Musli-Bada QA Final-1

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Defense Construction Enterprise

Quality Assurance Plan

Table of Content
1. QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL (QA/QC).........................................................1
1.1 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................1
1.1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION............................................................................................................1
1.1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT..................................................................................................2
1.1.3 SUMMARY OF WORK...............................................................................................................2
QUALITY CONTROL..................................................................................................................................5
SCOPE OF DESIGN WORK..........................................................................................................................7
1.2.1 ROUTE SELECTION AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYING......................................................................8
1.2.2 GEO-TECHNICAL INVESTIGATION..........................................................................................11
1.2.3 STRUCTURES STUDIES...........................................................................................................15
1.2.4 HYDROLOGICAL STUDIES......................................................................................................21
1.2.5 GEOMETRIC DESIGN..............................................................................................................25
1.2.6 COMPOSITION OF TEAM AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF EACH MEMBER....................................28
1.2.7 POSSIBLE PROBLEMS AND QUALITY CONTROL....................................................................32
1.2.8 DESIGN WORK (ACTIVITY) SCHEDULE......................................................................40
1.3 PROJECT QUALITY POLICY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION PHASE....................................................53
1.3.1 QUALITY POLICY STATEMENT...................................................................................................53
1.3.2 ELEMENTS OF QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN..............................................................................54 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS..................................................................................................54
A. Suitable Material for Construction of Embankment (Section 4402 of ERA-2002
B. Selected Sub Grade Material (Proposed by the contractor)................................................55
C. Natural Gravel Sub Base (Section 5104 of ERA-2002 Specification).................................56
D. Crushed Stone Sub Base (Section 5105 of ERA-2002 Specification), if found necessary. . .57
E. Crushed Stone Base (Section 5200 of ERA-2002 Specification)..........................................58
F. Prime Coat (Section 6100 of ERA-2002 Specification).......................................................59
G. Bituminous Surfacing (Section 6400 of ERA-2002 Specification).......................................60
H. Stone Masonry (Section 8900 of ERA-2002 Specification)..................................................62
I. Foundation for Structure (Section 8100 of ERA-2002 Specification).................................63
J. Concrete Structure (Section 8400 of ERA-2002 Specification)...........................................64
K. Concrete quality:..................................................................................................................66
Removing Formwork: Minimum Period (table 8409-1)................................................................67
L. Steel Reinforcement for Structures (Section 8300 of ERA-2002 Specification)...................67 TYPE AND FREQUENCY OF TESTING..................................................................................68
A. Earth Works..........................................................................................................................69
B. Sub Base and Road Base......................................................................................................70
C. Bituminous Works................................................................................................................70
D. Cement Concrete Quality.....................................................................................................71
E. Bituminous Surfacing Mixture.............................................................................................73
F. Miscellaneous.......................................................................................................................75 CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT...................................................................................................76 CONSTRUCTION METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................78 MAN-POWER...........................................................................................................................79

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

1. Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC)

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Project Description

In accordance with its road sector development, the Government of the Federal
Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE), represented by Ethiopian Roads
Authority (ERA), has allocated sufficient budget to finance payments for the
Design and Construction of Musli/Dalol - Bada Design and Build Road Project.
Accordingly, a contract agreement for the design, execution and completion of
such works and remedying of any defects therein with a total contract price of
ETB 1,251,625,263.89 including 15% VAT has been signed between the
Employer, Ethiopian Roads Authority, and the Contractor Defence Construction
Enterprise (DCE). This road project is functionally categorized under DS-4
Asphalt Concrete standard. When completed, this road besides reducing the
operating costs of vehicles will enhance the socio-economic development in the
area around the project; assist the administrative and social services coverage in
the region there by accelerating the economic growth of the country. Moreover
the road facilitates connectivity between the two villages Dalol/Musli & Bada
and thereby provides access for mineral exploration work carrying on in this
area. Convenient

The road Musli/Dalol-Bada is located in the northern part of Ethiopian in the

Afar regional states, Berhale Woreda specifically called dallol depression (that
represents the second lowest water uncovered oceanic crust on earth with a
depth of approximately 127m below sea level).

Musli/Dalol – Bada is about 40 km and it begins from Musli/Dalol town which

end of the Berhale-Dalol road Project and goes to Northern direction to
terminate at Bada Village, Ethio-Eritrean Border.

The region is known for its huge natural resources such as rock salt, potash and
manganese deposits. Traditional rock salt mining has been active in Dalol areas
for centuries. In addition to the salt resources, hot springs are continuously
erupting at different spots of mount Dalol and its surroundings forming circular
to sub circular ponds. They are becoming Tourist attracting destinations for
visitors from all over the world.

Most part of Musli/Dalol-Bada road traverses through escarpment and

mountainous section.

In accordance with the urgent needs of the road project, the Government of the
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE) represented by Ethiopian
Roads Authority has allocated sufficient budget to finance payments for the
design and construction works to access to Dalol-Bada area.

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

The works of this project comprises Design and Construction of road upgrading
to Asphalt Concrete standard complete with traffic control devices and
construction of drainage structures.

1.1.2 Objectives of the Project

In view of the above, the contract document puts the following objectives for the
design and construction of the road project:

- Designing and constructing of the roadway and any necessary

- Upgrading the existing as well as designing and constructing new
alignment (if there is any) section of the route to DS4, Asphalt Concrete
standard as per the final contract agreement.
- Designing and Constructing Bridges and culverts or upgrading existing
structures (if there exists) to meet the required standard.
- Designing and Constructing Paved Roadways.
- Designing and Constructing Retaining Walls
- Pavement Markings and Erecting Traffic Signs.
- And other necessary works to meet the Employer’s requirement

1.1.3 Summary of work

The Employer’s Requirement entail the Contractor to perform the following
item of work listed below. Accordingly, the contractor has identified and is
ready to perform the indicated item of works meeting the required quality of the
end product.

Design work items:

- Topographic Survey
- Geotechnical investigation
- Geometric and Pavement design
- Bridge Design
- Culvert Design
- Retaining wall design
- Permanent Signing
- Pavement Marking
- Quality management program of implementation
- Design Document
- Record drawings of As Built plans
Construction work items:

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

 Construction of the roadway to DS4 standard,

 Demolish and removal of substandard structures Fords and Vented
Causeways if any
 Demolish and removal all culverts constructed before 50 years
(even though some of which are hydraulically sufficient and seem
to be in good structural condition. The Contractor shall design and
construct appropriate structures in place of those which would be
 Constructing Bridges and culverts
 providing wing wall for most of the existing bridges
 Clearing and maintaining the existing structures and improving its
flow direction
 Constructing Asphalt Concrete Pavement for the traffic given in
the Employer’s Requirement.
 Constructing Retaining Walls.
 Pavement Markings and Erecting Traffic Signs
 Other ancillary works

Moreover the following work items identified by the contractor will also be
- Investigation of existing alignment and proposal of new alignment
- Preparation of Design Criteria
- Preparation of Subsurface Investigation Plan
- Camping and provide Employer’s representatives facilities

As per the requirement of the Employer’s Requirement the contractor is

required to prepare Quality Assurance Manual for both the design and
Construction of the project. Accordingly, the contractor has prepared the
manual as follows.

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

1.2. Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) for the

Design Work.


This Quality Assurance Plan is prepared in line with the Employer’s

Requirement for the Detailed Design of Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build
Road Project. It is intended to outline the quality assurance procedures which
the Company, Defense Construction Enterprise, will follow for the Design of
various related activities such as field surveying, material sampling and testing,
the geometric design according to specified and accepted standards and other
activities that are part of the overall contract regarding the design work.

Quality assurance is termed as achievement of quality of civil works in this case,

which is one of the essential requirements of the Contract. In order to achieve
quality, various specified managerial techniques have to be applied. Thus the
Contractor’s activities in the Civil Engineering practices should be tied with the
close managerial follow up and monitoring of the procedures according to which
the related tasks are performed. By applying quality assurance techniques the
Contractor can effectively monitor the schedule of the Design, which will insure
the completion of the design work within the time limit/schedule without
affecting the progress of the construction work and will also ensure that the
Design works fully meet the specified technical standards and specifications as
stipulated in the Employer’s requirement.

In order to achieve this target all of the Contractor’s Design staff shall focus on
their activities and will work as a team. A checklist and guideline for each staff
to undertake at each stage of the Design will be prepared and the staff members
will be required to follow the same to achieve the required goals.

Communication between the different sections/working groups and transfer of

information is disseminated within the Contractor’s office so that all concerned
staff is informed of the ongoing status of the project activities.

Weekly staffs meetings will be held to discuss recommend and decide on all
projects related issues. Any problem that arises will be dealt with as soon as
possible in order to ensure that the right approaches are followed.

Quality Control

Quality assurance is achieved through quality control. In order to achieve

quality, the staffs assigned to do the job should have the necessary skill and
experience to do the Design work.

Quality control, which is a part of a quality assurance program, is a function that

has for years been recognized as the inspection and testing of materials and

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

workmanship to ensure that the work meets the requirements of the drawings
and specifications.


The objectives of quality assurance are:

a) To monitor activities to meet quality outputs

b) To deliver outputs on time
c) To see that projects are completed within the budget allocated
d) Do things right the first time

The principles of quality assurance in the project team are based on the
following main principle of quality assurance:

- A means of getting it right first time, every time

- Good management sense and
- The responsibility of everyone involved in carrying out the related activity.

At each stage of the project the Contractor has devised a means of controlling
the quality of outputs of each activity by identifying the possible problems and
measures to be taken for solution of each of the problems.

The purpose of organizing our work by using a quality assurance system is to

prevent mistakes and to improve our ability to deliver the desired quality.

Quality assurance represents all those planned and systematic activities

implemented within a Quality System and demonstrated as needed, to provide
adequate confidence that a product or service will satisfy given requirements for

There are three definite challenges that need to be addressed to ensure success:
- Control of the Processes
- Trained and motivated manpower in an effective organization
- Correct systems and tools

The Quality assurance plan is formal document describing in comprehensive

detail the necessary QA, QC, and other technical activities that must be
implemented to ensure that the results of the work performed will satisfy the
stated performance criteria. The QA Project plan provides sufficient detail to
demonstrate that:

- The project technical and quality objectives are identified and agreed
Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project
Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

- The intended measurements, data generation, or data acquisition methods

are appropriate for achieving project objectives;
- Assessment procedures are sufficient for confirming that data of the type
and quality needed and expected are obtained; and
- Limitations on the use of the data can be identified and documented.

Terms and Definitions

 Quality – The totality of features and characteristics of a product or

service that bear on its ability to satisfy a give need. Its concept is
expressed appropriately as fitness for purpose.

 Quality Assurance – All those planned and systematic activities

implemented within a Quality System and demonstrated as needed, to
provide adequate confidence that a product or service will satisfy given
requirements for quality.

 Quality Audit – The independent examination of a quality to provide

information that is carried out on a periodic basis and involves the
independent and systematic examination of actions that influence quality.

 Quality Control – The operational techniques and activities that sustain

the product or service quality to specified requirements.

 Quality Plan – A document derived from the quality system requirements

that describes in detail the necessary QA, QC and other technical activities
that must be implemented to ensure that the results of the works performed
will satisfy the stated performance criteria.

 Quality Management – Aspect of the overall management system of the

organization that determines and implements the quality policy. It includes
strategic planning, allocation of resources and other systematic activities
pertaining to the quality system.

 Quality System – a structures and documented management system

describing the policies, objectives, principles, organizational authority,
responsibilities, accountability, and implementation plan of a organization
for ensuring quality in the work processes, products and services. The
quality system provides the framework for planning, implementing,
documenting and assessing work performed by the organization and for
carrying out required QA and QC activities.

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Contents of Quality Assurance Plan Document

This document gives a description of the Quality Assurance Plan prepared for
Detailed Engineering Design of Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road

This document contains:

Section 1: Quality Assurance Manual

Section 2: Work (Activity) Schedule


Annex 1: Checklist for Detailed Engineering Design

Scope of Design Work

The main activities as indicated in the TOR and which the Contractor believes
should be carried out in a highly professional manner that meets all the
requirements and standards that the Client has are as shown below. These
requirements and meetings of all standards are achieved through the quality
control and assurance program, which the Contractor has set up and that has to
be implemented fully.

The main activities are:-

The project task of Contractor Services will include the following:

 Collection and Review of Available Data

 Identification of Design Standards
 Topographic Surveys
 Hydrological Studies
 Assessment of Cross-Drainage Requirements
 Soils and Materials Investigations
 Engineering Designs
 Preparation of Engineering Drawings
 Preparation of Technical Specifications
 Preparation of Reports

These being the main activities of the Contractor the involvement of the quality
assurance plan in each of the above main activities will ensure that the products
meet the standard and specifications, that they are time and cost effective and
will finally receive the acceptance of the Client.

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Employer’s Requirement, man power and responsibility, equipment/software

used, applicable standards, data verification and accuracy, documents, work
procedure/design procedure, regulatory requirements etc. for each main activity
like Topographic Survey, Geometric Design, Pavement Design, Geo-technical
Investigation, Structures, etc. are summarized in the section below.

2.1 Route Selection and Topographic Surveying Employer’s Requirement

The Employer’s Requirement stipulates the following requirements with regard to

Route selection and Topographic Surveying and shall be met.

