Number of Modules and Their Description : Raghvendra Pratap Singh - MCA-873

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Approved projects Proposal Performa

Biodata of the Guide

1. Title Of the Project

2. Introduction and objectives

3. Projects category

4. Tools/Platform,hardware and software Requirement specification

5. Problem Defination,Requirement Specifications,Project Planning

And scheduling(gantt/Pert Chart).

6. Scope of solution

7. Analysis (DFDs,Er Diagrams etc.)

8. A complete Structure Which Include:

 Number Of Modules and their description

 Data Structures of all each Module

9. Implementation of security mechanisms at various levels

10. Future scope and further enhancement of the project

11. Bibliography.

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


Title Of The Projects:

Introduction And Objectives:

“A social Network is a website, or network of websites, specially

established to allow end users to communicate directly with each other on topics of mutual interest.”

We define social network sites as web-based services that allow individuals to (1) construct a public or
semi-public profile within a bounded system, (2) articulate a list of other users with whom they share a
connection, and (3) view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the
system. The nature and nomenclature of these connections may vary from site to site.
The purpose of this introduction is to provide a conceptual, historical, and
scholarly context for the articles in this collection. We begin by defining what constitutes a social
network site and then present one perspective on the historical development of SNSs, drawing from
personal interviews and public accounts of sites and their changes over time. Following this, we review
recent scholarship on SNSs and attempt to contextualize and highlight key works. We conclude with a
description of the articles included in this special section and suggestions for future research.
Since their introduction, social network sites (SNSs) such as My
Space, Face book, Cyworld, and Bebo have attracted millions of users, many of whom have integrated
these sites into their daily practices. Most sites support the maintenance of pre-existing social networks,
but others help strangers connect based on shared interests, political views, or activities. Some sites
cater to diverse audiences, while others attract people based on common language or shared racial,
sexual, religious, or nationality-based identities. Sites also vary in the extent to which they incorporate
new information and communication tools, such as mobile connectivity, blogging, and photo/video-
Scholars from disparate fields have examined SNSs in order to
understand the practices, implications, culture, and meaning of the sites, as well as users' engagement
with them. This special theme section of the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication brings
together a unique collection of articles that analyze a wide spectrum of social network sites using
various methodological techniques, theoretical traditions, and analytic approaches. By collecting these
articles in this issue, our goal is to showcase some of the interdisciplinary scholarship around these sites.
What makes social network sites unique is not that they allow individuals to meet
strangers, but rather that they enable users to articulate and make visible their social networks.
Objective :-
The Objective of my project is to connect with friends and family using
scraps and instant messaging .Also we can search new friends through friends and communities and
share our videos, pictures, and passions all in one place.
Through this website we can interact with different people.
We make new friends.
Faster, robust and efficient in processing of information.
We can share valuable data with them.
We can make a big network of friends using this site.

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


Project category:

Web Based Application System with RDBMS.

Tools/Platform,Hardware and Software Requirement Specification:

Front End : JEE 5.0 (JSP, Servlet, Struts)
Features of JEE(5.0):

Java™ Database Connectivity (JDBC™) API.

Transaction Service.
Java Naming and Directory Interface™ (JNDI) API.
Java™ Message Service (JMS) API.
JDK (Java Development Kit).
Write once and Run anywhere technology.
Supports the intercommunication of java objects / other objects across the network.
JSP (Java Server Pages).
XML Java Mail™ API.
Back End : IBM DB2

Features are:

DB2 defines data at the system level.

This minimizes / eliminates data redundancy
Any number of different 400 languages and database tools can access the same file
layout, without needing definition within that software.
DB2 supports Data sharing, Referential Integrity, Triggers, Queryable system catalog and
Stored Procedures.
Java-based client accessible through a Web browser.
Parameter driven reports.
Automated relationship recognition.
Single server-based code installation.
Adapters for other relational databases.
Hardware Minimum Requirements for Server:
Component Specification
Processor 1.0 GHz Intel Pentium-4
Memory 1 GB DDR
Hard drive 20 GB or higher
Modem 56 KBPS
Monitor 17” color work monitor
Keyboard Microsoft Standard 102 keys OR Normal keyboard.
Mouse Optical

