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Index :

1)  Project Overview .
2)  Project Tasks .
3)  Given Data .
3.1 Table 1 | Loads and Moments .
3.2 Figure 1 | Soil Profile .
4)  Soil Properties .
4.1 Table 2 | Soil Properties .
5)  Eccentricity Calculations .
5.1.1 Table 3 | Eccentricity Calculations .
6)  Foundation design .
6.1 Shallow foundation
6.1.1 Calculation Sample for Shallow Foundations (Square Sections) .
6.1.2 Calculation Sample for Shallow Foundations (Rectangular Sections) . Figure 2 | C3’ Column .
6.1.3 Shallow foundation results . Table 4 | Shallow Foundations Dimensions Results . Table 5| Concrete Volume Calculations .
6.2 Pile Foundations .
6.2.1 Calculation Sample for Bored Piles .
6.2.2 Calculation Sample for Driven Piles .
6.2.3 Pile foundation results . Table 6 | Pile Foundations Results .
7)  Comparing. Comparing Between shallow foundation and group piles . Comparing Between Driven piles and bored piles “Both Group piles”
8)  Differential settlement .
9)  Drawing .

1 | Project Overview
In this project, it is required to design a foundation system for a
multistory building of area 568.327 m2, the calculations of the bearing
capacity would l

1) Shallow Foundations.
2) Piles Foundations.

In addition, the settlement analysis for each type would be estimated.

2 | Project Tasks
1) Justification for the foundation type choice.
2) Justification of the design parameters choice.
3) Consideration for the serviceability limit state design (Settlement and
Differential Settlement).
4) Suitable alternative design if needed.

3 | Given Data

Table 1 | Loads and Moments

Column D.L (kN) L.L (kN) Mu (kN.m)
C1 14100 4474 80
C2 14895 6028 220
C3 6644 5180 120
C4 9884 6331 0
C5 8404 6348 0

Figure 1 | Soil Profile

4 | Soil Properties
Based on field-testing, the following properties have been resulted:

Table 2 | Soil Properties

γ t average Cu average
Soil Type Depth (m)
(kPa) (kPa)
Silty Sand 0–5 16.35 -
Soft Clay 5-30 16.37 152.25

5 | Eccentricity Calculations:
Calculation of total applied load and eccentricities were calculated as

Table 3 | Eccentricity Calculations

Pu = D.L + Mu e (mm)
Column D.L (kN) L.L (kN)
L.L (kN.m)
C1 14100 4474 18574 80 4.31
C2 14895 6028 20923 220 10.51
C3 6644 5180 11824 120 10.15
C4 9884 6331 16215 0 0
C5 8404 6348 14752 0 0

6 | Foundations Design
In this section, the following types of foundations will be designed:

1) Shallow foundations.
2) Pile Foundations (Board and Driven).
All mathematical Calculations have been done Using (Wolfram Mathematica
8.0 and Microsoft Excel), and the following shows a sample calculation for
each foundation type.

1) Shallow foundations :

a) Calculation Sample for Shallow Foundations (Square

Sections) :
Column 1
Cu = 152.25 kPa Pu = 18574 kN e = 4.31 mm

q allowable :
Q 6e (
18574 1+
B ) (1)
q all =qmax =
BL B (
1+ B = ) B

qultimate :
q ult=¿c N c s c d c ic +q N q s q d q i q+0.5 γB N γ s γ d γ i γ ¿

Parameters :
B'=B - 2e= B - 0.008614192

From table : Nc = 5.14 , Nq=1 , N γ =0 .