 The contractor fist shall carryout route location work by presenting alternative
options to select passing through the control points.
 The selected route shall be approved before proceeding to the detailed
topographic surveying.
 Establishing of horizontal control points with spacing of 3km interval.
 The Established horizontal control points shall be a paired (coupled) inter-
visible with at least 100m apart from each other.
 The centerline shall be set out, leveled and cross-section and benchmarks
 The Monument for each control point shall be die-stamped in the field.
 An accuracy level of 10mm+5pmm for the (x, y) coordinates of all the
coordinate points shall be maintained.
 The vertical (secondary) control points shall be referenced in the field on
permanent posts with an interval of 300m and shall be shown on the plan-profile
drawings a part from list of benchmarks to be provided on a separate sheet
accompanied by a photo of each benchmark.
 The differential level method shall be used to establish elevations for the
vertical control points.
 Detailed topographic surveying along the length of the selected alignment
corridor shall be carried out.
 For bridges and culvert sites the survey will be made to sufficient longitudinal
and lateral extent to produce the required survey data for design and estimation of
 The coordinates of all intersection points shall be tied to the National Survey
Grid and levels related to the National Bench Marks.
 All topographical surveys undertaken shall be to international standards for
such works. Man Power and Responsibility

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Photogrammetrist, Senior Surveyor, Highway Engineer/Team Leader, Material

Engineer, Structural Engineer, Hydrologist, Environmentalist, and Geologist to
evaluate the proposed route from their point of view of their professional impute. One
senior surveyor and other surveyors including the chainman and laborers are required
for the timely execution of the survey work. The responsibilities of the surveyors are
in the overall survey works of the project, establishing control points, making sure
that the accuracies for all surveying works are within the tolerance specified in the
Employer’s Requirement, carry out detailed topographic surveying and preparation of
topographic surveying report. Equipment/Software Used

The most up to date equipment of the following will be used in the surveying activity.
These are:

 Topographic Maps
 Geological Maps
 Aerial photographs or other equivalent
 Total Station
 Levels
 Hand Held GPS
 and other accessory equipment and tools Applicable Standards

The standard to be used in surveying and route location is mainly ERA Geometric
Design Manual 2002, however, internationally recognized procedures found in
surveying books and manuals distributed with surveying equipments will also be
used. Data Verification and Accuracy

The senior surveyor and the Highway Engineer will review the work done and ensure
that the outputs meet the required standards. The accuracy required at each stage of
survey works must be met and if these are not achieved the works shall be carried out

 An accuracy level of 10mm + 5pmm for the X, Y coordinates of the baseline

measurement will be ensured.
 The closing error of a leveled circuit in height difference between the forward
and reverse leveling of successive permanent survey stations shall not exceed
±√K cm where K is the distance in kilometer between two consecutive
Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project
Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

 Transverse accuracy should be at least 1:10,000 Documents

The following data and documents shall be Prepared.

 Route selection report

 Electronic copy of control points field data in a raw and unedited format.
 Electronics copy of the final adjusted coordinates, elevations and descriptions
for the Primary Control Points in an ASCII file formatted with Point Number,
Northing (y), Easting (x), Elevation (z) and Description/Comment.
 Legible copies of all field notes. Work Procedure

The procedure to be adopted during surveying works is as listed below.

 Desk study:-Reviewing of related literatures on soil and geology of the project

area including topographic maps, agricultural maps, aerial photography,
ground water resources, historic construction records and other geotechnical
related resources and Study project setting, geology and site conditions.
 Study and accessing the possible alignment from aerial photographs and
topographic maps
 Undertake field reconnaissance
 Selecting the best alternate route in consideration of different aspects as
depicted in our method statement.
 Setting out (location) of centerlines for the best selected route.
 Establishing of Primary Control Points by reviewing of existing topographic
maps and site conditions of the proposed route.
 Looking for National Bench Marks established by Ethiopian Mapping
 Tying the coordinates with the National Survey Grid.
 Setting up of the vertical (secondary) control points.
 The elevations will be transferred from EMA control point to the first control
point so as to tie the levels to the national Bench marks and subsequently to
other bench marks. The method used in leveling is Differential level methods.
 Finally cross section survey will be carried out. Regulatory Requirements

Supporting letter is required for the survey crew to acquire cooperation from the
respective government bodies and the local people while surveying along the project

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

2.2 Geo-technical Investigation Employer’s Requirement

 Reviewing of related literatures on soil and geology of the project area

including topographic maps, agricultural maps, aerial photography, ground
water resources, historic construction records and other geotechnical related
 Study project setting, geology and site conditions.
 Identification of areas with problematic soil conditions based on the available
maps before field reconnaissance.
 Identification and evaluations of potential material sources by reconnaissance
or hand methods.
 Identification and evaluations of geological and Geotechnical hazards by
reconnaissance or hand methods.
 Identification of problematic soil and water areas.
 Identification and assessment of proposed cut and fill slope ratios and make
recommendations for slopes and ditches design.
 Developing of preliminary subsurface drainage recommendations.
 Conducting soil survey including assessment of rock outcrops.
 Recording of other geotechnical observations that could impact design or
 Recording of observations in table format with reference to station intervals to
maximize extent practical.
 Evaluating of any further reconnaissance required, mapping and subsurface
investigation needs and anticipated difficulties in completing investigation
 Developing a site investigation program and submitting a copy of the program
to Employer’s Representative for its approval.
 Conducting field exploration and recording of data (individual logs, etc). The
sampling interval for tests related to AASHTO classification shall be 500m.
 Collecting of CBR value and moisture-density relationship samples at every
1km for pavement design.
 Conducting of laboratory testing and record test data of foundations, sub-grade
and construction materials.
 Back filling all holes and restoring site to an acceptable condition.
 Drawing of a cross sectional sketch at exploration locations showing the
locations relative to the centerline and a generalized test pit profile.
 Taking pictures of all sites of construction material.
 Refining of soil profile recorded in the field based on the results of laboratory
 Tabulating of laboratory test results for inclusion in the soil and material
Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project
Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

 Developing interpretive tables and figures to present the field exploration and
lab test data for analysis and design
 Presenting interpretation of regional geology and geologic setting
 Evaluating alternative geotechnical designs where alternate designs may be
 Identifying cuts by station limits from which materials conforming to the
requirements can be used for embankment construction.
 Identify section of road with expansive sub grade soil and give corresponding
treatment method.
 Identify cuts (if any) that should be wasted. Recommend disposal sites along
the alignment for unusable materials.
 Prepare sub grade and soil investigation plan
 Developing final pavement design recommendations.
 Developing final earthwork recommendations. Provide recommendations for
embankment foundation preparation and embankment construction problems,
such as "bumping" soils, need for sub grade reinforcement.
 Based on assessment developing design slope recommendations.
 Conducting shallow bearing capacity and settlement analysis, and develop
design recommendations
 Providing recommendations to eliminate or minimize potential for foundation
settlements in areas of compressible soils (if any).
 Discussing special design considerations if any
 Compiling site photographs and include in reports
 Recommend additional investigation if required. Providing specific
recommendations with respect to type of work and location, and expected
 Presenting findings and recommendations in Draft Soil and Material Report.
 Incorporating ERA's /Employer's Representative review and comments in the
Draft soil and Material Report Man Power and Responsibility

The person responsible for the geo-technical investigation is the

Geotechnical/Pavement/Material Engineer. The Geotechnical/Material Engineer’s
responsibility lies in the selection and assignment of qualified technicians.

Moreover the Geotechnical/Pavement and Material Engineer will as a minimum be

responsible for the following:

 Ensure that the requirements of the Employer’s Representative with respect to

sub-grade and existing pavement investigation, i.e. thickness measurement,
sampling intervals, insitu testing, etc are met.
 Investigate and identify suitable sources of construction materials.
Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project
Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

 Identify and evaluate problematic sub-grade soils.

 Investigate foundations at proposed bridge crossing sites.
 Design of optimum pavement structure making use of all available data with
respect to sub-grade, traffic, existing pavement and construction materials.
 Delineating the boundaries of all borrows pits, quarry sites, etc. accurately. Equipment/Software Used

Equipment that will be used in the geo-technical investigation are the following:

 Hand Held GPS

 Measuring Tools and Sampling Equipment
 Application Software (Such as Ms-Excel)
 Photo Camera Applicable Standards

The following standards will be used in the Geo-technical Investigation of the subject
road. These are:

 ERA’s 2002 Site Investigation Manual

 ERA’s Pavement Design manual, 2002.
 ERA’s Standard Specifications, 2002.
 Roads Design manual, Part 3, Material and Pavement Design for new roads-
 Tanzanian Pavement and Material Design Manual -1999.
 AASHTO Manual on subsurface investigations, 1988
 AASHTO Guide for the design of Pavement Structures, 1993
 Kenyan
 AASHTO Standard Specification for Transportation Materials and Method for
Sampling and Testing, recent edition.
The Contractor shall request clarification of any ambiguity or conflict in these
mandatory standards from ERA. ERA’s interpretation and decision shall be final. Data Verification and Accuracy

 All collected data will be summarized, and X and Y coordinates of all

sampling stations, borrow pits, quarries, etc will be verified by loading them
into the computer with regards to sampling location, intervals, etc.
 Individual laboratory test results will be analyzed first and when there are
unexpected test results, re-test will be conducted.
 The laboratory test results will be generally compared with insitu tests and if
significant deviations are encountered, the data will be verified making use of
the field record and re-checking the laboratory test results, as necessary.

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan Documents

The Pavement/Material Engineer will prepare Soils and Material report as per the
requirement of the Employer’s Requirement. Work/Design Procedure

The work/design procedures to be adopted during the Geo-technical Investigation are:

 Evaluation of the laboratory test results along with the pavement condition
survey, insitu test results.
 Categorizing of the sub-grade and the existing pavement into homogenous
 Consider the salvage value of existing pavement based on measured thickness
and laboratory test results.
 Determination of the design CBR based on the categorization of homogeneous
section and the test results.
 Design of optimum pavement structure.

2.3 Structures Studies Employer’s Requirement

Structure Selection

 Reviewing of the structure site data to determine the requirements that will
control the structure size, layout and type.
 Propose recommended superstructure and substructure alternative(s). Propose
foundation alternative(s). Determine the structure length, width and span
configurations that satisfy horizontal and vertical clearance criteria. Consider
hydraulic opening and potential scour requirements. For walls, propose wall
type and foundation alternatives.
 Considering of environmental constraints.
 Considering of restrictions due to site access and transport limitations and
local material availability.
 Recommending proposed adjustments to vertical and horizontal alignment and
grade necessary to accommodate bridge location and free board requirements.
 Recommending a structure layout, type and rehabilitation alternative(s) as
applicable. Include a preliminary sketch(s). More than one alternative may be
recommended. Stating of criteria used in evaluating each alternative.

Structure Layout

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Include the following information on the structure layout drawing(s).

Plan View

 Plan view of bridge including walls, wing walls, approach slabs, railings and
transition railings. Show dimension of waterway opening normal to stream
flow at toe of fill slopes. Show structure low chord elevations.
 Existing topography to no greater than 0.5 meter contours. Additional ground
contours for a sufficient reach of stream as needed to define the general stream
flow alignment and bank width.
 Stationing at centerline roadway.
 North arrow.
 Wing wall length measured along gutter line.
 Extent of fill slopes & slope protection works.
 Stream name and direction of flow.
 Outline of existing structure.
 Skew angle to nearest integer degrees.
 Scale used.

Elevation View
 Elevation view of structure including railings, substructure, walls, slope
protection and aesthetic treatments.
 Clearly identify and label railing types, superstructure types, slope protection
type and foundation types if known.
 Original ground profile at centerline roadway. Original ground profile at left
and right edge of bridge if topography varies significantly.
 Overall ridge length and span lengths.
 Stationing and elevations for begin and end bridge and centerline piers.
 Centerline roadway profile grade.
 Station and Elevation bar.
 Water surface elevation at design flood.
 Available freeboard at design flood.
 Estimated scour depths.
 Available foundation material information.
 Scale used.

 Typical roadway section at bridge.

 Vertical profile grade diagram including location of bridge.
 Horizontal alignment at bridge approach.
 Super elevation data.


Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

 Water surface elevations, velocities and flow rates at 50 year, 100 year design


 Geotechnical report.

Design Data

 Typical bridge section split showing section at pier/abutment and mid span.
Include travel lane dimensions, shoulder dimensions, guardrail dimensions and
roadway cross-slopes.
 Design data including live load, overloads, concrete strengths, reinforcement
requirements, superstructure type, railing type, sidewalks and drains.
 Any other pertinent information including seismic requirements.

Structural Design and Check

Structure Site Visit

 Reviewing proposed bridge layout by traveling to the project site.

 Record amendments required according to site condition.

Structure Design Criteria

 Technical policy guidelines

 ERA 2002 Bridge Design Manual.

 AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Manual
 ERA 2002 Standard Specifications.
 Structure Scoping Inspection Report, Structure Selection Report and
Structure Preliminary Layout.
 Current Geotechnical and Hydraulic Reports, Memorandums and
 Providing a summary of the preliminary structural design
criteria for the items listed below.

 Geometric Layout

 Bridge Spans, Horizontal and Vertical Alignment, Typical Section

and Hydraulic Information per Structure Preliminary Layout.
 Bridge and Transition Railing.
 Abutment pitching or Slope Protection

 Design Loads
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 Materials
 Superstructure Design

 Railings
 Concrete Deck Design
 Approach Slab
 Girders

 Substructure Design

 Piers
 Abutments and Wing walls
 Foundations

 Wall Design
 Miscellaneous

 Abutment and Deck drainage

 Bearings
 Expansion Joints
 Scour Protection

Structure Design

 Prepare design calculations for the items listed below and to be annotated with
specific references to the applicable design specification sections.

