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Journal of the American Institute for Conservation

ISSN: 0197-1360 (Print) 1945-2330 (Online) Journal homepage:

Scientifically Investigating Picasso's Suspected Use

of Ripolin House Paints in Still Life, 1922 and The
Red Armchair, 1931

Kimberley Muir, Allison Langley, Anikó Bezur, Francesca Casadio, John

Delaney & Gwénaëlle Gautier

To cite this article: Kimberley Muir, Allison Langley, Anikó Bezur, Francesca Casadio, John
Delaney & Gwénaëlle Gautier (2013) Scientifically Investigating Picasso's Suspected Use of Ripolin
House Paints in Still Life, 1922 and The Red Armchair, 1931, Journal of the American Institute for
Conservation, 52:3, 156-172, DOI: 10.1179/1945233013Y.0000000012

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Published online: 22 Oct 2013.

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Conservation Department, The Art Institute of Chicago

Center for Conservation & Preservation, Yale University

National Gallery of Art

Independent conservation scientist

Ripolin – a popular French house paint – was used extensively by Pablo Picasso and some of his contemporaries. Its
presence in particular artworks, however, has been difficult to confirm scientifically due to the chemical similarities
between Ripolin and contemporary artist’s tube paints, and the lack of knowledge about Ripolin paint formu-
lations. This study compares data collected from a large reference set of historical samples of Ripolin and artist’s
tube paints with new analytical results from two Picasso paintings in the collection of the Art Institute of
Chicago suspected to contain Ripolin: Still Life () and The Red Armchair (). A variety of non-invasive
and micro-invasive analytical techniques, including x-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared
spectroscopy, fiber-optics reflectance spectroscopy ( to  nm), Raman spectroscopy, optical and polarized
light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy, were used
to analyze the paint samples. The results indicate that Still Life does not contain Ripolin, as it has pigments,
such as vermilion and lead white, and extenders, such as barium sulfate, not used in French Ripolin house
paints. On the other hand, The Red Armchair has paints matching closely with samples of Ripolin Blanc de
neige, used alone and mixed with artist’s tube colors.
KEYWORDS: Picasso, Ripolin, paint analysis, artist tube paints

work quickly and make changes without disturbing

. INTRODUCTION earlier layers.
Pablo Picasso (–) is renowned for pushing the Picasso’s pioneering use of Ripolin has frequently
boundaries of conventional art making and innovative been cited in the literature and included in media
experimentation with materials, including the use of descriptions on gallery labels, but its scientific identifi-
Ripolin, a well-known brand of French house paint cation in individual works has been challenging. This
that was introduced in  and achieved widespread is largely due to the chemical similarities between
popularity in France and internationally throughout Ripolin and artist’s tube paints, which are both oil-
much of the th century. Picasso first introduced based paints. Until recently, there has been a lack of
Ripolin into his paintings in , as evidenced by Ripolin reference samples for analytical study and com-
letters written to his dealer Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler parison. As a result, the presence of Ripolin has typi-
in June and July of that year where he mentions his cally been surmised from the visual characteristics of
“Ripolin paintings” (Musée national d’art moderne the paint—fluid application, sometimes including
). His subsequent use of Ripolin was commented drips and pooling; smooth, flat brushstrokes; glossy
on by contemporaries (Stein ; Cowling ; surfaces; and wrinkling and tiny holes caused by air
McCully ) and cans of Ripolin are sometimes bubbles when applied in thick layers—or from docu-
visible in photographs of the artist’s studio (Butor mentation or anecdotal information, all of which have
). Working with these ready-mixed enamel house their limitations. Additionally, Ripolin’s popularity
paints, the artist could achieve smooth, glossy surfaces resulted in the term “ripolin” being used in a generic
in a range of bright colors. From a practical standpoint, sense to denote any enamel paint regardless of manu-
the rapid drying of Ripolin paints allowed the artist to facturer (Valkhoff ). Thus, mentions of “R/

© American Institute for Conservation

of Historic and Artistic Works 
DOI: ./Y. Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

ripolin” may not always indicate use of the specific notably absent, including vermilion, cadmium reds
brand. and yellows, emerald green, and cobalt blues and
Both visual assessment and scientific analysis can violets (see Gautier et al. () supplemental material
also be further complicated if the artist modified his for complete list of pigments). Driers were found to be
materials. Receipts from the early s document Picas- composed of organo-metallic salts of cobalt, manga-
so’s purchases of Ripolin during this period, as well as nese, zinc, and lead.
siccatif de Harlem, an oleoresinous painting medium. Scientifically proving the use of a specific paint brand
Traditional siccatif de Harlem was based on a mixture is extremely complex. However, preliminary studies of
of copal-resin and oil, creating a painting medium that other brands of French house paints such as Valentine,
Downloaded by [The American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Work] at 08:42 18 December 2017

could impart increased body and gloss to tube paints Triton, and others used by Picasso for the paintings exe-
(Carlyle ; McCully ). In experiments mixing cuted in Antibes in  evidenced compositions
modern artist’s tube paint with different oil/copal employing different whites such as titanium white and
mediums, thought to be similar to traditional siccatif de lithopone, as well as significant presence of barium
Harlem, it has been demonstrated that one can effectively sulfate extenders (Casadio and Gautier ). These
achieve a visual aspect very close to genuine Ripolin compositions are both specific and different enough to
paints, including a smooth, glossy surface and character- allow an indication of Ripolin being put forward
istic superficial wrinkling (Muir et al. ). Therefore, when analysis of the paint components as described
from an analytical perspective, the complexity of the here matches with well-characterized references of
paint medium and artist’s manipulations thereof make Ripolin paint. Furthermore, several examples in the
the probing of the “Ripolin look” exceptionally challen- forensic literature demonstrate that, by taking into
ging, especially in light of the fact that both artist’s and account multiple components of specific formulations
house paints were predominantly based on oleoresinous different brands of paints can be confidently discrimi-
media before  (Standeven ). nated (Hall and Tinklenberg ; Bell et al. ).
Recently, thorough analysis of an extensive collec- This paper presents new scientific information from
tion of historical samples of Ripolin house paint has two paintings in the collection of the AIC: Still Life,
been undertaken at the Art Institute of Chicago (AIC). painted in , and The Red Armchair from .
The collection includes  historic color charts, each Both works are from documented periods of Ripolin
containing – swatches of actual paint, and  use in Picasso’s oeuvre (McCully ) and display
cans of oil-based Ripolin house paint, all estimated to some of the key visual characteristics of Ripolin
date between  and , as well as artist’s tube paints: glossy surfaces, leveled brushstrokes, softened
paints from leading manufacturers of the period impasto, areas of wrinkling, and bubble holes are
(Gautier ). To date, over , Ripolin paint visible on the paint surface. The paintings were ana-
samples have been analyzed using x-ray fluorescence lyzed with tailored analytical protocols aimed at scien-
(XRF) and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectro- tifically investigating the suspected presence of Ripolin.
scopies, complemented by Raman, Fourier-transform As part of the methodology, two in situ techniques—
Raman, and scanning electron microscopy with XRF and fiber-optics reflectance spectroscopy (FORS,
energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX) – nm)—were used for the preliminary non-
when necessary. Furthermore, characterization with invasive investigation of The Red Armchair. These
various mass spectrometric techniques, thermogravi- data sets provided a unique opportunity to assess the
metric analysis, laser ablation-inductively coupled complementarity of these two approaches, highlighting
plasma mass spectrometry and synchrotron radiation the advantages and limitations of XRF and FORS in
XRF nanoprobe are also currently underway. The addressing the question of whether Ripolin can be
detailed findings to date have been published elsewhere scientifically confirmed in specific works.
(Gautier et al. ) but can be summarized as follows.
Ripolin was found to be a zinc white (ZnO)-based
. STILL LIFE, 
oleoresinous paint, characterized by the consistent use
of a limited selection of pigments, and trace amounts Still Life,  (AIC, .) is one of a series of
of extenders. For example, primary colors were found abstract still life works that Picasso created in the
to contain yellow chromates, Prussian or ultramarine early s characterized by painted areas of flat, solid-
blue, and alizarin crimson (PR) or iron oxide red, colored shapes juxtaposed with grids and parallel lines
with limited red hues pigmented with toluidine red of varying width (fig. ). Dated February , , this
(PR). White and light colored hues contained zinc painting is one of three works created between
white, while black was composed of carbon black. Sec- January and March of that year depicting a guitar, a
ondary hues, such as greens and violets, were consist- bottle, and a wine glass.
ently found to be mixtures of primary colors. Certain The painting was executed on a very fine, plain
pigments commonly found in tube paints were weave canvas. It is unlined and retains its original

