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Ceylon Journal of Science (Bio. Sci.

) 42(1): 19-33, 2013

DOI: 10.4038/cjsbs.v42i1.5896


Methods for Analyzing Diversity of Microbial Communities

in Natural Environments
Md. Fakruddin1* and Khanjada Shahnewaj Bin Mannan2
Institute of Food Science and Technology, Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research,
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Center for Food and Waterborne Diseases, ICDDR B, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Received: 30 April 2012 / Accepted: 29 March 2013


Difficulties in cultivating most of the microorganisms limit our ability to study microbial ecosystems.
Molecular methods are valuable tools for investigating the diversity and structure of bacterial communities.
These techniques can be used on culturable as well as non-culturable bacteria. Cultivation independent
techniques based on nucleic acids extracted from the environment provide information on community
structure and diversity. Analyses of DNA can determine the numbers of different genomes. Ribosomal RNA
(rRNA) or rDNA (genes coding for rRNA) fingerprinting, probing and sequencing can be used to detect and
identify organisms. The combination of different methods that complement each other is a useful strategy
for monitoring changes of microbial communities in natural ecosystems.

Key words: microbial diversity, community, biochemical methods, molecular methods

INTRODUCTION amount of genetic information and therefore a

very high genetic diversity (Torsvik et al., 1998).
Our knowledge about bacteria in natural
environments is limited, and studying microbial
diversity in nature is not an easy task. In natural THE CONCEPT OF MICROBIAL
ecosystems, microorganisms exist in high DIVERSITY
numbers despite the fact that there are several
thousands of microbial species that have not yet Biodiversity has been defined as the range of
been described. One gram of soil or sediment may significantly different types of organisms and
contain l010 bacteria as counted by fluorescent their relative abundance in an assemblage or
microscopy after staining with a fluorescent dye. community. The diversity has also been defined
In pure sea water, the number of bacteria is according to information theory, as the amount
approximately 106 per milliliter (Torsvik et al., and distribution of information in an assemblage
1990). or community (Torsvik et al., 1998). Microbial
diversity refers unequivocally to biological
There are bacteria that are adapted to almost all diversity at three levels: within species (genetic),
the different environments that exist on the earth, species number (species) and community
and also bacteria that are able to decompose all (ecological) diversity (Harpole, 2010). The term
the chemical components made by living species diversity consists of two components; the
organisms. Important questions to be addressed first component is the total number of species
when studying bacteria in their natural present which can be referred to as species
environment are how do bacterial communities richness. In other words it refers to the
function, and how the qualitative variation in quantitative variation among species. The second
community composition occurs due to component is the distribution of individuals
environmental changes (Torsvik and Øvreås, among these species, which is referred to as
2002). To answer these questions, further studies evenness or equability (J). One problem is that
on basic knowledge regarding the community evenness often is unknown in bacterial systems
structure are required. The total bacterial because individual cells very seldom are
community studied exhibited a tremendous identified to the species level. An attractive

*Corresponding author’s email:

20 Fakruddin and Mannan

possibility for the measurement of biodiversity is  Increase the knowledge of the functional role
to use divergence in molecular characters, of diversity
especially the percentage of either nucleic acid  Identify differences in diversity associated
homology or base sequence difference. In the with management disturbing
past, diversity has been determined based on  Understand the regulation of biodiversity
taxonomic species, which may limit the scope of  Understand the consequences of biodiversity.
information and relationship obtained. The (To what extent does ecosystem functioning
diversity of Operational Taxonomic Unit (OTU) and sustainability, depend on maintaining a
or even communities may give us a better specific level of diversity)
estimation of the functioning of an ecosystem.
Diversity studies can be used to retrieve
ecological information about community
structures. Species diversity is a community
parameter that relates to the degree of stability of
that community. Essentially, any diversity index
must measure the heterogeneity of information In a bacterial community, many different
stored within the community. Well-organized organisms will perform the same processes and
communities that contain a certain level of probably be found in the same niches (Zhao et al.,
diversity are stable (Yannarell and Triplett, 2005). 2012). Factors that affect microbial diversity can
If some kind of stress is introduced to this be classified into two groups, i.e., abiotic factors
community, the stability may collapse and the and biotic factors.
diversity will change. Diversity can therefore be
used to monitor successions and effect of Abiotic factors include both physical and
perturbations. chemical factors such as water availability,
salinity, oxic/anoxic conditions, temperature, pH,
pressure, chemical pollution, heavy metals,
pesticides, antibiotics etc. (Bååth et al., 1998). In
general, all environmental variations affect in
STUDYING MICROBIAL DIVERSITY different ways and to different degrees, resulting
in a shift in the diversity profile.
Within natural microbial populations, a large
amount of genetic information is “waiting” to be Biotic factors include plasmids, phages,
discovered. It has been recorded that culturable transposons that are types of accessory DNA that
bacteria represent a minor fraction of the total influence the genetic properties and in most cases,
bacterial population present (Giovannoni et al., the phenotypes of their host and thus have a great
1990). However, it is important to continue the influence on microbial diversity (Zhao et al.,
work both on the culturable as well as the non- 2012). In addition, protozoans are also reported as
culturable bacteria from different environments. influencing the microbial diversity (Clarholm,
Diversity studies are also important for 1994).
comparison between samples.

