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10! Maths English Medium — ALP MCQs ~ www.notespk.com — Nauman Sadat Page 1 of 8 MATHEMATICS - 10 (MCQs) According to ALP Smart Syllabus CHAPTER: Of 01. Standard form of quadratic equation (@ bx+o=0b20 ax’ +bx+0=0,a%0 (6) ax'=br.ae0 () a 02. The number of terms in a standard quadratic equation ax” +. bx 4 c=0is: @ 1 (b) 2 Lo (4 03. The number of methods to solve a quadratic equation is: @ 4 (b) 2 TEs a) 4 04, The quadratic formula is: _cbvb'—4ie bev 4c fg) ,_abtvb? +dae yy, _ bit vb* + doc 2a 2a da 2a 05, Two linear factors of x”—15x + 56 ae: (a) (x=7)and (x+8) (6) (x+7)and(x—s) BM (x-7)anc(x-8) (6) (x+7)and(x+8) (06. An equation which remans unchanged when xis replaced by ts called afan: (2) Exponential equation [JM Reciprocal equation —(c)_ Radical equation (d) None of these 07. _Anequation of the type 3° +3°"+6=Ois alan: GE Exponential equation (b) Radical equation (ce) , Reciprocal equation (d)_ None of these 08. The solution set of equation 4x*~16= Dis: @ (+4) &) 14) Bhi @ 2 09. An equation ofthe form 2x* ~ 3x! + 7x? ~3x+2=0is called alan: WEIN Reciprocal equation —(b) Radical equation. (c)Exponentialequation (4) None of these CHAPTER: 02 01, If cPare the roots of 3x? +5x-2=0 then 0. +f is: 5 3 5 i) 2 @ 5 o o 3 3 02, If a,Bare the rots of 7x?—x+4=0, then af is: 4 4 7 k 4 ‘ el 6 03. (2) Irrational WOE Imaginary {c) Rational (d) None of these 04, _Cube roots of -t are: =1,-0,-0" (b) -10,-0* © 1-0 (0) 1-0-0? 05. _Sum of the cube roots of unity is: Helo (b) 4 4 @ 3 06. Product of cube roots of unity is: (e) 0 1 (c) 4 (d) 3 07, If b’—4ac< 0. then the roots of ax’ + bx +c = Oare: (2) Irrational (b) Rational HGH imaginary {d) Nore of these 08. If b’-4ac>0. butnot a perfect square then roots of ax’ + bx +c = Care: (2) Imaginary (b) Rational BGM irrational {d) Nore ofthese 14 09, +4 is equalto a B 10" Maths English Medium ~ ALP MCQs ~ www.notespk.com ~ Nauman Sadat Page 2 of 8 4 414 2B AB @ 7 ia) QB o ob 40. a? +%is equal to 252 1 2 @ @-p getpr oi (arp) -2ap (6) a8 41. Two square rots of unity ae: 4 op b) to ) tro @ oo 12. Roots of the equation 4x? —4x41= Care BGM Real, equal (b) Real, unequal {c) Imaginary {@) Irrational 13. If Bare the roots of px’ +9x-+r=0 , then sum of the roots 2c and 2B is: L 4 a —£ 5 > ) 3 414, If a.Pare the roots of x’ x-1~O then product of the roots 2a and 2p is: @ 2 (b) 2 () 4 os 15. The nature of the roots of equation ax’ + bx +¢ = Dis determined by: (2) Sumof the roots (b) Product ofthe roots (c) Synthetic dvision [JI Discriminant 16. _The discriminant of ax’ +bx+c=Ois El b?— tac (b) bev dae () -b? 44a (6) -b’—4ac www.notespk.com ~ Nauman Sadaf CHAPTER: 03 01, Inaratio ab, ais called (@) Relation NBS Antececent(c)_Consequent (© None of these 02. Inaratio xy, yis called (@) Relation (vb) Antecedent IB Consequent (0) None of these 03. Ina proportion ab-e-d,a and d are called (2) Means BME Extremes (c) Third proportional (d) None of these 04, ina proportion a:b:c:d,b and c are called: Means (b) Extemes (c) Fourthproportional (¢) None of these 05. In continued proportion a:b=b:c, ac —b’ , b is said to be. proportional between a and c. (2) Third (b) Fourth WGH Means (¢) None of these 08. _Incontinued proportion aib=bic, cis said to be proportional to a and b. KOM thir (b) Fourth (9) Means (0) None of these 07. Find xin proportion 4:x:5:16. a 4 3 5 © | | 12 () () (b) u=vk* (c) u=wk () u=vk M. 2 01, 02 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 10" Maths English Medium ~ ALP MCQs ~ www.notespk.com — Nauman Sadaf Page 3 of 8 The third proportional of x°and is @ % b) xy oi @ % x 7 x The fourth proportional w of x:¥.w is: x yw W x ao x ( oy >, then altemando property is: - ) B= © (o) oO (@ CHAPTER: 04 The identity (5x+4)° =25x' + 40x+16is tue for: (2) One value of (b) Twovaluesofx {ML Allvalues ofx —(d)_None of these function