Communication and Personality

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1. (18/02/2016) New technologies have changed the way children spend
their free time. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

It is true that many children now spend
much of their spare time playing with
the latest technological devices. outweighed: [verb] greater or more
Despite some obvious disadvantages of important than something.
this trend, I believe that these are
outweighed by the advantages.

On the one hand, there are two major drawbacks: [noun] a very useful word
drawbacks when children devote to mean ‘disadvantages’.
much of their free time to playing
electronic games or using the Internet. devote to: [phrasal verb] give an
Firstly, exercise is necessary for the amount of time or attention to
physical development of children, so
playing games in the street or in the
park with their friends is an integral an integral part of: [expression] play
part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. an essential part in something.
Secondly, spending too much time on
their computers or mobile phones may
lead to health problems for some
youngsters. If they keep their eyes keep their eyes glued to screens:
glued to screens for hours on end, they [expression] look at screens in a very
may suffer from eye-strain. Waves concentrated way for a long time.
from hi-fi devices also tend to cause
headaches if used for too long. hi-fi devices: [noun] equipment which
plays recorded music.


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On the other hand, I believe that the benefits: [noun] a very useful word to
benefits are more significant than such mean ‘advantages’.
disadvantages. One reason for this
view is that new technologies
encourage children to use their free
time to broaden their knowledge, broaden their knowledge: increase
and make wider their knowledge of
which is possible in fun ways through
interactive software. My young
nephew, for example, spends hours on interactive: allowing information to
the Internet learning about dinosaurs. be passed to and from the computer
Another reason is that the Internet and the person who is using it.
gives youngsters countless
opportunities to discover friends with
the same interests in any part of the countless: very many.
world, using chat rooms and social
networks such as Facebook. circle of virtual friends: a group of
Consequently, new technologies both friends whom you chat with online.
promote the habit of self-study and
encourage young people to develop a
wide circle of virtual friends.

In conclusion, I would argue that the

advantages of this modern trend are
more significant than the
270 words

2. (29/04/2017) Some people say that what children watch influences their
behaviour. Others believe the amount of time they spend on television
influences their behaviour most. Discuss both view and give your opinion.


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While it is clear that watching TV
affects children, it is difficult to
determine whether it is the content of
the programs or the length of time
spent watching them that has a more
significant impact on children. In my
to be addicted to sth : to be unable to
opinion, although the amount of time
stop taking harmful drugs, tobacco or
does affect youngsters, it is the content alcohol.
of the programs that has a more marked
influence on them.
to become over-reliant on : to need
something so that your survival or
On the one hand, the consequences of success depends too much on it
watching TV for long periods of time
fail the results will be disastrous.
can be deleterious. Firstly, the longer
children are exposed toTV programs,
the more likely it is for them to become sedentary lifestyle: involving little
addicted to watching television. When exercise or physical activity
children become over-reliant on
television for entertainment, they might
neglect engagement in outdoor to be detrimental to health : to be
activities, resulting in a sedentary harmful to health
lifestyle that is highly detrimental to
their physical health. More
importantly, excessive TV watching to live in harmony with one another:
to live with others in a way which
impairs children’s communication
avoids conflict or disagreement
abilities, so they find it hard to play or
live in harmony with others. Children
would feel discouraged from having discourage real interaction : to result
real interactions with people around in less face-to-face communication
them if they spent too much time in with other people
front of the screen, which may hinder
their development of social skills.