Another important reason for studying microbial

diversity is the lack of adequate knowledge about
the extant and extinct microbes. There is no DIVERSITY OF MICROBES
consensus on how many species exist in the
world, the potential usefulness of most of them, Since only a minority of bacterial communities is
or the rate at which they are disappearing or culturable, only a limited fraction has been fully
emerging. characterized and named. Prokaryotic organisms
are difficult to classify, and the validity of the
The capability of an ecosystem to resist extreme classification has been often questioned. The
perturbations or stress conditions, can partly be morphological characteristics such as cell shape,
dependent of the diversity within the system. cell wall, movement, flagella, Gram staining, etc.
Diversity analyses are therefore important in per se may not be adequate for establishing a
order to: detailed classification of microbes. Advances in
 Increase the knowledge of the diversity of molecular and chemical ecology have provided a
genetic resources and understand the promising alternative in estimating microbial
distribution of organisms diversity without having to isolate the organisms
(Giovannoni et al., 1990).
Analyzing Diversity of Microbial Communities 21

Methods to measure microbial diversity in soil of carbon and energy metabolism among different
can be categorized into two groups, i.e., organisms may not necessarily follow the
biochemical techniques (Table 1) and molecular evolutionary pattern of rRNA.
techniques (Table 2).
Plate counts
Conventional and Biochemical Methods The most traditional method for assessment of
Both conventional and biochemical methods are microbial diversity is selective and differential
of high significance in the study of microbial plating and subsequent viable counts. Being fast
diversity. The diversity can be described using and inexpensive, these methods provide
physiological diversity measures too, which information about active and culturable
avoid the difficulties that may arise in grouping heterotrophic segment of the microbial
of similar bacteria into species or equivalents. population. Factors that limit the use of these
These measures include various indices methods include the difficulties in dislodging
(tolerance, nutrition etc.). Multivariate data bacteria or spores from soil particles or biofilms,
analyses have also been used for extracting selecting suitable growth media (Tabacchioni et
relevant information in the large data-sets al., 2000), provision of specific growth
frequently obtained in diversity studies (Sørheim conditions (temperature, pH, light), inability to
et al., 1989). In order to distinguish between culture a large number of bacterial and fungal
different types of microbes, early microbiologists species using techniques available at present and
studied metabolic properties such as utilization of the potential for inhibition or spreading of
different carbon, nitrogen and energy sources in colonies other than that of interest (Trevors,
addition to their requirements for growth factors. 1998).
The phylogenetic distributions of different types

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of conventional and biochemical methods to study microbial
diversity (Kirk et al., 2004)

Method Advantages Disadvantages

Plate counts Fast Unculturable microorganisms not

Inexpensive detected
Bias towards fast growing
Bias towards fungal species that
produce large quantities of spores

Community level Fast Only represents culturable fraction

physiological Highly reproducible of community
profiling (CLPP)/ Relatively inexpensive Favours fast growing organisms
Sole-Carbon- Able to differentiate microbial Only represents those organisms
Source Utilization communities capable of utilizing available
(SCSU) Pattern Generates large amount of data carbon sources
Option of using bacterial, Potential metabolic diversity, not in
fungal plates or site specific situ diversity
carbon sources (Biolog) Sensitive to inoculum density

Phospholipid fatty Culturing of microorganisms is If fungal spores are used, more

acid (PLFA) not required material is needed
analysis/Fatty Direct extraction from soil Can be influenced by external
acid methyl ester Follow specific organisms or factors
analysis (FAME) communities Results can be confounded by other
microorganisms is possible
22 Fakruddin and Mannan

