Optimal Design of Hybrid RO/MSF Desalination Plants Part III: Sensitivity Analysis

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ELSEVIER Desalination 169 (2004) 43-60


Optimal design of hybrid RO/MSF desalination plants

Part III: Sensitivity analysis
A.M. Helal, A.M. E1-Nashar, E.S. A1-Katheeri, S.A. A1-Malek
Power and Desalination Research Center, Abu Dhabi Water and Electricity Authority (ADWEA),
Abu Dhabi, UAE, P.O. Box 54111
Tel. +971 (2) 508-1504; Fax +971 (2) 508-1506; email: alya123@emirates.net.ae

Received 21 March 2002; accepted 18 November 2003

This is the last paper in a series of three parts entitled"Optimal design o fhybrid RO/MSF desalination plants". This
research is concerned with exploring the feasibility of hybridization of multi-stage flash (MSF) and reverse osmosis
(RO) technologies in order to improve the performance characteristics and process economics of the conventional MSF
process. The research project involved an optimization study where the water cost perunit product is minimized subject
to a number of constraints. In the first part, the design and cost models were presented, the optimization problem
formulated and solutions for a number of cases were outlined. In the second part, results were presented and discussed.
In this paper we discuss the sensitivity of water cost from the alternative plant designs to variations in some cost
elements and operating conditions. In general, it is concluded that, for the same desalting capacity, hybrid RO/MSF
plants can produce desalted water at a lower cost than brine recycle MSF plants, while hybrid plants are characterized,
by lower specific capital costs and higher water recovery fractions. Reduction in steam cost allows MSF to compete
more with hybrid RO/MSF plants. This result explains the advantage of coupling MSF plants and steam power plants
where the exhaust steam from the back pressure turbine represents a relatively cheaper source of heat for the MSF
process. Results showed that the RO technology exceeds all other designs over the whole range of energy, chemicals
and membrane costs studied here. However, water cost of the RO process was the most sensitive to variations in
membrane and electricity costs compared to other hybrid configurations.

Keywords: Hybridization; Optimization; Hybrid RO/MSF; Desalination economics; Sensitivity analysis

1. Introduction • Steam cost

• Membrane cost
In this sensitivity analysis, the following cost
• Top brine temperature (TBT)
elements and operating variables were considered
• Cost o f chemicals
to study their impact on th m i n i m u m water cost:
• Cost o f electrical energy
*Corresponding author.

0011-9 t 64/04/$- See front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved
doi: 10.1016/j.desa1.2004.08.006
44 A.M. Helal et al. / Desalination 169 (2004) 43-60

The objective function, W ($/m 3) in this opti- brine at the exit from the last rejection stage is
mization study is given by: limited to 80,000 ppm maximum.
• The reject brine concentration from the first
W = [(CDR+C,R+CoR)+(CDM+CIM+CoM)] $/Y stage in the two-stage RO plant should be less
Wy m3/y than 67,000 ppm. The maximum reject brine
concentration off the second RO stage is
where Cm = RO direct capital cost including 30,000 ppm.
membrane cost, civil work and intake cost (S/y); • In all hybrid plants, the reject concentration
CIR = RO indirect capital cost (S/y); COR = RO from the RO (single-stage) plant section is
operation and maintenance cost including labor, limited to a maximum of 67,000 ppm.
membrane replacement, parts, chemicals and • Operating pressure in the RO plant section in
energy costs (S/y); CoM -- MSF direct capital the hybrid designs should not exceed 80 atm.
investment cost (S/y); CIM= MSF indirect capital The same condition is imposed on the operat-
investment cost (S/y); Cora = MSF operation and ing pressure in the first stage in the case of a
maintenance cost including labor, parts, steam, two-stage RO plant. Pressure in the second
energy and chemicals costs (S/y); and Wy = total stage is limited to 35 arm maximum.
production capacity per year (m3/y).
In the cases including MSF plants, an amount
In all the cases presented here, the plant
of seawater which is equal to 145 metric t/h is
capacity of desalted water is the same (3366
considered to be used at the venting condenser.
metric t/h; 21.37 mgd), and the final product
The overall plant recovery is defined as the
quality is less than 500 ppm.
percent of the total seawater intake, including the
The plants presented in the following text are
water to the vent condenser, converted to fresh
single purpose (water only). They receive elec-
water when an MSF plant is included.
trical power and steam from an external source at
specified costs. In the case of hybrid plants, the
MSF to RO production ratio is 1:2. In all the
2. Results and discussions
cases including brine recycle MSF plants, the
number of rejection stages was taken to be three. Figs. 1-9 represent the optimal designs ob-
Calculations are based on a feed concentration of tained through computations based on the
42,000 ppm and a seawater temperature of 25°C. engineering and cost data given in Tables 1 and 2.
The objective of the computations was to The output plant characteristics corresponding to
design the desalination plant for a given those flow sheets are given in Table 3.The output
configuration so that the water cost is minimized values reported in Table 4 are based on the cost
while the following constraints are satisfied: data outlined in Table 2. These cost data are taken
• The final product concentration should be less as reference where a cost multiplier equal to one
than 500 ppm. is assigned to each cost item. In Tables 5-9,
• The brine velocities inside tubes in the heat representing the results of the sensitivity study,
recovery, heat rejection and the brine heater the output values corresponding to a cost mul-
lie between 3 and 6 ft/s. tiplier of 1 are emphasized in bold.
• The brine loading in the MSF plant section It was explained earlier in Part II of this work
should be maintained between 1000 and that the high capital investment cost of the MSF
1200 m3/h per meter of stage width. process represents a major economic disadvan-
• The maximum concentration of the flashing tage of that technology. According to the cost
A.M. Helal et al. / Desalination 169 (2004) 43-60 45