 Super Structure
 Connections
 Substructure
 Foundations

Structure Drawings

 Preparing structure drawings that show all details necessary for construction of
the bridge.
 A minimum of the following contract plan sheets are required for typical
simple span structure:

Sheet Description Sheet Description

Plan View, Elevation View, General Deck Plan
Notes, Profile Grade Diagram

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Foundation Plan, Subsurface Profile, Bridge Railing

C Slope Protection M Bridge Railing End Block
D Abutment 1 N Transition Railing
E Abutment 2 O Rebar list
F Wing Walls P Deck Drainage
G Girder Framing Plan Q Abutment drainage
H Girder R Bearing
I Girder Details S Expansion Joint
J Typical section T Approach Slab

Structure Quantities

 Calculating and checking of plan item quantities. Man Power and Responsibility

The professional that involve in the structures studies is structural Engineer and his
responsibility are:
 Select appropriate structural type and layout
 Decide deck and foundation elevations
 Decide critical major structure locations
 Select the extent and type of bank protection if required
 Carry out statistical calculations
 Prepare final drawings Equipment/Software Used

If required SAP (Structural Analysis Program) STADpro structural software may be

used. Applicable Standards

The following three standards were proposed to be used in the structural design of the
subject road. These are:

 ERA 2002 Bridge design Manual

 ERA 2002 Standard Drawings
 ERA 2002 Drainage Design Manual
 Standard specifications for construction, 2002
 AASHTO LFRD Bridge Design Specification 2004
 AASHTO Standard Specification for Transportation Materials Method for
Sampling and Testing recent edition
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Quality Assurance Plan Data Verification and Accuracy

All data’s available shall be checked or compared against similar nature and type of
structures and terrain. The comparison might not be one to one but engineering design
experiences governs. Documents

The documents to be produced out of the structural study is Structural Report as per
Employer’s Requirements: Work/Design Procedure

The work/design procedures to be adopted during the structural studies are:

 Check data available for design

 Select structure type and layout
 Design superstructure
 Design substructure
 Design connections details
 Design slope and scour protection
 Preparation of final drawings Regulatory Requirements

Environmental impact due to structure type and size in respect to design and the type
and scheme of the construction proposed must be checked against the environmental
policies of the country.

2.4 Hydrological Studies Employer’s Requirement

Hydrology/Hydraulics Assessment

 Collecting of existing drainage related data, reports, studies and other pertinent
information from local, regional and federal offices.
 Conducting a reconnaissance site investigation of existing streams including
examination of the overall site equipped with hand held GPS having an
accuracy of 3 to 5 meters to document the location of streams and other
drainage features as necessary supplementing the topographic mapping.
 Identifying potential floodplain encroachments and channel stability issues.
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 Developing and defining criteria and computational methods to be used for the
hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of ditches, culverts and bridges including
appropriate design standards and flood frequency. Criteria and methods shall
be consistent with the ERA’s 2002 Drainage Design Manual as well as
pertinent site-specific considerations.
 Submitting a summary of the design criteria and methods to be used to
ERA/Employer’s Representative as part of the draft Design Standard Report
for review and approval followed by hydrologic and hydraulic analysis based
on the approved criteria and computational methods.
 If needed to evaluate potential encroachments or to determine water
elevations, perform a flood analysis of existing conditions using the 10, 50 and
100 year events. Provide recommendations regarding whether or not the
potential encroachments likely to result in undesirable flood plain effects.
 Hydrologic and hydraulic computations shall be performed if bridge locations
are identified to determine the existing flow rates and water surface elevations
for the 50 and 100 year events at the bridge locations.
 Drainage basin delineations for all cross culvert locations shall be performed
that require design discharges.
 Peak discharges shall be calculated based on the design criteria and methods
previously adopted for roadway drainage crossings.
 Prepare Reconnaissance and Flood Plain Analysis Report including but not
limited to the following as part of Hydrology/Hydraulics and Structural

 Documentation of approved criteria and methods

 Documentation of data collection and site investigation
 Identification of floodplain encroachment and channel stability issues.
 Documentation of hydrologic and hydraulic computations, if
 Electronic files for floodplain analysis, if applicable.

Hydraulics Recommendations

 The type, size and location of the major culverts greater than 1200mm (48”)
shall be designed using HY8 or equivalent for hydraulic analysis/design.
Recommend appropriate end treatments for the major culverts.
 Designing the type, size and location of minor cross culverts using HY8 or
equivalent for hydraulic analysis/design for minor culverts in critical situations
such as high likelihood of debris, high tail water, low culvert barrel slope,
increased risks to upstream properties or other site-specific conditions. Minor
culverts in non-critical situations shall be designed using HY8 or equivalent,
inlet control nomographs or inlet control equations.
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 Design for outlet energy dissipation shall be provided for all culverts, as
 Designs for roadside ditches including grade control structures and/or
temporary/permanent linings shall be provided to prevent erosion.
 If required by the Employer’s Representative, provide bridge waterway
analysis for proposed bridge designs.

 Characterize bed and bank materials in the vicinity of proposed bridge

piers and abutments from available geotechnical data and reports.
 Assessing scour potential at bridge locations and making foundation
and scour countermeasure design recommendations.

 Develop Draft Hydrology/Hydraulics Report which shall provide the

necessary hydrologic and hydraulic analysis to complete the design that

 Maps indicating the general and specific project location including the
stream channel(s) to proposed structure locations and drainage basin
boundaries. The catchment delineated on available topographic maps of
scale 1:50,000 with code number of the catchment shall be presented with
the hydrology and hydraulics report.
 Brief discussions, documentation and summaries of all analysis and
design activities (including any assumptions used) and results.
 Detailed hydraulic design as well as rational for selecting all drainage
 Appendices containing copies of any hand or spreadsheet calculations
and the input and output data from any computer models used.
 Maps and/or exhibits showing the location and orientation of all cross-
section plots for all locations.
 Electronic copies of computer input/output files. Man Power and Responsibility

The professional that involve in Hydrology/Hydraulics study is Hydrologist whose

duties and responsibilities are:

 Responsible for the hydrological analysis.

 Responsible for hydraulic works like determination of opening
 Preparation of Hydrologic/Hydraulic Reports. Equipment/Software used

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 Microsoft Excel
 Hydrain Package Softwares such as Hy8, HEC-RAS
 GIS Software
 Global Mapper
 Gogle earth Applicable Standards

The design of minor and major drainage structures including road storm-water drains
will be based on Ethiopian Road Authority (ERA) Drainage Design Manual of year
2002, ERA 2002 Standard Drawings, ERA 2002 Standard specification for
construction and AASHTO Standard Specification for Transportation Materials
Method for Sampling and Testing recent edition. However, some modifications that
have been derived from the Ethiopian situation in estimating flood frequencies and
magnitudes shall be applied. Data Verification and Accuracy

The maximum rainfall data series and maximum flow series will be checked for their
consistency before being used for different analysis. The investigation will
concentrate mainly on the outliers of the data series. Extremely high values that
occurred at given times will be checked against records of other nearby stations. Work/Design Procedure

Documents to be produced out of the Hydrology/Hydraulics study are

Hydrological/Hydraulics & Structural Report. Work/Design Procedure

The design work procedures to be adopted during the hydrological studies are:

 Developing and defining criteria and computational methods to be used for the
hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of ditches, culverts and bridges.
 Collecting of existing rainfall and stream flow data within and nearby the
project area and collection of topographic maps and aerial photos.
 Determining the locations of culvert and bridge sites.
 Delineating catchments corresponding to culverts and bridges; estimating
catchments area, stream lengths and slope; and estimation of runoff
coefficients pertinent to Rational and SCS methods.
 Estimation of design floods for ditches, culverts and bridges.

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 Determining the type and size of the major culverts and designing of end
treatments for the major culverts.
 Providing the designs of culvert outlet energy dissipation wherever it is
 Providing designs for roadside ditches including needed grade control
structures and protective linings.
 Providing bridge waterway analysis for proposed bridge designs; including
capacity design recommendations, scour assessment, foundation and
countermeasure design recommendations, and providing designs for river
training/stabilization structures.

2.5 Geometric Design Basic Requirement

 The Contractor shall design all roadway geodetics including horizontal

alignment, vertical alignment, cross-section elements and super elevation in
accordance with the design criteria set forth in the Employer’s requirement
and ERA’s Geometric Design manual.
 During Design the Contractor also shall design so that the following
requirements are met.
 Maintain a safe environment for road users and give special
consideration to avoiding potentially hazardous conditions
 Design a road meeting the requirement of DS4
 The designer shall coordinate and ensure that the project design
accommodates and allows for the design of technically and
environmentally sound project

 The horizontal alignment of the road center line shall be determined by a study
of the optimum alignment between control points specified as a result of the
engineering investigations.
 All points shall be coordinated to the national survey grid to which the road
shall be referenced.
 The digital terrain model shall enable cross-sections to be determined along
the length of the road centerline at each 20-meter station.
 In the selection of vertical and horizontal alignment, safety consideration shall
be applied to the alignment design. In addition the design shall incorporate the
agreed design standards and optimize earth works.
 The geometric design shall be based on ERA’s Geometric Design manual.
 The Contractor shall consult local officials in this regard. Man Power and Responsibility

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The professional that involve in the geometric design is Highway Engineer. The main
responsibilities and duties are selection of cross section, and detail design of
horizontal and vertical alignment, super elevation, road widening, road furniture and
markings, and bus lay-byes. Equipment/Software Used

Equipments and software that will be used in geometric design are Pentium Iv
Computer, Printer, Photo Copier Machine, Plotter, and Eagle Point Software or other
known software. Applicable Standards

The following standards were proposed in the technical proposal to be used in the
geometric design of the subject road. These are:

1. Addendum No.1 on ERA Geometric Design Manual

2. ERA’s Geometric Design manual, 2002
3. ERA’s 2002 Standard Technical Specification
4. ERA’s 2002 Standard Drawing
5. Geometric Design Standards, AASHTO

However, the Contractor will prepare design standard review report and thus
comparison will be made on the main geometric elements of the mentioned standards
and suitable parameters that will be used for the design of the subject project will be
recommended for approval by the Employer’s Representative/ERA and if there is any
contradiction or conflict among the standards the designer will adhere to the standards
with the highest priority as listed above (No 1 is the highest priority and no. 5 being
the least priority) Data Verification and Accuracy

The accuracy of the surveying data shall be verified before starting the geometric
design. After importing the surveying data and digitalizing the ground model using
the available design software, the contours generated will be compared with the one
shown on the topographic map. It is then that the geometric design proceeds. Documents

Documents to be produced out of the Geometric Design are the following:

 Engineering Report
 Complete Set of Drawings that includes:

 Title sheet
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 Location plan
 Conventional plan symbols and abbreviations
 Survey control information sheet
 Typical sections including miscellaneous details, erosion control
standards/details, embankment benching, riprap details, paved ditch details
 Index to drawings sheet
 Summary of quantities sheet
 Tabulation of quantities by grading section
 Super elevation development detail
 Grading summary and mass haul diagram
 Drainage summary sheets
 Mainline plan and profile sheets
 Major public intersecting road plan and profile sheets
 Cross-sections plan set coversheet
 Mainline cross sections
 Bridge plans
 Box culvert layout
 Box culvert miscellaneous detail
 Culvert cross section sheets
 R.C. Pipe culver standards
 Culvert inlet and enwall details
 Guardrail standards details
 Kilometer and Guide post detail
 Intersection layouts and detail sheets
 Retaining wall layout and details
 Revegetation/landscaping plans and details
 Traffic Signs, road marking layouts and standards/details
 Other permanent traffic control standards/details
 Temporary traffic control standards/details and specials
 Plans showing locations of borrow and quarry sites Design Work Procedure

The work/design procedures to be adopted during the geometric design are:

 Prepare design standard review and submit for approval to ERA. In the design
standard review the controlling criteria for geometric design such as design
speed, travel way width, shoulder width, horizontal curvature, super elevation,
super elevation runoff, curve widening, vertical curvature, crown, gradient,
stopping sight distance, design vehicle, design exceptions, typical section

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(including paved ditch, curb, guardrails and retaining wall), etc. will be
 Checking surveying data that include accuracy; understanding of symbols
used for definition of points, etc.
 Importing surveying data using road design software.
 Creating digital ground model by joining nearby points with break lines.
 Generate contours out of the digital ground model (DGM).
 Comparing the generated contours with the one shown on the topographic
 Determine horizontal alignment including design of junctions.
 Pavement thickness and cross slope and span and elevation of structures will
be collected from Pavement Engineer and Structural Engineer respectively.
 Generate cross sections.
 Design of the vertical alignment taking in to account the minimum cover
required for minor and major drainage structures.
 Estimation of earthwork quantities.
 Visiting the site having hard copy of design at hand enabling to collect
supplementary data so as to modify or accept the design of horizontal and
vertical alignment.
 Finalizing of the geometric design.

2.6 Composition of Team and Responsibilities of Each Member

The QA Plan integrates the contributions and requirements of everyone involved into
a clear, concise statement of what is to be accomplished, how it will be done and by
whom. It provides understandable instructions to those who must implement the QA
Project Plan, such as the field sampling team the analytical laboratory, etc. In all
aspects of the QA project plan, the use of standards and practices are encouraged.

