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Name : Sheila Novianda Firdausy

Nim : 20170101034
Assignment: Business English Week 13

1. What is your passion in life?

 Being true to myself.
 Empowering or helping others find their passion.
 Being confident in my own judgment & decisions.
 Reading, golfing, going to movies, traveling, gardening.
 Learning something new, having an adventure.

2. Do think you should stick to your commitment? Why?

Yes, Sticking To Commitments Makes me Feel Good About Yourself
Doing something good for somebody makes me feel good about yourself. me do
not know how and me do not know why it just does.
Sticking to commitments will also make me feel good in an indirect way.

3. Do you think 'education' can guarantee you to get a successful person? Why?
Of course not, because higher education does not guarantee success,
determination and hard work are important keys for someone to be successful

4. . Do you agree that money is everything? Explain it!

Of course not, because money is only a medium of exchange that is used to meet
the needs and necessities of life, but money cannot be everything for people who
are bear but do not have the love and happiness of people who are important in
their lives, because money cannot used to buy a feeling of affection and

5. Which one do you like to see the successful person in education or in a

Having a large and productive business is a dream for many entrepreneurs, be it
small, medium to large scale entrepreneurs. There are also many entrepreneurs
who struggle from small and medium enterprises or SMEs so that they can
continue and become large-scale businesses.

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