These methods select microorganisms with faster (Garland, 1996b) and reflects the potential, and
growth rate and fungi producing large number of not the in situ, metabolic diversity (Garland and
spores (Dix and Webster, 1995). Further, culture Mills, 1991). In addition, the carbon sources may
methods cannot reflect the total diversity of not be representative of those present in soil (Yao
microbial community. et al., 2000) and therefore the usefulness of the
information can be questioned.
Sole-carbon-source Utilization (SCSU)
The Sole-Carbon-Source Utilization (SCSU) Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis
[also known as Community Level Physiological The fatty acid composition of microorganisms
Profiling (CLPP)] system (for example has been used extensively to aid microbial
biochemical identification systems- API and characterization. Taxonomically, fatty acids in the
Biolog) was introduced by Garland and Mills range C2 to C24 have provided the greatest
(1991). This was initially developed as a tool for information and are present across a diverse range
identifying pure cultures of bacteria to the species of microorganisms (Banowetz et al., 2006). The
level, based upon a broad survey of their fatty acid composition is stable, and is
metabolic properties. SCSU examines the independent of plasmids, mutations or damaged
functional capabilities of the microbial cells. The method is quantitative, cheap, robust
population, and the resulting data can be analyzed and with high reproducibility. However it is
using multivariate techniques to compare important to notice that the bacterial growth
metabolic capabilities of communities (Preston- conditions are reflected in the fatty acid pattern.
Mafham et al., 2002). However, as microbial This method is also known as the fatty acid
communities are composed of both fast and slow methyl ester (FAME) analysis.
growing organisms, the slow growers may not be
included in this analysis. Growth on secondary One way to examine the entire microbial
metabolites may also occur during incubation. community structure is to analyze the
Phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) compositions of
A multifaceted approach that includes both the organisms since different subsets of a
functional and taxonomic perspectives represents community have different PLFA patterns (Tunlid
fertile grounds for future research. A limitation of and White, 1992). It is usually not possible to
this methodology is that many of the detect individual strains or species of
commercially available kits for measuring microorganisms with this method, but changes in
physiological diversity have been designed to the overall compositions of the community can be
cover the spectra of human pathogenic bacteria detected instead. Lipid analysis offers therefore
(API and Biolog). Only few research that focus an alternative method for the quantification of
on the optimization of substrate combinations community structure that does not rely upon
designed for environmental isolates, are reported cultivation of microorganisms and is free from
(Derry et al., 1998). This often leads to problems potential selections. It does not have the
when identifying the isolates based on the specificity to identify the members of microbial
available database. This method has been used populations to species, rather the method
successfully to assess potential metabolic produces descriptions of microbial communities
diversity of microbial communities in based on functional group affinities (Findlay,
contaminated sites (Konopka et al., 1998), plant 1996). Lipids have been the most often used
rhizospheres (Grayston et al., 1998), arctic soils signature components for determining the
(Derry et al., 1999), soil treated with herbicides community composition of microorganisms in
(el Fantroussi et al., 1999) or inocula of ecological studies (Tunlid and White, 1992).
microorganisms (Bej et al., 1991). Changes in such lipid profiles may be attributable
to alterations in the physiological status of extant
Advantages of SCSU include its ability to populations or to actual shifts in community
differentiate between microbial communities, structure. The estimation of such ‘signatures’ may
relative ease of use, reproducibility and provide valuable insight to community structure,
production of large amount of data describing its nutritional status and activity.
metabolic characteristics of the communities
(Zak et al., 1994). However, SCSU selects only Although FAME analysis is used to study
culturable portion of the microbial community microbial diversity, this fatty acid analysis
which limits its application (Garland and Mills, method might fraught with limitations, when total
1991), favours fast growing microorganisms (Yao organisms are used. This may obscure detection
et al., 2000), is sensitive to inoculum density of minor species in the population.
Analyzing Diversity of Microbial Communities 23

Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of some molecular-based methods to study soil microbial diversity
(Kirk et al., 2004)

