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Hydrobiologia 389: 183–191, 1998.

© 1998 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Oligochaete drift in a large river (French Upper Rhône):

the effect of life cycle and discharge

Bernard Cellot & Jacques Juget

ESA CNRS 5023 ‘Ecologie des Eaux Douces et des Grands Fleuves’ Université Claude Bernard, Lyon 1, 69622
Villeurbanne cedex, France. Fax: [+33] 4 72 43 11 41; E-mail:

Received 20 April 1998; in revised form 16 November 1998; accepted 30 November 1998

Key words: drift, oligochaetes, spatio-temporal variation, large river

In the framework of a macroinvertebrate drift study, the oligochaete community was analysed over one year (1989)
at six sites located in a partly impounded reach of the Upper Rhône River (France). Drift composition between sites
was somewhat affected by the environmental conditions. These differences were caused by significant deviations
in drift rates (P < 0.05) of endobenthic oligochaetes and non-swimming Naididae. There was no significant
difference (P > 0.05) among the swimming Naididae. As the latter strongly dominated, global spatial differences
in the drift were weak. Temporal changes constituted the main source of variability in drifting oligochaetes. Life
cycles and reproductive ecology of four major swimming Naidid species,Nais elinguis, Stylaria lacustris, Nais
christinae, and Nais barbata, explained most of the drift structure over the year. Hydrological fluctuations also
affected drift structure, both for swimming and non-swimming species. Taxon richness and relative abundance in
the drift were very similar to those obtained in the river benthos from a reference reach previously studied. There
was a lack of stygobiont and stygophilous species that are frequent in area of groundwater seepage. Biological
and environmental implications of oligochaete drift are stressed. The drift phenomenon is appropriated to provide
ecological informations on oligochaete communities in fast flowing and deep, large rivers.

Introduction family Naididae are favoured by the predominance

of coarse substratum, in contrast with other families
The composition, intensity and causes of invertebrate such as the Tubificidae (Learner et al., 1978). Nai-
drift in running waters have received considerable dids are primarily linked to the biotecton (i.e. epilithon
attention, especially for arthropods; several biotic and periphyton). They may thus contribute a higher
and abiotic factors are involved in the phenomenon drift component than other oligochaete families that
(see reviews by Waters, 1972; Bournaud & Thibault, include endobenthic and subterranean species more
1973; Statzner et al., 1984; and Brittain & Eikeland, able to resist hydraulic disturbances. Furthermore,
1988). Very few data are available for other groups. the Naididae comprise swimming and non-swimming
Oligochaetes are rarely taken into account at a species species. Sexual and asexual reproduction also co-
level and, as noticed by Dumnicka (1996), they are occur or succeed each other in their populations; the
even ignored in drift studies. However, the oligochaete proportion of these two types of reproduction gov-
community may often represent an important part of erns productivity and survival rates of the species
the benthic macrofauna in impounded rivers as well concerned (see references in the reviews by Loden,
as in pristine streams (e.g. Simpson et al., 1986; Os- 1981; Giere & Pfannkuche, 1982). Such aspects pre-
wood, 1989; Petto & Humpesch, 1992; Bournaud et sumably could play a role in the drift of oligochaete
al., 1996; Koetsier & Bryan, 1996). communities, and conversely, drift ought to study eco-
Among the oligochaetes living in lotic environ- logical requirements for some oligochaete populations
ment, specific richness and abundance within the in large rivers.

