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PPChain: A Privacy-Preserving Permissioned

Blockchain Architecture for Cryptocurrency and
Other Regulated Applications
Chao Lin , Debiao He , Xinyi Huang , Xiang Xie, and Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo , Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Existing (popular) blockchain architectures, includ- I. INTRODUCTION

ing the widely used Ethereum and Hyperledger, are generally not
LOCKCHAIN is a distributed ledger that records trans-
designed to achieve conflicting properties such as anonymity and
regulation, and transparency and confidentiality. In this article, we
propose a privacy-preserving permissioned blockchain architec-
B actions, which are chained by a hash in chronological
order [1]–[3]. It is commonly maintained by some mutually
ture (PPChain) that permits one to also introduce regulation, where untrusting nodes, and every node possesses a copy of the
PPChain’s architecture is modified from that of Ethereum. Specif- ledger. A consensus protocol is required for these nodes to
ically, we integrate the cryptographic primitives (group signature achieve consistency, that is, verifying transactions, packaging
and broadcast encryption), and adopt practical byzantine fault transactions into blocks, and constructing a hash chain over
tolerance consensus protocol with a validate-record separation blocks. There are different consensus protocols, such as proof of
mechanism, as well as removing the transaction fee and mining work (PoW), proof of stake (PoS), and practical byzantine fault
reward. To show the utility of PPChain, we provide qualitative
security and privacy analysis, and performance analysis. We also
tolerance (PBFT), for different types of blockchain (i.e., public,
explain how PPChain can be deployed in regulation applications, permissioned, and private) [4].
using cryptocurrency, food supply chain, and sealed-bid auctions In a public blockchain, anyone can freely participate in or
as examples. terminate the generation of blocks based on classical protocols
(e.g., PoW and PoS). Such blockchain generally involves a native
Index Terms—Permissioned blockchain, practical byzantine cryptocurrency (e.g., Bitcoin and Ethereum [5]). Permissioned
fault tolerance (PBFT), privacy preserving, privacy-preserving and private blockchains, on the other hand, are maintained
permissioned blockchain architecture (PPChain), regulation.
by a set of known, reliable participants [also referred to as
permissioned nodes (PNs)] based on traditional protocols (e.g.,
PBFT and a consensus algorithm for managing a replicated
log, namely, RAFT). In permissioned blockchain (e.g., Hyper-
ledger [6]), only users who have been authorized by PNs can
Manuscript received April 2, 2020; revised July 18, 2020; accepted August join the blockchain, unlike a private blockchain.
25, 2020. This work was supported in part by the National Key Research As discussed, cryptocurrency is natively supported by pub-
and Development Program of China under Grant 2017YFB0802500, in part lic blockchain, which is the most mature public blockchain
by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 61972294,
61932016, 61822202, 61772377, and 61841701, in part by the Natural Science
application to date. Moreover, for the execution of arbitrary,
Foundation of Hubei Province of China under Grant 2020CFA052, and in programmable transaction logic as smart contract (e.g., in
part by the Wuhan Municipal Science and Technology Project under Grant Ethereum) or chaincode (e.g., in Hyperledger), the blockchain
2020010601012187. The work of Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo was supported can function as a trusted distributed entity. Thus, emerging
by the Cloud Technology Endowed Professorship. (Corresponding author: applications, such as Internet of Things, blockchain government,
Debiao He.)
Chao Lin is with the Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Network Security and identity management, can leverage blockchain (mostly per-
and Cryptology/Center for Applied Mathematics of Fujian Province, College missioned or private blockchain) [7]–[10]. However, striking
of Mathematics and Informatics, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007, a balance between conflicting properties such as anonymity
China, and also with the School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Wuhan and regulation, and transparency and confidentiality, in existing
University, Wuhan 430072, China (e-mail:
Debiao He is with the School of Cyber Science and Engineering, Wuhan
blockchain systems (e.g., Ethereum and Hyperledger) remains
University, Wuhan 430072, China, and also with the Cyberspace Security challenging.
Research Center, Peng Cheng Laboratory, Shenzhen 518000, China (e-mail: 1) Anonymity and Regulation: Most popular blockchain sys- tems, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Hyperledger, use the
Xinyi Huang is with the Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Network elliptic curve digital signature algorithm (ECDSA) for is-
Security and Cryptology/Center for Applied Mathematics of Fujian Province,
College of Mathematics and Informatics, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou suing transactions. These systems can only provide simple
350117, China (e-mail: unlinkability, due to the use of pseudonyms a user’s real
Xiang Xie is with the Juzix Technology Co. Ltd., Shenzhen 518000, China identity will be revealed in the event of successful attacks
(e-mail: such as network analysis, address clustering and transac-
Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo is with the Department of Information Systems
and Cyber Security and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
tion graph analysis [11]–[13]. To enhance the anonymity
The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX 78249 USA (e-mail: of blockchain, a number of different protocols have been proposed (e.g., Zerocash [11], Monero [12], Mimblewim-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSYST.2020.3019923 ble [13], and QuisQuis [14]). However, it is also known

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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of South Australia. Downloaded on October 06,2020 at 17:47:04 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