Table 2.2 Composition of Team and Responsibilities of staff

No. Title Responsibilities

1 Highway Engineer - Team Mobilization and Coordination.
- Coordinate and monitor detailed
reconnaissance, condition surveys, traffic
surveys, topography surveying activity.
- Direct, guide and coordinate the work of
all members of the team.
- Prepare progress reporting
- Reschedule project activities and
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- Assignment of tasks to project staff and

coordinating the inputs of each team member into
the project;
- Technical input into all project activities
especially the geometric design of the roads;
- Review of all available data, reports and
published information about the project road.
- Conduct field visit.
- Suggest modification in Work Plan og
design if any to Employer’s Representative/ERA
through the project manager.
- Responsible for quality control and
timely submission of all the deliverables.
- Prepare the design standard report and
other reports required in the contract together
with other staffs.
2 Geotechnical/ - Carry out reconnaissance survey.
Pavement/ Material - Investigate sub-grade soil, foundation of
Engineer crossings, Stability problem and possible
construction material sources along each
alternative route.
- Investigate in detail sub-grade soil,
foundation of crossing, foundation for high fill,
- Investigate possible construction
material sources along selected route during
detail design stage.
- Supervise materials investigations of
sub-grade of existing pavement.
- Carry out pavement investigations and
identify road sections with special problems
(poor sub-grade, poor drainage, erosion,
subsidence stability) and design of remedial
- Preparation of Quality Assurance Plan
for all pavement investigations and
- Evaluation, finalization and adoption of
pavement design standards.
- Data analysis and selection of
parameters for the design of pavements.
- Carry out pavement design.
- Identification of sources of materials
including borrow areas and quarries along the
roads and the testing their suitability for project
- Organize and check field and laboratory
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tests on various relevant reports.

3 Hydrologist - Collect and study the available data and
documents on rainfall and drainage aspects.
- Carryout hydraulic assessment survey of
the drainage structures and collects all required
- Delineate water dividing lines;
determine the catchments area and streams lines
length using stereoscopic aerial photography,
available topographic maps and field visits.
- Field study of all catchments
characteristics and flow pattern along the route.
- Determine rainfall-runoff/ duration
intensity relationships.
- Determine catchment’s runoff
characteristics and channel slopes/ discharge
characteristics for each catch.
- Establish appropriate return flood period
and corresponding water levels.
- Determine the requirement for drainage
- Carryout hydrological survey and
investigation and estimate the design discharge
for drainage structures, for all major crossings.
- Review and verify the discharge and
capacity analysis of all drainage structures.
- Carryout assessment of the adequacy of
the size and spacing of the existing structures and
recommend for ensuring the integrity of these
structures with the analyzed requirement.
- Determine the hydraulic opening and
protection requirement for new drainage
- Locate ditch out locations.
- Locate detention ponds locations on flat
terrain where natural drain is not possible.
- Identify swampy area, flood plain area.
- Identify erosion sensitive locations and
propose method of protection.
- Identify potential siltation area and
propose method of protection.
- Provide detailed drainage schedule.
- Prepare Hydrology/Hydraulic Report.
4 Structural Engineer - Conduct condition survey of existing
structures and determine their structural
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- Recommend design option for existing

- Bridge Site Selection
- Span and layout determination of
drainage structures
- Assist the team leader in the route and
corridor selection.
- Prepare draft design standards and
methodology and finalize design standards for
culverts, bridges and structures.
- Assist the team leader in preparation of
Quality Assurance Plan.
- Carry out drainage and bridge site
- Design of retaining walls and
miscellaneous structures;
- Preparation of detailed design drawings
and specifications for design of bridges and
- Works in close cooperation with the
hydrologist and the other team members
5 Senior Surveyor - Field Reconnaissance survey
- Route location with other experts
- Organizes, coordinates and guides the
surveying crew;
- Responsible for overall survey works of
the project including in the road section where
route location with different alternative carried
- Establishing Control Points.
- Carry out detailed topographic
- Prepare the required documents.
- Carryout all detailed surveying work.
- Check the quality of surveying data
6 Quality Assurance - Draft the general Quality Assurance and
Manager Quality Control System
- Establish Quality Control Organization
with details of staffing and responsibility of each
- Supervise and control the proper
implementation of the established Quality
Control System.
- Reporting regarding Quality Control to
the Project Manager
- Prepare Standard formats for quality
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Quality Assurance Plan

7 Photogrametrist - Delineate the best route on the
Topographic Map as required
- Delineate the catchment area for
hydrological analysis
- Work in collaboration the highway
Engineer, Senior Surveyor, location man and the
hydrologist as required

2.7 Possible Problems and Quality Control

The Quality Assurance Plan Documents the Planning, Implementation, and

Assessment Procedures and the manner in which specific QA and QC activities will
be applied during carrying out of particular activities of the project. At each stage of
the project the Contractor has devised means of controlling the quality of outputs of
each activities by identifying the possible problems, measures to be taken for each
problems and corresponding solutions.

The ultimate success of the project depends on the quality of the data collected and
used in decision-making, and this may depend significantly on the adequacy of the
QA plan and its effective implementation. Thus, the Contractor shall Implement
Quality Assurance Plan to all activities described in the Employer’s Requirement.

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Table 2.3: Output Quality Control Means for Each Activity to be carried out at Each Stage of the Project

Act. Activity Possible Problems Measures to be Taken Responsible Checked by Indicators

1 Reconnaissance  Site  Site Highway Engineer, Employer’s  Sit
survey and road visit may not be reconnaissance should be Pavement/Material Engr. and Representative e visit report should
inventory conducted along the conducted following the Senior Surveyor coincide with the
identified routes. identified possible routes. desktop study.
2 Selection of Design  Err  Select Highway Engineer/Pav(Mat) Employer’s  Tr
Standard or in information for all items required to Eng./Struc Eng./Hydrologist. Representative affic count, OD
selection of design select design standard. surveys and others
standard. should be collected
3 Route Location  Mis  Contr Photogrammetrist/Senior Surveyor/ Employer’s  Id
identification of ol points approved by the Highway Engineer Representative entified route is in the
control points. Employer’s direction of the
Representative/client controlling points.
should be used.
 Poo  Assig  Se
r interpretation of n a person qualified in lected route should
aerial photos and photogrammetry and satisfy all criteria.
maps. route location.
 Cer  Try to  Be
tain landmarks may not identify these landmarks thorough in route
be identified. even at the surveying selection and include
stage. these landmarks.
4 GPS Survey  Rea  Follo Senior Surveyor/ Highway Employer’s  Ch

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project 31

Defense Construction Enterprise Quality Assurance Plan

ding errors w up closely instrument Engineer Representative eck readings against

manual. map readings.
 Con  Set  In
trol points may not be control points outside the volve the local people
set in a secured place. limit of the roadway and in watching the
use permanent posts. monuments.
 Pho  Use  Ph
tographs of some digital cameras to check otographing the
control points may be for recording all adjacent areas around
missing controlling points. the control points is
also helpful.
5 Traverse, leveling,  Sur  Surve Senior Surveyor/Highway Employer’s Surveying will be as per
detailed survey veying may not follow ying should follow the Engineer Representative the mapped route and if
the mapped route. mapped route unless any change is
unseen conditions are encountered the
encountered. responsible persons
should be aware.
 Top  Mini Appropriate topo map
ographic Surveying mum width of coverage showing the extents of
may not cover depending on the terrain surveyed width should
sufficient width. type should be respected. be produced.
 Ins  Bench Bench marks are
ufficient number of marks should be established at visible and
bench marks could be established in close not easily movable
a problem during proximity such as every places and should be
construction. 300m. defined clearly.
 Imp  Surve Social impacts and
ortant features may be ying should include all corresponding measures
omitted. land features. should be described.
6 Existing Pavement  Not  The Pavement/Material Engr. and Employer’s Preparation of necessary
Investigation identifying clearly the technician should clearly Material Tech. Representative formats and
intended purpose. know what data should identification of required

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project 32

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be collected and what information.

tests should be performed
either in the field or in
the lab.
 The  Make Clear notification of the
designated spacing the investigator required spacing for each
may not be adhered to. responsible for such type of testing is very
action. essential.
7 Sub-grade Soil  Err  Techn Pavement/Material Engineer Employer’s Visual identification
Survey or in identifying soil ician assigned should be Representative should be matched with
types. experienced. test results.
 Suf  Instru Spacing of sampling
ficient samples may ctions regarding the should be as per the
not be collected. requirements should be Employer’s Requirement
passed to the technicians and proposal.
doing the survey work.
8 Construction  Con  Prosp Pavement/Material Engineer Employer’s Prospects of construction
Material struction materials may ective sites should be Representative materials should be
Investigation be difficult to locate. indicated during described in the report.
reconnaissance period
with possibility of further
9 Foundation  Fou  Assig Geotechnical/Pavement/Material Employer’s Show results of
Investigation ndation Investigation n qualified people in the Engineer Representative investigation in
may not be reliable. investigation. appropriate manner.
10 Investigation for  Pro  Separ Pavement/Material Engineer Employer’s Probable areas should be
problem soils and blems soils and areas ate field personnel should Representative noted during the initial
area may not be indicated be assigned for the reconnaissance stage.
properly. purpose.
11 Laboratory Tests  Tes  The Pavement/Material Engineer Employer’s
t results may not be laboratory should Highway Engineer Representative
ready on time. schedule to complete the

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work on time.
12 Hydrological and  Poo  Assig Hydrologist/Highway Engineer Employer’s Office study and field
Hydraulic r estimation of n an experienced Representative work should complement
Investigation catchment areas hydrologist. each other.

 Un  Assig Office study and field

der estimation and n an experienced work should complement
over estimation of size Hydrologist. each other.
of openings.

13 Investigation of  Info  Appro Structural Engineer Employer’s Field inspection team

Structures rmation collected may priate formats and Representative should be able to gather
not be correct. experienced personnel the correct information.
may gather the correct
 Bri  Involv Factors such as
dge or drainage site ement of the structural alignment, cost,
locations may not be engineer, foundation foundation material
conducted in the engineer and surveyor should be considered in
appropriate way. may relieve that problem. the selection of the
14 Geometric Design  The  The Highway Engineer Employer’s Used manuals should be
geometric design may designer should follow Representative expressed in the report.
not follow the agreed the agreed design
design manual. manual.

 Des  Try to Comparison of cost

ign may not be balance the cut and fill should be shown for
economical. quantities and minimize different areas.
rock excavation.
 Sol  Proble Problem areas should be
utions for problem m areas should be given attention.

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project 34

Defense Construction Enterprise Quality Assurance Plan

areas may not be checked.

 Saf  Desig Appropriate traffic signs
ety for traffic may not n should consider safety should be shown on the
be considered. and road signs should be design.
appropriately located.
15 Pavement Design  Eff  Appro Pavement/Material Engineer Employer’s Calculation of the
ective structural priate tests should be Representative structural strength of the
capacity of existing conducted in the correct existing pavement should
pavement may not be manner. be done correctly.
 Rec  Econo Economical pavement
ommended pavement mic comparison should structure should be
structure may not be be carried out before recommended.
economical. recommending pavement
 Lo  Qualit Quality of pavement
w quality pavement y of pavement structure structure should be
may be recommended. should be corresponding sufficient to
with the anticipated accommodate the
design traffic. anticipated design traffic.
16 Structural Design of  Ap  Use Structural Engineer Employer’s Design manuals and
bridge and culverts propriate design only approved design Representative loadings should be
manual and loading manual and ERA’s harmonized with ERA’s
may not be used. loading condition. Design Manual 2002.
 Ap  Appro Indicate the software
propriate design priate software should be used in the report.
software may not be used and the out put
used should be checked by the
Structural Engineer.
 Dra  Final Dimensions on drawings
wings may not match drawings should be should be the same as

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project 35

Defense Construction Enterprise Quality Assurance Plan

the calculation. checked against statical outputs of calculation.

 Gra  Final The grade level of bridge
de level may not be grade level should come structures should be
tied with geometric from the road designer. same as road grade level.
17 Final Design and  Poo  Engin Highway Engineer Employer’s Drawings should be to a
Engineering Plans. r quality papers may be eering plans should be Representative high standard.
used for preparation of plotted and copied using
Engineering Plans. good quality paper.
 Dra  Drawi Drawings should match
wing may not ngs should be checked with report.
harmonize with with Engineering Report.
engineering report.

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project 36

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan


A work plan prepared for the effective implementation of the assignment in a timely
manner taking into account the logical sequence, the workload and interdependence of
activities is summarized in table 3.1 below.

