3nnJOBnINTERVIEWnDIALOGUES 226047c4be3da9b

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Apprentice, now we are going to use this dialogue taking into account a video about a job
interview in which you will answer appropriately based on the instructions of the activity.

PART 1: FORMULACIÓN DE DIÁLOGO (con modelo brindado)

Job Interview Conversation - Interview Question and Answers in English:


Now. It`s time to put in practice the previous activity, you will record with your voice an audio with
every single one of the answers filling up the next dialogue (follow the sketches given in the
previous video), it`s important to pay attention to the context, the grammatical tenses and the
prepositions to use (also be careful when changing the tense according each dialogue. If the
answer is using going to (GT), future Will (W): Present continuous (PC). We will use present
simple tense as well (PS) for some answers

Aprendiz recuerde que el diálogo tiene que tener sentido, así que verificar tus respuestas antes de

Si no tienes conectividad no te preocupes puedes formular el diálogo según tu criterio en el

tiempo verbal correspondiente de acuerdo a las instrucciones. No se les olvide pronunciar de
manera adecuada, o hacerlo lo mejor posible para entender la grabación.


1- Interviewer: Welcome to ABC Controls, David. I am Tom.

Interviewee: Hello, my name is Alejandro, nice to meet you(PS)

2-Interviewer: Nice to meet you too, how are you doing today?

Interviewee: I’m very good, thank you (PC)

3-Interviewer: First of all, let me introduce myself. I am the manager of our engineering
department here and we have an open position, so we have been interviewing applicants to fill
the position as soon as possible.

Interviewee: I understand, please tell me a little bit more about the position(PS)

4-Interviewer: This is an entry-level engineering position; we do provide a lot of training here. But
we do require that you have at least a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering.
Previous experience (in, on, at) __on___ the field is a plus.

5- Interviewee: What kind of qualifications are you going to require?

Interviewer: I am going to require a college degree in computer engineering and some working
experience (GT)

6-Interviewee: What kind of experience will you look for?

Interviewer: I will look for experience at computing engineering, but this is an entry-level position.
I will not require a lot of experience (W)

Interviewer: Even though we provide training, it would be great if you had some hands-on
programming experience, knowledge of database systems or skills (in, on , at)__on__
developing applications.

Interviewee: My final school project was actually developing a mobile application, so I am fairly
competent (in, on, at) __at____ developing mobile and web applications.

Interviewer: That's good to hear, what are you looking for in a job?
Interviewee: I am looking for a job that helps me see what computing engineering is about, I am
looking for a job that makes me apply all what I know (PC)

Interviewer: Will you look for anything else? (W)

Interviewee: The job definitely will help me grow (in, on, at) __in__ my career. I will be happy to
learn and grow as I work (in, on, at) __in__ a passionate company like yours.

Interviewer: You are right. There is plenty of room for advancement in our company. What are
your strengths? And if you get the job, tell about future plans.

Interviewee: I am a working persona and I will be ready to help, I am going to learn and improve
my skills (PS)+ (W)+ (GT)

Interviewer: Very well.

Interviewer: Do you have any questions for me?

Interviewee: No, I think I have a pretty good understanding of the requirements. I believe that I
can handle it with ease, and the fact that you provide all the training sounds excellent. I
hope to have the opportunity to work for you.

Interviewer: David, it is nice to meet you. I can tell that you are a good candidate. Expect to hear
from us within a week or so about the job.

Interviewee: Thank you so much for your time (RANDOM)

Interviewer: Thank you for coming.


Insert the dialogue in the chart (you can use the option insert)

Dear apprentice in this part of the evidence you will record another audio with your classmate in a
real job interview in your technical field

Follow the next items:

1- 3 MINUTES of your recording

2- TENSES (present simple + continuous+ future will + going to+ past simple + present perfect)
5- TEHCNICAL INTERVIEW (remember the case about you getting a role in automotive
6- NOTHING OF “COPY AND PASTE” (do it by yourself!!) (that`s how you learn, so make an


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