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Lecture E-01 Appropriate Preposition


Lecture E-01 Appropriate Preposition


Preposition Meaning Example
Abide in বাস করা I abide in Dhaka.
Abound with পূণ থাকা The Padma abounds with fishes.
Abound in চু র পিরমােণ থাকা Fish abounds in the Padma.
Absorbed in িনম He absorbed in deep studies.
Absent form অ পি ত His absence from the function shocked me much.
Abstain from িবরত থাকা Everyone should abstain from smoking.
Abhorrence of ঘ ৃণা A drunkard has no abhorrence of wine.
Accede to রাজী হওয়া I acceded to his request.
নতু ন কান
I will need some time to get acclimatized to the new
Acclimatize to ােন/জলবায়ুেত খাপ
Accuse of অিভেযাগ করা He was accused of theft.
িনকেট যাবার
Access to We have easy access to our headmaster.
Accessible to অিভগম Mr. Aziz is accessible to all.
Acceptable to হণেযাগ Your offer is acceptable to me.
Accommodate (one)
সাহায করা He accommodated me with a loan.
with (a loan)
You should accommodate yourself to any
Accommodate to খাপ খাওয়ােনা
The politician joined the meeting accompanied by
Accompanied by সােথ িনেয়
his supporters.
Accomplished in দ The boy is accomplished in painting.
Accord to দান করা They accorded a grand reception to the leader.
According to অ সাের He acted according to my advice.
কান িকছু র জ
Account for We shall have to account to God for our deeds.
কিফয়ত দওয়া
কাহােরা কােছ
Account to We shall have to account to God for our deeds.
কিফয়ত দওয়া
কােরা কােছ কান
Accountable to We are accountable to Allah for our deeds.
িকছু র জ দায়ী
বক র খালাস
Acquit of He was acquitted of the charge of murder.
Acquainted with পিরিচত I am acquainted with him.
Accustomed to অভ Jerry was accustomed to hard work.
Add to যাগ দয়া Add this to that.
Adhere to লেগ থাকা I must adhere to my principles.

Lecture E-01 Appropriate Preposition

Preposition Meaning Example

Addicted to খারাপ কােজ আস He is addicted to gambling.
Addiction to ম কােজ আসি Addiction to gambling is very bad.
Adjacent to সংল His house is adjacent to mine.
The story has been adapted for school boys from
Adapted for উপেযাগী
Gulliver’s Travels.
Adapted from গ ৃহীত The story is adapted from Gulliver’s Travels.
This little amount of money is adequate to my
Adequate to পযা
Admit to ভিত হওয়া I was admitted to Dhaka City College.
Advantageous to িবধাজনক This rule is advantageous to us.
Adverse to িত ল The new rule is adverse to our interests.
Affection for/ towards হ He has affection for/ towards me.
Affectionate to/
হপরায়ণ He is affectionate to/ towards me.
Affinity between (two
সাদৃশ There is an affinity between the two languages.
Affix to/ on এঁেট দয়া Affix this stamp to/ on the letter.
Affected with ব থা ি He is affected with sufferings.
Afraid of ভীত He is not afraid of anybody.
ব ি র সােথ রাজী
Agree with I agreed with him.
কান ােব রাজী
Agree to I cannot agree to your proposal.
কান িবষেয় রাজী
Agree on I can agree with you on this point.
Argue with তক করা Students should not argue with their teachers.
Agreeable to িচস ত The climate of the place is agreeable to me.
Mr. Amin reached here much ahead of the scheduled
Ahead of সামেন
Aim at ল করা The police aimed at the robber.
Akin to সাদৃশ পূণ My feeling for him is akin to pity.
Alarmed at/by ভীত স We are alarmed at/ by the news.
Alarmed for আত He is alarmed for my safety.
Alight from (a vehicle), He alighted from the car at the park/ The bird
অবতরণ করা/ নামা
at, on alighted on the roof of the house.
The passers-by aligned with the police to fight the
Align with সহেযািগতা করা
Allegiance to আ গত One must show allegiance to one’s leader.
Alliance with িম তা Bangladesh has formed an alliance with Thailand.
Allied with িম তাব Bangladesh is allied with India.
Alive to াত A politician is always alive to his flatterers.
Alien to িবেরাধী Flattery is alien to my nature.