that completely anonymous systems can be exploited for It is worth to note that we maintain the gas3 to avoid
criminal or malicious activities such as receiving proceeds network abuse or inevitable problems caused by Turing
of crime (e.g., drug/weapon trafficking, ransomware, and completeness, which is indeed different from the existing
sex trafficking and child sexual exploitation). Thus, how permissioned blockchains such as Hyperledger.
to strike a balance between achieving anonymity and 4) A validate-record separation mechanism that mitigates
minimizing the need for regulation remains an operational the limited throughput caused by sequential execution of
and research challenge. transactions in existing order-execute architecture such as
While there have been attempts to determine an optimal Ethereum.
balance between the two, introducing regulation can incur The rest of this article is arranged as follows. On basis of
(significant) costs, for example, in terms of communica- system definitions including cryptography materials, network
tion or computation overheads. For instance, a complex model, system components, and security model presented in
signature of knowledge (SoK) is required in Traceable Section III, we construct our PPChain and its cryptocurrency
Monero [15] when generating a traceable one-time public application in Section IV. In Section V and Section VI, we
key. In addition, there are considerable interactions (about provide the evaluation and discussion, potential applications,
14 times) and a number of cryptographic operations in- respectively, to demonstrate the utility of our PPChain. Finally,
volved [16]. These complex and expensive communica- Section VII concludes this article.
tion and computing costs complicate real-world deploy-
ment, particularly as the system becomes more popular,
i.e., scalability becomes an issue. II. RELATED WORK
2) Transparency and Confidentiality: In early blockchain To enhance the privacy protection of blockchain systems,
systems (e.g., Bitcoin and Ethereum), all internal states some mixing technology-based solutions have been proposed
of the ledger are publicly visible for verifiability and (e.g., Onionbc,4 Bitmixer5 ). This technology unlinks the rela-
final consistency. While such transparency (in message tionship among participants through shuffling transaction inputs
deliveries and computations) is appreciated for a num- and outputs, but it is faced with some known limitations (e.g.,
ber of reasons, there are also data privacy concerns. As theft of digital asset, disclosure of participant privacy by a mali-
a countermeasure, we can utilize existing cryptographic cious central mixing node) [17]. To address the former problem,
techniques, ranging from data encryption to advanced Maxwell [18] introduced a conditional mixing mechanism (i.e.
zero-knowledge proofs to verifiable computation, and so CoinSwap). CoinSwap uses a hashing lock to build the connec-
on. However, there are associated costs (e.g., computa- tion between escrow transactions and corresponding redeeming
tional and communication overheads), and hence this is ones, and hence it can prevent the central mixing node from
not practically viable [6]. stealing the participant’s assets. Bonneau et al. [19] also pro-
To solve this issue, Hyperledger [6] adopts an execute- posed a modified Mixcoin by using a signature-based account-
order-validate paradigm, and achieves not only confiden- ability technology, which can effectively track misbehavior of
tiality but also resiliency, flexibility and scalability. This the central mixing node. Duffiel and Diaz [20] tried to address
paradigm also allows for parallel execution of transac- the privacy leakage issue via an economical method, that is, the
tions. However, due to its unsupported sequential execu- central mixing node needs to prepay a deposit before merging
tion, it is no long suitable for cryptocurrency projects.1 multiple transactions. This deposit will be lost once the central
Contributions: This article proposes a privacy-preserving per- mixing node does some unauthorized or illegal operations.
missioned blockchain architecture (PPChain) to mitigate the For solving the latter problem (i.e., the mixing node may
aforementioned tensions. Specifically, on basis of Ethereum compromise the participants’ privacy), Valenta and Rowan [21]
architecture, we modify the transaction design by integrating integrated blind signatures into Mixcoin and designed a novel
group signature (GS) and broadcast encryption (BE), and further solution (named as Blindcoin). In the Blindcoin, the central
adopt PBFT with a validate-record separation mechanism for the mixing node only provides the mixing services but not be able to
consensus. PPChain can be not only used in developing regulated link the transaction inputs and outputs. Unfortunately, the Blind-
cryptocurrency, but also suitable for many privacy-preserving coin requires that the mixed amount is fixed and participants
applications such as, but not limited to, food supply chain need to anonymously share the transaction output, which cannot
management and sealed-bid auctions. The key new features of avoid third-party cheating. In addition, these central mixing
PPChain are described as follows. solutions also suffer from long waiting delay, additional mixing
1) An anonymous transaction design with functionality of costs, single point failure of central mixing node, and other
regulation, but avoiding the existing complex interaction limitations. Although some decentralized mixing solutions such
and cryptographic operations (i.e., SoK). as CoinShuffle [22], XIM [23], and CoinParty [24] have been
2) A point-to-multi-point data transmission method that re- proposed to avoid single point of failure, and achieve higher
alizes both data confidentiality and verifiability. anonymity, there still exist limitations such as longer waiting
3) A native cryptocurrency (PPCoin) inherits the account delays and higher computation costs.
model2 of Ethereum, but removes the transaction fee and
mining reward due to using PBFT consensus protocol.

1 While one may be able to develop a native digital token, it will be a complex 3 The concept of gas was introduced in Ethereum to indicate the consumption

development project requiring significant time and effort. toward computational expenses. It refers to the fee or pricing value, required to
2 There are two types of record-keeping models in existing blockchain, that successfully issue a transaction or invoke a contract on the Ethereum.
4 OnionBC is an anonymous online wallet, available at: https://bitcointalk.
is, Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) Model and Account Model. In the first
mode, all of the unspent transactions are kept in each fully synchronized node. org/index.php?topic=288099.0
But the second one keeps track of the balance of each account as a global state, 5 Bitmixer is one of the largest Bitcoin mixing services, available at:
an analogy of which is using an ATM/debit card.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of South Australia. Downloaded on October 06,2020 at 17:47:04 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