Method Advantages Disadvantages

Mol % Guanine plus Not influenced by Polymerase Requires large quantities of DNA
Cytosine Chain Reaction (PCR) Dependent on lysing and
(G+C) biases extraction efficiency
Includes all DNA extracted Coarse level of resolution
Includes rare members of
Nucleic acid re-association Total DNA extracted Lack of sensitivity
and hybridization Not influenced by PCR biases Sequences need to be in high copy
Can study DNA or RNA number for detection
Can be studied in situ Dependent on lysing and
extraction efficiency
DNA microarrays and Same as nucleic acid Only detect the most abundant
DNA hybridization hybridization species
Thousands of genes can be Need to culture organisms
analyzed Only accurate in low diversity
If using genes or DNA systems
fragments, increased
Denaturing and Large number of samples can PCR biases
Temperature Gradient Gel be analyzed simultaneously Dependent on lysing and
Electrophoresis (DGGE Reliable, reproducible and extraction efficiency
and TGGE) rapid Way of sample handling can
influence community, i.e. the
community can change if stored
too long before extraction
One band can represent more than
one species (co-migration)
Only detects dominant species
Single Strand Same as DGGE/TGGE PCR biases
Conformation No GC clamp Some ssDNA can form more than
Polymorphism (SSCP) No gradient one stable conformation
Restriction Detect structural changes in PCR biases
Fragment Length microbial community Banding patterns often too
Polymorphism (RFLP) complex
Terminal Restriction Simpler banding patterns than Dependent on extraction and
Fragment Length RFLP lysing efficiency
Polymorphism Can be automated PCR biases
(T-RFLP) large number of samples Type of Taq can increase
Highly reproducible variability
Ability to compare differences Choice of restriction enzymes will
between microbial influence community
communities fingerprint
Ribosomal Intergenic Highly reproducible Requires large quantities of DNA
Spacer Analysis community profiles (for RISA)
(RISA)/Automated PCR biases
Ribosomal Intergenic
Spacer Analysis (ARISA)/
Amplified Ribosomal
DNA Restriction Analysis
24 Fakruddin and Mannan

Cellular fatty acid composition can be influenced Nucleic acid hybridization

by temperature and nutrition, and other organisms Nucleic acid hybridization using specific probes
can possibly be confound the FAME profiles is an important qualitative and quantitative tool in
(Graham et al., 1995). In addition, individual molecular bacterial ecology (Clegg et al., 2000).
fatty acids cannot be used to represent specific These hybridization techniques can be done on
species because individuals can have numerous extracted DNA or RNA, or in situ.
fatty acids and the same fatty acids can occur in Oligonucleotide or polynucleotide probes
more than one species (Bossio et al., 1998). designed from known sequences ranging in
specificity from domain to species can be tagged
Molecular Methods to Study Microbial with markers at the 5’-end (Goris et al., 2007).
Traditional methods for characterizing microbial The sample is lysed to release all nucleic acids.
communities have been based on analysis of the Dot-blot hybridization with specific and universal
culturable portion of the bacteria. Due to the non- oligonucleotide primers is used to quantify rRNA
culturability of the major fraction of bacteria from sequences of interest relative to total rRNA. The
natural microbial communities, the overall relative abundance may represent changes in the
structure of the community has been difficult to abundance in the population or changes in the
interpret (Dokić et al., 2010). Recent studies to activity and hence the amount of rRNA content
characterize microbial diversity have focused on (Theron and Cloete, 2000). Cellular level
the use of methods that do not require cultivation, hybridization can also be done in situ. Valuable
yet provide measures based on genetic diversity. spatial distribution information on microbial
The molecular-phylogenetic perspective is a communities in natural environments can be
reference framework within which microbial provided by hybridization methods.
diversity is described; the sequences of genes can
be used to identify organisms (Amann et al., One of the most popular DNA hybridization
1995). A number of approaches have been methods is FISH (Fluorescent in situ
developed to study molecular microbial diversity. hybridization). Spatial distribution of bacterial
These include DNA re-association, DNA–DNA communities in different environments such as
and mRNA-DNA hybridization, DNA cloning biofilms can be determined using FISH
and sequencing and other PCR-based methods (Schramm et al., 1996). Lack of sensitivity of
such as Denaturing Gradient Gel Electrophoresis hybridization of nucleic acids extracted directly
(DGGE), Temperature Gradient Gel from environmental samples is the most notable
Electrophoresis (TGGE), Ribosomal Intergenic limitation of nucleic acid hybridization methods.
Spacer Analysis (RISA) and Automated If sequences are not present in high copy number,
Ribosomal Intergenic Spacer Analysis (ARISA). such as those from dominant species, probability
of detection is low.
Mole percentage guanine + cytosine (mol%
G+C) DNA Reassociation
The first property of DNA used for taxonomical The kinetics of DNA reassociation reflect the
purpose was the base composition expressed as variety of sequences present in the environment,
mole percentage guanine + cytosine (mol% thereby reflecting the diversity of the microbial
G+C). Within bacteria this value ranges from community of the environment. DNA
25% up to 75%, though a value is constant for a reassociation estimates diversity by measuring
certain organism. Closely related organisms have the genetic complexity of the microbial
fairly similar GC profiles and taxonomically community (Torsvik et al., 1996). Total DNA is
related groups only differ between 3% and 5% extracted from environmental samples, purified,
(Tiedje et al., 1999). However, similar base denatured and allowed to reanneal. The rate of
composition is not a confirmation of relationship. hybridization or reassociation will depend on the
On the other hand, if there is a difference in base similarity of sequences present. As the
composition this is a worthy evidence of missing complexity or diversity of DNA sequences
relationship. Mol% G+C can be determined by increases, the rate at which DNA reassociates will
thermal denaturation of DNA. Advantages of decrease (Theron and Cloete, 2000). The
G+C analysis are that it is not influenced by PCR parameter controlling the reassociation reaction is
biases, it includes all DNA extracted, it is concentration of DNA product (Co) and time of
quantitative and it can uncover rare members in incubation (t), usually described as the half
the microbial populations. It does, however, association value, Cot1/2 (the time needed for half
require large quantities of DNA (up to 50 µg) of the DNA to reassociate). Under specific
(Tiedje et al., 1999). conditions, Cot1/2 can be used as a diversity index,
Analyzing Diversity of Microbial Communities 25