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –
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FIG. . Pablo Picasso, Still Life, , oil on canvas, . ×

. cm, Ada Turnbull Hertle Endowment (AIC .) FIG. . Pablo Picasso, Still Life,  (AIC .), detail
©  Estate of Pablo Picasso / Artists Rights Society of the smooth surfaces of the red and black stripes.
(ARS), New York.

stretcher. The work was painted over an earlier, verti-

cally oriented, neo-classical still life. The first compo-
sition was blocked out with an intermediate
brush-applied white ground that has the characteristic
opacity of a lead white layer. The surface of the paint-
ing is composed of distinctly textured areas of paint:
crisp brush marks define the broad areas of color
around the perimeter of the composition; the white
expanse of paint in the middle was roughly spread on
with a palette knife; and the red, black, and green
stripes appear glossy and smooth, carefully applied to
the surface with a narrow brush at a late stage in the
painting. Based on visual examination, the majority of
Still Life was believed to be executed with artist’s oil FIG. . Pablo Picasso, Still Life,  (AIC .), detail
paints, with the possible use of house paints restricted of the fluid paint application of the green stripes with localized
to the red, green, and black stripes, which exhibited a areas of wrinkling noted by arrows.
Ripolin-like look. As mentioned above, receipts from
the early s document Picasso’s purchase of
Ripolin during this period (McCully ). The paint . THE RED ARMCHAIR, 
in the discrete passages suspected to contain Ripolin The Red Armchair (AIC, .), painted in ,
appears smooth and fluid. It seems to have settled is the first of a series of  portraits of Picasso’s mistress
while drying, conforming to the topography of the Marie Therese Walter (fig. ). The bright palette and
underlying paint. The red stripes show particularly thick glossy paint surface would become characteristic
well how the paint leveled before drying, in a way of the Marie Therese series. When exhibited in ,
that minimized the presence of visible brush Jardot identified the medium of the painting as “oil
marks (fig. ). The individual brushstrokes appear sof- and ripolin” (Jardot ). The painting was histori-
tened and rounded, with a slight pooling resulting cally labeled “oil and enamel” at the AIC, though it
in relatively clean, smooth edges. The green stripes had not been analyzed prior to this study.
left of center exhibit vertical ridges and wrinkles, The Red Armchair was painted on a three-ply
which can occur with relatively thick applications pressed wood panel, with no discernible ground layer,
of quick-drying house paint. The wrinkling although occasionally, at the edges, traces of a white
occurred in some areas but not in others, and may be material were observed directly on top of the wood,
related to localized differences in the underlying layers which might suggest the presence of locally applied
(fig. ). priming. There is evidence of underdrawing with a

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –
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FIG. . Pablo Picasso, The Red Armchair,  (AIC

.), detail of the light purple band at upper right
showing the leveled-out brush marks.

FIG. . Pablo Picasso, The Red Armchair, , oil and

Ripolin on panel . × . cm, Gift of Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Saidenberg (AIC .) ©  Estate of Pablo
Picasso / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York.

fluid black material, which remains visible at the edges

of some of the painted forms, in the interstices of the
wood grain. The artist used a combination of thick FIG. . Pablo Picasso, The Red Armchair,  (AIC
and thin applications of paint: the white face, and the .); detail of the face showing the thickly applied, some-
what glossy paint application where the impasto has leveled
light purple and light yellow passages are thick, dense
to some extent.
areas that hide the wood support completely. The
darker purple, green, dark red, and brown areas are
much thinner and conform to the wood support, reveal-
ing the grain pattern. Overall the glossy, somewhat
leveled paint has the characteristic “Ripolin look.” For In depth technical examinations were performed on
example, in the light purple areas, the paint has been both paintings. For Still Life, strategic sampling of
applied with a brush but the ridges are not crisp, areas exhibiting the look of both house paints and
having largely settled out before drying (fig. ). Simi- tube paints was carried out. Cross sections and scrap-
larly, in the face, where the white paint is very thickly ings were taken from the red, green, and black (both
applied, it has a glossy, textural appearance but the shiny and matte) stripes which all had the “Ripolin
impasto appears somewhat leveled-out (fig. ). look.” A cross section from the yellow paint in the
Additionally, the paint surface exhibits numerous tiny upper right corner and a scraping from the central
holes resulting from air bubbles trapped in the paint white square, both of which had the characteristic
layer, which, among other causes, can be the result of appearance of tube paints, were also taken. The paint
the incorporation of air into the paint during mixing samples were analyzed using SEM-EDX, with limited
or application. In the case of The Red Armchair, micro-Raman and micro-FTIR analysis. For The Red
however, it was not clear whether this surface phenom- Armchair, the two in situ techniques of XRF and
enon was due to the type of paint or to the use of a FORS (– nm) were used for preliminary
porous wood support. palette investigation. Then, three microscopic samples

