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ELSEVIER Desalination 157 (2003) 259--268

Coupling of a nuclear reactor to hybrid RO-MSF desalination


Ibrahim S. A1-Mutaz
Chemical Engineering Department, College of Engineering, King Saud University,
P.O. Box 800, Riyadh 11421, Saudi Arabia
Fax +966 (1) 4678770, e-maih

Received 10 February 2003; accepted 15 February 2003


Energy requirements in desalination plants can be supplied by coupling desalination units with nuclear reactors.
Multistage flash (MSF) plants often use low-pressure steam as an energy source. The energy consumption in MSF
plant depends on the distillate flow rate and the plant performance ratio. Reverse osmosis (RO) plants are operated
by electrical power to derive the high-pressure pumps and otlaer plant auxiliaries, mainly the pretreatment processes.
RO power consumption depends mainly on water recovery and the working pressure. Low pressure and temperature
steam extracted from nuclear heating reactors (NHR) may be used for supplying the necessary energy to derive the
MSF units. Electricity can be generated from the nuclear power reactor (NPR) to derive the high-pressure pumps of
the RO desalination plants. Coupling RO and MSF with nuclear steam supply system (NSSS) will yield some
economical and technical advantages. The hybrid RO MSF system has potential advantages of a low power demand,
improved water quality and possible lower running cost as compared to stand-alone RO or MSF plants. Developing
the most appropriate plant configuration of nuclear reactor and desalination process is an important task that will
determine the feasibility &nuclear desalination. The optimum coupling &hybrid RO MSF desalination processes
with nuclear power plant will be presented in this paper.

Ke)m,ords: Nuclear desalination; Hybrid RO-MSF processes; Coupling schemes

1. I n t r o d u c t i o n
Nuclear power plants produce about 17% o f net installed capacity o f 353 GWe as o f January
w o r l d ' s power. T h e r e are about 438 nuclear 2002. These are o f different capacities ranging
reactors operating in various countries with a total from 100 to 1450 MWe.

Presented at the European Conference on Desalination and the Environment. t~}"esh Water for All, iVlalta, 4 8 May 2003.
European Desalination Society, International Water Association.

0011-9164/03/$- See fiont matter © 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved
PII: $ 0 0 1 1 - 9 1 6 4 ( 0 3 ) 0 0 4 0 5 - 3
260 LS. AI-Mutaz / Desalination 157 (2003) 259-268

Nuclear desalination plants have been operated plants. This hybrid scheme allows an increase in
in Kazakhstan and Japan for many years[l]. In the RO productivity. The rate of water permeation
Aktau, Kazakhstan, the liquid metal cooled fast through the membrane increase as the feed water
reactor (LMFR) BN-350 has been operating as temperature increases since the viscosity o f the
an energy source for a multi-purpose energy com- solution is reduced and higher diffusion rate of
plex since 1973 supplying 135 MWe of electricity, water through the membrane is obtained. Water
about 80,000 m3/d (21 mgd) potable water and recovery is increased in RO as the feed water
heat to the local population and industries. While temperature increases. Extra cooling of product
in Japan, ten electric power companies are water in MSF can be obtained.
operating fifty-one nuclear power plants as of
March 1997. The first Japanese nuclear power
2. Features of RO MSF hybridization
plant, a gas-cooled reactor (GCR), came into
operation ill 1966. The first Japanese nuclear Energy is a controlling parameter in the desali-
power and seawater desalination plant started nation cost. Desalination plants require significant
operation in 1978 at the Ohi Nuclear Power amounts of energy in the form o f heat and/or
Station. The plant used a 1175 MWe pressurized electricity. Desalination is considered as energy
water reactor (PWR) coupled to a MSF distillation intensive process.
process with a capacity of 1300 m3/d (0.34 mgd). The energy requirements for MSF are low
Nine additional nuclear seawater desalination temperature heat and some electricity, with heat
plants were installed by 1998. being the main portion. The energy consumption
India has been engaged in desalination re- in MSF plant depends on the distillate flow rate
search since the 1970s. It has successfully opera- and the plant performance ratio. About 3-9 kg (6-
ted an experimental facility in Trombay since 20 pounds) of product water is produced by
1984 and is planning to couple a 6300 m3/d 1055 kJ (1000 Btu's) of input energy. For Large
(1.66 mgd) hybrid RO MSF plant to its Kalpak- MSF plants, about 4--6 kWh/m 3 of electrical energy
kam presstirized heavy water reactor (PHWR) in is consumed. Heat consumption is in the range of
Tamil Nadu. 55-120 kWh/m 3 of thermal energy. In general, the
RO MSF hybrid plants exploit the best features thennal efficiency of MSF plant is expressed in
of each technology for different quality products. kg of water produced per kg of steam used. This
The hybrid RO MSF system offers several inter- ratio is called the gain output ratio (GOR). Values
esting prospects for water cost reduction. Iute- of GOR range from 8 to 10 with a practical
gration o f RO and MSF systems at the same maximum of 12, which corresponds to about
location offers the opportunity to meet diverse 55 kWh/m 3 of thermal energy. GOR of 3, 8 and
requirements for product water quality [2]. MSF 10 correspond without loses to thermal energies
can produce water with high purity. The high TDS of 216, 82 and 65 kWh/m 3, respectively. Also
product water of RO plant can be blended with MSF consumes 3.5-5 kWh of electric energy for
for MSF distillate. The different rates of blending pumping per one m ~ of product water [3].
can be done depending on the type of water quality MSF process can be designed on bases of
requirement. once-through or brine recirculation flow systems.
Coupling RO and MSF with nuclear reactor The once through system has the following fea-
has economical and technical advantages. It shows tures [4]:
promising advantages of a low power demand, • Simple plant operation with few process
improved water quality and possible lower run- control since the brine recirculation pump is
ning cost as compared to stand-alone RO or MSF omitted as well as the heat rejection section,
1.X Al-Mutaz / Desalination 157 (2003) 259-268 261