Lecture E-01 Appropriate Preposition

Preposition Meaning Example

Allotted to ব টন কৃত The shares were allotted to the partners.
Allocate to বরা করা The money was allocated to the club for social work.
Allot to ব টন করা Fifty shares were allotted to me.
Alternate with পযায় েম ঘেট Light alternates with darkness.
Alternative to পিরবেত This question is alternative to that.
Amazed at িবি ত The authoress was amazed at Jerry’s duty.
Ambition for উ াকা া I have no ambition for fame.
Amenable to বাধ The lady is not amenable to reason.
Ambitious of উ ািভলাষী I am not ambitious of fame.
Amount to পিরমাণ হওয়া What does the total sugar amount to?
Amused at/ by/ with কৗতু ক বাধ করা I am amused at/ by/ with your story.
Analogy between (Two The teacher drew an analogy between the human heart
সাদৃশ /িমল
things) and a pump.
Angry with (a person)
for (having done রাগাি ত হওয়া He is angry with me for my idleness.
কান িকছু করার জ
Angry for He is angry for not getting any help form me.
রাগাি ত
Angry at, about (a thing) রাগাি ত He is angry at or about my failure.
Annex to সংেযািজত করা Annex this slip to the letter.
Annoyed with (a
কােরা িত িবর He was annoyed with me.
Anxious about িচি ত Students are anxious about their result.
Antidote to/ for/ Paracetamol is antidote to/for/against fever and
against headache.
কান িকছু করার জ
Annoyed for He was annoyed with me for my going there.
কােরা িত িবর
Answer to উ র দওয়া He answered to my questions.
কান িকছু র জে
Answer for We are to answer to God for our actions.
জবাবিদিহ করা
Happenings antecedent to his disappearance are
Antecedent (adj.) to পূববতী
being examined.
Antecedent (noun) of পূব পিরচয় The antecedents of the person are not known to me.
কান িকছু র িত
Antipathy to I have an antipathy to smoking.
িবে ষ
Antipathy against কােরা িত িবরাগ I have antipathy against him.
Anxious for উি I am anxious for the prize.
Apathy towards অনীহা He has a great apathy towards his studies.
কােরা কােছ মা The student apologized to the principal for his
Apologize to
চাওয়া misbehavior.
Apologize for কান িকছু র জে The student apologized to the principal for his

Lecture E-01 Appropriate Preposition

Preposition Meaning Example

মা চাওয়া misbehavior.
Apply for দরখা করা I applied to him for the post.
Apprehensive of ভীত I am apprehensive of failure.
Apprised of াত We were duly apprised of the event.
Appear before হািজর হওয়া It appears before me that he is innocent.
Appear to তীয়মান হওয়া It appears to me that he is innocent.
Appear in কািশত হওয়া The news appeared in the Ittefaq.
কােরা কােছ আেবদন
Appeal to I appealed to him for help.
কান িকছু করার জ
Appeal for I appealed to him for help.
আেবদন করা
Apply to েয়াগ করা The rule does not apply to my case.
The student had to apology to the teacher for his
Apology for মা াথনা
Appropriate to উপযু His remark was appropriate to the occasion.
Appetite for ু ধা I have no appetite for food.
Apprise of াত করা I would like to apprise you of the fact.
Argue about /over I do not want to argue with you about (or over) the
যুি দশন করা
(something) decision.
Argue against/ for
যুি দশন করা He argued against / for the bill.
Ascribe to আেরাপ করা Don’t ascribe any motive to my action.
Ashamed of লি ত I am ashamed of his conduct.
Astonished at িবি ত The authoress was astonished at Jerry’s integrity.
Assure of িনি ত করা I assured him of my help.
Ask (a person) for (a
চাওয়া He asked me for a loan.
Ask about/ after কাউেক খাঁজ করা He asked about/ after you.
Aspirant to উ াকা ী My friend is an aspirant to the post of the Principal.
Aspiration for/ after উ াকা া I have no aspiration for (or after) riches.
Assent to রাজী হওয়া I assented to the proposal.
Assign to িনিদ কের দয়া He assigned the task to me.
Associated with কােরা সােথ জিড়ত He was associated with the organization.
Associated in কান িবষেয় জিড়ত He was associated with you in the plot.
Attacked by (a He was attacked by robbers on the way/ He has been
আ া
person)/with (disease) attacked with fever.
Attain to অজন করা He attained to greatness by dint of perseverance.
Attribute to (a person) আেরাপ করা He attributed the loss to me.
Attend to মেনােযাগ দওয়া Students should attend to their lessons.