1st Stage RO Membrane

( )
Wm .8.97E+O6 kg/ht ---~'( ~ - - - ~ ' - - - ~ ' - - ~ --
Cartridge Crol= 419tSppm -- ~ --d
Filters ---¢~-~"'~'~...~.....~..~.~..-
( ) I ~
J-'--lC~-42000 ppm
I .5 C
~lgn 2~ressure
. , .~'--.-~-'---'].__

Intake and
Feed Pump
( ) u
~ 1st Stage

Multi Media W,o~=1,03E+06 kg/hr I Energy Recovery Turbine

Filters Cr, ffi525 p~m I ~ Wm~3.38E+06 kg/hr
Co, =525ppm

"~ Cv~f7ppm Cz,~-525 ppm

W,~=l.78E+04 k e r r ~tqf=5~SgE+06kg/hr
W ~g- 3.3 7E+OSkg/kr Cr~=3OOOOppm )q~-67000 ppm
2ridStageRO "1
[ G#g'370 ppm
Membrane ¢ ___~....._.~ Brine

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of a seawater reverse osmosis desalination plant.

Reject Cooling watea"

Wa~24E+O6 kg/hr
ToEjectors r,=34 c
4.99E+03kg/hr w~--a.e4E+o6ka~r W~--a.O4E+O6 kg~ar
MSFPlant Or--42000ppra CF---42000ppm
4/s=l'35E+OS kgdzr T, =lOl.7 CI ]T6=32.4 t "(. T=34C r ]Ts~--25 C
r,=114c 2~ ....................... 1- I L Seawater
v | I reed
~ ......... | | ~ Distillate
'vu=z'/Yw"~~g/~] ~ / o =l.12E+OdkO'hr
:r~2ooo p ~ l [r/, =3o c
r,=34c I_____] "_
:~ Blowdown
1.40E+OSP-g/hr t~4ne Henter Heat Recovery Seca'on ~vp ~ IW~l.am~o6
J [Cn--70178pt~2
Steam ]Te--32,4C
Wn,,~a=l.OgE'c'O7kg/l~ Woa--1.67E+O6kg/hr Recycle WR= 9.14E+O6kg/hr
Wt~t=8.02E.t.Od~ CR=70178 pPra CR=7017817pra OR-- 70178ppm
C~t_.8OOOOpl~ , ~ T~=32.4 C ~ C Ta--32.4 C
Heat Rejection S ~
T,=Sl.SC T T
W ~ 2 . ZPE40d kg/hr ] I WR-- 9.14E+Odkg/kr
c~2ooo m,~ l lc ~ mm ~ m
r,=34 Cl ~r~32. 4 c

Fig. 2. Brine recycle multi-stage flash desalination plant (typical one of three identical modules).
46 A.M. Helal et al. / Desalination 169 (2004) 43-60

MSF Feed
WF= 9. 80E+OSkg/hr

~,, Tso,=25C
Brine Recycle
M S F Plant

[ Wo=I. 12E+05 kg/hr
Final Product ~ To=30C
kg~ I TwoStage
CT=264ppm I Permeate I s w R o Plant.~ / RO Feed
TT=26.7 C W =2.24E+05 kg/hd i . . _ Wro=5.99E+06 kg/hr ( ~ _ - -
P C =395ppm CF-- 42000 ppm
Tsea=25 C