• The brine concentration at the exit of the brine the high-pressure pumps. The exact figure depends
heater is lower if compared with the brine on the design, unit size, site conditions, water
recirculation design, quality requirements, membrane properties, and
• The cost of chemical dosing is higher than for feed water temperature and salinity as well as the
the recirculation system usage of energy recovery system.
The following are summarization o f the
On the other hand, the recirculation system
technical differences between RO and MSF [6]:
has the following characteristics [4]:
Seawater intake in MSF is twice that of RO.
• Limited make-up flow rate which means small
• Energy consumption per cubic meters in MSF
amounts of antiscalant chemicals to be injected,
is about three times that o f RO.
• The heat rejection section acts as a deaerator
• Volume and area required for MSF is large
and degasifier for the make-up seawater thus
compared to those required for RO.
help to minimize the corrosion problems in
• Pumping energy in RO is about 25% that
the evaporator,
required for MSF. A possible decrease in
• Higher concentration of flashing brine com-
pumping consumption in RO might be while
pared with the once-through arrangement.
using energy recovery systems.
Comparison of the two design arrangements • RO has no thermal energy consumption. In
clearly indicate that the once-through option is 22,710 ln3/d (6 mgd) MSF, about 89 MW of
more economical particularly for MSF units of thermal energy is consumed. This can be very
large capacities due to its simplicity of construc- expensive if not extracted from steam turbine.
tion and lower pumping power requirements. The • Heavy foundation and extensive civil work is
m a x i m u m unit capacity o f MSF plants is required by MSF due to its heavy weigh.
57,000 m3/d (15 mgd). This capacity is expected
The benefits of RO against MSF can be stated
to steadily increase to 100,000 nl3/d (26.4 mgd).
in the following points:
RO plants are operated by electrical power to
• Limited make-up flow rate which means small
derive the high-pressure pumps and other plant
amounts of antiscalant chemicals to be injected.
auxiliaries, main ly the pretreatment processes. RO
• The flexibilities in RO in meeting various water
power consumption depends lnainly on water
and power ratio while maintaining maximum
recovery and the working pressure. For typical
process efficiency [7].
seawater of about 35,000 ppm total dissolved salts
• Corrosion problems are much less in RO than
(TDS), tim minimum energy needed to separate
3.785 in -~(1000 gallons) is 3 kWh. Typical energy
• Energy consumption is low in RO than MSF.
consumption of RO with 30% water conversion
is about 9.7 kWh/m 3 without energy recovery. The hybrid RO MSF system offers the optimum
When using energy recovery turbines of 80% combination of the features of the two processes.
efficiency, the electrical energy consumption will It has potential advantages of a low power
be reduced to 6.5 kWh/m 3 [5], where about 30% demand, improved water quality and possible
o f the input energy can be recovered. The lower running cost as compared to stand-alone
percentage of recovered energy increases as the RO or MSF plants. It also offers additional advan-
plant size increases because the pump and motor tages such as decrease post treatment cost and
efficiencies improves with sizes. Roughly 4.5- improve water quality by blending MSF distillate
7 kWh of electrical energy is required for pro- and RO perineate as well as greater flexibility and
ducing one cubic lneter of potable water. About more efficient operation in dual-purpose plants
85% of this energy consumption is required for [8]. Hybrid plants allow a better match between
262 I.S. A/-Mutaz / Desalination 157 (2003) 259-268