of the form f(x) = a in D(x) Owhere N(x) and D(xx)are polynomials in xis called: (2) Anidentity {b) An equation’ WEE A traction (d) None of these Afracion in which the deoree of the numeratoris greater or equal to the degree of denominator is caled (2) Aproper traction [IS Animproperfracion (c) An equation (@) Algebraic equation A fraction in which the degree of numerator is less than the degree of the denominator Is called: (@) An equation (b) Am improperfracton (c) Anidentity IMEIB| A proper racton 2a+t tT igs (x+ 1x1) (a) Animproper fraction {b) An equation HIGH A proper fraction (d) None of these (+3) =x¢ +6x49is: (2) Alinear equaton {b) An equation WEE pnicentity (¢) None of these xu is: (x-)(x+2) (2) Aproper traction [MIJN Animproperfracton (c) Anidentity (a) Aconstant term Partial fractions of ——2 are of the form: -NEFD 10. a1. 02, 03, 05, 07. 10. 1. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. 7. 18, 19, to! Maths English Medium — ALP MCQs ~ www.notespk.com — Nauman Sadat Page 4 of 8 Paria faion of ET at of te fom: ie ae y AesB Ga) xt CHAPTER: 05 collection of well-defined objects is called: (2) Subset (b) Power set WOH set (d) None of these Asst =| Blade Zabaobiscaled ast (2) Whole numbers (b) Natural numbers (c) Irrational numbers {GI Rational numbers The different number of ways to describe e set are: (4 tb) 2 Wa; @ 4 Aset with no element is called: (a) Subset WDE Empty set (c) Singleion set (G) Super set The set { x|xe W..x<101} is: (a) Infinite set (b) Subset (c) Null set WM Finite set The set having only one elementis called (2) Null set {b) Power set BBE Singleton set (@) Subset Power set of an empty set is @ 6 b) {a (ox {otal} Be The number of elements in power set (1,2:3} is @ 4 b) 6 WO: @ 8 I AcBthen AUBis equalto: @ A Bs ¢ (¢) None of these IFAcBthen A-Bis equalto: ms b) 8 @¢ (None of hese IFACB, then A-B is equal t: fA bo) B wm: (6) None of these (AUB) UC is equal to: (@) An(BuC) &) (AvB)ac BY Av(euc) (@ An(Boc) ALBA C) is equal to: HE 4e2)o(40c) &) An(@nc) —@ (Ama)(Anc) @ AU(BLC) fA and B are disjoint ses, then. A\ Bis equal to @ A ) B () ¢ Bal sua number of elements in set Ais 3 and in set Bis 4, the number of elements in AxBis: @ 3 b) 4 Wee 7 Ifnumber of elements is set A is 3 and in set Bis 2, then number of binary relations in Ax Bis: @ 2 z oz @ 2 The domain of R =| (0,2),(2,3),(3,3),(3.4)} i: () {0,34} Dh 023) () {0.24} (9 {2.3.4} The range of R={(1,3)(2,2),(31),(4.4)his: @ {124} bo) {3.24} | (o) on (9 {13.4} Point (—1,4)lies in the quadrant to! Maths English Medium — ALP MCQs ~ www.notespk.com — Nauman Sadat Page 5 of 8 @! wm « ow 20, The relation {(1,2)(2,3),(33),(3.4)} is (2) Onto function (b) Intofunction RBH Not a functon (a) One-one function CHAPTER: 06 01. Agrouped frequency table is also called: (2) Data BEIM Frequency dstitution —(c)_ Frequency polygon 02. Ahistogram is a set of adjacent: (2) Squares WOE Rectangles (oc) Circles 03. A frequency paygon is @ many sided: WGN Closed figure (o) Rectangle (c) Square 04," Acumulative frequency table is aso called (2) Frequency distribution (6) Data (GI Less than cumulative frequency distribution 05. Ina cumulative frequency polygon frequencies are plotted against: (2) Midpoints SPEIWE Upper cass oourdares (c) Class |imits 0, Aithmetic mean is a measure that determines a value ofthe variable under study by dhidng the sum of all values ofthe * variabe by their WGI Nurber (0) Group (6) Denominator 07. _Adeviation is defined as a difference of any value cf the variable from a: WOM Constant ()_ Histogram {e) Sum 08. _Adata in the form of frequency distribution is called: HOME Grouped date (0) Ungrouped data (e) Histogram 09, Mean ofa variable with similar observations say constant Ks: (2) Negative WGN k itsetr (o) Zero 10. Meanis affected by change in: (a) Value (b) Rato EGE Crigin 11. Meanis affected by change in: (@) Place ‘Scale (c) Rate 12. _Sum of the deviations ofthe variable from its mean is always: TEM Zero (db) One (c) Same 13, The n° positive root of the product Of the x,,X,,X3,....X, observations is called: (2) Mode (o) Mean GEE Geometric mean 14, Tho value obtained by reciprocating the moan af the reciprocal of XX, XX, observations is callod: (Geometric mean ©) Median HEE Harmonic mean 15. _The most fequent occurring observation in a data set is called WOM Mose (0) Median (c) Harmonic mean 16. The measure which determines the middlemost observation ina data set is caled: WOM Medan (o) Mode (co) Mean 17. The observations that divide a data set into four equal parts are called (2) Decies WG auartiles (c) Percentiles 18. The spread or scatterness of observations in a data setis calle: (2) Average HONE Disversion (6) Central tendency 19. _The measure that are used to determine the degree or extent of variation in a data set are called measures of: GEE Dispersion (b) Central tendency (c) Average 20, "The extent of variation between two extreme observations ofa data set is measured by: (2) Average (o) Range EGE cuarties 21, The mean ofthe squared deviations of x,(i=12,...1) cbservations from their arithmetic mean is called HEE Variance (©) Standard deviation (©) Range The positive square root of mean of the squared deviations of X,( called |2.nf) observations from their arithmetic mean is 01. 02, 03, 07. 10. ot. 02, 03, 05, 07. to! Maths English Medium — ALP MCQs ~ www.notespk.com — Nauman Sadat Page 6 of 8 (@) Harmonic mean ERI Range (0) Standard éeviation CHAPTER: 07 ‘The union of two non-colinear rays, which have common end points calle: BEE An angle (b) Adegree () Aminute (@) Atadian ‘The system of measurement in which the angle is measuredin radians is called: (2) CGSsystem (b) Sexagesimal system (c) MKSsystem [JM Circular system a (e) 360" (vb) 630" Gl i200 (@) 3600 oe Ff radians = 7 (2) 115° Dl 3s (0) 150° (0) 30° If tand = 3 then 6 is equal to: (2 90" (0) 45° Eo (@) 30° secO= (@) tsivo IBY ts tan'o () tre0s*@ (4) 4y/tan’e 1 1g 4sin "13nd La (b) 2cos*e () sec’o (d) cs joosecss* ) aE B: (0) 2 (9) 4 seoBcot=? sind (@ sno ©) 50 ® cso coseci#-cot’o =? @ 4 to) @ 0 (a) tano Radii of a same cide are: WOM Al ecual {b) Double of the diameter (c) All unequal {d) Half of any chord ‘Acchod passing through the centre of a cicl is cated: (2) Radius WGN Diameter (©) Circumference {@) Secant Right bisector of the chord ofa circle always passes through the: (@) Radius (b) Circumference BBE Cenire {d) Diameter ‘The circular region bounded by two radii and the corresponding are is called (2) Circumference of circle IIIB Sector ofa circle (©) Diameter of acircle (4) Segment of a circle ‘The distance of any point ofthe crcleto its centre is caled: HM Radius (b) Diameter (@) Actord (a) Anare Line segment joining any point of the crcl tothe centreis called (a) Circumference (b) Diameter WBE Radial segment {d) Perimeter Locus of a point in a plane equidistant from a fixed pointis called (2) Radius (b) Circle (0) Circumference BIJ Diameter The symbol fora triangle is denoted by: 10! Maths English Medium — ALP MCQs ~ www.notespk.com — Nauman Sadat Page 7 of 8 @ Z A © 4 i) 09. Acomplete circle is divided int (@) 90" (b) 180° () 270" Ol scr 10, Through how many non-colinear points, can acircle pass? (2) One (b) Two WE Three {d) None CHAPTER: 10 01. Aline which has two points in common wit a circle is called (2) Sine ofacircle (b) Cosine ofacircle (c) Tangent ofa circle QJM Secant of a circle 02. Aline which has only one point in common with a croleis cale: (@) Sineofacircle (>) Cosine ota crcle MIM Tangent ofa cicle (d) Secant of acirce 03, Two tangents crawn to a circle from a point outside it are of. in length. (a) Half WOE Equal (©) Double (d) Triple 04. Acircle has only one: (2) Secant (b) Chord (0) Diameter WOE Centre 05. Atangent