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Faculty of Civil Engineering

Universiti Teknology MARA
40450 Shah Alam

SEMESTER : Mac – Jul 2021




Learning Outcomes:
1. By completing this project, students should be able to prepare a research proposal
related to the selected topic. (CO2, PO3)
2. By completing this project students should be able to display competency in presenting
the proposal in slides and writing a proposal. (CO3, PO12)
CO2: Critically prepare the literature review PO3: Design solutions for complex civil
and design experimental procedure to solve engineering problems and design systems,
research problem. components or processes that meet specified
CO3: Prepare a research proposal related to needs with appropriate consideration for public
the selected topic. health and safety, cultural, societal, and
environmental considerations.
PO12: Recognize the need for, and have the
preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the
broadest context of technological change.


The objectives of this assignment are:

1. to critically review relevant literature and produce a research design that is adequate
to obtain answers to the research questions and achieve research objectives; and

2. to prepare full proposal of the proposed research project.


From previous assignments, you have proposed a research project. You are required:

1. to write a proposal for the research project that you have chosen. The proposal should
consist of:
1. Introduction
a) Background of study
b) Problem statement
c) Objectives
d) Contribution/ Significance of study
e) Scope and limitations
2. Literature review
3. Methodology
4. Expected results & Conclusion
5. References
6. Plan of action and milestones (Gantt chart)


1) Intro =2 pages
2) LR = 2 pages
3) Methodology =1 page (framework only)
4) Expected Result & Conclusion = 1 page
5) Milestone = 1 page

The research methodologies SHOULD NOT BE MORE THAN 7 PAGES not including your
references, gantt chart and any appendix you might include. It should be written in MS Word.

2. to prepare presentation slides (ppt) for your proposal. The slides SHOULD NOT BE
MORE THAN 6 SLIDES for your proposal. The creativity of preparing the presentation
slides is required.

Submission of Research Proposal

The report/ research proposal must be submitted on 14th July 2021.

Faculty of Civil Engineering
Universiti Teknology MARA
40450 Shah Alam


REPORT WRITING Weightage Marks

Research Background 5 1 2 3 4 5
Problem Statement 5 1 2 3 4 5
Objectives 5 1 2 3 4 5
Significance of Study 5 1 2 3 4 5
Scope and limitations 5 1 2 3 4 5
Literature Review 15 3 6 9 12 15
Methodology 15 3 6 9 12 15
Timeline/Gantt chart 5 1 2 3 4 5
Expected Results 15 3 6 9 12 15
Conclusion 10 2 4 6 8 10
Bibliography 5 1 2 3 4 5
Writing Skills 10 2 4 6 8 10
Sub-Total 100

A. Sub-Total marks A= A* = _________ x 0.40 = ______________

PRESENTATION Weightage Marks

Content 5 1 2 3 4 5
Slide Creation 5 1 2 3 4 5
Picture, Clip Arts & Background 5 1 2 3 4 5
Mechanics 5 1 2 3 4 5
Sub-Total 20

B. Sub-Total marks B= B* = _________ x 0.10 = ______________

Total Marks (50%) = (A*)__________+ (B*)__________ = _____________


1 2 3 4 5

Content Content is inaccurate Content is Content is Content is accurate Content is accurate

and information is not questionable and accurate but but some and information is
presented in a logical information is not information is not information is not presented in a
order, making it presented in a presented in a presented in a logical order, and
difficult to follow logical order, logical order, logical order, but is easy to follow
making it difficult making it difficult still generally easy
to follow to follow to follow

Slide Creation Presentation has no Presentation is Presentation flows Presentation flows Presentation flows
flow. No tools used. unorganized. well. Some tools well. Tools used well and logically.
Insufficient number of Tools are not used used to show correctly. Correct Presentation
slides. in a relevant acceptable number of slides. reflects extensive
manner. Lacking understanding. Overall presentation use of tools in a
in number of Correct number of is interesting. creative way.
slides slides Correct number of

Picture, Clip Arts No relevant images Images included Most images are Images are Images are
& Background included. are inappropriate. appropriate. appropriate. Layout appropriate. Layout
is cluttered. of images is
pleasing to the

Mechanics Many spelling errors Some spelling and Some spelling and Few spelling and No spelling and
and/or text is copied grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors. grammar errors.
Most of text is Text is author’s Most of text is Most of text is
author’s own own word. author’s own word. author’s own word.
Component Weightage Very Weak Weak Average Good Excellent
Research 5 1 2 3 4 5
Missing all the Present 1 of the followings Present 2 of the Present all of the Provides the reader with all
followings: needed needed information to followings needed followings needed needed information to
information to understand the present information to information to understand understand the present
understand the present study: a description of the understand the present the present study:a study, a description of the
study: a description of specific purpose of the study: a description of description of the specific specific purpose of the study
the specific purpose of study, a description of the specific purpose of purpose of the study, a and its impact on the
the study, a description hypothesis of the study the study, a description description of hypothesis previous study, a description
of hypothesis of the and a brief summary of of hypothesis of the of the study and a brief of hypothesis of the study
study and a brief the experimental strategy study and a brief summary of the and a brief summary of the
summary of the being used at the end of summary of the experimental strategy experimental strategy being
experimental strategy the introduction. experimental strategy being used at the end of used at the end of the
being used at the end of being used at the end the introduction. Gives a introduction. Piques the
the introduction. of the introduction. description of the study readers interest and makes
Gives a description of system with some the importance of the
the study system. comment on its question real. Gives a
appropriate. description of the study
system with some comment
on its appropriate.
Problem 5 Not able to identify all Able to identify one of the Able to identify two of Able to establish three Able to formulate the three
Statement the three elements elements however, it is the elements that are elements consistent with elements that are consistent
which are: 1) What is inconsistent with the title. consistent with the the title. Able to identify with the title. Able to
the current situation Not able to identify title. There is evidence issues/problems directly identify issues/problems
(brief literature review issues/ problems. of issues/problems related to the intended directly related to the
of similar works)? highlighted but study. Able to establish intended study. Able to
2) What is wrong with indirectly related to the the shortcomings with establish the shortcomings
the current situation intended study. brief proposal of suitable with some justifications.
(issues/problems regard measures. Brief proposals of suitable
to similar area of measures are also included.
3) What needs more to
be done?
Objectives 5 Not able to identify Able to identify the Able to determine at Able to establish at least Able to establish at least two
objectives. objectives of the study. least two numbers of two numbers of numbers of objectives that
However, objectives are objectives in line with objectives that are are SMART with correct
nonSMART (Specific, problem statements. SMART with correct usage of verbs consistent
Measurable, Achievable, Objectives are SMART usage of verbs consistent with problem statement,
Realistic and Timeliness) with correct usage of with problem statement scope of work, methodology
with incorrect usage of verbs. and scope of work. and conclusions.
Significance 5 Unable to identify who Able to identify the Able to explain some Able to outline and Able to outline and justify
of Study will benefit the study parties that will benefit of the parties that can justify some of the all the parties that can
the study benefit the study parties that can benefit benefit the study.
the study