power and water requirements. Significant reduc- can be used to cool the MSF product water.
tion in capital and operating costs in hybrid RO Preheat RO feed water increases the recovery
MSF seawater desalination plant is expected for significantly.
a given water production.
Hybrid RO MSF desalination-power process Different integration schemes were studies on
has the following advantages: RO MSF hybrid systems. Many design confi-
• The capital cost of the combined RO MSF gurations have been proposed [9]. One of the
plant can be reduced. simplest integration schemes is to have the reject
• A common seawater intake is used. stream leaving the heat rejection section of a
• Product waters from the RO and MSF plants recirculation-type MSF plant fed to the RO plant.
are blended to obtain suitable product water In this scheme, the distillate from the MSF plant
quality. is blended with RO permeate to obtain the re-
• A single-stage RO process can be used and quired product water quality. This eliminates the
the RO membrane life can be extended be- need for blending the MSF distillate with local
cause of the reduced product-water specifica- groundwater. This scheme keeps the RO feed
tion. The life of the RO membrane can be water temperature in the range of 28-35°C. It was
extended from three to five years, or the annual estimated that an increase in the RO feed water
membrane replacement cost can be reduced temperature by one degree w o u l d cause an
by nearly 40%. increase in RO membrane flux by about 2.5-3%.
• Electric power production fiom the MSF plant The RO plant can be a single stage. Elimination
can be efficiently utilized in the RO plant, of the second stage not only reduces capital cost
thereby reducing net export power production. but also reduces membrane replacement and
• Blending with RO product water reduces the energy costs.
temperature of the MSF product water. RO for Fig. 1 shows the optimum RO MSF hybrid
high-pressure brine without energy recovery process scheme. In this hybrid RO MSF scheme,

Con~ __

Recovery F k{

LP ~Steam

1 Wro Wb d

HP Steam
] Wp
"1 I" Wd
Fig. 1. Optimum RO MSF hybrid process scheme. w
I.S. AI-Mutaz / Desalination 157 (2003) 259-268 263