in 1984 by a hydroelectric power plant (Roux et al.,

1989; Amoros, 1991). The impoundment regulated the
by-pass section and, now only two side-arms are still
connected to the main channel. One side-arm located
in the by-pass section is a fast-flowing anastomosed
channel (minimum mean velocity > 0.2 m s−1 ), also
permanently connected at its upstream end. The other
side-arm located in the Total Rhône section is a more
lentic braided channel connected with the Rhône itself
at its upstream end only during spates (discharge >
1100 m3 s−1 ); at low water level (the mean annual dis-
charge is 445 m3 s−1 over the period 1920–1990, data
from ‘Compagnie Nationale du Rhône’), this side-
arm is mainly supplied by seepage from the alluvial
aquifer. More details of the study area are given in
Cellot (1996).
Six sampling sites were chosen along the main
river axis (Figure 1): three in the by-pass section and
three downstream from the power plant in the Total
Rhône section. To test the influence of the two side-
arm systems, sites were located in the single mouth
of each side-arm (2, 5), and in the main channel
about 0.8 km upstream (1, 4) and downstream (3, 6)
Figure 1. Map of the French Upper Rhône River at
from each confluence. All the sites were located along
Brégnier-Cordon, and location of the six sampling sites. concave shorelines so that they were scoured by the
main water flow. As it has been shown in river drift
studies that samples at mid-depth gave a mean value
Several studies on the macroinvertebrate fauna in of drift in the water column (Cellot, 1989a,b), only
the Upper Rhône River (France) have shown that one net was placed at mid-depth at each site. The
oligochaetes were numerous in the benthos (e.g. Cel- drift net used was based on the design of Burton &
lot & Bournaud, 1986; Tachet et al., 1991; Cogérino Flannagan (1976) which provides a good compromise
et al., 1995; Bournaud et al., 1996). Particular at- between filtration efficiency and sorting time. It had
tention was paid to spatial dynamics of the drift in a a mouth diameter of 0.3 m, a length of 1.4 m and a
recent work (Cellot, 1996). In the present paper, we re- 500-µm mesh. The mouth of the net was fitted with
examine the data focusing on oligochaete community an aluminium cone with a 0.02 m2 opening, and a
only. The main objective of this investigation was the flowmeter was placed within the cone to determine
study of spatial composition and temporal changes of the volume of water filtered. Drift samples were col-
oligochaete drift throughout a year. We also compare lected only between sunset and sunrise. This night
drifting oligochaetes with those sampled by dredging period is not critical because no change in the diel drift
in a previously studied neighbouring reach of this fast of the oligochaete had been observed (Cellot, 1989b;
flowing and deep large river. see also Dumnicka, 1996). Sampling was performed
throughout 1989 about every ten days; however, a
spate in March was sampled more often (i.e. three
Material and methods times a week).
A total of 216 drift samples was thus collected (6
The study was carried out between river km 88 and sites × 36 dates). All the oligochaetes were sorted,
98, about mid-way between Geneva and Lyon (Fig- except for spate samples to which the 1/4 subsam-
ure 1). This reach, called Brégnier-Cordon, is part pling technique of Chavanon & Bournaud (1980) was
of a stony-sandy glacial basin surrounded by calcare- applied. They were identified to species level when-
ous mountains. It was originally characterized by the ever possible, and they were counted. Taxon richness
presence of several side-channels but was impounded and drift densities (i.e. number of individuals per

