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1136 IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, Vol. 12, No.

3, August 1997



V. Brandwajn, A.B.R. Kumar, A. Ipakchi Anjan Bose Steve D.Kuo

ABB Systems Control Co., Inc. Washington State University Integrated Micro Solutions
Santa Clara, CA 9505 1 Pullman, WA 99164 San Jose, C A 95 125

in the subsequent sections can be seen as an extension of the

state-of-the-art of the SSA. In SSA, screening is usually
At present, the computational requirement for dynamic achieved by ranking contingencies according to some
security assessment (DSA) is a hurdle for a comprehensive seventy index. This paper defines a set of contingency
on-line DSA to be implemented in Energy Management seventy indices capable of capturing the dynamic state of the
Systems. In addition to faster time domain solutions, novel power system immediately following fault clearance. In
approaches and techniques are being developed for addition to ranking, however, classifying the contingencies
contingency screening and remedial actions. This paper into stable and unstable cases is important in DSA. This
describes one such development in the area of contingency paper suggests a contingency classification method using an
screening which can be seen as an extension of techniques artificial neural network (ANN), which together with the new
developed over the years for static security analysis. Some ranking method can form an efficient contingency screening
new concepts and methods are suggested for both procedure.
contingency ranking and contingency classification
This paper starts from a review of the existing concepts
(stable/unstable). Results from realistic test systems illustrate
of contingency severity measures used in static security
the capabilities and performance of the new approach.
analysis. Then an extension of these concepts into the area of
Key words: Severity Index, Contingency Screening, dynamic simulations is discussed. First, some severity
Dynamic Security Analysis, Artificial Neural Network indices that work well for DSA ranking are presented. The
use of artificial neural networks (ANN) for contingency
1. INTRODUCTION classification is described next. Appropriate test examples
are then shown to illustrate the validity of the new
The computational requirements of DSA (in this paper, methodology.
as in most of the literature, DSA refers to the short term
dynamics or transient stability rather than the full range of 2. CONTINGENCY RANKING IN SSA
time scales) by conventional methods are two or three orders
of magnitude higher than those of static security assessment The concept of contingency screening implies
(SSA). In addition, the lack of experience with contingency performing a set of simplified fast calculations and using
screening methods in DSA makes it difficult to handle large their results to rank the severity of each contingency. This
numbers of contingencies, a common procedure today in ranking can then be used as a basis of selection of
SSA. contingencies which should be analyzed further using more
CPU intensive algorithms. The resulting selection should
This paper describes an important development aimed at
ensure that no severe contingency is missed and, at the same
enabling contingency screening, i.e., selecting a small
time, the number of contingencies selected for further
number of severe cases from a large set of contingencies, analysis is significantly reduced. The need to identify the
thus reducing the computational requirements of time- definitely harmless (safe) contingencies results from the
domain simulations. The techniques and concepts described physical reality that a vast majority of contingencies in a
power system does not endanger its integrity.
96 SM 483-8 PWRS A paper recommended and approved by the
IEEE Power System Engineering Committee of the IEEE Power
Contingency ranking and selection have been developed
Engineering Society for presentation at the 1996 IEEWPES Summer many years ago in the context of determining branch M w
Meeting, July 28 - August 1, 1996, in Denver, Colorado. Manuscript flow limit violations in h e a r (DC) contingency analysis [I].
submitted February 1, 1996, made available for printing April 23,1996. this approach, the severity index has been
calculated using closed-form formulas, i.e., there was no need
to perform any power flow solutions. The original
formulation suffered from several drawbacks with the main

