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Request for Proposal

RFP: AMS Tablet Proposal Due By: January 10, 2020 Welk Resorts

Project Overview:

Develop tablet application for event sales and marketing lead generation.

• PCI compliant
• Off-line mode capability
- Ability to store PI and CC information that is PCI compliant
• OS agnostic
- iOS and Android tablets
• Easy to support
- Built with popular mobile application frameworks- Microsoft open source
applications (Xamarin, PowerApps)
• Responsive design
- Needs to support multiple tablet form factors
• Integration with Salesforce
- Integration via a micro-service architecture using Azure Cloud

Form Fields Include:

Demographics– Guest First and Last Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone #, Email,
Marital Status, No. of children
Tours- Tour Site, Tour Type, Tour Date, Tour Time, Preferred Hotel, Check-In Date, Nights,
Adults, Children, Amount, Charge Type, Name On Card, Zip Code, Card Number, CVV,
Expiration Month/Year, Notes
Premiums- Qty, Premium Type
Confirmation- Contract agreement checkboxes, Guest Signature

Project Goals:

• Build a PCI compliant application that can work on multiple devices

• Application developed, tested, ready for deployment by March 18th
• Project methodology – Hybrid (Agile/Waterfall)
Request for Proposal

Scope of Work:

• Application development
• Integration with payment processor using PCI compliant SDK with offline mode
capability (PayPal or Square)
• Data integration with Salesforce
• Unit, System, Integration, and UAT testing
• Documentation
• Hypercare period support (~2 weeks)

Evaluation Metrics and Criteria

• The education, experience, knowledge, skills, and qualifications of the firm and the
individuals who will be available to provide these services.
• The competitive cost of services.
• The expertise of the firm in working with similar customers.

Submission Requirements

A submission must, at a minimum, include the following elements:

• Description of the firm that includes a general overview, names and credentials of
creative team, number of full-time employees, On-shore/Off-shore.
• A one-page narrative outlining the firm’s strengths and distinguishing skills or
capabilities as they might relate to this project (include any experience with
Hospitality and/or Marketing lead generation).
• A representative selection of application development created for current and past
clients (include how many mobile applications your company has developed).

Project Due By: March 18, 2020

Contact: Email: Phone #: 760-321-3685

Kourtney Kennedy x1774

Note: Please see the screenshots attached to this email.

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