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

from different color areas (the pale purple stripe, the oil and a natural resin varnish. Because the sharp
yellow square at upper left, and the green dress) were peak at  cm−—characteristic of bone black—
mounted as cross sections and examined using was absent from the FTIR spectra, it can be inferred
reflected and ultraviolet light microscopy and that the black particles of the underdrawing material
SEM-EDX. This was complemented by micro-FTIR are likely carbon black. It is also possible that the
and micro-Raman analysis. Additional scrapings from chalk and gypsum compounds sampled with the under-
the black underdrawing material and the white paint drawing medium may be related to the white material
of the hand were taken and analyzed using micro-FTIR occasionally observed over the support, as described
spectroscopy. The results of analysis were compared above.
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with data from the AIC’s collection of Ripolin reference Pigments characterized in the paint layers with XRF,
paint samples, discussed above. A full description of the FORS, SEM-EDX, FTIR, and micro-Raman spec-
experimental conditions used in this study is provided troscopy included cobalt violets (magnesium cobalt
in the Appendix. arsenates and phosphates), cadmium yellow and red,
bone black, iron containing red and yellow earth pig-
. RESULTS ments, burnt umber, viridian, anhydrous chromium
oxide green, and likely a red lake (suspected by the
. STILL LIFE,  lack of detection of significant red coloring elements
The ground layer for Still Life was found with during XRF analysis of the maroon portion of the arm-
SEM-EDX to have lead as a major component along chair, and confirmed with FORS) (table ). All of the
with trace amounts of silica, calcium, and iron; some colored paints were found to be mixed with varying
black particles were also observed that did not proportions of a zinc-white-containing paint as evi-
contain phosphorous. Because the artist applied the denced by both XRF and FORS. A variety of fillers
ground layer over an earlier composition, it is possible were also identified, including barium sulfate, a
that a calcium carbonate layer (identified by Raman) calcium-based white (most likely gypsum given that
below the lead-based ground layer might actually be calcium and sulfur were detected with XRF), quartz,
attributable to the earlier painting. and clay, depending on the specific color analyzed.
Pigments characterized with SEM-EDX, optical The general class of the binder was determined
microscopy, and micro-Raman spectroscopy in through FTIR analysis to correspond to a drying oil,
samples of black (s, s), dark gray (s, second layer showing prominent signatures for metal carboxylates,
from top), green (s, top layer), white (s), yellow (s, with two broad bands approximately centered at
top layer), and red paint (s, top layer) include iron – and  cm−.
oxide containing red and yellow earth pigments
(SEM-EDX), vermilion (SEM-EDX, PLM), viridian
(SEM-EDX, Raman), lead white (SEM-EDX), and . DISCUSSION
carbon black (inferred from FTIR). The inorganic . COMPARISON OF TWO NON-INVASIVE APPROACHES: XRF
paint matrix of the colored paint layers is primarily AND FORS
composed of lead white in all of the samples analyzed
with variable inclusions of other white pigments and FORS was used to examine sites similar to those
fillers, such as calcium carbonate, barium sulfate, investigated using XRF on The Red Armchair. The
quartz, and alumino-silicates, depending on the layer FORS instrument has a spectral range of –
(table ). FTIR analysis of gray, red, and black paint nm with .– nm resolution, and thus allows both
layers indicated the medium to be a drying oil. Spectral electronic transitions and vibrational features to be
signatures of lead carboxylates, including lead oleate, measured. Eighty spectra were collected in total
were also detected, likely a natural product of reaction across the surface of the painting. In each case, assign-
of the paint medium with the lead white pigment. ment of pigments present was made by comparing the
Occasionally, shoulders of variable intensity centered measured spectra with those from spectral databases
around  cm− were observed in the FTIR spectra, (Delaney et al. ; CNR-IFAC ; National
leading to the supposition of the presence of a natural Gallery of Art ). A summary of the assignments
resin mixed into the paints. are integrated in table , which describes the likely pig-
ments present based on the various analytical methods
The method by which assignment of pigments is
FTIR analysis of a small sample of the black under- made using FORS differs from other techniques such
drawing material resting in the interstices of the wood as XRF in that the former is sensitive to the optical
grain detected calcium carbonate, with minor gypsum cross section of the pigments and is limited in its pen-
content, and an organic medium composed of drying etration of the paint layer. XRF, on the other hand, is

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

Paint/Layer Location of Sample/Layer Analyzed Painting Materials Analytical
Color (Sample no.; Cross Section no.) Technique(s)
White Yellow/ochre sample, bottom layer (S; Lead white SEM-EDX
ground layer x) Silica and/or alumino-silicates SEM-EDX
Calcium-based white SEM-EDX
Possible iron-containing pigment SEM-EDX
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Calcium carbonate (possibly from Raman

earlier composition)
Green Light green stripe on top of dark gray Viridian Raman, SEM-EDX
shape on left side of painting (S; ×) Lead white SEM-EDX
Calcium-based white SEM-EDX
Alumino-silicates SEM-EDX
Dark gray Second layer from top, under green stripe Lead white SEM-EDX
(S; ×) Iron-containing earth pigment SEM-EDX
Carbon black SEM-EDX
Top layer (S) Lead white FTIR
Metal (lead) carboxylates FTIR
Quartz FTIR
Drying oil FTIR
Red Top layer (S) Vermilion PLM
Barium sulfate FTIR
Drying oil FTIR
Metal carboxylates FTIR
Yellow/ Top layer (S; ×) Lead white SEM-EDX
ochre Iron-containing earth pigment SEM-EDX
Alumino-silicates SEM-EDX
Black Top black layer of black stripe (S) Carbon black FTIR (inferred)
(glossy) Quartz FTIR
Lead white FTIR
Drying oil FTIR
Natural resin FTIR
Black Lower black layer of black stripe (S) Carbon black FTIR (inferred)
(matte) Lead white FTIR
Quartz FTIR
Drying oil FTIR
Natural resin FTIR
White Central white field (S) Lead white FTIR

sensitive to elements present in both major and minor triplet hydroxyl bands at  nm associated with
amounts, and tends to provide information throughout gypsum, which was indicated in the XRF data by the
most if not all paint layers. Moreover, FORS provides presence of both calcium and sulfur. The absence of
structure-related information, whereas XRF detects the gypsum bands in the FORS spectrum suggests that
the elemental composition. Thus, these methods are the amount of gypsum present is likely small since the
often found to be complementary when used in prac- gypsum hydroxyl bands have been readily observed in
tice. For example, the FORS spectra from the purple other works (Delaney et al. ). Alternatively, this
backgrounds (fig. ) both show the presence of zinc could also mean that the gypsum is present in the under-
white as identified by the sharp transition edge at lying layer of white material described above (possibly a
 nm (Bacci et al. , ; Delaney et al. ) localized application of priming). The primary pigment
in agreement with the XRF results. In contrast, associated with the purple color of the lower quadrant
neither FORS spectra of the purple sites show the matches well the reference spectrum of cobalt

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

Paint/Layer Color Location of Sample or Painting Materials Analytical Technique(s)
Analysis Spot/Layer
Analyzed (Sample no.;
Cross Section no.)
Black underdrawing Green bow above hair Calcium carbonate FTIR
material, possibly including Gypsum FTIR
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white material observed Drying oil FTIR

occasionally directly over Natural resin FTIR
wood panel support Carbon black FTIR (inferred)
Yellow Yellow paint of Zinc white SEM-EDX, FTIR, XRF
background (S; Cadmium yellow SEM-EDX, XRF, FORS
×) and hair Barium sulfate SEM-EDX, FTIR, XRF
Iron-containing earth pigment SEM-EDX
A little bone black SEM-EDX
Drying oil FTIR
Metal carboxylates FTIR
Dark purple Background color, Cobalt violet (cobalt arsenate) XRF, FORS
upper right quadrant Zinc white XRF, FORS
Calcium-based white XRF
Barium sulfate XRF
Iron-containing earth pigment SEM-EDX
Dark purple Background color, Zinc white XRF, FORS
lower right quadrant Cobalt violet:
cobalt arsenate XRF
cobalt phosphate XRF, FORS
Barium sulfate XRF
Calcium-based white XRF
Possibly an iron-containing XRF
Dark purple Dark purple stripe Zinc white XRF
Cobalt violet (cobalt arsenate) XRF
Calcium-based white XRF
Iron-containing earth pigment XRF
Light purple Light purple stripe Cobalt violet:
(S; ×) cobalt arsenate SEM-EDX, Raman
cobalt phosphate SEM-EDX, FTIR
cobalt phosphate SEM-EDX, Raman
Zinc white SEM-EDX, FTIR, XRF
Calcium-based white XRF
Iron-containing earth pigment XRF
Quartz and alumino-silicates SEM-EDX
Drying oil FTIR
Metal carboxylates FTIR
Mustard yellow Background, lower Zinc white XRF
left quadrant Iron-containing yellow earth XRF, FORS
Cadmium yellow XRF
Barium sulfate XRF
Drying oil FORS