0885-8950/97/$10.00 0 1996 IEEE

one being its susceptibility to masking effects. Thus, a Some researchers have advocated the use of an index
network solution followed by an explicit calculation of a based solely on the Transient Energy Function (TEF)[8-IO].
severity index to rank the contingencies became the adopted Various approximations to this function can be calculated and
approach. [2]. used to rank the contingencies [16]. Such an approach is
feasible from the computational point of view and the
The concept of severity indices was next extended to
validity of these approximations is being addressed. The
other types of system characteristics such as bus voltages and
TEF based indices are useful in capturing certain aspects of
reactive generation. Although closed formulations were
system security, but others are presented here as a
ultimately developed for this more complex problem [3], they
multiplicity of indices is expected to be more effective.
still suffered from the masking effects and were not used.
Instead, a simplified or partial solution was performed and Some alternative indices are presented in this paper.
the appropriate severity indices calculated based on this Rather than to search for a single all-encompassing severity
solution [4-71. This was a very important step toward on-line measure, it is proposed to use a set of complementary
implementation of Static Security Analysis. measures (indices). Each of these indices should capture a
different aspect of system security and in combination with
The success of the ranking approach led to further
other indices lead to a reliable contingency ranking and
developments in this area. New types of indices were
selection scheme. The calculation of these indices should not
defined and the formulation of the existing ones was
be CPU time demanding.
changed. A typical example of such developments can be
found in [6,7] where indices were defined to measure not In the static security analysis, severity indices are
only the violations but also to capture the shift from the pre- normally calculated from the results of a single iteration of
contingency system state. In addition, the masking problem the power flow, i.e., from a partial network solution [ 5 ] . Due
was successfully addressed by changing the exponent of the to the significantly higher complexity of the dynamic
severity index from 2 (which allowed closed form solutions) simulation, the concept of a partial solution has to be adapted
to a higher value. In this way, the effects of small violations to the needs of DSA. One has to recognize that partial
or changes were given a smaller weight than those of larger solution can apply only to the system configuration resulting
ones. from the last user defined switching, for example following
fault clearing.
The experience from the development of an on-line
implementation contingency screening in the static security It is also intuitively obvious that the propagation of
analysis can be summarized as follows: switching effects through the power system is not
instantaneous and accounting for this propagation time is of
1. No single severity index can reliably capture the entire
extreme importance for the reliability and consistency of the
system state.
indices. Compare, for example the consistency of an index
2. A combination of complementary indices can be used to calculated for a set of contingencies at two different time
reliably rank and select contingencies while each of instances. The index values shown in Figure 1 were
individual indices may not provide a 100 percent calculated at the time of the last switching while those shown
accurate ranking. Such composite indices are suggested in Figure 2 were calculated 0.05 sec. later.
here for DSA.
3. Indices can be calculated using the results of partial or
simplified calculations.


Similar to the SSA, the DSA requires a fast and reliable

evaluation of hundreds of potential contingencies, the vast
majority of which does not affect the integrity of the power
system. Consequently, the use of contingency screening, via
ranking and selection of the potentially severe ones, is called
for if an on-line implementation is to become feasible.
However, appropriate screening algorithms and approaches
for DSA have not yet been extensively studied. At the same
time, dynamic behavior of power systems is significantly
more complex than static behavior making classification
more difficult. The problem is especially apparent in the area
of defining contingency seventy measures (indices) for
ranking. Figure 1 Index value right after fault clearing