100 m3 of filtered water) were calculated. A drift lower and more stable). The coefficients of variation
rate (i.e. number of individuals per 10 h) were com- of the means (from 53 to 66% for taxon richness,
puted and log-transformed for each sample. These and from 133 to 169% for drift rates) reflected similar
latter data were examined by means of a multivari- temporal variability whatever the site, despite a great
ate analysis: centred Principal Component Analysis, disparity in filtered water volumes between sites (from
i.e. cPCA (Dolédec & Chessel, 1991). Ordination 20 to 139%). Based on the drift rates, the average pro-
methods provide factorial scores (i.e. new synthetic portion of swimming Naididae was somewhat lower
variables) that may be used for mapping. In addition, at sites 1–3 (by-pass section) than at sites 4–6 (Total
between-class cPCA was performed to know the part Rhône section), and it was especially low at site 2
of the total inertia (i.e. variability) of the data table and high at site 5. This was clearly reversed for the
that was linked to either space or time (Dolédec & non-swimming Naididae as well as endobenthos.
Chessel, 1989, 1991). The 6 sites and the 36 dates Such spatial differences in drift composition were
were thus used here as classes, respectively. This pro- statistically compared by Student’s t-tests performed
cedure takes into account the data cumulated by class on taxon richness and log-transformed drift rates for
and introduces the principles of an analysis of vari- the three categories previously described (Table 2).
ance (Lebreton et al., 1991). Analyses and graphics Significant differences were often found between two
were carried out using the ADE (Analyse de Don- sites at least one of each was a side-arm site (i.e.
nées Ecologiques) software, a package for multivariate 2 or 5). They especially occurred at high levels of
analysis and graphical display for environmental data significance for total Rhône side-arm (site 5) which
(Thioulouse et al., 1995). is the site most isolated from discharge fluctuations.
However, all these differences concerned only the
richness (taxa) and the drift rates of non-swimming
Results and discussion oligochaetes (non-swimming Naididae and endoben-
thos); in contrast, swimming Naididae showed no
Composition and differences between sites significant difference whatever the site. Taking into ac-
count the disparity in the water volume filtered by nets
In total, 32 taxa were collected in drift, including the between sites (see Table 1), this last result suggests
unidentified Enchytraeidae (see Appendix 1). As Nai- a greater active drift (i.e. drift largely independent
dids dominated greatly in richness as well as in abun- of local hydraulic factors) of the swimming species
dance, three main categories of taxa of well-known than of species unable to swim. Furthermore, the lack
ecological significance were first considered: of significant differences between sites located up-
(i) swimming Naididae (Dero digitata, Nais barbata, stream and downstream from the side-arm confluences
Nais christinae, Nais elinguis, Nais pardalis, Nais (paired sites 1–3 and 4–6, Table 2), confirmed that
pseudobtusa, Nais simplex, and Stylaria lacustris), side-arm drift had no influence on oligochaete drift in
(ii) non-swimming Naididae (including the 14 other the main channel of this large river (Cellot, 1996). As
species of Naididae), and Naididae and particularly swimming ones dominated
(iii) endobenthic species or endobenthos (i.e. all other the drift, differences between sites appeared globally
taxa excluding the Naididae). weak.
General parameters concerning the whole oligo- At a multivariate level, this was highlighted by
chaete community and its composition according to the results of the simple cPCA (Figure 2). On the
the previous categories are given as an annual aver- factorial map of the major axes (F1 and F2 which
age for each of the six sampled sites (Table 1). Based explained 32 and 27% of the total variability, respec-
on the amount of water sampled which largely varied tively), the mean positions of the samples according to
between sites, mean drift densities were much higher the site were very close to the axis origin. Only the by-
in the side-arms (sites 2 and 5) but they were similar pass section sites (1–3) were slightly separated from
at the main channel sites (1, 3, 4 and 6). The between- the Total Rhône section sites (4–6). However, each
site differences in both taxon richness and drift rate mean position of sites resulted from samples widely
showed a common pattern; high mean richness was dispersed as shown by the star graphs. In addition,
rather associated with high mean drift rate, and low the inertia analysis (between-site and between-date
mean richness was associated with low mean drift rate cPCA) showed that the spatial differences expressed
(site 5, where the volume of water filtered was both just only 8% of the total variabiltity of the data ta-
Table 1. Mean parameters (±SD expressed as a percentage of the mean, for n=36), and average relative
composition of drifting oligochaetes sampled at six sites during 1989 in the Brégnier-Cordon area, Upper
Rhône River

Site 1 2 3 4 5 6

Mean water volume 193 60 175 160 42 205

(m3 filtered by nets) (±71%) (±139%) (±66%) (±64%) (±20%) (±86%)

Mean drift density 44 159 61 47 97 50

(no. of ind. 100 m−3 ) (±165%) (±180%) (±181%) (±173%) (±162%) (±173%)

Mean taxon richness 5.0 6.9 6.6 5.3 3.2 5.7

(no. of taxa) (±62%) (±53%) (±57%) (±66%) (±61%) (±64%)

Mean drift rate 46 72 64 64 34 90

(no. of ind. 10 h−1 ) (±134%) (±133%) (±149%) (±169%) (±159%) (±166%)