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Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Annex I

Checklist for Engineering



Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Description of Work Item to be Checked Yes No

1. Are topographic survey and mapping performed, recorded
and plotted in the metric units?
2. Are the Points of National Grid System identified and
used to connect the project with the national grid system?
3. Did the team establish the Control Points using GPS?
4. Had appropriate monument been used and established for
the project?
5. Does the Z-value of Control points established by leveling
6. Did the topographic surveying give due consideration to
the following?
a. Projection and property boundaries;
b. Project location, size, terrain, and vegetative cover;
c. Density and accuracy of existing control points;
d. Data formatting, transfer, and storage.
7. Are the following elements addressed in the topographic
a. Existing Control Points:
- Accuracy?
- Accessibility?
b. Proposed Methods and Procedures
- Equipment?
- Personnel?
- Safety?
- Work instruction including minimum width of
- Data Processing?
8. Has the data been evaluated and results are in acceptable
limits of error (accuracy and precision)?
9. Is the data compatible with current existing computer

Date: Senior Surveyor:

Date: Highway Engineer/Team Leader:


Description of Work Item to be Checked Yes No

A. Geotechnical investigation
1. Are the geological conditions of the project site described?
2. Does the summary of all surface and subsurface
Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project
Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

exploration data describe

a. Sub grade soil extension including rock out crop?
b. Subsurface soil profiles?;
c. Sampling depths and locations?;
d. Laboratory and/or in-situ test result?
3. Have the surface and subsurface data been interpreted and
analyzed of, including?
a. Laboratory and in-situ testing?
b. Analysis and determination of the geo-technical
parameters, including, strength, settlement?
c. Determination of suitability of cut materials
d. Evaluation and recommendations for problem soils
4. Comparison of alternative foundation types,
5. Presence of scour and estimation of depth?
6. Stability of slopes and methods of stabilization under
7. Collection of pertinent information concerning existing
substructures when alternatives are proposed?
8. A compilation of site photographs?
B. Pavement Design
1. Is performance of existing pavement considered if
2. Is the design sub grade CBR determined making use
of sufficient and laboratory?
3. Is the availability of locally construction materials
considered during the pavement design?
4. Is the final pavement design recommended after
making comparisons with internationally accepted
pavement design manuals?
5. Is the climatic conditions and drainage considered?
6. Is the due consideration given to the environment?
7. Is pavement reliability discussed?

Date: Material/Pavement Engineer:

Date: Highway Engineer/Team Leader:


Description of Work Item to be Checked Yes No

1. Are the following data collected
- Meteorological Data from relevant source
- Surveyed high water marks
- Hydrology data from relevant sources
- Topographic Maps and Aerial Photos
- Geological Maps
- Soils Maps
Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project
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Quality Assurance Plan

- Land use/cover Maps

2. Is Hydrologic/Hydraulics field survey made to
- Flow Concentration?
- Observation of land use and related flood
- Geomorphic relationships?
- High-water marks or profiles and related
3. Is the collected info includes the following?
- Date of field visit
- Project name
- Structure type
- Size or span
- Skew
- Inlet condition
- Outlet
- Abutment types
- Inlet type
- Existing waterway cover
- Check for debris
- Up or downstream restriction
- Height of banks
- Outlet channel
- Manning’s value
- Type of stream bed material
- Ponding
- Bridges upstream and downstream
- Catchments land use
4. Is a site described for:-
- Cross Drain?
- Storm Drain?
- Channel Change?
5. Is survey data source identified as field or aerial?
6. Is number of aerial photo used shown?
7. Are special requirements and problems identified?
- Hydrologic boundary-obtain hydrologic
channel geometry
- Adverse Flood History-obtain hydrologic
channel geometry
- Structure Scour-check flow alignment, scour
at culvert outlet, evidence of bridge scour
8. Is damage to property studied?
9. Ground photos taken?
10. Flood design recurrence interval
11. Had the existing system been identified and
12. Are proposed structures described?
13. Are utility conflicts solved?
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Quality Assurance Plan

14. Are maintainability of proposed structures

15. Are the methodologies used during hydrological
and hydraulic studies appropriate?

Date: Hydrologist:

Date: Highway Engineer/Team Leader:


Description of Work Item to be Checked Yes No

1. Is the surveying data checked?
2. Are the geometric conditions of an existing road
3. Has the design standard been selected based on the
functional class of the road and anticipated traffic?
4. Does the selected standard fit into environment and
road hierarchy?
5. Does the selected standard appropriate for the traffic
type and volume?
6. Does sufficient right-of-way exist, or can it be
7. Are the cross-section widths adequate for the levels
of traffic flow predicted?
8. Have cross-sections been widened at sharp horizontal
9. Does the design include adequate shoulders?
Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project
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Quality Assurance Plan

10. Are side slope and back slopes adequate?

11. Does the cross section provide for drainage?
12. Are stopping sight distances along the road above the
minimum values required for the design speeds for
both horizontal and vertical alignments?
13. Are the radius of horizontal curves, with super
elevation where required, above the minimum values
identified for the design speed?
14. Have reverse curves, broken-back curves, and
compound curves been avoided?
15. Are isolated curves of sufficient radius?
16. Is super elevation according to standards?
17. Are the vertical curves adequate for the design
18. Are the gradients below the max. Permissible value?
19. Are the gradients as indicated on cross-sections and
longitudinal sections sufficient to avoid standing
20. Is road access too open or too restricted?
21. Do the combined geometric design elements produce
a consistent and safe alignment?
22. Will the road allow safe driving in darkness?
23. Will the design lead to reduced severity in the event
of an accident?
24. Does the junction design minimize potential conflicts
to the extent possible/practical?
25. Is the type of junction selected appropriate for the
conditions present?
26. Do the junction approaches provide adequate
27. Does the junction cater to the needs of pedestrians
and non motorized vehicles as required?
28. Have turning lanes been considered?
29. Has pedestrian usage been estimated, and have
appropriate facilities been provided for pedestrian
and non-motorized safety both along and across the
30. Has provision been made for the placement of
31. Have traffic signs, signals, road markings and
guideposts been provided?
32. Have centerline and edge line markings been
designed which give adequate guidance/control for
33. Has adequate provision been made for the provision
of bus lay-byes, and for parked and stopped
34. Are railway crossings adequately designed?
35. Have guardrails been considered, especially at bridge
Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project
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Quality Assurance Plan

36. Is the any scope for the installation of emergency
escape ramps been considered?
37. Have speed limit zones, safety barriers, and
emergency escape ramps been considered?
F. Departures from Standards
38. Are departures from standards necessary? Have these
been documented and has proper action been taken?

Date: CADD/Highway Engineer:

Date: Highway Engineer/Team Leader:


Description of Work Item to be Checked Yes No

1. General Bridge Design Checklist
2. Was site visit made by appropriate personnel?
3. Did a structural recommendation address depending
on how far the design has progressed:
a. Optimization of materials?
b. Type of efficient expansion deck joint system?
c. Type of bearing system?
d. Special construction methods when adjacent
structures may be impacted?
e. Aesthetic treatment?
f. Potential maintenances issues?
g. Constructability issues?
h. Impact of the general concept of traffic control
plans on the bridge construction?
i. Special details?
j. Seismic considerations?
k. Waterway opening?
l. Scour considerations?
m. Use of high performance materials; such as high
performance steel or high performance concrete?
n. Substructure sheeting, including abutment and pier
4. Does Design Specification include?
a. Design Loading (Dead and Live loads and impact
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Quality Assurance Plan

b. Design Stresses (All structure elements)?
c. Material (All Structure elements)?
d. Future wearing surface?
e. Seismic Data?
f. Recommended foundation criteria?
5. Are the following included:
a. Bridge roadway and sidewalk?
b. Slab thickness?
c. Beam size, spacing, type and material?
d. Type and size of rail, parapets, wing walls
e. Type of bearings (elastometric or Steel)
f. Geometry (Cross slope/super elevation)
g. Staging details with barrier to be used
6. Does plan view include
a. Span length, skew and width of structure
b. Station equation for intersecting baselines
c. Baseline stationing on bridge and feature
d. Roadway and shoulder dimensions
e. Location of point of minimum vertical clearance
f. Critical lateral clearance
g. Size and location of deck drainage features
h. Boring locations
i. Slope protection
j. Existing structures (work to be done)
k. Utilities
l. Approach roadway
m. Type of wing wall
n. Guide rail location and connections to structure
o. Footings
7. Does elevation include
a. Types and locations of expansion of fixed bearings
b. Footing elevations and type of footing, capacity
and length of piles or caissons?
c. Foundation information and loads?
d. High water elevation, 50-year flood elevation,
design year and hydraulic data including waterway
e. Pier type, size and elevation?
f. Scour counter measures?
8. Does section through abutment show
a. Type and size of abutment?
b. Approaches and joint types?
c. Concrete bearing seat?
9. Does pier sketch include
a. Type and size of and material of piers?
b. Number of columns?

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Quality Assurance Plan

B. Sample Checklist for Single Span RC Slab Design

1. Are the quality of construction materials and their
strengths specified?
2. Are material properties (maximum steel ratio,
modulus of rapture, etc.) calculated?
3. Are the dead load moment at some fraction
intervals of the span length calculated?
4. Is the dead load shear force per unit width of slab
at support calculated?
5. Is the lateral live load distribution width
6. Is the impact factor calculated
7. Is the standard truck and Military loading live load
moments at the specified intervals tabulated?
8. Is the pedestrian live load (if any) considered?
9. Is the live load shear force per unit width of slab at
support calculated?
10. Is envelop for the maximum factored moment at
the specified points prepared?
11. Is the maximum factored shear force at support
12. Is the reinforcement required at mid-span and
some other bar cutoff points calculated?
13. Is the transversal distribution reinforcement
required as some percentage of the reinforcement
required at mid-span calculate?
14. Is the adequacy of the slab thickness for shear at
support checked?
15. Is the edge beam (or the curb, if any) designed?
16. Are all the vertical, longitudinal and transversal
loads for substructure design and bearing design

Date: Structural Engineer:

Date: Highway Engineer/Team Leader:

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan


Description of Work Item to be Checked Yes No

1. Are unique drawing numbers included in the drawings?
2. Is the minimum size of lettering chosen legible after
plan reduction?
3. Are the plans for construction purposes being produced
on A3 size paper?
4. Do the plans include:
 A little sheet?
 Project location plan
 Plan and profile drawings
 Typical cross sections?
 Structural details?
 Material pits?
 Road furniture details?
5. Does the title sheet show
 The road functional classification number?
 The project number?
 Project length and location?
 The beginning and ending stations on the route map
with arrows designating?
 Design speed?
 Maximum curvature?
6. Had the index of all drawings shown and title blocks for
signatures by the Consultant appear in the lower right
hand corner?
7. Is the plan-profile prepared in standard with the upper
half for alignment and the lower half for profile?
8. Are the tick marks being shown on the centerline every
100 meters, with a heavier tick mark at every stations?
9. Are the location of all land lines, forest boundaries, city
limits, railroads, present roads, existing poles, fences,
channels, ditch structures, bridges, culverts, channels,
bridges, utility lines, large trees, improvements within or
adjacent to right-of-way, approach roads, right-of-way
markets, and detour roads be property shown?
10. Are the description, location and elevation of all
Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project
Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

benchmarks noted along the plan portion of the plan-

profile sheet?
11. Is the profile plotted at a scale of 1:200 vertical and
1:2000 horizontal (A1) on the lower half of the plan and
profile sheet?
12. Is the elevation of the ground and proposed grade line
plotted accurately?
13. Are all cross drainage structures and bridges noted,
including graded ditches, ditch blocks, grade of special
ditches and cross section of ditches and dikes?
14. Are the existing culverts shown with dashed lines, and
new structures and dikes?
15. Are structural detail sheet included bridge details, curb
and gutter details, concrete box culverts, headwalls,
drains, underpasses, guards and other special structures?
And also are location, elevations, dimensions, estimate
of quantities, and applicable specifications included, if
not covered in the specifications?
16. Does the drawing show the location, shape and size of
material pits for?
 Borrow, sub base, base course, mineral aggregate for
concrete aggregates?
17. Are the Detail Drawings include junction and driveway
details, bus lay-by details, climbing lane details,
guardrail details, striping details, destinations sign
details, and fencing details shown?
18. Is mass Haul Diagram included? Are earthwork
quantities presented graphically and are tabulated?

Date: CADD Technical/Drafts Person:

Geometric Designer/

Date: Highway Engineer:

Date: Highway Engineer/Project Manager:

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

1.3 Project Quality Policy for the Construction Phase

1.3.1 Quality Policy Statement

The Contractor, Defense Construction Enterprise will establish a Construction Project

Management Team (PMT) to fulfill its role as Contractor for construction of works of
Musli/Dalol – Bada Design and Build Road Project.

The project quality policy of Defense Construction Enterprise is to establish,

implement and continue to maintain a quality system that will enable the
achievement of the following specific objectives:

 Compliance of any construction works including materials with the

specified requirements of the contract.
 Completion of the project within contract time schedule.
 Employer's satisfaction on an ongoing basis.

These specific objectives will be achieved by:

 Dedicated commitment of all project staff to this policy.

 Providing the resources needed such as competent workforce,
construction equipments and suitable work environment.
 Following the QA Plan established according to the guidelines of the
Employer for the project as documented in this manual.
 Close association with the concerned agencies, local authorities,
Employer and Supervision Consultant. This includes regular meeting
with these stake holders concerning the progress of project and
problems encountered.

The standard technical specification to be used by the contractor for this

particular project as a minimum requirement for material and construction
requirements to address project specific needs is Ethiopian Roads Authority
Standard Technical specification (2002) subject to variations & additions to be
set out in Construction Specification to be prepared by the contractor.

The Particular Technical Specification i.e. Construction Specification for

materials and construction items and procedures not adequately covered under
the standard technical specification is required to be prepared by the contractor
to supplement the standard technical specification by amending, deleting,
adding and/or making explicit the stipulation of standard Technical

In preparing this quality assurance manual particularly the quality control the
contractor used Ethiopian Roads Authority Standard Technical specification
(2002) as basis and hence this Manual is subject to the Construction
Specification to be prepared.

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Hence, the contractor will revise this Quality Assurance Manual on

completion of the Construction Specification.