K p = tan 2 45+ ( 2
=1 )
B 0.2B'
Sc =1+0.2 K p = 1+

Sq =S γ =1

D 1.
d c =1+0.2 √ K p =1+
B B−0.0086

d q =d γ =1

i c =i q=1

i γ =0

1 0.2 (B-0.0086)
q ult = 81.86 + 782.6 (1 + )(1 + ) (2)
B-0.0086 B


1. 0.2( B -0.0086)
(81.86+782.61(1+ )(1+ )) B2
B -0.0086 B
18574(1 + )

Solving this equation for B :

B →-7.84 , B → -0.025 , B→ 0.0086 , B→ 6.955

∴B = 6.9558 m ≅ 7 m

Calculating F.S for 7 m :

F.S = qult/qmax = 3.036

b) Calculation Sample for Shallow

Foundations (Rectangular Sections)

Column 3’
This calculation has been done for
edge columns C3’ to prevent outer
border crossing as shown in Figure
All exterior foundations have been
moved 1.5 m inside the borders.
By changing the length “L” of the foundation and fixing the
eccentricity to 1.5 m to find the optimum B=5.5 m.
The required length is 14m.
Figure 2 | C3’ Column
Data from sections (1 , 2) :
Cu = 152.25 kPa Pu = 11824 kN e = 1.5101 m
Considering L = 14 m
q allowable :
5912(1+ )
Q 6e 6e B
qall = qmax = (BL
1+ )B
= ( q/ ( B ×14 ) ) (1+ ) =
B 7B
q ultimate :
q ult = c N c sc dc i c +q Nq s q dq i q +0.5γB Nγ sγ d γ i γ

Parameters :

B' =B-2e= B - 3.0202

From table : Nc = 5.14 , Nq=1 , N γ =0 .

K p = tan 2 45+
2 )

0.2 B'
Sc =1+ =1+0.014(-3.0202+B)

Sq = Sγ =1

0.2(5) 1.
dc=1+ = 1+
B' B−3.0202
d q =d γ =1

i c =i q=1

q ult= 81.8 +782.6(1+ )(1+0.014(B-3.0202))
B -3.0202

7(81.86 +782.61(1+ )(1+0.014(-3.0202+ B ))) B
-3.0202+ B
5912(1+ )
By Solving this equation for B :
B →-77.02 , B → -4.22 , B→ 3.463 , B →5.502

So B = 5.5 m

c) Shallow foundation results :
After using a factor of safety of 3, and solving for B, the follows resulted :

Table 4 | Shallow Foundations Dimensions Results

Exact dimensions of Approximated dimensions of
Col e (m)
B & L (m) B & L (m)
c1 0.0043 6.95581 7
c2 0.0105 7.42803 7.5
c3 0.0101 5.48494 5.5
c4 0 6.4579 6.5
c5 0 6.13989 6.5

And By using the values of approximated B & L, and solving for F.S ,
and calculating concrete volume :

Table 5 | Concrete Volume Calculations

L Concrete volume
Col e (m) B (m) F.S
(m) (m3)
c1 0.0043 7 7 3.03 294
c2 0.0105 7.5 7.5 3.05 450
c3 0.0101 5.5 5.5 3.01 332.75
c4 0 6.5 6.5 3.03 507
c5 0 6.5 6.5 3.33 253.5
C3' 1.5101 5.5 14 3 1837.25

2) Pile Foundations :
Instead of using a single pile for each column, group piles
have been designed for the whole structure to minimize the
number of piles used and the depth of them.

Two types of Piles were designed:
1) Bored Piles.
2) Driven Piles.

a) Calculation Sample for Bored Piles :

Parameters :
Total forces for all Columns = Qall=691984 kN
Cu=152.2593 kN

Nc = 9
α = 1 for soft clay .