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

Paint/Layer Color Location of Sample or Painting Materials Analytical Technique(s)
Analysis Spot/Layer
Analyzed (Sample no.;
Cross Section no.)
White White of face and Zinc white FTIR, XRF, FORS
hands Calcium-based white (from XRF
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Alumino-silicates (from XRF

Lead and cobalt carboxylates XRF, FTIR
Drying oil FTIR, FORS
Resin FTIR
Brown Arms, and Zinc white XRF
wedge-shaped form Burnt umber XRF
below proper left arm Calcium-based white XRF
Maroon Upper left corner of Zinc white XRF
armchair Cobalt violet (cobalt arsenate) XRF, FORS
Barium sulfate XRF
Calcium-based white XRF
Possibly an iron-containing XRF
earth pigment
Red lake FORS, also XRF
Red Thin stripes of Zinc white XRF
armchair Cadmium red XRF, FORS
Barium sulfate XRF
Iron-containing earth pigment XRF
Green Green of dress (S; Zinc white SEM-EDX, FTIR, XRF
×) Viridian SEM-EDX, Raman,
A little chromium oxide green Raman
Cadmium yellow SEM-EDX, XRF
Calcium-based white SEM-EDX, XRF
Burnt umber SEM-EDX
An organic blue colorant SEM-EDX (inferred)
Traces of Prussian blue FTIR
Black Bottom part of Bone black XRF
armchair in lower Zinc white or zinc carboxylates XRF
right quadrant Calcium-based white XRF
A small amount of iron oxide XRF

phosphate (fig. A c, d). This is in agreement with the presence of cobalt arsenate (magnesium cannot be
XRF which finds cobalt, phosphorus, and traces of detected when doing non-invasive analysis in non-
arsenic that could suggest the presence of cobalt phos- contact mode with a hand-held instrument as in this
phate with a small amount of cobalt arsenate case).
(Co(AsO)) present (Corbeil et al. ; Casadio et The FORS spectrum of the maroon of the armchair is
al. ). The FORS spectrum from the upper purple complex (fig. Bb). In the visible range of this spectrum
quadrant best matches the FORS spectrum of the refer- there is a strong broad transition edge at  nm and
ence cobalt arsenate with some magnesium arsenate, in weak absorption features at  and  nm similar
agreement with the XRF results which indicated the to a red dye. In the near infrared there are several

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –
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FIG. . Example of FORS spectra from various sites within The Red Armchair. (A) Plot of FORS spectra obtained from the
dark purple color of the background, upper right quadrant (a), and the lower right quadrant (c). Reference spectra of cobalt
violet pigments: Co and Mg arsenate (b), and Co phosphate (d). Note the steep transition centered at  nm in the a) and
(c) spectra due to the presence of zinc oxide, which is absent from references (b) and (d). (B) FORS spectra from the mustard
yellow of the background, lower left quadrant (a), and maroon of the armchair (b), and the reference spectrum of cobalt
violet (Co phosphate) (dashed line).

absorption features that match up with those of the zinc white for lighter hues, without the presence of
upper and lower purple FORS spectra suggesting the extenders (Gautier et al. ). Although viridian has
presence of cobalt violet pigments (cobalt phosphates been documented in the Ripolin palette, it has been
and magnesium cobalt arsenates). These results are found to occur only in minor amounts in the paler tur-
consistent with the XRF with the exception of the red quoise hues. Furthermore, the large, heterogeneous par-
dye. In the case of the mustard yellow background on ticles of viridian seen in the sample from Still Life are
the left side of the painting the FORS spectrum has inconsistent with Ripolin paints, which have been
the characteristic shape of an iron oxide pigment such found to exhibit finer, more homogeneous particles
as a yellow earth pigment, in agreement with the XRF (figs. a, b). This green layer also contains lead
result which shows iron is the major element (Delaney white and calcium compounds, with no trace of zinc
et al. ). In summary, the FORS data add valuable white, arguing against the possibility that the green
information to complement the XRF assignment or in stripes were executed with Ripolin paint, despite their
some cases, such as the organic pigments, offers a surface appearance.
more complete picture of the pigments present. The paint from the red stripe included significant
amounts of barium sulfate and was pigmented with ver-
milion. Vermilion has not been detected as a com-
ponent of Ripolin paints for indoor or exterior use on
Analysis of Still Life detected pigments such as lead paint charts dating between  and ; rather,
white, vermilion, and viridian, and extenders like its use is limited to only a handful of swatches of
barium sulfate, quartz, and calcium compounds. Ripolin enamel paint for cars (Ripolin Carrosserie
These pigments have not been found in contemporary line: swatches of Vermillon Fixe, Vermillon Carmine
Ripolin paints, but are common in early th century and Rouge Automobile), which in any case do not
artist’s tube paints and are known pigments on Picas- present such high levels of barium sulfate as those
so’s palette (Delbourgo ). As a case in point, the detected in Still Life. In general, vermilion was not
analysis of paint from the light green, red, and black used in house paint manufacture due to its lack of
stripes at center left, areas which all exhibited the reliability in retaining its red color. Analysis of early
“Ripolin look,” is discussed here in detail. In the th century artist’s tube paints has identified a tube
Ripolin samples analyzed, green hues have consistently of “Vermillon Francais” (Unis France brand oil color)
been found to be composed of mixtures of Prussian blue that comprises a mixture of vermilion, barium sulfate,
and yellow chromate pigments (lead chromates and sul- and a drying oil. This suggests that the red lines on
fochromates or zinc potassium chromate), mixed with the surface of the painting were not achieved with

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –
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FIG. . Visible light micrographs of cross sections of: (a) a sample of the light green stripe in Picasso’s Still Life (×), and (b) a
Ripolin swatch of Bleu turquoise clair  illustrating the very fine particles of viridian pigment typically present in Ripolin paints.