¢.=3. 74E+06kg/hr W.~=I.57E+05 kg/hr

d'~57000ppm C~d~= CR=70178 ppm
~e~=25C ( ~ Tbd= T6=32.4 C

"~'~ W _.=5 41E+06 kg/hr

Out fall I

Fig. 3. Case 1: Independent two-stage SWRO and brine recycle MSF plants with common intake-outfall facilities.
A.M. Helal et al. / Desalination 169 (2004) 43-60 47

Wm=5.95E+O6ksChr Single Stage RO Plant with

Ce=4eO00/~ra ~ Reoovery Sk~tem

Tt=34C ~~--~4E+05

w~2z~o~ ~e,~ T,=~4c ~_p=750ppm
72=lO/.g c= ] ~ F Plant T~=J?.4C C~=42000ppra IT1=34 C w~.92E+Od kg/hr
r ~ ......... _. ~ - - ---J ~ J ~ C~'=42000ppm
v.=~..~,~.wsk~--~ ...................... ~-' (
"~ T,=114c/'~ I.......... I, ~__ . T~=25Cscawatcr
~) ~

~ rg~oc Wr=3.3Z~+O~ke/~r
C~ 500R~M

, ~ 3= "[~11 I i I]'~1 ......' ....

$tnam /~t ~Seahm
W~=2.YBE+05~ Cba=57137ppm
Ma=e, C~.42000m,~
Brme//~ta- T1=34C T~33.5 C
Wnv~=I. I OE+C7k8~ l Ib~3cle
Wt=t=~.O2-~+O6~vlir C,==57411ppra Wn2=1.g~E+O51c~W#=3.ZOE+Odkg/ltr Heat Rq~/on ~ a n
Ct.=76846ppm - TS=31.SC CR=d7411ppm ~ C~=57000pptn
r,=,l., C .(~ )~ r , - - 3 4 c
Fig. 4. Case 2: SWRO-brine recycle MSF
W~--2.98~+061~1~l WR=~.14E+Od~g/hr[
hybrid plant. Heated MSF cooling water
c~.4a~0om=t c.=ez4Hm=t reject is fed to the RO plant.
T,=34'CI T,=32~4Cl

Single Stage RO Plant

with Energy Recovery
Wt~f, C~ T1 ~ Tro=33.9 C

To Ejectors
4.99~+03 kg/hr
ICr=42000 ppm [ "~1 f ~ - ....
MSF.Plant Ir - I I I w~=J.oaz+o~kg/hr
r, =~oo.~_~ ,~ _Lr"34 ~ -~....... - - ; I ) ) o,=,:ooo~m
--- ~ (s?~----1. J 7" =2~ c . S~,,,ate~
w,=l.ssz+os,g/~ I I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " I I .L - - P~ed

I IW,=l.t2E÷Oeke~, Wvvr='J-a/z~'u°Kg/nr
I m =~n("
............ P,odo,,

" = z H c ~ II I~ = , , , I I ' "~-I .L Cr=362pPm

%['-)'--'4 ..... . ~ ~ .... ~ , $2 Tr =32,5C ) Combined
Brine ~eater ......... *
1.63E+05 kg/hr
Steam W ~ = 5,26E+05 kg/hr Recycle
Tm=33.9 C )
Wml=5.53E+OS kg/br )
Cf=42000 ppm W m2=6.25E+05 kg/hr
T~=34 C CR=53723 ppm
Wr.,~ = 1.32E+07 kg/h/ Te=32.6C
I Wd =4.0 IE+05 kg/hr
W~,t=8.02E÷O6 kg/hr CR =53723 ppm Wb2=3.4OE+OSkg~ r ICtl=67000ppm
Ci, t =61247 ppm T~ =32.5 C Ca =53723ppm ~T~=33.9 C
T,=31.8C )(~W k;i) '
Fig. 5. Case 3: SWRO-brine recycle MSF
u = 5.14E+06 Wt~=9.14E+05k g / h r ~ lE+O5 kg/hr hybrid plant with hot parts of the MSF
I CF=42000ppm Ct~ =53723ppm Cba=dO914ppm blowdown and cooling reject forming the
I Tf=34 C r.=32.6c T~=3~.3 C
feed to the RO plant.
48 A.M. Helal et al. / Desalination 169 (2004) 43-60

Single Stage RO Plant

with EnergyRecovery
We= 2,24E+O6kg/hr
C/,= 511ppm
T~=34 C

To~ ~ootor~

T 4.99e~.O3*~b" M S F Plant W,~,Y..Y#.~+06k,f/~r

CF" 42000ppm
) r,.-2~ c SaewatcrFeed
I W,-t.41E+O~ t,f/hr I I J
.~. ~ Combined Product
~/ W r- 3.37E+06"kg/'~
Or= 341ppm