Swimming Naididae 73.0 69.9 75.4 85.8 94.3 84.8

Non-swimming Naididae 24.7 25.4 20.6 12.2 5.4 10.7
Endobenthos (average%) 2.3 4.7 4.0 2.0 0.3 4.5

Table 2. Results of the Student’s t-test between six sites (paired

sites), on mean richness (Taxa) and log-transformed drift rates of
oligochaete groups (Swimming Naididae, Non-swimming Naidi-
dae, and Endobenthos) in the Brégnier-Cordon area, Upper Rhône

Paired Taxa Swimming Non- Endobenthos

sites Naididae swimming

1–2 2.251∗ 0.980 2.008∗ 0.717

1–3 1.447 0.587 1.052 0.785
1–4 0.221 0.400 1.070 0.341
1–5 2.304∗ 0.598 4.242∗∗∗ 3.912∗∗∗
1–6 0.600 1.485 0.545 2.186∗
2–3 0.632 0.380 0.605 0.100
2–4 1.952 0.498 2.777∗∗ 0.948
2–5 4.946∗∗∗ 1.565 6.167∗∗∗ 3.364∗∗∗
2–6 1.557 0.620 2.182∗ 2.345∗
Figure 2. Factorial map of the samples (small squares) and mean
3–4 1.198 0.144 2.212∗ 1.028
position of the six sites (star graphs) on the first two axes (F1 and
3–5 3.784∗∗∗ 1.171 5.654∗∗∗ 3.811∗∗∗ F2, with the highest eigenvalues; see the window) from a centred
3–6 0.835 0.947 1.623 1.321 Principal Component Analysis (cPCA) of oligochaete drift over one
4–5 2.481∗ 0.951 3.283∗∗ 2.967∗∗ year in the Brégnier-Cordon area, Upper Rhône River.
4–6 0.369 1.019 0.508 1.243
5–6 2.898∗ 1.618 3.660∗∗∗ 4.979∗∗∗

Significant differences: ∗ P < 0.05, ∗∗ P < 0.01 and ∗∗∗ P < ble while the temporal differences accounted for more
than 56%. Hence, the results emphasized mostly
temporal changes in drifting oligochaete community.

Figure 3. Temporal changes over 1989 in mean (±SE) sample

scores by section on the first two factorial axes (F1 and F2) of a
centred Principal Component Analysis (cPCA) on oligochaete drift
collected in the Brégnier-Cordon area, Upper Rhône River. Avail-
able daily discharges in the two sections and river temperature (data
from the Compagnie Nationale du Rhône).

Temporal changes

Figure 3 presents the F1 and F2 mean scores of the

samples by section over the year, together with river Figure 4. Temporal changes over 1989 in mean (±SE) drift rate of
temperature, and mean daily discharges in the To- the main species discriminated: (a) on F1, the first axis of the cPCA;
tal Rhône section and in the by-pass section with a and (b) on F2, the second axis of the cPCA (see Figure 3 and text).
Note the log-scales.
pre-scheduled seasonal base flow. The mean scores
fluctuated very similarly between the two sections,
both on F1 and on F2. This clearly indicated that
main temporal changes in drifting community struc-
ture were independent of spatial aspect because of low (Figure 4a). Nais elinguis strongly dominated in the
spatial differences. initial period (with 99% of its total drift rate from Jan-
The first axis was not related to the river dis- uary to May) while Stylaria lacustris, Nais christinae
charge (Figure 3). It opposed two periods in the year: and Nais barbata dominated during the second period
January–May (positive mean scores) from the other of the year, and these species peaked at the time of
months and especially summer months (negative mean summer solstice. In contrast, the second axis appeared
scores). This was largely due to four taxa of swim- linked to the river flow regime which was rather insta-
ming Naididae: Nais elinguis, Stylaria lacustris, Nais ble, particularly from March (the first spate sampled)
christinae, Nais barbata. In average, there was an to June (Figure 3). There was a broad similarity be-
evident substitution of dominance over the year be- tween the curve of mean F2 scores and the hydrograph
tween Nais elinguis and the other species concerned of the Total Rhône section, especially. However, mean

