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I know you know what a trash can I am.

I am sorry for being so.

If I list things I should be sorry for, it would be really long, so please forgive me.

Ummm….so I still love you.

I love you with her.

I can't love you without her.

I wish you were closer.

It's weird.

Then why am I saying this?

My tarot card said to reveal all of my feelings for all the people around me so as to
feel free of some bagages.

I Love You in my imaginary world.

Sadly you are not the same person as I imagine, quite near though.

It's not like You don't know my history.

I always love people when they are with someone else.

I want them.

I get them because I am not really that ugly.

I get bored.

I hate that person eventually.

He hates me too by knowing my layers.

We break up and mostly I clear all data related to him from my mind, heart,
phone.(can't remove it from my brain).

Then I haunt a new prey.

This is quite harmless.

But it harms me.

I am writing this to convince myself some facts I have been hiding from my own self.

See I am not just one person like you all.

I have three souls I guess…..

Sofia-the prominent one-lives drama, loves to be photographed, perfect pageant

baby, loves men for fame, money, popularity, crown, or anything else material.She is
beautiful, kind, works hard, diets, etc.

Fine- the family baby. She loves her family and nothing else. She despises love. She
likes to play research on new techy things. She loves her home. She hates boys. She
feels Boys would take away her freedom. She has high androphobia. She never meets
boys. She serves her family with devotion, love and care.

Subhashmin- she is the student. She thinks her education is the most important
thing in the whole world. It is indeed. She loves to read, know, and explore the
universe. She loves her teachers, she is happy with just her marks.She is a God lover
too. She believes that her soul has come to this earth for some noble reason, like
being the first FCJI. She believes in kindness, hardwork and good administrative
skills to manage time. She also hates men who distract her.
They stay together in one body. They don't understand that it's necessary for them to
cooperate. Where and in which situation, how to react, they don't understand.I don't
know. I am sorry sometimes all of them do act out mad before you. Sorry. The soul of
Sofia is the one who loves you. She is always desperate for a boy. Now you may ask
who am I?.... it's Fine here….baby Fine of my parents. You wanna see what my nerd
emoji is?(◠‿・)—☆ This is me most of the time, tricking people, laughing always,
never crying … you know who cries the most?..... Sofia!!!! Idiot Sofia and yet claims to
rule this body

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