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to develop social skills : to become
better at communicating and
On the other hand, it is the broadcasted interacting in different situations
images that have the most direct effects
on young viewers. First, in most
countries the majority of TV shows
present glamorized depictions of
to carry health risks : to have effects
inappropriate materials such as
which could be bad for one’s health
violence, drug abuse or casual sex, thus
youngsters may adopt unhealthy habits
and improper behavior. For example, the consumer society: a society in
they might fall under the impression which buying and selling are
that the use of alcoholic drinks is considered extremely important
fashionable without being aware of the
health risks they carry and later end
up consuming these substances. to be wary of something : not
Besides, in our modern consumer completely trusting or certain about
society, commercials also affect how something
children behave. Unwary young
viewers could be easily swayed by
to be swayed by advertisements : to
captivating advertisements for junk
be influenced to buy things as a result
food or video games, products whose of advertising
target audience includes children, and
so may pester their parents to buy
these goods impulsively. target audience: consumers whom
businesses aim at when selling their
In conclusion, though both factors have
their own implications, I believe the
element with more considerable to buy goods impulsively : to buy
impacts on children is the content. things suddenly without any planning
Hence, parental involvement is and without considering the effects
essential in controlling children’s TV they may have
viewing habits and in shaping a parental involvement: the act or
process of parents when taking part in
their children’s activities.


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child’s values to help them enter
adult life with a healthy mind. to shape a child’s personality/ value:
360 words to decide or influence the form of a
child’s personality
to enter adult life :the stage when
adolescents are almost old enough to
be legally independent of their parents

3. (09/09/2017) The mobile phone is used both for work and personal phone
calls at all times of the day, every day of the week. Do you think this has more
positive or negative effects both for individuals and society?
It is true that mobile phones are now
used all the time for business and social
purposes. While there are some
negative impacts on both individuals
and society as a whole, I would argue
that these are outweighed by the
positive effects.
to live in harmony with one another:
to live with others in a way which
There is one major negative aspect of avoids conflict or disagreement
the way in which mobile phones are
often used. In order to live in
harmony with one another in society,
people must show consideration for to make small talk: to make
others, especially in public places. conversation about things that are not
Personally, for example, I do not important, often between people
consider that using a mobile phone to who do not know each other well
make small talk in a loud voice is
socially acceptable. While some
people may have a laid-back attitude


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to such discourteous behaviour, I have socially acceptable: accepted as
frequently argued with fellow normal or appropriate within
passengers on buses or trains who chat a social culture
endlessly at the top of their voices on
their phones, oblivious to all around
them. Fortunately, codes of conduct to have a laid-back attitude: relaxed,
not worrying about anything
are strictly enforced in cinemas,
theatres and concert halls, where
mobile phones must be switched off. discourteous: showing rudeness and a
lack of consideration for other people
at the top of one’s voice: If you say
However, most people would say that something at the top of your voice,
their mobile phone enables them to do you say it very loudly
so many things which improve their
lifestyle. Entrepreneurs argue that it
is easier to conduct their business oblivious: not aware of or not
outside the office if customers or concerned about what is happening
employees can contact them instantly, around one
for example to place an order or to
arrive at a quick decision. With the
codes of conduct:
rapid transactions made possible by
an agreement on rules of behaviour for
mobile phones, the improved efficiency a group or organization
of production, transportation and sales
boosts the whole economy. Fewer
firms go out of business and everyone entrepreneur: someone who starts
is able to earn a living. Individuals their own business
also benefit, taking into account the
ease with which they can contact
friends and family, whether for To conduct one’s business: to carry
important matters or just for a chat. on the normal activities of a business

In conclusion, I believe that mobile

To go out of business: to stop
phones have had huge positive impacts
operating, especially because of
financial problems


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on society, despite their inconsiderate
use by a minority. To earn a living: to earn the money
(297 words) needed for food, clothing, etc

To take into account: to consider or

remember something when judging a

4. (16/12/2017) The use of social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, is

replacing face-to-face contact in this century. Do you think the advantages of
this outweigh the disadvantages?
While I accept that social networking
social networking sites: a website on
sites make communication between which you communicate with people
who share your interests
people more convenient, I believe that
they have some negative effects on our
skills of personal interaction. Overall, in
to have social skills: to have the
this context, I would argue that the personal skills required for successful
communication and interaction
drawbacks in the decline of social skills
outweigh the benefits of this advance in advances in technology: the
improvement or development in

On the one hand, there are advantages

of using such increasingly-popular
sites. For example, people may want to
post their latest news on Facebook, to keep abreast of: to have the most
enabling their friends and family to recent information about something
keep abreast of what has been