Lafont, 1994). Stylaria lacustris, Nais christinae and

Nais barbata were very scarce during this period. The
study of Nais elinguis from March to May showed
(Figure 5) that spring drift was initially sustained by
asexual reproduction (accelerated paratomy) which
enhanced the drift rate of this species as a possible
result of the increase in benthic productivity. The ap-
pearance of a majority (> 50%) of sexual individuals
in mid-April corresponded precisely with low drift
rates (Figure 5), and these rates remained very low
during the rest of the year until December (see Fig-
ure 4a). The shift of asexual to sexual reproduction
entails cocoon production that allows survival during
environmental stress or adverse conditions (Learner
et al., 1978; Loden, 1981). Coincidence of active
drift of mature individuals of Nais elinguis with the
spring population explosion might be also explained
as dispersal strategy. Nais elinguis might therefore
Figure 5. Comparison between mean (+SE) drift rate and mean per-
centage of sexual individuals for Nais elinguis from March to May
be classified as species intolerant of summer-autumn
1989 in the Brégnier-Cordon area ,Upper Rhône River. #= absence conditions in the Upper Rhône River. The presence
of sexual individuals; + = first appearance of sexual individuals (as of a few sexual individuals of Stylaria lacustris (4
a very low percentage). ind.) and Nais christinae (2 ind.) in autumn might
also be viewed as a survival strategy for these two
thermophilous species that may not tolerate cold win-
ter conditions. The same remark can apply for Nais
daily discharge whatever the section was significantly barbata, a species never found as sexually mature
correlated with log-transformed mean total drift rates individuals in this study but very capable of sex-
(P < 0.05), and no significant relationship occurred ual reproduction mainly in autumn according to the
for taxon richness (P > 0.05). This ‘size effect’ was literature data (Learner et al., 1978).
mostly due to Nais elinguis, the dominant taxon (see
Figure 4a), and to several non-swimming species as A drift-benthos comparison
Nais bretscheri, Chaetogaster diaphanus, Nais com-
munis and Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri, that were also The taxa and their relative abundances recorded in
discriminated on this second axis. Nais bretscheri the present drift study are given in Appendix 1. They
and Chaetogaster diaphanus, for instance, occurred are compared with a reference bottom community that
in higher mean numbers rather at the time of strong had been collected in 1981–82 by sediment dredg-
discharge fluctuations (Figure 4b). Thus, the sea- ing across a similar impounded river reach, called
sonal drift of oligochaetes were partly explained by Jons, located 60 km downstream from the Brégnier-
hydrological conditions, as has usually been found Cordon area (Berly, 1989; Tachet et al., 1991). The
for other invertebrate groups (e.g. O’Hop & Wallace, two reaches had relatively the same physical, hydro-
1983). If temporal changes appeared as a passive re- logical, and hydrochemical features (see Cellot, et al.,
sponse of both swimming and non-swimming species 1994; Bournaud et al., 1996).
to hydrological instability, they were primarily the Comparison between the two lists (Appendix 1)
expression of seasonal dynamics of some swimming showed that species number and abundance of Nai-
Naididae such as Nais elinguis, Stylaria lacustris, Nais didae dominated the drift and the benthos (22 vs. 20
christinae and Nais barbata. species, and 95 vs. 89% of total abundances, respec-
The sexual or asexual type of the individuals was tively) in a similar manner. These results resemble
determinated for these latter species. Spring is consid- those obtained by Dumnicka (1996) during a simul-
ered as a key period in the life cycle of Nais elinguis taneous drift-benthos study in the impounded River
in running waters (Learner et al., 1978; Paoletti & Raba, a tributary of River Vistula. Among the other
Sambugar, 1984; Martinez-Ansemil, 1990; Juget & families, Propappus volki is interesting (Appendix