The indices are computed by summing the changes for

each individual component. To reduce the effects of
"masking," an appropriately high exponent is used in the
calculation of the individual terms.
Other types of measures capturing only the maximum
change can also be used. The most successful of them are:
Maximum difference between rotor angles O R )
Maximum difference of rotor speeds @W)
Maximum difference of the rate of change in generator
transient energy (DV)
From the energy function point of view, the combination
Figure 2 Index value 5 steps after fault clearing of the DW and DR is a measure of the transient energy as the
rotor angle spread is related to potential energy while the
Even a superficial analysis of these two figures clearly
speed differential is related to kinetic energy. For any power
illustrates the need to continue the simulation past the last
system, the kinetic energy increases during the fault.
switching point. At the last switching, the index is still quite
Following the fault clearing, kinetic energy would be
random while after a short time, in Fig. 2, the index is highly
transferred into potential energy. Therefore, a composite
correlated with the severity of the contingency. As can be
index with different weighting factors is called for.
seen, however, the index does not become completely
monotonic and is a function of the index itself and the time Contingency screening consists of ranking and selection
period after the last switching. In our tests, .05 sec. after fault of contingencies. The severity indices can be used for
clearing seemed to be the smallest time interval when these contingency ranking. The purpose of ranking is to reliably
indices become reliable. This consideration is somewhat determine the relative severity order of the contingencies.
analogous to the fact that in the TEF calculations, finding the The purpose of the selection process is to classify the
unstable mode requires the calculation of the faulted contingencies into two distinct groups:
trajectory. Definitely harmless, i.e., those that do not require any
further evaluation
* Potentially harmful, i.e., those that require further
As mentioned earlier, the original SSA severity evaluation
(performance) indices were designed to capture only the
But in DSA, a major consideration is the stability of the
severity of limit violations. Multiple severity indices
system after a contingency, and all contingencies that may
capturing changes in different state variables (not only limit
produce instability must be classified as potentially harmful.
violations) due to a contingency followed next. The idea is
An artificial neural network (ANN) is shown later to be a
to define measures of system state each describing a specific
good classifier of stability and suggested for selection.
aspect of the power system security. The number of these
indices i s independent of the size of the power system model. 5. TEST RESULTS WITH COMPOSITE INDEX
A composite severity measure can then be derhed based on One of the most important characteristics to evaluate the
the individual ones. quality of a severity index is its capture ratio. The capture
Several indices were developed to capture the change in ratio is defined as the ratio of the flagged critical contingency
various aspects of the power system state. These indices cases to the actual critical contingency cases. Another related
describe the change in the conditions of the power system characteristic is the capture number defined as the
between the pre-fault steady-state and the post-fault clearing consecutive number of actual critical contingency cases that
state, i.e., the deviation from the pre-fault steady-state. A are included in the ranked list of the severity index. This
few illustrative types of indices [ 111 are listed below: characteristic is used to check if any critical contingencies
have been missed in the ranking.
* Change in generator rotor angles with respect to the
center of inertia The test results for the E E E 162-bus 17-generator
system with increased loading are shown in Figure 3 that
* Change in bus voltages plots the capture ratios for the most successful individual
0 Change in rotor speed of generators severity indices, DW, DR, and DV. To demonstrate that a
composite index has better capture ratio than individual
* Change rate in transient energy of generators indices, the capture ratio of (DW.OR.DR) is plotted in the
* Acceleration of generators same figure. This shows that either DW or DR captures all
However, a composite index has to be a numerical
combination like a weighted sum. Different weighted sums of
individual indices were tested. The combination of 30% DW
and 70% DR (denoted DW3+DR7 in Table 1) worked best
for the systems tested.



E 0.6
2B I
0.4 - DW I

- 145-bus,50-gen I 120 I 201.48 I 1261.08 I 6.3

Table 1 summarizes the CPU times on a DEC V M 6 4 10
V M S computer. The times for calculating the DW3+DR7
index 5 steps after the fault clearing time is compared to that
0.0 for calculating the exact energy margin by the transient
0 100 200 300 energy function (TEF) method. The speedups of 4 to 6 show
that the computation time for using such severity indices is
Number of contingencies comparable to approximate TEF indices and can be used to
Figure 3 Capture ratio for the 162-bus system augment them.