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happening and to send comments. One
simple Facebook posting may reach
hundreds of contacts. Another
advantage is that those who have autism [noun]: a mental condition in
psychological problems such as which a person finds it very difficult to
autism, or who lack self-confidence in communicate or form relationships
with others
face-to-face meetings, can find an
alternative outlet to express what they
are thinking or feeling, or even just to to exchange pleasantries: to talk in a
exchange pleasantries with others. polite way about unimportant matters
such as the weather

On the other hand, this trend has some

drawbacks. Firstly, some people may
become over-reliant on acquaintances to become over-reliant on: to need
in the virtual world. There are some something so that your survival or
unscrupulous users of social media, success depends too much on it
who adopt a false identity to trick
people and acquire information about unscrupulous [adjective]: dishonest
them for online scams and cyber and without moral principles
crime. Secondly, such sites discourage
online scams : clever and dishonest
real interaction. When obsessed with plans using the internet in order to
Facebook, Twitter or similar sites, make money.
some youngsters in particular are cyber crime [noun]: a crime that
reluctant to spend time with their true involves a computer or a network
friends and their families. My friend, to discourage real interaction: to
for instance, is so addicted to result in less face-to-face
exchanging tweets on her smart phone communication with other people
that she ignores everyone when we
gather together for a chat. While I try
to adopt a laid-back attitude towards to have a laid-back attitude: relaxed,
this behaviour, there is now almost a not worrying about anything
complete breakdown in
a breakdown in communications: a
communications between us.
misunderstanding which results from


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people failing to discuss and resolve
In conclusion, I consider that the
disadvantages of this trend outweigh to articulate something to somebody:
the advantages, and the ability to to express your feelings or thoughts
articulate thoughts and emotions to clearly in words
others face-to-face may soon be lost
295 words

5. (18/08/2018) In the modern world it is possible to shop, work and

communicate with people via the internet and live without any face-to-face
contact with others. Is this a positive or negative development?
It is true that in contemporary life
people in many parts of the world are contemporary: belonging to the
able to do their shopping, work and present time
communicate with each other via the
internet. While there are clear positive
aspects of this trend, there are also
negative aspects of having less face-to- handy: convenient
face contact with other people.
to keep in touch with: to communicte
with somebody regularly
On the one hand, the internet can be
very handy in many ways. Many
people use it to keep in touch with
friends and family, using Facebook, to hunt around: to look for something
Skype or What’s App to send instant that is difficult to find
messages or to enjoy a quick chat.
Many also use the internet for online bargain [noun]: a thing bought for
shopping, thus saving time and petrol less than the usual price
on trips to the supermarket as well as
hunting around different sites for


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bargains. However, it is in terms of schedule: a list of things that you have
work that the internet offers the most to do at certain times
potential benefits. More and more
people are working or even studying to eliminate: to remove or get rid of
from home, at hours which suit their something
own schedules. Many hours are saved
to cope with: to deal successfully with
each week by eliminating the daily
commute and the stress of coping with
the rush hour. the rush hour: the time (usually twice
a day) when the roads are full of traffic
and the trains and buses are crowded,
On the other hand, as social beings, because people are travelling to and
people need personal contacts. Firstly, from work.
virtual friendships which are formed
online may not be genuine. The media
social beings: people who like to be in
carries many horror stories of the company of others
youngsters who have fallen prey to to fall prey to: to be harmed or
paedophiles, for example. Secondly, affected by something bad
online shopping is not always
appropriate, depending on the item. It
paedophile: a person who sexually
is best, for instance, to try on clothes
abuses children
before buying, and while a bookworm to try on: to test a piece of clothing to
can find almost any book title that they see if it fits
want online, they will certainly miss
browsing the shelves of bookstores.
Finally, personal interaction with work bookworm: a person who likes
reading very much
colleagues can generate ideas and
avoid misunderstandings.

