Afcat 2 Paper 2020

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AFCAT-II AIR FORCE COMMON ADMISSION TEST SOLVED PAPER 2020 'MM:300 INSTRUCTIONS 1. Tis question paper consists of 10 questions of 2s duration. 12, Each question is of 3 marks. 3. Far each wrong answer, 1 mark wil be deducted. Directions (Q.Nos. 1-5) You have one brief passage with five questions following the passage. Read the passage carefully and choosed the best answer to each question out of the for alternatives. Passage Asa result of economic liberalization and entry of a large number of multinational companies into India, the life of most middle class and upper - middie class people in the last two decades of the present century has been characterized by artificiality in dress, ‘manners and conversation and elaborate surface of formality and grace covering a certain amount of vice and a great deal of plain silliness. 1. The period discussed in the sentence is (a) from AD 1961 to 1990 (0) from AD 1981 to 2000 (6) from AD 1990102000 {d) from AD 1980 02000 2. ‘The sentence lays emphasis on the fact that the ‘economic liberalization has @) raised tha standard of iving ofthe middle and upper middle ‘class people (©) made people more artlcial outwardly, without change in altitude {C) helped the people dispense with their vicious behaviour {@) removed their novety anc raised ther quality of ifs 3. It appeare that the author of the sentence criticizes economic liberalization for the people {a} lack of formality (0) poor mamersm {6) lack of naturalness {@)leck of grace Based on Memory DURATION: 2HRS 4, Which of the following is not true about most of the middle and upper-middle class people of the period ‘mentioned in the passage? (a) They are wicked (0) They are formal {(¢) They are witty (@) They are silly 5. It can be inferred from the sentence that the middle and ‘upper-middle class people of the period lived (a) wicked lives {b} conventional ives (0) attuent ives, (2) very simple Hives Directions (Q.Nos. 6-10) Select the most appropriate word from the options against each number. Passage {t(6) that policing in the future will be 7) more different than itis today. Advances in technology (8) in computers, television and ‘communication will assist the police in solving and preventing 3s. Advances in forensic science (9) evidence more reliable and meaningful. Al ofthese changes will be forthe better ifthey help (10) the quality of police service. 6, (0) predicted (b) has predicted (© is predicted (@) was predicting 1. (6) ary (some {@ such (much 8. (@) particularly (©) placicty (roughly (@wicey 9. (@) hac to make (©) would be made (@)has made (@) shouki meke 10. (a) improving (6) to improve (b) be improved (@) have improved tions (Q. Nos. 11-16) In the questions given below, there are four different words out of which one is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word. 11. (2) Etflorescence (6) Efforrescence (b) Eflorescence (@) Eftoreescence {b) Liaison. (6) Liaaison 12. (a) Lizission (6) Lieaison 13. (a) Entrepreneur {) Entrepreneur (b) Entrepreenewr (© Entrepreneur 14. {a} Equanemity (©) Equamimity 15. (a} Embarrassment (c) Embarrasment Directions (Q. Nos. 16-20) In these questions out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words /sentences. 16. A group of three books, films etc, that have the same () Equeninity (@) Equanimity (b) Embarassment (@) Emoarasment subject or characters. (@) Trinity (b) Trilogy (Tio (€) Tripod 17. A study of the human race. (@ Anthropology (b) Archaeology (© Ethnology {@) Etymology 18, A remedy for all diseases is (@ Stoic (0) Marvel (© Panacea (@) Recompense 19, A place where treasures of art, curios are preserved or exhibited. (@) Museum (0) Stable (Libary (@) Studio 20. Associated with God or religion. (@) Humbly. (b) Holy (©) Virtuous: (8) Godly, Directions (Q.Nos. 21-23) In these questions choose the opposite word in meaning to the given word. 21. Hasten (@) Dash (b) Dawdle (@) Hury (8) Scury 22. Spirited (@ Animated (b) Excited (© Lively (6) Dull 23, Forthright (@) Bunt (0) Tricky (©) Candi (0) Pieinspoken Directions (Q.Nos. 24 and 25) In these questions out of the four alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the meaning of the given word. 24, Right (2)Comect —() Marked (c) Straight (¢) Finished 25, Apprehended (@) Understood (0) Arrested (0) Feared (@) Questioned 26, Who got Nobel Prize for “The Old Man and the Sea’? (@) Emest Hemingway (b) Satyaject Ray (@)Rabindra Nath Tagore (@) Ruskin Bond 27, Michael Ferreira is related to which of the following sports? (@) Cricket (0) Gott (©) Hockey {@) Engiish Bitiards Which of the following is India's first. indigenously. developed nuclear powered submarine? G@INS Vikrent (b) INS Trikhand (6) INS Arihant {@) INS Sinchurekshak 29. ‘Thomas cup is associated with (@) Hockey (b) Badminton (6) Kabada (6) Table Tennis (Wornen) 30, Sattriya dance originated in (@) Assam {b) Anda Pradesh (©) Rajasthan (6) Gujarat 31, Which of the following is home base of the aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya? (@) Visakhapatnam {b) Cochin (©) Karwar (@ Jamnagar 82, Who is the defence secretary during Indo-China war in 1962? (@) Sanjay Mitra (b) V.K. Krishna Menon (V.K. Singh (@ Govind Narain ‘The accounting year of Reserve Bank of India runs from (a) April to March {b) July te June: (©) January to December (4) August to July Agricultural commodities, are graded with @sl (0) Ecopprocucts (c) AGMARK (0) Green product ‘The book titled “The Indian War of Independence’ was written by (2) Krishna Verma (©) Madame Cama (2) 8G Tiak (@ VD Savarkar 36. Who won the Nobel Peace Prize for 2016? {@) Juan Manuel Santos (b) Tawakkol Karman (AlGore (@) Kailash Satyarthi 87. Who is rightly called the ‘Father of Local Self Government’ in India? (@) Lord Mayo {o) Lord Curzon (©) Lord Ripon (@) Lord Give 88, Razia Sultan belonged to which of the following dynasty? (@) Slave Dynasty {) Maurya Dynasty (ch Kili Oynasty (4) Koravi Dynasty ‘39. Which is the second nearest star to the Earth after the San? (2) Vega (b} Sirius (6) Proxima Centauri (@) Alpha Centaur 40, Which is an extra-constitutional body? {(@) Language Commission _(b) Panning Commission {c) Election Commission —_(@) Finance Commission 41. Which of the following states won Vijay Hazare Trophy 2016-20177 (@) Temit Nac (©) Bengal (©) Madhya Pradesh (@) Mumbai 42, Which is not an All India Service? (@ Indian Administrative Service (0) Indian Police Service (6) Incian Foreign Service (@)Incian Forest Service 43, Hiuen Tsang visited India during the reign of (@) Chandra Gupta (0) Chandra Gupta (©) Harshaverdnana (@) Rudradaman 4, The call of ‘Back to the Vedas’ was given by (a) Swami Vivekananda (b) Swami Dayanand Saraswati (0) Aurobindo Ghosh (@) Raa Ram Mohan Roy 45. The commando unit of the Indian Air force is named (@) Baez (b) Gand (¢) MARCOS, (@) Greta 4G. The monetary policy in India is formulated by (@) Central Government (b) Industrial Financial Corporation of india (6) Reserve Bank of india (@) Industral Development Bank of India 41, What is the capital of Uzbekistan? (@)Dushanbe (b) Damascus (0) Tashkent (d) Bishkek Directions (Q.Nos, 48-50) In the following questions, complete the series. 48. 2,2,T,Q,N @x ow ov @T 49. A, LP,V,A,? @F (oD ME @G 50, YEB, WFD, UHG, SKI, ? (QOL = POL «= ALO @ LOO 51. In acertain code FORGET is written as DPPHCU. How ‘would DOCTOR be written in that code? (@)BPAUPS (0) BPAUMS (©) EMDRPP (d) EMDRPD 52, If rat is called dog, dog is called mongoose, mongoose is called lion, lion is called snake and snake is called elephant, whieh is reared as a pet? (a) Rat () Dog {c) Mongoose (Lion Direction (Q.No. 53) Two statements are given followed by two Conclusions 1 and IL You have to consider the statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions, if any, follow from the given statements. Indicate your answer. 53. Statements All animals are dog. Conclusions 1. All animals are birds. TI, All birds are animals (@) Only Conclusion i follows {0} Only Conctusion il follows (c) Both Conclusions | and Il follow (d) Neither Conclusion I nor I follows ‘All dogs are birds. Directions: (Q.Nos. 54 and 55) In each question below is given a statement followed by two Assumptions I and Il. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement. Give answer (@) Oni tis imptict (©) Neither | nor li implicit 54, Statement Railway authority has started internet booking facility of long-distance trains and also delivering the tickets at the doorstep through courier service at a little extra cost. Assumptions I. Many customers may now book their tickets through internet, resulting intoless crowed at ticket booking offices. IL. ' Most of the customers may still buy their railway tickets at the booking counters. 