1.3.2 Elements of Quality Assurance Plan

The quality assurance plan includes the following four essential elements.

a) Construction Material b) Construction Equipments

c) Construction Methodology d) Man-power Construction Materials

To ensure and maintain the quality of the completed

construction works as prescribed in the contract specification, the
materials shall be strictly subjected to quality control (process
control) tests during the production/manufacturing and construction
stage in addition to the regular test conducted on the completed
works. The intensity of the tests laid down is in line with the
Standard Technical Specification, 2002 issued by ERA. The
procedures for testing various materials and works shall be in
accordance with AASHTO/ASTM or BS standards.

 Pre-Requisite Details of Quality of Construction Material

The materials requirements set for each type of construction activities ensure
that the level of design quality is achieved. It is therefore vital to incorporate
materials that fulfill the following requirements at all times.

A. Suitable Material for Construction of Embankment

(Section 4402 of ERA-2002 Specification)

These are materials from approved borrow areas, cuttings, trenches

or foundation for embankment fill to sub-grade level. Their technical
requirements are:

a. Maximum Size: 2/3 of the specified thickness of compacted

b. Plasticity Index Maximum:30%
c. Liquid Limit Maximum:60%
d. A minimum Soaked Californian Bearing Ratio (CBR) of not
less than 4% and swell value of not more than 2 % (with
two surcharge rings) when determined in accordance with
e. Field compaction Minimum: The Californian Bearing Ratio
(CBR) shall be determined at a density of 95% of the

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

maximum dry density determined in accordance with the

requirements of AASHTO T-180 method D
f. Moisture content: - The moisture content of fill material,
other than rock fill, at the time of compaction shall be the
optimum for the equipment being used and not more than 2%
above the optimum for the material determined in accordance
with the requirements of AASHTO T-180.
g. For rock fill; Each layer of rock used as fill in embankment
shall be systematically compacted by at least 8 passes of a
vibrating roller with a static load of at least 36 kN per 1 metre
width of roll or a grid roller with a static load of at least 80
KN per 1 meter width of roll or other equipment approved on
site trials.
h. Layer thickness: - In general, max.200mm and min.100mm
after compaction. For rock fill max loose depth shall be

Grading Requirements for Rock Fill

Sieve Size Percentage Passing

500mm 100
125mm 0 - 90
600 m 0 - 25
63 m < 15

B. Selected Sub Grade Material (Proposed by the


These are materials from approved borrow areas, cuttings, trenches

or foundation for embankment construction. Their technical
requirements are:

i. Maximum Size: 2/3 of the specified thickness of compacted

j. Plasticity Index : Max.25
k. Liquid Limit Maximum:45%
l. CBR Minimum: 15% at 95% MDD (AASHTO-180,method D)
m. Swell Maximum: 2%
n. Field compaction Minimum: 95% of Modified AASHTO
density average of 4 consecutive tests and min. 93% for any
single test.
o. Moisture content: The M.C. of the material shall be the
optimum for the equipment being used and not be in excess
of +2% above the O.M.C (Modified AASHTO Method D) at
the time of compaction.
p. Layer thickness: In general, max.200mm and min.100mm
after compaction.

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Quality Assurance Plan

C. Natural Gravel Sub Base (Section 5104 of ERA-2002


These are materials from approved borrow which are suitable for first
layer natural sub base construction. Their technical requirements are:
a. Plasticity Index Maximum: 12 (AASHTO T-90)
b. CBR Minimum: 30% at 95% MDD (AASHTOT-193)
c. Field compaction Minimum: 97% of MDD as an average of 4
consecutive tests and 95% of MDD on any single test.
d. Layer thickness Maximum: 200 mm and Minimum100mm.
e. Plasticity Product (PP=PI x %age passing the 0.075 mm
sieve) Maximum equals 75.0 but this criteria is not relevant
for material in arid areas as plasticity of material could not be
a problem.
f. Los Angeles Abrasion value Maximum:51%
g. Grading Modulus (GM) ≥1.5, if approved by the Employer’s
Requirement GM≥1.2

Grading requirement for natural gravel sub base material shall

comply with one of the following type as required.

Sieve Size (mm) Mass Percent Passing

63.0 100 - -
50.0 90 - 100 100 100 -
37.5 80-100
25.0 51 - 80 55 - 85 100
20 60-100
9.5 - 40 - 70 51 - 85
5 30-100
4.75 35 - 70 30 - 60 35 - 65
2.0 - 20 - 51 25 - 51
1.18 17-75
0.425 - 10 - 30 15 - 30
0.3 9-50
0.075 5 - 15 5 - 15 5-25 5 - 15

q. Moisture content: The M.C. of the material shall be the

optimum for the equipment being used and not be in excess
of 2% above the O.M.C (Modified AASHTO Method D) at
the time of compaction.
r. Layer thickness: In general, max.200mm and min.100mm
after compaction.
s. The Los Angeles abrasion value shall not exceed 51% when
determined in accordance with the requirements of AASHTO
t. Compaction Requirements: The minimum in- situ dry density
of sub-base material shall be as specified hereinafter for the

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

layers in terms of a percentage of modified AASHTO


a) 95% or 97% as required for material not chemically

b) 95% or 96 % as required for chemically stabilized

D. Crushed Stone Sub Base (Section 5105 of ERA-2002

Specification), if found necessary

These are materials from approved quarry areas crushed suitably to

meet the requirements set forth in the technical specification. Their
technical requirements are:

a. Plasticity Index Maximum: 6 (AASHTO T-90)

b. CBR Minimum: 30% at 95% MDD (AASHTO-180,method D)
c. Field compaction Minimum: 97% of MDD as an average of 4
Consecutive tests and 95% of MDD for any single test.
d. Layer thickness Maximum: 200mm and not less than100mm.
e. Los Angeles Abrasion Maximum: 45% (AASHTO – T96)
f. Flakiness index: Max.35%
g. Minimum Grading Modulus shall be 1.5 except where a
material, having a lower Grading Modulus but not
less than 1.2

Grading requirement for crushed gravel sub base material

Sieve size Mass % passing

50 100
37.5 95-100
28 -
20 60-80
10 40-60
5 25-40
2.36 15-30
0.425 7-19
0.075 5-12

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Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Testing Frequency for sub-base material and construction tolerances

Testing Frequency
Test One test Minimum number of
every tests per lot
Field density and OMC 2 510 m2 4

Atterberg limits and 2 510 m2 4

Construction Tolerances
Surface levels 20 m (3 points per cross section)
Thickness 20 m (3 points per cross section)
Width 20 m -
Cross section 20 m -

E. Crushed Stone Base (Section 5200 of ERA-2002


These are materials from approved quarry areas crushed suitably to

meet the requirements set forth in the technical specification. Their
technical requirements are:

a. Plasticity Index Maximum: 6% (AASHTO – T90)

b. Flakiness Index Maximum: 30% (BS 812 Part 105-1990)
c. CBR Value: Greater than 100%
d. Compaction: 98% (ASTM D 1557)
e. Layer thickness Maximum 200 mm and not less than 100mm
f. Aggregate crushing value Maximum: 25.0 %
g. 10% fines value Minimum: 110 KN (minimum wet/dry ratio
shall be 75%)

Grading Limits for Graded Crushed Stone Base Course Materials

shall full fill one of the following requirements which is to be
determined during the design of the pavement

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Test sieve (mm) Percentage by mass of total aggregate passing test sieve
Nominal maximum particle size
37.5 mm 28 mm 20 mm
50 100 - -
37.5 95 – 100 100 -
28 - - 100
20 60 – 80 70 - 85 90 – 100
10 40 – 60 50 - 65 60 – 75
5 25 - 40 35 - 55 40 – 60
2.36 15 – 30 25 - 40 30 – 45
0.425 7 – 19 12 - 24 13 – 27
0.075(1) 5 – 12 5 - 12 5 – 12

F. Prime Coat (Section 6100 of ERA-2002 Specification)

The prime coat shall have the following technical qualification to be

used for this project subject to the special provision to the Standard
Technical Specification to be prepared by the contractor:

a. Type of cutback: MC-30 cut back bitumen

b. Application rate: 0.6 - 1 liter per m2 nominal application rate
(the exact figure to be determined later).
c. Temperature for storage and spraying:
Maximum storage temperature 0C Spraying
Type of prime
Up to 24 hours Over 24 hours temperature 0C
MC-30 50 30 45 – 60
MC-70 70 50 60 - 80
MC-250 90 70 75 - 90
Bitumen emulsion 60 Air 50 - 70

d. Curing time: -
 Wherever feasible the prime shall be allowed to penetrate and
cure until traffic can pass over the surface without the wheels
picking up the prime.
 When at any position the moisture content of the top 25 mm
of the layer to be primed is greater than 50% of the optimum
moisture content of the material in the layer.
 Where it is not feasible for traffic to use diversions, the prime
shall be allowed to penetrate for as long as is practicable (two
to four hours shall elapse as directed by the Engineer) before
applying blinding material.
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Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

e. Weather and Other limitations: No prime shall be applied under

the following adverse conditions:

 During foggy or wet condition

 When rain is imminent
 When wind is blowing sufficiently hard to cause uneven
 When the surface of the layer is visibly wet
 When at any position the moisture content of the top 25 mm
of the layer to be primed is greater than 50% of the optimum
moisture content of the material in the layer:
 When the temperature of the surface immediately prior to
commencing the application of the prime is below or in the
opinion of the engineer likely to fall below 100C.
 After sunset.

f. Tolerances:
 The actual spray rates shall not deviate from the required
spray rate as specified or ordered by the Engineer by more
than 0.05 litter/m2.

G. Bituminous Surfacing (Section 6400 of ERA-2002


a. Flakiness Index: max.25%.

b. Fractured Face: 95% of all particles shall have at least three
fractured faces.
c. Aggregate strength:
 10% FACT Dry value: Minimum 160KN wet/dry not less
than 75%.
 ACV (aggregate crushing value) shall not exceed 25%
 PSV (Polishing stone value) maximum: 50
d. Absorption:-Maximum 1.0% for coarse aggregate and maximum
1.5% for fine aggregate
e. Sand Equivalent minimum: 50%
f. Asphaltic Surfacing:

Grading limits for combined aggregate and mix proportions for asphaltic

Percentage by mass of total aggregate passing

Test sieve (mm) test sieve
Lower Upper
25 100 100
19 90 100
9.5 56 80
4.75 32 65
Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project
Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Percentage by mass of total aggregate passing

Test sieve (mm) test sieve
Lower Upper
2.36 23 49
0.3 5 19
0.075 2 8
Bitumen content % by weight of total
mix 4 to 5
Bitumen Grade Penetration grade 40 / 50
The combined aggregate grading shall not vary from the low limit on one sieve to the
high limit on the adjacent sieve.
The optimum bitumen content shall be determined by the Marshall Method described
in Asphalt Institute Manual, MS – 2.

g. Design Requirement ( Asphaltic surfacing):

 Voids in mineral aggregate(VMA): See next table
 Marshall stability, minimum at 60°C (KN) equals 9
 Flow value (mm) equals 2 – 4
 Compaction level equals 75
 Voids in maximum: 3 - 6%
 Void filled with bitumen, VFB (%) equals 65 to 80
 Loss of stability on immersion in water at 60°C equals Min.
75% retained strength
 Bitumen content (% by mass of total mix) equals 5 to7
 Thickness (mm) equals 45 – 50
Table shows Nominal Maximum aggregate size versus VMA
Nominal Minimum VMA (%)
Design Air Voids (%)*
Particle Size
(mm) 3.0 4.0 5.0
9.5 14.0 15.0 16.0
12.5 13.0 14.0 15.0
19.0 12.0 13.0 14.0
25.0 11.0 12.0 13.0
37.5 10.0 11.0 12.0
*Interpolate minimum voids in the mineral aggregate (VMA) for design air voids

h. Construction Requirements

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Sieve size in ,mm Permissible tolerance,%

25 ±5.0
19 ±5.0
9.5 ±5.0
6.7 ±5.0
4.75 ±4.0
2.36 ±4.0
0.3 ±3.0
0.075 ±1.0*

N.B:- *when statistical analysis is used, the permissible tolerance of 0.075mm sieve
fraction shall be ±2.0%
 Binder Content ( see section 10206) :-shall be within
specified value ± 0.3%
 Void in mix ( see section 10206) :-shall be within specified
value ± 1.5%
 Density ( see section 10206) :-shall be ≥(97- void in mix of
approved mixture) %
i. Weather Limitation:-no paving works is allowed when rain starts,
or when the surfaces to be surfaced are visibly wet.
j. When tested in accordance with TMH1 method C5, the immersion
index of a mixture of the binder and aggregate proposed for use
shall not be less than 75%. The aggregate used for the test mixture
shall have a grading within the actual limits for the mix concerned

Pitching, Stonework and Erosion Protection (Section 3400 of ERA-

2002 Specification)

a. Stone for pitching:-

1. Sound, tough and durable with a min. dimension of
200mm, however smaller pieces may be used for filling
spaces between larger stone. No rounded boulder or
cobbles shall be used on slop steeper than 2:1 unless
grouted. Class B masonry stone shall be used for
grouted pitching.
b. Stone for riprap: -
1. Hard field or quarry stone not susceptible to
disintegration or excessive weathering on exposure to
the atmosphere or water. It shall be free from soft
material such sand, clay, shale or organic material and
shall not contain an excessive amount of elongated
stone. At least 50% by mass of the material ≥critical
mass specified and not more than 10% by mass of the
material ≤10% x Critical mass.
c. Cement -mortared masonry wall:-

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

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Quality Assurance Plan

1. Stones having a min. mass of 10.0kg and min.

dimension of 75mm.Cement mortared stone masonry
walls shall be Three parts of sand to one part of cement
proportion. Walls shall be kept moist for a min. period
of 4 days.