In conclusion, although there are

positive aspects of this trend, there are
also aspects of face-to-face contact
which it would be a shame to lose.
292 words.


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6. (15/01/2019): Nowadays, many people cannot read or write. What
problems does this cause? What measures can governments take to solve these
Essay: illiteracy: the fact of not knowing how to
It is true that even today, illiteracy is read or write
widespread. While this presents serious
difficulties for individuals and society,
disadvantaged: not having things, such
there are steps that governments should
take to deal with the problem. as education or enough money, that
people need in order to have a good life

When people can neither read nor write,

they are disadvantaged in important
ways. In terms of the individual
bureaucracy: the system of complicated
consequences of illiteracy, dealing with
official rules or ways of doing things
bureaucracy is a nightmare. Reading
organised by a government
and writing – or even adding a signature
to – an official document is often
necessary, for example when people
welfare: practical or financial help
have to apply for social welfare benefits.
provided by the government to help
From the perspective of society in
people in need
general, it is difficult to integrate
economic migrants into society who are
perhaps illiterate in their home to integrate into society: to become
countries, or are unable to read and
accepted as a member of a social group,
write in the language of the host
country. This makes the task of especially when a person comes from a
constructing a multicultural society different culture
difficult if minority groups are forced to
a multicultural society: a society which
do sweated labour, simply because they
are illiterate and excluded from better- includes people of different origins,
paid jobs. traditions and languages


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There are, however, policies which minority groups: small groups within a
national and local authorities can adopt community that are different because of
to improve matters. Firstly, resources their origin, religion, language or
should be allocated to provide basic traditions
literacy classes in local colleges or
sweated labour: hard work that is done
social and community centres to help
for low wages in poor conditions; the
people to learn to read and write.
people who do this work
Secondly, government departments
must employ staff who have specific
responsibility for helping illiterate to allocate resources to: to make money
people to cope with the confusing mass
and materials available to do something
of official paperwork. In this way, they
will not be discriminated against, for to adopt policies: to start or use policies
instance by losing welfare rights to
which they are entitled. Finally,
governments even in developing national and local authorities:
countries must ensure that everyone has government organizations acting at a
the right to a basic education which national level or within a smaller, local
enables them to read and write.

In conclusion, although illiteracy is a

social and community centres: places
serious problem, there are steps which
where people who live in the same area
governments should take to help those
can meet for events or to do different
who can neither read nor write.

282 words
to cope with: to deal successfully with
something difficult


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paperwork: the written work that is part
of a job, such as filling in forms or writing
reports or letters

to discriminate: to treat one person or

group worse/better than another in an
unfair way

7. (19/03/2019): In many countries not enough students are choosing to

study science subjects. What are the causes? And what will be the effects on
It is true that in some countries there is to opt for: to choose to take – or not to
a shortage of students opting for science take – a particular course of action
courses. While it is necessary to
identify the possible causes of this
trend, it is also necessary to predict the
effects on society. behind the times: refer to a person who
is old-fashioned and has not adopted
certain modern customs, beliefs, or
I believe that there are at least two major behaviors
causes of the lack of appeal of science
subjects. Firstly, many schools and to dismiss traditional ideas: to decide
college are behind the times and have that traditional ideas are not important
been slow to dismiss traditional ideas and not worth considering anymore
that girls should not study science. This
sexist attitude regards the study of sexist attitudes: beliefs that women
science as a traditional male preserve, should be treated unfairly because of
thus it is time for university science their gender
faculties to abolish selection procedures