1). This species of a genus recently transferred from drift method in describing the abilities of oligochaetes
the Enchytraeidae to the new family the Propappidae to react to hydraulic disturbances affecting their en-
(Coates, 1986), indicates active flow from under- vironment. The absence from the drift of Propappus
ground to surface waters (Lafont et al., 1992, 1996). volki, a species frequently recorded in coarse surface
Propappus volki occurred in superficial stony-sandy sediments and groundwater flows, also tends to show
sediments of the Rhône as well as in other large Eu- drift as a means of determining whether a species be-
ropean rivers (Bird, 1982, who cited many records longs to the stygoxen fauna (excluding stygobiont and
from Central and Eastern Europe; Petto & Humpesch, stygophilous species).
1992). Its absence from the drift paradoxically ex- Drift rates indicated some ecophysiological char-
cludes it from the group of stygoxen species and acteristics of certain species or groups. The swimming
puts it in the same category as stygobious taxa (e.g. Naididae were the least sensitive to hydraulic variation
species in the genera Trichodrilus, Dorydrilus, Rhya- (by-pass and Total Rhône sections) or habitat diversity
codrilus, Haber) frequently recorded from interstitial (main channel and more or less connected side-arms).
hyporheic waters of the Upper Rhône River (Juget, The capacity of naidids to swim is due to undulation
1984; Juget & Dumnicka, 1986) but absent from movements of their body associated with flexibility of
the present material. In comparison with Propappus the hair setae. This mobility is high and well known
volki, Stylodrilus lemani was among the most drifting in Stylaria lacustris. It is probably the cause of drift in
endobenthic taxa (Appendix 1); this Lumbriculidae this species as well as in other swimming species, such
occurred usually in superficial sediments with lower as Nais elinguis which was by far the most dominant
densities than Propappus volki and was never found in taxa in the drifting oligochaete community. However,
hyporheic waters of the French Upper Rhône (Juget, drift dynamics depended primarily on the life cycles of
1984). Despite some other small divergences, there four naidid populations. The successive drift over the
was a good overlap in taxa identities between the two year of Nais elinguis, then of Stylaria lacustris, Nais
lists (with 25 common taxa), and the Spearman rank christinae and Nais barbata, appears to be partly con-
correlation gave a significant relationship between the sistent with literature data on the reproductive ecology
drift and the benthos (rs = 0.64, P < 0.001). of benthic populations. Moreover, temporal changes
Finally, we are fully aware that these drift-benthos in the drift structure were also related to hydrolog-
data were not strickly comparable. They were com- ical fluctuations, and involved both swimming and
pared here because benthos data are very difficult to non-swimming species. Thus, biological and environ-
obtain in fast flowing and deep, large rivers, which mental factors in oligochaete drift appear to be equally
become an overwhelming effort especially if only important. Drift is an appropriate method to study the
one group of macroinvertebrates is concerned. Fur- ecological requirements of oligochaete populations of
thermore, this comparison demonstrates the ability fast flowing and deep, large rivers.
of standard drift nets (i.e. those used to collect the
aquatic macrofauna with a low clogging effect) to
retain the oligochaetes, even the tiny species such
as Amphichaeta leydigii, Chaetogaster diastrophus, Acknowledgments
Chaetogaster langi, Chaetogaster setosus (Appendix
1, individual body length of all these species found We especially thank M. Lafont and two anonymous re-
in the drift were < 2mm), hence pointing out the viewers for comments on the manuscript, J. C. Rostan
reliability of our drift sampling. for important help in the field and E. Pattée for linguis-
tic advice. Financial support was provided by PIREN-
CNRS (Programme Interdisciplinaire de Recherches
Conclusion sur l’Environnement).