,-3--6,,3~" W~¢- 6.20~'+06kg/M . •

V ~" CM" 64630p/am Rejoct-Blowdown
steam~ Brine Heater t l ~ t Reoove.ry ~ t l o n
I T~=33.1C
] W/~-9,14E+Oakg/lu"
WC-3.72e÷06kg,9~r I C ~ 61839ppm
Cd.aTOOOpp= t Wm"5.97H'tOdkg/hr R6wycJe ~, T~-32.~"C
| Ct,'42000ppm
Te'34 C W~z'3.33~+06k ~ r
( W~,t'8.02B+O5
G~t" 70494ppm
Wn~-2.84~+06 k ~
]C~. 67000ppm
J T~34 C
Wq,-3. 726+0Jkl/In [W~-3.JSg+o6k~Vhr
I c~-6zooo9p= Tg"31.8C )(~r~) T~,.32,5C ) , Q Te.,32.5C ~,(~ }-
To=34 IT;-3,,~
W~-3.97B+O5kg/hr T l w~, 6.20~+0~k ~
| I WR" 9.14E+06kg/hr C~¢-64630ppm
w~-3.gze.oe~A "= ~#.E÷06
',..,-3.59B÷06k,f~t _ :~..^ kg//u" Cu- 44347ppm
T1- 34 C
[ I C~- 61839ppm Te¢-33.3 C
~ = 44347ppm t,--..='420""
~ . m~ppm ~t~ ~uuv ppm
Tt- 34 C Tt.34 C T~'34 C

Fig. 6. Case 4: Hybrid SWRO--brine recycle MSF plant fully integrated with part of the RO reject forming a portion of
the MSF make-up.

gcrg.t az rys) =m

/1 c~twmn
Ty---"3/.4 C

~=101¢c Ts=31.4C
• .. T"=Zrcsan~erFa ~
w,~.OC-~tr ~ ' -
r,=n4c ~~
T,p3oc ;@

, rr--~gc
amra r~,-~z4c w ~ . ~ z ~ r ~qz4c
c,,,,~mzem-,, On/ir,M
Bineti:nar r~z 4c 11~~

Fig. 7. Case 5:Once-through MSF-SWRO hybrid plant with the MSF unit upstream of the SWRO unit.
A.M. Helal et al. / Desalination 169 (2004) 43-60 49

Single Stage RO Plant

with Energy Recovery
System w~=~.41c-~
~ wn=t.~sz+oz~r
A C~=42000pten CF-4200OPPm
_ ~ I ~ , =2SC = rm=25C
Cp--471ppm Seawater
T~ =25 C Feed

Once ThroughMSF Plant W~--~.O~E+06lce/lr [ C0-'64362 ppm
T==I03., ......................
1 l
Tm=2Y C < (

(.~.=,,c WT= 3 . 3 7 ~ 0 6 k g / ~
~ Product
w~ =m 2E~oa~a/~ CT=SHm ~
ra=30 C Tr=ed.7C

¢. Blouffown
r,=no c l W== ZPTg+Odkg/hr
1.09g~5 k~ar IIe~R~overv~.'tt~ CtL~t=59501ppm
Steam BrineHeater T5 =31.4C

Fig. 8. Case 6:Once-through MSF-SWRO hybrid plant fully integrated with the SWRO unit upstream of the MSF unit.

Cf 75oppta
Single Stage RO Plant with T~=J4c
Energy Recovery System
W~=Wf=8.32E+06kg/hr cf42o~pt~
MSF P&m C~=42000ppm T~-2Y C
Te=70C 2.7C T~=34C
u ----~ ?
- r,=S4C
Heat Reco~ry S~ct~'on H e s t Rejwtion
0I6c~=7o178~ kg,~
Brine Heater ~,~h't~ "J t Tbd=32"7C
T~,3Z7 C ~ , Q
c..rTolzg m~
r~-3e.z c
Tg.31.8C W
IW.l~. / 4e+o6eg4~
w~.os~+o6t ~ l
c1-~7e26m~l T~=32. 7 C

Fig. 9. Case 7: SWRO-brine recycle MSF hybrid plant with the SWRO unit upstream of the MSF heat recovery section.
All the reject from the SWRO is used as make-up to the MSF plant.
50 A.M. Helal et al. / Desalination 169 (2004) 43-60