Number of Piles : = 89

Rows = Columns = 9

Diameter = 1.5 m

spacing=(141.1815−( n× d ))/ ( n ) = 14.18 m

n(n−1)+ n(n−1) d
eff =1−( )( tan −1 [ ]) = 0.88
90× n ×n spacing

Qb = Cu Nc Ab
Qb=Cu ×9 × (3.141592/ 4 ) d =2421.58

Qs = α Cu As
Qs=Cu ×3.141592 ×d × L=717.5048 L

Qult=eff ×((Qb+ Qs)×npile)

Qult=78.38(2421.579 + 717.504 L)

Qult/Qall = 2.5
0.000113 (2421.579+717.504 L) = 2.5

Solving for L , L = 27.38 m

b) Calculation Sample for Driven Piles :

Parameters :
Total forces for all Columns = Qall=691984 kN
Cu=152.2593 kN

Nc = 9
α= ( )
σ eff

Number of Piles : = 89

Rows = Columns = 9

Diameter = 1.5 m
spacing=(141.1815−( n× d ))/(n) = 14.18 m
n(n−1)+ n(n−1) d
eff =1−( )( tan −1 [ ]) = 0.88
90× n ×n spacing

Qb = Cu Nc Ab
Qb=Cu ×9 × (3.141592/ 4 ) d =2421.58

σ´eff =(6.56 ×( L/2)+81.75)

Qs=( Cu/ σ´eff )0.5 Cu πdL

= 8853.5 L( )
81.75 +3.28 L

Qult=eff ×((Qb+ Qs) × N )

78.38(2421.57 +8853.536 L( ) )
81.75 +3.28 L


Qult/Qall = 2.5
0.00011328 2421.579 +8853.536 L ( 81.75 + 3.28 L ) )=2.5
Solving for L , L = 29.7 m

c) Pile foundation results :

;alskdfj asdlkfj asd
Table 6 | Concrete Volume Calculations
Pored Piles Driven Piles
Diameter Number of
(m) Piles Length Concrete Length Concrete
(m) Volume (m3) (m) Volume (m3)
1 81 2934.02 63.74 4054.84
1 100 37.3 2929.44 46.28 3634.71
1 121 30.8 2926.93 35.1 3335.56
1 144 25.9 2929.13 27.5 3110.08
1.2 81 38.3 3508.51 48.1 4406.25
1.2 100 31 3505.91 35.3 3992.21
1.2 121 25.5 3489.51 27 3694.78
1.2 144 21.41 3486.73 3482.98
1.5 81 32.4 4637.56 34.4 4923.83
1.5 100 24.5 4329.37 25.5 4506.08
1.5 121 20.1 4297.74 19.7 4212.22
1.5 144 16.7 4249.50 15.69 3992.50

7 | Comparing
1) Comparing Between shallow foundation and group piles :
In assumption of 0.5 m thickness of the footing, there is no basis for
comparison, massive success for the shallow upon the pile system.

Amount of concrete is less, excavation is also less, workman and machines

are much cheaper, all of these advantages assure the predomination of the
shallow type.

Generally, Soft clay soil can maintain the stability of the foundation just by
bearing capacity, there’s no need for extra capacity which could be resisted
by the side surfaces of the group piles.

2) Comparing Between Driven piles and bored piles “Both Group piles”:
From the resulted data, it can be seen that the amount of Concrete used in
Bored piles are much lower than those by Driven at the same conditions of
pile diameter and number of piles, on the other hand there’s no need for
excavation in the driven piles, on both cases machines and workman are
important factors, accurate comprehensive analysis should be taken either
economically or technically to balance between the two pile systems if one
of them has to be used.

There isn’t any available information about other economic factors affecting
neither the project nor the site conditions.

8 | Settlement
Differential settlement:

Due to the relatively close values of the factor of safety, stresses of the
foundations differ by a small range of 349 to 390 kN/m2 for all foundations,
eventually that would result relatively close values of differential
settlements due to consolidation, although all the values would be high
because the clay is likely to be consolidated especially when a large height
of clay stratum is available.

So recommendation would be “No fear from high stresses on the structural

members due to differential settlement, but the whole structure may have a
significant settlement, this settlement should be considered for other
serviceability requirements”.

9 | Drawings
- Drawing 1 : Top Plan View (Attachment 1).

- Drawing 2 : Foundations (Attachment 2)


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