- DW

- DR
/ One of the most successful applications of the artificial
neural networks (ANN) technology is in the area of pattern
recognition. In the context of the DSA, this could mean the
DW OR.DR recognition of patterns indicating either stability or instability
200 of different cases. When the above ranking is augmented by
this classification, the resulting accuracy of the contingency
E screening is expected to be high.
e Earlier attempts [15] at deployment of neural networks
a in the DSA were restricted to rather small power system
U models consisting of 10 or so buses. Even for these small
examples, the training of the neural networks required a
significant amount of work and it called for the preparation
of hundreds or even thousands of cases. This was due to the
fact that the entire information about the power system state
was used in a practically raw, unreduced form. Clearly, this
0 straightforward approach could not be scaled up and applied
0 100 200 300 to practical, large scale power system models.
The key issue is the selection of an appropriate set of
Number of contingencies
measures to be used as input to the ANN and the selection of
Figure 4 Capture number for the 162-bus system its architecture. Instead of using all state variables as input, a
large set of indices was first defined [ 111 and then a class-
severe cases while each of them by itself misses some.
mean feature selection similar to that of [I21 was used to
Figure 4 shows the capture number for the 162-bus system.
Again, the individual indices, especially DR, seem to miss select a reduced set of indices. A simple architecture of a
neural network was then selected and submitted to a
critical cases, sometimes by a large margin (measured by the
comprehensive set of tests. As described later on in this
deviation from the diagonal in the figure). The capture
paper, these tests verified the validity of the selected
number for (DW.OR.DR), on the other hand, is far better and
much more acceptable for ranking.
The above figures show that a combination of indices The application of a fixed number of severity measures
would work significantly better than an individual one. as input to a neural network eliminates most of the perceived
restrictions on the use of neural networks in the DSA by The thick curve represents the stability boundary determined
fixing the neural network size and architecture. The need for by the neural network, i.e., output = 0.5. The piece-wise
a large number of training cases can be eliminated through a linear curve to the left of this stability boundary is the
simple observation that in order to be successful, the neural envelope of the stable cases as determined by step-by-step
network must recognize a change in the pattern of the input simulations. The piece-wise linear curve to the right is the
variables close to the stability boundary. This implies that envelope of unstable cases.
training cases should be concentrated around the stability
boundary and only a few very stable or very unstable cases
are needed. The number of training cases is thus
significantly reduced without affecting the accuracy of the . . . . . *
classification by the neural network.
, . . . *
A 436 bus system model of a major utility with 2400
lines and 88 generators was used in testing of the
classification of results. The necessary tests data were . * * . e *

created by different pre-contingency conditions, different

contingencies and fault clearing times. For each case, a set of .-. 4 . . . *

24 indices was computed 5 time steps after fault clearing.

In the training mode, the desired output of the neural
network was set to 0.0 for definitely harmless cases and 1.0
for potentially harmful ones. In the testing mode, an output
. . . . .
value greater than 0.5 was considered to imply a potentially
harmful contingency. 0.0
Neural networks of different complexity were tested. A
three layer neural network was found to be sufficient to
classify contingencies in DSA. The first layer consists of one Figure 5 Stability boundary by A"
node for each input. The final layer consists either of one
node for the entire power system or a few nodes, one for each
Neural Network Trained with Several Pre-
problem area in the system. The intermediate layer consists
Contingency Configurations: Six different precontingency
of only a few nodes (3-8 hidden nodes were used in these
configurations were considered each with 7 different levels of
tes;s). A more detailed description is available in [ 111.
generation at a given plant. A single contingency with
The results of two selected neural networks are presented different fault clearing time was applied in all 6
in this section. The first network was trained to recognize configurations. A single neural network of the same smcture
unstable operating conditions in a given pre-contingency as that in the previous test was used. Again, the classification
configuration with respect to several contingencies whereas of the contingencies by the neural network was was quite
the second one was trained to recognize unstable operating accurate.
conditions for several pre-contingency configurations with The typical CPU times required for training the neural
respect to a single contingency. network in the above tests were in the range of 5 to 50
seconds on a 15.6 MIPS workstation. The CPU time required
Neural Network Trained with Several Contingencies: for classification of a case by a trained network is of the order
A single pre-contingency topology of the power system was of milliseconds. The training time can be further reduced by
considered for which 378 cases were created. Of this 378 a judicious selection of the training cases.
cases, 300 were randomly selected as training cases and the
remainder used as test cases. The tests were repeated with 8. CONCLUSION
different selections of training and test cases. The This paper presents a new approach for contingency
classification by the neural network was very good, i.e., no screening in DSA. A combination of a ranking procedure for
potentially severe contingency was classified as a harmless all contingencies together with an ANN based classification
one. method to separate stable and unstable contingencies is
The output of the neural network for cases involving a suggested.
specified contingency is presented in Figure 5 in the form of First, it is shown that several severity indices work well
a contour plot. In this figure, the X and Y axes represent the when combined together. These indices are calculated for the
fault clearing time and the generation level, respectively. system states a few steps after fault clearing using the usual