Scope of 5 Not able to identify Able to identify main Able to identify Able to establish Able to establish activities
Work and main activities activities undertaken. activities and activities that are that are consistent with
Limitations undertaken. However, the activities consistent with consistent with the objectives, problem
indicated are inconsistent objectives and problem objectives, problem statement, methodology that
with objectives and statement. statement and include limitations. Flow of
problem statement. methodology showing activities presented briefly
the limitation of the the methodology,
work. apparatus/techniques to be
parameters/variables to be
measured and tools used for
Literature 15
3 6 9 12 15
Not able to identify Able to make a review but Able to make a review Able to establish Able to adapt related
relevant themes to it is summary of general with little analysis on substantial coverage of theories/ concept and studies
review. literature related to the the previous research related theories/ concept on the subject area. Able to
topic. Write-up consists of and with limited and studies on the integrate the previous
merely a copy and paste coverage of related subject area. Proper findings and conclude the
job, rewritten facts and theories/ concept and citations (include figures uniqueness of the present
full of annotations. studies on the subject and tables taken from work. Proper citations
area. Improper citations various sources). (include figures and tables
are evident. Materials Materials organized taken from various sources).
organized according to according to theme. Summary of important
information given. Materials
chronology and not There is some evidence organized according to
according to theme. of good organization. theme. There is evidence of
good organization. Provide
some form of justifications
on why research should

Methodolo- 15 Methodological Methodological Methodological Methodological Methodological Framework

gical Framework outlined not Framework outlined Framework outlined Framework outlined are outlined are consistent with
Framework consistent with consistent with 1 consistent with consistent with objectives and scope of work
objectives and scope of objective and scope of objectives and scope of objectives and scope of and adopt the standard
work. No evidence of work. At least 1 evidence work but does not work and adopt the method of measurements
data collection planning. of data collection follow the standard standard method of (even if it is not a standard
planning is given. method of measurements (even if it method of measurement, and
measurements. Some is not a standard method proper justifications
evidences of data of measurement, no included). All evidences of
collection planning are proper justifications data collection planning are
given. included). Some given.
evidences of data
collection planning are
Timeline/ 5
1 2 3 4 5
Gantt chart
Timeline is not suitable Timeline appears to meet Timeline meets most of Timeline may not be Timeline is clearly presented
for the activities less than half of the the activities proposed. clearly presented but and is clearly suitable for
described activities proposed. Not Timeline may not be appears to be suitable for and meets all the activities
clearly presented clearly presented. all the activities described.
Expected 15
3 6 9 12 15
Not able to identify the Able to identify the Able to state the Able to highlight the Able to outline the possible
possible outcomes possible outcomes but possible outcomes that possible outcomes that outcomes that are consistent
inconsistent with are consistent with are consistent with with objectives. All
objectives. objectives. objectives. Some significant citations and
significant citations and references are included
references are included based on previous
based on previous findings/theory
Conclusion 10 2 4 6 8 10

A conclusion is made A conclusion is made Some detailed Detailed conclusions are Comprehensively evaluates
but not relevant to the from the evidence but conclusions are reached from the the proposal and presents
whole proposal. incomplete. reached from the proposal but few are wide-ranging, sophisticated
proposal but missing. conclusions, perspectives
incomplete. and consequences.
References/ 5
Bibliograph 1 2 3 4 5
References are merely References include References include References include References more than eight
from website. No articles from website, articles from website, articles from website, (8) from
citations in the text. The books, newspaper and books, newspaper and books, newspaper and nonrefereed/refereed
references do not follow magazines. Most of the magazines and 5 to 6 magazines and 7 to 8 proceedings of conferences
APA format. citations are missing. The articles from from and 3 to 4 from refereed
references do not follow nonrefereed/refereed nonrefereed/refereed journals. Citations are
APA format proceedings of proceedings of included and consistent with
conferences. Some conferences and 1 to 2 references. All the
citations are missing. from refereed journals. references follow APA
Some of the references Few references do not format
follow APA format follow APA format
Writing 10 2 4 6 8 10
Poor in writing skill Weak in writing skill with Average writing skill Good writing skill, with Good narrative structure
with substantial substantial grammatical with grammatical correct grammar usage. with excellent writing skill.
grammatical errors. errors. Information errors. Information Information conveyed Information conveyed can be
Information conveyed conveyed cannot be easily conveyed can be fairly can be understood. well understood.
cannot be understood. understood. understood.

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