Hence, there are various cryptography-based schemes have assumption of collision resistance of hash function. It consists
been proposed. Monero6 adopts ring signatures and one-time of the following algorithms.
payment mechanism to achieve the anonymity of sender and 1) ESetup(λ): The setup algorithm takes as input a secu-
unlinkability between the sender and receiver. It can ensure that rity parameter λ, and it returns system public parameters
only some unknown number of coins moved from one of these P P = (E, G, P, p, q, a, b, H), where p, q is primer num-
input addresses to a one-time address can be obtained. However, bers of λ bits, E is a nonsingular elliptic curve defined
Kumar et al. [25] stressed that attackers can still link transaction by y 2 = x3 + ax + b(modp)(a, b ∈ Fp ), G is an additive
address to the real identity when the size of anonymous set in group consisting of all the points of E and an infinity point
the ring signature is small. To guarantee its unlinkability, a large O, P is a generator of G of order q, and H : {0, 1}∗ → Zq
anonymous set can be chosen, but it will significantly increase is a secure hash function.
the storage costs for transactions. To deal with this contradiction, 2) EKG(P P ): This key generation algorithm takes as input
Sun et al. [12] adopted accumulator tools to design a novel ring system public parameters P P , and it randomly chooses
signature mechanism (i.e., RingCT 2.0), which can balance the x ∈ Zq to compute Y = xP . It finally returns a public
efficiency and privacy concerns in Monero. key pks = Y and corresponding secret key sks = x.
To mitigate the requirement of redundant addresses in 3) ESign(P P, sks , m): This signing algorithm takes as in-
Monero, Miers et al. [26] integrated commitment and zero- put system public parameters P P , a secret key sks =
knowledge proof to propose a novel solution (i.e., Zerocoin). x and a message m. It randomly chooses k ∈ Zq
The commitment can encapsulate transaction inputs and outputs, to compute (rx , ry ) = kP (modq), s = k −1 · (H(m) +
and the zero-knowledge proof can further prove the transactions x · rx )(modq), and returns a signature σ = (rx , s) of the
without revealing the correlation. Nevertheless, Zerocoin only message m.
supports transactions of fixed denominations, and users who 4) EVerify(P P, pks , m, σ): This verification algorithm takes
have taken over the transaction can track its flow. Then, Ben- as input system public parameters P P , a public key pks =
Sasson et al. [11] used zero-knowledge succinct noninteractive Y , a message m, and a candidate signature σ. It parses
argument of knowledge to propose Zerocash. In Zerocash, users σ as (rx , s), and computes (rx , ry ) = (s−1 · H(m))P +
first place the coins into a “shielded pool” and then they can (s−1 · rx )Y . If rx = rx (modq), it returns 1 to indicate the
prove the right of spending these coins in a zero-knowledge way. validity of σ; otherwise, it returns 0.
Only the user’s right can be verified, the knowledge of spending 2) Broadcast Encryption: BE is a type of encryption primi-
which particular coins has been hided. Although Zerocash can tives that can build a secure communication between one sender
hide users’ identities and support transactions of any denomi- and multiple preselected receivers [32], [33]. By using the BE,
nation, there exist some limitations among it such as generating a single sender can securely broadcast the same message to
system parameters under trusted nodes, slow proving process, multiple receivers over an open network. The BE owns the
and lack of any regulation / auditing capability. Solutions such confidentiality of messages and anonymity of receivers, thus
as [13], [27], and [28] were also proposed to achieve privacy we can adopt the BE to protect the privacy of transaction data in
protection in blockchain systems, but few of them consider blockchain system. Although we use the following BE scheme
regulation which is indispensable for minimizing abuse/criminal proposed in [33] for the instantiation, any secure and efficient
exploitation. BE scheme can be adopted in our proposal.
To balance privacy protection and regulation in blockchain 1) BSetup(λ): This setup algorithm is invoked by a key gen-
systems, Li et al. [15] integrated ElGamal encryption, commit- eration center (KGC) to generate some system public pa-
ment, and zero-knowledge proof into the Monero system for a rameters and a master secret key. It takes as input a security
traceable Monero system. Wu et al. [16] used blind signatures parameter λ, and returns system public parameters P P =
and key derivation mechanism to propose a concrete system. {E, G, p, q, a, b, P, h, H0 , H1 , H2 , H3 , P0 }, where p, q is
Lin et al. [29] used self-updating pseudonym technology and primer numbers of λ bits, E is a nonsingular elliptic curve
SoK to construct a more efficient conditional anonymous pay- defined by y 2 = x3 + ax + b(modp)(a, b ∈ Fp ), G is an
ment system. However, these solutions only support the UTXO additive group consisting of all the points of E and an
model but fail to be applied in the account model which is with infinity point O, P is a generator of G of order q, h =
more wide application prospect. In addition, they either require #E(Fp )/q is a complementary factor, H0 , H1 , H2 , H3 :
significant communication and computation overheads (e.g., a {0, 1}∗ → Z∗q are four secure hash functions, P0 = sP
complex SoK for tracing in [15], considerable interactions and is the system master public key (where s ∈ Z∗q ). The
cryptographic operations in [16]), or have ambiguous mission corresponding secret is msk = s, which is secretly stored
from the view of managers (i.e., managers also need to maintain by the KGC.
the blockchain ledger in [29]). 2) BSVG(P P ): This private information generation algo-
rithm is invoked by a user to generate his / her partial
III. SYSTEM DEFINITIONS secret and public keys. Suppose that the identification of
user is IDi , then this algorithm takes as input system
A. Cryptography Materials public parameters P P , and randomly chooses xi ∈ Z∗q
1) Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm: The existing to compute Pi = xi P . It finally returns the user’s partial
blockchain systems (e.g., Bitcoin and Ethereum) mainly adopt secret key xi and partial public key Pi .
the ECDSA [30], [31] to sign the raw transaction content. 3) BPPKG(P P, IDi , Pi ): This partial private key genera-
The ECDSA has been proven secure by Brown [30] under the tion algorithm is invoked by the KGC to generate the
other partial keys. It takes as input system public pa-
rameters P P and a user’s public information (IDi , Pi ),
6 Monero is one type of anonymous cryptocurrencies, available at: https:// it randomly chooses ti ∈ Z∗q to compute Ti = ti P , li = H0 (IDi , Ti , Pi ), di = (ti + sli )(modq), anf returns the

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This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