H. Stone Masonry (Section 8900 of ERA-2002 Specification)

a. Masonry stones:
1. Shall be sound and durable, quarried and shall be
approved by the Employer’s Representative. The minimum
mass of stone shall be 10.0 kg. The minimum dimension of
stone shall be 75 mm.

b. Class A masonry:
1. Consists of stone shaped, dressed and laid broken-
coursed in cement mortar with cement sand ratio of 1:2.
c. Class B masonry: -
1. Consists of stone shaped, dressed and laid broken-
coursed in cement mortar with cement sand ration of

I. Foundation for Structure (Section 8100 of ERA-2002


a. Backfill:
1. Approved materials from borrow areas and cuttings
with maximum layer thickness 150mm after
compaction. And minimum compaction 95% of MDD
modified AASHTO.
b. Selected granular backfill:
1. Shall be sound durable, granular material free from
organic matter.
2. Gradation requirement: at 100mm sieve size100%
passing, at 75mm sieve size75 to 100% passing and
75micron sieve size 0 to 15 % passing.
3. Liquid limit maximum:30%
c. Foundation fill: If the excavated material does not have the
required bearing capacity as specified on the drawing.
Foundation fill shall be carried out:
1. Rock fill: shall be hard, angular, field or quarry stones
and free from overburden, Shale and organic materials.
Single stone size equals breadth and thickness of the
Stone less than 1/3 times its length.
2. Granular fill: shall be approved granular material of at
least gravel sub-base quality. Maximum Layer thickness

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

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Quality Assurance Plan

equals150mm and minimum compaction must not be

less than 95%MDD.
3. Crushed stone: Material shall be as directed by the
Employer’s Representative. Maximum Layer thickness
equals150mm and minimum compaction must not be
less than 95%MDD.

J. Concrete Structure (Section 8400 of ERA-2002


a.Cement: Ordinary Portland cement or sulphate resisting

cement complying AASHTO M-85 or blended hydraulic
cement complying AASHTO M-240.
b. Aggregate: Aggregates, which are to be used in the works,
shall have negligible alkaline reactivity. when tested in
accordance with ASTM C 227, the mean mortar bar
expansion values at 3 and 6 months shall be less than
+0.5% and +0.10% respectively.
It shall conform to AASHTO M6 class B for fine aggregate
and AASHTO M80 class A for coarse aggregate.

Specification for Fine Aggregate properties for concrete works

Requirem Reference
Tests Standard Test Methods
ents Specifications
Gradation - 33, C136
Organic Impurities , plate No. ERA TS , ASTM C- AASHTO T 21/ASTM
max 1 or 2 33, ACI 221 R -96 C-40
Material Finer than , ERA TS , ASTM C- AASHTO T 11/ ASTM
sieve #200, % max 3 33, ACI 221 R -96 C 117
Clay lumps and
Friable Particles , % ERA TS , ASTM C-
Max 3 33 ASTM C 142
Fineness Modulus , ASTM C -136/ASTM C
% 2.2--3.10 ACI 221 R -96 125
Water Absorption % , AASHTO T 84/ASTM
max 2 ACI 221 R -96 C 128
Soundness (SSS, & ASTM C 33 ACI AASHTO T 104/ASTM
MSS),% , Max 10 & 15 221 R -96 C 88,BS 812 part 121
Sand equivalent %, ERA TS , ACI 221 AASHTO T 176,
minimum 75 R -96 ASTM D 2419

Material passing 0.075mm sieve, %, maximum as per AASHTO designation class B;

a) Concrete subjected to surface abrasion – 4.0
b) All other classes of concrete -5.0

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Quality Assurance Plan

Grading requirement for Fine aggregates for concrete

Sieve Size (mm) Percentage
9.5 Passing by
100mass (%)
4.75 95-100
2.36 80-100
1.18 50-85
0.6 25-60
0.3 10-60
0.15 2-10

Stone/Course Aggregate

Property Nominal Size of stone, mm

Grading, Sieves size, 25 20

90 -
31.5 mm
25 mm - 100
19mm 0 – 20 80-100
12.5mm - -
10mm 0-2 10 - 40
4.75mm - 0-4
0.075mm 0 - 0.5 0 - 0.5
Los Angeles Abrasion
Value, Max.
Materials passing
0.075mm sieve,%

Clay lumps,% 0.5

Light weight material,% 2.0
Organic matter 0
Other deleterious

 Shall be clean and free from detrimental concentration of

acids, alkalis, salts, sugar and other organic or chemical
 The total percentage of solids by weight shall not exceed
2.25 percent.
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Quality Assurance Plan

 Shall comply with the following requirements:

o Average 28 day strength of three mortar cubes (with
approved type of cement), the water to be tested
shall be at least 90% of that of three similar cubes
with water of known quality.
o Additional tests shall be carried out to ensure that
the setting time of the cement is not adversely
affected by impurities.
 For reinforced concrete , the mixing water shall have
- Chloride content (Cl2)…………..Max.400ppm.
- Sulfates (SO3) content …………..Max.500ppm.
- Alkali carbonate and Bicarbonates …..Max.750ppm.
- Total dissolved solid …………..Max.2000ppm.
- PH …………..7 to 9.
 Public water shall be used for concrete works without

K. Concrete quality:

 Concrete Mix Design: ACI guide or other international

 Strength of Concrete: (Proposed by the Contractor) as per
--- -----
For class 25/20 ………… 28 day cylinder strength
= 20 Mpa as per Drawing with nominal size 20 mm
and used for concrete curbing-channeling &
concrete chutes, concrete in class A bedding and
backfill to culverts, delineators, markers & kilo
meter post concrete lining of open drains, concrete
to inlet and outlet structures, concrete in footings,
walls, columns, slabs, abutments and pile caps.
For class 30/20………. 28 day cylinder strength
=24MPa as per Drawing with nominal size of
coarse aggregate of 20mm and used in concrete
footpath over drains, precast concrete curbing ,
bridge= deck, abutment, approach slab ,foundations,
walls, columns, piers and pile caps.
For class 20/20 ………. 28 day cylinder strength
=15MPa as Per Drawing with nominal size of
coarse aggregate of 20mm.Concrete in blinding,
screeds and encasing of pipes.
For concrete used in pipe production the 28 day
cylinder strength =28MPa as per Drawing with
nominal size of coarse aggregate of 20mm.
Cement content for pipe minimum 360kg/m3
Cement content shall not be less than 310kg/m3 and
250kg/m3of concrete for RCC work and Plain
cement concrete work respectively.
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Quality Assurance Plan

Cement Content maximum: 550kg/m3
Water/Cement ratio maximum: 0.5 unless and
otherwise permitted by the Employer’s
Consistency and workability: concrete shall be
acceptable when the slump value is between 25mm
and 100mm. However, specific cement concrete
works shall have the following requirement in
regard to the consistency of the cement concrete:-
Curing of concrete: All concrete shall be cured
uninterrupted for at least 14 days.
Periods of removal of false work and formworks:

Removing Formwork: Minimum Period (table 8409-1)

Minimum Period before Striking Formwork for Concrete for Structures

Minimum Period for Striking

Surface Temperature of Concrete
Type of Formwork
16°C 7°C t°C (any temperature
between 0°C and 25°C)
Vertical formwork to 300
columns, walls and large 12 hours 18 hours hours
beams t  10
Soffit formwork to slabs 100
4 days 6 days hours
t  10
Props to slabs 250
10 days 15 days hours
t  10
Soffit formwork to beams 230
9 days 14 days hours
t  10
Props to beams 360
14 days 21 days hours
t  10

d. Adverse Weather:

 Cold weather: Concrete shall not be placed during falling

temperatures when the ambient temperature falls below 70C
or during rising temperatures when the ambient temperature
is below 30C. When placing concrete at air temperature 5oC
the concrete temperature shall not be below 10oC.
 Hot weather: When the ambient temperature exceeds 320C
during concreting, measures shall be taken to control the

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Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

temperature of the concrete ingredients so that the

temperature of the placed concrete will not exceed 250C.

L. Steel Reinforcement for Structures (Section 8300 of ERA-

2002 Specification)

a. Steel reinforcing bars shall comply with AASHTO

-M31( deformed bar) requirements:
Tensile and Yield Strength and elongation
1 2 3 4
Tensile strengt Elongation
Type of Nominal
Strength, h, in 203.2mm Size of bars
steel sizes , mm
Mpa, min. Mpa, %, min.
11.......... 9.5mm
Grade 40 420 280 12......... 12.7mm
12......... 15.9mm,19.1mm
9.......... 9.5mm,12.7mm
9.......... 15.9mm,19.1mm
8.......... 22.2mm, 25.4mm
Grade60 620 420 7.......... 28.7mm,32.3mm
7.......... 35.6mm,43mm,57.3m

Strength Less than 10mm

Less than
Grade 40 10mm
or _ _
intermedi As per
ate drawing
mm a

o During placing of concrete, reinforcing steel shall be clean,

free from dust, oil, grease, paint, loose rust, loose mill scale
or any other substances which could have an adverse
chemical effect on the steel or concrete, or which could
reduce the bond.
o Laps, joints, splices and mechanical couplings shall be
applied only by the specified methods and at the positions
shown on the drawings or as authorized.
o Mass in kg/m:

Bar Diameter, Mass ,

mm kg/m
6 0.222
8 0.395
10 0.617
12 0.888
14 1.209
16 1.579
Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road20
Project 2.467
24 3.552 64
28 4.835
30 5.55
32 6.315
Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan Type and Frequency of Testing

The particular type of tests and their frequency of various quality control tests
are described hereunder. Besides regular testing carried out on the finished
product, process control tests during manufacturing and construction stage
shall be done to ensure and maintain the quality of the completed works.

A. Earth Works

Sampling and Testing

o All samples shall be taken in a stratified random pattern.
o Sample size has been determined taking into consideration of
consistency of the materials, the nature/ quantum of equipments
and man-power involved.

Testing Frequency

Type of construction Type of test Frequency

Sand content 2 test/3000 m3
Earth works for sub grade Plasticity - do -
construction ,embankment Density - do -
and cut formation Moisture content 1 test/250 m3
Type of
Type of test CBR Frequency One test /3000m3
EmbankmentGradation & Field density 1 test/1000m2
Cut formation and sub gradelimits
Atterberg “ 1 test/2510m2 1 test/500m2
Moisture content 1 test/2510m2
Initially 1 test for each source &
then as warranted by the change
Natural material constituents
in the quality of material
in sub base
CBR 1 test/2km
MDD/OMC 1 test/km
LA abrasion 1 test/2km
Field density 1 test/100m
LA abrasion 1 test/2km
10% Fine Value(wet
1 test/2km
& Dry)
ACV 1 test/2km
MDD /OMC 1 test/2km
Crushed stone CBR 1 test/2km
base Field density 1 test/75m
Flakiness index 1 test/2km
Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project Initially 1 test for each source &
then as warranted by the change 65
in the quality of material
Gradation Atterberg
limits of binding 1 test/150m of binding material
Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Note: the above frequency is to be applied for each type of soil.

B. Sub Base and Road Base

Sampling and Testing

o All samples shall be taken in a stratified random pattern.
o Sample size has been determined taking into consideration of
consistency of the materials, the nature/ quantum of equipments
and man-power involved.
o Before incorporation in the work and during production the
materials for Sub base and road base shall be checked for
Specification requirements either at the quarry or at the site.

C. Bituminous Works

Sampling and Testing

o All samples shall be taken in a stratified random pattern.

o Sample size has been determined taking into consideration of
consistency of the materials, the nature/ quantum of equipments
and man-power involved.

Testing Frequency
Type of Type of test Frequency
Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project
Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Quality of binder 1 test ( 2 samples )from each lot
Binder temperature Every one hour
coat/tack coat
1 test (3)samples /100m but not less
Rate of spread of binder
than 2 tests per day
Quality of binder 1 test ( 2 samples )from each lot
Aggregate crushing value 1 test/1000 m3
LA abrasion 1 test/1000 m3
10% Fine value (wet to
1 test/1000 m3
Flakiness index 1 test/250 m3
3 tests from each representative
Seal Stripping value
coat/surface Water absorption of
dressing -do-
1 test/250 m3 but not less than 2
Grading of aggregate
Soundness 1 test/ 1000m3
Temperature of binder at
1 record every hour
1 test/100 m but not less than 2 tests
Rate of spread of material
per day.
Asphalt Quality of binder 1 test (3 samples) from each lot
concrete 1 test/250m3 but not less than 2
Mix gradation
Aggregate crushing value 1 test/1000 m3
LA abrasion 1 test/1000m3
Flakiness index 1 test/250m3
10% fine value (wet &
1 test/1000m3
3 tests from each representative
Stripping value
Soundness 1 test/1000m3
Water absorption of 3 tests from each representative
aggregate source
1 test per source or as warranted by
Sand equivalent
change in quality of material
1 test per source or as warranted by
Polished stone value
change in quality of material
Marshall density, stability
& flow value ,VMA, & Min,6 sample per lot
Core density & Thickness
Min, 6 Cores per lot
of compacted layer
Temperature during At regular close interval
mixing , laying &

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Temperature durin3g
At regular close interval
preparation of mix
1 set of test/ on individual
Mix grading after binder constituents and mixed aggregate
extraction from the dryer for each 400 ton of
mix per plant per day

D. Cement Concrete Quality

a. Sampling and Testing

o All samples shall be taken in a random pattern.
o Sample size indicates the minimum number of test to be conducted.