time domain simulation. The characteristics of capture ratio Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 3 no. 3, pp. 1310-1321, Aug.
and capture number are used to verify the quality and the 1988.
reliability of the severity indices. The test results show that 9. A. Bose, Chairman, "Application of Direct Methods to
some composite severity indices can rank contingencies quite Transient Stability Analysis of Power Systems," IEEE
Committee Report, IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus and
reliably and the computation speed is suitable for screening.
Systems, vol. PAS-103, no. 7, pp. 1629-1636,July 1984.
Then, the paper suggests that an ANN based 10. F. A. Rahimi, M. G. Lauby, J. N. Wrubel , I<. L. Lee,
classification of contingencies into stable and unstable cases "Evaluation of The Transient Energy Function Method for On-
be used for the selection of the more severe cases from the line Dynamic Security Analysis," IEEE Trans. on Power
ranked contingencies. The ANN and its training procedure Systems, vol. 8. no. 2, pp. 497-507, May 1993.
using severity indices rather than state variables, are 11. A. B. R. Kumar, V. Brandwajn and A. Ipakchi, "Power
described. Results show that the classification of the Systems Dynamic Security Analysis Using Artificial
contingencies was quite accurate. Intelligence Systems, Phase I- Feasibility Evaluation," Final
Report RP3103-2, EPRI.
The successful results presented above is another step 12. S. Weerasooriya and M. A. El-Sharkawi, "Feature Selection for
towards finding practical screening procedures. Search for Static Security Assessment Using Neural Networks," IEEE
better indices and faster calculation of these indices must go International Symposium on Circuits and System, San Diego,
on to achieve more accurate ranking. Search for better CA May 1992.
selection procedures is also important. Although ANNs with 13. Y. Mansour, "B.C.Hydro's On-Line Transient Stability
simpler training methods were found, ANNs that would work Assessment Model Development, Analysis and Post
well for operating conditions far from those envisaged during Processing," IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, pp. 241-253,Feb
training, are still needed. 1995.
14. C.K. Tang et. al., 'Transient Stability Index from Conventional
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Time Domain Simulation," IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, pp.
1524-1530, Aug 1994.
This work was supported by the Electric Power Research 15. Y.H. Pao, "Combined Use of Unsupervised and Supervised
Institute and the National Science Foundation. The authors Learning for Dynamic Security Assessment," IEEE Trans. on
would like to extend their thanks for project guidance from Power Systems,pp. 878-884, May 1992.
Mr. Gerry Cauley of EPRI and valuable inputs in the ANN 16. "Analytical Methods for Contingency Selection and Ranking
area from Professor M. A. El-Sharkawi of the University of for Dynamic Security Analysis," EPRI TR-104352 Final
Report September 1994.
Vladimir Brandwajn is Senior Pnncipal Consultant at ABB
1. G. C. Ejebe and B. F. Wollenberg, "Automatic Contingency
Systems Control and is responsible for R&D in power system
Selection," IEEE Trans. on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol.
PAS-98, pp. 92-104,JanlFeb 1979. analysis. He is well-known for his substantial contributions in
2. V. Brandwajn, "Efficient Bounding Method for Linear power system security analysis and the analysis of
Contingency Analysis," IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 3, electromagnetic transients.
no. 1, pp. 38-43, Feb. 1988. Ranjit Kumar is a Principal Engineer at ABB Systems
3. Y. Chen and A. Bose, "Direct Ranking for Voltage Control. He was Principal Investigator on EPRI's RP2496-1
Contingency Selection," IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol. entitled, "Dynamic Security Assessment for Power Systems:
4, no. 4, pp. 1335-1344, October 1989. Research Plan," and is currently involved in EPRI's RP3102-
4. G. C. Ejebe, H. P. Van Meeteren and B. F. Wollenberg, "Fast 2 entitled "Contingency Ranking and Screening for DSA
Contingency Screening and Evaluation for Voltage Security Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques."
Analysis," IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 3, no. 4, pp. Ali Ipakchi is Manager of Analytic Applications at ABB
Systems Control. He is responsible for contract R&D
5. F. Albuyeh, A. Bose and B. Heath, "Reactive Power
Considerations in Automatic Contingency Selection," IEEE projects.
Trans. on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. PAS-101, pp. Steve D. Kuo received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering
107-112, J ~ ~ U X1982.
Y from Arizona State University in 1993 and is employed by
6. V. Brandwajn, Y. Liu, and M. G. Lauby, 'Re-Screening of Integrated Micro Solutions in San Jose, CA. His main
Single Contingencies Causing Network Topology Changes," interests are in transient stability analysis, security analysis
IEEE Trans. on Power Systems, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 30-36, Feb. and system planning.
1991. Aqjan Bose is the Distinguished Professor in Power
7. V. Brandwajn and M. G. Lauby, "Complete Bounding Method Engineering and Director of the School of Electrical
for AC Contingency Screening," IEEE Trans. on Power Engineering and Computer Science at Washington State
Systems, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 724-729, May 1989. University in Pullman, WA.
8. A. A. Fouad, Chairman, "Dynamic Security Assessment
Practices in North America." IEEE Committee Report, IEEE