user’s other partial secret key di and other partial public 3) GSign(P P, gski , gpk, msg): This GS generation al-
key Ti . The KGC sends the (di , Ti ) to the user through a gorithm takes input system public parameters P P ,
secure channel. a group member’s secret key gski , group public
4) BKG(P P, IDi , Pi ): This key generation algorithm in- key gpk = (D, S, U ) and a message msg. It ran-
vokes the algorithms of BSVG and BPPKG to obtain a domly chooses k ∈ Z∗q to compute C1 = k · P1 , C2 =
user’s secret key ski = (di , xi ) and public key pki = xi · Zi + k · U , Q = e(U, S)k , digest = H4 (msg), c =
(Pi , Ti ). H(C1 , C2 , Q, digest) and w = kc + xi (modq), and re-
5) BEnc(P P, (pk1 , . . . , pkt ), m): This encryption algorithm turns the GS (C1 , C2 , c, w) of message msg.
is invoked by a sender S to generate a broadcast ciphertext 4) GVerify(P P, msg, σ, gpk): This GS verification algo-
of a plaintext m, where the broadcast ciphertext rithm takes as input system public parameters P P , a can-
can be decrypted by t-receivers R1 , R2 , . . . , Rt . It didate message-signature pair (msg, σ) and group public
takes as input system public parameters P P , the key gpk = (D, S, U ). It computes
t-receivers’ public keys pk1 , . . . , pkt and the plaintext
m. First, it randomly chooses r ∈ Z∗q to compute  = e(C2 , S) · e(w · P1 , P2 ) , digest = H4 (msg)
R = rP , li = H0 (IDi , Ti , Pi ), ui = r(Ti + li P0 + Pi ), e(c · C1 + D, P2 )
αi = H1 (R, ui ), where i = 1, 2, . . . , t. Then, it and verifies the validity of (msg, σ) through checks if the
randomly chooses θ ∈ Z∗q to compute f (x) = ?
equation c = H(C1 , C2 , Q,  digest) holds on.
Πti=1 (x − αi ) + θ(modp) = xt + ct−1 xt−1 + · · · + 5) GTrace(P P, σ, tk): This tracing algorithm takes as input
c1 x + c0 (ci ∈ Z∗q ), β = H2 (R, θ), δ = AES.Encβ (m), system public parameters P P , GS σ = (C1 , C2 , c, w),
τ = H3 (c0 , c1 , . . . , ct−1 , m, θ, R, δ). Finally, it returns and a tracing key tk = u. It computes
the ciphertext c = (c0 , c1 , . . . , ct−1 , R, δ, τ ).
tagi = H4 (xi · Zi ) = H4 (C2 − u · C1 )
6) BDec(P P, ski , c): This decryption algorithm is invoked
by the t-receivers Ri to decrypt a ciphertext. It takse and searches the real identity of the signer from the
as input system public parameters P P , a secret key member list List = (IDi , GUi , tagi ).
ski and a ciphertext c = (c0 , . . . , ct−1 , R, δ, τ ). Then, 6) GRev(inf o): This permission revocation algorithm is in-
it computes ui = (di + xi )R, αi = H1 (R, ui ), f (x) = voked by the group manager to revoke the authority of a
xt + ct−1 xt−1 + · · · + c1 x + c0 , θ = f (αi ), β = group member. It takes as input a group member’s private
H2 (R, θ), m = AES.Decβ (δ), and τ  = H3 (c0 , . . . , information inf o = xi · Zi , and then it stores inf o into
ct−1 , m, θ, R, δ). Finally, it returns the plaintext m if the revocation list revoList to revoke the authority.
τ  = τ , or returns ⊥ representing the c is invalid.
3) Group Signature: GS allows any group member to sign a B. Network Model
message without revealing their identities [34]. The group public
key and group members’ private keys are uniformly generated by The participants in our PPChain include registration center
a group manager, which ensures that only the group manager can (RC), user, manager, and PN (see Fig. 2), which constitute the
identify the real identity of a malicious group member during permissioned blockchain ecosystem.
the dispute. In this article, we apply the GS for achieving the 1) RC: This participant is a trusted entity, who is in charge of
anonymity and regulation of blockchain systems. Specifically, other participants’ registers. Specifically, any user, man-
we adopt the GS scheme proposed in [35] for the instantiation, ager, or PN needs to obtain register information (i.e., key
but any other secure and efficient GS schemes can also be used information of GS and BE) from RC before it joins our
in our proposal. PPChain.
1) GSetup(λ): This setup algorithm takes as input a se- 2) User: These participants are the main stakeholder group,
cure parameter λ, and first generates system public pa- who consume the services provided by PPChain such as
rameters P P = (q, G1 , G2 , GT , e, P1 , P2 , H(·), H4 (·)), regulated cryptocurrency, food supply chain, and sealed-
where G1 , G2 , and GT are three cyclic groups of prime bid auctions. Each user has an account address and private
order q (where q is λ bits), e : G1 × G2 → GT is a bilinear key,7 the certificate of account address, group private key,
pair, P1 is a generator of G1 , P2 is a generator of G2 , H : and decryption private key, which are necessary in issuing
{0, 1}∗ → Zq and H4 : {0, 1}∗ → {0, 1}256 are secure transactions for achieving security, anonymity and trace-
hash functions. Then, it randomly chooses d, s, u ∈ Z∗q ability. The concrete usage of these keys will be detailed
to compute D = d · P1 , S = s · P2 , U = u · P1 . Finally, later.
it returns system public parameters P P , a master secret 3) Manager: This participant is also a trusted entity, but
key of group manager sk = (d, s), a tracing key tk = u which only takes charge of tracing malicious behavior
and group public key gpk = (D, S, U ). and authority revocation. Hence, in addition to owning
2) GEnroll(P P, sk): This enrolling algorithm takes as input the above keys as a user, the manager has an additional
system public parameters P P and master secret key of tracing key for performing its responsibility.
group manager sk = (d, s). It randomly chooses xi ∈ 4) PN: These participants are some authorized entities,
Z∗q to compute Zi = (d − xi )(sxi )−1 · P1 and tagi = who are responsible for processing and maintaining the
PPChain ledger based on a consensus protocol (i.e.,
H4 (xi · Zi ). Finally, it returns the group member’s secret
key gski = (xi , Zi ) and a tag tagi . To trace the real
identity of group member, the group manager needs to 7 In blockchain systems (e.g., Bitcoin and Ethereum), an address is generally

maintain a member list List = (IDi , GUi , tagi ), where derived from a public key using some secure hash function (e.g., RIPEMD-160).
IDi is the real identity of group member GUi . We also adopt this mechanism for our architecture, but for the purposes of this
article, we simply describe the public key as the address.

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of South Australia. Downloaded on October 06,2020 at 17:47:04 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for inclusion in a future issue of this journal. Content is final as presented, with the exception of pagination.


PBFT). To deal with the limited throughput caused by Definition 1: Anonymity. This property requires that the
sequential execution of transactions in Ethereum, we adopt ledger and transaction reveal no real identity of issuer to the
a validate-record separation mechanism. That is, PNs adversary, except publicly available information (e.g., some
in PPChain are classified into “Validating Node” and public keys), that is, a PPChain is anonymous if for all PPT
“Recording Node,” where the former is responsible for distinguishers D = {D1 , D2 }, it satisfies (1) shown at the bottom
verifying transactions and the latter recording validated of this page, where we require that both the transactions tx0 and
transactions into the PPChain. We remark that this idea tx1 have not been traced, and define the oracles Or , Ott , Oc ,
is inspired by Hyperledger, which can efficiently improve and Ote as follows.
the efficiency of consensus. 1) Or (i): Given a query number i, it generates an ad-
dress and private key (apki , aski ), and initializes some
C. System Components coins in apki . Then, it computes the additional public
keys pki and private keys ski . Finally, it adds i and
A PPChain system consists of the following phases. (apki , aski , pki , ski ) into the list L locally and returns
1) P P ← Initialize(1λ ): This initialization phase takes as (apki , pki ). Assuming that the lth account is the man-
input a security parameter λ, and returns a public system ager (i.e., (apkl , askl , pkl , skl , gtk)) for the response of
parameter P P . T racing, where gtk is the tracing key.
2) (apk, ask, pk, sk) ← Register(P P ): This phase is used 2) Ott (num, apks , apkr ): Given a transaction value num,
for the participants to register their account address apk sender’s account apks and receiver’s account apkr , it
and private key ask, as well as other related public keys invokes tx ← T ransact(num, asks , sks , apks , apkr ). It
pk and private keys sk. then broadcasts tx to blockchain network for being
3) tx ← T ransact(num, asks , sks , apks , apkr ): The user chained by PNs.
executes this phase to issue a transaction, that is, it takes 3) Oc (i): Given a query number i ∈ L, it retrieves the list L
as input a transferred value num, its private keys asks and to return (apki , aski , pki , ski ).
sks , its account address apks and its target address apkr , 4) Ote (tx): Given a transaction, it uses the manager’s tracing
and returns a transaction tx. key gtk to return the signer’s real identity of the tx.
4) {0, 1} ← Chain(tx): In this chaining phase, on basis of Definition 2: Confidentiality: This property guarantees that
the PBFT consensus mechanism, the PNs chain the valid the ledger and transaction will not disclose any transaction
transaction tx requested from the user. value, that is, a PPChain owns the confidentiality if for all PPT
5) rid ← T race(skm , tx): The manager can trace the real adversaries A = {A1 , A2 }, it satisfies constraint (2) shown at
identity of any malicious transaction in this phase. That the bottom of this page, where all the oracles (except the Ote )
is, it takes as input its private key skm and the malicious are identical to the above definitions and the modified Ote is
transaction tx, returns the real identity of the user who has changed to return the original transaction information with the
issued the tx. help of PNs. In addition, we require that both the account apks
and apkr have not been corrupted.
D. Security Model Definition 3: Traceability. This property is provided to trace
We now formalize the security model, including anonymity, the sender’s real identity of a malicious transaction. We say a
confidentiality and traceability, definitions of which are de- PPChain owns this property if there is a traceability algorithm
scribed as follows. Trace shown in (3) at the the bottom of this page.