Table 1 Table 2
Input data for design calculations Basic input cost data

Variable Symbol Value Capacity

BR-MSF plant section Current work capacities
Coefficient to account a 0.88 RO plant section, m3/d 53,856
for using avg. latent MSF plant section, m3/d 26,928
heat of vaporization
Hybrid plant total capacity, m3/d 80,784
Feed seawater cone., ppm CF 42,000
Avg. specific heat capacity Cpg 4,185
Capacity or
rec. see., kJ/kg.K
Avg. specific heat capacity Cpj 4,176 flow rate
rej. see., kJ/kg.K
Reference capacities and
Inside dia. of condenser ID 0.022
tubes, m
Outside dia. of condenser OD 0.024 Feed rate for intake calc., m3/h 1,000
tubes, m Blowdown rate for outfall talc., 750
No. of rejection stages N/ 3 m3/h
MSF reject coolant temp., TI 34 RO plant capacity, m3/d 29,484
°C MSF plant capacity, m3/d 27,216
Top bring temp., °C T3 110
Distillate temp., °C Td 30 Value
Steam temp., °C Ts 114
Feed seawater temp., °C Ts~ 25 MSF plant cost data
Distillate flowrate, kg/h Wa 1.122E6 Capital recovery factor 0.0963
Avg. boiling point rise 0cR 1.4 Chemicals, $/m3 prod 0.024
ht. rec. see., °C Power (pumping), $/m3 prod 0.109
Avg. boiling point rise ~j 1.78 Steam cost (95-125°C), 0.00291-
ht. rej. see., °C $/kg steam 0.0045
Avg. latent heat of ~ 2346.3
Spares, $/m3 prod 0.082
vaporization, kJ/kg
Avg. brine density, kg/m 3 PB 1060 Labor, $/m3 prod 0.1
Avg. pure water density, Pw 1000
kg/m3 SWRO plant cost data
Capital recovery factor 0.0963
SWRO plant section Membrane cost, S/module 4,000 (stage 1)
Pure water permeability, m/s.atm Aw 8.33E-8 3,000 (stage 2)
Molar density of pure water, C 55.56 Chemical treatment, $/m3 prod 0.018
kg mol/m3 Power, S/kWh 0.03
Solute transport permeability, K 3.51E-8 Spares, $/m 3 prod 0.033
m/s Labor, $/m 3 prod 0.1
Mass transfer coefficient for k 2.7E-5 Intake/outfall, $/m 3 prod 0.808
salt, m/s
Module area (stage 1 or hybrid), 100
No. of ions on salt dissociation n 2
Salt molecular weight Ms 58.5
Pure water molecular weight Mw 18 Module area (stage 2-two-stage 100
Universal gas constant, R 8.21E-5 RO plant only), m 2
Permeate mass flowrate, kg/h Wp 2.244E6
A.M. Helal et al. / Desalination 169 (2004) 43-60 51