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based on gender. Secondly, subjects
such as business and management are
a traditional male preserve: to be
attracting growing numbers of students.
exclusively reserved for men
Many young people consider that the
job prospects in these areas offer the
to abolish: to officially end a law, a
greatest financial rewards and the best
system or an institution
chance to move up the career ladder.
selection procedures based on gender:
There will be serious effects on society the act of choosing someone according
if more students do not choose to study to their gender.
science subjects. In terms of the
environment, one result will be a lack job prospects: the chances of being
of trained professionals to find solutions successful and having more
to urgent problems, such as the need to opportunities at work
conduct research into alternative energy
sources and to help society to achieve
sustainable development. For example, to move up the career ladder: a series
more scientists will be necessary to lead of stages by which you can make
the fight against climate change and to progress in your career
meet the enormous challenge of global
warming. From the perspective of
health, another outcome could be a
lack of qualified researchers to search alternative energy sources: refers to
for a cure for life-threatening any energy source that is an alternative
conditions, such as the increase in to fossil fuel
degenerative illnesses like Alzheimer’s to achieve sustainable development:
disease, as people live longer. economic development that is achieved
without depleting natural resources

In conclusion, some causes of this to fight against climate change: to try

problem can be identified, and the to prevent changes in climate patterns,
serious effects on society must not be such as rainfall, temperature and winds.
global warming: the process by which
the Earth is getting hotter, as a result of


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282 words the greenhouse effect – in particular the
increase in carbon dioxide in the air.

to search for a cure: the process of

looking for a way to make a sick person
healthy again

life-threatening conditions: illnesses

which are likely to kill somebody

a degenerative illness: an illness that

becomes worse as time passes

to underestimate: to not realize how

good, strong, determined somebody (or
something) really is

8. (11/05/2019): Some businesses find that their new employees lack basic
interpersonal skills, such as cooperative skills. What are the causes and
suggest some possible solutions.

It is true that some companies complain
about the poor interpersonal skills of
to shape a child’s personality: to
their new staff. While some reasons for
decide or influence the form of a child’s
this can be identified, there are solutions
which firms should adopt. personality

formative years: a period of a person’s

As many new employees are school- life, usually childhood, that has a big
leavers, the causes of this problem can influence on the person they become
be found in the home and in the school. later in life
A child’s personality is shaped during a close-knit family: a family having
the formative years of home-life and strong relationships with each other,


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schooling. In terms of the home, close- helping with problems and enjoying a
knit families are a thing of the past in lot of time together
many societies, and youngsters do not
learn to live in harmony with one to live in harmony with one another:
another and with their parents. For to live with others in a way which
example, meal times used to be avoids conflict or disagreement
occasions when families ate together
and discussed the tasks to be done and
to have social skills: to have the
the problems of each family member.
personal skills required for successful
In school, children are encouraged to
achieve individual excellence in exams, communication and interaction
rather than to have social skills and to be
team-players. to be a team player: a person who
willingly cooperates with others

However, in order to conduct a business to conduct a business: to operate a

efficiently, firms must take steps to train business in a particular way
new employees to acquire interpersonal
skills. Firstly, cooperative skills should to make the most of something: to
be developed, making the most of the make something appear as good as
latest management techniques. Some possible; to exploit something; to get as
companies in Europe and the USA, for much out of something as is possible.
example, organise challenging activity
weekends during which staff must work
to put to the test: to see what someone
as teams to do mountain-climbing or
climbing and camping. Working or something can achieve, to find out
together, their survival skills are put to how good someone or something is
the test. Secondly, codes of conduct at
work should be strictly enforced for
both new and existing employees to codes of conduct: voluntary rules
facilitate communication and which people accept in a situation


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In conclusion, although some reasons
can be suggested as probable causes of
this problem, there are measures which
companies should take to develop the
interpersonal skills of new staff.

265 words

9. (18/07/2019): It has been said that people who read for pleasure have
more developed imaginations and language skill than people who prefer to
watch TV. Do you agree or disagree?