 ⎛ ⎞ 
 P P ← Initialize(1λ ); (apkm , askm , pkm , skm , gtk) 
 ⎜ ⎟ 
 ⎜ ← Register(P P ); {txi } ← DOr ,Ott ,Oc ,Ote (P P ), ⎟ 1
 ⎜ 1 ⎟ 
Pr ⎜ ⎟−  (1)
 ⎜i = {0, 1}; b ← {0, 1}; ridb ← T race(skm , txb ); ⎟ 2
 ⎝ ⎠ 
b ←D Or ,Ott ,Oc ,Ote 
(P P, rid ) : b = b 
2 b

≤ negl(λ)
 ⎛ ⎞ 
 P P ← Initialize(1λ ); (num0 , num1 , apks , apkr ) 
 ⎜ ⎟ 
 ⎜ ← AOr ,Ott ,Oc ,Ote (P P ); b ← {0, 1}; ⎟ 1
 ⎜ 1 ⎟ 
Pr ⎜ ⎟−  (2)
 ⎜txb ← T ransact(numb , asks , sks , apks , apkr ); ⎟ 2 
 ⎝ ⎠ 
b ←A Or ,Ott ,Oc ,Ote 
(P P, tx ) : b = b 
2 b
≤ negl(λ)
 ⎛ ⎞
 P P ← Initialize(1λ ); (apkm , askm , pkm , skm , gtk) 
 ⎜ ⎟
 ⎜ ← Register(P P ); ∀i ∈ L, (apki , aski , pki , ski ) ← ⎟
Pr ⎜ ⎟ = 1 (3)
 ⎜ ⎟
 ⎝Register(P P ); ∀al , bl ∈ L, txl ← T ransact(numl , ⎠
askal , skal , apkal , apkbl ) : T race(P P, txl ) = ridl

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Fig. 1. Architecture of PPChain.

IV. PPCHAIN: PRIVACY-PRESERVING PERMISSIONED not pay for the gas; but for a message call transaction
BLOCKCHAIN SYSTEM (involving an invocation of smart contract), the user has
to pay for the gas. Correspondingly, each transaction and
A. Overview of PPChain Architecture block will set an upper limit of the max gas (i.e., gas limit).
Our PPChain, like Ethereum [5], can also be regarded as a 3) World State: We also adopt a world state to map account
transaction-based state machine that begins with a genesis state address to its state, which is stored in a state Merkle tree.
and incrementally executes transactions to some final (current) In the PPChain, the world state also consists of four fields
state. In the architecture of PPChain (see Fig. 1), transactions are (nonce, cBalance, storageRoot, codeHash), but the
between two states and collected into the block that stores tree cBalance here differs from that of Ethereum (i.e., the
roots associated with the state and the transaction in the block balance in PPChain is encrypted under the BE). That is,
header. The current block is linked to the previous one using only the account itself and PNs can decrypt the cBalance
a cryptographic hash. Compared to Ethereum, our PPChain to obtain the original balance.
makes the following changes to become a privacy-preserving Note that our PPChain inherits the functionality of smart
permissioned blockchain architecture with regulation. contract supported by Ethereum. It is well known that operations
1) Consensus: The incentive protocol in public blockchain of smart contract (including deployment and invocation) are
(e.g., Ethereum) can attract more miners to join and hence all executed through issuing transactions. Our PPChain can
enhances the security of blockchain network. However, preserve the privacy of each transaction, and hence the privacy
this is meaningless for permissioned blockchain, where of smart contract can also be provided. The only price is the
the ledger is maintained by some small-scale PNs. Hence, computation or communication costs caused by performing GS
we replace PoW with PBFT for the consensus of PPChain and BE schemes.
ledger. This allows us to not only improve the consensus Thus, the contract in our PPChain can also be programmed in
efficiency, but also avoid wastage of power resources. a Turing complete language (e.g., Solidity), by using which we
2) Transaction: Each transaction in the PPChain needs to be can deploy abundant privacy-preserving applications (e.g., reg-
cryptographically signed (i.e., using ECDSA signature) ulated cryptocurrency, digital right management, and payment
by the account, but it is additionally embedded with BE channels) in PPChain. There are also two types of transaction
and GS. It means that a user who would like to issue a in PPChain, namely: “message call” and “contract creation.” In
transaction, after preparing a transaction like Ethereum, the contract creation transaction, the field of to is set as null and
must use BE to encrypt and then sign this transaction using the init is set as an EVM-code fragment. In contrast, a message
GS. It is worth to note that the ECDSA signature cannot be call transaction specifies the data to invoke the algorithms in
removed for which is necessary for the original Ethereum smart contract.
transaction. The specific group member’s address cannot
be conformed if we only use the GS, because all the group
B. PPChain for Regulated Cryptocurrency
members share the same group public key.
In the PPChain, we remove the transaction fee, but main- Building on the aforementioned architecture of PPChain, we
tain the gas to control the use of resources (i.e., avoiding will now construct a regulated cryptocurrency (hereafter referred
network abuse and inevitable problems caused by Turing to as PPCoin), and then discuss how this PPCoin can achieve the
completeness). For a general transaction, the user does properties of anonymity, confidentiality, and traceability. Note

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Fig. 2. Deign of PPCoin (a regulated cryptocurrency based on PPChain).