Ripolin paint. Instead, the composition of the paint deliberations against the use of lead white in certain
points to the more likely use of artist’s tube paints, poss- applications in France (Anon ). This seems to be
ibly manipulated by the artist to produce a more glossy, empirically confirmed by recent analyses of French
enamel-like finish. Micro-FTIR analysis of the red layer house paints of other brands relevant to Picasso’s prac-
did not identify characteristic bands for copal resins tice, which revealed compositions based on zinc and
(such as, for example, the small peak centered around titanium oxides, as well as lithopone, but not lead
, cm−) or other organic additives, probably white (Casadio and Gautier ). It is therefore unli-
because additions of this medium are often at levels kely that the black stripes represent the use of Ripolin
below the limit of detection of this technique. paint.
Samples of both matte and glossy black stripes were In summary, because the white and colored pigments
analyzed with SEM-EDX and FTIR, revealing that both do not conform to known compositions of Ripolin
black paints are based on drying oils and contain paints, analysis of Still Life indicates that the painting
quartz, lead white, and likely also carbon black. does not contain Ripolin, but rather that the smooth,
However, the more glossy layers showed less lead glossy look of certain areas may have been achieved
white, more quartz, and a higher proportion of a through the manipulation of artist’s paint in localized
natural resin additive. The higher resin and lower lead applications.
white content may contribute to the higher gloss and In The Red Armchair analysis of the white paint in
deeper black color of some of these stripes. Examin- the hand and face with XRF revealed the presence of
ation of FTIR and XRF spectra of black swatches on major zinc with minor amounts of calcium, aluminum,
 Ripolin paint brochures of the period indicates silicon, lead, and cobalt. However, further analysis
that neither lead white pigment nor quartz was part with FORS detected only zinc white in the superficial
of the composition, but rather carbon black was used. layers of paint. This finding was also corroborated by
French manufacturers of bulk paints (non-artist’s the micro-FTIR analysis of a superficial scraping of
paints) largely abandoned using lead white, substituting the white paint, which did not highlight calcium com-
it with zinc white, in their formulations in the th pounds and alumino-silicates in the upper layers, but
century, though artist’s tube paints with lead white only zinc white without extenders in oil-based
were still sold in the th century. Specifically, docu- medium characterized by prominent, broad features
mentation dating back to  confirms legislative for metal carboxylates: these characteristics offered an

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

excellent match to data acquired on Ripolin Blanc de throughout the layer: magnesium cobalt arsenate and
neige paints (fig. ). On the other hand, information a mixture of cobalt phosphate and cobalt phosphate
on the palette gathered by a combination of non- octahydrate in a matrix of zinc white, with isolated
invasive and micro-invasive techniques confirmed the occurrences of alumino-silicates (possibly clays) as
presence of zinc white throughout the painting, but filler material. The distribution of both phosphate and
also highlighted color pigments not found in Ripolin arsenate cobalt violet pigments is easily visualized
(table ). For example, XRF and FORS analysis of through elemental maps (fig. ). These pigments
various shades of purple in the background of the paint- were available separately in the form of Violet de
ing enabled the correlation of visible color differences cobalt (cobalt phosphate) and Violet de cobalt clair
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with differences in both the relative amount of zinc (cobalt arsenate) from Lefranc and other artist’s suppli-
white (and other extenders such as calcium sulfate or ers at the time of the painting’s creation. Thus, the
barium sulfate) with respect to colorants, and charac- co-occurrence of both types of cobalt violet suggests
terized the cobalt violets—cobalt arsenate or cobalt that Picasso mixed two different tubes of violet paint
phosphate—and other pigments present. Specifically, together with one or more other sources of paint that
XRF analysis of the left dark purple stripe suggested provided zinc white. The calcium-based white and
that it contained more calcium sulfate (possibly barium sulfate may have been present in very low
present as gypsum, i.e. calcium sulfate dihydrate) than amounts in either the violet tube paints or the zinc
the top right corner. Paint in the latter location, on white paints. Receipts in the Picasso Archives (Picasso
the other hand, contained barium sulfate, which was ) indicate that he purchased supplies from
absent from the left purple stripe. These differences Lefranc. Neither cobalt arsenates nor phosphates have
suggest that Picasso prepared separate paint mixtures been detected in Ripolin; instead, combinations of
for these areas. Furthermore, differences in the relative ultramarine blue and synthetic organic red pigments
intensity of cobalt and arsenic peaks in the XRF spectra (mostly alizarin, PR) were used to achieve violet
suggest that Picasso mixed different ratios of the two hues in all samples analyzed (Gautier et al. ).
tube paints containing cobalt phosphate and cobalt The FTIR spectrum of the purple paint from the
arsenate with a zinc white paint. SEM-EDX combined upper right provided excellent correlation with
with Raman analysis of a cross section of purple paint spectra from the white paint in the hands of the sitter
excised from the top right edge of the painting and with Ripolin reference samples of Blanc de neige
(fig. ) revealed that the light purple paint contains (the peak at  cm− being related to the cobalt
two different types of cobalt violet pigment dispersed pigment magnesium cobalt arsenate: MgCo(AsO))
(fig. ). Close observation of the visible and UV-light
autofluorescence micrographs from this paint layer
reveals inhomogeneous mixing of the purple pigments
with the white pigment matrix, with streaks of more
saturated purple color corresponding to areas where
the greenish-yellow autofluorescence of zinc white is
weaker (fig. ). All these elements converge to corro-
borate the hypothesis that the purple paint in the back-
ground might have been obtained with a mixture of
Ripolin Blanc de neige and two shades of violet tube
paints. Mixing together of the more dense paint from
a tube into the fluid enamel paint could in fact lead to
some of the phenomena described here.
Elemental analysis and subsequent Raman spec-
troscopy of the green paint layers indicate a mixture
of chromium oxide-based greens in a zinc white inor-
ganic matrix with some cadmium yellow and a little
Prussian blue and burnt umber. Specifically, Raman
spectra obtained from a large green particle showed a
FIG. . FTIR spectra of (a) a reference sample of a historic
paint swatch of Ripolin Blanc de neige ; and samples from
strong peak at  cm−, a frequency matching well
Picasso’s The Red Armchair: (b) white paint from the hand; with reference data on viridian (CrO•HO), while
(c) light purple stripe (the main peak for cobalt violet—mag- the spectrum of small, darker green particles matched
nesium cobalt arsenate MgCo(AsO)—at  cm− is well with reference data for chromium oxide green
labeled) (d) paint from a light green stripe (peaks attributed (CrO) with a strong peak at  cm− (Bell et al.
to hydrated CrO green, viridian, are evident, but only the ). FORS mostly detected viridian in the green,
one centered at  cm− is marked). likely indicating that this is the major component and

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –
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FIG. . (a) Micrographs of a cross section of purple paint excised from the top right edge of The Red Armchair (×) under
visible light illumination highlighting two different shades of purple pigment: reddish-purple and darker bluish-purple. Outlines
have been provided to guide the eye to where streaks of more saturated purple color are evident upon direct microscopic obser-
vation. (b) Elemental maps, backscattered electron, and darkfield illumination images of a portion of the light purple layer of the
cross section displayed in (a) and outlined in gray, showing the distribution of the cobalt phosphate and arsenate violet pigments.

main contributor to the perceived color, with only for Still Life, while viridian has been detected in Ripolin
minor amounts of the anhydrous form of chromium paint swatches, it is present in very small quantities and
oxide present overall in the paint. As already discussed very fine particle size, unlike the high concentration and