It is true that some people believe that
reading for pleasure develops both
imagination and language skills, in
contrast to the passive activity of
watching TV. While a minority a works of literary fiction: types of
viewers do watch informative TV
literature which describe imaginary
programmes, such as documentaries, I
people and events, not real ones
completely agree with the arguments in
favour of the benefits of reading.
bedtime stories: stories told to children
Firstly, in terms of the development of before they sleep
creativity, works of literary fiction a work of literature: a book, play, or
stimulate the human imagination. poem
Reading bedtime stories to children, or
reading some well-written work of broaden one’s literary horizons: to
literature, everyone can broaden their widen the limit of your desires,
literary horizons. Whereas TV presents knowledge, or interests by reading
audiences with ready-made images, widely
reading stories forces readers to use


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their own imagination. They might, for
example, picture themselves
to picture: to imagine
shipwrecked on a deserted island, like
Robinson Crusoe. Because they have somebody/something, to create an image
created that personal image for of somebody/something in your mind
themselves, it is stronger and more
durable than an image which is not their
own, but which is manufactured and durable: likely to last for a long time
ready to consume. without breaking or getting weaker

Secondly, from the perspective of critical thinking: the process of

language skills, specialists in linguistics analyzing information in an objective
argue that reading extends vocabulary, way, in order to make a judgment about
as well as developing critical thinking. it
An important part of literary
appreciation is to recognize not only
new words, but also to notice the choice literary appreciation: pleasure that you
and use of words which are familiar. have when your recognize and enjoy the
There are no distracting images on qualities of a good piece of writing
screens, so when readers are engrossed
in a book written by a literary genius,
they can focus on the aesthetic qualities to be engrossed in: to be completely
of the language. In contrast, although it focused on something
is possible to play back a TV recording,
words and images are invariably heard
and seen in an instant. Then, they pass a literary genius: a person with
and are instantly forgotten, whereas it is outstanding ability in writing
easy to read over passages in a book.

the aesthetic qualities of something:

In conclusion, I fully agree with those The qualities related to beauty and
who argue that reading encourages
understanding the beauty of something.
imagination and develops vocabulary,


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which sitting in front of a TV will never to read over: to read something carefully
do. from beginning to end to look for
291 words mistakes or check details

10. (12/09/2019): Entertainment such as electronic games on portal devices

is harmful for individuals and the society they live in. Do you agree or

Essay: social networking sites: a website on

It is true that many children and which you communicate with people
adolescents, in particular, spend hours who share your interests
and hours playing electronic games, or
simply chatting or accessing social
networking sites on their cell phones, behind the times: refers to a person
as their main pastime. While I may be who is old-fashioned and has not
considered to be behind the times, I adopted certain modern customs,
completely agree that this is harmful beliefs, or behaviors
for both individuals and society as a
to develop social skills: to become
better at communicating and interacting
Firstly, young people in particular in different situations
have problems in developing social
skills if they spend too much time
relying on their cell phones for their advances in technology: the
entertainment to play electronic games improvement or development in
or to chat. Advances in technology are technology
bringing about the downfall of
communication between people, since
real interaction is discouraged. For the downfall of communication: the
example, I often used to talk to other decline of communication
passengers during my long journeys by
bus or train, but it no longer seems to


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be socially acceptable to do this. to discourage real interaction: to
Instead, most fellow travellers spend result in less face-to-face
the entire journey on their mobile communication with other people
devices, playing some electronic game
or messaging online friends. The result
is increasing personal isolation and a to be socially acceptable: agreed or
growing distrust of others. approved of by most people in a society

Secondly, becoming over-reliant on fellow: used to describe somebody who

electronic portable devices for is the same as you in some way, or in
entertainment is detrimental to
the same situation
individual health. It encourages a
sedentary lifestyle, whereas people
need to take regular exercise to keep
to become over-reliant on: to need
fit. As a child, for instance, I used to
something so that your survival or
play football in the street, making
friends with other youngsters and success depends too much on it
becoming strong. People should take
up sport or they will be prone to
obesity if they simply sit around to be detrimental to health: to be
playing electronic games on their hand- harmful to health
held devices. In particular, if people
spend too much time on these games,
then they may suffer from mental a sedentary lifestyle: involving little
health problems if they become exercise or physical activity
addicted to them.

to take regular exercise: to do some

In conclusion, I fully agree that forms physical activity on a regular basis
of entertainment such as electronic
games are harmful for both individuals
and society. to keep fit: to stay in good physical
288 words condition


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