55. Statement Many people fell il after consuming meal at a. wedding reception and were rushed to the nearby Government and private hospitals. Assumptions I. The relatives of the affected people may refuse to take them to the Government hospitals. Il, The nearby hospitals may be able to attend to all the affected people, Directions (Q.Nos. 66-58) Each of the following questions has four statements. Three are incorrect. Choose the statement which is logically correct. 56. (a) All chances are fakes. No chance ate genuine. ‘Therefore, all fakes are genuine. (©) Some papers are white. All white are brown, Therefore, all brown are white, (b) Only iis implicit (@) Both | and Il are implicit {@) Some goats are lambs. All kids are lambs. Theretore, some goals ate kids. (6) Some cuts are dabs. No dabsis pricks. Therefore, some dabs are cuts. 7. (@) No trees are decorations. Some trees are decorated. ‘Therefore, no decorated are decorations, {©) All men lie. Only liars are wetcome. Therefore, all men are weleome, (©) Some robots fly: All bids fly. Therefore, some birds are. robots. (@)Some tablets are round. Some tabiets are oval. Therefore, all tablets are oval 58. (a) All books are friends. All friends are dangerous. Therefore, all dangerous are books, (0) All tables are ants. Some chairs are ants. Therefore, al ants are tables. {6) No man is a monkey. John is @ man. Therefore, John is not a monkey. (@)All birds are parots. Manish is 4 parrot. Therefore, Manish is a bird. Directions (Q. Nos. 59-62) Choose the word which is least like the other words in the group. 19. (a) Chemistry () Physics (©) Botany (@) Geography 60. (@) Tomato (b} Potato (©) Cucumber (d) Peas 61. (@)Seal (0) Scorpion (¢} Fish (car 62 (@) Zino (b) Iron (@)Aurinium (@) Mercury Directions (Q.Nos. 63-67) The following questions consist of two words that have a certain relationship to each other, followed by four alternatives. Select the best alternative that has same relationship as the original pair of words. 63. Behead : Guillotine ::? (@) Polish : Nall (b) Perfect : Picture: (6) Thiet: Prison (6) Hang : Gallows 64, Graphite: Lubricant ::? (@ Movement : Friction (0) Iron Steel (@) Woot: Cth {@) Diamond : Abrasive 65. Money : ‘Transaction : ? (@) Lite : Death (©) Ideas Exchange 66, Abrupt : Gradual ::? (a) Sarren : Fertile (6) Motion : Forward 67. Jute : Sack ::? (@) Shos : Sock (6) Cotton : Fibre (b) Water : Drink (@) Language: Conversation (0) Reverse : Backward (9) Agila : Calm (©) Woo! : Sweater (@) Mill: Cloth Directions (Q. Nos. 68-70) There is certain relationship between two given words on one side of (::) and one word is given on another side of (: :) while another wordis to be found from the given alternatives, having the same relation with this word as the given pair has, Select the best alternatives/ relationship. 68. Tran : Majlis : Finland :?. (@) Eduskunta, (©) Helsinkd (6) Congress (@ Vantaa 69. Oil: Seed :: Butter @cow (b)Curd = (@) Mik (¢) Amul 10, Horse : Foal :: Do (@)Cat ()Bitch (©) denny) Whelp 71. Velocity ofa man in steady waters 4.5 kmph. Velocity of the stream is 1.5 kmph. If he goes upstream and come back. What is the average velocity? {@)4kenph—(@)Skmoh_— (©) Gkmph (2) 7 kraph 72, Ratio of boys and girls in a school is 3:2. 20 % boys and 25% girls have scholarships, What is the total percentage of students who have scholarship? (ajar (22 2 — @2a "73. Ais thrice efficient than B. A takes 40 days less than Bto ‘complete a work. If they both work together, how many days it will take to finish the work? @r0 (25 © 15 (a20 14, 40% of a number, exceeris 25% of it by 45. What is the number? (a) 150 (©) 320 (9250) 300 ‘75. There are 15 students whose average increases by 1.5 kg, when a member of 40 kg was replaced by another one. What is his weight? (a)62.5kg (0) 6Okg ©) 61kg (0) 58.5kg 76. A train takes 18 sec to cross a man running at a speed of 6 kam/sec in the same direction of the train, How much time it takes to cross a person runing at 9 km/s in the same direction of the train? (@) 18sec (©) 18 sec (0) cannot be determined (@) 20 eee 77. Ley tank all and if 22 Litre fuel poured in then Sa tank i fll Find the capacity of tank? @)20kres &) Gives (2) 4Olires (201s 178, Aporsoncstributes apps among our frends A,B,C and D in the ratio + What is the minimum 345 8 number of pens the person should have? (@)60 (bp) 120 (@ 180 (6) 240 79. Four horses are tethered at 4 corners of square field of side 70 m go that they just, cannot reach one another, ‘The area left ungrazed by the horses is (@1050m? —(p) 3850m* (0) 950m?) 1075? 