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

large, rounded particles observed in the green sample it with yellow earth pigments and a zinc white paint
from The Red Armchair (fig. ). The cadmium to produce the mustard color.
yellow also detected in small amounts in this layer has In summary, the data described above indicated that
not been found as a component of Ripolin paints. The Red Armchair may be an example of Picasso’s
Micro-FTIR analysis of the green paint revealed an oil- practice of mixing artist’s tube colors with Ripolin
based medium with zinc white and prominent spectral white paint, in different proportions, resulting in the
features for metal carboxylates that provide a very painting’s variable surface texture, effectively achieving
good spectral match with Ripolin Blanc de neige, in visual qualities intermediate between the two paints.
addition to spectral markers for viridian, suggesting This is supported by the detection of pigments such as
Downloaded by [The American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Work] at 08:42 18 December 2017

that in this case too it is possible that one or two cobalt violet and cadmium yellow, commonly used in
artist’s tube paints were mixed with white Ripolin. early th century tube paints and known pigments
The mustard area on the lower left side of the paint- on Picasso’s palette, which have not been detected in
ing contains zinc white, iron containing yellow earth Ripolin (Gautier et al. ). The white paint, on
pigments, cadmium yellow, and barium sulfate. The the other hand, provided a good spectroscopic
co-occurrence of the latter two may indicate the pres- match with reference spectra of Ripolin Blanc de
ence of a cadmium lithopone yellow. A lead-based sic- neige and its signatures were visible in many of the
cative may also be present. Ripolin samples of similar paint layers.
hue contain chrome yellow in addition to iron oxide This technique of mixing Ripolin with tube paints is
and iron hydroxide, thus it is unlikely that the color also mentioned in written documents. Cowling (,
of this area originates from Ripolin. The relative inten- ) reports the recollections from a conversation
sity of cadmium and barium peaks in the spectrum of Penrose had with Picasso in :
the mustard area is identical to that observed for the
yellow paint analyzed in the top left quadrant of the “Explaining that nothing was a better basis than
painting. It is, therefore, possible that Picasso used the Ripolin Mat, which he used mixed with ordinary
same cadmium yellow paint in both areas but mixed oil colour. [It] dried fast and became very hard.

FIG. . Micrographs of a cross section of green paint excised from the bottom edge of The Red Armchair (×) under:
(a) visible light illumination showing large particles of viridian, and (b) UV illumination, displaying the greenish-yellow autofl-
uorescence typical of zinc white.

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

He produced pictures thickly painted in  to valuable first step of an analytical protocol aimed at
prove his point: they were as fresh as ever and effectively probing the “Ripolin look”; however, ulti-
no signs of a crack. He said that this had given mately the coupling of FORS to XRF will provide a
new possibilities to painting; the limits of oil far more powerful non-invasive pre-screening tool
paint from tubes had been reached. This gave than each individual technique, always to be followed
new possibilities in speed and texture.” by targeted, micro-invasive analysis.
In conclusion, it should be noted, however, that the
unambiguous identification of any specific brand of
paint, including oil-based Ripolin, continues to pose
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significant challenges, especially when it is used in mix-

This study combined technical examination, scientific tures with other paints. Similar challenges can arise if
analysis, and documentary evidence to investigate tube paints are adulterated with solvents, extra
Picasso’s use of Ripolin in two paintings in the collec- medium, or driers, in order to alter their handling and
tion of the AIC. The findings are based largely on exten- visual properties. Further study is required of the com-
sive new knowledge of the pigment composition of position of other brands of early th century French
Ripolin and preliminary studies of other French house house paints, although preliminary results indicate sig-
paints indicating that the composition of Ripolin nificant compositional differences among the limited
appears to be a consistent and key distinguishing number of samples from other manufacturers studied
feature of these paints. In Still Life, Picasso appears to to date. Ongoing research at the AIC includes the sys-
have modified artist’s tube paints to achieve the tematic study of the organic components of Ripolin
glossy, enamel-like paint surface typically associated using gas chromatography and pyrolysis methods
with Ripolin paints. The Red Armchair, on the other coupled with mass spectroscopy detection. Future
hand, is an example of the artist mixing Ripolin and research will also include the analysis of other house
artist’s tube paints together. This painting has long paint brands as samples become available.
been labeled as “oil and ripolin,” a designation that
dates back to the artist’s gallery, which may have had ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
first-hand information from Picasso himself (McCully
). Thus, the research shows that visual assessment At the Art Institute of Chicago (AIC), the authors wish to
is an important first step in the study of suspected thank Frank Zuccari, Stephanie D’Alessandro, Douglas
Druick, Inge Fielder, Jack Brown and the staff of the
“Ripolin paintings” to identify promising cases, but
Ryerson & Burnham Libraries. Marilyn McCully, Michael
must be supported by rigorous scientific analysis,
Raeburn, and Laure Nectoux and colleagues from the PPG
ideally in conjunction with documentary sources and group (Moreuil, France, current owners of Ripolin) are also
reference materials from the period. thanked. The A.W. Mellon Foundation, the Barker Welfare
From a methodological perspective, this study high- Foundation, the Grainger Foundation, and the Community
lights the high complementarity of XRF and FORS to Associates of the Art Institute of Chicago support scientific
screen for areas of zinc-rich paint, i.e. potentially prom- research and instrumentation at the AIC and are gratefully
ising Ripolin investigation sites. FORS has the advan- acknowledged. The Stockman Family Foundation supports
tage of a generally shorter penetration depth, Ripolin research at AIC. SEM-EDX work was performed at
providing results that are typically restricted to the the EPIC facility of NUANCE Center at Northwestern Uni-
uppermost paint layers, which is desirable for paintings versity. NUANCE Center is supported by NSF-NSEC,
NSF-MRSEC, Keck Foundation, the State of Illinois, and
with multiple layers of paint or complex reworkings,
Northwestern University.
whereas XRF analysis typically probes the totality of
the paint layers, making it sometimes difficult to
discern exactly the layer from which emissions for APPENDIX
zinc or other metals are detected. On the other hand, . EXPERIMENTAL TECHNIQUES
the presence of specific pigments or extenders can go
undetected with FORS, especially if present at low Micro-FTIR spectroscopy—A tensor  FTIR spectropho-
level. Of particular relevance here is the fact that tometer (Bruker Optics, Billerica, MA, USA) with mid-IR
barium sulfate is totally reflective and is not detected glowbar source and DTGS detector was used, coupled to
Hyperion  Automated FTIR microscope with liquid
with FORS, while it is easily identified with XRF
nitrogen-cooled mid-band and broad-band MCT detectors
(except when present in only trace amounts, where (covering the range ,– and ,– cm−,
the overlap of the K lines for Ti and L lines for Ba respectively). Samples were analyzed in transmission
can sometimes render the precise identification ambigu- through the microscope after compression in a diamond
ous). If detected at high concentration, barium sulfate microcompression cell, at a resolution of  cm−.
can, in most cases, discount the presence of Ripolin. Micro-Raman spectroscopy—A Jobin Yvon Horiba
Thus, this study proves that both techniques can be a Labram  confocal Raman microscope (HORIBA Jobin