1. We did not propose a systematic way of deciding the

type of indices and their weights when used in combination.
BJeyasurya (Memorial University of Newfoundland, St.John's, From the test results, we know that this is very system
NF, Canada): The authors are to be congratulated for presenting dependent but it
is quite difficult to relate these types or
a new method for contingency screening in dynamic security
assessment. An integrated approach of conventional time-domain weights of the indices with particular power system
simulation, direct methods and artificial neural network will make parameters. For the static contingency screening where
on-line dynamic security assessment feasible in Energy similar combinations of indices can be used, it has been
Management Systems. The authors' comments on the following suggested that some learning or adaptive algorithms can be
points would be greatly appreciated. used to set the weights but we are not aware of any particular
1. A specific combinationof the two indices DW and DR have
been used for the power systems tested. Do the authors propose a 2. One of the reasons the ANN described here can
systematic way of deciding the type of indices and their weight in successfully predict stability is because it is trying to
the combination for any power system ? Or is it by trial and error
only '? accomplish a simple discrimination, namely, whether the
system is stable. Those ANNs that have tried to map
2. The output of the proposed neural network gives stable or operating conditions to stability measures have had difficulty
unstable information. A quantitative measure of the stability of the with both training and prediction accuracy. The main point of
power system will be very useful to the operators. It may be this paper is to suggest the use of a simple ANN to determine
possible to design an ANN which can map the operating conditions which disturbances are unstable and then to use indices as a
of the power system to a suitable measure of stability. measure of the severity of the fault for the stable cases. Unlike
in static security assessment where post-disturbance severity
3. In the studies presented in the paper, the training cases is the only measure, dynamic security assessment needs to
have been limited around the stability boundary. What will be the
effect on the training time and accuracy of the ANN if wide range ascertain stability, and for the stable cases the 'nearness' to
of (realistic) operating conditions are considered in the training instability is also of interest.
set ?
3. Since the ANN is only discriminating among stable
Manuscript received August 14, 1996. and unstable, its training is relatively simple. We did not try
training the ANN with cases far from the stability boundary
as this was not necessary for our purpose. However, the
literature suggests that the training time increases and the
V. ~ r a n ~ w a j n
A., mar, A. Ipakchi, A. Bose, S.D. accuracy decreases when the ANN has to deal with a much
Kuo: We thank the discussor for his interest and the larger set of operating conditions.
opportunity to clarify the issues he raises. Manuscript received November 26, 1996.

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