that, in PPCoin, all the users are in the same group in order (e.g., B), the A first retrieves the nonce and cBalance
to use GS, and it consists of five phases (i.e., Initialize, from its world state. Then, it decrypts the cBalance
Register, Transact, Chain, and Trace), as shown in (using its private key of BE via BDec) to obtain
Fig. 2. The involved cryptographic schemes are ECDSA, GS, its current balance, then further prepares the transac-
and BE. tion if the balance is not less than num. Specifically,
1) Initialize: This phase first initializes three PNs for the transaction includes (beCiphertext, gsSignature),
the consensus on the first block (named as genesis block) where beCiphertext is the ciphertext of m = (nonce +
of PPCoin. The system parameter P P generated by ES- 1)||gasLimit||gasP rice||addrB||num||v||r||s (under
etup, GSetup, BSetup, and BSVG in different crypto- the PNs’ public keys of BE via BEnc), and gsSignature
graphic schemes is recorded in the genesis block. Then, the is the GS of beCiphertext using A’s group private key
procedure of mining coins is completely executed once, via GSign. This transaction will be broadcasted into the
that is, the world state of RC’s account address is initialized blockchain network and becomes waiting for the verifica-
with M AX coins (where the balance is encrypted under tion and chaining by the PNs.
BE using the public keys of PNs and RC). 4) Chain: The validating node verifies the transaction as
2) Register: Assuming that a new participant (e.g., user, follows. It uses the group public key gpk to invoke GVer-
manager, or PN) joins PPCoin, it must first register in ify for verifying whether the GS (i.e., gsSignature)
the organization of RC. That is, the user (or manager, or of transaction is validate or not. If not, it discards this
PN) retrieves system parameters (from the genesis block transaction; otherwise, it uses its private key of BE to
of PPCoin) to generate an account address and private decrypt the ciphertext (i.e., beCiphertext) via BDec and
key (apku , asku ) via EKG, and sends its account address further checks the validation of ECDSA signature via
apku , real identity ridu together with some auxiliary EVerify. This transaction is legitimate, if and only if
information auxu to RC for requesting keys of GS and the ECDSA signature is correct, and the num is not more
BE. Note that, to obtain an initial balance, the requestor than the balance in the world state,8 as well as the nonce is
should pay the RC some money as the exchange through correctly increased by one comparing to that in the world
other payment methods. state.
After receipting a registration request (i.e., (apku , Those transactions will be sent to recording nodes for
ridu , auxu , σu ) with a payment, where σu = being chained into the ledger. Here, the PBFT consensus
ESign(asku , apku ||ridu ||auxu )) from the user, protocol is adopted to chain transactions. That is, the
manager, or PN, the RC first verifies this request via current leader in this protocol collects enough legitimate
EVerify and transfers an equal number of coins transactions for a pending block. Then a consensus of this
(corresponding to the payment) to the apku (if the request block will be achieved if and only if not less than two-third
is valid). Note that the specific transfer process can be of recording nodes approve it. The leader will chain the
referred to the next phase. Then, it computes some keys, approved block into the ledger, and the world states of
namely, a group private key gsku of GS via GEnroll involved user’s account addresses will be updated. That is,
and a public / private key pair (bpku , bsku ) of BE via the nonce of A will be increased by one, and the balance
BPPKG and BKG, and returns these materials to the of A will be decreased by num, and correspondingly B’s
requestor (i.e., user, manager, or PN). Note that, the RC balance will be increased by num. Notably, the balance
maintains a list of real identity ridu and a tag of gsku for in world state is updated under the encryption of BE using
subsequent tracing and returns an extra tracing key gtk the user’s and PNs’ public keys.
of GS if the requestor is the manager.
3) Transact: Assuming that there is a user (e.g., A) 8 Validate nodes can decrypt the ciphertext of balance in the world state by
would like to transfer num coins to the other user using its private key of BE.

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5) Trace: This phase is executed by the manager to trace gsSignature1 to the challenger of GS scheme. Thus, the B will
a transaction back to the actual user if it detects an obtain a challenge ridb from the challenger of GS scheme, and
illegal transaction. Specifically, it uses its tracing key sends ridb to get the guess b from D. Finally, B uses the b as
gtk to invoke GTrace for getting the private informa- its answer to the challenger of GS scheme.
tion of issuer, and finds the real register information This represents that B can break the anonymity of GS with
rid with the help of RC. Moreover, the manager could , which contradicts that our adopted GS scheme is anonymous
further decrypt the transaction amount by cooperating and traceable. Thus, the anonymity of our PPChain has been
with PNs. proved.
Theorem 2: The proposed PPChain satisfies the confidential-
ity if the adopted BE scheme is with confidentiality.
V. EVALUATION AND DISCUSSION Proof: We assume that there exists a PPT adversary A could
In this section, we will discuss the security and privacy of our distinguish two transactions of different values (e.g., num0 and
PPChain, and also give the implementation with performance num1 ) with a nonnegligible advantage , then we can construct
analysis to show its utility. Note that the applications (e.g., another PPT adversary B to break the confidentiality of BE
PPCoin) inherit these properties of PPChain, for they are all scheme. Given a set of public keys bpk, a key generation oracle
constructed on the basic of PPChain. OBKG (bpk, ·), a decryption oracle msg ← OBDec (bc, ·), the
B simulates the following oracles queried by A. Note that,
in the real security model of BE scheme (e.g., [33]), B can
A. Security and Privacy Analysis also access other oracles (e.g., set-secret-value, set-public-key,
Theorem 1: The proposed PPChain satisfies the anonymity, public-key-replacement), but which are not involved in our
and traceability if the adopted GS scheme is anonymous and proof.
traceable. 1) Or (i): Given a query number i, B invokes EKG to
Proof: The traceability is obvious, which is guaranteed by generate an address and private key (apki , aski ), and
the GTrace in our adopted GS. Here, we mainly prove the initializes some coins in apki . Then, it invokes the
anonymity of our PPChain. Supposing that there exists a PPT GEnroll to obtain a group private key gski of GS and
adversary D that could distinguish two transactions generated queries the OBKG (bpk, ·) to compute a public/private
by different identities (e.g., rid0 and rid1 ) with a nonnegligible key pair (bpki , bski ) of BE. Finally, it adds i and
advantage , then we can construct another PPT adversary B (apki , aski , gski , bpki , bski ) into the list L locally and
to break the anonymity of GS. Given a enroll oracle gsk ← returns (apki , bpki ).
OGEnroll (·), a GS oracle gsSignature ← OGSign (m, ·), a 2) Ott (num, apks , apkr ): Given a transaction value num,
tracing oracle rid ← OGT race (gsSignature, ·), and a group sender’s account apks and receiver’s account apkr , B
public key gpk (according to the security model of GS schemes first uses the account private key asks to invoke ES-
such as [35]), the B simulates the following oracles queried ign for obtaining transaction information m = nonce +
by D. 1)||gasLimit||gasP rice||addrB||num||v||r||s. Then, it
1) Or (i): Given a query number i, B invokes EKG to generate computes the BE ciphertext beCiphertext upon its hold-
an address and private key (apki , aski ), and initializes ing public key set bpk via BEnc, meaning that the bpk
some coins in apki . Then, it queries the OGEnroll (·) to is regarded as the public key set of PNs. Next, it invokes
obtain a group private key gski of GS and invokes BPPKG the GSign using the enrolled group private key gski to
and BKG to compute a public/private key pair (bpki , bski ) obtain the GS gsSignature. Finally, it broadcasts tx to
of BE. Finally, it adds i and (apki , aski , gski , bpki , bski ) blockchain network for being chained by PNs.
into the list L locally and returns (apki , bpki ). 3) Oc (i): Given a query number i ∈ L, it retrieves the list L
2) Ott (num, apks , apkr ): Given a transaction value num, to return (apki , aski , gski , bpki , bski ).
sender’s account apks and receiver’s account apkr , B 4) Ote (tx): Given a transaction tx, it first parses tx as
first uses the account private key asks to invoke ES- (beCiphertext, gsSignature) and queries the oracle
ign to obtain transaction information m = (nonce + OBDec (beCiphertext, ·) to return the original transaction
1)||gasLimit||gasP rice||addrB||num||v||r||s. Then, it information.
computes the BE ciphertext beCiphertext upon permis- After querying the above oracles with enough times, the A
sion nodes’ public key set bpk via BEnc. Next, it queries launches the challenge to B with preparing two transferred
the oracle OGSign (beCiphertext, ·) or directly invokes values num0 , num1 and two uncorrupted accounts apks , apkr .
GSign using the enrolled group private key gski to The B uses the account private key asks to obtain two
obtain the GS gsSignature. Finally, it broadcasts tx to transaction information m0 and m1 , where mi = (nonce +
blockchain network for being chained by PNs. 1) + gasLimit||gasP rice||apkr ||numi ||v||r||s for i = 0, 1.
3) Oc (i): Given a query number i ∈ L, it retrieves the list L Then, the B will get a challenge beCiphertextb and signs it
to return (apki , aski , gski , bpki , bski ). using the group private key gsks via GSign to obtain txb =
4) Ote (tx): Given a transaction tx, it first parses tx as (beCiphertextb , gsSignatureb ). Next, the B sends txb to A
(beCiphertext, gsSignature) and queries the oracle and obtains the A’s guess b . Finally, B uses the b as its answer
OGT race (gsSignature, ·) to return the signer’s real iden- to the challenger of BE scheme.
tity. This means that B can break the confidentiality of BE with
After querying the above oracles with enough times, the , which contradicts that our adopted BE scheme is with con-
D launches the challenge to B with preparing two un- fidentiality. Thus, the confidentiality of our PPChain has been
traced transactions tx0 and tx1 . The B first parses tx0 and proved.
tx1 as (beCiphertext0 , gsSignature0 ) and (beCiphertext1 , In addition to owning the above-proved properties, our
gsSignature1 ), respectively, then transmits gsSignature0 and PPChain can also resist against some possible attacks. While the