data given in Table 2 and the cost equations ($/m 3) will be increased by 11 ¢ for an increase of
applied in this work [1 ], it was found that the cost 1 $/t of steam. In other words, the cost per
of water produced by the MSF process is the thousand gallons (Imperial gallons) will be
highest whereas the RO technology has the most increased by about 50¢ for an increase in steam
favorable economics or least water cost. The cost equal to 1 $/t.
other hybrid processes produce water at costs An investigation of Fig. 10 reveals that for the
more or less between those of the RO and MSF, whole range of steam cost, water cost from the
depending on the capacity ratio of the RO to the MSF process remains to be higher than that
MSF plant sections (see Table 4). obtained from all hybrid plants. However, as the
It is important to notice that, in the following specific cost of steam goes down, water costs
discussions, prices of steam, energy, membranes from different plants get closer. Table 5 shows
and chemicals were varied by multiplying the that the MSF process may be favorable to the
corresponding values given in Table 2 (where the hybrid plants of cases 5-7 only at values of steam
cost multiplier equals one) by multipliers varying cost equal or below 0.001 $/kg (cost multiplier =
between 0.25 and 2. As an example, for an MSF 0.25). This explains the reason why the water cost
plant operated at a TBT of 110°C and at a cost is less when produced from a cogeneration plant
multiplier of 2 (as shown in Fig. 10), the cost of rather than a water only plant where steam is
1 kg of steam will be: 2x0.00415 or 0.0083 $/kg obtained by burning fuel in an auxiliary boiler, tn
or 8.3 S/ton. cogeneration plants, the steam cost is allocated
partly to the desalination plant and partly to the
power plant rather than being loaded solely on the
2.1. M i n i m u m water cost vs. steam cost
desalination plant. From Fig. 10 it is seen that the
Steam cost was varied between 0.00104 and behavior of the water cost from the two hybrid
0.00832 $/kg of steam. This corresponds to a plants of cases 5 and 6 is more or less the same.
variation of steam cost multiplier from 0.25 to 2 Hybrid plants assume lower sensitivity of
when the TBT is kept at 110°C. Correspondingly, water cost to variation in steam cost. Fitting the
the minimum water cost was calculated for each corresponding data of each one of these plants to
design alternative shown in Figs. I-9. Results are a straight line gives slopes of 0.04 for cases 1--4
represented graphically in Fig. 10, and numerical 0.033 for cases 5 and 7. Case 6 is the least
values are given in Table 5. For better readability, sensitive; linear correlation of its data gives a
the data of the MSF or the RO plant were plotted slope of 0.02 or 2 (¢/m3)/(S/t).
together with those corresponding to only one or
two of the other hybrid configurations.
2.2. M i n i m u m water cost vs. m e m b r a n e cost
Since the MSF is a thermal process that
depends mainly on steam as a source of heat for Computational results of this part are shown in
distillation, the cost of water produced by this Table 6 and plotted on Fig. 11. Except for the RO
process is most affected by variations in steam plant, the other cases assume approximate linear
cost. Linear regression of the data given in relationships. Linearization of the RO line results
Table 5 corresponding to the MSF process, in a straight line with a slope of 0.19 (S/m3)/
results in a straight line with a slope of0.11. This (100% increase in membrane cost). This result
slope represents the sensitivity of the specific cost tells that the water cost from the RO process is
of water produced by this process to variation in most sensitive to variations in membrane cost.
steam cost. This value means that the water cost This is expected since the RO process is purely
52 A.M. Helal et al. / Desalination 169 (2004) 43-60


~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ° . °






0 0




A.M.. H e l a l et al. / Desalination 169 (2004) 4 3 - 6 0 53

~'o6 ~0

0 ¢'q ¢~I e4 ~o

tN oh
0 • ~ qD
r,.) 0 ,.--, ¢".1

¢N 0
¢xl • ¢'e5
tll oh
0 ¢xl e4

0 oh

0 0
o oO ~,0 c3
oh ~"
¢xl e4


¢,.q t",l

• oh 0,1
0 e~ 0 ~ oh

oh kO 0
oo oh
o ~.. oO
txl e4 ~5 e~


0 ~oh

e~ ¢-q

0 o

o~ -- oo
~ ~ ~ oo o

0 e.d,


0 o
,.,±± •
~,<<~ ~ ,~ o -~ ~ ~ ~ o'~
54 A,M. Helal et al. /Desalination 169 (2004) 43-60

• . • , •

. 0 • . •


. ° • 0~. .
0 0 o 0 ~


t.~ 0 ¢q00 I~

0 0 ~ 0 , ' "





o o
• .
r,d O 0 0 0 0


~A ,A
• • ° . . l>

o 0

t,atr~ w). , 0 ,.t'~ 0 C , .,m.,4
A.M.. Helal et al. / Desalination 169 (2004) 43-60 55



~ 0 ~

0 0 ~ 0 0 ~ o ~ 0 0

• . ° ° ° • . • . °



0 0


56 A.M. Helal et al. / Desalination 169 (2004) 43-60


,-, 1.4

J.2 ' ~ 1.2

~ 1.0

.~ 0.8

~ 0.8

0.6 .~-............................................
0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Steam Cost Multiplier Steam Cost Multiplier
1.6 1.6 i ~Case 7 - o - - MSF

~ 1.2 ~ 1.2
r..) , rj

.~ 0.8 i .~ 0.8-i

0.6 ~ , , , 0.6 '

0 0.5 i 1.5 2 0 0.5 l 1.5 2
St~un Cost Multiplier Steam Cost Multiplier
Fig. 10. M i n i m u m w a t e r c o s t vs. s t e a m cost.

* RO -" Casel--O--Case2 ~RO x C.ase3 A Case4
g-, 1.0 ~ ,.-, 1.1

0.9 ¸ ~ 1.0
~ 0.9
8 o.s
.E 0.6 - .fl 0.6
0.5 0.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -r ......................... l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ......................... ---q

0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Module Cost Multiplier Module Cost Mukiplier
* RO ¢ C a s e 5 -+-..-Case6 1"27 , RO~Case7
1.0~ g,.o
"~0.9 ~ 0.9

~0.8 i ~ 0.8
0.7 ~ 0.7
•~ 0.6 - .~ 0.6
0.5 , , , 0.5 ~ ............... ~. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ........................ r ,
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Module Cost Multiplier Module Cost Multiplier

Fig. 11. M i n i m u m w a t e r c o s t vs. m o d u l e cost.