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


CD writer 52x

Hardware Minimum Requirements for Client:

Component Specification
Processor 333 MHz Intel Pentium-4
Memory 128 MB DDR(Recommended)
Hard drive 40GB or higher(Min 30MB virtual Memory)
Modem 56 KBPS
Monitor 17” color work monitor
Keyboard Microsoft Standard 102 keys OR Normal keyboard.
Mouse Optical
CD writer 52x

Hardware Minimum Requirements for Developer:

Component Specification
Processor 1.0 GHz Intel Pentium-4
Memory 1 GB DDR
Hard drive 40 GB or higher
Modem 56 KBPS
Monitor 17” color work monitor
Keyboard Microsoft Standard 102 keys OR Normal keyboard.
Mouse Optical
CD writer 52x

Software requirements for Server:

Use of the software Name of the software

Operating System Any operating System (windows, Linux etc.)

Web Server Apache Tomcat 6.0
Back End IBM DB2

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


Web Browser IE or compatible

Software requirements for Client:

Use of the software Name of the software

Operating System Any operating System(windows, Linux etc.)

Web Browser IE or compatible

Software requirements for Developer:

Use of the software Name of the software

Operating System Any operating System

Web Server Apache Tomcat 6.0
IDE My Eclipse 8.5
Front End JSP/SERVLET/struts
Back End IBM DB2
Reporting Tool Jasper Report
For Documentation MS Office 2007
For client side scripting Java Script

For web page designing HTML,XML,CSS,DHTML,Dreamweaver

Web Browser IE or compatible

Problem Definition, Requirement Specifications, Project Planning

And Scheduling (Gantt/Pert chart):
Problem Definition
The first step in the System Improvement Process (SIP) is to define the
problem. The guiding principle of this step is: The more correctly a problem is defined the less work
required to solve it. In my project the existing system defines various problems. Today in fast
environment the professional people do not get enough time to communicate each other, unable to
share the thoughts amongst all the people. The scholars don’t able to share the thoughts related to any
topics, valuable information related to different arias. Thus the social networking site provides the
facility of communication between different kinds of peoples in a very easy way with prominent

Requirement Specification:
Conventions are as follows:
Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-

R - Required
– Optional
C - Conditional

There is the following functional requirement by follow the above conventions:

R.1 System should be web based. (R)
R.2 Interface should be GUI (R)
R.3 Secure registration and profile management facilities for Users (R)
R.4 Browsing through the web site to see the people’s profile and send a friend
Request (O)
R.5 Friend Request accept or rejected by the users (C)
R.6 Create a forum for discussion on topics (O)
R.7 Send a message to the friends for keep in touch (O)
R.8 View the news events promoted by the administrator (O)

R.9 There must be message creation and store facility (R)

R.10 View the white board promoted by the administrator and reply for reports (O)

Non-Functional Requirement:
“Non-functional requirement deal with the characteristics of the system that can not be
expressed functionally”.

The Non-functional requirement is as follows:

The manual handling of the record is time consuming and highly prone to error. To improve
the performance of the Social Networking Sited, the online computerized system is to be
undertaken. This project is fully computerized and user friendly even that any of the
members can see the profile of another user and send a friend request.

The basic need of this website is efficiency. The website should be efficient so that
whenever a new user submits his/her details the website is updated automatically. This
record will be useful for other users instantly.

The complete control of the project is under the hands of authorized person who has the
password to access this project and illegal access is not supposed to deal with. All the
control is under the administrator and the other members have the rights to just see the
records not to change any transaction or entry.


Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


Security is the main criteria for the proposed system. Since illegal access may corrupt the
database. So security has to be given in this project.

