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Instruction: Answer the question below in essay form of not more than 300 words.
Question: Self-learning can also be referred to as independent learning. Considering your educational
goals during this pandemic, what two concrete measures did you undertake to pursue learning
personally and independently? Explain your answer briefly but thoroughly.

This epidemic altered practically every aspect of a student's life. As a freshman, I can
say that adjusting to college is challenging since it is a whole other level. I'm not used to self-
studying, and transitioning from regular classrooms to this new method of learning has been
challenging. It was fascinating at first to experience what it was like to have my new class
held online, to meet my new teachers and classmates virtually on screen, and to fulfill
deadlines despite a poor internet connection. I began to establish a timetable of when I
would complete each subject's assignment in order to better manage my time, especially
because I also had duties at home. To be honest, balancing my education and household
responsibilities was quite difficult. One strategy I used to pursue self-learning was to make
the most of technology by watching YouTube videos, particularly on key subjects. This truly
helped me comprehend since there are times when my internet connection is weak and I
completely understand because of our location when we conduct online classes. To be
honest, self-learning is difficult for me, and I'm continuously working on methods to improve
it. However, I believe that autonomous learning will be successful with enough determination
and utilization of the resources available.

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