Lecture E-01 Appropriate Preposition

Preposition Meaning Example

Attend at গমন করা He does not attend at his office in time.
Attentive to মেনােযাগী Students should be attentive to their lessons.
Attach to জুেড় দওয়া I attached the documents to the application.
Attend on সবা করা A nurse attends on patients.
Approve of অ েমাদন করা I approved of his action.
Aspire after/ to আকা া করা Man aspires after / to riches.
Appoint to িনেয়াগ করা The Principal appointed him to the post.
কােরা কােছ িকছু
Ask for I asked for a boy to chop wood.
কােরা উপর কান
Avenge on/ for িকছু র িতেশাধ I avenged on him for his rudeness.
Atone for ায়ি করা A sinner has to atone for his sins.
Authority on িকছু েত িবেশষ Dr. Shahidullah had authority on Bengali language.
Authority over আিধপত He has no authority over his sons.
Authority for অিধকার What is your authority for such a statement?
Authority to মতা Only the secretary has authority to make payments.
Attune to িনম Their minds were attuned to the music.
Aversion to িবতৃ া I have a serious aversion to smoking.
Avail (oneself) of েযাগ লওয়া I availed myself of the opportunity.
Available to সহজলভ হওয়া His help was available to me.
Aware of অবগত He is aware of the fact.

Preposition Meaning Example
Ban (noun) on িনেষধ There is a ban on the play.
Ban (verb) from িনেষধ করা He was banned from entering the club.
Bar to বাঁধা There is no bar to your trying for the post.
Bare of খািল/ The field is bare of trees.
Bark at ঘউ ঘউ করা The dog always barks at a stranger.
Based on িভি র উপর িতি ত His allegation was based on facts.
Bask in রৗ পাহােনা In winter, people bask in the sun.
Behave towards ব বহার করা Behave kindly towards the poor.
Belong to অিধকারী হওয়া This book belongs to me.
Beware of সতক হওয়া Beware of thieves.
Beg of াথনা করা I beg mercy of the Principal.
Beg for (pray a person
াথনা করা The poor beg for alms of the rich.
for a thing)

Lecture E-01 Appropriate Preposition

Preposition Meaning Example

Believe in িব াস করা I do not believe in overloading my stomach.
Beneficial to উপকারী Morning walk is beneficial to health.
Bereft of বি ত Jerry was bereft of motherly affection.
Bent upon সংক ব He is bent upon going to the meeting.
My father bequeathed a portion of his land to my
Bequeath to উইল ারা িদেয় যাওয়া
Bestow on দান করা God bestows His mercy on us.
Beset with বি ত The Principal is beset with flatterers.
I have no bias (prejudice) against him (or towards
Bias against/ towards প পািত / ঝাঁক
anything particular).
Blind of অ The man is blind of one eye.
Blind to দেখও না দখা He is blind to his son’s fault.
Boast of দ করা He boasts of his riches.
Born in জ I was born in Khulna.
Born of জাত I was born of a middle class family.
Born to জ দওয়া A female child was born to her.
Borrow from ধার লওয়া He borrowed a book from his friend.
Bound for কান ােনর উে েশ যা া The ship is bound for London.
Border on সীমা বতী হওয়া His conduct borders on cruelty.
Bow to নত হওয়া You should bow to your superiors.
Burdened with ভারা া Jim was burdened with a family.
Burst into কা ায় ভে পড়া Suddenly he burst into tears.
Burst out হািসেত ফেট পড়া They burst out into a laughter hearing my jokes.
Busy at ব The student is busy at his desk.
Busy in ব He is busy- in doing his work.
Busy with ব He is busy with his lessons.
Busy about ব He is always busy about nothing.
Buy of কােরা িকছু কনা I bought this book of him.
কান দাকান থেক কানিকছু
Buy from I bought this book from his shop.