A.M. Helal et al. / Desalination 169 (2004) 43-60 57

a membrane-based technology. Case 7 comes the MSF plant continued to be the highest over
next to the RO process with a slope of 0.15. Case the whole temperature range. From Table 7 it is
6 is the least sensitive regarding water cost as a seen that water cost for the MSF process shows a
function of membrane cost. The line representing continuous, yet slight, increase (from 1.05 to 1. I
this relationship has a slope of 0.08. $/m3) with increasing TBT from 90 to 110°C. The
With a onefold increase in membrane cost same behavior can be noticed for cases 1-4 and 6,
(changing from a cost multiplier of 1 to 2), water with case 2 showing the minimum water cost
cost at the RO plant (0.90 $/m 3) approaches the (0.786 $/m 3) amongst all plants. Hybrid plants 5
cost of water produced at the hybrid plants repre- and 6 will produce water at the same cost (0.881
sented by cases 3 and 4 (0.939 and 0.921 $/m3). $/m3) when the TBT is kept at 110°C. In all cases
the steam temperature used at the brine heater
was 4°C higher than the selected TBT.
2.3. M i n i m u m water cost vs. T B T

In this study the TBT at the MSF plant section

2.4. M i n i m u m water cost vs. cost o f chemicals
was varied between 90 and 110°C. For each
temperature, the minimum water cost corres- Table 8 shows numerical values for the cal-
ponding to each plant configuration was com- culated water costs from the different plants.
puted and the output data are plotted in Fig. 12. Fig. 13 represents plots of these values against the
The calculated values are given in Table 7. chemicals cost multiplier. From these figures it is
Obviously, the two-stage RO plant was excluded seen that over a range of 0.25 to 2 for the cost
from this part of the study. The water cost from multiplier of chemicals, the water cost from the

---e--MSF • Case 1 ..o..... Case 2 1.2
--¢---MSF + C a s e 3 A Case4
~ - - " - ' - ~ ~ " 1.1
, ~ I ~
1.0 ~ 1.0

~, 0.9 ~ 0.9

0.8 ................. 0.8

0.7 0.7
90 95 100 105 110 90 95 100 105 110
Top Brine Ternperattre ( C ) Top Brine Temperature ( C )
1.2 7
, --¢'--MSF o Case5 --+-Case6
1.2 ~ .-¢---MSF ~ C a s e 7
-.'-" ], I i
~" 1.0
e !
p~ 0.9 ~0.9

.~ 0.8 1
' o.s J
0.7 0.7 -~ .................................. ~......................................... , ...................................... ~............................................... .
90 95 100 105 110 90 95 100 105 110
TopBrine Temperattre ( C ) Top Brine Temperature ( C )
F i g . 12. M i n i m u m water cost vs. top brine temperature.
58 A.M. Helal et al. / Desalination 169 (2004) 43-60

+RO.--4t--Casel o Case2 • MSF 1.2 • RO x Case3 • Case4 t3 MSF ..---.o

1.2 1.1 ------.o--.-----'--
.t-'-- ~ 1.0
~ 1.0
'a 0.9 ill
O - ~ ~0.8

i 0.7
•~ 0.6
- t " ~ 0,7


0.5 0.5
0 0.5 I 1.5 2 I 1.5 2
Chemical Cost Multiplier 0.5 Chemical Cost Multiplier
1.2 1.2 • RO~Case7 [] MST
~ R O O Case5 +-Case6--a--MSF _-.--a------'---
---a-- -----'~'---
0.9 0.9

0.8 t. 0.8 ~,~

~: 0.7 0.7 *---"*---- ~ *
•-~ 0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5 ...............................................•............................................... ~-.........................................................,........................................................
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 0 0.5 1 1.5 2
Chemical Cost Multiplier Chemical Cost Multiplier

F i g . 13. M i n i m u m water cost vs. chemical cost.

1.3 • RO - Casel -O-Case2 MSF 1.3 ~RO, X Case3 • Case4 [] MSF

"-, 1.2
"-" 1.0 1.0
0.9 0.9
0.8 o
o~ 0.8
0.7 0.7
.GI 0.6 .~ 0.6
0.5 0.5
0 0.5 I 1.5 2 0.5 1 1.5 2
Energy Cost Multiplier Energy Cost Multiplier

1,3 j t RO e ~ e 5 + ~ e 6 o MSF ~ R O ~Case7 O MSF
"-" 1.2 -~
~"" 1.2
I.I 4
i.oi 1.0
0.9-~ 0.9
0.7 i 0.7
0.6 i .~ 0.6
0.5 i 0.5
0.5 I 1.5 2 0.5 1 1.5 2
EaerSy Cost M u l t i p l i e r Ener~ Cost Multiplier

F i g . 14. M i n i m u m water cost vs. energy cost.