as it takes into account both the amount and performed on sample DNA using universal l6S
distribution of DNA re-association (Torsvik et al., rDNA primers, one of which is fluorescently
1998). Alternatively, the similarity between labeled. Fluorescently labeled terminal restriction
communities of two different samples can be fragment length polymorphism (FLT-RFLP)
studied by measuring the degree of similarity of patterns can then be created by digestion of
DNA through hybridization kinetics (Griffiths et labeled amplicons using restriction enzymes.
al., 1999). Fragments are then separated by gel
electrophoresis using an automated sequence
Restriction fragment length polymorphism analyzer. Each unique fragment length can be
(RFLP) counted as an Operational Taxonomic Unit
Restriction fragment length polymorphism (OTU), and the frequency of each OTU can be
(RFLP) is another tool used to study microbial calculated. The banding pattern can be used to
diversity. This method relies on DNA measure species richness and evenness as well as
polymorphisms. In the last couple of years RFLP similarities between samples (Liu et al., 1997). T-
applications have also been applied to estimate RFLP, like any PCR-based method, may
diversity and community structure in different underestimate true diversity because only
microbial communities (Moyer et al., 1996). In numerically dominant species are detected due to
this method, electrophoresed digests are blotted the large quantity of available template DNA (Liu
from agarose gels onto nitro-cellulose or nylon et al., 1997). Incomplete digestion by restriction
membranes and hybridized with appropriate enzymes could also lead to an overestimation of
probes prepared from cloned DNA segments of diversity (Osborn et al., 2000). Despite these
related organisms. RFLP has been found to be limitations, some researchers are of the opinion
very useful particularly in combination with that once standardized, T-RFLP can be a useful
DNA-DNA hybridization and enzyme tool to study microbial diversity in the
electrophoresis for the differentiation of closely environment (Tiedje et al., 1999), while others
related strains (Palleroni, 1993), and the approach feel that it is inadequate (Dunbar et al., 2000).
seems to be useful for determination of intra
species variation (Kauppinen et al., 1994). RFLPs T-RFLP is limited not only by DNA extraction
may provide a simple and powerful tool for the and PCR biases, but also by the choice of
identification of bacterial strains at and below universal primers. None of the presently available
species level. This method is useful for detecting universal primers can amplify all sequences from
structural changes in microbial communities but eukaryote, bacterial and archaeal domains.
not as a measure of diversity or for detection of Additionally, these primers are based on existing
specific phylogenetic groups (Liu et al., 1997). 16S rRNA, 18S rRNA or Internal Transcribed
Banding patterns in diverse communities become Spacer (ITS) databases, which until recently
too complex to analyze using RFLP since a single contained mainly sequences from culturable
species could have four to six restriction microorganisms, and therefore may not be
fragments (Tiedje et al., 1999). representative of the true microbial diversity in a
sample (Rudi et al., 2007). In addition, different
However, one should be aware that a similar enzymes will produce different community
banding pattern does not necessarily indicate a fingerprints (Dunbar et al., 2000).
very close relationship between the organisms
compared. T-RFLP has also been thought to be an excellent
tool to compare the relationship between different
Terminal restriction fragment length samples (Dunbar et al., 2000). T-RFLP has been
polymorphism (T-RFLP). used to measure spatial and temporal changes in
Terminal restriction fragment length bacterial communities (Lukow et al., 2000), to
polymorphism (T-RFLP) is a technique that study complex bacterial communities
addresses some of the limitations of RFLP (Thies, (Moeseneder et al., 1999), to detect and monitor
2007). This technique is an extension of the populations (Tiedje et al., 1999) and to assess the
RFLP/ ARDRA analysis, and provides an diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF)
alternate method for rapid analysis of microbial in the rhizosphere of Viola calaminaria in a
community diversity in various environments. It metal-contaminated soil (Tonin et al., 2001).
follows the same principle as RFLP except that Tiedje et al. (1999) reported five times greater
one PCR primer is labeled with a fluorescent dye, success at detecting and tracking specific
such as TET (4, 7, 2’, 7’-tetrachloro-6- ribotypes using T-RFLP than DGGE.
carboxyfluorescein) or 6-FAM (phosphoramidite
fluorochrome 5-carboxyfluorescein). PCR is
26 Fakruddin and Mannan

Ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (RISA)/ uses genome microarrays to analyze microbial
Automated ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis community composition of the most dominant
(ARISA) /Amplified ribosomal DNA restriction culturable species in an environment. RSGP has
analysis (ARDRA) four steps: (1) isolation of genomic DNA from
Similar in principle to RFLP and T-RFLP, RISA, pure cultures; (2) cross-hybridization testing to
ARISA and ARDRA provide ribosomal-based obtain DNA fragments with less than 70% cross-
fingerprinting of the microbial community. In hybridization. (DNA fragments with greater than
RISA and ARISA, the intergenic spacer (IGS) 70% cross-hybridization are considered to be of
region between the 16S and 23S ribosomal the same species). (3) Preparation of genome
subunits is amplified by PCR, denatured and arrays onto a solid support and (4) random
separated on a polyacrlyamide gel under labelling of a defined mixture of total community
denaturing conditions. This region may encode DNA and internal standard (Greene and
tRNAs and is useful for differentiating between Voordouw, 2003). This method has been used to
bacterial strains and closely related species analyze microbial communities in oil fields and
because of heterogeneity of the IGS length and in contaminated soils (Greene et al., 2000).
sequence (Fisher and Triplett, 1999). Sequence
polymorphisms are detected by silver staining in Like DNA–DNA hybridization, RSGP and
RISA. In ARISA, fluorescently labeled forward microarrays have the advantages that these are
primer is detected automatically (Fisher and not confounded by PCR biases. Microarrays can
Triplett, 1999). Both RISA and ARISA method contain thousands of target gene sequences but it
can deduce highly reproducible bacterial only detects the most abundant species. In
community profiles. Limitations of RISA include general, the species need to be cultured, but in
requirement of large quantities of DNA, relatively principle cloned DNA fragments of unculturables
longer time requirement, insensitivity of silver could also be used. The diversity has to be
staining in some cases and low resolution (Fisher minimal or enriched cultures should be used for
and Triplett, 1999). ARISA has increased this method. Otherwise, cross-hybridization can
sensitivity than RISA and is less time consuming become problematic. Using genes or DNA
but traditional limitations of PCR also applies for fragments instead of genomes on the microarray
ARISA (Fisher and Triplett, 1999). RISA has offers the advantages of eliminating the need to
been used to compare microbial diversity in soil keep cultures of live organisms, as genes can be
(Borneman and Triplett, 1997), in the rhizosphere cloned into plasmids or PCR can continuously be
of plants (Borneman and Triplett, 1997), in used to amplify the DNA fragments (Gentry et al.,
contaminated soil (Ranjard et al., 2000) and in 2006). In addition, fragments would increase the
response to inoculation (Yu and Mohn, 2001). specificity of hybridization over the use of
genomes and functional genes in the community
DNA microarrays could be assessed (Greene and Voordouw, 2003).
More recently, DNA–DNA hybridization has
been used together with DNA microarrays to Denaturant gradient gel electrophoresis
detect and identify bacterial species (Cho and (DGGE)/Temperature gradient gel
Tiedje, 2001) or to assess microbial diversity electrophoresis (TGGE)
(Greene and Voordouw, 2003). This tool could be In denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis
valuable in bacterial diversity studies since a (DGGE) or temperature gradient gel
single array can contain thousands of DNA electrophoresis (TGGE), DNA fragments of same
sequences (De Santis et al., 2007) with high length but with different base-pair sequences can
specificity. Specific target genes coding for be separated. DNA is extracted from natural
enzymes such as nitrogenase, nitrate reductase, samples and amplified using PCR with universal
naphthalene dioxygenase etc. can be used in primers targeting part of the 16S or 18S rRNA
microarray to elucidate functional diversity sequences. The separation is based on the
information of a community. Sample of difference in mobility of partially melted DNA
environmental ‘standards’ (DNA fragments with molecules in acrylamide gels containing a linear
less than 70% hybridization) representing gradient of DNA denaturants (urea and
different species likely to be found in any formamide). Sequence variation within the DNA
environment can also be used in microarray fragments causes a difference in melting
(Greene and Voordouw, 2003). behavior, and hence in separation in denaturing
gradient gels. The melting of the products occurs
Another DNA microarray based technique for in different melting domains, which are stretches
analyzing microbial community is Reverse of nucleotides with identical melting
Sample Genome Probing (RSGP). This method temperatures (Mühling et al., 2008).
Analyzing Diversity of Microbial Communities 27