the MSF process draws waste steam from the various temperature levels, both in the form of
power plant and uses the energy in the steam to hot gas or steam. The low pressure and tempera-
preheat seawater which is then distilled in the ture steam may be used for supplying the neces-
MSF unit. The RO unit uses electricity from the sary energy to derive the MSF. In the nuclear power
power station and operates during periods of reduced reactor (NPR), electricity can be generated to
power demand, thus optimizing the overall derive the high-pressure pumps of the RO desali-
efficiency of the entire operation. This hybrid nation plants. Developing the most appropriate
scheme allows an increase in the RO productivity. plant configuration of nuclear reactor (NHR or
Jeddah I rehabilitation plant (1986-1989) is NPR) and desalination process (distillation or
the first large-scale RO MSF hybrid process with membrane) is indeed the most crucial factor that
a capacity of 56,800 mB/d (15 mgd) for RO plant will determine the feasibility of nuclear desalination.
and 321,725 m3/d (85 mgd) for MSF units. The Steam and electricity can be produced easily
RO units have the following design criteria: by nuclear reactors. Nuclear reactors may be
• Feed water quality with TDS of 43,300 mg/1, coupled with desalination plants. This integrated
chlorides as CI- is 22,400 ppm, pH of 8.2, plant will be capable of producing power and
water temperature is 24.5-32.5°C; water at reasonable cost. Maintenance and operating
• Operating pressure at 60 kg/cm2with maximum cost will drop significantly.
design pressure at 70 kg/cm2; Nuclear power reactors (NPRs) belong to one
• A single-stage design, including 10 RO trains, of the following three major groupings based on
with each train including 148 RO modules; the cooling medium:
• Hollow fine fiber (Toyobo Hollosep made of
1) Water cooled reactors (WCR)."
cellulose triacetate) RO module with 10 inch
Most of the operating NPRs today are water--
cooled reactors. Water-cooled reactors are either
• Recovery ratio of 35% of product water;
light water cooled reactors (LWR) of both the
• Product-water salinity of 625 mg/lofchloride,
pressurized (PWR) and pool type, or pressurized
equivalent to a TDS of 1,250 rag/1.
heavy water cooled reactors (PHWR). Pressurized
RO MSF hybrid systems were performed by water reactors use enriched uranium as fuel,
Doha Desalination Research Plant (DRP) in Kuwait whereas pressurized heavy water reactors use
using two RO units linked with the nearby MSF natural uranium as fuel.
via one common feed water header and pretreat-
2) Gas cooled reactors (GCR):
ment unit [10]. The RO units are of the spiral-
High temperatures GCRs use helium as a
wound and the hollow-fiber twin seawater RO
coolant and graphite as a moderator. In order to
membrane configurations, each of 300 m3/d. Up
attain the capability of retaining fission products
to a 43% increase in the RO product water recovery
at temperature of 1600°C and more a ceramic
was found under hybrid operation. The average
cladding of the fuel is used. If high temperature
change in RO product water recovery was almost
gas cooled reactors are used for heating or
linearly related to the change in feed water
desalination, which require low power and low
operating temperature, the safety factor of the
operation will be highly enhanced.
3. N u c l e a r e n e r g y options
3) Liquid-metal fast reactors' (LMFR):
Nuclear reactors are used mainly for the pro- Since light materials have to be avoided as
duction of either heat or power. In the nuclear moderators in fast reactors, liquid metals such as
heating reactors (NHR), heat can be extracted at sodium are used as coolants in fast reactors. Most
264 l.S. AI-Mutaz / Desalination 157 (2003) 259 268

of the development work on LMFRs has concen- reactors are more suitable for grid sizes in
trated on developing a configuration that will developing countries as well as for coupling with
produce electricity competitive with LWRs. The desalination plants of 10,000 m3/d (2.64 mgd) to
BN-350 LMFR at the Aktau complex in Kazakh- 100,000 m3/d (26.4 mgd) capacities. About one-
stan is the only LMFR used for seawater desali- third of the SMRs under construction are expected
llatiou. to supply heat or electricity or both to integrated
The status of nuclear technology fall into three seawater desalination plants.
major categories: In the Middle East countries, it was found that
1. Reactors proven and commercially available the Canadian deuterium uranium pressurized
for export: (PWRs, BWRs and PHWRs). heavy water reactor (CANDU PHWR) is the most
2. Reactors proven but not available for export: suitable type of reactor for desalination and power
(GCRs, AGRs and LWGRs). generation [3,11-14]. Atomic Energy of Canada
3. Reactors developed to the stage &industrial developed CANDU heavy water reactor. Natural
prototypes: (FBRs, HTGRs, HWGCRs, HWLWRs uranium dioxide is used in the reactor vessel as
and SGHWRs) well as the pressured heavy water as a coolant
and cool heavy water as moderator. Producing
Table 1 shows the nuclear power plants ill heavy water is basically simpler than enriching
commercial operation in year 2000. Small and uranium. Commercial heavy water plants have
medium sized nuclear reactors (SMRs) are suitable been built in smaller size than would be possible
for desalination, often with cogeneration of for uranium enrichment plants.
electricity using low-pressure steam from the CANDU P H W R reactor is also considered
turbine and hot seawater feed from the final appropriate based on a technical and economic
cooling system. Currently SMRs are defined as comparison of major comlnercial nuclear power
power reactors that have power outputs in the reactor systems. CANDU P H W R has marginal
range of 100-400 MWe. The development of cost econolnic advantages compared with other reactor
corn petitive small and medium size nuclear power types. It uses natural uranium as fuel. Natural