A.M. Helal et aL / Desalination 169 (2004) 43-60 59

MSF plant remains to be the highest while that of the MSF plant is the least sensitive to energy cost
the two-stage RO continues to be the least. variation where the corresponding line shows a
Linearization of the individual plant data given in slope of only 7.9 (¢/m 3) for a one-fold increase in
Table 8 shows that the specific water cost from energy cost.
the MSF process is the least sensitive to chemical
cost variation. The corresponding line shows a
slope of 4.4 (¢/m 3) per unit cost multiplier or
3. Conclusions
100% change in chemicals cost. For the same
change in chemicals cost, the water cost from the 1. In the first two parts of this study [1,2], the
RO plant will be increased by 7.2 ¢/m 3. Cases 5 feasibility of the hybridization of RO and MSF
and 6 assume the highest sensitivity to chemical technologies to improve the MSF economics
costs. Increasing the chemical cost by onefold were investigated through an optimization study
will result in an increase in water cost equal to 10 based on minimum water cost. In this study, nine
and 9,3 ¢/m 3 for cases 5 and 6, respectively. For different water only plants, having the same
the same change in chemical cost, case 7 assumes desalting capacity, were considered for com-
an 8.3 ¢/m 3 increase in water cost. The higher parison. Besides a brine-recycle MSF plant, a
sensitivity of cases 5 and 6 to changes in two-stage RO plant and seven other hybrid
chemical costs is attributed to their configuration RO/MSF plant configurations were studied.
where the MSF part of the plant is of the 2. Comparison revealed that two-stage RO
once-through type which by virtue calls for a has the most favorable economics and perfor-
higher rate of chemical consumption. mance characteristics from the standpoint of
water cost, specific capital cost and recovery
fraction. The study concluded that in designing
2.5. M i n i m u m w a t e r cost vs. cost o f energy
new desalination plants, hybridization of the RO
As shown in Table 2, the reference case cor- and MSF processes would result in better eco-
responds to an energy cost of 3 C/kWh. Table 9 nomics and operation characteristics than those
shows the values of minimum water cost cal- corresponding to conventional MSF plants.
culated for the different cases vs. the energy cost 3. The MSF process proved to have high
multiplier. The same data are plotted in Fig. 14. specific capital costs, and this is the main reason
The following discussions are based on lineari- for the high cost of water produced by this
zation of the water cost data and electricity process. For the MSF process to compete, it is
energy cost multiplier given in Table 9. Slopes of suggested that the process design may be revised
these lines show that water cost from the RO for possible reduction in its capital investment.
plant is the most sensitive to changes in energy 4. We investigated the sensitivity of the mini-
cost. The corresponding line assumes a slope of mum water cost to: steam cost, membrane cost,
17.7 (¢/m 3) for a one-fold increase in energy cost. top brine temperature, cost of chemicals and cost
Over the whole range of energy cost variation, of electrical energy. Results showed that RO
the water cost from the MSF plant remains to be technology has the most favorable economics
the highest while that of the RO plant continues regardless of the cost element varied and the
to be the least. Water cost of the different hybrid range of variation. A sensitivity study showed
plants will be increased by values varying that RO technology is the most sensitive to
between 13.4 and 17.2 (¢/m 3) for a one-fold variations in the cost of electricity, while the
increase in energy cost. However, water cost from MSF process is the least sensitive. Also,
60 A.M. Helal et al. / Desalination 169 (2004) 43-60

membrane cost variation will affect RO water References

cost more significantly than is the case with
[1] A.M. Helal, A.M. EI-Nashar, E.S. A1-Katheeriand
hybrid RO/MSF plants con-sidered in this study.
S.A. A1-Malek,Optimal design of hybrid RO/MSF
The MSF process is the most sensitive desalination plants, Part I: Modeling and algorithms,
technology to variation in steam cost. Chemical Desalination, 154 (2003) 43-66.
cost variation has the least effect on water cost [2] A.M. Helal, A.M. EI-Nashar, E.S. A1-Katheeriand
from the studied plants. S.A. A1-Malek,Optimal design of hybrid RO/MSF
desalination plants, Part II: Results and discussion,
Desalination, 160 (2004) 13-27.

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