Sequence variations in different fragments will sequences, this method reproduces an insight of
therefore terminate migration at different the genetic diversity in a microbial community.
positions in the gel according to the concentration All the limitations of DGGE are also equally
of the denaturant (Muyzer et al., 1996). applicable for SSCP. Again, some single-stranded
Theoretically, DNA sequences having a DNA can exist in more than one stable
difference in only one base-pair can be separated conformation. As a result, same DNA sequence
by DGGE (Miller et al., 1999). TGGE employs can produce multiple bands on the gel (Tiedje et
the same principle as DGGE but in this method al., 1999). However, it does not require a GC
the gradient is temperature rather than chemical clamp or the construction of gradient gels and has
denaturants. Advantages of DGGE/TGGE been used to study bacterial or fungal community
include reliability, reproducibility, rapidness and diversity (Stach et al., 2001). SSCP has been used
low expense. As multiple samples can be to measure succession of bacterial communities
analyzed simultaneously, tracking changes in (Peters et al., 2000), rhizosphere communities
microbial population in response to any stimuli or (Schmalenberger et al., 2001), bacterial
adversity is possible by DGGE/TGGE (Muyzer, population changes in an anaerobic bioreactor
1999). Limitations of DGGE/ TGGE include (Zumstein et al., 2000) and AMF species in roots
PCR biases (Wintzingerode et al., 1997), (Kjoller and Rosendahl, 2000).
laborious sample handling (Muyzer, 1999), and
variable DNA extraction efficiency (Theron and Other Potential Molecular Methods
Cloete, 2000). It is estimated that DGGE can only Other molecular methods that have the potential
detect 1–2% of the microbial population to be as equally applicable as the above
representing dominant species present in an mentioned methods are Fluorescent In situ
environmental sample (MacNaughton et al., Hybridization (FISH) (Dokić et al., 2010), DNA
1999). In addition, DNA fragments of different sequencing based community analysis such as
sequences may have similar mobility Pyrosequencing based community analysis
characteristics in the polyacrylamide gel. (Fakruddin et al., 2012; Lauberet al., 2009),
Therefore, one band may not necessarily Illumina-based High throughput microbial
represent one species (Gelsomino et al., 1999) community analysis (Caporaso et al., 2012;
and one bacterial species may also give rise to Degnan and Ochman, 2012) etc. Though most of
multiple bands because of multiple 16S rRNA these methods are not as applicable as previously
genes with slightly different sequences (Maarit- mentioned methods, they pose the potential to be
Niemi et al., 2001). methods of choice in future.

DGGE profiles have successfully been used to With the emergence of next-generation
determine the genetic diversity of microbial sequencing (NGS) technologies such as
communities inhabiting different temperature pyrosequencing and Illumina-based sequencing,
regions in a microbial mat community (Ferris et the possibility of discovering new groups of
al., 1996), and to study the distribution of microorganism in complex environmental
sulphate reducing bacteria in a stratified water systems without cultivated strains has been
column (Teske et al., 1996). accrued and these real-time sequencing
techniques are shedding light into the
Single strand conformation polymorphism complexities of microbial populations (Bartram
(SSCP) et al., 2011). Using NGS, it is possible to resolve
Single strand conformation polymorphism highly complex microbiota compositions with
(SSCP) also relies on electrophoretic separation greater accuracy, as well as to link microbial
based on differences in DNA sequences and community diversity with niche function. Next-
allows differentiation of DNA molecules having generation sequencing strategies involve high
the same length but different nucleotide throughput sequencing and, can effectively
sequences. This technique was originally provide deep insights into complex microbial
developed to detect known or novel communities in ecological niches (Fakruddin and
polymorphisms or point mutations in DNA Mannan, 2012).
(Peters et al., 2000). In this method, single-
stranded DNA separation on polyacrylamide gel Pyrosequencing, developed by Roche 454 Life
was based on differences in mobility resulted Science, is one such example and ISA high-
from their folded secondary structure throughput sequencing technique which can
(Heteroduplex) (Lee et al., 1996). As formation generate a huge amount of DNA reads (Fakruddin
of folded secondary structure or heteroduplex and and Chowdhury, 2012). Recently, it has been
hence mobility is dependent on the DNA successfully applied in dissecting complex
28 Fakruddin and Mannan

