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1. Agenda—Meaning- The list of objectives to be covered in the meeting.

Sentence- Looking at the agenda, I would rather say that the meeting is going
to be long.
The next item on the agenda is the publicity budget.

2. Attendee- Meaning- Person attending the meeting.

Sentence- There were 30 attendees at the meeting.

3. Adjourn- Meaning- To close/end the meeting.

Sentence- I think everything has been discussed, so let’s adjourn the

4. Call a Meeting- Meaning- To ask people to assemble for a meeting.

Sentence- I might call a meeting tomorrow to discuss the sales target.

5. Unanimous –Meaning – in complete agreement, united in opinion.

Sentence- The new format has unanimous report.
The vote was unanimous to cut work hours on Friday.

6. Brainstorm- Meaning- To think about and try to come up with ideas or

solutions to a problem, either on your own or in a group.

Sentence-I had been working on the problem for weeks, and then I had a
brainstorm and saw that the solution was easy.

7. Call off- Meaning- To postpone a meeting.

Sentence- The meeting was called off due to unspecified reasons.
8. Casting Vote- Meaning- The deciding vote.
Sentence- When the votes are equal the casting vote is made by the
9. Closing Remark—Meaning- Conclusion of the meeting and it emphasizes
the primary message that the speaker wants to covey.
Sentence- The closing remark by the chairperson set everything in motion.
10.Consensus- Meaning- an opinion that all members of a group agree with
Sentence- The group finally reached a consensus on how to spend the money
that the club had raised
11. Pencil in- Meaning- To write down somebody’s name or details of an
arrangement with them you know might have to be changed later or
to have a temporary plan to do something with someone 
Sentence- We have pencilled in a meeting for Tuesday afternoon.
This isn't a firm appointment, so I will justpencil it in. 
I penciled in a tentative answer.

12.Quorum – Meaning- The smallest number of people who must be at a

meeting before it can begin or decisions can be made.
Sentence- If a quorum is not present, the meeting has to be adjourned.
The number of representatives attending the meeting was too small to
constitute a quorum.

13.Wrap up- Meaning- To finish

Sentence – I wanted to suggest an important point but the meeting was
wrapped up.

Abbreviations used in a meeting.

1. AGM. --- Annual General Meeting.
Sentence— The new Chairperson shall be elected in the next AGM.

2. AOB --- Any other Business i.e. the unspecified item on agenda
Sentence—The last item on the agenda is AOB.

3. MOM--- Minutes of the Meeting. an official account of what was done or

talked about at formal meetings, including any decisions made or actions taken.
Sample Agenda:

1. Welcome, Introduction: Parthik (5 minutes)

2. Minutes from previous meeting: Jane (10 minutes)

3. Japan Tours: Pierre (15 minutes)

4. N.A. Tours: Pierre (15 minutes)

5. Korean Tours: Pierre (15 minutes)

6. Australian Tours: Pierre (if time allows 10 minutes)

7. Feedback from last year: Everyone (15 minutes)

8. Vote on staff picnic: Everyone (15 minutes)

9. Questions/Closing remarks/Reminders: Everyone (5 minutes)

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