Project Planning And Scheduling (Gantt/Pert chart) :

The objective of software project planning is to provide a framework that enables the manager to
make reasonable estimates of resources, cost, and schedule. Here I have prepared the PERT chart for

PERT Chart:

Scheduling PERT Chart and Gantt chart are the major parts of it. Program Evaluation
and Review Technique (PERT) and Critical Path Method (CPM) are two project-scheduling methods that
can be applied to software development. Interdependencies among tasks may be defined using a task
network. A task network, also called an activity network is a graphic representation of a task flow for a
project. Activities and their descriptions for the PERT chart are given below


1 0–1 Customer communication
2 1–2 Concept planning
3 2–3 System study
4 3–4 Identification of need
5 4–5 Preliminary investigation
6 5–6 Feasibility study
7 6–7 Content analysis
8 6–8 Interaction analysis
9 6–9 Functional analysis
10 7,8,9 – 10 Analysis modeling
11 10 – 11 S/W, H/W requirement
12 11 – 12 Database design
13 11 – 13 Interface design
14 11 – 14 Architectural design
15 11 – 15 Navigation design
16 12,13,14,15 - 16 Coding
17 16 - 17 Validation check
18 17 - 18 Coding documentation
19 18 - 19 Testing
20 19 – 20 Implementation

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


7 8 9



12 13 14 15






PERT Chart

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


Gantt Chart:

Gantt chart is the breakup of the project into a number of smaller tasks. The start date,
duration and the effort are defined for each task. The tasks are listed on the y-axis and the horizontal
bars against each task indicate the duration of the task.

Gantt chart

Task No. Task Expected time of completion

1 Requirement Analysis 5-7weeks
2 Design 3-6weeks
3 Coding 4-6 weeks
4 Testing and Quality Assurance 1-2 weeks
5 Documentation 1-2 weeks
6 Implementation 1Weeks

Task No. Task 5-7 weeks 3-6 weeks 4-6 weeks 1-2 weeks 1-2 weeks 1 Weeks
1 Requirement  
2 Design  

3 Coding  

4 Testing&quality
5 Documentation

6 Implementation

Scope of solution:
When designing any solution there are three factors that affect the solution: Time, Cost, Scope.
I have found that our clients generally have a clear definition of the Time allowed for any solution along
with a level of the amount of investment (cost) they are prepared to invest. This leaves only scope as a
major variable in solution design.In my project I add the extra features like adding new friends through
friends and communities and share our videos, pictures, and passions all in one place. Through this
website we can interact with different people. We make new friends. Faster, robust and efficient in
Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-

processing of information. We can share valuable data with them. We can make a big network of friends
using this site.

Analysis (DFDs, ER Diagrams)/Control Flow Diagram

start Detail For Registration


Enter username password IsExisti-ng user Yes no

yes no

Is valid
User? no



USER Privileges

Use Services like :Search friends,add

friends,forum,messaging,update profile,update,album,Expert
vedio,carrier no
no Do you want use Do you want
services Logout
yes y

Data Stores In Database

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


Expert Vedio

Chat Room

Carrier Forum

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


c Carrier
Chat Room Forum

Expert Vedio

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-



Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


A complete structure which include:

Number of Modules and their description

The Modules are given below.

 Forum Module:-

In this module user creates forum and post to their friend’s .Admin can
define forum type. User can create different types of forum post it and get reply from their friends.

 Friends Mapping Module:-

In this module users can map or search their friends and

add them to their profile. Users can also get information about their friends of friends.

 Message Module:-

This module is used for sending any message to friends or friends of

friends and also gets the reply of these messages from other users.

 News Event Module:-

Administrator controls this module. In this module admin can

create any news event and user can read it.

 Photo Module:-

Users maintain this module. Users can add their photos to their profile.

 Photo Category Module:-

Administrator controls this module. Admin can check

the type of photos and restrict the user to use any unwanted pictures.

 User Login Module:-

Through this module user can create his or her account with valuable
information on the site.
Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-

 User Profile Module:-

Users maintain this module. Users can edit their profiles and
make changes in it. Users can also add their picture to their profiles. In this module users can give
their detailed information.

 White Board Module:-

The administrator controls this module. Administrator creates a

white board in which some information is given.

 Chat Room Module:-

The user make the frinds on line and share there Thoughts and views
 Expert Vedio Module:-

The Administrator provided the facilities of the subject expert vedio that
bassed on the special topics in computer science and the subjects relatyed presentations.