microbial environments such as the human analysis of global gene expression patterns and
gastrointestinal tract, soil, wastewater and marine regulatory networks in a rapid, parallel format.
sediments (Claesson et al., 2010). Community microarray analyses can uncover
Pyrosequencing has provided a means to apparent linkages between different genes and
elucidate microbial members of the rare gene families and the distribution of metabolic
biosphere which occur in relatively low functions in the community. Various genome
abundances. Besides eliminating the use of assembly programmes such as ARACHNE, CAP,
cloning vectors and library construction, and their CELERA, EULER, JAZZ, PHRAP and TIGR
associated biases, pyrosequencing can also read assemblers are currently available to analyze
through secondary structures and produce vast community genomics data (Tyson et al., 2004).
amount of sequences of up to 100Mb per run
(Royo et al., 2007). In addition to the sequencing Recently, sequencing and characterization of
technology itself, various bioinformatics tools metatranscriptomes have been employed to
have emerged to process and analyze identify RNA-based regulation and expressed
pyrosequenced raw data in silico to generate biological signatures in complex ecosystems
meaningful information. Software such as the (Zeyaullah et al., 2009). Technological
Newbler Assembler and RDP Pyrosequencing challenges include the recovery of high-quality
Pipeline provides a systematic way of analyzing mRNA from environmental samples, short half-
data to rapidly gain insights into the complex lives of mRNA species, and separation of mRNA
microbial composition and structure in from other RNA species. Metatranscriptomics
environmental samples (Van den Bogert et al., had been limited to the microarray/high-density
2011). array technology or analysis of mRNA-derived
cDNA clone libraries (Simon and Daniel, 2011).
Metagenomic analysis of microbial
communities The proteomic analysis of mixed microbial
Metagenomics is defined as the functional and communities is a new emerging research area
sequence-based analysis of the collective which aims at assessing the immediate catalytic
microbial genomes that are contained in an potential of a microbial community. Mass-
environmental sample (Zeyaullah et al., 2009). In spectroscopy-based proteomic methods are rapid
metagenomics, the collective genome and sensitive means to identify proteins in
(metagenome or microbiome) of coexisting complex mixtures (Schloss and Handelsman,
microbes – called microbial communities 2003). When applied to environmental samples,
(Ghazanfar et al., 2010) is randomly sampled ‘shotgun’ proteomic analyses can produce
from the environment and subsequently surveys of prevalent protein species, which
sequenced (Schloss and Handelsman, 2003). By allows inferences of biological origin and
directly accessing the collective genome of co- metabolic function (Ghazanfar et al., 2010).
occurring microbes, metagenomics has the Challenges for metaproteomic analyses include
potential to give a comprehensive view of the uneven species distribution, the broad range of
genetic diversity, species composition, evolution, protein expression levels within microorganisms,
and interactions with the environment of natural and the large genetic heterogeneity within
microbial communities (Simon and Daniel, microbial communities (Simon and Daniel,
2011). Community genomic datasets can also 2011). Despite these hurdles, metaproteomics has
enable subsequent gene expression and proteomic a huge potential to link the genetic diversity and
studies to determine how resources are invested activities of microbial communities with their
and functions are distributed among community impact on ecosystem function.
members. Ultimately, genomics can reveal how
individual species and strains contribute to the net Statistical methods for assessing functional
activity of the community (Allen and Banfield, diversity of microbial communities
2005). Analyzing microbial diversity by metagenomics
has limitations in processing the huge amount of
Community genomics analyzing methods data obtained from the community. To improve
Community genomics provides a platform to the efficiency of the analysis programmes,
assess natural microbial phenomena that include statistical methods have been incorporated. The
biogeochemical activities, population ecology, sequences derived from a mixture of different
evolutionary processes such as lateral gene organisms are assigned to phylogenetic groups
transfer (LGT) events, and microbial interactions according to their taxonomic origins (Tyson et al.,
(Allen and Banfield, 2005). Applying community 2004). Depending on the quality of the
genomic data to DNA microarrays allows the metagenomic data set and the read length of the
Analyzing Diversity of Microbial Communities 29

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