Table t
Nuclear power plants in commercial operation

Reactor type Main countries Number GWe Fuel Coolant Moderator

Pressurised water reactor US, France, Japan, 260 243 enrichedUO2 Water water
(PWR) Russia
Boiling water reactor (BWR) US, Japan, Sweden 92 83 enrichedUO2 water water
Gas-cooled reactor (Magnox, UK 32 12 naturalU (metal), CO2 graphite
AGR) enriched UO2
Pressurized heavy water Canada 34 18 naturalUO2 heavy water heavy water
reactor (PHWR), CANDU
Light water graphite reactor Russia 13 l4 enrichedUO2 water graphite
Fast neutron reactor (FBR) Japan,France, 4 1.3 PuO2andUO2 liquid none
Russia sodium
Other Russia, Japan 5 0.2
Total 440 371
Source: Nuclear Engineering International Handbook 2002,
I.S. Al-Mutaz / Desalination 157 (2003) 259-268 265

uranium can be relatively easily supplied from However, protective barriers must be included in
international market. Several developing countries all co-generation modes to prevent potential carry
have operated and built CANDU PHWR indige- over of radioactivity.
nously [15]. It can be advantageous to use a part of the
electricity generated by the nuclear co-generation
plant to operate RO desalination plants in addition
4. Coupling schemes
to thermal desalination plants. The hybrid system
Power reactors are suitable for desalination at the same location can play an important role in
processes that require energy in tile form of elec- bringing down the water cost as well as making
tricity such as RO. The power is supplied from a multiple product water qualities available.
dedicated plant/electric grid to drive the high- Nuclear dual purpose plants for power and
pressure pump for RO process. Electrical coupling desalination using pressurized water reactor are
of the nuclear power plant with a RO desalination examined by Drude and Rohl [15,16]. The possible
plant is simple requiring only an electrical connec- coupling schemes of heat and power are pure back
tion. There is little interdependence between the pressure cycle, the extraction scheme and the
power plant generating electricity and the desali- combination of back pressure and condensing
nation plant producing desalted water. It allows turbines cycle.
flexibility with respect to sitting and plant size. The choice of the suitable nuclear reactor and
Waste heat from the power reactor can be used desalination process depends on several factors.
to improve the efficiency of the RO plant. The In case of coupling between NHR and distillation
increase of operating temperature leads to a higher process, it will be necessary for the two plants to
RO membrane flux and produces more desalted be on the same site to cut down the cost of trans-
water from the same membrane area. By using porting heat over long distances and avoid unne-
appropriate feed pre-treatment, system design and cessary losses. While for coupling NPR and RO,
optimization techniques, overall improvements in there will be no special arrangements other than
efficiency and cost can be achieved. an electrical connection between the two plants.
In nuclear power reactors, the steam is gene- Coupling of a nuclear power plant to hybrid
rated at high temperature and pressure, whereas desalination system consists of an MSF plant
heating reactors need only to produce low temp- followed by an RO plant, which may take reject
erature steam or hot water for thermal desalination cooling water from the last effect of the MSF
processes. Therlnal desalination processes have system as feedwater to the RO system. Normally,
an upper temperature limit to prevent excessive the nuclear power plant is designed for optimum
scaling. Heating reactors, which are designed to production of electricity. However, there is a large
supply steam at 130°C or lower, have the best amount of low-grade thermal energy available in
potential for coupling to desalination plmlts. Steam the form of waste heat discharged from the nuclear
at 2.0-3,7 bar (120-140°C) can be used in MSF plant through the condenser cooling system. Heat
desalination plants to give a high GOR. In order in the form of steam can be supplied by the nuclear
to avoid scale formation, the maximum brine reactor through one or more intermediate circuits
temperature is limited to about 121°C for recycle to the MSF desalination system. Heat may also
type MSF and 135°C for once-through MSF. be supplied in the form of hot water, depending
In the case of nuclear plants that co-generate on the temperature and pressure conditions
heat and electric power, the steam can be bled- specific to the desalination plant design. Also part
off at suitable points in the secondary circuit of or all of the feedwater to the RO MSF system call
tile power plant for use by the desalination plant. be drawn from the condenser cooling water
266 l.S. Al-Mutaz / Desalination 157 (2003) 259-268

