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Ric Anthony B.

Layasan Moscovium

What I Know

Mulls over the

unique perspective Identifies what Just looking
of the author on a are the carefully at the
particular text and information facts and
how the facts the presented coming to
author presented conclusions.

What’s More
Activity 1
1. SOO 11.SOO
2. SOO 12.SOO
3. SOO 13.SOF
4. SOO 14.SOF
5. SOF 15.SOF
6. SOF 16.SOO
7. SOO 17.SOO
8. SOF 18.SOF
9. SOO 19.SOO
10.SOF 20.SOO
Activity 2

Purpose/Context To inform our readers about the importance of Filipino subject in

our school and that Filipino language plays a huge part in our lives.
Removing the subject is like removing the language that shaped us
as a person and as a Filipino
Author R.E Perez a Filipino student living in the Philippines

Audience Every Filipino. On the first paragraph, the author stated "The
Filipino language plays a huge part in the lives of the countrymen. It
is the heart and soul of the country as it symbolizes oneness in
words, speech, and thought
Topic & Position The exclusion of the Filipino subject in the tertiary level. The
revision of the curriculum has met various violent reactions and
oppositions from stakeholders, linguists, academics, and even
students themselves.
On the last paragraph, the author stated: "On a personal account,
being a student, myself make me think twice about the revision of
GE curriculum in college. Hearing about the mandatory exclusion of
the Filipino subjects in college irks me mostly because I cannot see
the point if it is really necessary to remove the Filipino language
when in fact; it plays a big role in the development of the country.
Research/Sources Previous research supports the author's argument. In the fourth
paragraph, it states that movements from different universities
concerned are currently in motion in order to fight for the life of the
Filipino subjects in the tertiary level. The statement of the
Kagawaran ng Filipino of the Ateneo de Manila University which is:
"Hindi lamang midyum ng pagtuturo ang Filipino. Isa itong disiplina.
Lumilikha ito ng sariling larangan ng karunungan na nagtatampok sa
pagka Filipino sa anumang usapin sa loob at labas ng akademya",
elicits further discussion.
Proof/Evidence The proofs and evidence presented by the author came from
credible sources like different universities in the Philippines
expressing their concerns. These universities include, De la Salle
University-Manila, Ateneo de Manila University and the University
of the Philippines.
Organization The information is organized in order of importance. It uses the
inverted pyramid technique which puts most critical elements of a
story first and then adds supporting facts and details in order of
importance. The author's stand on the topic can be found on the
first paragraph. The organization is also driven by these three
combinations: content, author's argument and needs of the
Style The author's choice of words are easy to understand and plain
simple. The author's style also uses slanted meanings such as this
statement in the first paragraph: "Truly, a country's language paves
way for bigger and better opportunities that will benefit everyone.
But what will happen to this optimistic view of the future if the
means of learning one's language is taken away from him?'
Drawing Conclusions The author's perspective is that, as Filipinos, we sholud take pride
of our own language and it is something that we should treasure
because this is what unites us in achieving a certain goal,

Activity 3
1. Inside a spook house
2. Inside a basketball Court
3. Rey is a musician
4. Anna’s Father is upset
5. The speaker is a father talking to his daughter


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