The very high predominance in the drift of Naididae

that principally include microdriles linked to biotec-
ton contrasted with the low occurrence of endobenthic
oligochaetes. The lack of hyporheic-interstitial fauna
in the drifting assemblage should be also emphasized.
Such results provides evidence of the specificity of the

Appendix 1. References

List and relative abundance of oligochaetes recorded in the drift at Amoros, C., 1991. Changes in side-arm connectivity and implica-
Brégnier-Cordon (this study) compared with those collected from tions for river system management. Rivers 2: 105–112.
the benthos by dredging in a reference reach (Jons) of the Upper Berly, A., 1989. Distribution spatio-temporelle des peuplements
Rhône River, see text. - = not found. macrobenthiques prélevés par dragage dans une station du Haut-
Rhône. Doc. Thesis, Univ. Lyon 1, 307 pp.
Drift Benthos Bird, G.J., 1982. Distribution, life cycle and population dynamics
Taxa % % of the aquatic enchytraeid Propappus volki (Oligochaeta) in an
(of 14 (of 2755 English chalkstream. Holarct. Ecol. 5: 67–75.
801 ind.) ind.) Bournaud, M. & M. Thibault, 1973. Etude bibliographique. La
dérive des organismes dans les eaux courantes. Ann. Hydrobiol.
Naididae 4: 11–49.
Amphichaeta leydigii Tauber 0.20 – Bournaud, M., B. Cellot, P. Richoux & A. Berrahou, 1996. Macroin-
vertebrate community structure and environmental characteris-
Chaetogaster diaphanus (Gruithuisen) 3.30 1.63
tics along a large river: congruity of patterns for identification to
Chaetogaster diastrophus (Gruithuisen) 0.61 0.44 species or family. J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc. 15: 232–253.
Chaetogaster langi Bretscher 0.04 0.04 Brittain, J. E. & T. J. Eikeland, 1988. Invertebrate drift – A review.
Chaetogaster setosus Svetlov 0.08 2.21 Hydrobiologia 166: 77–93.
Dero digitata (Müller) 0.01 – Burton, W. & J. F. Flannagan, 1976. An improved river drift
sampler. Fisheries and Marine Service, Research Development,
Nais alpina Sperber 2.11 9.80
Technical Report no. 641.
Nais barbata Müller 4.73 1.67 Cellot, B., 1989a. Macroinvertebrate movements in a large Euro-
Nais behningi Michaelsen 0.72 3.37 pean river. Freshwat. Biol. 22: 45–55.
Nais bretscheri Michaelsen 5.52 37.05 Cellot, B., 1989b. Rythme nycthéméral et distribution verticale de la
Nais christinae Kasprzak 3.70 0.07 dérive des macroinvertébrés benthiques dans une grande rivière
européenne. Arch. Hydrobiol. 115: 265–286.
Nais communis Piguet 1.12 1.42
Cellot, B., 1996. Influence of side-arms on aquatic macroinverte-
Nais elinguis Müller 46.60 26.05 brate drift in the main channel of a large river. Freshwat. Biol.
Nais pardalis Piguet 0.39 0.11 35: 149–164.
Nais pseudobtusa Piguet 0.90 0.32 Cellot, B. & M. Bournaud, 1986. Modifications faunistiques engen-
Nais simplex Piguet 0.39 0.07 drées par une faible variation de débit dans une grande rivière.
Hydrobiologia 135: 223–232.
Ophidonais serpentina Müller 2.28 0.18
Cellot, B., M. J. Dole-Olivier, G. Bornette & G. Pautou, 1994. Tem-
Paranais frici Hrabé 0.14 0.29 poral and spatial environmental variability in the Upper Rhône
Piguetiella blanci (Piguet) 0.01 – River and its floodplain. Freshwat. Biol. 33: 311–325.
Pristina aequiseta Bourne – 0.04 Chavanon, G. & M. Bournaud, 1980. Une méthode simple de
Pristinella jenkinae (Stephenson) – 0.04 sous-échantillonnage pour les prélèvements de macroinvertébrés
dérivants. Schweiz. Z. Hydrol. 42: 322–330.
Specaria josinae (Vejdovsky) 0.01 –
Coates, K. A., 1986. Redescription of the oligochaete genus
Stylaria lacustris (Linnaeus) 22.88 2.21 Propappus and diagnosis of the new family Propappidae (An-
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