Scientific Method

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Scientific Method

Introduction to the Scientific Process

• A logical, problem
solving technique
Introduction to the Scientific Process

Identify a Gather Formulate a

problem Information hypothesis

Record and Design and

Analyze Data
Organize Data Experiment

Use conclusions to develop a new hypothesis

Step 1: Identify a Problem

• Observe the world around you

• Using observations, identify a problem you would like to solve

• Example: Why do termites follow the ink line?
• This is a question you DO NOT know the answer to
and can’t look up.
• “Why” and “What would happen if..” are good
beginnings of scientific questions.
Observation Inference
• Uses our senses to gather • A logical interpretation of
information events based on prior
• Qualitative: uses our 5 knowledge or opinion
senses – Educated guess
– The termites follow a circle
made with a blue pen on • Termites follow the blue line
white paper because they like it.
• Quantitative: uses numbers
– 3 termites follow a circular
blue pen line that is 5 cm in

Do we use observations or inferences when identifying a problem?

Step 2: Gather Information
• Use references to do • Example: Termites
background research – Live underground
– Books – Don’t have compound
– Journals eyes (can only see light
– Magazines and dark)
– Internet
– TV
– Videos
– Interview Experts
Step 3: Formulate a Hypothesis
Hypothesis Example: Termites
• Possible answer to a • Termites:
question that can be tested – I hypothesize that if the
• based on observations and termites follow a dark colored
pen on a dark background
knowledge then they follow the dark pen
• “If” “Then” “Because” on a light background
statement because of the color contrast
since they see light and dark,
but not color.

Do we use observation or inference to

formulate a hypothesis?
Step 4: Develop an Experiment
Materials: Procedure
• A list of all the things you • Step by step instructions
need • Identifies the variables used
• Supplies in the experiment

How would you describe how to make a Peanut Butter

and Jelly Sandwich to someone who had never done it?

To someone who didn’t know what peanut butter or jelly is?

Variables: Independent Variable
• The variable that scientists change or
• Examples:
– The color of paper under the termites
– The color of pen used
– The brand of pen used
Variables: Dependent Variable
• Is measured in the experiment
• Changes because of the independent
• “Depends” on the independent variable
• Examples:
– Does the termite follow the line (yes/no)
– How many termites follow the line (whole
– How long do the termites follow the line (time)
Variables: Constant
• All the factors in the
• If you test color of paper, experiments that are kept
keep the color of pen the same
constant • Everything except the
• If you test the smell of pen, independent variable
keep the color and type of • Keeps the experiment ‘fair’
pen constant (only change
• The exact termites used
• The time of day and how
long the termites are there
• The shape of the line drawn
Variable: Control
• The normal condition that you compare the
other conditions to
• Recreate the conditions you first observed
• Example:
– Termites in a Pitri dish on white filter paper and
draw a blue line with a bic pen in the same shape
as before.
A student wanted to test how the mass
of a paper airplane affected the distance
it would fly. Paper clips were added
before each test flight. As each paper clip
was added, the plane was tested to
determine how far it would fly.
Independent variable: Mass of the paper used
Dependent variable: The distance the paper airplane would fly
Control: Plane without paper clip

Constant: Type of paper, the way

the plane is thrown
Suzie Q wants to know how different colors of light
effect the growth of plants. She believes that plants
can survive the best in white light. She buys 5 ferns
of the same species, which are all approximately
the same age and height. She places one in white
light, one in blue light, one in green light, one in
red light and one in the closet. All of the ferns are
planted in Miracle-Grow and given 20 mL of water
once a day for 2 weeks. After the two weeks, Suzie
observes the plants and measurements.
1. What is the independent variable? Color of light
2. What is the dependent variable? Height/Growth of
the plants

3. What was the control group in this experiment? The

plant in the closet (didn’t receive any light)

4. List 3 variables that should be held constant in this

a) Type of Plant (same initial height and age).
b) Type of fertilizer used (Miracle-Grow).
c) Amount of water (20 mL).
Directions: Identify the independent and dependent variables in the
following statements.

1. The more time people spend using social media, the less they
read books.
Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
2. Drinking energy drinks makes people more aggressive.
Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
3) Taking a nap in the afternoon makes people more focused for the
rest of the day.

Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
4) Spending time with a family dog decreases the amount of
stress someone is feeling.

Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:

5) Eating breakfast in the morning increases the ability to learn

in school.

Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
6. Students watched a cartoon either alone or with others and then rated how
funny they found the cartoon to be.

Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:

7. A comprehension test was given to students after they had studied textbook
material either in silence or with the television turned on.

Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:

8. Some elementary school teachers were told that a child’s parents were college
graduates, and other teachers were told that the child’s parents had not finished
high school; they then rated the child’s grades.

Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
9. Workers at a company were assigned to one of two conditions: One group
completed a stress management training program; another group of workers did
not participate in the training. The number of sick days taken by these workers
was examined for the next 2 months.

Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:

10. Students at a University were split into two groups and each received a
different text for a philosophy course. Once group received a traditional text
book, while the other received an interactive textbook on a tablet computer.
After the course, the final exam grades between the two groups of students was

Independent Variable:
Dependent Variable:
Two groups of students were tested to
compare their speed working math
problems. Each group was given
the same problems. One group used
calculators and the other group
computed without calculators.
Independent variable:
Dependent variable:

The makers of brand A Mouthwash want
to prove that their mouthwash kills more
bacteria than the other 4 leading brands
of mouthwash. They organize 60 test
subjects into 6 groups of 10 test subjects.
The data for the experiment is shown to
the right.
Step 5: Record and Organize Data
• Write all observations and measurements
• Use a table to organize your data
– List your independent variable on the left side
– Record your dependent variables on the right side
• If you have more than one dependent variable, use a new column for each
dependent variable

Independent Variable Dependent Variable:

Did they follow the line?
Blue ink on white paper Yes/No

Blue ink on black paper Yes/No

Which one of these independent variables is the control?

Which part of the independent variable is the constant?

Step 6: Analyze Data

• “A picture is worth a thousand words”

• Compare and look for trends and patterns
using graphs
Bar Graph Used for
categorical data
Number of Termites
Line Graph
Number of termites on the ink line for 40 seconds
Number of Termites

Line graphs are used

for time interval data
Pie Chart

A Pie Chart
adds up to a whole
– 100% or
all of something
Step 7: Make Conclusions
• You must repeat the experiment to make the data
• You should run your experiment at least 3 times to
confirm your results
– You can run all the experiments at one time, or run one
after the other
• Each separate experiment is called a Repetition
(or Rep).

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