 Carrier Forum Module:-

The Adminstrator provided the facilities of the job search the freshers get
helps in the jobs hunting.

Data Structures of all modules :

 Table Name- Forum
Field Name Data Type Size (Bit) Key
forumkey Integer 15 Primary Key
viewcount Integer 15
parentkey Integer 15
title Varchar 30
forumtypekey Integer 15
isactive Character 01
lastmodifiedby Varchar 10
lastmodified on Date 01

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


 Tab

 le Name - ForumType
Field Name Data Type Size (Bit) Key

forumtype key Integer 15 Primary Key

name Varchar 30

lastmodifiedby Varchar 10

lastmodifiedon Date 01

 Table Name - FriendMapping

Field Name Data Type Size (Bit) Key
friendmapping key Integer 10 Primary Key
youruserid Integer 10
yourfrienduserid Integer 10
deleteyouuserid Character 01
deleteourfrienduserid Character 01
lastmodifiedby Varchar 10
lastmodifiedon Date 01

 Table Name - Message

Field Name Data Type Size (Bit) Key
messagekey Integer 20
deletefromcreatedby Integer 20
messageto Varchar 30
deletefromcreatedfor Integer 20
isread Character 01

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


message Varchar 300

createdby Integer 20

createdbyon Character 01

 Table Name - NewsEvent

Field Name Data Type Size (Bit) Key
newseventkey Integer 10 Primary Key
title Character 50
newsdate Date 01
description Character 300
photopath Character 50
lastmodifiedby Varchar 10
lastmodifiedon Date 01

 Table Name - Photo

Field Name Data Type Size (Bit) Key
photokey Integer 10 Primary Key
title Varchar 50
fullphotopath Varchar 50

thumbphotopath Varchar 25
lastmodifiedby Varchar 10
lastmodifiedon Date 01

 Table Name- PhotoCategory

Field Name Data Type Size (Bit) Key

photocategorykey Integer 10 Primary Key

categoryname Varchar 50

aboutcategory Varchar 50

lastmodifiedby Varchar 10

lastmodifiedon Date 01

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


Table Name - Users

Field Name Data Type Size (Bit) Key
Userid Integer 15 Primary Key
username Varchar 20
password Varchar 15
fullname Varchar 20
address Varchar 50
gender Character 01
photopath Varchar 20
phone_ no Integer 15
e-mail Varchar 30
securityno Varchar 10
isverified Character 01
isadmin Character 01
isactive Character 01
lastmodifiedby Varchar 10
lastmodifiedon Character 01
securityquestion Varchar 50
securityanswer Varchar 50

Table Name - UserProfile

Field Name Data Type Size (Bit) Key
userid Integer 10 Primary Key
username Varchar 30
userdob Integer 15
location Integer 20
relationshipstatus Character 01
phoneno Integer 15
educational Varchar 50
address Varchar 50
aboutme Varchar 200
occupation Varchar 20
sports Varchar 30
music Varchar 20
e-mail Varchar 30
religion Varchar 15
passion Varchar 20
language’s Character 20
 Table Name - WhiteBoard
Field Name Data Type Size (Bit) Key

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


whiteboardkey Integer 10 Primary Key

topic Varchar 30
parentkey Integer 10
detail Integer 20
isactive Character 01
lastmodifiedby Varchar 10

Process Logic of each module :

 Forum Module :
i. It takes forum detail, admin info from student as well as admin.
ii. After receiving all above details it process and generates the forum information.
iii. It generates the forum info to the students and admin info to the forum type creation module. It
also updated the database info.
 Friends Mapping Module :
i. It takes friends_id, request to add as friend detail from students. It takes help of database to
generate information to the users.
ii. After receiving all above details it process and generates the Friends Mapping information.
iii. It generates the modified friend’s information to user. It also updated the database info.
 Message Module :
i. It takes request to create,read,delete msg details from user .it takes massage id form the
database .
ii. After receiving all above details it process and generates the Message Module information to
the users.
iii. It generates the update message info to the user. It also updated the database info.

 News Event Module:

i. It takes news details from admin .it takes news_id form the database.
ii. After receiving all above details it process and generates the News event Module information to
the users.