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

Yvon, Edison, NJ, USA) was used, equipped with Andor and used until after  and it is not the focus of this
multichannel Peltier-cooled open electrode charge-coupled study. In addition, this research has focused on French
device detector (Andor DV-OE;  × ), BXFM Ripolin, which may differ from Ripolin formulations pro-
open microscope frame (Olympus), offering high flexibility duced in other countries.
for analysis of large samples, holographic notch filter, and . Further discussion of the earlier composition underneath
two dispersive gratings ( and  grooves/mm). The Picasso’s Still Life, is beyond the scope of this paper, but
excitation line of an air-cooled frequency doubled Nd:Yag is included in a comprehensive technical report on file in
solid state laser (λ =  nm), He–Ne laser (λ = . nm), the Conservation Department, the Art Institute of Chicago.
and a solid state diode laser (λ = . nm) were focused
through a × objective onto the samples and Raman scatter-
Downloaded by [The American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Work] at 08:42 18 December 2017

ing was back collected through the same microscope objec-

tive. Power at the samples was kept very low (on average Anon. . Law of July th  “Suppression de la
 µW) by a series of neutral density filters in order to Céruse.” L’écho des peintres.  juillet , numéro
avoid any thermal damage. , Paris.
X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy—A TRACeR III-V energy Bacci, M., D. Magrini, M. Picollo, and M. Vervat. . A
dispersive x-ray fluorescence analyzer (Bruker Elemental, study of the blue colors used by Telemaco Signorini
Kennewick, WA, USA) was used, equipped with Peltier- (–). Journal of Cultural Heritage : –.
cooled advanced high-resolution silver-free SiPIN detector Bacci, M., M. Picollo, G. Trumpy, M. Tsukada, and
with a -μm Be window and resolution of approximately D. Kunzelman. . Non-invasive identification of
 eV for the full-width-at-half-maximum of the Mn Kα white pigments on th-century oil paintings by using
line. The system has titanium and aluminum changeable fiber optic reflectance spectroscopy. Journal of the
filters, and is equipped with a rhodium (Rh) transmission American Institute for Conservation : –.
target with maximum voltage of  kV and tunable beam Bell, I. M., R. J. H. Clark, and P. J. Gibbs. . Raman spec-
current of – µA. troscopic library of natural and synthetic pigments
Scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive x-ray (pre-≈ AD). Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular
spectroscopy—A variable-pressure SEM (S-N) (Hitachi, and Biomolecular Spectroscopy : –.
San Francisco, CA, USA) equipped with EDS and a Robinson Bell, S. E. J., L. A. Fido, S. J. Speers, W. J. Armstrong, and
BSE detector was used at The Electron Probe Instrumentation S. Spratt. . Forensic analysis of architectural
Center (EPIC), part of the Northwestern University Atomic finishes using Fourier transform infrared and Raman
and Nanoscale Characterization (NUANCE) Center at North- spectroscopy. Part II: White Paint. Applied Spectroscopy
western University. : –.
Fiber-optics reflectance spectroscopy—A fiber-optic spectro- Butor, M. . Picasso’s studios: the alembic of forms. Paris:
radiometer, FS (ASD Inc., Boulder, CO, USA) was used to Editions Images Modernes.
obtain FORS spectra at various sites in the painting. The spec- Carlyle, L. . The artist’s assistant: oil painting instruction
trometer operates from  to , nm with a spectral manuals and handbooks in Britain, –, with
sampling of . nm from  to , nm and  nm from reference to selected eighteenth-century sources.
, to , nm. The spectral resolution at  nm is  nm London: Archetype Publications.
and at , and , nm is  nm. The light source of a Casadio, F., A. Bezur, I. Fiedler, K. Muir, T. Trad, and S.
leaf probe head (ASD Inc.) was used at a distance of  cm to Maccagnola. . Pablo Picasso to Jasper Johns: A
illuminate the painting (, lux) and the fiber was placed Raman study of cobalt-based synthetic inorganic pig-
roughly  cm from the object, giving an approximate -mm ments. Raman Spectroscopy : –.
spot size at the painting. Typically  spectra are averaged Casadio, F., and G. Gautier. . Picasso at work: Making
and total acquisition time is shorter than  seconds per point. the case for a scientific re-evaluation of the materials of
Cross section preparation and optical microscopy—Micro- the Antibes cycle. In Picasso express, ed. M. Raeburn
scopic paint samples were mounted in a polyester resin and and N. Radeuil. Antibes: Musée Picasso. –
polished on silicon carbide grit papers and cloths. The sec- [French], – [English].
tions were examined with a Zeiss Axioplan Research Micro- CNR-IFAC. . Fiber optics reflectance spectra database of
scope equipped with reflected light/UV fluorescence and pictorial materials in the  to  nm range. http://
documented with a Zeiss AxioCam MRc digital camera. (accessed //).
Polarized light microscopy—Pigment samples were Corbeil, M.-C., J.-P. Charland, and E. A. Moffatt. . The
removed with a scalpel and mounted with Aroclor  characterization of cobalt violet pigments. Studies in
mounting medium (refractive index .). The pigments Conservation : –.
were analyzed using a Zeiss Universal Research Microscope Cowling, E. . Visiting Picasso: The notebooks and
using transmitted light in bright field and crossed polarization letters of Roland Penrose. London: Thames & Hudson.
with a magnification range of  to ,×. .
Delaney, J. K., J. G. Zeibel, M. Thoury, R. Littleton,
NOTES M. Palmer, K. M. Morales, E. R. de la Rie, and
A. Hoenigswald. . Visible and infrared imaging spec-
. Although alkyd-based Ripolin paint was produced before troscopy of Picasso’s Harlequin Musician: Mapping
 (it is listed in pricelists dating from at least ) and identification of artist materials in situ. Applied
(Casadio and Gautier ), it was not widely available Spectroscopy : –.

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

Delbourgo, S. . Étude de la matière picturale de Pablo Muir, K., G. Gautier, F. Casadio, and A. Vila. .
Picasso. In ICOM-CC Preprints. ICOM Committee for Interdisciplinary investigation of early house paints:
Conservation th Triennial Meeting, Ottawa. //-– Picasso, Picabia and their “Ripolin” paintings. In
/-. ICOM-CC Preprints. ICOM Committee for
Gautier, G. . Ripolin product lines. In Picasso express, Conservation th Triennial Meeting, Lisbon. –.
ed. M. Raeburn and N. Radeuil. Antibes: Musée Musée national d’art moderne (France), L. Leiris, M. Leiris,
Picasso. – [French], – [English]. D. H. Kahnweiler, and I. Monod-Fontaine. .
Gautier, G., A. Bezur, K. Muir, F. Casadio, and Donation Louise et Michel Leiris: collection
I. Fiedler. . Chemical fingerprinting of ready-mixed Kahnweiler-Leiris : Hans Arp, Francis Bacon, Andre’
house paints of relevance to artistic production in the Beaudin, Georges Braque … objets africains, objets
Downloaded by [The American Institute for Conservation of Historic & Artistic Work] at 08:42 18 December 2017

first half of the twentieth century. Part I: inorganic and ame’ricains, objets oce’aniens, objet eskimo :  novem-
organic pigments. Applied Spectroscopy : – bre – janvier , Centre Georges Pompidou,
+suppl. Musée national d’art moderne. Paris: Le Musée.
Hall, G. S., and J. Tinklenberg. . Determination of National Gallery of Art, Washington DC. . Unpublished
Ti, Zn, and Pb in lead-based house paints by spectral database.
EDXRF. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry : Picasso, P. . Purchase receipts. www.archivesnationales.
Jardot, M. . Picasso Peintures –, exhibition html (accessed //).
catalogue. Paris: Musée des Arts Décoratifs. No. . Standeven, H. . House paints –: History and
McCully, M. . Personal communication. Independent art use. Los Angeles: Getty Conservation Institute.
historian, London, UK. Stein, G. . The autobiography of Alice B. Toklas:
McCully, M. . Picasso and Ripolin. In Picasso express, Illustrated. New York: Harcourt, Brace.
ed. M. Raeburn and N. Radeuil. Antibes: Musée Valkhoff, M. . Étude sur les mots français d’origine
Picasso. – [French], – [English]. néerlandaise. Amersfoort: Valkhoff and Co.