Testing Frequency

Description Type of test Remark

Grading + Material 0ne test per 50m3 and at

passing no200 sieve once a week
Flakiness Index - do -
Once a month, or as warranted by
Los Angelos change in quality of material
Aggregate for concrete Adherent coating
(Sand and Coarse - do -
aggregate) Organic impurities - do -
Sand equivalent - do -
Specific gravity and
- do -
0ne test per 50m3 and least
Finenes modulus
once a week

b. Material Properties
o Material properties for concrete aggregate shall meet the
requirements set out in Section 8400 of ERA-2002 Specification.

c. Compressive Strength

o 28 days compressive strength test results for the various grade of

concrete shall be compared for acceptance. The average of the 28
days strength of cylinders should exceed the specified
characteristic compressive strength. Any individual sample shall
not be less than the specified characteristic compressive strength
minus 3Mpa.The individual variation should not be more than +/-
15% of the average.
Test Frequency

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Description Type of test Remark

Q’ty of
No.of sample
1-5 1 set (3 cylinders)
6 - 15 2 sets
Casting concrete
16 - 30 3 sets
31 - 35 4 sets
4 sets + one additional
51 and above sample for each 50m3
or part thereof
7 days compressive
At 7 Days
Cement strength
concrete 1 test per 5m³ but not less than 2
Slump test
testes /day

Temperature of placed

E. Bituminous Surfacing Mixture

a. Sampling and Testing

o All samples shall be taken in a stratified random pattern.
o Sample size indicates the minimum number of test to be conducted.
Testing Frequency

Description Type of test Remark

1test/250m3 & Min.6 sample per lot or
one day AC production
Core density 1 test/50m & Min.6 sample per lot
AC 2 tests/day & Min.3 sample per test
Binder content
Surfacing /day
Void in mix 1 test (Min.6 sample per day)
Once a month or as warranted by
Organic impurities
change in quality of material

o Test results shall be assessed with statistical judgment plan B

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project
Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

o Test results shall be scanned for possible outliers as below:-

Co= (Xo-Xmean), where Xo=the value of the test result differing
most from the mean, if absolute value of Co is > C (critical value),
then Xo is an outlier and shall be excluded from the sample.

Outlier test for AC surfacing Table10200/4

Critical value
N Bitumen
Density Void in mix
4 3.2 0.4 2.3
5 3.3 0.5 2.4
6 3.5 0.5 2.5
7 3.6 0.5 2.6

o Acceptance Limit for sample mean shall be calculated excluding

outliers as under:
a. Binder content

L's = specified binder content+ 0.3% where, L's=Upper

specification limit,
And Ls =specified binder content - 0.3% where, Ls= Lower
specification limit
L'a = L's-Sn*kad, where L'a=Upper acceptance limit
and La=Ls+Sn*kad, ,La=Lower acceptance limit,
kad=factor obtained from Table 10200/11 using (%),
which is the max. percentage of a statistical population of
values of a product property permitted to lie outside the
spec. limits where the product may still be regarded as
being acceptable.

b. Void in mix

L's= specified void value+ 1.5%, where L's=Upper

specification limit,
Ls=specified void value - 1.5%, where Ls= Lower
specification limit
L'a = L's-Sn*kad, where L'a=Upper acceptance limit
and La=Ls+Sn*kad, La=Lower acceptance .limit
kad=factor obtained from Table 10200/11 using (%),
which is the max. percentage of a statistical population of
values of a product property permitted to lie outside the
spec. limits where the product may still be regarded as
being acceptable

 Accept the lot if the sample mean falls between the lower (La)
and upper (L'a) acceptance limits or is equal to either one,
otherwise reject the lot.
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Quality Assurance Plan

c. Density( core)
Ls = (97 - voids in approved production mix) % where,
Ls=Upper specification limit
La = Ls + Sn*ka where, La=acceptance limit,
Sn=Standard deviation,
and, ka=factor obtained from Table 10200/10 using f(%),
which is the max. percentage of a statistical population of
values of a product property permitted to lie outside the
spec. limits where the product may still be regarded as
being acceptable.
 Accept the lot if the sample mean is equal to or greater than the
acceptance limits La, otherwise reject the lot.

Values of kad (double limits) table 10200/11

Kad Kad

Sample Ø=5% Ø=10 Ø=15 Ø=20 Sample Ø=10 Ø=15

size, n % % % size, n Ø=5% % % Ø=20%
4 0.605 0.299 0.061 -0.161 10 0.919 0.617 0.401 0.219
5 0.691 0.390 0.163 -0.038 12 0.971 0.666 0.451 0.271
6 0.756 0.456 0.235 0.043 14 1.012 0.706 0.489 0.310
7 0.809 0.509 0.290 0.103 16 1.046 0.738 0.521 0.342
8 0.852 0.551 0.334 0.149 18 1.074 0.764 0.547 0.369
9 0.888 0.587 0.370 0.188 20 1.099 0.787 0.570 0.391

Values of ka (single limits) table 10200/10

Ka Ka
Sample Sample
size, n Ø=5% Ø=10% Ø=15% size, n Ø=5% Ø=10% Ø=15%
4 0.747 0.445 0.220 10 1.020 0.713 0.496
5 0.821 0.520 0.300 12 1.065 0.755 0.538
6 0.878 0.576 0.358 14 1.101 0.789 0.571
7 0.923 0.620 0.403 16 1.131 0.817 0.598
8 0.961 0.656 0.440 18 1.155 0.840 0.620
9 0.993 0.687 0.470 20 1.177 0.860 0.640
o Where the lot is rejected under statistical judgment plan B but the results
are such that the lot complies with the requirements for conditional
acceptance (sample mean lie within the rejection limit) hereafter, the
engineer may accept the lot at reduced payment in lieu of complete
rejection provided that:

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

i. Conditional acceptance shall be in the sole discretion of the

Engineer and not an option which may be exercised by the
Contractor or a right the Contractor may claim;
ii. The lot is approved in respect of all other requirements not judged
by statistical judgment plan;
iii. The contractor shall have the option to remove and reinstate at his
own cost conditionally accepted work with work, which complies
with the requirements for acceptance for full payment.
iv. Conditional acceptance may be applied a)Relative compaction,
b)Binder content and, c)Void in mix

F. Miscellaneous

a. Sampling and Testing

o Sample size shall be as determined by the Engineer.

Testing Frequency

Description Type of test Remark

Complete tests per source except public

water (chloride content,
Water Quality test
alkalis, salts, sugar etc.)
Once in every 6 months

Setting time Test certificate for each consignment,

Compressive confirmatory tests to be carried after site
strength delivery other physical & chemical tests
fineness once in 6 months for each source.

Manufacturer’s test certificate for each

Steel Physical &
consignment, 1 test/lot (25MT), Chemical
reinforcing Chemical
properties 1 set in 6 months for each
bars properties

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Quality Assurance Plan

b. Material Properties: material properties shall meet the requirements set out
in Section 8300 and 8400 of ERA-2002 Specification. Construction Equipment

As a means of controlling quality of works, the Contractor will ensure

that all machines are in proper working conditions so that their output
complies with the requirements of the contract. Particularly, heavy
earth moving machines, pavers and rollers shall be inspected regularly
for their healthy working conditions.

The following section describes the construction equipments which are

essential in the execution of the main works.

A. Earthwork and Gravel Sub-base Works

The equipments required for excavating /stock piling of material in borrow

area and main road, clearing and grubbing etc are excavator, dozer, loader
and blasting equipment. Haulage operations of materials are executed by
dump trucks of capacity varying from 8.0 m3 to 14.0 m3.
Constructing and leveling of embankment, gravel sub base and
preparation of road bed are executed by coordinating motor graders, water
trucks, vibratory rollers and dump trucks.
The capacity of equipments to be used for earthworks and gravel sub base
vary depending on the type of equipment and nature of works anticipated.
Typically, the following table summarizes the capacity of equipments
intended to be used for this project.

S.No Equipment Type Capacity

1 Dump truck 10.0 – 140 m3
2 Water browser 15,000.0 lt.
3 Grader 140 HP
4 Loader 2.5 m3
5 Dozer 21 and 34 ton
6 Excavator 0.8 – 1.5 m3
7 Roller 10.0 ton

B. Gravel Shoulder Works

The equipments required for:

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

a.Excavating /stock piling of material and mixing with water in borrow

area are:
 excavator, dozer and water truck
b. Loading and haulage operations are executed by:

 dump truck and loader

c. Constructing and leveling of gravel shoulder are executed by:-

 Water truck, road widener (placing wet gravel shoulder) and

vibratory rollers.

C. Crushed Stone Base Works

The equipments required for:
a. Excavating ,stock piling of material in quarry area are:
 excavator, dozer , jack hammer and compressor for rock blasting
b. Screening and crushing operations are executed by:
 dump truck and crusher plant
c. Mixing of crushed materials at quarry site and haulage operations are
executed by:-
 Dump truck, water tanker and loader
d. Constructing and leveling of crushed stone base are:-
 Water truck, paver ( placing wet crushed stone base) and
vibratory rollers
D. Bituminous Surfacing Works

The equipments required for producing, transporting and placing of

bituminous surfacing materials is described here under:

Asphalt concrete surfacing are:

 Air compressor for cleaning surfaces
 Bitumen sprayers for tack coat/prime coat application
 Asphalt paver, water tanker, roller static/vibratory and
pneumatic for placing and compaction.
 Asphalt plant for producing hot asphalt mixes

E. Cement Concrete Works

The equipments required for:-
a. Mixing cement concrete and mortar for masonry works

 Cement concrete mixers of required capacity.

 Vibrator for compaction of concrete
Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project
Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

 Curing mechanism

F. Ancillary Equipment for Other Miscellaneous Items

a. Maintenance trucks
b. Power generating sets etc.
c. Hand tools
G. Laboratory Equipment
The testing facility comprises of:
a. Testing equipments required for carrying out the specified
tests on construction materials.
b. Testing standards and experienced personnel to conduct the
tests required.
The list of tests and test formats for various item of work to implement this
Quality Assurance Plan along with recording formats has been attached as
Annexure. Construction Methodology

Before commencement of each construction activities, trial run shall

be carried out with the relevant equipments and proposed
methodology to ensure that the laid down project specifications are
met. All equipment/Plants procured will be proven efficiency and
will be maintained at all times in a manner acceptable to the standard.

Prior to commencement of activities, trials are conducted to finalize

construction procedure that ensure and maintain the quality of the
end product. The Method is discussed under method statement to
submitted separately. Man-Power

The quality of work is greatly influenced by the workforce and the

organization structure responsible for it. Contractor proposed work
force includes experienced and qualified personnel capable of
undertaking any works to the higher level of standard. The contractor
will always ensure that only skilled professionals are engaged in the

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Annexure 2

Material Testing & Approval


Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Annexure 3

Test Formats

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Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Annexure 4

Organization Chart

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Defense Construction Enterprise Quality Assurance Plan

Design Team Organization Chart

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project 80

Defense Construction Enterprise Quality Assurance Plan

Construction Site Organization Chart

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project 81

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Annexure 6

Work Request Format

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Request for Inspection/Approval
Earthworks, Layerworks, Foundations
Request No.  
Contract Number      
Contract Name      
Time and Date inspection required    
Note: Inspections shall be carried out after the item in question has been inspected by the Contractor and he considers it has been
prepared/constructed to specification.

Describe item/layer to be inspected and approved, e.g. foundation to structure, earthworks/pavement layer etc.

Inspection Checklist      
Comment YES / NO / or Not Applicable
Are finished surfaces within tolerances (line and level)

Has the surface been adequately protected from traffic (i.e. any deformation caused by construction vehicles, or
contamination with mud, etc) ?

Are there any other defects? (if so describe below)

Are the insitu and laboratory test results satisfactory ?

Approval to proceed YES / NO


Comments / Details of correction actions

For Contractor on Submission For Resident Engineer  

Name   Name  
Position   Position  
Signed   Signed  
Date and Time   Date and Time  
Original to be kept by Resident Engineer, copy to be passed to Contractor

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project

Defense Construction Enterprise
Quality Assurance Plan

Request for Inspection/Approval Request No.  

Concrete Pour

Contract Number      
Contract Name      
Time and Date inspection required    
Proposed Time and Date of concrete pour    

Location / Position      

Describe item to be inspected and approved, e.g. culvert, bridge, retaining wall, etc, and location within structure. Concrete type and

Inspection Checklist      
Comment YES / NO / or Not Applicable, and provide detailed comments where necessary.
Is the formwork and falsework adequately fixed in place and all surfaces to line and level, and as specified
Formwork Falsework


Is the steel reinforcement as per specified - line and level, secure fixing, correct cover

Are all fixtures, cuttouts in place to line and level and as specified, e.g. weepholes, permanent steel bolts, joints etc.

Are suitable materials and equipment available for the proposed concrete pour. Is sufficient labour in place. Provide
lists and comments
Materials Equipment Labour External concrete supply

Approval to proceed YES / NO


Comments / Details of correction actions

Received on behalf of Approved by Resident
For Contractor on Submission Resident Engineer Engineer
Name   Name  
Position   Position  
Signed   Signed  
Date and Time   Date and Time Date and Time
Original to be kept by Resident Engineer, copy to be passed to Contractor

Musli/Dalol-Bada Design and Build Road Project


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