80. The ratio between boys and girls in a school is 4: 6 respectively. If the number of boys is increased by 200 the ratio becomes 5 : 6 respectively. How many girls are there in the school? (@) 1200 (© 1000 81. Aman whose bowling average is 12.4 takes 5 wickets for 26 runs and thereby decreases his average by 0.4. The number of wickets taken by him before his last match, is (@)85, (0) 78 (©) 72 (0) 64 82, The length and breadth of a square are increased by 30% and 20% respectively. The area of the rectangle s0 formed exceeds the ared of the square by 20% 6% (6) 50% (A) 6% 88. The ratio of father’s age to his son’s age is 7: 8. The product of their age is 756, The ratio of their ages after Gyr will be (©) 800 (@ Cannot be determined @2:1 5:2, |i? @Is9 112, S576 356 , ‘84. The simplified value lue of “Gg * aX 8 re ws 16 (wae 85, A, B and C can do a piece of work in 20, 24 and 30 days, respectively. They undertook to do the pieca of work for % 5400. They begin the work together but B left 2 days, hbefore the completion of work and C left 5 days before ‘the completion of work. The share of A from the assured money is (@%2700 (0) F540 (©) € 1800 (@) 8600 89, Question Figure Answer Figures CP OPOH @) (b) © @ Directions (Q. Nos. 90-93) In these tests find which code matches the shape or pattern given at the end of each question. 90, — 6 5 ot of Ch HC ND Zu NC 2K 7 Hu (ND 2D NK "OSCCO8E sities ree cree rem cea oo om om n°, “AAAAABA Ripa aeea ea (b) NK (De 8% oy A = = = A cn (ca te iF OK PKK? Directions (Q. Nos, 86-89) In these tests you will (@)PF OG (0s (OF find an question figure and four answer figures. You yi enti ‘have to select one diagram from the answer figures ee, Nos. 94-97) In these tests, find the which fits into the blank column in question figure in order to complete it. 4, Sa arn arr (@) o) © @ N/| AXN 95. @ o © @ 87. Question Figure Answer Figures a | 1 V fa) e) (©) @ 6.55 iu eo o © @ A] A © PAO 88. Question Figure Answer Figures @ © © © ag * RP 12 ® % © 6 Q os & ee) Directions (Q. Nos. 98-100) In these test figure (K)is 99. Question Figure Answer Figures: hidden. in the option figures. Find the correct option. I EI I I 98. Question Figure y ~ oe 8 © @ a 100. Question Figure Answer Figures Answer Figures 4 xy | | Xx Co ® » © © qo © @ Answers Tlol2t[or3 ols [ols [@leteol|2zi@)|s | @ (a) | 10. | () Tey [2 Ty 93. fe [4 Ty 75. te) P16. Te a7. | ta) | 18. | fo) fa) | 20. | tb) 21. | (bp) | 22. | | 23. | w) | 24 | ta) | 25. |e) | 26. ] (a) | 27. | @ | 28. | io) (b) | 30. | (a) B1.| (co) | 32. | () | 33. @ | 34.1 @ | 35. | w@ | 36.1 tc | 37. | (a) | 38. | ta) {c) | 40. | (bp Ai. | (a) | 42. | @ | 43. |) [44 7 iby 145. | cy [ 46. | io | 47. | (op | 48. | ib) (c) | 50. | (a) 51. |) | 52. | @ | 53. | (@) | 54 | (a) [85. | iy | 56. | (a) | 57. | | 58. | {d)_| 60. | 1xx3x=758 = 21x! Father's age =7% 6 =42yr Son's age 3x 6 = 18yr After six year’s : Fathor's age = 42 +6 =48 yr Grazed area by horses = 2A 22 (35)* Son's age = 18 +6 = 24yr 22 Required rotio = 48 = 2-231 22 35x 953850 zat 7 wa 212 N676 , V256 _ 112, 24, 16 Hence, ungrazed area by the horses ee ae = (4900 ~ 3800) m® = 1050 m? cananecae 80. Let the number of boys and girls be 4x and 5, Lerchenumberofdaysto complete the workbe., then 6x respectively. x | X-2) x-5 in ie Hy ko2y Say According to te queaton ananeam aap) 4x+200 8 6x + 5x -2) + 4x -5) _ 5 nen 7 720 = peace 6x-+5x 44x = 120 10420 = 15x = 150 Therefore, number of girls = 6x = 6 x 200 = 1200 ; veto Short Trick * 101 Ratio + Work done by A = 2° = 5 1. Ratio (4 : 6) ineressing of boys 200 and ratio increase A equal t0.1 :.Share of A from the assured money = 3 x 5400 I. ato (6:6) 2 200 = %2700 Hence, 6 = 1200 97. imal others there are four chambers but in option (¢ 1, Letthe number of wickets taken before the last match 44 "here aro only wo chambers. E . (224x428) _ 12 124 +26 = 12x +60 if (+5) 34 _ 340 3 dx 234 sexe =D ‘Answer figure (¢) is hidden/embedded in the uestion figure. Required wickets = 85 " 7

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