KIMBERLEY MUIR is assistant research conservator at the Art Institute of Chicago, where she has worked since . She received a
Master of Art Conservation and a Ph.D. in art history from Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada. Address: The Art Institute of
Chicago, Conservation Department,  S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL, , USA. Email:

ALLISON LANGLEY is associate conservator of paintings at the Art Institute of Chicago, where she has worked since  carrying
out treatment and research on a number of Modern and Contemporary paintings. Previously she held the William Leisher Fel-
lowship in Painting Conservation at the National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. She received a Diploma in the Conservation
of Easel Paintings from the Courtauld Institute of Art, London, and BFA in Studio Art from the University of Texas at Austin.
Address: As for Muir. Email:

ANIKÓ BEZUR is director of Scientific Research at the Center for Conservation & Preservation, Yale University. Between  and
 she was an Andrew W. Mellon research scientist for the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, and the Menil Collection. She has a
Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Arizona. Prior to her current position, she worked at the Art
Institute of Chicago as an associate conservation scientist and served as a lecturer and assistant professor of conservation science
in the Art Conservation Department at Buffalo State College. Address: Center for Conservation & Preservation, Yale University,
PO Box , West Haven, CT –, USA. Email:

FRANCESCA CASADIO is an Andrew W. Mellon senior conservation scientist at the Art Institute of Chicago where in  she estab-
lished and directs the conservation science laboratory. She also founded and co-directs the Northwestern University/ Art Institute
of Chicago Center for Scientific Studies in the Arts (NU-ACCESS). She received her Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Chemistry from the
University of Milan, Italy. Address: As for Muir. Email:

JOHN DELANEY is the senior imaging scientist at the National Gallery of Art, where his research focuses on the development of in
situ imaging methods for art conservation and understanding of the optical properties of varnishes. He is also a Research Pro-
fessor, School of Engineering and Applied Science, at the George Washington University. He received his Ph.D. from The Rock-
efeller University and completed post-doctoral studies at the University of Arizona and The Johns Hopkins University School of
Medicine. Address: B South Club Drive, Landover, MD . Email:

GWÉNAËLLE GAUTIER holds a Ph.D. in Chemical Sciences from the University of Pisa (Italy, ). She was post-graduate fellow in
the Chemical Science for the Safeguard of the Cultural Heritage Group, at the University of Pisa (). From  to , she
worked at the Art Institute of Chicago in various positions culminating with the role of Andrew W. Mellon associate conserva-
tion scientist. Email:

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

Résumé – La peinture de bâtiment de marque Ripolin, qui était populaire en France, a été fréquemment utilisée par
Pablo Picasso et certains de ses contemporains. Sa présence dans des œuvres particulières est cependant difficile à
confirmer scientifiquement en raison des similitudes chimiques entre la peinture Ripolin et celle en tube utilisée par
des artistes contemporains, ainsi que du manque de connaissance au sujet des formulations de la peinture Ripolin.
Cette étude compare les données recueillies à partir d’un ensemble de référence constitué d’échantillons historiques
de peinture Ripolin et de peinture en tube pour artistes, avec en plus de nouveaux résultats d’analyse de deux
tableaux de Picasso des collections du Art Institute of Chicago soupçonnés de contenir de la peinture Ripolin:
Nature morte () et Le fauteuil rouge (). Une variété de techniques d’analyse non invasives et micro-inva-
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sives, comprenant la spectroscopie de fluorescence X (XRF), la spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de Fourier, la

spectroscopie de réflectance avec fibre optique (– nm), la spectroscopie Raman, la microscopie optique
avec et sans lumière polarisée et la microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) avec spectroscopie de rayons X à
dispersion d’énergie, ont été utilisées pour analyser les échantillons de peinture. Les résultats indiquent que
Nature morte ne contient pas de peinture Ripolin, car des pigments, tel que le vermillon et du blanc de plomb, et
des diluants, tel que le sulfate de baryum, ont été identifiés, alors qu’ils n’ont pas été utilisés par la maison française
Ripolin. Par contre Le fauteuil rouge a des peintures utilisées seules et en mélange avec des peinture en tube, corre-
spondant étroitement aux échantillons de peinture blanc de neige de marque Ripolin.

Resumen – Ripolin – una pintura francesa para casas, de uso popular – fue utilizada ampliamente por Pablo Picasso
y algunos de sus contemporáneos. Sin embargo, su presencia en obras de arte específicas ha sido difícil de compro-
bar científicamente debido a las similitudes químicas entre el Ripolin y las pinturas en tubo para artistas, de la misma
época y la falta de conocimiento sobre las formulas de la pintura Ripolin. Este estudio compara los datos obtenidos
de un grupo grande de pinturas históricas para referencia de muestras de pintura Ripolin y de pinturas en tubo para
artistas y nuevos resultados analíticos obtenidos de dos obras de Picasso que son parte de la colección del Art Insti-
tute (Instituto de Arte) de Chicago, que se sospechaba podían contener Ripolin: Naturaleza muerta () y El
sillón rojo (). Se utilizaron para hacer los análisis una variedad de técnicas no invasivas y micro-invasivas
que incluyeron: fluorescencia de rayos X (XRF), espectroscopía infrarroja por transformada de Fourier, espectros-
copía de reflectancia por medio de sonda de fibra óptica (en el rango de  a  nm), espectroscopía Raman,
microscopía óptica y de luz polarizada, microscopía electrónica de barrido (SEM), con espectroscopía de Rayos
x de dispersión de energía. Los resultados indican que la Naturaleza muerta no contiene Ripolin, ya que contiene
pigmentos tales como bermellón y blanco de plomo, y aditivos utilizados como carga extendedora, tales como
sulfato de bario, que no son utilizados en las pinturas Ripolin para casas. Por otro lado, El sillón rojo contiene pin-
turas que coinciden en forma muy cercana con las muestras del Ripolin Blanc de neige utilizado solo y mezclado con
las pinturas en tubo para artistas.

Resumo – Ripolin – uma tinta popular francesa para pintura de casas – foi amplamente utilizada por Pablo Picasso e
alguns de seus contemporâneos. Sua presença em obras de arte específicas, no entanto, tem sido difícil de ser confi-
rmada cientificamente devido às semelhanças químicas entre o Ripolin e os tubos de tinta dos artistas contempor-
âneos, e pela falta de conhecimento sobre as formulações das tintas Ripolin. Este estudo compara os dados
recolhidos a partir de um grande conjunto de referência de amostras históricas de Ripolin e de tubos de tintas de
artistas com novos resultados analíticos de duas pinturas de Picasso na coleção do Instituto de Arte de Chicago
(Art Institute of Chicago), suspeitas de conterem Ripolin: Still Life () e The Red Armchair (). Uma var-
iedade de técnicas analíticas não invasivas e micro-invasivas, incluindo espectroscopia de fluorescência de raios
X (FRX), espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier, espectroscopia de reflectância de fibra
óptica (– nm), espectroscopia de Raman, microscopia de luz polarizada e ótica e microscopia eletrônica
de varredura (SEM) com espectroscopia por energia dispersiva de raios X, foram usadas para analisar as amostras
de tinta. Os resultados indicam que Still Life não contém Ripolin, uma vez que tem pigmentos, tais como vermelhão
e branco de chumbo, e extensores, tais como, sulfato de bário, não utilizados nas tintas francesas Ripolin

Journal of the American Institute for Conservation , Vol.  No. , –

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