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


iii. It generates the update message info to the user as well as to the admin.It also updated the
database info.

 Photo Module :
i. It takes photos details from users.
ii. After receiving all above details it process and generates the following information to the end users.
iii. It sends the path of photos to the database and stores the photos of users at the server.

 Photo Category Module :

i. It takes photos category details from admins.
ii. After receiving all above details it process and generates the following information to the end
iii. It sends the photos category info to database as well as to the admin.

 User Profile Module :

i. It takes personal detail and requests for edit profile details from User.
ii. After receiving all above details it process and generates the user profile information to the end
iii. It sends users personal info to the user as well as update the info to the database.

 White Board Module:

i. It takes Whiteboard details from User and whiteboard description detail from the admin.
ii. After receiving all above details it process and generates WhiteBoard information to the end users.
iii. It generates whiteboard info to the user & whiteboard reply info to the admin as well as update the
info to the database.
Report generation :

Generate different management report.

 It generates user report.

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-

 It generates forum report.

 It generates photo category report.

Implementation methodology: A product software implementation method is a

systematically structured approach to effectively integrate software based service or
component into the workflow of an organizational structure or an individual end-user. I had
use the spiral modal for my project as an implementation
methodology.The spiral model is a software development process combining elements of
both design and prototyping-in-stages, in an effort to combine advantages of top-down and
bottom-up concepts. Also known as the spiral lifecycle model (or spiral development), it is a
systems development method (SDM) used in information technology (IT). This model of
development combines the features of the prototyping model and the waterfall model. The
spiral model is intended for large, expensive and complicated projects.

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


Spiral Model

Overall network architecture -

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


Expert Vedio

Chat Room

Carrier Forum

Implementation of Security mechanisms at various levels :-

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


 Need of Security

Security should be a very important and concerning issue in our every day
activity. No matter you are parts of a company or a home user, it is very important to protect
your work. You need good security software. Every organization and individual possesses
certain vital information - a unique formula, specialized customer database, a personal diary,
annual financial data, etc. The organization would be compromised if such data fell into the
wrong hands. Until a few years ago, protecting such information was relatively easy. All one
required was a strong safe with a single key to access it. However, such privacy does not exist
anymore. Encryption is now the only way to protect your valuables. Currently, except for a few
strong encryption packages, there are no means available to perform this critical encryption

 Authentication & Authorization:

Authentication and Authorization are two interrelated concepts.

 Authentication:

Authentication usually involves a username and a password, but can include any other method
of demonstrating identity, such as a smart card, retina scan, voice recognition, or fingerprints.
Since browsers first started implementing basic authentication, website administrators have
wanted to know how to let the user log out. Since the browser caches the username and password
with the authentication realm.

 Authorization :
Authorization is the process of giving someone permission to do or have something. In
multi-user computer systems, a system administrator defines for the system which users are
allowed access to the system and what privileges of use (such as access to which file directories,
hours of access, amount of allocated storage space, and so forth). Authorization is the process of
controlling access and rights to resources, such as services or files.

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


Future Scope and further enhancement of the project -

We can do many enhancements in future in this project. We can also add many modules in it such

 In future for high security we can add security module in it.

 Also we can add a module which is used for video conferencing throughexperts.
 We can also add a module to create a Blog in this project.
 We can add a recording facility in this project.
 We can add a module for uploading videos.
Bibliography :-

I am very glad to inform that during the making of this proposal, I have taken
help of various books. They were very helpful to me and provided a lot of guidance. I am very
grateful to the writers of those books, some of them are as follows:

 Software Engineering, By: Roger s. Pressman Published, By:- McGraw Hill

Higher Education

 Java :The Complete Reference, By: Herbert Schildt, Published By: McGraw
Hill Higher Education.

 Programming in java , By: Balagurusamy, Published By: BPB publications

 JSP Tag Libraries, Manning Publication co., Gal Sachor, Adam chace, Magnus

 J2EE Complete reference, for Servlet and JSP, publication Tata McGraw-Hill.
Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-

 For DB2

Raghvendra Pratap Singh |MCA-


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