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security of PPChain somewhat draws on the inherent security TABLE I

features of Ethereum, there also exist different solutions to these TIME COST OF CRYPTOGRAPHIC ALGORITHMS (SECOND)
1) Interception and modification attack: Malicious network
attackers may make undiscovered modifications on trans-
actions (e.g., modifying transferred value, account ad-
dresses of sender and receiver, and BE ciphertext). In
this case, the modified transaction will be invalid for the
unforgeability of signatures (i.e., ECDSA and GS) and
data nonmalleability of BE.
2) Double-spending attack: Some profit-driven users may
spend the same single coin more than once. This case
can be prevented in PPChain for using the same globally
accessible nonce as that in Ethereum, and the PNs will
reject the latter transaction with the same nonce.
3) Birthday collision attack: There probably exist two blocks
are generated at the same time, which will lead to disputes
between two sub-blockchains. In PPChain, some permis-
sioned (honest) nodes maintain the ledger according to the
PBFT consensus protocol. Thus, the “fork” situation will
not appear, which effectively avoids this attack.
4) Hijacking attack: To prevent transactions from being hi-
jacking by attackers, the PPChain uses asymmetric cryp-
tography (i.e., ECDSA and GS signatures) to sign trans-
actions with corresponding private keys. Attacker (even a
PN) cannot add changes to transaction without breaking
these signatures.
5) Network analysis attack: In blockchain systems, network
attackers may analyze the network history of publicly
announced transactions to trace the profiles corresponding
to addresses. The transaction in PPChain is signed using
GS, which provides unlinkability and untraceability of
transactions from the view of normal users. Moreover, the Fig. 3. Evaluation of communication and time cost.
use of BE can hide the account address of sender/receiver
and transferred value, and hence efficiently withstands the
network analysis attack. we implement these instantiations (including ECDSA) in our
6) 33% attack: A permissioned blockchain system may be personal computer based on the pairing-based cryptography
controlled by a group of attackers if these attackers library (version 0.5.12).9 The concrete system configuration is
hold more than one-third of the computing power. In the Ubuntu system (version 10.10, 32 b) with an Inter (R) Core
our PPChain, the ledger is processed and maintained (TM) i7-6700 CPU of 3.40 GHz and 2 GB RAM, and the used
by PNs that are trusted and dynamically authorized and pairing is a type A pairing (with setting the length of group order
revoked (once some compromise behaviors were discov- as 256 and the order of the base field as 512 b long). We tested
ered). Thus, the probability is negligible for one to control 1000 times to obtain average time costs of each algorithm in
more than half of PNs. Furthermore, the adopted PBFT ECDSA, GS, and BE schemes (as shown in Table I). For the
can still reach a consensus even at most one-third PNs are subsequent scalability evaluation, we changed the number of
compromised. receivers from 4 to 32 to test the time costs of BE algorithms.
7) Impersonation attack: Attacker may impersonate users On basic of the above implementation, we first compare
or manager to issue a valid transaction or obtain tracing PPChain with Ethereum in terms of communication and time
key from RC. This is prohibited in PPChain, for the one costs. Here, we assume that the average block time using PoW
hand that only registered participants in RC can enjoy its consensus is about 15 s and process around eight transactions
authority. On the other hand, any impersonator disguising per second, and that using PBFT consensus can run 1000 trans-
as users (without its account private key) will be identified actions per second with latency less than 1 s. This a realistic
(even it owns a valid group private key) since the valida- hypothesis from the view of widely used Ethereum10 and Hy-
tion of transactions will fail, which is guaranteed by the perledger [6]. Then, we consider combing this consensus time
unforgeability of ECDSA. into the time of involved cryptographic primitives (i.e., ECDSA
in Ethereum, and ECDSA, GS, BE in PPChain). The number of
PNs here is 4 and we obtain the comparative result (see Fig. 3).
B. Performance Analysis One can find that the time cost of PPChain is less with that
of Ethereum, but the communication cost of PPChain is much
The proposed PPChain is a general architecture, and any GS
and BE can be integrated into it. Although we instantiate GS
and BE as that proposed in [35] and [33], respectively, other 9