Lecture E-01 Vocabulary


Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms
অেযৗি ক/
Absurd (adj) unreasonable, illogical reasonable, sensible
হাস কর
discard, drop, forsake, quit,
Abandon (v) ত াগ করা pursuit, quest
াস করা/ subside, decrease, lessen, magnify, increase, enlarge,
Abate (v)
ছাট করা diminish ameliorate
shorten, abridge, trim,
Abbreviate (v) সংি করা enlarge, expand, amplify
contaminate, pollute,
Adulterate (v) ভজাল িমশােনা purify, clean, smoothen
Accord (v) িমল হওয়া admit, allow, grant, agree oppose, challenge, disallow
জেড়া হওয়া/
Accumulate (v) gather, amass, assemble scatter, disperse, disseminate
এক করা
Acknowledge (v) ীকার করা admit, certify, accept, endorse deny, refuse
Assist (v) সহেযািগতা করা help, aid, support oppose, obstruct
Acme (n) সেবা সীমা summit, pinnacle, zenith lower point, base, nadir
appreciation, praise
Admiration (n) া/ ভালবাসা hate, contempt, disgust
Anxious (adj) উি worried, alarmed, scared assured, content, unworried
িনেজর বেল
Adopt (v) assume, accept, approve reject, disprove
হণ করা
doubtful, dubious, enigmatic,
Ambiguous (adj) সে হজনক clear, understandable, lucid
Anonymous (adj) nameless, unnamed named, singed
Antipathy (n) িবতৃ া/ ঘ ৃণা hatred, hostility, revulsion admiration, respect, love

Authentic (adj) কৃত, খাঁিট real, genuine, accredited spurious, false unauthorized
ungainly, slovenly, not
Awkward (adj) আনািড়/ অ ত artful, adroit, skillful
িনরাকার/ formless, unembodied, incorp definite, distinctive,
Amorphous (adj)
অিনয়তাকার oreal, unform shaped
anterior, precedent, current, following,
Antecedent (n) পূবগামী
precursory, foregoing subsequent
Annuity (n) বািষক annual, anniversary monthly, daily
Anarchy (n) অরাজকতা chaos, disorder, mess harmony, lawfulness
Atheist (n) নাি ক skeptic, infidel, misbeliever credent, believer

Lecture E-01 Vocabulary

Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms

Autonomous (adj) শািসত independent, self-explanatory subservient, dependent

Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms
Benevolent (adj) দয়ালু/ বদা kind, unselfish cruel, selfish, greedy
unrestricted, induct,
Ban (n) িনেষধা া prohibition, restriction
Brief (adj) সংি short, succinct, concise loquacious, prolix, copious
Brutal (adj) িন ু র/ পাশিবক cruel, inhuman kind, soft-hearted
fragile, frail, tenuous, strong, wiry, enduring,
Brittle (adj) ভ ুর
breakable resistible
যু মান/
Belligerent (adj) militant, combatant calm, peaceful, cooperative
যু বাজ

Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms
Cautious (adj) সতক careful, alert careless, inattentive
mishap, misery, distress, comfort, benediction, favor,
Calamity (n) েযাগ, ঃখ
disaster, affliction bon
দানশীল/ সদয়/ generous, forgiving, humane,
Charitable (adj) miserly, unkind, malevolent
মাশীল benign, beneficent
আকি ক
disaster, calamity, final
Catastrophe (n) ঘটনা/ comfort, favor
চরম পিরণিত
Compel (v) বাধ করা enforce, oblige, drive set free, thwart, baffle
exclude, misapprehend,
Comprehend (v) উপলি করা grasp, apprehend, surrender
Compulsory (adj) বাধ তামূলক mandatory, obligatory voluntary, optional
plentiful, abundant, ample,
Copious (adj) চু র scarce, deficient, scanty, rate
bountiful, profuse
Contaminate (v) দূিষত করা pollute, adulterate purify
Carnivorous (adj) মাংসাশী cannibal, flesh-eating vegetarian

Lecture E-01 Vocabulary

Word Meaning Synonyms Antonyms
Deter (v) িনব ৃ করা prevent, obstruct, stop assist, aid
decline, collapse,
Decay (n) য়/ পচন growth, strength, robustness
downfall, rottenness
Demonstrate (v) দশন করা manifest, explain veil, mystify, perplex, mask
debar, hinder, divest,
Deprive (v) বি ত করা add, assist, refund, repay
মিরয়া/ daring, reckless, furious,
Desperate (adj) clam, peaceful, hopeful
বপেরায়া hopeless, irretrievable
অধ বসায়/ laziness, indolence,
Diligence (n) assiduity, industry, intensity
পির ম sluggishness
schism, heterodoxy,
dogma, precept, tenet,
Doctrine (n) মতবাদ/ িব াস falsehood, incredulity,
credence, confection
িববাদ/ argument, disagreement,
Disput (n) agree, accordance, congruity
িবতক করা contest, variance
মতেভদ/ disagree, contend, dispute, agree, approve, credit,
Dissent (v)
িভ মত হওয়া disapprove, demur section, endorsee
অ মন করা/ perplex, bewilder, confuse, placate, mollify, assuage,
Distract (v)
হতবুি করা mystify, embarrass mitigate, conciliate


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