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We live in a patriarchal society; a society where being a girl puts limitations on

your potential. In most parts of the counties, gender inequality still prevails. Even
some educated parents pressurize their daughter to do household chores but not
their sons because they believe only women are meant to work at home.
Comparatively, males are given more freedom than females. For example, it
doesn’t matter if a boy is staying out late at night but a girl needs to be home on
time. Being a girl comes with many restrictions. This shows how conservative our
society is when it comes to women and gender inequality stills exists.
Biologically, men and women are definitely different. However they have equal
capability if provided with proper education. Women can work too if
opportunities are given. People assume women are weak but they are the ones
who carry a baby for 9 months in their womb, bear so much pain and labor to
bring a new life into this world. They are as strong as men physically and
Taking a hypothetical example, if the ratio of male to female population is 1:1 and
opportunities are given to male only, the maximum growth the country can
achieve is 50 percent only. If equal opportunities are given to female we can
produce morally and fundamentally strong women that can fill the remaining 50
percent. Talking about strong women who can change the world, we can take
Sheikh Hasina as an example among many. She is the prime minister of
Bangladesh and has been serving as the prime minister since 5 years. Over these
years, Bangladesh has developed as one of the most economically sound
countries in Asia.
Women deserve the equal rights, freedom and opportunities as the men. Gender
doesn’t determine ones worth. Women are equally worth to receive education
and opportunities. They have the power to bring a change in the world. They also
can have strong points and opinions about national affairs. They can help in
developing the country economically. They promote economic prosperity. Men
and women both have their own thoughts , ideas and opinions.

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