discharge stream. The RO system, which uses and technical advantages. A comparison between
electricity as its primary energy input, may draw NSSS-MSF and NSSS-RO desalination plants is
either from the electrical grid or by direct connec- illustrated in Table 2 [17].
tion to the nuclear plant with all auxiliary connec- Fujairah seawater desalination project in the
tion to the grid. Fig. 2 shows a schematic coupling United Arab Emirates consists of 284,000 m3/d
arrangement for a hybrid RO MSF plant. (75 mgd) o f multi-stage flash distillation and
Coupling RO and MSF with nuclear steam 170,000 m3/d (45 mgd) of seawater reverse osmosis.
supply system (NSSS) will yield some economical The hybrid system will permit the plant to

|: : 41 ~ I._.,...~"~ ~ 10 amp


~Llll~r M

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of a nuclear power reactor coupled to RO MSF plant [1].

Table 2
Comparisons between NSSS-MSF and NSSS-RO desalination plants


Availability 0.9 0.89
Product salinity, kg/m3 0-1 0.5-1.5
Capital cost High Low
Operation interface Yes No
Energy consumption Steam and power Power only
Safety consideration Radiation contamination Nuclear plant only
Load regulation Flexible No load regulation
Coupling Require extensive care Direct coupling
Thermal pollution High Medium
Manpower Highly qualified Qualified in nuclear
Plant site On the same site RO near the city
Transportation cost Required Not required
l.S. Al-Mulaz / Desalination 157 (2003) 259-268 267

maximize and balance the use of power, water plant by coupling it thermally and electrically with
consumption and water quality to produce the best the power plant. The thermal coupling gives
performance at the lowest operating costs. The higher throughput due to higher feed seawater
plant scheduled for start-up in June 2003. temperature up to 40°C. The remaining power is
In Kalpakkam on the east cost of India, a used for distribution.
hybrid RO MSF nuclear desalination is being con- For a preventive coupling scheme, the vapor
sidered [ 18]. This will include MSF plant producing extracted from the specified turbine stage is fed
1,800 m3/d (0.47 mgd) and RO units producing to a heat exchanger (acting as a barrier). The in-
4,500 m3/d (1.19 mgd). The desalination facilities coming water temperature is raised to an appro-
will be coupled with 2x170 MWe nuclear power priate level. The hot water then passes through a
station. MSF plant requires about 21 t/h steam at flash tank (a second barrier) where it is partially
around 3.5 bar and 400 kg/h steam for ejectors at evaporated. This vapor then serves as the heating
7 bar. Steam will be tapped at 3.5 bar from a source in the MSF brine heater. This is called a
suitable point in the turbine for heating the brine flash loop. The flash loop is the optimum coupling
in the MSF plm~t. scheme for PWRs, which provides maximum
According to previous studies [3,11-14], quantity of fresh water at the lower cost, without
CANDU PHWR is the appropriate type of nuclear unacceptable reduction of the electrical power
reactor for coupling with desalination plants spe- produced and without undue health hazard for
cially RO MSF types. Hybrid RO MSF CANDU population.
PHWR is the candidate system for the application
of dual purpose nuclear desalination plants. The
electrical and thermal power produced from 5. Conclusions
CANDU reactor may be utilized to derive the
Desalination plants require significant amounts
desalination plans. This makes such option more
of energy in the form of heat and/or electricity
favorable to meet the increasing demand of power
(power). This energy can be supplied by nuclear
and water. The possible coupling schemes of heat
l~eactors since nuclear reactors are used mainly
and power are pure back pressure cycle, the
for the production of either heat or power. Coupling
extraction scheme and the combination of back
desalination plants with nuclear reactors gives
pressure and condensing turbines cycle.
many economical and technical advantages. The
PHWR provides a safer steam generation due
hybrid RO MSF desalination plant coupled to a
to an additional barrier. It uses heavy water (D:O)
nuclear power plant gives high overall availability
as primary coolant and de-mineralized water as
the secondary coolant. The steam required for
CANDU PHWR is the appropriate type of
MSF is extracted by coupling to the low pressure
nuclear reactor forcoupling with hybrid RO MSF
turbine. The steam is tapped from a suitable point
desalination plants. This hybrid system has poten-
on the low pressure turbine for heating the brine
tial advantages of a low power demand, improved
in the MSF plant. The selection of tapping point
water quality and possible lower running cost.
depends on the maximum brine temperature
selected. The arrangement is also made to tap the
steam from both the reactor systems for MSF to References
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