GS and BE schemes can also be used in PPChain. Specifically, 10

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* Note that, as the property of centralized regulation, Bitcoin provides decentralized decision making by community/miners, Ethereum is decided
by core developer group, Hyperledger is an open-governance model, and PPChain is a manager regulation model. In addition, considering
the property of scripting, both Ethereum and PPChain propose Turing-complete virtual machine, high-level language support (i.e., Solidity),
Hyperledger also owns Turing-complete scripting of chaincode (i.e., high-level Go-language), but Bitcoin only provides stack-based scripting.

abbreviate “High,” “Medium,” and “Low” as “H,” “M,” and “L”

to denote the level of property, as well as the abbreviation “Pseu”
refers to the pseudonymity. From the comparative results in
Table II, PPChain owns these advantages, that is, providing en-
hancing privacy and security protection and also the functional-
ity of regulation, avoiding the transaction fee and mining reward,
owning the high-performance scalability, and high possibility of
scripting (i.e., supporting solidity). However, like Hyperledger,
the PPChain is also faced with the low node-scalability, which is
due to the use of PBFT consensus protocol. This has determined
the applications of PPChain are those permissioned paradigms
requiring the above desirable features.


Fig. 4. Scalability of PPChain. Due to the underlying anonymity, confidentiality and regu-
lation features, the PPChain can be deployed in applications
that require security, privacy and reliability. We remark that the
higher than that of Ethereum. This high communication cost is function of smart contract in PPChain inherits that of Ethereum,
mainly due to the extra GS and BE involved in PPChain, which but storage in PPChain is encrypted by BE. This further ensures
can be decreased by choosing those GSs and BEs with shorter the security of deploying applications in PPChain. Here, we will
signature or ciphertext length. introduce two potential applications for PPChain, but the utility
Moreover, to test the scalability of PPChain in terms of of PPChain is not limited to these applications.
cryptographic materials, we vary the number of PNs from 4 to
32. As shown in Fig. 4, both the communication and time costs
of PPChain increase linearly as the number of PNs increases. A. Food Supply Chain
Nevertheless, even the number of PNs reaches to 32, the trans- Building food supply chain can reduce the occurrence of food
action size is still less than 1 kB, and the corresponding time safety events, and blockchain-based solution can resolve the
cost is about 0.5 s. These are acceptable for the scalability of existing problems in centralized one (i.e., monopolistic, asym-
PBFT consensus tested up to 20 nodes in [36] and [37]. metric, and opaque). In the existing blockchain-based supply
Finally, we give a high-level comparison between PPChain chain systems (e.g., [38]–[40]), RFID technology is adopted
and other popular chains (i.e., Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger) to collect, circulate and share the related data such as produc-
from the perspective of some important blockchain properties. tion, processing, and warehousing. For further guaranteeing the
These properties include type of blockchain, scalability of node reliability and authenticity of this data, they are required to
(i.e., the number of consensus nodes) and performance (i.e., be submitted into the blockchain. This system can cover each
latency, throughput and power consumption), transaction fee, enterprise (even compulsory food safety and quality supervision
mining reward, consensus protocol, privacy of transaction data inspection centers) in the whole food supply chain, and hence
(including transferred value and additional data), anonymity enables the functionalities including information identification,
(protecting identity of transaction), centralized regulation (trac- inquiry, tracking, monitoring and tracing.
ing real identity of malicious transaction), native currency, However, the transparency of blockchain (e.g., Bitcoin and
concurrency (executing transactions concurrently) and, last but Ethereum) will cause a serious data privacy leakage by directly
not least, scripting for functionalities of blockchain. Here, we storing original data into the chain. For example, by monitoring
use “Y” and “N” to represent the property offered or not, and the data submitted into the blockchain, an enterprise may learn

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about kernel information such as output, bids, and mode of trans- design (based on that of Ethereum) by integrating with both
port of its contender. This becomes a threat to the commercial GS and BE, but eliminates the need for transaction fee and
interests of enterprises. mining reward. Moreover, the PBFT consensus protocol with a
Using PPChain, a privacy-preserving and secure supply chain validate-record separation mechanism is adopted in the PPChain
system could be trivially built. First, a smart contract with the to improve throughput. Our security analysis and performance
function of mapping transaction identity to the phase of food analysis, together with potential applications (i.e., PPCoin, food
supply chain. Then, after the data acquisition using RFID (e.g., supply chain, and sealed-bid auction), demonstrated the utility
date of manufacture), each enterprise submits its data into the of the PPChain.
PPChain by embedding it into a transaction, and builds the Future research includes improving the design of GS and BE
connection between the phase and transaction identity in to achieve better efficiency, and implementing the PPChain in a
the smart contract. One can retrieve the information of each real-world context.
phase in the whole food supply chain, correspondingly only the
PNs can decrypt the data and reply. For the privacy protection REFERENCES
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Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo (Senior Member,
[40] M. P. Caro, M. S. Ali, M. Vecchio, and R. Giaffreda, “Blockchain-based
IEEE) received the Ph.D. degree in information se-
traceability in agri-food supply chain management: A practical implemen-
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pp. 1–4.
He is currently the Cloud Technology Endowed
[41] B. Bünz, S. Agrawal, M. Zamani, and D. Boneh, “Zether: Towards privacy
Professor with The University of Texas at San Anto-
in a smart contract world,” in Proc. Int. Conf. Financial Cryptography,
nio, San Antonio, TX, USA.
Sabah, Malaysia, Feb. 10–14, 2020, pp. 423–443. Dr. Choo was the recipient of the 2019 IEEE Tech-
nical Committee on Scalable Computing Award for
Chao Lin received the Ph.D. degree from the School Excellence in Scalable Computing (Middle Career
of Cyber Science and Engineering, Wuhan Univer- Researcher), Outstanding Associate Editor of 2018
sity, Wuhan, China, in 2020. for IEEE ACCESS, British Computer Society’s 2019 Wilkes Award Runner-Up,
He is currently working with the College of Math- 2019 EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking Best
ematics and Informatics, Fujian Normal University, Paper Award, Korea Information Processing Society’s Journal of Information
China. His research interests mainly include applied Processing Systems Survey Paper Award (Gold) 2019, IEEE Blockchain 2019
cryptography and blockchain technology. Outstanding Paper Award, IEEE TrustCom 2018 Best Paper Award, and the
ESORICS 2015 Best Research Paper Award. He is also a Fellow of the Australian
Computer Society, and Co-Chair of IEEE Multimedia Communications Tech-
nical Committee’s Digital Rights Management for Multimedia Interest Group.

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