ine intersects the circle at (2) Three points (b)_ Twopoints EGE Single point {d) \.No point at all 06, _ Tangent drawn at the ends of diameter of a circle are to eachother. HEM Paralel (b) No-paralle (c) Colinear (a). Perpendicular 07. The distance between the centres of two congruent touching circles externally is: (a) Of zero length (b) The radius of each circle The diameter of each circle (a) Twice the diameter of each circle CHAPTER: 11 01. Adem long cherd subtends a certral angle of 60° . The radial segment of this circle is {2} tom (b) 2cm_ (c) 30m. | ic) re 02, The length of a chord ard the racial segment ofa circle are congruent, the central angle made by the chord wil be: (30° a ©) 6 () 78 03, Outoftwo congruent arcs of a circle, itone arc makes a central angle of 30° then the other arc will subtend the central angle ot (a 18° Do () 45° (@) 60 04, An arc subtends a central angle of 40° then the conesponding chord will subtend a central angle of: (2) 20° Do () 60" () 80° 05, _Apair of chords of cirde subtending two congruent central angles i Congruent (b) —Incongruent (©) Overlapping id) Parallel 06. Ifan arc of cicle subtends a central angie of 60°, then the corresponding chord of the arc will make the cenral angle of (2) 20° (b) 40° El (@) 80° 07. The semi circumference and the diameter of a circle both subtend a central angle of: (2) 90° 180° () 270° (a) 360° 08, The chord length of circle subtending a central angle of 180°is always: 2) _ Less than radial segment (b)_Equaito the radial segment Double of the radial segment (d) _Noneof these 09. Ifa chord of a circle subiends a central angle of 60° , then the length of the chord and the radial segment are: WME Congruent (b) —Incongruent (c) Parallel (d) Perpendicular to! Maths English Medium — ALP MCQs ~ www.notespk.com — Nauman Sadat Page 8 of 8 10. The ates opposite to incongruent central angles of a circle always (@)Congruent Incongruent (©) Parallel (@) Pemencicular CHAPTER: 13 01, The circumference of a circle is called (2) Chord (b) Seoment HEM Boundary 02. Aline intersecting a circle is called (a) Tangent ‘Secant {c) Chord 03. _The portion of a circle between two radii and an arcis called: WGN Sector (b) Segment {c) Chord 04, inscibed in a semi circle is 2 3 ® 4 05. The length ofthe diameter ofa circle is how many times the radius ofthe circle? @ 1 2 3 06. The tangent and radius ofa circle a the point of contact are: (@) Parallel {b) Notperpendicular [RBI Perpendicular 07. _Circles having three points in common: HEE overapping (b) Coline (o) Noteointids 08. {ftwo circles touch each other, their centres and point of contact are: (Coincident (b) Non-colinear RG Colinear ‘Tne measure of the external angle of a regular hexagon is: z x x 3 ” 4 (> § 410. Ifthe incentre and circumcentre ofa tangle coincide; the triangle is (2) Anisosceles (b) A right triangle’ tl An equilateral 11. The measure of the external angle ofa regular octagon is: z w = @ = 4 ” § oO 8 12. _Tangents drawn at the end points of the diameter of a circle are: Parallel (b)~ Perpendicular (c) intersecting 413, The lengths of wo transverse tangents to a par of circles are: (e) Unecual Equal {c) Overlapping 14, How many tangents can be drawn from a point outside the circle? (1 2 () 3 15. Ifthe distance between the centres of two circles is equal to the sum of their radii, then the circles will (@) Intersect (b) Donotintersect IRIE Touch each other extemaly 16. Ifthe two crces touches externaly, then the distance between their centres is equal tothe: (2) _ Difference of their radii ‘Sum of their radii (c)_ Product of their radii 47. How many common tangents can be drawn for two touching circles? (@ 2 3 i 4 18. How many common tangents can be drawn for two disjoint crcles? (a) 2 b) 3 wo: Nauman Sadaf - www.notespk.com (THE END)

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