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Name: Ahanaf Rashid

ID: 1912079030

Section: 38

Faculty: Rumaisa Nasim Jumana

Research Paper Outline

English 105 Research Paper Outline: Part 1

Topic: The impact of the Rampal power plant on The Sundarbans in Bangladesh

Outline of Introduction and Background section

 Location of Rampal Power Plant

o Situated in Rampal Upazila of Bagerhat district in Khulna
o Biggest power plant station

 Project details
o Sponsor: Bangladesh-India friendship power company Pvt. Ltd.
o Parent company: Bangladesh Power Development Board, NTPS
o Gross capacity: 1320 MW (2*660 MW)
o Type: Ultra supercritical
o Project in service: 2018

 Purpose of the Rampal power plant:

o To prevent the electricity problem of our country
o To meet the growing electricity demand

 Government Position:
o Rejects the allegations would adversely affect the world’s largest
mangrove forest.
o Important high quality coal
o Build a 275 meters high chimney
o Use high art technology
 Citizen’s opinion about implementation of Rampal power plant:
o Could destroy the Sundarbans
o The selected location of the project was only 9 kilometers from the

 Environmental issue:
o The ecosystem will be largely affected due to traffic movements
o Oil and chemical spillage
o Dredging
o Destroy the ecosystem of the river
o Will generate noise
o Create disturbance to the wildlife of the Sundarbans

 Advantages:
o Can respond to rapidly changing loads
o Cheaper in production cost

 Disadvantages:
o Pollutes the atmosphere
o Production of large amount of smoke and fumes
o Costlier in running cost
o Maintenance cost is high
o Our environment will be imbalanced
English 105: Outline Part 2

Topic: The impact of the Rampal power plant on The Sundarbans in Bangladesh

Outline of Data Presentation and Analysis section

(Survey Results – Sample Size 20)

Q1. Do you support Rampal Power Plant, if it is built, because it is going to destroy a part of
one of the most enriched ecosystem and largest mangrove forest in the world?

(a) Yes
(b) No
o 94% chose yes
o 6% selected no

Q2. According to a report, in an average year, a typical coal plant generates: 3,700,000 tons of
carbon dioxide (CO2), as much carbon dioxide as cutting down 161 million trees. How can you
stop this mass destruction?

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