Guia - Inglés Profesional II - U - 3

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Inglés Profesional II:

Unidad 3

Universidad Continental | Guía de Aprendizaje Página

Página Universidad Continental | Guía de Aprendizaje
Unidad 3 ................................................................................................................................. 5
1. Introducción a la Unidad........................................................................................ 5
1.1. Elemento motivador ......................................................................................... 5
1.2. Resultado de Aprendizaje .............................................................................. 5
1.3. Método................................................................................................................ 6
2. Desarrollo de la Unidad .......................................................................................... 7
2.1. Semana 5 ........................................................................................................... 7
2.2. Semana 6 ........................................................................................................... 8
2.3. PPTs Animadas .................................................................................................. 9
2.4. Producto académico ...................................................................................... 9
2.5. Auto-Evaluación ............................................................................................... 9
3. Cierre de la Unidad ............................................................................................... 10

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Página Universidad Continental | Guía de Aprendizaje
Unidad 3

1. Introducción a la Unidad

The importance of English in the professional fields increasingly compels to

master it. Understanding written texts and orally communicating is

considered less difficult than writing. This is so because expressing ideas,

concepts or theories need clear thinking as well as solid language tools.

Mastering grammar needs practice and a lot of will. Among others, the

main purpose in this course aims to master the language for your

professional fields, emphasising on communication, entrepreneurship,

leadership, innovation, development among other. This course reviews

important grammar topics, and reading, writing and oral production


As previously stated this course focuses mainly on language, not to

technical details of materials, tools or professional protocols; intending to

improve confidence in the use of English in the professional life of students.

1.1. Elemento motivador

Why Biodiversity Is Good For The Economy [Link].

Importance of Economics in our daily life [Link].

1.2. Resultado de Aprendizaje

Al finalizar la asignatura, serás capaz de emplear los ejes temáticos

presentados para analizar situaciones que involucren los mismos, a

través de la elaboración de textos.

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1.3. Método

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2. Desarrollo de la Unidad

2.1. Semana 5

Semana 5 Contenido
Título de la semana 5: Socio-Cultural Globalization
Interpret written and oral texts in English about
Propósito de la semana
the topics of the unit.
Tema n.° 1: Noun phrases
Contenido de la semana • Noun phrases with and without of.
• Impact of economy in socio culturality
Conceptos / palabras Noun, noun phrases, economic, noun clauses
• Read the text “nounphrase.pdf” [Available in
the virtual classroom]
Material de lectura • Read the items 9,10,11,12,13,and 14 of the
obligatorio text: “The Online English Grammar.pdf”
[Available in the virtual classroom]

• Read the Blog Post "13 benefits and

challenges of cultural diversity in the
workplace in 2017" available at [Link].
• Read the blog post “How cultural differences
impact international business in 2017”.

Material de lectura Available at [Link].

complementario • Read "The Socio-Economic Impact Of The

Cultural Heritage On The Communities" by
Digicult. Available at:

Visit and read the presentation "Biodiversity Issues

Recurso digital didáctico Chapter 12". Available at [Link].

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Semana 5 Contenido
Visit and read the presentation "Chapter 11
Biodiversity Issues". Available at [Link].

2.2. Semana 6

Semana 6 Contenido
Título de la semana 6: Environment and Globalization
Al finalizar la unidad, el estudiante será capaz de
analizar problemas de las actividades
Propósito de la semana profesionales a través de la exposición de un
texto, empleando el vocabulario y las estructuras
Tema n.° 2:
• Contrast and addition: comparatives and
Contenido de la semana
• Risks in cultural diversity.
Conceptos / palabras Comparatives, superlatives, risk, cultural diversity
Read the topics about Comparative Adjectives
Material de lectura and Adverbs on page 206, Superlative Adjectives
obligatorio and Adverbs on page 220 [Link].

Material de lectura Read the lesson about Comparatives and

complementario Superlatives, available at [Link].

• Visualize the video about Superlatives [Link].

• Visualize the presentation: “Presentación
Recurso digital didáctico semana 6.pptx” [Available in the virtual

Página Universidad Continental | Guía de Aprendizaje

2.3. PPTs Animadas

Criterio de la ppt Detalle

animada 5
• Noun phrases
Tema / asunto
• Comparatives and superlatives
• Learn the correct use of noun phrases,
comparatives and superlatives.

2.4. Producto académico

Criterios Detalles
Tipo de producto Producto_Académico 03.dotx
Consigna Practice and show understanding and mastering
of topics of the unit
Metodología de trabajo • Read carefully each set of instructions
• Use dictionaries or grammar handbooks or
Material de referencia Each student should answer and present the file
by the scheduled time

2.5. Auto-Evaluación

Resuelve la autoevaluación de la unidad 3 en el Aula Virtual.

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3. Cierre de la Unidad

In this unit, we learnt how to interpret written and oral texts about

economics and risk in cultural diversity, using noun phrases,

comparatives and superlatives.

Visualize the video to review the comparatives [Link].

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Página Universidad Continental | Guía de Aprendizaje

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