40303 as an adjunct to primary percutaneous debated (the pros and cons of the use of CMR to de-
coronary intervention for acute ST-elevation pict AAR are reviewed elsewhere [145,146]). Some
myocardial infarction) trial as an adjunct to primary studies have reported a prognostic value of myocar-
percutaneous coronary intervention for acute STEMI. dial salvage (147); however, this parameter has not
This study of 163 STEMI patients randomized to been extensively validated. Myocardial salvage is a
TRO40303 or placebo found no differences in infarct surrogate of infarct size used to control for variations
size either by biomarker release (primary endpoint) in AAR between study groups. In addition, very
or CMR. Salvage index by CMR was also not different recently, therapies that reduce infarct size, like post-
between groups (142). Several other trials have conditioning (148) and remote conditioning (149),
shown negative results in the past (reviewed in more were shown to reduce CMR-evaluated AAR. Studies of
detail by Kloner [9]). remote ischemic conditioning and the GLP1 analog
exenatide have shown increases in myocardial
CLINICAL TRIALS TARGETING salvage, but no significant effect on infarct size or
ISCHEMIA/REPERFUSION INJURY: LVEF (121,135). These results should, moreover, be
IMPORTANCE OF ENDPOINTS interpreted with caution, because the real surrogate
markers of hard clinical endpoints were neutral. Tri-
Incorporation of new clinical evidence into clinical als using infarct size (a known surrogate of clinical
practice guidelines requires the demonstration of a events) as an endpoint are easier to interpret than
clear clinical benefit (an effect on hard endpoints). trials using myocardial salvage (a surrogate of a sur-
This demonstration usually requires large phase III rogate of clinical events). The use of CMR to visualize
trials. Given the high costs associated with large tri- post-infarction edema has recently been made more
als, the natural next step after obtaining strong pre- complex by the demonstration that the edematous
clinical data is to perform a pilot (phase II) clinical reaction of the myocardium to ischemia/reperfusion
trial. These small trials usually choose a primary is bimodal (150). Comprehensive serial CMR evalua-
endpoint accepted as a surrogate for hard clinical tion in pigs showed that there are 2 independent
endpoints. Infarct size is the most intuitive parameter waves of edema after ischemia/reperfusion: an initial
evidencing the cardioprotective effect of a given wave appearing abruptly upon reperfusion, and a
intervention and also correlating with clinical deferred wave occurring a few days later (150). This
events. More importantly, it is well-defined in animal bimodal post-ischemia/reperfusion edematous reac-
models, where it is recognized as the hallmark of tion highlights the need for caution in the use of CMR
cardioprotection. Although single photon emission to visualize edema as a marker of ischemic memory.
computed tomography (121), electrocardiogram pa- Sample size calculation for clinical trials is based
rameters (118), and biomarker release (90) have been on the anticipated treatment effect on a principal
widely used, CMR-measured infarct size is currently outcome (a reduction or increase in the experimental
the most widely recommended technique for assess- arm vs. control). Normally, several additional sec-
ing infarct size in STEMI trials. LVEF is the classical ondary endpoints are prospectively evaluated. It is
surrogate functional parameter, because it has been important to stress that when the primary endpoint of
clearly associated with long-term mortality and a trial is negative, all other findings are exploratory at
morbidity after STEMI (143). In addition to infarct best, and the secondary outcome, if relevant, should
size, other readouts of reperfusion injury or de- be tested in a dedicated trial. It is also important to
terminants of infarct size can be measured to more highlight the risk of overinterpreting subgroup ana-
accurately evaluate protective interventions. For lyses. Some of the phase II trials described here as
example, MVO is associated with poor clinical negative have “exploratory” analyses in which
1468 Ibáñez et al. JACC VOL. 65, NO. 14, 2015

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subgroups (e.g., anterior STEMI or patients presenting and on protection by conditioning interventions
early) show a positive result. These analyses are biased (94,152).
because the subgroup was not randomized, and
thus, the results could be affected by potential un-
known confounders. This is especially true when
Over the past decades, important progress has been
the overall population does not show a significant
made in the quality of phase II trials evaluating
treatment effect. The interpretation of endpoints in
protective interventions against lethal reperfusion
clinical trials was recently reviewed by Pocock and
injury. Although these trials will always be a man-
Gersh (151).
datory preliminary step, the challenge of the next
Other relevant questions regarding the selection of
decade is to set up larger phase III trials evaluating
populations for clinical trials are related to the better
clinical outcomes to therapies targeting lethal reper-
identification of potential responders according to
fusion injury. As in other disciplines, we envision that
the expected mechanism of the study intervention.
the advances in the next decade will come from
The response to protective agents administered at
refining the therapies already available rather that
reflow appears to vary according to the duration of
identifying new drugs. The commitment of funding
ischemia, and some trials using pharmacological
agencies, scientific societies, and industrial partners
agents suggest that only patients with short duration
is needed to achieve this challenging goal.
of ischemia can benefit (112). This suggests that the
dynamics of lethal reperfusion are influenced by
the duration of the preceding ischemia and are REPRINT REQUESTS AND CORRESPONDENCE: Dr.
probably not linear. In addition, indirect evidence Borja Ibáñez, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones
suggests that age, sex, comorbidities (e.g., diabetes, Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC), Melchor Fernán-
hypertension, smoking), and cotreatments (statins, dez Almagro, 3, 28029 Madrid, Spain. E-mail:
antiplatelet agents) may have an effect on infarct size bibanez@cnic.es.


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